#princess saera targaryen
bardsansa · 2 months
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a cage.
saera targaryen in volantis, 131 AC
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karsoliar · 3 days
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Drawing of Saera Targaryen, my pretty girl 💅🏻
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beelxshartic · 5 months
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Fancast ‧₊˚࿔ Agnieszka Wagner as ‧₊˚࿔ Saera Targaryen for Blood redder than wine · ⊰ Full work on AO3
· ⊰Ratings‧₊˚࿔ Explicit, 18+ · ⊰ tags‧₊˚࿔ First Meetings, Love and Envy at the same time, Is it an Arranged Marriage if Aemond is scheming his way into it? OC POV, Aemond POV, Smut with scheming, romance, mutual pining, · ⊰ Pairing‧₊˚࿔ Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Original Female Character(s)
‧ ⊰ Summary ‧₊˚࿔ The granddaughter of Viserra Targaryen and daughter of King Viserys, is living peacefully away from Targaryen family feuds, hiding with House Redwyne. Along with the wine and with the words of her grandmother, who herself escaped an arranged marriage, Vereena Targaren soaks up the distrust of her own Targaryen kin. Vereena blissfully ignores the rest of her family, till Aemond Targaryen shows up in Arbor to force her family into an alliance with the greens, thus gaining two more dragons to their forces.
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
I could marry all three of them, why not? Why should I have just one husband? The conqueror had two wives, and Maegor had six or eight.
-Seara Targaryen
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chachamaru-sama · 7 months
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Saera Targaryen
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lunarmoonanons · 1 year
The Dragon Princess
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
Yandere Targaryens
CW: YES there may be some instances of incest. It’s the Targaryens, their family tree is basically a wreath. I’d be Surprised if there wasn’t incest. 
Okay? Okay.  
I love the mess that is the Targaryens. I love Jaehaerys' family line even more. This current idea fic will be involving them and sweet little dragon princess YN. This is gonna be split into three separate concepts.
Baby YN. 
YN is the baby of Jaehaerys’ family. Born in 84 ac she was treasured and highly protected. Most of her siblings were in their teens or adulthoods when she was born, but something in that messy Targaryen blood made them hyperfixate on her immensely. The small dragon. 
Middle Child YN
YN was born 2 years after Saera, they are incredibly close and loyal to the other even though YN is obviously more favored by the family due to her being a little more obedient and not as sexual (asexual maybe???). Her older siblings think she’s a sweet kid, her younger siblings look up to her, her parents pray she’s a good influence on Saera, and Saera….. She may be in love with her. (I did warn there was incest.) The singing dragon.
Adopted Child YN.
YN was adopted by Jaehaerys and Alyssanne after their daughter Daenerys died. She was 6 years old and had somehow called a dragon to her when a man tried to assault her. She screamed out for help, and Balerion the black dread flew to her aid. The large dragon curled around her and wouldn’t move until the girl asked him to release her, in front of King Jaehaerys. The blood of the dragon sang to her and the Targaryens felt connected to her. She was raised as a princess in King's landing, her childhood was raised amongst Aemon Baelon Alyssa Vaegon and Maegelle. (I will be writing her as a POC woman.) The Dragon Dancer. 
Throughout each of these concepts YN has an unexplainable connection to the dragons. Though the Dragon Dancer has more of a magical connection rather than blood connection like her counterparts. YN is a beloved princess. She never knew her siblings Aegon, Daenerys, Gaemon, and Valerion. She knew of them but never interacted with them. 
The Small Dragon is a beloved child that was coveted by all her family members. Due to her age and innocence. 
The Singing Dragon is adored for her kind heart and melodic voice that  seems to win over anyone. The family thinks she is above sexual filth, butYn just never got interested in that.
The Dragon Dancer has a strange magical connection to the dragons. They protect and listen to her. It is believed she is a dragon in human form, and there are whispers she is the blood of Old Valeria. 
I will be doing individual headcanons about the relationships soon. Each person in the line will have a headcanon with each different YN. 
Stay Groovy. 
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highgardenart · 1 year
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Princess Saera Targaryen
“Such a fierce little thing she is, they say, she has no need of comfort. They are wrong in that, I fear. All men need comfort.”
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Rhaenyra and Rhaenys (The Conqueror) are the only queens whose private/sexual life was constantly under scrutiny and countless rumours were invented to ruin their reputations, yet people claim Rhaenys parallels Laena? In what universe? 🙄
Hi there Anon!
I can't say that this is accurate. Most women from House Targaryen had their sex life scrutinised in the books, that is in no way unique to Rhaenys and Rhaenyra. I am also quite unsure on how fair it is to compare the rumours between the two of them.
Rhaenys was rumoured *sigh* to take on multiple lovers between her favourites and while there were "whispers" that Aenys was not Aegon's son, his real father is not even named by anyone in the books. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra is mentioned to have taken on two lovers, first Daemon before she was married, and then Harwin, after she married Laenor. The latter is also named as the father of her three sons by several sources. The only one who denies Harwin was Rhaenyra's lover is Eustace though he later slips when he mentions that Daemon saw Harwin as competition for Rhaeyra's affections. However, in Rhaenyra's case there is ample proof that both of these "rumours" were actually quite true as we have significant evidence that are presented as facts and not as theories or rumours - i.e., how much time she spent with Daemon and how he behaved towards her, how Harwin courted her, how close she was to each of these men, the appearance of the "Velaryon" princes - for anyone who still has doubt it is BROWN hair and BROWN eyes and a pug nose like Harwin had - and how she behaved when Daemon and her became widows. Concerning Criston and Rhaenyra, while he was a favourite of hers, this was when she was a child/very young girl, before Daemon returned in 111 AC, and mostly it makes him look bad, not her. Eustace, a Green, very much blames Criston, Alicent, another Green, makes him sound like a creep when she asks who protected Rhaenyra from him -> before she decided to turn a blind way to what she said a few years before and take him on. This was when Rhaenyra was around 12/13 btw and again, before Daemon returned. Mushroom is the one who does blame Rhaenyra, making her sound like a Lolita of sorts, even so, he maintains that the two were never lovers (much like Eustace doea).
With Queen Rhaenys there is no such evidence to these "affairs", it really comes down to whispers. It's said she entertained a number of singers, poets, etc in her chambers but it's never mentioned she was alone with any of them. Moreover, while Aenys was not very strong he resembled a Targaryen, and his son Aegon was said to be the spitting image of Aegon the Conqueror, Aenys's father.
If we are just speaking queens, that would not be fair since Laena was never a queen, nor even a princess, so even if she had rumours surrounding her, by that premise we could not compare her to Rhaenys. If we are broadly talking about Targaryen women Saera, Viserra, Alyssa, Rhaena (Aenys's daughter), and Baela, had their private lives put on display and countless both facts and rumours are presented about them. For instance, it was rumoured that Rhaena - compared to her grandmother Rhaenys in appearance all the time - lost her V card to a singer in one of her flights on Dreamfyre.
Looking now at only queens, seldom were Rhaenys and Rhaenyra the only ones whose private life is examined. People tend to conveniently forget that actually Alicent had quite a few rumours about herself, yes all put forward by Mushroom, but brought up in the books nonetheless. And on this a note. It will never not be funny to be how people are willing to believe everything Mushroom says about Rhaenyra at face-value no matter how little sense it makes, yet they brush aside everything he says about Alicent. Just something for people to ponder. Moving on though, Mushroom claimed not only that Daemon took Alicent's v-card and that was why Otto hated him, but also that she performed s€ggsual favours for Jaehaerys. Furthermore, he also maintains she and Viserys were intimate before they married. So actually, she was a queen who did have her private/seggsual life talked about. The same is also true of Maegor's queens, especially Alys Harroway. Even of Tyanna of the Tower we hear rumours.
All in all, I don't think there's much about Laena and Rhaenys that warrants any great parallel or comparison, nonetheless, saying only Rhaenyra and Rhaenys had their private lives dissected is also not accurate.
All the best :)
Note: Anything I write only concerns the asoiaf canon. Nothing I write about ever concerns the redacted canon. Again, this is only true for the asoiaf canon. Thank you.
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212soufflegirl · 1 year
Crazy head canon time!
Alicent Hightower’s mother isn’t actually dead. No, the truth of it is that she left Otto Hightower’s evil ass and ran away with her true love, Saera Targaryen. Yes, people in my head. It was Alicent’s mother who helped Princess Saera escape the abuse of the Silent Sisters. 
This is the real reason Otto hates the Targareyns so much and wants to see the true blood of the dragon line diminished. 
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lady-corrine · 10 months
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Oh, Saera 🥺
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saltmalewife · 8 months
chronological review of saera targaryen's "japes"
putting cats in her gatophobic sisters bedroom: mean but fundamentally benign
filling said sisters chamber pot with bees: deeply bad for everyone involved. also how did you do that.
dying all the kingsguard cloaks pink: immaculate incredible funniest ten year old in westeros
learning how to steal cakes, using this knowledge to steal alcohol, arriving at church drunk: slay if she wasn't 12
tricking tom turnip into climbing the iron throne where he cut himself bad: ableism. bully literally anyone else
teaching her girlbestfriends how to kiss: incredible work rhaena would be proud
daring your girlbestfriend to have sex with a shitty knight and now she's pregnant: quick question whats wrong with you
sending tom turnip to the blue pearl: ableism part two whats wrong with you
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aelenavelaryon · 5 months
Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen Reader
Summary: Daemon finally finds love
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Aella Targaryen was nothing like the rest of her family. She couldn't be. Many would often said she was a sweet girl whose only mistake was to have Valyrian blood cursing through her veins. House Targaryen had been on the Iron Throne for over a hundred years, she could remember the throne, it was rather beautiful she would admit. But, House Targaryen was a cursed lineage. Aella thought it was because they were all related. Brothers married sisters, uncles married nieces, cousins married cousins.
When Aella was brought to court she was nothing but a babe. Only one perhaps two moons old. Daughter of Saera Targaryen and her brother Rhaegar Targaryen. Rhaegar and Saera had both been wild and untamable. The two ran away after Saera escaped Old Town and they were never seen again until now. Aella Targaryen was born in the year 105. Rhaegar brought his daughter to court, to present among the realm. Saera had died in her birthing chamber. Viserys, who had lost his wife a nearly two years prior welcomed them both. Aella grew up beside Alicent’s children and Rhaenyra's children.
Aella although growing up with her cousins she preferred to be alone, sitting in the gardens or her room and reading a history book. Her father wondered where she had gotten all of that, she was not like her mother or him. But, there were things he did like singing, poems and song writing much like his daughter. Aella had the basic training, in case she had to protect herself but the young girl no matter the circumstances could never and would never bring herself to hurt anyone. It wasn't in her blood no matter how much her father tried. But Rhaegar would protect his daughter no matter the cost. She rode Meraxes, queen Rhaenys dragon, the princess died that day but her dragon lived.
As the years passed, Aella Targaryen grew into a beautiful maiden. "The Realm's Angel" or "The Realm's Desire" surpassing her cousin Rhaenyra in beauty and everything else. Aella had reached her ten and five name day and was yet to be unmarried. Her father was the reason for that, although he was no king he saw that no one was fit to marry his only child. No one would ever be good enough. Alicent thought it would be a good idea to marry her to Aegon or Aemond if she wished. Rhaenyra thought she would be a great match for Jacaerys or Lucerys. Rhaegar Targaryen refused, once again. But, a few moons later he passed from a swollen belly, leaving his only child at the mercy of her family.
Aella didn't know who to choose as her family had given her the choice to marry who she wanted between the four boys. She was dutiful, whoever her uncle had chosen she would have married but she did not want to disappoint anyone by choosing wrong. The council knew that Aella marrying either of her nephews was a tragedy waiting to happen, so the young girl offered a marriage between another house but Rhaenyra, Alicent and the king denied her. Daemon who had recently lost his wife asked her to marry him, to unite themselves and protect each other. Aella was young, only fifteen summers old what did she know about love. She knew more about duty than love.
So, to stop any family issues or more drama she agreed and secretly married Daemon, consummating their marriage, now it could not be broken. The news reached King's Landing the morning after, creating chaos in the court. The king was fragile in health so he did nothing, besides they were married and they had consummated there was no breaking anything. Rhaenyra stayed in King's Landing, while Daemon, his wife and two daughters remained in Dragonstone. Nearly a year after their wedding Baelon Targaryen and Rhaegar Targaryen were born. Strong boys. On their second named day, their sisters Rhaella and Visenya had been born. When the boys were five, their sisters three Aemma and Viserys were born.
Baela and Rhaena quickly accepted Aella as she had this motherly warmth the girls loved and she had glady taken the role as their mother, not that she would try to replace the girls mother but she did her best to love and care for them as she did for her own children. Aella with Daemon's approval let the girls ride their dragons to Driftmark to visit their grandparents. Rhaenys and Corlys were grateful that the young girl allowed them to visit their mother's family as much and as often as they could. The six children had been kept a secret through out the years. Aella was near her one and twenty name day. As a result, the king had invited her and her family to celebrate as a family.
Her arrival had been expected, Aegon was now married to Helaena and had two children, twins. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. Aemond was unmarried but as far as she knew he was bethroted to a Baratheon girl. Jacaerys was to marry soon but his mother and father were looking for a suitable match. When she arrived, Daemon and the girls were waiting as her and the children had sailed there due to the young kids. Rhaenys and Corlys who were there watched their granddaughters run to their new mother. They saw the love the two girls had for her. King Viserys recovered and went back to being the peaceful king he was. He waited with his family as he watched Daemon help his wife.
She had turned into a beautiful woman, everyone could agree. She seemed happy with Daemon. And she was, he treated her good and with respect. "My king, my queen" she  greeted with a nod. "Princess Rhaenyra, Laenor" she said with a smile. She greeted everyone. "Now, may we present our children?" she asked and everyone turned to her. They were surprised. The king nodded and Daemon signaled the maids to bring them. "Baelon and Rhaegar, our oldest. Visenya and Rhaella out second oldest. Viserys and Aemma our youngest" Daemon introduced as the four oldest made their bows to the king and queen. The youngest were only one.
"May I?" the king asked as he took Aemma, she had her eyes. Rhaenys took Viserys. "Baelon looks like our father, and Rhaegar looks like Aemon" Rhaenys nodded in agreement. Everyone cooed over the Aella'a children and all she did was smile. During the feast for her nameday, Daemon and his wife could see the tension between Alicent and Rhaenyra. "I would like to propose an alliance between our families" Aella began. She had spoken with Corlys and Rhaenys, and of course her husband. "A bethrotal between Jacaerys and Baela. And Rhaena with prince Lucerys" she said with a smile. Rhaenyra smiled. "I think that is a great idea" Daemon held her hand and nodded. "In addition, if Aegon and Helaena agree Jaehaera could marry Baelon and Vinseya Jaehaerys" the table was quiet but Alicent smiled. "I think that is magnificent idea" the king nodded in agreement. "Our house will be united" she smiled happy with the outcome.
Aella Targaryen was a woman many remembered, she had given her family peace but that peace nearly broke when Otto Hightower deemed her dangerous, sending for someone to kill the princess. The princess perished on top of her dragon as a scorpion hit the beast right in the neck, killing it instantly. She received the same fate as queen Rhaenys. The lady didn't survive the fall. Daemon Targaryen never remarried but once he found out who killed her, the Hightowers, more importantly Otto, he was killed soon after. Alicent was pardoned as she didn't know anything. Rhaenyra was crown queen and the princess match's were honored as Baela married Jacaerys, Rhaena Lucerys, and once older Baelon and Visenya married Aegon's children.
The Sweet Summer Child died but her memory remained throughout the years. Aella Targaryen iii married her brother Rhaegar, giving him the heirs he needed. House Targaryen didn't end with Daenerys Targaryen, it went on. It prospered. From Aella Targaryen the first, came the prince that was promised and the realm lived in peace.
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beelxshartic · 1 year
Blood redder than wine (14728 words) by beelxshartic Chapters: 3/? Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Relationships: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Original Female Character(s), House Redwyne Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Grey Ghost the Wild Dragon (A Song of Ice and Fire), Viserra Targaryen, Saera Targaryen, Additional Tags: Scheming, Romance, Mutual Pining, Eye Sex, Smut with scheming, First Meetings, Love and Envy at the same time, Is it an Arranged Marriage if Aemond is scheming his way into it?, Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Half-Sibling Incest, , Matriarchy, drama sponsored by Saera and Viserra, Swearing, Original Character does her best to avoid marriage as long as she can, Aemond is trying his best, Masturbation, Aemond POV, Fantasies about sex Summary:
The Redwynes are a people who have a long-standing history of dealing with Targaryens. Redwynes' words are sweet like their wine or sour like venom.
“I was to be given to some Targaryen or other. Marrying a Targaryen was all the rage back then. But the moment I saw my intended, with his twitchy little ferret's face and ludicrous silver hair, I knew he wouldn't do.” Olenna Tyrell née Redwyne
Redwynes know that dealing with Targaryens is no piece of cake. A century before Olenna's birth, one of King Jaehaerys' defiant daughters marries a Redwyne of Arbor to avoid marrying the old man her parents had intended for her. Vissera Targaryen raises her offspring to hate the Targaryens of King's Landing. Years later, after Viserra's death, Aemond the Kinslayer Targaryen lands on Arbor to push the Redwynes over to the Green side. There he meets his other older sister Vereena, who has been estranged from the main Targaryen family for most of her life.
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weaversthread · 3 months
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Sisters of the Dragon: Princess Viserra and Princess Saera Targaryen 🐉👸🏼
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dreamfyreart · 4 months
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Princess Saera Targaryen with her mother Queen Alysanne
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