#potus bunny
fawnsmilk · 6 months
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girls don’t want boyfriends, girls want forever 21 and j stores to make faux fawn fur coats again
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Profiles in History - Two presidents I think we can all agree on, Abrahare Lincoln and George Washingduck. Happy Presidents’ Day!
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As far back as Your Humble Narrator can remember, I've loved PEZ. What's not to love, after all? It's a delicious candy--you may recall that Vern, in Stand By Me, had no doubt that he could subsist on nothing but cherry flavored PEZ for the rest of his life--and it's a toy. It's a toy that gives you candy.
Invented in Austria in the 1920s and originally marketed to adults as a substitute for tobacco, PEZ--the word is a compression of the German pfefferminz, or peppermint--began to sell dispensers with character heads for children in the 1950s and became an international brand. Of the many PEZ dispensers I had as a kid, I particularly prized the Halloweeny skulls and ogres, so I was delighted when The Wife found these Halloween mini-dispensers...
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...to hand out for trick-or-treat this year.
As an adult, the first item I ever bid on and won on eBay was an old-school PEZ Easter Bunny with a curiously grave and sober expression; I've always referred to him as "Frowny Bunny," and he still lives on my desk...
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This coming Friday, October 21, a documentary called The PEZ Outlaw, chronicling a particularly strange episode in the history of PEZ collecting, debuts on VOD; it's also slated to play at the Alice Gill-Sheldon Theatre in Sedona starting on October 28.
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More on that remarkable film in a later post, but with all this PEZ-iness on my mind, the time has come to discuss my monument.
That's right, my monument.
A few years ago, in the depths of the previous Presidential administration, I hit upon an inspiration one day for a piece of public art. Not little piece, a big piece. An epic piece. A monument, carved into the side of a mountain. I'm not saying it would have needed to be on the scale of South Dakota's Mount Rushmore, but maybe one third the size, or one fifth. Maybe poor North Dakota could find a hillside somewhere, and offer an alternative to tourists.
Then one day, haunting a junkshop, I found something that made me revise my grandiose plans. Why allow a modern-day Gutzon Borglum to vandalize another perfectly lovely natural rockface, after all, and spend millions of public dollars and many years, when I could realize my idea on my own, for a few lousy bucks worth of PEZ?
What I had come across, you see, were a few random PEZ dispensers that I didn't know existed, depicting the Presidents of the United States. They were from a "PEZ Education Series" launched about a decade ago, issued in sets of five POTUS Dispensers at a time, starting with Washington and culminating with Obama (Obama's successor, mercifully, has not been officially PEZzed at this writing). So between that original haul and a bit of eBaying, over a few months I was able to obtain:
Franklin Pierce (served 1853-1857); who opposed the Abolitionist movement, signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, enforced the Fugitive Slave Act, made a failed attempt to annex Cuba; the first and to date the only elected incumbent President not re-nominated by his own party...
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James Buchanan (1857-1861); who continued Pierce's bungling and opposition to Abolition (despite claiming he was personally opposed to slavery), leading to the Secession of the southern states and making the Civil War inevitable...
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Warren Gamaliel Harding (1921-1923); who filled his administration with crooked cronies that were implicated in multiple scandals, most famously the Teapot Dome oil lease affair which resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall...
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...and our own era's George W. Bush (2001-2009); who ignored security warnings about terrorist attacks before 9/11 and lied us into interminable wasteful wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in that tragedy's wake...
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My fellow Americans, I give you...
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Dismal as they were, any of these four men, and any number of other Presidential hacks and bums and paranoids, would have been preferable to President 45. Decidedly preferable. Harding's offenses, most of them possibly unwitting on his part and only revealed after his untimely death in office, seem particularly quaint by 45's standards.
Thus my MRCT45 Monument stands tall--albeit only about 5 inches tall, and only on my desk--in symbolic tribute to all those who, though they may be inept clowns or moral cowards or shady creeps, still have some consideration, some tiny modicum of regard, some vague sense of responsibility, for their country, for the world, or for any human being other than themselves. It's a (dimly) shining memorial to the barest minimum in human decency.
Just so there's no misunderstanding, I should hasten to note that when I say these guys would be preferable, I mean that they would be preferable, as men. I'm not remotely suggesting, of course, that the social conditions and norms of the times in which they served would be preferable to the social conditions and norms of our times.
The toughest of these dispensers to find, by the way, was W. Bush; perhaps because he was part of the same set as Obama, and I wasn't willing to pay the upwards of $100 that this set goes for online. Finally I hunted him up, along with the other two non-Obama members of that set, presumably from a split-up set on eBay (the fifth dispenser in that box is of the Presidential Seal).
While scrounging to complete my grand vision, I did also accumulate a good bench of other Presidential mediocrities and rascals. I'd still like a Nixon, in case anybody wants to know what to get me for Christmas. But I have scored William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Herbert Hoover (a close also-ran for Harding's spot), Bill Clinton and W. Bush's Dad H. W. Bush...
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Compared to 45, I need hardly say, they all seem monument-worthy...
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hydt3 · 6 years
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The Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire version of the Energizer Bunny (aka: Sanctuary Senator Dianne “The Chinese Connection” Feinstein) continues her blatant Intolerant, Racist, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democrat, Urban Plantation Owner, Obstruct & Resist - HYPOCRISY!
Drain the swamp - MAGA! Build that damn WALL!
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
“In Full Flight”: an HYH recap
The most delightful Homeland episode since “Two Minutes” picks up with Mike, Jenna (in a chambray shirt), and Alan in Kabul station, observing drone footage of Carrie, Yevgeny, and crew. Jenna deduces that they’re probably going to Kohat, and she is correct for the first time all season.
Mike asks about an exfiltration team from Islamabad but they won’t be there until later tonight. Saul interrupts their pow-wow to ask what’s going on:
Saul: What is this about grabbing Carrie Mathison? Mike: Oh, hello, sir. Let’s go into my office. Saul: Fuck your office and fuck you, too. What are y’all talking about? Mike: No problem, sir. A special ops team is planning to grab Carrie. You know, because she’s a defector. Saul: FOR FUCK’S SAKE SHE IS NOT A DEFECTOR. Actually she’d be right here telling you that herself if you hadn’t cornered her like an animal three hours ago without telling me. Mike: Actually actually she was supposed to be back in America like a week ago but then she broke custody and started her adventure with a GRU officer. Now they’re out there doing God knows what. Sir.  Saul: I’ll tell you what they’re doing. They’re finding the flight recorder. Mike: What’s a flight recorder? Saul: I can’t believe I’m still having this conversation with you. Do any of y’all have brains or critical thinking skills? Mike: By the way, sir, you’ve been called back to DC. Saul: Fuck my whole life. Fuck all of you too.
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Carrie and Yevgeny are very much on their way to Kohat. It’s been just a few hours since Carrie turned her back on Saul and her loaded expression as she stares out the window is very much “questioning all my past life decisions.” That could take a while, Carrie!
Carrie and Yevgeny arrive in Kohat and begin driving under a series of … I have no idea what they are, basically overhangs in the street so you can’t tell where their car is. It’s very “From A to B and Back Again” when Quinn lost Haqqani in the classic baseball stadium game “Which hat is the ball under?” trick. The team in Kabul is annoyed and prepares for a grid search.
Carrie & Co. are checking into a hotel for the night. Yevgeny makes a very obvious performance of leading Carrie to her room and what ensues is the most sexually tense scene on this show… ever. First he offers her some Ambien and Carrie cracks a joke for the first time in eight years and says she could open up a pharmacy of her own.
She apologizes for not telling him about the flight recorder sooner. At first it was all personal, she needed to find Max, she couldn’t focus on anything else. Yevgeny asks what she thinks actually happened to the presidents’ helicopter, since she certainly doesn’t believe Jalal was involved. She thinks it was probably just a freak accident: pilot error, mechanical failures, shitty weather, any or all of the above. Then she reveals that detail from the fifth episode, that the Black Hawk fleet has had a series of mechanical issues. Oh, I should add that this conversation all takes place in the doorway of Carrie’s hotel room and every fifteen seconds or so Carrie and/or Yevgeny glance back toward the bed. You can cut the sexual tension with a knife.
Yevgeny asks if there are any more secrets she’s been keeping from him. She smiles, pauses… it’s the most interesting moment. Then she says very quietly, “I think I’m fresh out of secrets.” They stare at each other for a long time, Yevgeny probably wondering if Carrie is going to invite him in and Carrie probably wondering if Yevgeny can take a fucking hint. Finally, I exhale, and Yevgeny says to just “bang on the wall” if Carrie needs anything, which at least elicits a laugh.
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Elsewhere in Pakistan, a Pakistani military officer named Aziz has come to see Bunny to ask just where the fuck Tasneem is. Aziz is pissed because Tasneem was supposed to control the Taliban—first Haissam, then Jalal—and her “incompetence” has led to the Americans threatening to invade. Bunny is the opposite of worried. The Americans are all talk, no bite. They won’t actually invade Pakistan for failing to produce a man they claim they can’t find. I guess he hasn’t met John Zabel. Anyway, he says Tasneem is off to find Jalal somewhere in the mountains.
Instead, she actually meets (Haissam) Haqqani’s right-hand. She is beyond pissed that he just let Jalal control the shura last week. This is all so fucked. He doesn’t have much of a response, beyond, “well, he was the emir’s son, so I guess so?” He offers to take Tasneem to Jalal but only if she puts a hood over her head and lemme tell ya, Tasneem is none too pleased about that either!
It’s the next morning in Kohat and Carrie and Yevgeny really are going shopping, just like the logline said. They’re winding their way through the bazaars on the street but still no luck finding this flight recorder. Enter A Kid. He’s all “pardon me, excuse me,” and Yevgeny puts on his best Dad Hat and tells him to get lost. It’s very touching. Then he says he knows what they’re looking for, which is enough to get their attention.
He takes them to a shop where Mr. Shop Owner #1 is like, “Hi, do you like flight recorders? Because I’ve got lots!” Unfortunately he doesn’t have the one they’re looking for and he also seems pretty skittish because a) what the hell are a Russian and an American doing together? and b) is this official government business or something private or, like… just generally what the hell?
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Saul has arrived back to DC and meets Hayes in the Oval Office with our favorite Odd Couple, Linus and Zabel (this should really be the name of a sitcom). Saul passively aggressively says he knows of Zabel “by reputation.” Aside from that jab, the meeting unfortunately goes from meh to ugh to wtf for Saul. He has to play bad cop and tell Hayes that the video of Jalal is unvetted intelligence, completely lacking in context, and probably just a straight-up lie. Hayes has the expression of someone who’s never followed Thought A to Thought B—which is true, obviously—and Zabel has to jump in to say of course POTUS has already done the Thought A to Thought B exercise, he just arrived at a different conclusion. You know, mine! The best part of all THIS is that as Saul grows increasingly incredulous at the conversation, Linus sits there, silently, looking like he’d like to be swallowed up by an alligator. Afterward:
Saul: Wow a bit of warning would have been helpful. Or maybe just an assist there, Linus. Linus: I didn’t even know you were coming back. I’m outside the ~information flow~ Saul: God, we’re so fucked. Linus: I wish I’d get swallowed by an alligator.
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Back in Kohat, Carrie has entered another shop, this time sans Yevgeny. This one proves a bit more fruitful. She actually finds Max’s rucksack, which means that flight recorder had to have been here recently. Mr. Shop Owner #2 feigns ignorance, but Carrie is relentless.
Yevgeny enters all of a sudden to let her know that that special ops team from Islamabad is here, so they need to get out of there, pronto. He leaves quickly to lose the tail and instructs her to go back to the hotel and wait. His absence gives her the perfect opportunity to keep grilling Mr. Shop Owner #2, whom I actually love and seems really sweet. Poor guy is just no match for Carrie. He finally reveals the flight recorder was there but he sold it to a broker he works with. Carrie offers him a lot of money to find the broker and get the flight recorder back there for a trade at midnight.
Tasneem gets the black hood off her head in exchange for an audience with Jalal, but homie remains pissed. Jalal is sort of confused at her reaction. A few episodes ago she was plotting to put Jalal in the place he’s currently in. What changed? Well, for starters, now the Americans are threatening to invade Pakistan. She says he’s got to go to ground, but he refuses to run.
Jalal: Who do you think I am? Tasneem: You’re the loser whom I picked up on the side of the road. I bandaged your feet and listened to you crying about your daddy issues for hours. Jalal: You think that you control us. Actually it’s the other way around.
He leads her up to a rooftop where hundreds of Taliban fighters have gathered. He says the last time the ISI got in the way, they killed a thousand of their officers on the street. And now they’re twice as strong, so you do the math. Tasneem has a general “oh fuck” expression on her face and… same.
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In Kohat, Yevgeny finally shows back up in Carrie’s hotel room. He reveals that eight men are hunting her and they need to leave, now. She says they can’t, as they haven’t found the flight recorder yet. Of course we know Carrie has found it—and in hindsight, at this point Yevgeny probably does as well—but she needs to stick around a few more hours to make the trade. For a split second you think maybe Carrie is going to preoccupy Yevgeny for a few hours in her bedroom but instead she calls Jenna.
Carrie: Hey, how’s it going? Jenna: OH MY GOD I STILL HATE YOU. Carrie: Chill for a second. Also I know you’re walking toward Mike and do yourself a favor and pause and just listen to me. Jenna: Ugh, fine, I’m listening. Carrie: I need you to give up the location of the exfil team that’s looking for me. Jenna: Are you high? Carrie: I am not, but you are if you think this will end up any other way than me convincing you. Jenna: You’re putting me in an impossible position. Carrie: You must do this. I compel you. Jenna: If I give up their location, you’ll turn yourself in there? Carrie: “Sure.” Jenna: Ok I’ll call you back.
This entire conversation transpires with Yevgeny sitting on the sofa in Carrie’s hotel room, legs crossed. It’s… I’ll be honest, it’s hot. When Carrie hangs up he applauds her performance and says she was clever and convincing. That’s right, Carrie played Jenna… again. Again! Again again again!
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Carrie is kinda down on selling out her own people but Yevgeny says she did it for all the right reasons and in any case, the local police will only hold them for a day (uhhhh yeah right). He starts to compliment her strong instincts. He really respects her for that.
“Why, how do you do it?” Carrie asks.
“Me? I am more of a planner,” Yevgeny answers.
The alarm bells start ringing in her head and Carrie asks him all speaking of which whether he arranged for them to “run into each other” outside G’ulom’s office way back in the season premiere (show time: 10 days???). Before he can answer, Jenna rings back and tells Carrie the safe house location. Carrie says “you did the right thing” and the amount of self-disgust in her expression for this just being too fucking easy is … significant.
A few minutes later, Mike is on the phone with one of the special ops team members in the Kohat safe house. Local police have surrounded the building. Exasperated, Mike tells them to stand down. One by one, they file out and are led into custody. Jenna watches in horror and the amount of self-disgust in her expression for this just being her life is… also significant.
In Rawalpindi, Tasneem is at Bunny’s house and freaking out. Jalal has consolidated power extremely quickly. She’s concerned, but Bunny says they just need to take him out, root and branch. Bunny is offended by the prospect of being ordered around by a smarmy teenager but Tasneem thinks they need to protect him. If Pakistan protects Jalal, they’ll protect themselves too. And they need to respond to the Americans not with concessions but with threats just as strong. Remember when they were three minutes away from a generation-defining peace agreement?
Back in her hotel room, Carrie is growing restless. She decides to get some fresh air and by that I mean she jumps out the window to get the show on the fucking road. On the way she calls Saul, to whom she is apparently still speaking. She asks if their protocols for transferring money over the dark web are still a go and he says yes. She says she’s got a lead on the black box and he promises to arrange the funds ASAP.  
Carrie winds up back at Mr. Shop Owner #2’s shop. Mr. Shop Owner #1 is there, too! Plus the broker. They do a little thing, Carrie says she won’t pay any more than $999,999, she is very In Charge and it’s pretty great to see. Not that we needed any more convincing, but the kind of instincts and improvisation Yevgeny admired just a few hours earlier are on full display here. She knows exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. It’s breathtaking.
What’s also breathtaking is Carrie doing something correctly with a computer. Apparently the black box just hooks up to her Macbook with a USB-C cord… whoulda thunk?! After pulling a gun on Mr. Broker and telling him to beat it, she starts listening to the cockpit recording.
Then Yevgeny arrives! She starts to apologize but he stops her—he just wants to listen. They each share an earbud like goddamn Jim and Pam and continue listening. Turns out, Carrie was right. No one shot down that helicopter. A freak mechanical malfunction, “brace for impact,” etc. “Fucking helicopters,” Yevgeny says.
Carrie attempts a segue and says, “So… what now?” She wants to get this to the embassy in Islamabad. He wants to do the opposite of that. Then Carrie starts on him. Maybe he’s not such a bad guy after all. Maybe he’s actually… good.
Carrie: Plus, I’d owe you a favor. Yevgeny: Carrie, if I drop you off at the embassy I’ll literally never see you again. Carrie: Not true. I won’t betray my country, but I’d still move to Scottsdale with you. Yevgeny: I still don’t believe you. Carrie: Why not? You’ve already helped me a ton, and it’s cost you nothing! There has to be a way where we can make a “mutually beneficial arrangement.” Yevgeny: Is that what they’re calling it these days? Carrie: What? Yevgeny: What? Carrie: …anyhow, aren’t you sick of all this bullshit? Shitty bosses, shitty politicians, clearly the current way of business isn’t working for us. We could do better. You and me. We could chart something new here. You and me. God, we’re already halfway there! Yevgeny: Our own private network, huh? That would be nice, but it’s a pipe dream. Also, I like what you’re saying, but you still lied to me. Carrie: Technically, I just withheld the truth. Which is exactly what you did to me. Yevgeny: Heh? Carrie: The asylum, Yevgeny. What actually happened? We just took long walks in the woods and shared our life stories and you just happened to be the there the day I tried to hang myself? Give me a fucking break.
She moves closer and mentions the whole “picking up where we left off” thing. Well, will he or won’t he? Because she’s already decided.
There is a long pause and then they start making out. It’s exactly what you’d expect it would be, by which I mean it’s really hot! The scene is fraught with the unknown. How much are they playing each other? How much are they being genuine? Like Carrie says, they’re living in the grey areas. And who’s the first to blink?
Evidently it’s Carrie. After a few moments she breaks away and says they need to wait until after Islamabad. “Ok,” he says quietly. She tries to kiss him again, but he pulls ever so slightly away.
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She hops off the table and begins to pack up the flight recorder. At that moment, he stabs her in the neck from behind with a tranquilizer. “Sorry, baby,” he says as she falls unconscious.
In DC, Saul is waiting anxiously by the phone. It rings. It’s not Carrie, but Linus. Everyone’s in the situation room, there’s some sort of activity in one of Pakistan’s nuclear facilities. Saul’s day goes from bad to worse.
In the situation room, resident hottie Scott Ryan is giving a PowerPoint presentation about said activity. Hayes is trying to understand literally anything that’s happening. Zabel explains that Pakistan only has the nukes in the first place to defend against a possible invasion from India. They’ll never actually use them. Saul growls that that’s because India isn’t fucking stupid enough to invade Pakistan. Hayes is beginning to understand the whole concept of “consequences” but before his mind can dwell on that for too long, he decides to just up the ante. More troops, more preparations for war, more of the same.
Saul’s day is not possibly as bad as Carrie’s has wound up. Yevgeny carries her, still unconscious, back into the hotel room. He places her gingerly on the bed and then kisses her forehead. He shuts off the lights as the camera moves in slowly on her her peacefully sleeping face.
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thesochill · 7 years
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fawnsmilk · 7 months
when will we as girls revolt against Abercrombie and Fitch, Victoria’s secret’s and Liz Lisa until they go back to producing their hyper feminine 2000s dolly clothes again?
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fawnsmilk · 7 months
like the women in classic literature i also might die from a lack of pillows and missing slippers
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skippyv20 · 5 years
LOL I’m dying over here. MM and herd is pushing the racist card so hard, it’s hilarious. We call it “4 am talking points” here in the states. At 4:00 am all the news channels receive the “story” of the day with key words to chirp. Currently, ironically, POTUS too is racist. No matter what channel you turn to, or what the content of the conversation is, everything is summed up as racist. You like anchovies on your pizza? Racist! You buy a white dog? Racist! You enjoy travel, reading and photography? Racist! Yes, it is THAT ridiculous. Once upon a time that word was a powerful weapon used very successfully to control and manipulate the masses. We’re even being told if we support POTUS we’re racist. Well, I’ve got news for MM and her little sheeples. It doesn’t work anymore, nobody cares, everyone see’s right through it. In fact, it is no longer a secret that the ONLY people who are truly racist are the accusers. And lemme just finish this by saying half of my family is black. Half my friends, neighbors, and co-workers are black. I cherish them all and don’t have a racist bone in my body. I do, however, loath and despise liars, thieves, and despots. I’m not sneaky about it either. I love and support our POTUS openly and with tremendous pride. I despise MM openly, her quest for fame and power has hit a brick wall and she’s about to come tumbling down, taking her sugar sheeples with her. What a celebration that will be! And one last note for anyone wondering, here in the States MM is not popular. Outside of LA she’s hardly even known. It used to drive me crazy that I literally had no one to talk to about all this because no one is interested. At best, she is known as Princess Diana’s youngest son’s wife. If I spent the day today asking people wherever I went if they knew MM, the vast majority of replies would be “who?” I believe she tries to give her sugar bunnies the impression that she is globally famous, a super star like PD, but she is genuinely an absolute nobody here.
Thank you!  Great post!😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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bunnyvelvetbounces · 5 years
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Here's a sneak-preview of a round-bottomed country bunny I'm working on, inspired by the Potus song, "Peaches." Enjoy this lil cutie chowing down on a basket of "sun-soaked bulges in the shade."
If you want to get updates about my art, hop on over to my Ko-fi page. I'll see you there! 🐇
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profoundpaul · 2 years
Elder Abuse? Footage Reveals 79-Year-Old Biden Was Confused, Didn't Immediately Recognize Bunny at Easter Event
The viral video footage speaks for itself.
The camera captures the moment when the supposed leader of the free world became shocked and lost at the sight of a costumed aide, before awkwardly shuffling off.
There’s been much discussion of how much handling Joe Biden needs in his presidential appearances, and the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House was another one of those occasions. But this time, there was a camera close to the man’s face, which recorded as Biden was visibly stunned by the intervention of a large rabbit.
Joe Biden quickly interrupted by the Easter Bunny after he starts to comment on #Afghanistan and #Pakistan at the White House #EasterEggRoll
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— Thomas C. Dillon (@craigtdillon) April 18, 2022
The look of evident horror in Biden’s eyes at that moment is mirrored in the eyes of the American people every day, as we are forced to watch this pantomime of a presidency play out.
It turns out the wascally wabbit was a White House communications staffer, probably Director of Message Planning Meghan Hayes. No doubt it is very challenging to plan any message with Biden around. Hayes has her work cut out for her.
.@POTUS @FLOTUS SURPRISE! pic.twitter.com/tE1dvRYkj6
— Meghan Hays (@MegHays46) April 18, 2022
Try to imagine the serious, high-level planning and coordination that must have gone in to setting this event up.
Try to imagine how desperate the situation must be, if that was the best plan formulated: Hayes will don a bunny suit and get into the scrum to make sure Biden didn’t wander too far.
Hayes needed to keep Biden out of trouble. The administration does not want another senior moment that almost causes World War III, or any inappropriate enthusiasm interacting with kids.
Was the bunny costume an attempt to remain discrete, and blend in? If so, it worked as well as all of Biden’s other policies. It was an embarrassing catastrophe.
Especially when the rabbit had to throw herself, arms waving, between Biden and the reporters he was starting to speak to. Hayes sent Biden scurrying off, looking upset.
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The really horrifying moment here is understanding how surprised Biden seemed at seeing the Easter Bunny at an Easter event. It suggests poor situational awareness.
Biden’s gaffes are not funny; they are tragic, for him and for us. When Biden is garbling his sentences, being weirdly racist, or inflaming world tensions, it is clear he is in no condition to lead. It’s a form of elder abuse to use him as such an incompetent puppet.
Speaking of poor situational awareness, a rabbit turned up at a Monday White House news briefing, too. (Presumably also a member of the communications team, though clearly different from the one that herded Biden in the Rose Garden.)
Videos: White House Easter Egg Event Exposes Just How Far Biden Has Slipped
The White House staff decided to double down on failure, the usual Biden strategy.
The post Elder Abuse? Footage Reveals 79-Year-Old Biden Was Confused, Didn't Immediately Recognize Bunny at Easter Event appeared first on The Western Journal.
source https://www.westernjournal.com/elder-abuse-footage-reveals-79-year-old-biden-confused-didnt-immediately-recognize-bunny-easter-event/
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agendabonsai12 · 2 years
Melania Trump To Launch Potus Trump Nft Collection On Presidents Day
Melania Trump just lately announced a particular POTUS NFT collection. "Autograph's group is at the forefront of digital collectibles and enhancing the fan experience around NFTs, and I'm thrilled to be a half of the model new era of accumulating," Woods mentioned in a statement. "It will allow me to grow nearer to my fan base and I'm looking ahead to seeing that all followers have the opportunity to take part." NFTs enable entrepreneurs to engage their most passionate prospects with unique virtual belongings that construct model awareness while creating worth for both brands and their customers. Connecting with influencers to co-create and promote NFTs is an opportunity for manufacturers to create value rapidly inside established NFT markets. Today’s NFT market has things like pixelated punks and bored apes actually selling for tens of millions of dollars. The CryptoPunk project has been featured in respected media outlets such as the New York Times. PoC & MVP development We will show together that DLT can bring tangible results to your organization. Complete project development We might be your end-to-end technical partner. Copy and paste the ETH Address into the app upon adding it to your hyperlink in bio. From here, you presumably can change the name of the gallery and add a thumbnail of your choice. Used in a few of Julian’s earliest performances at Kingsmead School in Hoylake, this was considered one of his favorite guitars as a result of it had a short neck and was simpler to play. A gift from his father, it holds a special place in his collection. MonkeyBucks ($MBS) can be bought from exchanges and used to breed monkeys and buy in-game items from the sport retailer. Each Monkey NFT has a unique 'DNA' composed of its appearance, trainable abilities, and special elements. A monkey's 'DNA' and rarity impacts its capacity to perform in, and win, matches. Decentraland is described, on its website, as the first-ever digital world owned by its customers. Illuvium has two ERC-20 project altcoins on Ethereum; Illuvium , and sILV. Token holders can use ILV to liquidity mine, participate in governance, and achieve rewards. The first credited political protest NFT ("Destruction of Nazi Monument Symbolizing Contemporary Lithuania") was a video filmed by Professor Stanislovas Tomas on April 8, 2019, and minted on March 29, 2021. In the video, Tomas makes use of a sledgehammer to destroy a state-sponsored Lithuanian plaque positioned on the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences honoring Nazi war legal Jonas Noreika. In November 2021, film director Quentin Tarantino released seven NFTs based mostly on uncut scenes of Pulp Fiction. Miramax subsequently filed a lawsuit claiming that their movie rights have been violated. Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use. Real-time last sale data for U.S. inventory quotes replicate trades reported via Nasdaq only. Intraday data delayed a minimum of 15 minutes or per trade requirements. At the completion of the 3-week gaming event, gamers will be ready to mint their custom-built Mansion on the Polygon blockchain. Oni Mansion and Onis themselves will be necessary to future Oni Squad video games. He is now dedicating his life work to a project that explores the duality of life but in addition taps into the necessary matter of psychological health. His 8888(!) hand-drawn ‘Bunny Buddies’ are a set of NFTs available for his fans and digital art collectors all over the world. The NFTs are integrated into the Ethereum blockchain, able to take over the Metaverse. Axie uses crypto to assist a model new kind of online game, the place gamers can earn a significant income just by playing. The community holds a monetary stake in Axie by way of the 2 currencies, which can be used to influence the sport's growth. Now, months after we first revealed this explainer, we’re still seeing headlines about individuals paying house-money for clip artwork of rocks — and my mom still doesn’t really perceive what an NFT is. The Sneaky Vampire Syndicate is an unbiased NFT project consisting of two completely different NFT collections. The Generation 1 collection has eight,888 male vampires, and its accompanying Generation 2 includes 12,345 female vampires. Created by the previous Bored Ape Yacht Club artist Mig, every vampire is unique, hand-drawn with its personal characteristics and expressions. From the outset, the SVS team has continued its vision of constant innovation, community-building, and making all elements of the project as truthful as potential. The more eyes that see it, the larger the profile the artist gets, the more individuals want the picture or similar ones. “It might be interesting to see what comes next, by method of competitors for mindshare and dollars,” he mused to The Block. Curious as as to whether we’ll make any cash from our Beeple Generator artworks. A few days later, nevertheless, reviews emerged that Beeple's collection had multiple racist, sexist, and homophobic sketches polluting the art work. On top of that, crypto-art’s environmental impact when it comes to its carbon emissions has sparked a heated debate on whether or not that is an moral medium. Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban has confirmed to The Block that he is creating an art gallery for creatives to show their non-fungible tokens on-line in one place. It is at all times beneficial to select NFTs from the top 50 collections. If you're prepared to allocate a good quantity for NFTs, choose from the top 10 collections on Cryptoslam. After selecting your favourite NFT collection, you want to deep dive into specifics and collect as much info as potential. During the early days of WtC, our co-founders may barely persuade cash-only businesses to digitalize, as NYC was days away from lock down. Business owners had been skeptical – two naive residents speaking in broken Cantonese, advising them to use an e-gift card platform. With every dialog, we discovered why companies didn’t need to digitalize. MetaMask has been fairly in style with new crypto customers who need to buy an NFT for the primary time. But MetaMask users will inform you that MetaMask is … not nice. It has acqui-hired crypto pockets startup BRD and it plans to launch its own NFT market. 10,000 randomly generated digital collectibles of varied rarity dwelling on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC-721 tokens and hosted on IPFS. Customers who buy an epic NFT will be succesful of declare the bodily hoodie co-designed by Brandon Sines, claims the announcement. However, the king of them all seems to be crypto Twitter, as that's normally the place you’ll get essentially the most engagements and hype. Exploiting the strengths of each of those channels will help build your group and foster trust in your merchandise. Rarity levels make the method of minting NFTs more fun for customers. nftfrill review provides a little bit of impulse shopping for approach for customers who're dedicated to your collection and wish to get the rarest kind. Future rules will need to explore the obligations, if any, that are placed on authors and pc users when looking for safety over generative works. As evidenced in the Supreme Court’s choice in Feist Publications, Inc., v. Rural Telephone Service Co., 499 U.S. 340 , the U.S. Copyright Office will not register works generated or otherwise created by non-humans as a end result of they usually fail to meet the creativity requirement. The NFT collab options user-generated and creator-owned artwork impressed by the physical Re-Nylon collection. Campbell’s fans will be in a position to spot more hidden elements, including the Campbell’s ‘C’ in the fleur de lis and slanted ‘O’ in soup that pays tribute to the letters from the primary red and white label in 1898. The Crypto Browser will simplify the Web3 experience, integrating crypto wallets and assist for exchanges, NFT marketplaces, and dApps. Ma receives a 4% commission every time considered one of his NFTs is resold. Overall, royalties are set at 5%, however zero.5% goes back to MagicEden.io and 0.5% to the developer. Now that Ma's on the opposite finish of a sold-out collection, he mentioned the second-hardest part is preserving the long-term value in the project. Research from Paradigm reveals that during The Sevens NFT drop, gasoline prices peaked at 12,246 gwei. This means that the median buyer paid 1.49 ETH per NFT, when the value of the project was set at zero.07 ETH. These early choices matter as a result of options like royalties, rarity, and mint amount are fastened after the initial minting. And even for features that aren’t fixed, you should set up what your NFTs will supply and include from the start. If not through code in your smart contracts, then via copy in your website and knowledge in your whitepaper. Bored Ape Yacht Club , for instance, isn’t simply 10,000 pictures of various apes. As a half of their compensation, certain CoinDesk employees, including editorial employees, might receive publicity to DCG equity in the type of inventory appreciation rights, which vest over a multi-year interval. CoinDesk journalists usually are not allowed to buy stock outright in DCG. Ahead of its Super Bowl-themed “Puppy Bowl,” Animal Planet launched the first of a sequence of trading playing cards within the form of non-fungible tokens , which fans can view and mint on marketplace Chronicle. The opening drop features 5,000 free tokens of the “Puppy Bowl Pass,” which provide followers first entry to the upcoming drops of NFTs that will differ in worth and rarity. The full series consists of 23 distinctive playing cards that might be doled out weekly before the sport on Feb. 13. We welcome you to become an preliminary member of the AJC NFT community. One of the features of Boss Protocol NFTs is not solely the ability to unlock content and grant redemptions, but in addition providing access to extra content post-drop. Owners of the Pinhead NFT will also receive a singular, one-of-a-kind, Lament Configuration Box that might be given to each proprietor of the Pinhead NFT at a future date at no further cost. The Box is an iconic symbol of cinematic horror and the gateway to future Hellraiser content. Owning a Bored Ape NFT provides you full industrial rights to it, and holders are profiting from that in some creative methods. One Bored Ape proprietor set up a Twitter account for his ape the place he created a backstory, turning him into Jenkins, a valet that works for the Yacht Club. In September, Jenkins was signed to an precise real-world agency. melania trump nft getting his own biography, written partially by New York Times bestseller Neil Strauss. Universal Music Group has invested bysigning a band consisting of three Bored Apes and one Mutant Ape. Art of any sort is value solely as much as people are prepared to pay for it. NFTs are mostly made out there utilizing the Ethereum blockchain community. A non-fungible asset can be one unique item or multiple unique items, and the token can provide a spread of rights or permissions to the proprietor of the token. NFTs usually are not limited to art work and may embrace virtual and real-world advantages to an owner, such as the Bud Light NFT launched during the 2022 Super Bowl. Guerlain is venturing into the world of non-fungible tokens with the creation of its own non-profit NFT collection and an auction to support biodiversity. While there are prospects to make money with NFT, Melania has acknowledged that a ‘portion of the proceeds’ will be used to supply scholarships for individuals within the foster care community. Is easy to use, so you probably can have your collection ready for public viewing in only a few taps! The very first thing you have to do is locate the ETH handle of the NFT collection. It may be your personal private collection or someone else’s collection. We can’t say what – how – or – when , however know that when it does happen, this is considered one of the solely methods to guarantee your place consistent with the ability to purchase what will assuredly be a highly coveted launch. The highest bidder of this 1-of-1 will be the solely particular person on the earth to have purchased a DeLorean, or any automobile, by way of an NFT making this some of the historic NFT listings of all time. Icon Link Plus IconARTnews is a component of Penske Media Corporation. nft marketplaces are typically registered to the blockchain where the possession and transfer record is saved forever. The world of NFTs is quickly evolving, but it’s widespread to consider an NFT as both a form of “rare art” as well as a kind of “membership card” to any given NFT group. The firm is at present producing NFT collectibles with redemption and utility capabilities for a quantity of main sport publishers, movie studios, musicians, and media firms. Once you launch, you'll have the ability to set up Collab.Land, to make gated discord channels where only verified Hodlers of your NFT have access to the chat. The consumers will get access to the 3D files the place they can forge physicals of their Clone's match. Burnt Toast, or as his mum is conscious of him 'Scott Martin', has created art for Google, Snapchat and WhatsApp. He is joined by two ex-Dapper Labs workers who were a part of CrytoKitties - Evan Keast and Jordan Castro. Please bear in mind that a number of the links on this site will direct you to the websites of third parties, some of whom are advertising affiliates and/or business companions of this website and/or its house owners, operators and associates. The House’s success and longevity are rooted in the excellence of its cognacs, each of which is born of a singular means of transmission of know-how from generation to technology. The first spirits house to be licensed ISO 14001, Hennessy unites its capability for innovation and the assist of all of its partners to protect this exceptional space. As a crown jewel of the LVMH Group, Hennessy is a serious contributor to French international commerce, with 99% of manufacturing bought in export, and a worldwide ambassador for the French art de vivre. The pairing options biological brothers IRL, creators Brandon and Chris Le. When the whole crypto market dried up, the NFT segment surprised everybody, offering greater than 2000% returns for some top NFT collections. Cryptopunks is one such collection that witnessed a large uptick and grew over 2000% in the last two months. The crypto punks obtainable now are beginning at $100,000 and have been priced just above $10,000 a couple of weeks in the past. Golf legend Tiger Woods is partnering with NFT platform Autograph on a digital collection that shall be sold completely on DraftKings Marketplace. The Cleveland Cavaliers have launched an NFT Collection, acquiring three basketball-themed artwork works. They https://facebook.com shall be featured on LED video boards as part of the arena’s Public Art Program, which features a various array of more than 100 pieces, portraits and sculptures. You don’t have to attract 10,000 toads to make a set of 10,000 NFTs. This also helps with rarity as you possibly can set the rarity % for each trait. I create these animated news spherical ups comparatively quickly/cheaply using Adobe Character Animator. However, what's starting to turn into extra clear to me is how every collection has its own persona and culture. This article will now be broken down into these steps and I’ll do my finest to share what I’ve discovered most important to maintain in mind or understand at every section. Over the last 3 months here is what I even have accomplished to arrange my NFT collection, the No Fun Toads. There are at present 6,666 distinctive Onis residing on the Ethereum Blockchain generated from a set of 242 distinctive hand-drawn attributes. By comparability, Bored Apes only consists of about a hundred and forty unique attributes. A “Covid Alien” CryptoPunk, which will get its nickname from the surgical masks it wears, has actually gone viral on social media platforms, inflicting the worth and market progress of crypto punks to further soar. With greater than 5,900 holders, BAYC has rapidly grown from a fledgling project to an unique collection, with a market capitalization valued at simply over $1.4 billion, rating it as one of the most valuable NFT collections at present. Bored Ape Yacht Club consists of distinctive ape profile photos minted on the Ethereum blockchain. Beside the AXS token wanted to begin playing, the sport additionally has SLP, or easy love potion. Players earn SLP when they win a match, and wish both tokens to breed their Axies. Though, there was a lil bit of backlash, as with all good things. Some fascinated individuals learnt in regards to the project late, and a few public minters disliked the 5 mint most that was offered to presale members. Aptly named a 'community-driven collectibles' NFT project, Doodles boasts a collection of 10,000 sherbet-coloured, candy-flavoured, bubble gum-scented profile image ready creations.
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taurus5151 · 7 years
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best part of this photo is the caption reminding us which one is the #potus #easter #bunny #cnbc #captions #trump #bigears
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