#pretty in pink andie
oliviadempseyart · 1 year
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Duckie shoulda been her man 100%
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costumeloverz71 · 11 months
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Andie Walsh (Molly Ringwald) Blue cardigan, lace top & floral pants.. Pretty In Pink (1986).. Costume by Marilyn Vance.
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slavicprincess1966 · 10 months
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<3🎀 BABYGIRL MODE!!! 🎀<3
all photographs acquired from pinterest, i just put the pretty bows on them <3
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bbyangst · 1 year
Fictional Teen Bedrooms 2
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Andie Walsh - Pretty in Pink 1986
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marypsue · 7 months
My other Pretty In Pink hot take is that it needed a short end credit scene where Iona presents her new conventional look to the guy she changed it for, and he tells her something along the lines of "You look great, you always look great, but I was kind of looking forward to seeing what wild getup you'd be wearing when you came out," and she looks at him and says, "Wait right there!" and vanishes back into her bedroom, and then the next time we see them they're walking down the street arm in arm and he's smiling at her like a besotted idiot and she's proudly wearing the trendy suit with Theda Bara makeup and the Andy Warhol wig.
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sketchysketchiness · 3 months
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Pretty in Pink - She had awesome outfits the whole movie and then she wore THIS to prom? ok whatever
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balladofsallyrose · 1 year
steff x andie excerpts continued [part one]
note: this version of the pretty in pink screenplay contains the original ending, we don't get to read blane yelling at steff at the end, only has their reactions to andie
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[shortened hallway argument]
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steff's reaction at the end !! my god
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[original ending starts] just main excerpts, blane is going to the prom with 'kate' and andie with duckie. added a section from andie's perspective.
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[shortened the conversation, andie showing up reactions]
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seancamerons · 11 months
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pretty in pink in scars remain /💕/ requested by @maya-matlin
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helloparkerrose · 7 months
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fromfilms · 2 years
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pretty in pink (1986): andie walsh icons.
like or reblog.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
watching pretty in pink with eddie (okay, you’re forcing him to, whatever) and he’s just so pleased and warm inside every time it gets to the ending and you start ranting about how they should’ve stuck with the original ending (and the book ending, which you have) and it should’ve been Duckie that Andie was dancing with at the end, Duckie that Andie should’ve ended up with. Duckie, who showed up for Andie in her time of need even though she had left him behind. Duckie who would always be there for her, in any way she needed regardless of how much it hurt him. Not mediocre Blane and his half-assed apology because Eddie feels like that’s the two of you; Duckie and Andie. Sure, Duckie’s a little more effeminate than him, but who the fuck cares? They were perfect for each other. And so are the two of you. He also took a page from Duckie’s book and will try to serenade you in stores, so hope you don’t get embarrassed about public displays of affection cause he can’t contain his love.
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Maybe Duckie and Andie are both gay that’s why they are both dripping with style at their lame school
Like either its wlw and mlm alliance OR they are both bi/pan and in love
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likethedivinefemenine · 2 months
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quotergirl19 · 2 years
I’m liking the idea of season 3 Colin being the perfect blend of Duckie & Blane from Pretty In Pink while Penelope is similar to Andie.
Pen/Andie: A red-headed, unpopular girl whose family has money troubles. She struggles with being bullied by one particularly nasty blonde girl. She has a complex friendship with a boy she’s known for years and she’s also friends with a popular rich boy she likes.
Colin/Duckie: A sweet, charismatic and protective long-time friend of Andie. His feelings towards her are complicated and more than platonic and he struggles with them.
Colin/Blane: A handsome, rich, charming, popular guy who struggles with his sense of self/confidence and how he’s seen by the world, except when he’s with Andie.
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reluctantbylerblog · 1 year
That was like, the whole reason John Hughes even made Some Kind Of Wonderful, specifically so the best friend would end up w the main character bc he was so upset he had to change the ending of pretty in pink lmfao. Some kind of wonderful where the artist boy is into the popular girl but realizes by the end he's actually in love with his tomboy best friend whose been in love w him the whole movie WONDER WHAT THAT SOUNDS LIKE LMFAO
yes! exactly! some kind of wonderful can almost be considered a direct response to the studio interference pretty in pink had.
it's interesting because the cast and crew (with the exception of hughes himself who literally made a whole other movie to make the ending he really wanted!) all sort of stubbornly stand by the ending in the movie. I think it's more a matter of pride at this point, because the legacy of the movie is marred by the ending. any time anyone mentions pretty in pink without a doubt someone always says, “she should have ended up with duckie!” which must sting when they were forced to change it to begin with.
sadly I think there was also some form of pretty privilege going on where the actor for duckie simply wasn't considered attractive enough to “get the girl” even if narratively it makes so much more sense. 👀👀 sound familiar?? (btw I think homophobic anti-bylers give off a similar but more insidious vibe imo.)
molly ringwald even said she thought if they had cast robert downey jr. (the first choice for duckie) she thought the original ending would have worked 🙄 just seems reminiscent of how if will was a girl no one would bat an eye at thinking it has a chance at being endgame
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I've seen "Pretty in Pink" many times, and every time I watch it, I still can't understand why people love Steff so much. Sure, he's attractive but he's a terrible person. He's such an asshole and I don't want to hear the excuse "Oh, he's only mean to Andie because he likes her" because that's bullshit!! He's such a bully and he acts like a little brat because his shitty ass got rejected by Andie, and he can't stand the fact that she likes Blane instead of a douchebag like him!!"
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