#pregnancy bug
ghouljams · 7 months
ghoul im begging you please give us regency gaz and birdie please please please please ple
It is a wonder you've managed to avoid marriage this long. Your mother has tried, good lord she's tried, but to no avail. It seems like men only like you as long as you don't open your mouth, and you're not very good at being quiet and demure. Really you're a terrible lady, but you're not too broken up about it, you have no dreams of settling down. So it's really quite terrible that you run into Gaz.
Literally run into him. He catches you tight and keeps you upright as you flee from your most recent --and most determined-- suitor. It's his smile you notice first when you turn your attention full to him. No longer looking over your shoulder at your pursuer, but staring up at your apparent warden. He smiles at you, grins, and it doesn't feel polite or gentlemanly. It feels like he's sharing a private joke with you. He glances over your head and spins you to face your determined suitor. You're a little worried he's going to throw you back in until his lips touch your ear.
"Keep your elbow tight to your side, and twist with your hips-" His hand curls your fingers into a fist, "make sure to aim for the nose." You try to turn and ask what he's doing, but he gives you a firm pat on the ass, and on instinct you swing your fist. It cracks beautifully into your suitor's nose and he crumbles forward to hold the wound with shaking fingers.
Your eyes light up at the blood that drips from under his hand, the red ache on your knuckles. Adrenaline surges in your system. Holy Fuck that felt good. Your reputation is going to be ruined. Your mother is going to kill you. What else can you hit?
"Beautiful," The man behind you laughs, his hands smooth over your hips and you shiver, "Be keeping you." Your suitor glares and your savior makes a shooing motion with his hand. "Run away mate, save me some trouble."
Your former suitor leaves swearing, and you catch the end of a rude gesture from your savior. When he finally takes his hands off you, you turn to give him the same treatment. He catches your fist easily, and kisses your bruised knuckles.
"Kyle Garrick," He tells you politely, and you finally take in the neatly pressed uniform, the medals, the warm mischief in his eyes.
"Garrick," you repeat, he hums. Shit, you heard Goose talking about- "You're with the Captain's prodigy." Oh you could light yourself on fire for this. Kyle raises a brow, his smile growing.
"The very same," His eyes dart to your hand, thumb soothing over your red knuckles, "your husband too."
"What?" You must have misheard him, he meets your eye with the same determined mischief. Those are eyes you could happily wake up to.
"I'm going to marry you," He rephrases, leaving no room for error, or disagreement, "court you first, but by then-" he kisses your hand again, more purposefully, warmer in a way that makes your breath catch, "-hopefully you'll say yes."
"And what if I say no?" You should, but something in the way he looks at you makes you pause. Something in the way he coached you through your punch, like he was hoping you'd do it. Approving of it.
"Hadn't thought of that," Kyle laughs dropping your hand, you miss the warmth as soon as it's gone, "suppose I'll just have to keep asking."
You hardly think that'll be necessary, you don't think anyone, man or woman, can say no to Kyle. The same way he's sure he's never seen anyone like you, never felt this immediate spark to keep you close, to know you. You've got a mean right hook, and the prettiest smile he's ever seen. A smarter man might ask what sort of lady runs across the promenade to get away from a suitor. Well, perhaps a dumber man. A smart man wouldn't fall for someone he thought couldn't misbehave, and Gaz is a very smart man.
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braveburattino · 10 months
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Feast of the Flies
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puppygrldrool2 · 4 months
sorry my pussy throbbed like that when you asked if i wanted you to fuck a baby into me and make me a mommy haha lol idk why that happened
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transbeeduo · 3 months
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silly thang
OHHHHHH MY GODDDDD LITTLE THANGGGGGG little bug embryo…. Love their little kitty face….
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lemon-shortbread · 11 months
Stoic, tough, strong dudes who're usually pretty distant with affection getting really moody and cuddly the further they get into their pregnancy.
Quietly walking up behind their partners to be close to them, their partner unknowingly backing up and feeling their boy's belly behind them.
Finding their partner while they're doing some work or something and cuddling them from behind because they're feeling clingy, telling them "the little guy missed you or something."
The partner trying to get comfortable when the two go to bed, because now not only does the guy insist on holding them as they sleep, but now there's a heavy belly they need to maneuver around.
Them going out to do some errands, or work or classes and getting a selfie of their slightly pouty, round lover and a text saying "come back home, we miss you"
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sonofdracula · 2 months
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ID: A colored digital drawing of a heavily pregnant woman wearing a blue dress with a floral pattern and standing with her hand on her belly. She has brown skin and curly brown hair tied partly back, and she's wearing glasses and dark blue eye make-up. End ID.
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0rb0t · 1 month
New ultrasound done! so she's actually NOT horizontal, but a little bit diagonal, and she's in the right direction (head down), which is great! Got to see her actual face today 🥺 so cute
she did a little smile and then a little grimace while sucking her thumb
turns out what i thought was her butt is actually the placenta which she keeps kicking into my ribs LMAO
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 30, Round 1
Vote for your favorite:
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Propaganda under the cut. (cw pregnancy mention, bugs)
Love is a monster. "it's a beautiful romance film that has a wonderful body horror twist!! from one of my favorite director pairings, these guys always knock it out of the park and this film is a rollercoaster of emotions."
Slither Slug it out. "oh my god just watch like five minutes from the middle of this film if you want disgusting gore. There’s puss there’s this fucked up pregnant creature thing that just keeps eating until it pretty much explodes, there’s little slug things (?) that, well. Slither and try to enter people. it’s gross."
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futurebird · 5 months
Born pregnant.
Aphid 1: So, I said, 'if you aren't going to pierce move over!' But she--
Aphid 2: Hold on, having a baby.
Aphid 1: Oh sorry.
Aphid 2: Ungh!
Aphid 1: Nice one! But, back to my story, do you think I'm being unreasonable?
Aphid 2: Oh no!
Aphid 1: Oh. Now I'm having one! Ungh!
Aphid 2: *whispers* Uh oh. Ant!
Ant: Are those wings??
Aphid 1 & 2: No.
Ant: Those are wings. Ima bite em off.
Aphid 2: But I'm pregnant!
Aphid 1: I'm, in labor!
Ant: oh--
Aphid 1 & 2's babies: Us too!
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apricote · 11 months
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berriusagi · 2 years
Stomach Bug Masterlist
Rating: Teen and Up
Word count: 64,779
Summary: Marinette and Damian try to keep their relationship secret from their two families but that all goes up in smoke when Marinette comes down with a stomach bug. Marinette is panicking, Harley and Ivy are supportive, Damian is happy, the batfam is insane.
This series has been discontinued in it’s current form! I loved writing this but I am not happy with the quality of the work and as such I have chosen to not continue this version of it. I am working on a rewrite and will post the chapters once I am finished! If you want to be added to the tag list just let me know I will be posting both on here and on Ao3 but it will be a long while before I post anything as I want to have a decent chunk of the story done before I begin posting.
Chapters under the cut
One: Morning Sickness
Two: Dinner Announcement
Three: Future Plans
Four: Afternoon Date
Five: Late Night Sewing
Six: Faming Bonding: Dick
Seven: Family Bonding: Jason
Eight: Family Bonding: Bruce
Nine: Family Bonding: Alfred
Ten: Doctor’s Visit 
Eleven: Family Shenanigan’s 
Twelve: Home for the Holidays 
Thirteen: Memory Lane 
Fourteen: Girl’s Day 
Fifteen: Christmas Day 
Sixteen: New Year 
Seventeen: First Sound 
Eighteen: First Movement 
Nineteen: Boy’s Day 
Twenty: The Winning Class 
Twenty-One: Ground Rules 
Twenty-Two: Jet Lag 
Twenty-Three: Old Friend 
Twenty-Four: Baby Shower 
Tag List
@myazael @beautiful-disasters-sunshine @moonlightstar64 @moonlitceleste @stainedglassm  @casual-darkness @mochegato @ultimatetornshipper @heemsanddamemes @nathleigh @qualitypeacepainter @raven-frost-21 @maskedpainter @demonicbusiness @dood-space @trippingovermyfeet @emimar7 @indecisive-mess-named-me @changelinggarden @zerotosiki @alysrose-starchild @s-and-n @wolf2118 @athena452 @jjmjjktth @eliza-bich @solangelo252 @icerosecrystal @heinrode @Junarvion @babylovebug18 @animegirlweeb @corporeal-terrestrial @grouchycritic7794 @lady-bee-fechin @pepelachanel @kashlyn @marimause-15 @missanalysis @varianscarlet @toodaloo-kangaroo
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transbeeduo · 4 months
ermmmmm anyways,,,, thinking about little tiny little baby bug using tubbo as their bed. snuggling into his chest fluff and the mane on his back and his big fluffy goat legs and kneading happily because it smells safe and feels safe and warm and nice... imagining how it would've happened right after bug was born and tubbo was so fucked up from hormones and surgery that he began heavily crying RAAAAGHHHH i also think Bug goes to sleep with its parents whenever they have a nightmare imagine c!bee cuddled around bug to keep them safe NOW!!!! Points at you
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heartlessmonsterlover · 7 months
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do you care her?
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 2 months
Sometimes I forget that not everyone knows about roly poly babies and stuff
Like most people probably don't know that roly polies are born itsy bitsy and pure white, then have their first molt (wait do people even know that roly polies molt-) 24 hours later and get a little black spot on their back
Most people probably don't know that female roly polies lay 20-50 tiny golden eggs into a see-through pouch on their underside and you can see the little eggs in their if she rolls over, and that once they hatch the pouch looks white instead of gold because you can see the tiny white babies
Most people also probably don't know how to tell a male and female role poly apart for that matter...
But then I had to go and get hyperfixated on roly polies four years ago, so now I'm just stuck with this knowledge forever
(bonus fun fact: roly polies are crustaceans and have gills, they need a damp environment or they dry out but they also still drown when submerged so really they're just a little bit cringefail. I love this fact about them way too much)
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oflostinfound · 1 year
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ You know you're getting weird craving when your brain says something along the lines of "You know what would be good right now? Sea salted crickets and the rarest steak known to man or daemon" ❞
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ Worst part is I got unnecessarily grumpy when I realize we don't keep meat in the house and we didn't have any sea salted crickets. I've only had those once on a dare and I used to think they were disgusting. ❞
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ Guess I'll have some tea and peanut butter toast or something. ❞
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0rb0t · 2 months
Tonight Bug says PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH as usual. She's definitely getting bigger, I'm constantly wondering if I have enough room left for her. 🤔 I feel like those overripe oranges that just shlop apart if you grab them.
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