#prewar megop
moca-draws · 2 years
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bloominglegumes · 26 days
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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driftsart · 2 months
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A quick pre war trio doodle before homework :>
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lord-squiggletits · 10 months
IDW Megatron and Optimus weren't friends before the war. Here's why that makes their ship dynamic more interesting.
One comment I've heard among people comparing IDW1 MegOP to other continuities of MegOP is (paraphrased) that since they weren't friends before the war, there isn't as much material to ship them with/they don't have an established dynamic/they don't have ~*history*~ that makes them be the bitter exes we all know and love them to be.
In this meta post, I'm going to contend that the IDW1 MegOP lack of friendship before the war is actually a benefit to their dynamic in this continuity, not a negative. Although they didn't get a lot of time together before the war in terms of quantity, the quality of their interactions and the weight it gave their future rivalry is due to the tragic nature of their relationship: They saw a glimpse of each other at their best in their youth, but like a tragic myth of old, circumstances conspired to keep them apart, traumatize them, and turn them into people who couldn't trust or reconcile with each other.
The IDW MegOP's first meeting is like a fated encounter, almost as if it was destined to happen. The way that one single brush can change the entire course of history.
I like to call this a "love at first sight" moment because, although they're not in love, it has this sort of storybook magical quality to it where this one single moment has a lot of weight. This one moment where they saw each other at their best and could have a positive interaction.
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When I say that they met each other "at their best" here, I'm referring to Megatron's pacifistic essays and poetry that represent his pure revolutionary spirit and care for Cybertron, and Orion's trait of showing kindness and encouraging individual freedom despite his position of authority. The way that their first encounter was so brief and unassuming makes us, the readers, yearn for more. Doesn't Megatron's silent glance behind him in that final panel make you wonder what he's thinking? They only had that one brief talk at the rodion police station but it went on to ricohet the rest of their lives. Orion started thinking about the corruption of the system due to Megatron's writing. Megatron looked back at Orion with curiosity/lingering feeling after he was escorted out of the station. Even Megatron being put on Messatine was indirectly due to Orion, since Orion delivered that speech on his behalf.
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It's almost like literal chemistry, where two particles bumping into each other once can cause a chain reaction of other particles bumping and bumping and bumping until suddenly those two particles are back together.
It's a sort of magical real life scenario where you meet a stranger just once but something they did or said to you makes you remember it and think about it for a long time afterwards. except in this case the MegOPs are (un?)lucky enough to meet again. And they start a war.
I also really like that Megatron and Orion/Optimus spent most of their pre-war backstory apart from each other, because I feel like it makes them stronger characters individually instead of making all of their most important moments be about each other. This is more of a comment on fandom than canon, but many romantic stories fall into a pitfall of a relationship where the two people obsessed with each other: their romance is the most important relationship they have; the entire plot revolves around whether they're happy or upset with each other, it can even make their relationship seem unhealthy and like they have no meaningful relationships outside of their romance. In terms of MOP in other continuities, I feel that putting too much emphasis on their friendship kind of cheapens the worldbuilding and political conflict. True, it's nice when the personal and political intersect in the MegOP's lives, but sometimes I feel (especially in fanon) that the "they were friends but then they disagreed and now they're not friends" concept sometimes ends up being written as if this one simple friendship conflict was the basis of a whole war.
The benefit of IDW1 MegOP is that because they spend their pre-war time apart from each other, they develop separately as people and end up transforming into someone different from their "love at first sight" moment. I like that Orion had relationships with people like Shockwave, Roller, and Zeta, and Megatron had his student/teacher relationship with Terminus and the whole arena thing happening.
Both Megatron and Orion went through traumatizing events during this time period that changed their worldviews for the worse and made them more cynical. Megatron suffered an attempted brainwashing, losing his mentor, his first killing, then being stuck in the arena. Orion went through the loss of Shockwave to a fate worse than death, then the disappearance of his best friend Roller, then worked for Zeta and began to doubt in his ideals/goodness as a leader. In that time between the MegOP's first encounter and their ensuing encounters in a military conflict, they came back as very different people than the first glimpse they got of each other.
Since they only had that ONE first glimpse they had of each other, then met again only to be disappointed by each other's fall from grace (in each others' eyes), this sets up a lot of angst. They wonder if that first glimpse of each other was really true or if it was a lie. Should they trust in those "good" versions of each other they saw so long ago? Do those people even exist? Are they or were they ever worth believing in? Does that man I saw still exist or did I just WANT to see something good in him? That man ruined my life and I hate him for fighting against me, he's a hypocrite. I thought that man was a good person, but he's betrayed the hopes I had by becoming a violent criminal warlord/working for the evil government I thought he opposed.
It sort of has the vibes of a "love at first sight" story gone wrong where their first encounter was kind (I like to imagine Megatron was touched or at least curious about Orion, a cop, telling him to keep writing and be vocal) but then they descended into their worst selves. They only had that one small glimpse of each other at their best but now they're in a scenario where they can only be enemies.
The longing and disappointment is more obvious on Orion's part about Megatron, because Orion got this shining glimpse of Megatron at his best and most passionate, only to encounter Megatron again and all those good parts have been buried to leave only his worst. Megatron's POV about OP isn't really shown, but I feel like it could be interesting to write headcanons about it. How did Megatron feel about Orion making that speech on his behalf? Getting moved to Messatine because Orion made him so public, and all the bad things that happened there?
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Yes, their first encounter was brief and they didn't really have a personal relationship before the war. But that brief encounter changed the trajectory of their entire lives. When you combine that with the fact that they saw each other as their "ideal selves", it creates that valid obsession between Megatron and Optimus. It is kind of unhealthy LMAO, because they do kind of become obsessed with each other based on an incomplete view of the other as a person. But then the war happens and they keep having personal and professional encounters that would give them opportunities to meet (such as in diplomacy meetings like Tyrest's peace negotiations and other political things that come with war). And those repeated meetings would only cause them to get to know each other better. Then you get into more mythical/legend-like story dynamics where Megatron and OP have to learn how the other thinks tactically, and their tactical knowledge becomes so intimate they start understanding how the other thinks and it's very dramatic lol. The typical our-enmity-is-so-deep-it-could-be-love enemies to lovers fare.
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Circumstances outside of their control drove them apart, made them into different people, and kept them from becoming friends. It makes IDW MegOP feel legendary or mythical, like some sort of epic Greek tragedy of two people who were always 🤏 this close to being friends. There's longing there, and tragedy, imagining what might have been if they'd only been able to talk again, or if they had somehow been able to influence each other before they went down the bad path (violence and crime for Megatron, following Zeta and becoming Prime for Orion/Optimus). But despite that, their natural chemistry perseveres, and they talk to/about each other in a way that shows they still think of each other even when apart.
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I am now imagining that back when Optimus first got back from the Orion arc and during the start of the first battle with Megatron since then, Ratchet instantly just went "aaaand I forgot about that, of course that's back."
Oh this hit him the second after Megatron had done his usual half-flirt and Ratty heard exactly the shift in Optimus's voice as Oppy proceeded to double down and throw a flirtatious remark right back.
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spreadwardiard · 2 months
Thoughts on pre war Megop?
Pre-war Megop is like... my bread and butter omg. I spend at least 3/4s of my day thinking about their pre war relationship, how they met, how they got close and then what came between them. Im most familiar with tfp, and i admit that probably most of my thoughts and opinions are based on fanon and headcanon, but its not like tfp really gave us much to go off of in the show, and the aligned books are stupid expensive.
Nonetheless I am absolutely OBSESSED with pre war megop. Its my favorite aspect of the ship to explore. I get stupid sad that they dont get a happily ever after what with the war and all coming between them. I love to explore how their prewar dynamic affects how both of them act during the war itself.
Omg for real i have si many thoughts on pre war megop that its hard to cohesively write them all down. I dont even know really where to start. I have more pre war wips than i care to admit XD. I just love them. I love them being in love with each other. I love the idea of a corrupt council using that love against them and I love to think of ways to salvage that love for them.
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wyrm-with-a-why · 4 months
megop and megasound for the ship asks!
I ship them both!
1.funny I discovered the ship searching optimus versus megatron stuff assuming X meant vs lol
2. Im a sucker for enemies to lovers tropes but I also like their intertwined lore together in prewar times
3.I think Megatron should be the shy one whereas Optimus is the outgoing nerd mfer and Megatron can barely step outside
1.I came across an amv video and the fanarts were cute
2.I love the “good friends”(lovers) trope sm and it’s them. Also Laserbeak is canonically Megatron’s favourite warrior so
3.I like to imagine because Soundwave is quiet and always has a hidden mouth/face that they’re very physically affectionate and touchy feely and Soundwave is the needy one
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kengh0st · 9 months
tfp prewar megop is so funny orion pax's whole personality becomes Twink™️ and i cant even argue with it its just true
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fishleeks · 4 months
I saw your MegOp post haha. Okay what’s your thoughts on pre-war MegOp, the Orion Pax and Megatronus kind?
I think Prewar megop/ Orion Pax X Megatronus has a lot of potential to be interesting! They're very different people with very different experiences and yet they still ended up becoming close. I think the fact they're both very politically driven would make them a terrifying power couple.
That being said, when it's canon compliant, it's not something I gravitate towards cause I like happy endings and they're pretty much doomed to quite literally end in flames. An AU where there is no war, or they dont lead the war themselves could interest me!
In general, I don't tend to bother with Megatron ships of any kind as generally I think he doesn't deserve to be happy ❤️ /j But i know he gets a lot of development in the comics (which I haven't read) so I am expecting my opinion to change some day!
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this is a crack post
i am a multishipper. these are the ships i like and the EXACT flavor i like them in. semi organized? but not really. 
3 very different people who bicker all the damn time and if you try to separate them they will kill you because they are family dammit!!!
starjack (NOW IN 2 FLAVORS!) 
(prime) old, angry, traumatized men. they are covered in scars that they gave each other. and also they are obsessed. 
(idw) starscream is awful and everyone hates him. wheeljack does not. it makes screamer’s heart feel funny. he tries to be not awful but it does not work. wheeljack loves him anyway. 
dysfunctional in every way. but somehow they still… work? they know each other better than anyone. and they fucking hate each other but also they BELONG to each other. their routine at parties is to show up. have a screaming match. steal the silverware. then go home and cuddle. 
everyone else hates them. 
some real rarepair shit right here. stoic optimus gives starscream all of the love + attention + pampering he does not deserve. oppy is SMITTEN. and screamer pretends to abuse his power but really he is sweet on op too. 
two tired old husbands who love each other and their many children very much (self sacrificing idiot x medic vibes) 
my primal brain :/ big strong man protect. tfa usually. sometimes prewar idw. 
now THIS is a hot take. meg struggling to show vulnerability…. op struggling with losing his composure. very spicy. idw or prime. 
“these are my two terrible husbands. they are terrible and i love them” - optimus. this is opstar + megastar + opmeg with a little megop sprinkled on top. a perfect little spicy soup. maximum shippage. 
just some old men in love. poetry and forgiveness. 
self loathing x lonely = unconditional love and acceptance <3
CLASSIC. two awkward idiots feeling understood for the first time in their entire lives. they are so weird but in exactly the same way. 
opposites attract in the best way possible. mini is small and hushed and very insecure. rodimus is big and loud and also very insecure. “THIS IS MY BOY THE MOST SPECIAL OF ALL THE BOyS PLEASE MAKE WAY” -rodimus.
rodimus is on one of those leash backpacks for children. magnus is holding the leash. def spanks him. pining is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!!!! one of them is obsessed and one of them is oblivious. doesn’t matter which. 
ultimate angsty teen rod. (ie: total asshole). thunderclash is smitten. rodimus hates him but also likes him and HATEs that he likes him. they make babies. 
swerve/literally anyone
please god someone love and protect this poor boy he needs reassurance and cuddles 
platonic soulmate vibes except its not platonic. 
cinnamon roll (could kill you) x could kill you (could kill you). they are young hot and commit war crimes
studs/milf (ft droddy) 
imagine like a golddigger 10/10 dating an old man for his money except SHE'S the one with the money and also she's actually head over heels obsessed with him and he is a crotchety old idiot with no idea why. 
mutual pining to the MAX. they are so in love/blind it and it BETTER be painful.
big mad/small happy. PEAK shippage
possibly extremely horny. definitely extremely fluffy. whirl needs love. gate has love (so much love). 
cywhirlgate (OT3 award)
so much angst. SO much angst. (ft ace cyclonus) 
two big guys just… banging each others brains out. or fighting. either works. 
mentally ill tall man gets dommed by tiny husband
so much angst. SO MUCH ANGST! pining angst (storm) x jealousy angst (wind) x and “it’s rotton work” angst (chrome)
chromewindstorm\ /cywhirlgate
tall angsty ace men with 1 small husband and 1 big blue husband who are both unreasonably horny
(this is supposed to be the holding hands meme idk if you can tell) 
angry protective tsundere x shy adorable sunshine 
angry protective tsundere x annoying adorable sunshine (ft!!!! enemies to lovers!!!) 
the scavengers polycule
PEAK found family!! they love each other!!! and protect each other!!! what more could you ask for!!!
combaticons polycule
a bunch of really bad people who do really bad things and if you fuck with any one of them the rest of them will literally kill you. tsunderes in denial. 
“i can fix him” to the 6th power
two majorly messed up guys who have no idea how normal relationships function but are also SOMEHOW making it work?  
strangers to coworkers to friends to lovers to BETRAYAED to enemies to lovers again. very nice. also just a big scary/small speedy dynamic. 
two weird losers who have no idea how normal relationships work and yet they do it perfectly. won “best couple” of the decepticons 4 million years in a row. 
indentured servant pining. undying loyalty. please god, soundwave just wants to get railed. 
big/sleak husbands. love eachother very much <3. tsundere/smitten 
“yes hello this is my terrible husband” -blurr. the swindle thinks he’s sneaky about it but he is not. blurr just loves him anyways.
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mysticfoxdesigns · 6 months
megoplita ship binGO! *finger guns*
Prewar Mgeoplita
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War Megoplita
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I am a divorce arc MegOp person, it such a funny concept to me, but anything during the war is just a no go for me tbh.
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deliriousbug · 2 years
Does anyone else ever get that feeling that our world is teetering so close to the edge of complete and utter doom and OH FUCK I haven’t even finished that one fanfic I’ve been working on for two goddamn years what am I doing with my life? And now I have to go spam write a angsty prewar MegOp bc if the world ends and it’s not done I’m going to hate myself?
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moca-draws · 3 years
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❤︎ 𝓐 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼 ❤︎
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lord-squiggletits · 4 months
in response to your order of a shot of ego boosters:
any of ur megop stuff is my favorite. im reading the one most worthy right now and its scrumptious. scritches the itch, if u will. a real banger.
Oh god TOMW has been abandoned for so long dsklfjsldkflks I think this will be the year I update it I swear
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Normal TFP MegOP's anthem will forever be Die By The Blade by Beast In Black for me.
Inspired by those posts that say Megatron didn't see it like them breaking up, just a change in their relationship. Because he fucking loves fighting Optimus so I guess he expresses that love by trying to kill him.
Okay now I'm exactly gonna go look up that song, and that's a super interesting take on their relationship!
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leapfish · 4 years
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part.1, part.2, part.3, part.4
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