#possesed by the spirit of mr clean
sharkdays · 1 year
i cant sleep
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
Ok it's the point in the night where my brain gets silly and. I am about to go to sleep BUT. I'm dying to know what your opinions on the Imunlauker clan are, if you have any?
(Or any opinions/thoughts you have about niche lore characters because I for one will go rabid over some character that's litearlly only been mentioned in like two artifacts and an archive book,, I love the lore characters so bad it's insane I'm super curious if you've fallen down that rabbithole or not)
So, I cannot offer you any lore/speculation on the imunlauker because I don't know much about Dragonspine.
But I can tell you about Mr Nine!
So, Mr Nine is the only known authors of the book we find in game. He's the writer of both Flowers for Prinsess Fishl (which you may know because of, well, Fishl) and The Shattered Halbered" (the book from Xingqui's story quest) and it's claimed in a world quest that Mr Nine is his actual name, not a nickname.
Now, why should you care? Well, let's start from the beginning.
After 3.3 many theorist have reevaluated all the books in the game, especially the alllegorical ones, as they could very well be a hint to actual history being recorded without Irminsul modifications. One of the most interesting is, in fact, the Shattered Halbered.
Now, a short synthesis.
This story is set in a world where there were nine realms, each a world of its own. The realm of humans was known as the Zhongzhou, while the gods reside in Shenxiao. At the end of the last calamity, a war between the gods broke out. The God King fell. The realms have now been born anew but Axus mundi is obstructed, meaning you cannot travel between the worlds anymore.
This dude mir finds this woman as they're both pissing (this is not a joke, they are actually both in need to piss), who is possesed by the spirit of the daughter of the Celestial emperor, she's serching for this meteor that belongs to the celestial emperor but was stolen and used to create cursed weapons that drain people's intellect. Mir is trying to cleanse his family name from his father's Mi Tingren... embezzling scheme...
It's revealed that the meteors are part of this divine Halbert which can cleans the world, snapped into pieces and turn into nine cursed swords.
then this is said:
"The Court of Imperial Entertainments [The place Mir's father worked at] is dedicated to worshiping and making sacrifices to all you divine beings up above. Serving you is my family's job." And in any case, when the gods make their move, what can mere mortals do but look on helplessly and accept their fate?
Which, yeah, it's a thing.
Then it's revealed that Mir's father actual name is Khan the Asura from Jotunheim. Legend has it that the Celestial Emperor once went to war with the Asura. To prepare for the war, the Celestial Emperor selected soldiers from three realms and made them ascend to become his celestial army after death, they would then which was referred these soldier's "job" as "hunting from above."ù
They collect most "offscreen" and one remains.
It turns out that the sword his father had left him as inheritance was the greatest cursed sword of all, that had once burned the entire world to cinders: Laevatain. The sword had extinguished after the world was burned, but having been used by Mir, it burned bright once more.
The woman then claims the world has been destroyed again.
At this point the Celestial Emperor, now described as mad says "The world is beyond repair. It shall be born anew from the ashes of the last." and sententeces the world to an harsh punishment.
This is how it ends:
"Oh my daughter, the one in whom all my hopes are placed! Did I not bring you into existence that you might one day pierce me with a halberd?" Awakened at last, the God King floated in the heavens to the claps of thunder and the dancing of the wind, rejoicing at his return. But she was no longer afraid. This was the moment she had been waiting for her entire life, the moment she had been made for all those eons ago. No — that was not it. The true source of her courage was the time she had spent with him. The first Divine Halberd, Irmin, once pierced the Axis Mundi and connected the nine worlds. Now, its replicas had proliferated across the heavens. Fearing the madness that would ensue following his death, the God King made one final Divine Halberd, and named it the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. In this moment, it — nay, she — could finally unleash her true self.
Firstly, the 9 realms is both a parallel to norse and chinese mythology and later in the story Jotunheim is mentioned, aka the land of giants in Norse myths. Plus Mir's full name would be Mimir, a norse god.
Mimir is a god with an insane amount of knowledge killed during the Aesir-Vanir war, a war between two different parts of the norse pantheon. Odin carries his head around so it can tell him of the world's knowledge because he's weird like that.
Khaenri'ah seems to be at least in part ispired by norse mthology in multiple ways so it'd be fair to assume that Mr Nine is from Khaenri'ah or knows about Khaenri'ah in universe.
Also Irmin is the name of the king of Khaenri'ah, which is weird because in the book he's described as divine and stuff and as someone whom, in his death, allowed for the world to be opened once again. Which is interesting because if this is, in fact, a direct comparison to the actual history of the world it'd imply Irmin is a god or similar.
Not an archon. A celestial god.
The axis mundi is a concept in comperative mythology of a place that connects each of the world's realms. It is often a mountain or a tree. In norse mythologhy it's a tree that connects all the different realms.
Which is a very similar to the concept of Irminsul in genshin, since it's also a tree of Knowledge. Now, this would imply that the only way for us to leave Teyvat is through the tree.
You see? It all connects! Which is why I so strongly believe in the time travel theory and why I think Kaeya's clan is aware of Irminsul changes.
Also, another reason why Irmin could be a god which would destroy the pride of humanity thing.
Now, my speculation.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you wanted to erase Barbatos from the records of the world. It'd be hard to remove him entirely because he's funamental to the revolution.
But, if you were to replace any mention of Anemo Archon, for example with Lord Barbatos what would happen? There would be some misterious ruler named barabatos whom appeared once in the hisotry, maybe twice during the revolution against the aristocrats. But people with the same naems exist and if you had a national hero it'd make sense to name your son or daughter after him.
You wouldn't know, is the thing. There wouldn't be an empty governement position for no reason, nor would the written hstory stop to make sense. You could just erase him.
It'd be much harder to replace Morax. Still possible but harder.
Now, what if Irmin was never the King of Khaeri'ah but that was the easiest way to replace his original title while making most texts make sense nonetheless?
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