#post varia arc
bloodyspade0000 · 2 years
Claiming a wrath: The problem
Summary: Timoteo has a problem. Reborn provides a solution.
Note: yeah, lol. I somehow ended up shipping Reborn and Xanxus together.
Ps. there's no Arcobaleno curse. Why? Cuz I said so.
This is also on ao3 feedback is appreciated.
Timoteo had a problem.
It was more of an issue than a problem. And—
He had let it go on for far too long, and discontent was blistering among the ranks, specifically amongst his guardians. Mainly, Coyote, who was the loudest with his complaints and his distaste for Xanxus'...' hobby.' (If you could call being a whore a hobby.)
Timoteo didn't usually interfere with his son's personal affairs. However, since Xanxus' hobby involved sleeping with dons of rival famiglias, most of which had tried to assassinate Timoteo one way or another.
Timoteo couldn't simply let it go on any longer. (And he was sure this was Xanxus' way of getting back at him for everything he'd done and was doing to him.)
Sure, he had survived plenty of assassination attempts throughout his lifetime, but he was getting older and constantly having his life at risk wasn't good for his health.
Which is why he was finally going to address this.
"I have had it!" Coyote bellowed, slamming his hands on the table. "That boy's dragging Vongola's name in the dirt!"
"I agree with Coyote, boss," Brabanter Schnitten spoke up as well, sitting beside him. "He is making us look bad among the other famiglias."
"I don't think it's a big deal," Ganauche III remarked, leaning into his chair and resting his arms on the armrest. A smirk growing on his lips. "The brat's just having fun after all."
"You're just saying that because you've slept with him," Nie Brow Jr commented, rolling his eyes.
Ganauche III glared at him. "I haven't!" he denied indigently. "I—"
"You can't deny it," Croquant Bouche interrupted. "We've seen him leave your room."
The others nodded in agreement.
Ganauche III flushed red and sank into his chair at being caught in his lie.
"This is unbelievable," Timoteo said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Who else has been sleeping with my son?"
"Don Cavallone," Visconti answered immediately, putting files on the table. "And presumably half of the varia, and we already know Xanxus has slept with dons of other famiglias as well."
"And what do you suggest I do?" Timoteo asked, massaging his temples.
"We clearly can't let this go on any further!" Coyote exclaimed. "We must do something!"
"Don't bother,"
Timoteo and his guardians turned to only see Reborn sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and an expresso in one hand and a biscotti in the other. He looked amused.
"Reborn?" Tiomteo spoke after a moment of tense silence. What was Reborn doing here? This was a private meeting between him and his guardians.
None of them had heard Reborn enter. It was clear he had walked in at some point, as unobtrusively and diligently as he did everything.
"I'll deal with your stupid son," Reborn announced, taking a bite of his biscotti and sipping his espresso.
"And how will you do that?" Timoteo inquired, frowning slightly. What could Reborn possibly do?
"I have my ways," Reborn stated cryptically, popping the rest of the biscotti in his mouth and drowning down the rest of his expresso. He then left before Timoteo could question him further.
Timoteo sighed.
He had a bad feeling about this.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
sorry for the bit of spam, but it's done, i just finished the future arc! and you know what, i had a very negative memory of it, like, it was my least favorite arc kind of negative memory, and i literally don't know why because it's so good?? it's a very solid, entertaining and interesting arc, and i loved making my way through it actually. idk if i, personally, would call it the peak of the manga, but i totally could see where someone thinking that would come from.
anyway, next is the shimon arc, and i'm super excited for it because it's the first time i'll reread it properly!
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eternitas · 5 months
Ya know ... Due to the english dub announcement I decided to rewatch Reborn!. (Or rather half first watch bc i primarily read the manga and just watched the varia arc and most but not all of the future arc in the anime, also its been like 10+ years)
And... I just realized that it's ALL Reborn.
You see all of these amazing posts about how Tsuna and his friends are ride or die for each other and they love and respect Tsuna and are so devoted to him and that Tsuna loves his friends unconditionally---
But REBORN was the one that stuffed them all into one shirt and said "Get along!"
He was a parent that put all of these kids into a room and told them to be friends and it just worked out bc he is good at picking out guys.
Sure in the end it was TSUNA who convinced them to stick around, but it wasnt INITIALLY him. And I somehow feel like that's even... More meaningful?
Reborn was the one that put them all together, but it was TSUNA who KEPT them all together
Idk man i just think thats beautiful.
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rebo-chan · 5 months
Continuing the lambo and tsuna discussion:
Oh yeah tsuna absolutely would be a hypocrite and it would be so intersting to see them having a serious fight over it.
Especially bc, tsuna ALREADY as a 13/14 year old doesnt wanna be involved in fights and the like, he just wants to be a fucking teen please leave me alone, but when he's older hes probably even MORE terrified of what they've been through as kids. As a teen when he saw 15 yo lambo he was like "oh yeah he can handle this... Maybe... Probably... Perhaps???"
But the older you get the more you realise what a fucking dystopian nightmare it is to believe fucking teenagers could be in a war, no matter how powerful they end up being or how successful! Most of the shounen protags are AT LEAST in Highschool, Tsuna is a FIRST YEAR IN MIDDLESCHOOL, BABY GOT BARELY OUT OF HIS TWEENS
So while yeah its hypocritical tsuna also has the experience and hindsight now to realize NAH UH NO NO NO NOT HAPPENING NOPE THAT IS A FETUS
Not that Lambo would ever accept that bc yeah its his big brother and (idk how common this is i am an only child and never had friends with siblings) its (maybe) common for kids to look up to their older siblings in a way especially when they are far older and tsuna has done some really amazing stuff. He just doesnt get the whole "too young" for the fight thing, especially bc his background is already mafia related and the Bovino let this 5 YEAR OLD run around with GRANADES AND ROCKET LAUNCHERS.
Child safety? Dont know her - Old Bovino motto
No but srsly i just think tsuna is the very first person that actually brings up this concept in lambos life. Even Nana never sees whats going on around her as any kind of dangerous, even kids his age are nonchalant about it, fucking yamamoto may see a kid in him but he rolls with almost anything, gokudera just shows him disdain which is not exactly concern (in the beginning)
So its JUST Tsuna that looks at this five year old and says "Absolutely fucking not"
I mean technically also Haru but i dont think he registers that bc she just generally coddles the babies.
So Tsuna, his big brother, the one he looks up to the most, does not acknowledge him as a fighter. And while lambo doesnt see Tsuna as his boss, I do think when he grows older it WILL become more and more of an issue between both of them.
I know i basically just rephrased and repeated a lot of what you said in your post but also I HAVE SO MANY EMOTIONS
A real fight about this topic between Lambo and Tsuna would actually be so interesting though, you're so right. In this case, Tsuna cannot be reasoned with. As you mentioned, the older he gets the more he will look at being 15 years old as being a FETUS. His stress already just skyrockets whenever Lambo is ANYWHERE near the battlefield, he becomes absolutely belligerent (Shimon arc, future, and letting himself get disqualified in Varia) Tsuna is definitely the one most protective of Lambo, though Gokudera is a good second place even Gokudera doesn't realize that is a child though tbf in a world where the strongest are infants I do not blame Gokudera for not blinking an eye.
Child safety, don't know her ksJNGKJNSGE NO FR THOUGH. TSUNA IS THE ONLY ONE LIKE "please for gods sake stay at home my god please please" Its even funnier when you consider the only reason he trusts TYL I-Pin to protect anyone is bc she becomes 1 year older than him through the bazooka. SKJNG this is why TYL Lambo is also called Adult Lambo in his head. But yes, this idea would ABSOLUTELY disintegrate the moment my boy tsuna leaves his teen ages. I think the idea that this will be an area of tension for Lambo and Tsuna is so cool, because oh my god!! Lambo wants to be there. Despite his age, he is rightfully Vongola's Guardian of Lightning and he wants to hurry up and catch up!! Especially when you take into account of what I said about 20yl, like that's a Lambo that loses everyone!!!! Imagine the absolute stress on Lambo's brain when these thoughts flourish in his mind, and then he's got his big brother who would see him in a training room and go "WHAT ARE U DOING HERE. GET OUT?????? DO NOT TOUCH THE POINTY SPEAR THAT IS CHROMES" It's such absolute tasty content and I am more than happy to oblige with the Tsuna/Lambo thoughts. They're so important to me <3
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zoroara · 6 months
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December Belphegor Redraw 18 of 31!  
This one was extremely challenging to do, but very fun! I think it turned out well~
Also going to Varia arc in the manga and like seeing a panel like this, remembering Bel is supposed to have a birthmark around there somewhere and just remembering that in the manga we straight up don't see it ever. Like the scene where Fran lifts up his shirt is anime only. Though Rasiel claims they both share it in both versions. It'd just be incredibly funny if that was an assumption on his part and manga bel is standing there like "??? what the fuck are you talking about." Because fun fact! One of the only ways to tell identical twins apart are actually their moles birthmarks and freckles! They're typically not shared which I would've thought they were!
Interestingly if they are kind of shared, it's a bit more common that it'll be mirrored, on the opposite side to the other than it being completely the same. (Which is funny that I kinda had changed the positions in head canoning for funsies and turned out that's more common than what was already shown)
The Image I redrew is under the cut, just to keep the post small.
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jjellysoo · 2 months
what are your headcanons for xs? im starving for content too sksld so i wanna know your thoughts/headcanons on them!
Hi, thank you for the ask!! >:)
Not many general headcanons make it into my work because I tend to write about specific concepts, so this was fun!
I love all interpretations of the XS timeline, but I don't think they were together during the story's canon. Post-canon and I can see an argument for the TYL arc. Extremely dubious on anything pre-cradle affair.
Xanxus is absolutely the jealous type, but he won't address it in a practical way. He's known to cling to his possessions, right?
On that note - Dino, count your days.
Xanxus is very much into Squalo's hair. If he can touch it, he will, whether that's a pleasant touch or not.
Besta likes Squalo the most after Xanxus himself, and will try to smother him and kiss him, which Xanxus ignores like he's getting paid for it.
It's a private relationship, for several reasons. Not many people know about it, and if they do, they're not going to comment on it lest they want to part ways with their face.
Except for Luss, of course, who bombards Squalo with dumb questions when they have downtime, none of which are answered. That 101 battles was ROUGH.
No pet names other than the usual insults that probablyyy count as pet names. But don't tell them I said that.
Xanxus runs warm because of his flame (why he can run around half shirtless), and Squalo runs cold (why he wears fur and coats and earmuffs all the time!) The ideal temperature equilibrium for cuddling.
This is canon, but Xanxus is overall calmer when Squalo is around HQ.
Squalo finds Xanxus' scars attractive as they relate to his rage, but he wouldn't mention it because of the sore topic. If Xanxus ever lost control over his scars in a sexual context, well....
Squalo has had feelings for Xanxus since the beginning. He must've been pretty convinced things were going to work out, huh? When you know you know etc. etc.
Xanxus has some Avengers level threat internalized homophobia. His whole complex is over being heir to the Vongola, and part of that role is having a family and children, so being with a man would be really hard for him to comes to terms with. Also, the stereotypes of gay men that he'd be acquainted with go against the persona he's made for himself.
In effect, it's really hard for him to be openly affectionate. Queue glass throwing and hair pulling.
SAME TANGENT because I see this way too much but these two could not be a casual FWB situation given Xanxus' complex.
Okay so this is based on the inheritance ceremony where Timoteo is a little bitch to Squalo for no reason. THOSE TWO BEEF LIKE CRAZY IN THE MOST PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE "IN LAWS" WAY POSSIBLE. Squalo obviously dislikes him because he ruined Xanxus' life and is dismissive of the Varia as a whole, Timoteo dislikes him because he thinks he's trying to get with his son and go against what a right hand man is supposed to be.
If there's one thing that's going to fluster (fluster!?) Varia Captain and Sword Emperor Superbia Squalo, it's going to be Xanxus. Squalo never expected to get this far, so when he spends his life in respectful admiration and is suddenly getting bombarded with what would otherwise be normal couple behavior, he doesn't know what to do.
Xanxus pretends to be unaware of the effect he has, but definitely knows and extorts it because it's cute
I'm not kidding when I say I have more than this, but that's where I'm cutting it off for today. Hope this feeds you well enough, for now, anon! :D
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insanescriptist · 11 months
What's Black Sky? What's happening? I never saw this story under tags before, can you do a guide for people like us to understand?
This is a link that takes you to the fic that Umei started nearly a decade ago. It's over 330 chapters and clocks about 1.4 mil words.
It's a HP and KHR crossover, with a fem!Harry raised by the Blacks. And then gets entangled with the mafia. To the mafia's peril.
Umei's ff.net profile has a further break down on the fic
Story Arc Guide for Black Sky:
Chapters 1-41, Hogwarts Arc Chapters 42-44, Wedding Interlude Chapters 45-115, Quest Arc (Includes Parenting is not a Varia Quality, which can be read in order according to the details in the 4th September 2017 post above) Chapters 116-181, Domestic Arc Chapters 182-215, Xanxus at Work Arc Chapters 216-283, Vongola Politics Arc Chapters 284-321, Consequences Arc, followed by Yesterday's Tomorrow before the next arc begins Chapters 322-324, Impact Interlude Chapters 325- Cross-Purposes Arc
What's these other fics in this list Izzy? The epic spawned side stories. Are any of these fics on Ao3 Izzy? No, they're not. Not yet. Black Sky will be moved over once it's finished, so it can have some edits done to some of the earlier chapters to revise a few details. Umei's said that if she tries to do so prior to finishing it, she'll get bogged down in the revisions and won't get any writing done.
Which would be a shame because there's only so many backlogged chapters.
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Khr for the 20 questions meme (you can choose the numbers if that’s a lot) Thank You!
Thank you for the request, my lovely anon! I didn't really manage to do all of them, though I explained why I couldn't do particular ones while answering and I hope you'll enjoy my thoughts on the ones I did do!
which muse is the easiest to write?
Honestly, I think I've answered this a couple times on this blog. But for those who might have missed those answers, the honest truth is that there isn't a single character left in KHR that I consider 'hard' to write about anymore. I don't think I write the best Reborn, Hibari, or Mukuro, but I do try my best. I will say, I do find Gokudera always naturally flows pretty well for me but overall, KHR is the easiest fandom for me to write about and I enjoy all the characters, in their own way.
which muse is most likely to go to jail?
Well, let's see. Mukuro, Ken, Chikusa, M.M., Birds, and the Bloody Twins are all canonically either currently in jail or they have been in jail. But if that's too much of a cop-out answer, Naito would definitely spend at least a night or two in jail here and there because he's an idiot and a loud one and gets himself into silly situations or causes a public disturbance. If it wasn't for the fact that they're protected by the Mafia and have so many resources at their disposal, the Varia should also be spending time in prison for multiple murders.
which muse would be the best parent?
That's a really hard one because, honestly, this cast is so huge, and there's a lot of characters I think would make excellent parents. There's no way to settle into best either, since I think they'd all have vastly different parenting styles. I will say, out of Tsuna's family, I think neither Gokudera nor Hibari want children, nor would either of them being particularly great parents, each for their own reasons. The only person in the Varia I see wanting their own children is Levi, though I also think Squalo could be a good parent if it did become a thing for him. Out of Mukuro's gang, I don't think Mukuro nor Chrome want their own biological children. They could all potentially be good parents, but out of them all, I do think Fran would make the worst parent, though even he has moments of being a really good parent.
what would your muses be the deities of? what are your favorite icons for each muse? what song do you associate with each muse? what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
Okay, this is just an absolutely huge cast of characters, so I hope you don't mind that I skipped these questions, my dear. The resulting post, if I was to do the entirety of the cast, would take hours upon hours to write (and like I said, these prompts are supposed to be fun and fast in between the more serious waiting requests), and would be extremely long for any of these questions, though I'd be happy to do these with a narrower group of characters in KHR.
which muse would you most like to meet irl?
Oh, there's so, so many characters from KHR I do wish were real and were in my life. Shouichi, Spanner, Byakuran after the future arc, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Haru, Kyoko, Chikusa, Shamal, YamaPapa, Squalo, Skull, Enma…the list is literally too long to count.
which muse would be the MOM friend? DAD friend?
Mom friend? Both Bianchi and Kyoko definitely show signs of being mom friends to those in their lives, though each in their unique ways. I also do think Luce, Aria, and Yuni all are or were 'mom friends' and that, even before she became a mom, Nana was a 'mom friend' to those she was friends with. Now, I'll show myself as dumb here but I didn't really know what a 'dad friend' really meant, so I had to google it. I think Yamamoto and Reborn both have some 'dad friend' energy, as does Kusakabe and Romario, right off the top of my head. Of course, YamaPapa has the most daddest of dad energies though, just saying and is a father, so maybe that helps. I also think Timoteo was always a 'dad friend' to people, from the time he was a kid all the way until he becomes an old man, when he gains 'grand-dad friend' vibes.
which muses are cat people? which are dog people?
Okay, so again, this is a question that if I listed all the characters from the wide cast of characters that fit into both categories, the post would be very long and would take a very long time to write, so I'm just going to go with the first ones that popped into my head. Hibari would definitely be a cat over dog kind of person. While animals really love Hibari in general and he tends to get along best with animals rather than people, he's not really a fan of dogs, to be honest. They're too clingy and require too much attention. Gokudera, Chikusa, Julie, and Kikyo are all very much cat people too. However, Yamamoto, Skull, and Colonello to me are all very much dog people.
which muse would you want to have a sleepover with?
Of course, a sleepover with the girls (Chrome, Kyoko, Haru, Hana, Bianchi, and I-Pin) would be so much fun. I also think sleepovers with Byakuran would be a blast and though I know he's really unpopular, sleepovers with Naito would be hilarious and full of crazy stories for the ages.
which muse would try to befriend the others? which two muses would get along the best if they met? which two muses would immediately fight each other if they met?
Now, I'm treating all of these questions in terms of how I write the various characters in my crossovers and AU's. Again, if I was to write this thinking of all the characters, I could make each question a very long, thorough, time-consuming post, so I went with just my first thoughts. I would happily answer these questions more thoroughly, if anyone would like, with a narrower group of characters. In terms of the crossovers/multiverse AU's though, Tsuna is always the most accepting and the one to make the most friends. While not as outwardly extroverted and friendly as Yamamoto, there's this charisma to Tsuna that does draw people to him. Hibari, Byakuran, Mukuro, Gokudera, Bel, and Xanxus get into the most fights in these stories though.
which muse is physically the strongest? which muse would win in a fist fight against the others?
So, keeping this strictly in universe, the Varia are all considered elite assassins and fighters and I think most of them would survive a fist fight with any of the other characters to at least a draw. It's canon that Hibari is the strongest, battle-wise, of all Tsuna's Guardians, and the Arcobaleno are the absolute best of the best, with Skull in particular actually being known for his strength, something a lot of people seem to forget because honestly, canon and fandom does him a little dirty. In just plain out hand to hand combat, I think Skull can hold his own against anyone, even Hibari, if push came to shove. I'm also adding Knuckle and Ryohei to this category, as fist-fights are their specialities and something both really excel at.
what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for [muse name]?
I mentioned this to a friend the other day in messages, but I honestly, if I had the time and artistic ability, would love to write light novel spin-off series for KHR, something that would never happen as those have to be approved, I'm pretty sure, by the original creator. But I would love to do light novels exploring so much - the Arcobaleno's individual pasts, how they each came to chosen, their experiences with the occasion that turned them into Arcobalenos, and the immediate aftermath of being turned into infants and how they adapt to life after that. I'd love to do light novels exploring all the prior generations of the Vongola Bosses and their Guardians. I'd love to do one exploring YamaPapa's past, especially his relationship with his sibling disciple of Shigure Soen and the creation of Shinotsuku Ame.
which muse would spend a night in a haunted place for $20?
Gokudera will do it for free. No kidding, legit, he might even pay for the privilege. I honestly do think Bianchi actually does share some of her brother's passion for ghosts and she would be interested in spending the night in a haunted house as well. Byakuran and Mukuro would both do it, just because it would amuse them, and both are enough of skeptics to not even be scared.
which muse would you not let into your house, under any circumstance?
Honestly, it's Kikyo. I do see him as being really judgmental, especially with anything aesthetic, and I do think he'd read my interior decorating skills and aesthetic to filth, despite how much I love my apartment and how it looks. I also don't think I'd much like Bel in my apartment…too much chance of me being murdered for my comfort, thanks.
which muse would investigate the scary noises? which one would hide?
Again, this is one where if I really focused on the full cast, putting them into the groups, I could create a post that would be very long, thorough, and would take quite a while to write, so I just went with my first thoughts. Lambo, Tsuna, Shouichi, Enma would all hide. Basil, Gokudera, Spanner, Byakuran, Mukuro, Hibari, Adelheid, Shitt. P, and Reborn would all investigate, some with less fear than the others.
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cloud0818 · 1 year
Reading KHR in Japanese (1)
I have previously posted about that in Japanese, the speaking shows characters's personality.
Very happily, I was asked to know about the other characters, so here! I'm going to split this into two posts because it's going to be long. Thanks for the request!!( @misteriosasaky )
First person : "Ore"
Second person : thier name (sometimes "Omae"/"Kimi")
On the whole : middle school student-like,mild,childlike
Overall, his speaking is typical of middle school students but also a bit childlike. His speaking is mild style and honest. He is a straight-man in comedy scenes. Including that, sometimes his tone can be rough. He comes on especially strong with Reborn and kids. But most of the time it is like an big brother scolding little brothers.
His *unconscious* choice of words says a lot about his personality. He uses soft words, especially with his friends. When he is angry, he is not intimidating as if he is scaring them. If anything, he appeals to them to understand. We can know he isn't get used to being angry seriously.
He uses the first person most often used by middle school students("Ore"). He doesn't use second/third person pronouns very often and often calls them by name. If he uses them, it is "Kimi" or "Omae". He uses "Kimi" for new acquaintances and close friends. "Omae" is used for kids or his enemies. However, when he is in hyper mode, he uses "Omae" for everyone but Kyoko.
And he uses honorifics and honorific title for older. Like, Ryohei, Hibari or Dino. But it isn't overly formal. When speaking with them, Tsuna's junior disposition is often evident.
However, he doesn't use honorifics or honorific titles for those who were his enemies, regardless of their age. Even to Xanxus. He wary or fearful of those who are no longer his enemies, but he relatively casual speaking although. But, this tendency seems to be limited to those whom he had confronted. When he met Varia at the Arcobaleno arc, he used honorifics toward Belle. I really like the moment that he was confused about whether he should use honorific titles for Squalo when they finished last fight and stay in hospital. He seems to have trouble of distance between many people.
Of course, there are points where it depends on the relationship with the one. Or rarely, as towards Lal, he uses honorific at first but later it can lose.
Especially in the early arc, his speaking shows that he feels inferior to those around him. He feels little nervous and always haven't confident in what he says. He gives up on himself and often makes statement sexpression that deny any possibility from the start like;"I'm nothing anyway","I can't do this anyway" And he tends to keep in mind his confusion about what the other person said or did, or how he felt. Also, whenever he makes a decision, he always asks for someone's help. There is a nuance there that he isn't asking for opinions, but for the right answers. He don't ask "What do YOU think?",but "What should I do?"
His original genuine personality makes his words is always very sincere. His words come straight from his heart. So he is not able to say sophisticated things in important situations. He doesn't have the skill to tell everything in a few word, like the protagonists of other works. He searches clumsily for the right words even while speaking, wondering over how to convey something he wants to say, there is falter in his words.
But therefore, we can feel his words are always natural and real mind. That is why he move people's hearts. No matter what trials he went through, he never lost sight of his virtue.
His speaking style is not very unique. He has the roughness or informality typical of middle school students. It shows his innocent like little brother, sometimes caring like big brother. And maybe nervous or at a loss for words. He is not the type of person who is good at conversation. However, it can tell that he is a kind person. We know he feels or what the other person is to him in the way of speaking, directly. That is another good thing about him.
Thank you for reading!!! If you want keep reading of same theme post about another character ; :D
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any-n-everything · 1 year
cervello sus: a post of evidence
So I was re-watching KHR episodes and I went back to the Varia Arc.
We all remember this, right?
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Mammon says, “I can’t be certain who performed the actual act, but [...],” and then we immediately move to the Cervello ladies??? This is literally implying that Cervello were the ones who woke Xanxus from his imprisonment (because it was imprisonment, Timoteo, he was not “sleeping in a cradle” like a well-behaved baby).
I know Timoteo said, “My weakness woke Xanxus from his long slumber.”
(Here are the receipts if you don’t believe me:)
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But frankly, this always bothered me because “what weakness? what fucking possessed you to release your resentful adopted son?”
So I always just assumed that Timoteo purposefully released Xanxus in order to light a fire under Tsuna’s ass and further entrench him and his friends into the mafia.
Cervello, a secret organization that directly answers to the Ninth. They’re so secret that not even Sawada Iemitsu, the Leader of CEDEF, knew about them.
Cervello, who eventually defected and served Millefiore instead.
Cervello, who was known to be in possession of the Mare Rings and were the ones who gave them to Byakuran in the first place.
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Now, I’m not defending Timoteo. BUT A CASE COULD BE MADE IN THIS INSTANCE. The man ended up as a living battery for a robot, for Christ’s sake, I doubt he intended for THAT to happen no matter what he THOUGHT would happen when he released Xanxus.
It would be pretty interesting if Cervello were the ones who had been manipulating stuff behind the scenes. I doubt that they were in cahoots with Daemon, tho, bc of this scene:
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Cervello neither wished nor prophesized that Xanxus would lose and Tsuna would win, they were just following “what had been decided from the start”. Daemon already made his position clear in terms of successorship: he didn’t want Sawada Tsunayoshi and his second coming of the 1st Gen to inherit Vongola.
So it begs the question: who decided the outcome of the Ring Battles? Was it really Timoteo? Or was it some other shadowy boss figure behind the scenes?
Man, I wish we were given more backstory for the Cervello because, the way they appear from the Varia Arc to the Future Arc, it was like they were gonna be more plot-important later on.
But then they just disappear from the Inheritance Ceremony Arc onwards???
So weird.
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bloodyspade0000 · 2 years
The loser serves the winner
Note: This is a draft of one of the wips I've been working on. I decided to post it here cause like why not? Feedback is appreciated x3.
Something had been off about Tsuna lately. He was too tense and anxious, as if constantly worried about something. Iemitsu knew his son well enough to be able tell that there was more than just worry on his mind; something else weighed heavily on his heart as well. He wasn't sure what it could be but he had a feeling it had something to do with the ring battles. Tsuna's mood had dwindled right after and Iemistu was starting to feel guilty about forcing Tsuna into the mafia at such a young age. The thought made him sad. It wasn't fair, how cruel fate would play with him like this.
Iemitsu sighed, running a hand through his hair. He had to make up for this somehow. He was going to have to talk to Tsuna. 
So, when Tsuna had come home from school. Iemitsu had approached him. "Hey, Tsuna." He began and Tsuna immediately looked up at his father. Iemitsu smiled and took a seat next to his son. "There's something we need to talk about." 
"Um, okay," Tsuna replied warily, looking around nervously as if someone was going to jump out from behind a couch at any moment. 
"I was thinking we should go outside and talk for a bit?" 
Tsuna's eyes widened in surprise before he nodded quickly. "Okay, um, let me just put my bag down then."
They went outside where Iemitsu sat with Tsuna across from him on the grass. They sat there in silence for awhile until Iemitsu broke it. "You can tell me anything, you know that right, Tunafishi?" Iemitsu began gently.
Tsuna's brows furrowed as he processed his father’s words. "Um, yeah." He said uncertainly.
"Good." Iemitsu leaned back on his hands, his elbows resting against the ground. "What's been troubling you, kiddo? You've been... off."
Tsuna blinked, looking between his father and his hands anxiously. He chewed on his bottom lip for several moments before he finally spoke. "Well, you see..." he began hesitantly, playing with a blade of grass. "It's kind of complicated." He admitted, staring at his knees.
Iemitsu waited patiently for his son to continue but when no words came, he prompted. "Yes,?"
"Well, um..." Tsuna took a deep breath, looking at his hands. He fiddled with his fingers for a few seconds before speaking again. "I--" he heaisted, clearing his throat and looking directly at his father. "...Is Xanxus going to be okay? I tired asking Reborn but he wouldn't tell me anything and I can't ask Dino or the Varia." 
Dino had been distressed by what happened during the ring battles and between him and Xanxus so many years ago. It was obvious that he blamed himself in some way for what happened to Xanxus and felt responsible for Xanxus almost dying, even though it was mostly Vongola and Tsuna's fault. And the varia were just as distressed as Dino was. They lost Xanxus once, almost losing him again had taken quite a toll on them all. So, Tsuna couldn't ask them about Xanxus. Instead, he turned to Iemitsu for answers.
Iemitsu frowned and sighed heavily, rubbing a hand over his face. "I---"
"I know I shouldn't be worried about him and he tried to kill my friends and I. B-But..." Tsuna trailed off, fiddling with his hands even more, wringing them together. "...I don't want him to be killed. And I don't want to see Dino cry anymore. I just want the both of them to be okay." 
Every time anyone talked about Xanxus or brought him up, Dino cried, or at least seemed to have given up trying to keep it together. Squalo tried his best comfort him and Tsuna did too. But, not knowing about what might happen to Xanxus hurt. It scared him to think of what might be happening to Xanxus right now and the fact that he didn't know had been tearing him apart. 
Iemitsu closed his eyes, leaning back on his hands once more. This wasn't going to be easy. "I'm sorry, Tuna." He said softly, not meeting his son's gaze. "Xanxus betrayed--" 
"Vongola hurt him frist," Tsuna interjected firmly. "And--" 
Iemitsu flinched slightly. "He--" 
""Wasn't being rejected by the sky ring punishment enough?" Tsuna spat angrily, glaring at his father. "He--" 
Iemitsu winced at his tone, raising his hands in surrender. "Listen--" 
"No!" Tsuna stood up abruptly, clenching his fist tightly. "I know you don't like him. But it's not fair! He shouldn't have to die!" 
Iemitsu opened his mouth to object to the accusation, but he stopped himself. His son was right. It wasn't fair for Xanxus to take so much abuse and be used to test Tsuna and his guardians to see if they were worthy of being Vongola's tenth generation. But-- "Xan--" 
"The loser serves the winner, dame--Tsuna," Reborn suddenly appeared beside them. "As you should remember."
"Reborn!" Tsuna jumped slightly.
"Whatever happens to Xanxus is up to you," Reborn continued cooly. "We're here to support you whether you want us too or not."
Tsuna glanced at him, surprised but grateful. "Thank you, Reborn." He said, giving the hitman a small smile.
Tsuna then turned his attention back to Iemitsu. "Can you convince Nono to let me see Xanxus?"" He asked hopefully. "I want to talk to him before deciding what to do ." 
Iemitsu sighed. He knew that Tsuna wanted to keep Xanxus safe, especially after seeing what had happened to him. "Tuna--"
"Please, Dad." Tsuna cut him off pleadingly, glancing up at him. "Please?" 
Iemitsu stared at his son for a long moment before he eventually gave in. "Alright." He finally agreed. "But, you won't be going alone."
"Okay," Tsuna nodded. As long as he got to see Xanxus, he was fine with that. 
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hopeswriting · 2 years
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[ID: Panels from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn, showing Hibari Kyoya and Adelheid Suzuki.
Adel says "Enma is not a weak, small animal. He is a strong man who carries the sorrows of the Simon on his shoulders!"
To which Hibari says "No. Small animals... burden themselves, taking on things that aren't fit for them--that's why they cry out for help." /End ID]
so interesting that this is what being a "small animal" means to him. and of course that he calls tsuna that. and even if in the panel right before these ones he says "i'm not with him", he so clearly is and has been for a long time now, and it's precisely because he sees tsuna as a small animal. sees him taking on more than he can bear, and so he takes part of that burden to bear himself so it won't crush him. hears him crying out for help and doesn't look away, doesn't act as if he didn't hear it. answers his call.
because that's what the strongs do, right? that's something only the strongs can afford to do, and so it makes it their responsibility to do it. and also because he can't let tsuna be crushed by all that weight on his shoulders before he reaches the full potential he sees in him, before he finds fangs of his own (< or whatever the exact phrasing he used during the varia arc was lol, you know the line i'm talking about).
and originally that's all this post was going to be about, but look at what he said then i didn't remember him saying:
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[ID: More panels from the manga. Hibari says to Adel, in between fighting her "There's one thing you are mistaken about. Sometimes, small animals are not just weak creatures. If they were, then they would've already been wiped out from the face of the earth. Small animals have... their own way of surviving." /End ID]
i love being right, hello. did we all just read the same thing??
because to hibari small animals are people in the process of finding their strength, of owning it, of sharpening it. people who are weak still, but are already in the process of leaving that weakness behind, are already more strong than weak as they struggle to survive, and fight to find and hold onto their own ways of surviving. to him small animals are people with the potential to be strong despite their weakness, if not because of it (but not by getting rid of it, you'll notice, because it's all about how they turn their weakness into strength), people who refuse to let their weakness define them and mean that the strongs are just allowed to trample them under their feet as they please.
and get this, but it's tsuna who teaches him that. tsuna is the og small animal, and so the meaning and definition it has to him is about the way he sees tsuna and understands him as a person. and as tsuna made him stronger by teaching him that and giving him a better and deeper understanding of his strength in the process, by teaching him that not all which deserves to be called strength and acknowledged and respected as such has to be similar to his strength, he now teaches him that in turn. reassures him he has strength of his own, validates him in that strength as something worthy to be called that and capable, and strengthens his trust in that strength once more. he reminds him that strength can take many forms, and even if it may appear as a weakness to others at times, it doesn't make it any less meaningful or any less true that it is strength in its own right. won't as long as you don't let it.
he tells him "i know your strength and i know you are strong, and isn't the fact you made it so far all the proof you need to know it's the truth? what is there to doubt about, to hesitate for?"
and tsuna listens to him and trusts his words and believes in them because hibari is the one who says those words. and if he can't trust and believe hibari on this without a shadow of a doubt, without needing to think twice about it, then no one else will do the trick, not even reborn. yeah that's right, i said it and i truly believe it, not even reborn.
and basically what i'm saying is that hibari CARES and cares about TSUNA. they're FRIENDS people and 1827 is REAL!!!! no one fucking touches me 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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Hi! If you are still bored and want to do the Ask Game, what about 11 for Squalo/Dino and 24 and 25 for Dino :)
Hey! I am currently back at my parents in Italy for a couple of weeks, so I apologize for the delay!
Here u go!
11. My favorite piece of fanart... Uh, hard to say, but I actually have a few! I will be posting them as soon as I am home, atm I have next to zero access to anything - dad doesn't have an internet connection and I only have my phone 😅
24. My favorite thing about Dino is the fact that he can be both a competent badass and a complete idiot gremlin with nothing in between, I love this for him. Sometimes the two things overlap and the people around him suffer from like a heart attack. Good for Dino, keep being unpredictable, king. That's how you deal with everything going on.
25. Not something that Dino has per se, but mostly the fact that he is mainly used for fanservice. Like, after the Varia arc he really was there just to be pretty. I have been filling in the humongous holes amano left behind for the past 10+ years. He appeared in the... I think it was the Shimon arc as like a teacher. With glasses on. Like you could faintly hear "hot for teacher" by van halen playing in the background. Yeah. That was definitely not cash money from Amano. And then he disappeared. He was there for one single panel. I absolutely hate the waste of potential.
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gustingirl · 1 year
dije que iba a hacer mención de esto en un post aparte y cumplo.
algo que me doy cuenta y no estoy segura de si me gusta o no, es el hecho de que szifron le dio enfoque, character arc y backstory solo a santos. osea sabemos de los cuatro, sus personalidades y un poco de sus historias pero parece como que santos es el personaje más deep, más armado.
osea tiene su backstory depre, sus gustos específicos, sus manías, sus formas de ser. se le menciona alguien de su vida y es reiterado varias veces. hasta el tema del anillo que sigue usando y el característico “fuego tiene?”
es como que szifron quería que sea el más “único” por así decirlo. ojo capaz tiene sus razones pero siempre me llama la atención como es más notorio lo de santos que los otros tres.
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zoroara · 6 months
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December Belphegor Redraw 22 of 31!  
Buon Compleanno Belphegor~ As for his birthday I absolutely needed to get one of him as a kid. I had ruminated about doing the panel just before this with him and Rasiel, but well. He would've been made I made him share~ Maybe next year Rasiel, maybe next year. Speaking of this though I find the portrayals of how this went down, in Varia arc Vs Future arc very interesting. Because they're incredibly different in how they're described, in Varia arc Rasiel's murder is described as something Bel did Haphazardly, done without organization likely very sudden stabbing Rasiel to death. But then future arc clarifies from the both of them, that this could have been seen to be leading up from a mile away, and only if their parents genuinely were so neglectful to not pay any mind to this, or in fact encouraged this, that this would have ended up happening. I just find it very interesting how different it is and with the addition of how easily Bel clarifies it, I wonder how it lead to the conclusion that it was haphazard at all, or if it was even as simple as stabbing Rasiel to 'death'. Because it seems like Bel likely just has his idealized version that keeps getting broken down the more he was forced or corrected, you must wonder JUST how much of this is a lie how much MORE of it is to his favour? In the presence of his brother he had to be honest that they had always fought, and while Rasiel makes them move on quickly from this, he does state that Bel is "only saying things that benefit him" and "That he better not forget the face that didn't lose to him" to which Bel has no rebuttal against. What likely happened with the additional knowledge that Rasiel then says that day he was essentially poisoned with medicine, that Bel seeing an opportunity to finally end Rasiel then stabbed him violently very simple to figure. But even still there was likely much more of a struggle than Bel probably wants to admit if it was not considered a flat out loss for Rasiel now that he was proven to be alive to the point Bel didn't bother arguing that point. Bel may have been wounded himself and in his haste to solve that, may have been the small opening of chance for Rasiel to survive that Byakuran needed to manipulate so that Rasiel could survive in the future timeline. (just don't fucking ask me how that works because I don't see how he could affect something so far back. Maybe Byakuran just fucking lied to Rasiel and used other powers as "proof" to convince Rasiel that his survival was actually his doing.)
The Image I redrew is under the cut, just to keep the post small.
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Not related to the whole murder(funny sentence I know), but it is said that Bel hides his eyes to prevent like a fucking political incident, but like. HE WAS WEARING HIS HAIR LIKE THIS SINCE BEFORE THIS I THINK PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY REALIZE MORE SINCE HE KEPT IT THAT WAY.
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ridley-was-a-cat · 6 months
What I Watched This Week – 12/3 – 12/9
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Heavenly Delusion – I started watching this while it was airing, but put it on hold after the twist in episode three re-contextualized a scene from earlier in the show, and left me with the impression that the author was not going to handle the stuff I knew was coming later with the proper care. After pushing through to finish it, my feeling was absolutely proven true, and what a shame that was. The good stuff in this show is great. The post-apocalyptic setting is intriguing, it has a number of unique and fresh story ideas that shift back and forth between timelines, and the production is fantastic. Unfortunately, the author couldn’t stay in his lane, and the story includes several weighty topics that it treats with very little care. The unserious treatment of gender identity makes me wonder why the hell he even wanted to go there, and its attitude towards bodily autonomy was thoughtless at best, full-throated rape culture at worst. And don’t even get me started on the nonsense in episodes 12 and 13. Absolutely gratuitous, and the aftermath was just disrespectful. 5/10
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Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket – Someone on Twitter, or whatever we’re calling it these days, said that this series in the Universal Century timeline was a Christmas series, so I figured I’d put it on. I was a little nervous to see that our main character this time was a 10-year-old boy, as I was worried he was going to end up flying a mecha around and fighting. Thankfully, he remains an onlooker instead of a combatant, although he still gets himself plenty involved in a situation involving a Zeon special forces squad who has come to his colony to destroy a Gundam at the hidden Federation base there. It does a lot in just six episodes, with some remarkably good animation that looks fantastic remastered for HD, and the final episode in particular was some excellent tragedy writing that hit me where it hurt. 8/10
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Reborn! Ep. 51-75 – I have some of the most mixed feelings on this series. The Varia arc wrapped up here, and I found myself enjoying the fights and the story towards the end of it, when Tsuna is forced to get serious and he and his friends start to work together. I still think the author could have cooled it a bit on the introducing more and more twists and complications as the sole way of adding tension, but it was satisfying to see Tsuna stand up for his guys. After that arc, there were several one-off episodes of daily life which still aren’t super funny for me, and then the next long arc begins. I’m interested to see how this arc plays out, as the ten-year time difference is intriguing, but I have to admit that I rolled my eyes a bit at the new weapon contraptions it introduced. We’ll see.
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