#private seawatch
lightswornarchivist · 1 month
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galli-halli · 2 years
Omg, BITTE mach mal was Ausführliches zu Joko und Jan (was du in deinem letzten Ask erwähnt hast und du hast ja sogar einen Hashtag dazu)
Ich finde diese 3er-Konstellation (also Joko/Klaas/Jan) einfach so interessant und spannend. Joko hat sich ja eigentlich relativ selten so richtig eifersüchtig gezeigt, zumindest im Vergleich zu Klaas, der ja viel öfter und auch offensichtlicher seine Eifersucht zeigt. Vielleicht auch weil er keinen wirklichen Grund hatte, eifersüchtig zu sein? Klaas ist ja mit den meisten anderen eher auf Distanz und lässt kaum jemanden so nah an sich ran, außer eben Jan.
Ich hab auch letztens nochmal ein paar alte Folgen von Jans und Klaas' Radioshow "Zwei alte Hasen erzählen von früher" angehört und da haben sie auch einige Male ganz schön über Joko gelästert (und über Olli Schulz, der ja jetzt mit Jan einen Podcast hat xD) Auch wenn das alles nicht ernst gemeint war, kann ich mir schon vorstellen, dass Joko das verletzt und eifersüchtig gemacht hat.
Generell haben Jan und Klaas früher ja mega viel zusammen gemacht (Tour, Radioshow, "Förderschulklassenfahrt", Spendenaktion für SeaWatch, gegenseitige Show-Besuche usw.) Meiner Meinung nach wirkte es damals noch eher so, als wäre es zwischen Joko und Klaas eine reine Arbeitsbeziehung, während Klaas und Jan eher wie Freunde wirkten, die auch "freiwillig" Zeit miteinander verbringen, wenn man das so nennen kann. Das ist jetzt allerdings auch schon eine Weile her und ich habe es vielleicht auch falsch in Erinnerung.
Oh man, sorry für diesen ewig langen Text. Ich finde das Thema nur ultra spannend und würde mir wünschen, mehr darüber auf Tumblr zu lesen.
Hey, das ist auf jeden Fall geplant, ich hatte bisher einfach noch nicht die Zeit mich mal 'nen Tag hinzusetzen und das alles aufzuschreiben. Ich fand diese Dynamik früher auch interessant, sie wurde später ein wenig von Klaas/Joko/Matthias abgelöst, aber bis JK vollständig zu ProSieben gewechselt sind, war Jan schon sehr präsent in ihren Shows - und bei Klaas auch abseits der Show. Es gab teilweise auch hier auf tumblr Blogs zu dem Thema und vor allem zu Jan&Klaas, deren Freundschaft war schon so ein Ding damals.
(Achtung, hier folgt sehr viel Spekulation.)
Ich denke auch, dass Jan und Klaas sich früher aufgrund ihrer sehr großen Ähnlichkeit gut verstanden haben und sowohl gerne zusammen gearbeitet haben (z.B. für Harald Schmitt, aber auch für die von dir erwähnten Projekte) als auch privat Kontakt hatten. Ich sehe es allerdings nicht so, dass Joko und Klaas zu der Zeit eine reine Arbeitsbeziehung hatten. Sie werden zwar so gut wie nur über die Arbeit Kontakt gehabt haben, aber sie haben damals schon Probleme gehabt, ihr sehr enges Verhältnis mit den passenden Worten zu beschreiben (und Klaas hat damals schon gerne das Wort Ehe im Zusammenhang mit Joko benutzt). Das war also schon eine emotionale Verbindung, wenn auch vielleicht noch nicht mit dieser krassen Tiefe, die sie heute haben.
Es macht für mich Sinn, dass Klaas eine Zeit lang sehr verbunden mit Jan war. Sie hatten auf mich schon immer eine ähnliche Wirkung hinsichtlich ihres Humors, ihres Ehrgeizes, der Ausstrahlung und des politischen Engagements. Gleichzeitig macht es für mich auch Sinn, dass sich das irgendwann "auseinandergelebt" hat und sie nicht mehr so viel Kontakt zu haben scheinen (alles nur von ihrem öffentlichen Leben ausgehend!). Beispielsweise hätten sie meiner Ansicht nach niemals eine Karriere als Duo hinlegen können, wie Klaas das mit Joko konnte. So gut sie zueinander gepasst haben, waren sie sich einfach zu ähnlich. Joko & Klaas komplimentieren sich aufgrund ihrer großen Unterschiede viel besser.
Dass Joko sich ein wenig in Konkurrenz zu Jan gefühlt hat, macht meiner Ansicht nach schon Sinn. Jan hatte eine professionelle und herzliche Ebene mit Klaas, das haben (vor allem aber hatten) mit Klaas außer Joko nur sehr wenige Leute - und Jan war vielleicht der einzige, der dabei auch noch Moderator war und ständig Witze darüber gemacht hat, wie überflüssig Joko ist. Dass Jan und Klaas über Joko gelästert haben - geschenkt. Die zwei sind zusammen totale Lästerschwestern, die reden über alles und jeden so. xD Ich kann mir eher vorstellen, Joko ging es um das Gefühl, dass Jan ihm seinen Platz an Klaas' Seite hätte streitig machen können. Auch wenn ich, wie gesagt, nicht denke, dass das für Klaas jemals zur Debatte stand. Der hat 2013 schon über ein "für immer" im Zusammenhang mit Joko gesprochen.
Alles in allem ist das ein sehr spannendes Thema. Mittlerweile liegt es Jahre zurück und Joko scheint sich vor langer Zeit damit angefreundet zu haben, vielleicht auch gerade durch das Verblassen von Jan und Klaas' gemeinsamen Auftritten in der Öffentlichkeit.
Allerdings schafft er es immer - wirklich immer, bis heute - auf den Namen Jan Böhmermann entweder mit "Wer?" oder mit einem blöden Spruch zu reagieren. I see you Joko xD
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antifaintl · 5 years
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July 17, Wien - Seebrücke Wien Offenes Treffen Juli
Immer noch gibt es keine Seenotrettung durch die EU, immer noch wird private Seenotrettung durch NGOs kriminalisiert, immer noch werden Rettungsschiffe – wie zuletzt die Seawatch 3 – behindert und festgesetzt, immer noch werden Seenotretter*innen - wie aktuell z.B. Carola Rackete - rechtlich verfolgt  und sind von Gefängnisstrafen und Repressionen bedroht. Immer noch herrscht eine menschenrechtswidrige Abschottungspolitik, die dafür verantwortlich ist, dass Menschen auf ihrer Flucht vor Hunger, Krieg und Verfolgung im Meer ertrinken, in der Wüste verdursten oder in Lagern vegetieren müssen, gefoltert werden und sterben.
Doch die Bewegung gegen diese unfassbaren Unmenschlichkeiten und für Solidarität wird immer größer und stärker und erfreut sich gerade auch in den letzten Tagen aufgrund der jüngsten Ereignisse großen Zulaufs. Wir lassen nicht locker, bis Europa alle Grenzen öffnet und praktische Solidarität auf allen Ebenen verwirklicht.
Auch hier in Wien und Österreich bauen wir gemeinsam auf vielfältige Weise an einer solidarischen Zukunft. Eine Petition für ein solidarisches Wien, diverse Demonstrationen, Workshops und umfangreiche Medienarbeit sind nur einige der Projekte, die derzeit bereits laufen. Der Gipfel der Unmenschlichkeit ist erreicht und es ist an der Zeit dass wir uns stärker denn je dagegen stellen. Dafür müssen wir noch mehr werden; werden wir jetzt alle zusammen aktiv!
Kommt deshalb alle zum offenen Treffen der Seebrücke Wien!
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lizaveta · 5 years
Oste, com’è il vino? La Tunisia non sarebbe un porto sicuro perché, stringi stringi, lo dicono…le ONG! (Gog&Magog, 30 giugno 2019) Sui temi dell’immigrazione dovremmo proprio aprire una rubrica “Qualcosa non quadra”, perché troppi sono i casi in cui, di fronte ad una narrazione mediatica e istituzionale assolutamente monolitica, basta una ricerca anche minima per trovare incongruenze enormi. E il tutto non è minimamente cambiato dai bei tempi dei “salvataggi nel Canale di Sicilia” esteso dai giornali sino alla Libia, per cui bastò un ragazzino youtuber a far saltare il coperchio mediatico. Questo pare essere il caso anche di un altro totem immigrazionista, ripetuto come un mantra anche in questi giorni di Seawatch: “la Tunisia non è un porto sicuro”! E così, nonostante sia evidentemente più vicina alla Libia che il nostro paese, non ci si possono portare i migranti recuperati dalle navi Ong. Il lettore poco attento, vedendo che una tale asserzione viene ripetuta in coro da tutti i media, da quelli vicini ai centri sociali, a quelli ecclesiastici a quelli di Confindustria, potrebbe essersi convinto che, in mezzo a tante incertezze, almeno tale punto sia assodato. Infatti, sono circolati sui social vari post in cui si fa riferimento ad una mancata firma di convenzioni internazionali da parte del paese nordafricano, che lo renderebbero poco sicuro per i migranti sbarcati. Se così fosse, in effetti le Ong avrebbero un appiglio formale notevole per rifiutare di fare rotta sui vicini porti tunisini. Ma c’è un problema: quale sarebbe questa Convenzione? Su Linkiesta abbiamo trovato un recente esempio di questa prima “motivazione” (, e una tale Stela Xhunga fa riferimento alla Convenzione di Ginevra: «La questione è così drammaticamente pratica da impedire a Carola Rackete di dirigersi a Tunisi perché la Tunisia non ha firmato la Convenzione di Ginevra, e in passato ha riportato i migranti in Libia». Peccato che la Tunisia abbia firmato la Convenzione di Ginevra il 24 ottobre 1957… (attendiamo l’intervento dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti o dei factcheckers su questa fake news). Inoltre, quel paese pare proprio abbia firmato sia la Convenzione Internazionale per la sicurezza della vita umana in mare sia la Convenzione internazionale sulla ricerca ed il salvataggio marittimo, insomma non c’è alcun accordo internazionale in merito cui la Tunisia non si sia prestata. Non è un caso, quindi, che gli immigrazionisti più accorti non si azzardino a tirare in ballo l’argomentazione di mancate firme. Troviamo quindi il prof. Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo, docente a Palermo (un nome super partes, come vedete dalla sua biografia sotto, tratta dal sito “MeltingPot”: «Opera attivamente nella difesa dei migranti e dei richiedenti asilo, in collaborazione con diverse Organizzazioni non governative»), che interpellato da Euronews così dichiarava: «Nel caso della Tunisia coloro che ottengono lo status di asilo ex convenzione di Ginevra come rifugiati non hanno diritto ad un permesso di soggiorno, coloro che ricevono protezione internazionale dall’UNHCR, non ricevono lo status legale, e poi rischierebbero di essere trasportati in altri paesi come il Niger, in caso di esito negativo della loro richiesta, qui potrebbero essere esposti a torture ed abusi da parte delle milizie che controllano i territori di questi paesi non appena fuori i centri d’accoglienza controllati dall’UNHCR». Si tratterebbe quindi di un problema di garanzie burocratiche interne alla Tunisia, che ci risultano però bizzarre, dal momento in cui essa ha aderito pienamente a tutte le convenzioni in tema di diritto d’asilo e soccorso in mare… Ecco però arrivare il Foglio che si limita a dire in questo articolo del 17 giugno 2019, una cosa ancora diversa: «Manca una legge che permetta a chiunque di presentare una richiesta di protezione umanitaria», senza però aggiungere alcun elemento preciso per questa affermazione. E infatti, forse per dare un po’ più di sostanza, il giornalista deve aggiungere un lapidario “il governo di Tunisi semplicemente non vuole accogliere i migranti che partono dalla Libia”. Si tratterebbe, insomma, di un mero dato di fatto, senza un vero supporto formale…e le righe successive sembrano confermare questa impressione, dove si scrive, a mo’ di excusatio non petita, che, insomma, a prescindere dalle questioni giuridiche, questi tunisini fanno aspettare troppo le navi ong alla fonda («A prescindere dalla mancanza di tutele giuridiche per i migranti, le navi delle ong da quel momento non hanno più provato a fare rotta verso la Tunisia per evitare altre attese estenuanti»). E Alarm Phone (Alarm Phone! Ennesima ong di “volontari” nordeuropei, più volte accusata di coordinare i “soccorsi” coi trafficanti stile radiotaxi!) dice che non si può sbarcare lì. Arriviamo così a un articolo di questi giorni de Il Post, in cui si intende ammaestrare il pubblico illustrando le “buone ragioni” del perché non si può sbarcare in Tunisia…e perbacco, niente mancate firme, niente indicazione precisa di leggi mancanti. La Tunisia non è un porto sicuro perché…così dicono le ong, le quali ritengono la legislazione del paese “incompleta”. «La Tunisia è un paese relativamente sicuro ma non è attrezzato per garantire i bisogni dei migranti, e a giudizio degli operatori delle ong non ha una legislazione completa sulla protezione internazionale: una cosa essenziale perché possano essere rispettati i diritti umani dei migranti e perché un posto possa essere considerato un “porto sicuro”». Da quando in qua organizzazioni private hanno una qualsivoglia autorità di interpretazione legislativa, a fronte di trattati internazionali firmati e in vigore? Si tratta per di più organizzazioni chiaramente aventi un interesse, morale se non economico, a portare il maggior numero di migranti in Europa, e per giunta con finanziamenti e catene di comando non sempre chiare. Ciò a fronte, invece, di esponenti di organizzazioni internazionali riconosciute dal nostro paese, come l’UNCHR (il comitato Onu per i rifugiati, di certo non salviniano: è da lì che ci hanno “paracadutato” la Boldrini) che hanno ribadito più volte come la Tunisia sia un porto sicuro: da ultimo, Charlie Yaxley, Portavoce UNHCR per Asia e Europa, che si è così espresso nel 2018: «Si tratta di un posto sicuro per lo sbarco, […] non ci si può trovare in una situazione in cui la disponibilità di fare domanda d’asilo […] viene rifiutata perché si cercano offerte migliori in altri paesi. […] Le Ong hanno un ruolo fondamentale nelle operazioni di ricerca e soccorso nel mediterraneo, offrendo assistenza alle persone che ne hanno bisogno mettendo in salvo quelle che si trovano in difficoltà in mare, ma il loro impegno non può arrivare fino all’offerta di assistenza alle persone facendo attività di lobby su dove la richiesta d’asilo debba essere presentata».
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orangeblossombitch · 5 years
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Been wanting to make this one for a while; thousands of refugees have been killed by Europes reluctance to continue rescue mission/heavily cutting back on them. Instead private persons and volunteers have taken up the task of saving lifes. They are dependent on donations to keep doing these missions, so I plead with you to at least share this post so it reaches as many people as possible🙏🏽. 80% of the profits of this design will be donated to Seawatch. https://www.redbubble.com/de/people/orangeblossombi/works/39550258-rescue-is-a-human-right?asc=t
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ampedupkaon · 5 years
Wave 4 Spoiler Round-Up 3
Yes, even more spoilers for Wave 4. And what spoilers they were these last 2 weeks! (I am not revealing any new cards here; they have all been revealed somewhere else first). If you don’t want spoilers, turn back before the picture.
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First up is Raider Rumble.
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Soundwave’s other little helper for this set. He actually has a good ability if he gets KO’d while sitting in alt. He does Plasma Burst when KO’d; not a bad card. He also kicks an upgrade back to hand with his tap ability (perhaps to scrap it with Security Checkpoint?) Not that bad; but I wish he was 5 stars; to team him up with Laserbeak, Ravage and Major Soundwave. That does mean Major Soundwave can only untap 2 of his little Spy Patrols. Next up we have…
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Sergeant Barricade! I’m pleased to see he has a rank (I was expecting him to be Raider Barricade). His stats seem pretty solid for a seven star character. As for his bot mode ability; he puts a card that you flipped without any battle icons on it under him after he battles (as long as there isn’t already a card under him!) Then comes his true skill; when you flip him to alt, you can play that card you put under him. So you can play a second Action or Upgrade the turn you flip him to alt. My head says he’d make a fantastic teammate for Skywarp, Teleporting Seeker. Now…
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We have Lockdown! I’m so pleased! I LOVE this character and I didn’t think he’d appear in this wave at all! But… what faction is that? A whole new one; he’s a Mercenary. Who all have this cool skill called Bounty which triggers when they KO an enemy. And Lockdown’s is similar to Nemesis Prime’s from Wave 1; only not quite as easy to trigger. However, unlike Nemesis; he gets the +2 attack boost on both sides. Lockdown also does have a thing for Upgrades. When you flip him to alt; he helps cycle your deck through, by letting you draw X cards then scrap X cards from your hand. Here, X is the number of Upgrades on him + the number of cards under him. So… he might be a good teamie for the aforementioned Nemesis. Now on to another Mercenary…
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Mudflap. His Bounty ability lets you play the top card of your deck. Which may just swing the game in your favour (if the card is the right one). When you flip him to alt… he lets you Plan 1. Perhaps this Mercenary could be a good teamie for Decepticon King Starscream (who wants lots of Crowns on the top of the deck). He’s my least favourite of the Mercenaries… but that’s because his abilities seem a bit weak. Next up…
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Deadlock! And look how happy he is to be making a return! He has Stealth against non-Mercenaries; so good luck trying to hit him! My head says you’d only flip him to Bot mode if you KNEW he could get the KO with his swing, then flip him back with his skill and draw 2 cards in the process! If you decided to flip him before that… you could use his flip to alt skill to cancel Autobots’ and Decepticons’ Stealth abilities. He’s interesting… Now we have…
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Detritus. Yeah; I’m not sure who this fellow is either. He lets you play a black card when you flip to alt; which is… interesting. So… there’s plenty of options in this Wave. Not sure what I’d choose. His Bounty ability… lets him sneakily repair 3 damage?! That’s really good! He’s the only character that can repair that much damage! So… maybe he’d make a good teamie for Ratchet? Next is…
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Octone (Not sure why they changed his name from Octane though…). Not only does this set give us a return for Triple Changers; it also gives us a Mercenary one! And he’s the most interesting. He actively wants to challenge the other factions! His two alts have the same abilities, one for Autobots; one for Decepticons. When you flip to plane mode (since he begins in truck mode) your opponent chooses one of their Decepticons and does 1 damage to it. And Octone even gets +3 attack while attacking a Decepticon in this mode! Truck mode is the exact same abilities; only for Autobots. And then we have his bot mode; which has his Bounty ability on it. A Plasma Burst ability. The only shame with Octone is… he’s 13 stars! Who do you team this big boy with? Now we have…
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Nightbird! The fabulous ninja she-bot becomes a Transformer at last! (Now to work out a deck with her and Megatron in it…) And what a skill she has in alt mode! Whenever your opponent plays an Action; any Action, they must do 1 damage to one of their characters! Which is evil! And when this evil she-bot manages to KO an enemy… she lets you play an Action from your opponent’s scrap pile!? So… do you get the effect, or does your opponent; since it’s their card? If you get it… that’s the first card in this game that lets you use your opponent’s cards! Now back to something more ordinary; with Raider Blackjack.
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And like the other Sports Car Patrols… he’s not very interesting. He reminds me of Powertrain; getting more Attack and Defense when his team mates are KO’d in bot mode. But he repairs 1 damage from each Sports Car Patrol as they untap. Including himself. Now… Who to team with this lot? Another car; imagine the shenanigans you could do with a five wide Blue (since these guys wanted blue cards for their Abilities) and Black car deck! Next up is Raider Tailwind.
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Who is the Air Strike Patrol version of Blackjack and Powertrain in bot mode; getting bigger the more of his team mates that fall. His other skill is interesting as well; since it actually turns the first green pip you flip into a double orange/blue card! Which is helpful; since these guys seem to want a deck with green cards in for their skills. But only if the Air Strike Patrol battle (so not for whoever you team up with them). Next we have Private Sunrunner.
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Who is the Battle Patrol version of Blackjack, Powertrain and Tailwind (Does that mean Seawatch is the Rescue Patrol version?) in bot mode. His alt mode ability does the same thing as Rock Toss; but when you tap a Battle Patrol, either for their skills or to attack with them. That’s really mean! Will these guys survive long enough to take advantage though… considering that they want an orange deck for their skills? Now on to Raider Caliburst.
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Who looks like a recoloured Aimless. They thankfully do something completely different. They punish your opponent for drawing more than 1 card per turn (Yes… play that Databank…). Caliburst makes them do 1 damage to one of their characters if they draw more than their initial draw for the turn. Which can trigger during your turn if play a card like Testify or flip Decepticon Shockwave to alt (I think?). When he gets KO’d; he likes it if your opponent has more cards in hand than you. When the upgraded character attacks, if your opponent has more cards in hand than you; they scrap a card then you draw a card! Not bad; makes him a good teamie for the aforementioned Shockwave. Now on to Raider Needler.
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My first thought was, who? They’re the Decepticon equivalent to Vanguard; turning into a helmet for one of his teamies to wear when he gets KO’d. And this helmet doesn’t just give the upgraded character +2 defense; they also help the upgraded character bite through the enemy’s Armor; with Pierce 2! How evil! Their evilness doesn’t stop there; they stop enemies from repairing while they’re in their bug mode (shame they aren’t an Insecticon). Next is Raider Nightflight.
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The fourth and final member of the Air Strike Patrol. And he does the best ability of the three with tap abilities in my opinion. Scrap 3 green cards; your opponent does 3 damage to one of their characters. If all 3 of those cards had the same name; you repair 3 damage from one of your characters! That’s brilliant (it’s based on new card War Of Attrition.)!  The other side is same old, same old for these little guys; he has Stealth while he is untapped. Now who to partner up with these four? Next up is Private Seawatch.
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Who does have the same ability as Sunrunner, Blackjack, Powertrain and Tailwind in bot mode; but for the Rescue Patrol. Now on to what the boat mode does. When a Rescue Patrol battles and you flip at least 2 white; you flip 3 more battle cards. Hang on? That means when you flip the first white, you flip two more battle cards. Then when you flip the second, you flip 3 more. That’s five more! Which will be amazing either on the attack or defense! Who to team up with these four?
That’s it for this article. Let’s see who gets revealed for this wave over the next 2 weeks!
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webtalkblog · 2 years
Enjoy Wyndham SeaWatch Villas in Myrtle Beach
Located on the beach in Myrtle Beach, Wyndham SeaWatch has accommodations for every type of traveler. With private balconies and full kitchens, these suites are ideal for large families. You can stay here for up to eight people and enjoy family plans and free stays. There are 21 bodies of water on the property, including an indoor and outdoor pool, lazy river, and private boardwalk.
The resort offers three towers and three complexes. The condos have one, two, or three bedroom suites. The units range in size from 581 to 1,786 square feet, and come with separate bedrooms and living/dining areas. The villas have full kitchens and washers and dryers. Amenities include free Wi-Fi, a fitness center, and a playground for kids.
Families will enjoy the resort's numerous activities. There are two pools, a whirlpool, and a spa. There are also multiple restaurants and entertainment options nearby. Those with children can play at the supervised kid's center. There is no shortage of fun for the whole family at Wyndham SeaWatch Plantation. You can go shopping at the Tanger Outlet Center or dine at Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville. You can also find handicap-friendly parking and first-floor access ramps.
Families who are traveling with small children will enjoy Wyndham SeaWatch Villas. The condos are accessible by wheelchairs and are spacious with fully equipped kitchens. Each unit has a washer and dryer. Several amenities are available to make your stay enjoyable for the whole family. You can even bring your dog for a walk in the neighborhood. If you are a family vacationing with kids, you can find a beach for the kids to enjoy. The resort has two playgrounds and an arcade, making it a fun destination for the whole family.
The Marriott Vacation Club has three towers and three complexes. Each complex is home to one, two, or three-bedroom suites. The units range from 581 to 1,786 square feet and feature separate rooms. Some have living/dining areas and full kitchens. Some even have a washer and dryer. There are plenty of amenities for children to enjoy, so your family will have fun. They will love the oceanfront location, and the resort is a great place to relax.
Whether you are traveling with kids or a group of adults, Wyndham SeaWatch Plantation is a great choice for a family vacation. The amenities are second to none. You'll be able to enjoy the white sand beaches, and enjoy the local restaurants and shops. You can easily get around and explore the area by renting a car. You'll also find several restaurants within walking distance of the resort.
The amenities at the Wyndham SeaWatch Plantation include three towers and three complexes. Guests will find one, two, and three-bedroom suites ranging in size from 581 to 1,786 square feet. These villas have separate bedrooms and are fully equipped with a full kitchen, living/dining room, and washer/dryer. All of the units have access to the beach.
Besides beach access and ocean views, Wyndham SeaWatch Plantation also offers several amenities for the entire family. It features two towers that overlook the ocean and offer luxury condominiums and first-floor access ramps for those with disabilities. The resort also has a fitness center and playground for guests. This is an excellent place to relax after a day at the beach. Its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and to the famous Myrtle Beach makes it a convenient place to stay.
Among its many amenities are a fitness center and playground. A hotel that caters to families with children will have a great range of activities for both adults and children. Moreover, if you have a family with older children, it is advisable to check out the other amenities of the resort. It will make your stay even more pleasurable. The facilities at Wyndham SeaWatch are perfect for any kind of traveler.
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americanbeaches · 5 years
Myrtle Beach Real Estate, Condo For Sale at Seawatch
Seawatch Condo For Sale in Myrtle Beach  
  Asking: $324,900. Location: 161 Seawatch Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572. Info: 3 BR, 2 BA Oceanfront Residence with approx. 1,050 sq. ft.   
Myrtle Beach SC Condominium Home
Seawatch Resort condo, vacation home in Myrtle Beach SC. Oceanfront corner condominium home with a private wrap-around balcony with direct accessed via the Mst. BR and the living room, plus an abundance of windows allowing for natural light and exception views of the Atlantic Ocean and shoreline. Recent upgrades include new flooring, with wood-style ceramic tile in the kitchen and living area and new high quality carpeting in the bedrooms – all-inclusive resort, come tour this resort property.  
 Visit: Seawatch Resort Vacation Rentals
 Myrtle Beach South Carolina
Myrtle Beach SC is a popular vacation destination, golfing destination, retirement community, and family vacation spot. Myrtle Beach has numerous activities for the whole family, like the Carolina Opry, Medieval Times, Springmaid Pier, ice-cream shops, live music, the boardwalk etc. Shop and dine at one of Myrtle Beach’s outdoor entertainment complexes, or explore the beaches of the Grand Strand – each with a unique personality. Myrtle Beach is one of the major centers of tourism in the United States because of the city’s warm subtropical climate and, of course, the beaches – the area attracts approximately 14 million visitors each year. The Myrtle Beach population is 29k+/- with the Myrtle Beach metropolitan area population 465k+. Take a break, come discover the popular coastal town. Source: Realtor.com   *Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
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Romar House Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL   Asking: $570k Info: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath beachfront Property  Romar House Condominium  Orange Beach …
Pelican Beach Condo, Destin Vacation Rental
Destin Condo, Pelican Beach Vacation Rental  Aver. Rate: $197/ | 80 Reviews, 4.8/5.0 Info: 1 BR, 2 BA Beachfront Property Destin FL Condominium Destin…
Gulf Shores Real Estate Sales, Crystal Shores Condo
Crystal Shores Condo For Sale, Gulf Shores AL Asking: $427,000 Details: 2BR/2BA Beachfront Condo  Crystal Shores Condominium  Gulf Shores condominium home for sale at…
Majestic Beach Towers Condo, Panama City Beach Vacation Rental
Panama City Beach Condo, Majestic Beach Towers Vacation Rental Aver. Rate: $110/night Details: Beachfront Studio  Panama City Beach Florida Condo  Panama City…
Seawatch Resort Condominium, Myrtle Beach SC
Via: Seawatch Resort Condo For Sale, Myrtle Beach SC
0 notes
usbeaches · 5 years
Myrtle Beach Real Estate, Condo For Sale at Seawatch
Seawatch Condo For Sale in Myrtle Beach  
  Asking: $324,900. Location: 161 Seawatch Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572. Info: 3 BR, 2 BA Oceanfront Residence with approx. 1,050 sq. ft.   
Myrtle Beach SC Condominium Home
Seawatch Resort condo, vacation home in Myrtle Beach SC. Oceanfront corner condominium home with a private wrap-around balcony with direct accessed via the Mst. BR and the living room, plus an abundance of windows allowing for natural light and exception views of the Atlantic Ocean and shoreline. Recent upgrades include new flooring, with wood-style ceramic tile in the kitchen and living area and new high quality carpeting in the bedrooms – all-inclusive resort, come tour this resort property.  
 Visit: Seawatch Resort Vacation Rentals
 Myrtle Beach South Carolina
Myrtle Beach SC is a popular vacation destination, golfing destination, retirement community, and family vacation spot. Myrtle Beach has numerous activities for the whole family, like the Carolina Opry, Medieval Times, Springmaid Pier, ice-cream shops, live music, the boardwalk etc. Shop and dine at one of Myrtle Beach’s outdoor entertainment complexes, or explore the beaches of the Grand Strand – each with a unique personality. Myrtle Beach is one of the major centers of tourism in the United States because of the city’s warm subtropical climate and, of course, the beaches – the area attracts approximately 14 million visitors each year. The Myrtle Beach population is 29k+/- with the Myrtle Beach metropolitan area population 465k+. Take a break, come discover the popular coastal town. Source: Realtor.com   *Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Other Resort Properties:
Perdido Key Real Estate Sales, Indigo Condo
Indigo Condo For Sale, Perdido Key FL   Asking: $845k Info: 3 BR, 3 BE Beachfront Condo  Indigo Condominium   Indigo gulf-front condo for sale in…
Orange Beach Real Estate Sales, Romar House Condo
Romar House Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL   Asking: $570k Info: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath beachfront Property  Romar House Condominium  Orange Beach …
Pelican Beach Condo, Destin Vacation Rental
Destin Condo, Pelican Beach Vacation Rental  Aver. Rate: $197/ | 80 Reviews, 4.8/5.0 Info: 1 BR, 2 BA Beachfront Property Destin FL Condominium Destin…
Gulf Shores Real Estate Sales, Crystal Shores Condo
Crystal Shores Condo For Sale, Gulf Shores AL Asking: $427,000 Details: 2BR/2BA Beachfront Condo  Crystal Shores Condominium  Gulf Shores condominium home for sale at…
Majestic Beach Towers Condo, Panama City Beach Vacation Rental
Panama City Beach Condo, Majestic Beach Towers Vacation Rental Aver. Rate: $110/night Details: Beachfront Studio  Panama City Beach Florida Condo  Panama City…
Seawatch Resort Condominium, Myrtle Beach SC
Via: Seawatch Resort Condo For Sale, Myrtle Beach SC
0 notes
purpleavenuecupcake · 5 years
Difesa nazionale, Aeronautica sempre pronta. Perchè la Marina non può intervenire nelle acque territoriali?
(di Andrea Pinto) Forse è il caso di ricordare a tutti il compito “primario” delle Forze Armate italiane. “Compito prioritario delle Forze Armate è la difesa dello Stato. Esse hanno altresì il compito di operare al fine della realizzazione della pace e della sicurezza in conformità alle regole del diritto internazionale ed alle determinazioni delle organizzazioni internazionali delle quali l'Italia fa parte, nello spirito dell'articolo 11 della Costituzione. Le Forze Armate concorrono, altresì, alla salvaguardia delle libere Istituzioni e svolgono compiti specifici in circostanze di pubblica calamità e in altri casi di straordinaria necessità di urgenza”. Poi ora va di moda il concetto del “dual use”, un modo per far digerire all’opinione pubblica un dispositivo molto costoso che grazie alla sua organizzazione e alle sue dotazioni può essere utilizzato anche per scopi “civili”.  Duplice uso sistemico delle Forze Armate Ad aprile scorso, presso il sedime di Centocelle a Roma, il convegno organizzato dal Ministero della Difesa sul “duplice uso sistemico delle Forze Armate”. Il convegno ha infatti fuso insieme le due parole-chiave già esplicitate dal ministro Trenta nella presentazione delle linee programmatiche del suo dicastero: dualità e resilienza. “Duplico uso sistemico – ha spiegato il ministro in quel consesso – significa offrire una risposta collaborativa, intergovernativa pianificata”, la quale “contribuirà a rendere il sistema-Italia più resiliente”. Quella che arriva da Centocelle è dunque “una Difesa innovativa, in grado di contrastare minacce a sicurezza e calamità integrandosi nel sistema-Paese”, ha aggiunto la Trenta. L’esigenza è duplice: mettere insieme le risorse talvolta disperse in più rivoli, e affrontare minacce ormai difficilmente relegabili in un solo contesto militare. Difatti, ha rimarcato il ministro, “in futuro la Difesa sarà sempre più coinvolta in attività in cui i confini saranno meno definiti a causa della cosiddetta minaccia ibrida; ecco perché è fondamentale promuovere e consolidare il concetto di duplice uso sistemico delle Forza armate”. La Difesa della Nazione La difesa del Paese in tutte le dimensioni, terra, aria e mare e non ultimi nello spazio e cyberspazio è devoluto alle nostre Forze Armate. Le vicende che stanno infiammando il Mediterraneo, in questi giorni, hanno messo in discussione una capacità. La difesa dei confini marittimi, la difesa e il rispetto delle leggi italiane all’interno delle acque territoriali. Atteso che la Guardia di Finanza ha cercato in tutti i modi di ostacolare “l’eroina” Carola Rackete che con la sua SeaWatch 3 ha sfidato tutte le regole del diritto e della “decenza”, rimane una domanda da farsi. Perchè non impiegare la nostra Marina Militare? L’Aeronautica militare è sempre pronta in 5 minuti a decollare, 24 ore su 24 per 365 giorni l’anno, per difendere lo spazio aereo italiano, intercettando velivoli considerati probabile minaccia (tantissimi i casi registrati), perchè la Marina militare non può farlo? E’ una domanda la cui risposta è da ricercare all’interno del Dicastero. Probabilmente il dispositivo navale necessita di un passaggio parlamentare per via dei costi della missione. Ma al di là delle considerazioni, il fatto è che così continuando chiunque può fare quello che vuole nel nostro mare, sfidando le leggi e la sovranità italiana. Al riguardo delle capacità della nostra Marina Militare è molto  interessante ed esaustivo l’intervento del Ministro Trenta. https://youtu.be/m913FfdVyQI   Salvini chiama in causa il Ministero della Difesa Non a caso il ministro dell’Interno Matteo Salvini ieri, in un post sulla sua pagina Facebook ha chiamato in causa proprio il capo del Ministero della Difesa. "Ragioneremo nelle prossime ore sulla presenza di navi militari italiane nel Mediterraneo. Domando ai vertici delle Forze armate e della Guardia di finanza se la difesa dei confini  è un diritto-dovere da parte delle istituzioni o no".  Il tema è quello del contrasto ai flussi migratori, in questo caso via mare. Il vice premier e ministro dell'Interno ha anche lamentato di essersi sentito "un po' solo" in questa battaglia, pur avvertendo che "non si torna indietro". "Io posso indicare un porto sicuro e bloccare uno sbarco non autorizzato - ha aggiunto - ma le forze armate in mare non dipendono da me. Se servono da scorta per le navi fuorilegge domandiamoci allora sull'utilizzo di queste unità" militari. "Chiederò ai ministri della Difesa e dell'Economia di aiutarci in questa battaglia di civiltà e legalità per salvare vite - ha aggiunto Salvini - Mi farebbe piacere che fossero al nostro fianco, al fianco del popolo italiano, altrimenti è un precedente pericolosissimo. Io firmo il divieto di ingresso e questi entrano e nessuno li ferma. A che servono le navi militari se non per pattugliare i confini?". La replica è arrivata attraverso fonti della Difesa: "Da giorni abbiamo offerto supporto al Viminale sulla situazione di queste ore e il Viminale lo ha respinto, in più di un’occasione. Questi sono i fatti". Parole cui è seguita la controreplica delle fonti del ministero dell'Interno, secondo cui il supporto delle unità navali militari italiane "è necessario per bloccare le navi che vogliono portare i clandestini in Italia e non per aiutarle nel trasporto". Nella sua diretta Facebook Salvini ha anche sottolineato che a suo avviso "è in corso un attacco contro il governo e contro un ministro che ha dimostrato di avere le palle", aggiungendo: "Non mi spaventa la minaccia di querela della comandante Carola, figuriamoci...Ho a che fare con minacce dei Casamonica, dalla mafia, camorra, 'ndrangheta...". E inoltre: "il Pd non mi interessa, né Saviano, Fazio, Lerner, Boldrini, mi interessano coloro che hanno a cuore l'Italia e gli italiani. Chi tifa per i fuorilegge non fa uno sgarbo a Salvini ma fa male all'Italia". "Combatterò all'interno del governo perché leggi e confini vengano rispettati, a meno che per qualcuno i confini italiani non contino". Ci sono delle leggi votate dal Parlamento italiano, ha aggiunto, "a che titolo navi private gestite da privati decidono come organizzare il traffico di esseri umani e infrangere leggi? I confini via mare sono come i confini via terra". Salvini si è chiesto quindi se "i confini italiani sono diventati un di più, un qualcosa da rispettare o non rispettare? Vale per tutti". E parlando poi della presa di posizione della Germania, ha detto: "Il governo tedesco mi ha scritto e chiesto di riaprire i porti. No, non esiste e penso di dirlo anche per voi" e ha definito la vicenda della Sea Watch, "un pessimo precedente, legittimato dall'ordinanza di quel giudice di Agrigento". Per il ministro dell'Interno quelli operati dalle navi delle ong "sono dei recuperi di migranti "precisi, scelti, organizzati, con orari precisi". E a a bordo delle navi che li portano a termine ci sono "giornalisti di sinistra, parlamentari di sinistra, ex consiglieri regionali di sinistra: non fate dispetto a Salvini infrangendo le leggi italiane ma l'affronto è al popolo italiano, questa è l'immagine che diamo al mondo". Infine: "Io non autorizzo niente, leggi e confini si rispettano, piuttosto li portiamo in autobus all'ambasciata tedesca. Se qualcuno pensa che l'Italia sia una discarica, ora basta". Dopo la risposta data dal ministero della Difesa all'appello di Matteo Salvini, è il ministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze, Giovanni Tria - cui risponde l'altra forza navale impegnata nel contrasto al traffico di migranti - a dire la sua sull'operato della Guardia di Finanza e a invocare l'intervento della magistratura nei confronti dell'ingresso nel porto della barca a vela Alex dell'ong Mediterranea.  Il ministro, si legge in una nota del Ministero diffusa a tardissima sera, "ha seguito le operazioni di contrasto all'immigrazione clandestina messe in atto dalla Guardia di Finanza che, in aderenza alle disposizioni di legge e alle direttive ministeriali impartite al riguardo, ha dato attuazione a tutte le prescrizioni necessarie, tra manovre dissuasive e numerose intimazioni di alt, per far rispettare il divieto di ingresso nelle acque territoriali e di attracco al porto della motonave Alex".  Ancora: "Tutto ciò si è svolto avendo sempre presente la salvaguardia e l'incolumità delle persone imbarcate e la sicurezza della navigazione che, in questo caso, è apparsa compromessa a causa dell'elevato numero di persone stipate a bordo e in coperta, tali da non consentire ulteriori manovre rispetto a quelle effettuate" prosegue la nota. "Quanto accaduto e l'avvenuto attracco, afferma il ministro, costituiscono i presupposti per l'intervento della magistratura".    Read the full article
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alabamabeaches · 5 years
Caribe Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL
Orange Beach Real Estate Sales, Caribe Resort Condo
List Price: $519,000 Address: 28107 Perdido Beach Blvd., Orange Beach, Alabama 36561 Details: 2 BR, 2 BA waterfront property with approx. 1,600 sq. ft.
Caribe Resort Condominium Home
Orange Beach Condo for sale at Caribe. Incredible views of Ole River and the Gulf of Mexico from this condominium situated at the east end. This resort residence has been well maintained and would make a great rental or second home. Features include floor-to-ceiling windows, granite counter-tops, tile floors, stainless steel kitchen appliances and a wet bar. The spacious, private balcony has 300+ s.f. – ideal for morning coffee or relaxing in the evening. Community amenities include a lazy-river, multiple indoor pools & outdoor pools, slides, saunas, tennis courts, basketball courts, putting green, a full-service marina and much more.
Visit: Caribe Resort Condo Sales —– Visit: Caribe Resort Vacation Rentals
Orange Beach Alabama
Orange Beach is a coastal community situated between Gulf Shores and Perdido Key, and boosts the largest charter-fishing fleet in the Gulf of Mexico. Orange Beach has miles of white-sand beaches and numerous public parks – the inland bays and bayous just north of Perdido Pass provide for ample water-sports and outdoor activities.
*Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Other Resort Properties:
Gulf Shores Condo For Sale, The Beach Club
The Beach Club Condo, Gulf Shores AL List Price: $385,000 Address: 527 Beach Club Trail, Gulf Shores, AL 36542 Details: 2 BR, 2 BA beachfront property with approx. 1,040Gulf Shores AL Real Estate SalesThe Beach…
Panama City Beach Vacation Rental, Long Beach Resort Condo
Long Beach Resort Vacation Rental, Panama City Beach FL Aver. Rate $102/night | 37 reviews, 4.9/5 Address: 10511 Front Beach Rd, Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Misc: 1 BR, 1 BA resort property with approx.…
Caribe Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL
Orange Beach Real Estate Sales, Caribe Resort Condo List Price: $519,000 Address: 28107 Perdido Beach Blvd., Orange Beach, Alabama 36561 Details: 2 BR, 2 BA waterfront property with approx. 1,600 sq. ft.Caribe Resort Condominium HomeOrange…
Myrtle Beach SC Condo For Sale, Seawatch Resort
Seawatch Resort Condominium For Sale, Myrtle Beach South CarolinaListing Price: $324,900 Address: 161 Seawatch Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 Details: 3 BR, 2 BA Oceanfront Property with 1,050+/- s.f.Myrtle Beach Real Estate Seawatch Resort condo, beach resort…
Perdido Key FL Condo For Sale, Ocean Breeze
Ocean Breeze Condominium, Perdido Key Florida Real Estate Sales Listing Price: $445,00 Address: 14623 Perdido Key Dr, Pensacola, Florida 32507 Misc: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Beachfront Property with 1,340+/- s.f.Ocean Breeze Condo HomePerdido Key condo for…
Caribe Resort Condominium, Orange Beach AL
Via: Caribe Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL
0 notes
carolinabeaches · 5 years
Seawatch Resort Condo For Sale, Myrtle Beach SC
Myrtle Beach Condo For Sale at Seawatch Resort
Listing Price: $324,900 Address: 161 Seawatch Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 Details: 3 BR, 2 BA Oceanfront Property with 1,050+/- s.f.
Myrtle Beach SC Real Estate
Seawatch Resort condo, beach resort home in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. Oceanfront corner condominium home with a private wrap-around balcony with direct accessed via the Mst. BR and the living room, plus an abundance of windows allowing for natural light and exception views of the Atlantic Ocean and shoreline. Recent upgrades include new flooring, with wood-style ceramic tile in the kitchen and living area and new high quality carpeting in the bedrooms – all-inclusive resort, come tour this resort property.
Visit: Seawatch Resort Vacation Rentals
Myrtle Beach SC
Myrtle Beach SC is a popular vacation destination, golfing destination, retirement community, and family vacation spot. Myrtle Beach has numerous activities for the whole family, like the Carolina Opry, Medieval Times, Springmaid Pier, ice-cream shops, live music, the boardwalk etc. Shop and dine at one of Myrtle Beach’s outdoor entertainment complexes, or explore the beaches of the Grand Strand – each with a unique personality. Myrtle Beach is one of the major centers of tourism in the United States because of the city’s warm subtropical climate and, of course, the beaches – the area attracts approximately 14 million visitors each year. The Myrtle Beach population is 29k+/- with the Myrtle Beach metropolitan area population 465k+. Take a break, come discover the popular coastal town. Source: Realtor.com
*Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Other Resort Properties:
Perdido Key Real Estate Sales, Indigo Condo
Indigo Condo For Sale, Perdido Key FL   Asking: $845kLocation: 13621 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, FL 32507Info: 3 BR, 3 BE Beachfront Condo with approx. 1,765 sq. ft.Indigo Condominium   Indigo gulf-front condo for sale in…
Orange Beach Real Estate Sales, Romar House Condo
Romar House Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL   Asking: $570kLocation: 24310 Perdido Beach Boulevard, Orange Beach, AL 36561Info: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath beachfront Property with approx. 1,600 sq. ft.  Romar House Condominium  Orange Beach …
Pelican Beach Condo, Destin Vacation Rental
Destin Condo, Pelican Beach Vacation Rental  Aver. Rate: $197/ | 80 Reviews, 4.8/5.0Location: 1002 U.S. Hwy 98 East, Destin, FL, 32541Info: 1 BR, 2 BA Beachfront Property with approx. 870 s.f.  Destin FL Condominium Destin…
Gulf Shores Real Estate Sales, Crystal Shores Condo
Crystal Shores Condo For Sale, Gulf Shores AL Asking: $427,000Address: 921 W. Beach Boulevard, Gulf Shores, AL 36542Details: 2BR/2BA Beachfront Condo with approx. 1,050 sq. ft.  Crystal Shores Condominium  Gulf Shores condominium home for sale at…
Majestic Beach Towers Condo, Panama City Beach Vacation Rental
Panama City Beach Condo, Majestic Beach Towers Vacation Rental Aver. Rate: $110/nightLocation: 10901 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, FL 32407Details: Beachfront Studio with approx. 575 s.f., Sleeps 4  Panama City Beach Florida Condo  Panama City…
Seawatch Resort Condominium, Myrtle Beach SC
Via: Seawatch Resort Condo For Sale, Myrtle Beach SC
0 notes
schoeneswetter · 5 years
Protest gegen Juden - 2000 Menschen gingen in Berlin "antisemitisch" auf die Straße!? Alles Nazis!? Nein, schon der Name "Al-Kuds" sagt alles... der Iran ruft seit Jahren zur Eroberung der Heiligen Stadt auf!? Muslime gegen Gutmenschen... alles gerät außer Fugen!?
Austritte erzwingen - Der Ratsvorsitzende der Evangelischen Kirche bezieht klar Stellung... das Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer muss enden!? Und die Lösung ist die private Seenot Rettung wie "Seawatch"!? Doch wären die 2000 Opfer 2018 überhaupt aufs Meer gegangen, wenn draußen nicht die Boote gelauert hätten!? Wie kann man der "Kirche" klar machen, dass ihr Weg falsch ist!?
Klopp ein Champion - Jetzt ist er in Liverpool unsterblich... der Champions League Sieg gegen Tottenham.. 2:0, ein Handelfmeter...
0 notes
Easements Aren’t Easy: A Case Study
By Brittney McKoy, North Carolina State University Class of 2020
May 24, 2018
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I’d never really concerned myself with issues of civil law before they took hold of my own community. To me, civil law seemed easy - obviously one side had to be right; because there was so much documentation and so many rules, it seemed to me like there could only be one interpretation of them. That’s what I thought - until I learned about something called an easement.
An easement is, “the grant of a nonpossessory property interest that grants the easement holder permission to use another person's land” [1]. Seems pretty cut and dry. There’s an easement in my community to allow members of the Homeowner’s Association (HOA) to cross over to the beach over a beachfront property owner’s land. There’s a walkover with restrooms, a rinse-off area, and other amenities. The trouble came sometime around the end of 2016 - the current property owners were against the HOA modifying the walkover to expand and install full showers.
The property owners disputed the right of the HOA to use the restrooms, rinse-off area, etc. The property owners thought the HOA only had the right to use the walkway under the current easement situation, and thought that they owned the other amenities and could therefore restrict access to them. This was seen when one day early into the disputes, the property owners roped off the cabana area on the walkover and changed the locks on the restroom doors; they still allowed the use of the walkover itself, but only that. This caused an uproar within the community - did the property owners have the right to do this?
Let’s take a look at the facts from the Summary Judgement of the case. In 2000, before anyone had purchased the beachfront property, the HOA built the walkway with restrooms, a cabana and deck area. The walkover was advertised as such in marketing brochures by the developer [2]. It wasn’t until 16 years later, when not the first, but the second couple to live on that beachfront property argued that the HOA did not have the right to use these amenities that a legal issue had arised. Before the current property owners had decided to dispute the rights of the HOA, they had previously made specific requests of the HOA to upkeep the cabana and beach walkover [2].
After much debate over who was the proper owner of the walkover and what rights each side had, the court finally came to a decision nearly 18 months later. In summary, the property owners owned the walkover and amenities - but they could not do anything to stop the HOA from using them. The court decided that this was an implied easement - meaning, “even when no document or agreement has created an express easement, an easement right may still be understood (or "implied") by a situation or circumstances” [2]. Because of the marking brochures made before anyone lived on the beachfront property that specifically referred to the walkover as “a private oceanfront beachwalk and a cabana with restrooms, a rinse off shower and a shaded deck” [2], and the fact that the current property owners had previously acknowledged the right of the HOA to maintain upkeep of the walkover, it was decided that the walkover would remain as is.
In a more personal reflection, I thought this was a pyrrhic victory for both sides. Both sides paid tremendous legal fees and expended so much time and effort just to end up with the conclusion that things would stay the way they were before the whole dispute started. This is the importance of the clarity of civil law - without it, there would be many more disputes like this. Perhaps this shows the importance of real estate law - a specialty I’d never thought about before.
Brittney McKoy is an intern who works with Evan Guthrie Law Firm to contribute and edit articles for a national legal website. Brittney is an undergraduate student at NC State University, pursuing English with a concentration in Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric.
1.     https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/easement
2.     Sea Watch HOA v. Fiorentino (THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION May 15, 2018). Case file #: 17-CVS-2128
Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/SeaWatch-HOA-197757106928223/
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ampedupkaon · 4 years
Twelve Days of Deckbuilding: Day Three
Note: When I deck build; I don’t look at any online deck lists. Any similarities to other listed decks are completely coincidental. That said; if someone else has built the same deck beforehand, I will credit them by saying that this deck matches _’s deck.
Here, I decided to try my hand at a Daring Escape Deck. I had a look at who might be good for this (I know as I’m writing this that it would work better with Springer; but I came up with this idea just as Wave 4 came out) and decided that it might be fun to try it with the Rescue Patrol! Who are all Specialists in both modes and can helm a Specialist Combo deck. So; on to the 3rd day’s deck!
Deck Name: Three Daring Escapes
Private Fixit, Rescue Patrol - Medic
Private Red Heat, Infantry - Emergency Response
Private Seawatch, Rescue Patrol - Search & Rescue
Private Stakeout, Infantry - Communications
Deck: (40)
Bashing Shield x3
Battlefield Report x3
Brainstorm x3
Confidence x3
Daring Escape x3
Equipment Enthusiast x3
Field Communicator x3
Heroic Resolve x1
Leap of Faith x3
Multi-Tool x3
New Orders x3
Pep Talk x3
Security Checkpoint x3
Universal Network Access x3
And these guys want to draw lots of cards by having lots of draw actions hit (and those Leap of Faiths and Field Communicators!) In this deck, you do want to play lots of Daring Escapes; to make your deck as small as possible so you can win by drawing the last card (then playing Daring Escape)! Feel free to try the deck out!
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americanbeaches · 5 years
Caribe Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL
Orange Beach Real Estate Sales, Caribe Resort Condo
List Price: $519,000 Address: 28107 Perdido Beach Blvd., Orange Beach, Alabama 36561 Details: 2 BR, 2 BA waterfront property with approx. 1,600 sq. ft.
Caribe Resort Condominium Home
Orange Beach Condo for sale at Caribe. Incredible views of Ole River and the Gulf of Mexico from this condominium situated at the east end. This resort residence has been well maintained and would make a great rental or second home. Features include floor-to-ceiling windows, granite counter-tops, tile floors, stainless steel kitchen appliances and a wet bar. The spacious, private balcony has 300+ s.f. – ideal for morning coffee or relaxing in the evening. Community amenities include a lazy-river, multiple indoor pools & outdoor pools, slides, saunas, tennis courts, basketball courts, putting green, a full-service marina and much more.
Visit: Caribe Resort Condo Sales —– Visit: Caribe Resort Vacation Rentals
Orange Beach Alabama
Orange Beach is a coastal community situated between Gulf Shores and Perdido Key, and boosts the largest charter-fishing fleet in the Gulf of Mexico. Orange Beach has miles of white-sand beaches and numerous public parks – the inland bays and bayous just north of Perdido Pass provide for ample water-sports and outdoor activities.
*Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Other Resort Properties:
Gulf Shores Condo For Sale, The Beach Club
The Beach Club Condo, Gulf Shores AL List Price: $385,000 Address: 527 Beach Club Trail, Gulf Shores, AL 36542 Details: 2 BR, 2 BA beachfront property with approx. 1,040Gulf Shores AL Real Estate SalesThe Beach…
Panama City Beach Vacation Rental, Long Beach Resort Condo
Long Beach Resort Vacation Rental, Panama City Beach FL Aver. Rate $102/night | 37 reviews, 4.9/5 Address: 10511 Front Beach Rd, Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Misc: 1 BR, 1 BA resort property with approx.…
Caribe Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL
Orange Beach Real Estate Sales, Caribe Resort Condo List Price: $519,000 Address: 28107 Perdido Beach Blvd., Orange Beach, Alabama 36561 Details: 2 BR, 2 BA waterfront property with approx. 1,600 sq. ft.Caribe Resort Condominium HomeOrange…
Myrtle Beach SC Condo For Sale, Seawatch Resort
Seawatch Resort Condominium For Sale, Myrtle Beach South CarolinaListing Price: $324,900 Address: 161 Seawatch Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 Details: 3 BR, 2 BA Oceanfront Property with 1,050+/- s.f.Myrtle Beach Real Estate Seawatch Resort condo, beach resort…
Perdido Key FL Condo For Sale, Ocean Breeze
Ocean Breeze Condominium, Perdido Key Florida Real Estate Sales Listing Price: $445,00 Address: 14623 Perdido Key Dr, Pensacola, Florida 32507 Misc: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Beachfront Property with 1,340+/- s.f.Ocean Breeze Condo HomePerdido Key condo for…
Caribe Resort Condominium, Orange Beach AL
Via: Caribe Condo For Sale, Orange Beach AL
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