#poor sylens
flamehairwarrior · 2 years
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What actually happened in the briefing..
Aloy: “Sylens can fuck off. While Kotallo can fuck me. Understood.”
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What if Burning Shores began a little differently?
Burning shores was a good addition to the Horizon story, it helped flesh out Aloy’s character more and helped her realize something about herself (that is she is capable of falling in love with someone) and it showed us a new setting as well as new machines and gets us pumped up for the third installment to this incredible franchise. As a fan, I always like writing fun little things as a “what if this happened?” And that is what todays writing is about.
It starts out normally. Aloy gets a call from Sylens, they meet up and chat about the 13th Zenith, Aloy flys to the Burning Shores. On her way, Beta calls and tells her to be careful, (cute sisterly moments that I NEED in game no.3) as Aloy approaches she gets shot out of the sky and falls towards a beach.
This is where it starts to go the “What if?” direction
(Honestly this is kind of a FeralLoy thing😂)
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Aloy lands in a fishing trap, she gets tangled up and ends up hurting herself trying to frantically escape, Then a woman named Seyka hears grunting and decides to go check out the source of the noise. She pulls out her bow in case if it is a machine, she jumps out of the corner of the rock and sees Aloy tangled in the trap. Seyka carefully approached her and cuts the trap loose. Aloy runs out limping and eventually runs out of breath, she crashes in a small cave on a different side of the beach. Covered in wounds and is in desperate need of help, she went to call Beta but her focus was missing, she figured she lost it from falling off her sunwing and her rough landing.
As Aloy panics and feels like she can’t even move, Seyka tries to help her clean her wounds and help her try to heal. But Aloy glares and shows signs of *I don’t trust you* (which would be pretty reasonable because she just met her, and is just starting to understand trusting a lot of people) Seyka states that she isn’t leaving the area due to machines being around and Aloy is in no shape to protect herself. Aloy just growls in frustration and rolls over, Seyka chuckles “I think I can get you to warm up red…at least it’s worth a shot”.
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The next day early in the morning, Seyka brings supplies for herself (and for Aloy if she decides to let Seyka help her) As Seyka makes breakfast, she’s wondering if Aloy will come over to eat, but Aloy doesn’t budge she instead decides to look through her rations which is empty. Seyka thinks to herself that Aloy may be tough to befriend, Aloy mutters to herself about not trusting Seyka and isn’t sure if her intentions, and how her food smells good. As Aloy is short on food options, she’s getting hungry. This leads to Seyka hearing her stomach growling and then asks if she would like food because she sounds hungry. Aloy starts crying and confesses she’s starving. Seyka chuckles, gets her a bowl of food and tells her there is no need to get upset.
After the two share a meal and start getting properly acquainted with one another, Aloy apologizes for her behavior from before, introduces herself, and lets Seyka help her with her wounds and get back on her feet, while all of this is happening, Aloy starts to feel something she’s never felt before, she is in denial at the moment, but she may have caught feelings for this Quen.
And from this point on it’s just regular Burning shores what canonically happens, it’s just Seyka and Aloy having a few extra days with each other and having a rocky start when they meet.
Hope you enjoy this!
(Also I’m aware that the boards have poor grammar, I was pretty darn tired when I was adding dialogue but it’s okay this is all for practice 😂)
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Astarion: Poor fools. They actually think Cazador will save them...
Sylene Dathiir: We should have killed them.
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Astarion: They're no threat to us, and they have no choice but to do Cazador's bidding. I pity them.
Astarion: Worst of all, they don't know their fate's already set. They're doomed.
Astarion: The only question is whether their lives will be sacrificed to a monster like Cazador or serve a greater purpose.
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Astarion: Seven sigils on seven spawn, and Cazador has the other six. We have to face him and take that power for ourselves.
Sylene Dathiir: Sometimes you scare me more than the elder brain does.
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Astarion: Why thank you, darling.
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Astarion: But there's nothing to be afraid of-we're a team after all.
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Astarion: We are a team, aren't we? You're still with me?
Sylene Dathiir: I just want you to be happy.
Astarion: Then you'll help me in this. Nothing would make me happier.
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foibles-fables · 1 year
okay…I have to know what you think of Seyka? Any other thoughts?
Man, nonny, I...really hope I like her! I'm curious to see how they are going to differentiate her from Aloy's other (both in general and...One Very Specifically, lol) allies.
I was chatting it out with some folks--and I think it could be really compelling if she's a fierce and confident fighter, but quick to frustration, prone to overcompensation, maybe downright pessimistic at times? She looks pretty petulant at times in the trailer. Maybe this is her flaw and her room for growth throughout the plot of the DLC.
@finrays and I were tossing around the idea of her being a lower-level but ambitious grunt in the Quen marines, always passed over for rank promotions due to nepotism, etc. Has a chip on her shoulder because of it. This would set up some interesting initial friction with Aloy, who is...from a frustrated outsider's POV, especially an outsider who is versed in the Ancestors, the very definition of nepotism, lmao. "How could you know how this feels? You've always been important."
This could also set up an interesting potential for betrayal?? If either the or a big baddie is a higher-level Quen military person, they could ask Seyka to quit Aloy's meddling and she'll be rewarded with what she's always wanted--to rank up, to be Important. And hey, maybe she does betray Aloy. Maybe she betrays Aloy only to realize her mistake and then sacrifice herself to keep her alive. Maybe she says "screw you" to the baddie and sticks with Aloy.
In any case, definitely could be a cool dynamic. Aloy has never really been betrayed before in earnest, IMO. Tilda's scheme doesn't really count, and Sylens...sure, maybe with the lance, but I don't think Aloy has ever trusted him like she might trust Seyka eventually. That would be a nifty little twist.
Ooh, and yeah, maybe she takes that Focus from a Diviner friend (dead or alive).
And then there's the big question that everyone's been riled up about: Seyka as a love interest. I have--admittedly and predictably--many, many thoughts about this, most of them incoherent, I'll try to get some of them out. There are inclinations to suggest that maybe the DLC will lean in that direction? But they're all very, very vague. IMO--and I say this as a proponent of including romance in the series--I think it would be quite a....Very Choice, to enter Aloy into a deal-sealed canon romantic relationship with a character introduced in a console-specific DLC before the third game of the planned trilogy. What would work better, though, IMO? A couple options.
What we've always had. Meaningful glances/loaded gestures/everything we've seen for other fan favorites so far in ZD and FW. It'll seem more powerful in BS because the main-character base will be limited. But in comparison, it'll be similar to what we've been used to analyzing for years.
Aloy does develop an explicit crush on Seyka, but Seyka (probably very kindly!) rejects her? Which, like, POOR ALOY, but also an interesting character moment for her, I think.
Same as above, but the aforementioned betrayal/death deal gets in the way.
So like, am I calling her a stepping stone?? Maybe!! Who knows! Like I said, having a defined and sealed-deal thing moving into the final(?) would definitely be a storytelling risk, IMO. I feel like something so huge, character-wise, should be mainline story material.
I hope this was an at least half-coherent answer! My thoughts are very scattered as drop day approaches.
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thessalian · 2 months
Thess vs Firegleam
So I spent awhile backtracking just for kicks. Some of it was worth it. Some of it ... not so much.
There is supposed to be a big chunk of green shiny out by Sylens' lab but I cannot get up there to find out. I will look later when I don't have so much firegleam to ignite. But lemme see what's over actually behind that firegleam deposit in Sylens' 'lab space', for lack of a better word.
Well, mildly underwhelming, but hey. Lemme just grab a campfire in the area and...
Oh. That's a noise. Talanah! And Longlegs! Friend and needed parts! Okay, the firegleam can wait!
Ah. Another Carja trying to find friends, family, or Other Important Person in the West. Cool, we can deal with that. A little bit out of my way, but what're friends for?
...I am missing out on so much hunting, Talanah...
A ... Shellsnapper. That's new. Okay, you brought me Longlegs and a whole new unfeasibly big thing to kill. All is forgiven. Now, lemme see ... scanned, logged, and that's a vulnerable bit but lemme hunker because that thing can probably take a huge amount of--
.........Did ... did I just one-shot Robo-Atuin?
Apparently, yes I did. I guess I worried for nothing.
Ah. Now there is a mountain in the way and not even I can feasibly climb it. I guess we find a way around or through. Yeah, yeah, we'll probably meet again when circumstances demand. For now, though ... I should be saving the world but apparently that will wait for me to ignite a lot of firegleam.
Right. Start from the Daunt, work my way down. This one at this old dig site might be worth looking at.
...Vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Next!
Huh. This lets me into that tower I couldn't get into. Now, what wonders will we find within?
...A ... codex entry and more vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Next!
............Dude, HOW ARE YOU STILL PULLING ON THAT POOR DEAD OSERAM?!? There really should be a function whereby, if you complete a quest, the quest giver can ... like, go away, do something else? Something other than pulling on the ankle on the same Oseram corpse for, like, three in-game days?
Please let this climb and ridiculousness be worth it...
Moooooooore vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Someone's going to love me when I finally get back to Plainsong for the main quest because I'm going to have so much vendor trash...
(Wow. Really glad I'm not playing BG3 like this. Imagine encumberance rules in this game...)
Right. Okay. How about this one just by Barren Light, at the edge of No Man's Land. That's got to have something worthwhile ... right?
GREEN SHINY! ...And nothing to spend it on so far. Ah well.
Okay. This is in an Old World ruin. This has to be something worthwhile.
This ... is a lateral thinking jumping puzzle. Right. Okay. Hoboy.
So ... I have a battery I can't jump with, a body of water I can't cross, and over there, a crate. Hrm.
So the only way over there is gliding. I think I see why they mapped everything to space bar, now. Guess I'm going to have to rebind some keys here or I won't time it right.
Okay, so ... can't jump on the crate while holding battery. So how... Wait. Can we use the pullcaster on this thing?
.........Oh. Ooooooooh. You sneaky bastards.
No, the ramps won't do it because it'll just slide off when the crate's at an angle. And that's where the nearly perfect dock comes in.
BATTERY FERRIED. Now, up. More crate-dragging. Wheee!
So ... that's another toucan ball. And this one's ... oh, those weren't clovers on the first ones - they were clubs, like the card suit. Because this one's giving off spades. Huh. The Old World was weird.
On that note, I should probably consider something that resembles food. Today's probably going to be a bit of a Forbidden West binge. The Saturday Shenanigans group is on a two-week hiatus between mini-campaigns - this week because I wanted a break, next week because @hyperewok1 is away and we don't have enough players on a Saturday to play when we're a person short. Plus, I really could use a little bit more of a break too. I mean, that'll mean that I have a whole weekend next weekend, just for me! (Not that I don't love my every-other-Sunday D&D group - I really seriously do. Just a whole weekend with nothing to plan for or set up for people feels ... decadent and lovely, somehow.)
Anyway, then I have to decide between going for that drone near Plainsong (which means dealing with Blight, yay), or dealing with the Rebel outposting also near Plainsong. Either way, going to stick around Plainsong at least a bit. But all of that will be easier on a full stomach. So ... food.
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Horizon dlc frustration
I waited all that time for the Horizon Burning Shores DLC and it was a big disappointment.
Not because we finally get a romance for Aloy. I don’t know where the bigoted fake gamerbros have been, but Aloy’s queerness should not be a surprise. (Yes, we know they aren’t really surprised, just are taking every opportunity to be homophobic, but still.) It was already implied in that she’s a clone of a lesbian or bi woman.  Her reactions to other characters’ flirtations have actually felt more asexual than anything else -- not interested, puzzled by others’ interest, clearly hasn’t experienced anything resembling sexual attraction or desire at any point. But ok, the devs decided to make her sexual and give her a romance, and... that’s the best we get? That?
Seyka is just boring. All the amazing, interesting women Aloy’s met! Petra started a town! Talanah is single-handedly changing hunting culture in her tribe to be more inclusive! Tilda was creepy, but Jesus, Regalla! And instead of them, Aloy latches onto this angry, incurious jock, who gets access to a long-forbidden Focus and... seems completely uninterested in it. It’s clear that this lack of curiosity is why Aloy doesn’t invite Seyka to be one of the Companions (tm) -- but if she can’t even be friends with her love interest, why even have a love interest? I might have understood if they’d at least let poor Aloy get laid, but all that for just a kiss? This woman is constantly risking her life to save the world and y’all can’t even let her get a nut? Really?
(Yes, yes, we also know this is misogyny; the devs seem to think Aloy needs to be virginal to be admirable. That just adds insult to injury.)
But apart from that... my God, what a boring, poorly-written story. The villain was just more of the same, another Zenith, ooh scary. And we got more of the Quen! Who are easily the least-interesting of the tribes. There were opportunities to make the Quen more interesting here. They’ve got a brewing religious and political revolution! They’re a colony of their mother country that’s been cut off in a strange land, and normally that means the colony would eventually want independence! But none of that happened. We got no new revelations about the world. No new character interactions worth anyone’s time. It was bittersweet to talk to Sylens and realize we’re probably not going to get any more character development for him, even though he made such a powerful turn at the end of Forbidden West, because Lance Reddick is dead.
It’s so frustrating to realize they just... phoned this in. Horizon Frozen Wilds at least added some interesting lore to the world (another AI, showing Hephaestus as a genuine threat, lots more about one of the least-explored tribes)! Burning Shores just... killed time.
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singingkestrel · 2 years
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Poor Erend. No wonder Sylens didn't want to lug his own kit around.
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fandombarf · 2 years
Other things I really hope we get to see in the next Horizon game:
• Kotallo on a Sunwing!!! He deserves it.
• Kotallo with the Varl’s memory inked on his arm. I will cry so hard.
• Beta in a new outfit that is modeled after Varl’s (or Aloy!) or wearing something that’s not what the Zentiths gave her
• Beta and Aloy being sisters!!!
• Varl & Zo’s baby!!! Utaru lullabies???? I love the Utaru music.
• Everyone in the Gaia Gang should have gliders. Just saying
• Sylens (rallying the Banuk?)
• The return of the Nora (but mostly Sona and Teersa). Poor Sona, literally losing both her children.
• The Quen, I guess? They’re kinda dicks… but I am curious about the other tribes across the ocean!
• Unlikely to happen, but the ability to travel in all the maps from HZD and HFW. But mostly because I want to visit Rost and Varl T^T
• More of the Gaia Gang being a family
• More Strike!!! I hope I’m not the only one who really enjoyed playing
• NO ONE TO DIE. PLEASE. First Rost and then Varl? I’m scared.
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complexhaystack · 2 years
Starting on the new Resident Evil series... Oh man the main kid is really annoying. Still on the fence about her adult self, but I guess we'll see in more episodes. Both child and adult makes some really dubious choices (like, really not well thought through!). She's saved time and again just in the first few episodes by luck (read: plot armour). And my gosh, the utterly privileged things being spouted from this kid's mouth... (No fault of the actress, just poor script writing)
But I do like two of the actors in the series - Lance Reddick and Siena Agudong! I think the scene where Wesker talks to another parent shows the powerful quiet charisma that Lance Reddick can command haha!! He was great in John Wick and also loved his voice over as Sylens in HZD.
And woohoo! So happy to see Siena Agudong again. She was Excellent as No Good Nick, and I've been hoping she gets another big production at some point. It does look like her role will be limited but still very glad to see her.
Let's see how much of the main character is tolerable in the meantime... A strong main character can be headstrong, but not annoyingly reckless and a spoilt brat.
For a great zombie show with an incredibly memorable, strong and charismatic black female lead, highly recommend Z Nation instead.
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artekai · 1 year
I accidentally made myself emotional over what was initially a silly joke, as one does 😭
But the thought of Artekai (who has spent his whole HFW arc feeling like his past and his origins are both a curse that weighs him down) finding a way to repurpose that knowledge to help give Beta hope for her own future?
Takuto's Focus always was (and, despite everything, still is) Artekai's most prized possession. He's very protective over it, it's a source of pride, it's kinda his thing. I don't think he has shared those holos with anyone ever before, not even Aloy. Sylens has seen them, of course, but that's because he is a poor little meow meow who cares not for people's privacy hehe
If Horizon!Kai had a palace, Takuto's Focus would absolutely be his treasure.
So the thought of Artekai putting his pride and bitterness aside to sit down with Beta and tell her the story of the Phantom Thieves, to let her know that she's not alone, that other people have suffered through similar things before, and that they stuck together and pushed through and found happier lives at the end... The idea of him opening up and sharing what he has kept closest to his heart since the day he was born in an attempt to give Beta (someone he's barely just met!) a spark of hope...
I'm sure Takuto would be proud of him. He couldn't have hoped for his Focus to fall into better hands.
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ao3feed-ereloy · 2 years
War of Hearts
by ShadowAngel2231
The time has come for Avad to take a wife. Meridian needs a Sun Queen and Marad has decided to take into his own hands to arrange the marriage. Avad has lost Ersa and had hoped to find that new sunrise in Aloy. However, the Nora Huntress was never his to claim. Instead, a marriage between the Sun King and a daughter of the Banuk will help bring peace among the lands. Will they bring peace to each other or will a crumbling marriage result in war?
Words: 1445, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Horizon: Zero Dawn (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Avad (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Erend (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Marad (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Nil (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Aratak (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Ourea (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Sylens (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Original Female Character(s), Nasadi (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Itamen (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Relationships: Avad (Horizon: Zero Dawn)/Original Female Character(s), one-sided Avad/Aloy, Avad/Ersa (Horizon: Zero Dawn), Aloy/Erend (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Additional Tags: Arranged Marriage, Unrequited Love, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Dancing, Awkward Flirting, Poor Avad, Masturbation
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39913584
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stormikins · 1 year
@chronic-ghost wanted to know about two wips from this list. hfw/varl is basically varl/aloy in hfw. I don’t know if im gonna have them get together before the events of the hfw or not buuuuuut... i do have this little angsty piece for you
“You almost died Aloy!” That causes her to look away. There’s more than just anger and exasperation there. She can deal with anger, has made him angry, but the concern- the raw worry gnaws at her.
“I almost die all the time,” she throws back at him, because it’s easier to deal with anger than anything else.
His jaw moves, his mouth twisting in the corner. He takes a deep breath. “You would have died if I hadn’t showed up. Think about that for a second Aloy.”
She doesn’t want to.
But he’s right. There are many times where she’s almost died but she got herself out. But there was Rost and then- as much as it pains to admit -Sylens. Now Varl.
“And I’m grateful for that-”
“Are you? ‘Cause I didn’t do it for gratitude obviously, but all you have done is argue with me.”
“All you’ve done is argue with me!”
“Because for some reason, you took two giant leaps back from learning how to not only work with others but to trust them too! All of those people joined you- from all over -risked their lives for you. And you left them without even saying goodbye. I realize you had a very different, and difficult, upbringing but damn Aloy. Are you really gonna a save a world but have no place in it?"
It doesn't matter, she wants to scream. Elisabet did it, so can I!
As for Endless Freckles: its Rex/Obi-wan and its Rex putting aloe on Obi-wan’s back in a nice moment of domestic peace after a beach day, this was written for rex/obi week but i did not actually finish nor post it but here is some
Rex rubs the excess aloe on his sides and plants a gentle kiss on his shoulder. It tastes like aloe but Obi-wan smiles softly in the mirror, eyes crinkling and fuck, does his chest swell.
He slides his hands up his back once more, running them from his shoulders, and down his arms, stopping on his waist again. He presses another kiss to a mole on his right shoulder. Raising his eyes, he meets Obi-wan’s in the mirror.
“Are you done?” Obi-wan asks.
“I don’t know.” He wraps an arm fully around his front, keeping the other on his hip. He noses behind his ear. He can smell his shampoo. “Am I?” Rex presses his front to his back, kissing the warm skin behind his ear.
“I just took a shower.”
“And now we’re both not sandy; much better. I do not want a rash. I’m not Fives.”
“I don’t wanna know.”
"Let's just say he learned that there are places where sex isn't as desirable."
"Oh, that poor fool."
"Yeah, that’s what I said." Obi-wan shoots him a disbelieving look. "Okay, that’s the point that I got across with what I said." He head leans on Rex's shoulder as he laughs. He doesn't hesitate to press a kiss to his bared throat. His hand goes lower around his waist, edging the top of the towel.
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aloyxtilda · 2 years
A Love Beyond Space and Time
Author: GingerAnne aka @aloyxtilda
Author Notes: Taking place at the end of Horizon Forbidden West, Tilda Returns from the dead in a more enigmatic, “angelic”, youthful form. How is Tilda still alive? What has she done to herself to make it possible? Based off data points I've found across the 2 games and Zenith lore, I decided to write about my theory on how she may return for Horizon 3. Of course, turning it into a fun fan fic due to my love for this mysterious character filled with tons of secrets.
SUMMARY: Taking place at the very end of Horizon Forbidden West. The moment Aloy is forced to defeat Tilda in battle, she struggles to cope with the fact she killed the last person connected to Elizabet and the old ones -- Tilda. Aloy drowns her sorrows in constant machine battles and more bad ale than she can handle. But as our hero tries to calm the machines of a raging Hephaestus, a cloaked, white and gold hooded, mysterious being is found watching Aloy from a distance. Could it possibly be.....
CHAPTER 1 : The Beginning of The End
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After the battle with Tilda, Aloy felt this sense of deep regret. Did she do the right thing? Was there any other way this could have ended differently? Why didn't Tilda just let her choose or stay and fight along-side her? The red headed huntress' thoughts raced in circles as she flew upon her sunwing. Aloy took a long ride to clear her head while the others stayed behind to gather anything they could from the space traveler's base.
Sylens poked around for any useful data. While Erend checked a few cabinets in the the desperate hope of discovering Zenith alcohol. Alva was scanning the area, incredibly fascinated with the nano technology within the walls of the structure. But Beta couldn't wait to get out of there. The poor girl sat on the ground with her knees drawn up to her chest. Her traumatized gaze was soon shook when her sister came flying in from above. A look of relief and joy spread over her face.
“Sis!” Beta waved to Aloy. “Thank goodness, I was getting bored. Can we leave now?” She begged.
“Of course we can.” Aloy smiled gently to Beta, hiding her pain. “I just have a few things I need to clear up before I head back to base. Erend just called me on my focus and told me he was packing up." The huntress gently touched her sister's shoulder. "You can go back with him. It'll be alright. I'll meet up.”
“Okay, I'll wait for you there.” Beta replied, a little disappointed that her sister wasn't going back with her.
“Hey!” Erend shouted in excitement. “They got fancy bottles of something here!” He held one up for the gang to see. “Looks like we're celebrating tonight.” He cheered as Sylens gave a light chuckle and shook his head. Beta ran over to Erend as she helped him load up some bags of Zenith salvage.
However, Aloy wasn't feeling any joy to celebrate. Her stomach was in knots and her heart sank deeper with each drop of light fading from the sunset. She walked over to the smoking pod that Tilda's hands continued to lay limp from. She gazed at them in some desperate hope they would move. 
“You coming with us?” Sylens interrupted.
“No, I'll catch up with you all soon. I got a few things I want to do first.” She replied, withholding her emotions.
“Very well. See you at the base.” Sylens responded with a gentle tone as the redhead nodded, keeping her face turned away from him. He walked slowly to the exit then stopped and looked back at her. “Aloy” He continued. “Don't let it get you upset. She did try to kidnap you – remember that.”
“I-I know Sylens.” She whispered, doubting he even heard her.
When everyone was finally out of the base, the sun had almost set. The stars began to twinkle beyond the soft, rose colored clouds as Aloy dropped to her knees before Tilda. She punched the ground and let out a long cry. An entire barrel of emotions streamed out of her. Anger for Tilda tossing her life away so foolishly. Anger for trying to kidnap her and force her to leave Earth to a terrible fate. And extreme regret for killing her. Did she have a choice? Aloy questioned her own morals as she sat and mourned Elizabet's ex lover who claimed to love her more than anything in the world. Then why? Why do this if you love someone? None of it made any sense to the brave Nora.
“I don't get it, Tilda. Why? This was such a waste!” Aloy began mumbling to herself as she struggled to get the blonde haired woman free from the pod. “If you were going to give your life, you could have done so helping me!” Her voice rose in frustration. Prying open the shaft and slowly sliding the corpse out, Aloy gasped at the lifeless, beautiful woman in her arms. Her light golden strands slipped through Aloy's fingers as she held Tilda's head. “I wish you just wanted to stay by my side...here – on Earth.” She whispered in Tilda’s ear as tears dropped down her cheek. “I would have given you that second chance.” She fought every nerve in her body not to break down as she laid a soft kiss on the woman’s cold forehead.
Aloy picked up the lifeless Zenith into her arms and carried her to a peaceful spot near the base. The ground was soft and easy for her to dig a grave. The red head couldn't just leave her in that pod to rot. Bad enough her conscious was killing her for taking Tilda’s life. And though she didn't know Tilda long, Aloy felt a deep connection to her. Perhaps because Elizabet was her lover or maybe the way Tilda had so much to offer. Her connection to the old ones. Her beauty? Her intelligence and incredible knowledge. All of it was attractive and inviting. She accepted her into her life so easily. If she had kept her word and didn't lie, they could have done great things together. Aloy thought of all the possibilities Tilda could've had with her. The stories and aid she could've provided in rebuilding Earth. Now gone – forever.
The Nora girl placed Tilda into the grave and said her goodbyes as she covered it with the last bits of dirt. After leaving some flowers on a piece of metal from Specter Prime she used as a tombstone, Aloy was finally ready to head back to base.
A couple weeks passed while Sylens worked hard to find any knowledge on what he could about Nemesis. Meanwhile, Hephaestus' creations were getting out of control. They began terrorizing the people of the Forbidden West. Aloy found herself having to help out fellow tribes from rogue machines that got stronger by the day. Gaia was only able to provide knowledge when she could but time felt like it was running out and still nothing on how to take down Nemesis.
Many things challenged our hero's mental state. The dread that Nemesis was on it's way caused deep anxiety in her heart. At times, Tilda's death crept back into her memory, haunting her conscious. Nightmares tormented her each evening. She needed a drink! Bad! A nice ale, maybe even a hot bath at an inn to clear her head. She deserved a break from being a hero for once. Aloy decided to head to Chainescrape. From there, she'd go to the tavern and meet up with her good friend, Petra.
When she arrived it was around dinner. She parked her sunwing on a nearby cliff and glided her way down into town.
“Wow look! It's the savior!” She heard someone shout out. Aloy rolled her eyes.
She made her way to the tavern where the music got louder, the crowd got rowdier and the entire place smelled like bad ale and the flesh of roasted boar. Aloy smiled knowing she was exactly where she needed to be.
“Hey, machine hunter! Over here!” Petra called out and waved down her red headed friend.
“Petra! So good to see you!” Aloy replied with a big smile and a touch of blush in her cheeks.
“Looks like you need a drink.” The inventor laughed and nudged her elbow into Aloy's old injured rib.  
“Shit, is it that obvious?” The huntress grinned and chuckled, trying to hide her pain from the nudge.
“Maybe. But don’t worry! The ale is on the house! So drink up!” The inventor slammed a mug in front of the Nora girl.
“Thanks Petra!”
They talked for what seemed hours as Aloy began feeling tipsy and soon very drunk. Petra continued to ask if the Nora was okay but she hid her sorrows well and drank more. However, a person caught her attention. A white hooded, cloaked figure sat in the corner across the tavern, staring at Aloy. The huntress squinted her eyes in the hopes of seeing more details through her blurry sight.
“Hey Petra, who's that?” Aloy subtly tilted her head in the direction of the enigmatic being.  
“I have no idea.” She whispered back. “Never seen them around here before. Looks like they traveled from a far away land.”
“Hm. Interesting.”
Aloy eventually got up. Petra offered to help her walk but the stubborn Sobeck refused it. She wished her friend goodnight and stumbled out of the tavern. The air was a bit cool as the stars glimmered beyond the passing clouds. She took in a big deep breath of fresh air and stretched, followed by a long, dramatic yawn.
“I should get to the Inn and call it a night.” She spoke to herself.
When the Nora girl made her way inside, the innkeeper greeted her.
“Ah! The savior of Meridian! Need a room? On the house!”
“N-No reallyyy, thatiss's not necessary – at all.” Aloy slurred. “I-I...I can pay!”
“Don't be ridiculous! It's not everyday you see a true hero walk among us!” They insisted and handed the girl a key.
“Can I-I gett a baath too?” She asked as best she could, struggling to hold herself up.
“Of course! I'll prepare the hot water for you. It’ll take a bit. Just head to your room and I'll assist you shortly.”
“Grr-eatt!” Aloy raised her hand in the air in a silly fist pump. She felt herself getting dizzier by the minute.
Aloy took the longest bath she's had in weeks. Letting the warm water heal any wounds, scratches and scrapes from her battles. Her muscles relaxed as her mind cleared of all negativity. This is what she needed more than anything.
The hooded figure came to mind. Who were they? Why were they starring at her in the tavern? Could it have been a member of the Quen? They wore a hooded cloak that was white with gold details. The colors almost resembled Zenith attire but could blend in well with the crowd. The huntress pondered if it could've been an immortal survivor but that made no sense. All the Zeniths were dead. Including one in particular who's face she couldn't remove from her thoughts.
“Tilda...” Aloy lowered her head and dipped herself under the water to drown her tears.
That’s it for now. I plan to write chapter 2 tomorrow. Let me know what you all think. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy it so far. 
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thessalian · 2 months
Thess vs The Fate Of HADES
Didn't entirely finish that particular part of the main quest line, but it's late, and that very convenient save point suggests to me that there is going to be a very long period of searching ruins and/or cutscenes (and brief checking confirms), so nah. Still, not like I wasn't productive in Horizon-world.
Right. Rebel camp. Kill leader, others ... optional. Let's see; can the Focus pick out leaders?
...The Focus can pick out leaders! Okay, how good is this sharpshot bow really?
Well. Okay. Given that I one-shotted the leader from a very long way away, I'd say this sharpshot bow is pretty damn good!
Sooooooooooo ... you tell me that killing the other rebels is optional, buuuuuuuuuut you also want me to search the rebel leader. In the camp where everyone is freaking out about their leader having an arrow through their face, and also firing arrows in my general direction. I mean, they're not really hitting me, but we can call this self-defense now. And in no way padding my headshot count.
Wait. Rebel Tenakth wear dog tags?
Ooh. Shinies. Great. Okay. Now, there are a lot of options, but let's go check out that Carja camp.
Dudes. DUDES. GET. A. ROOM. Also that is not a tray. It is too small for-- Y'know what? Never mind. I'll go check on things at your dig site.
But first I'm going to wander around these Carja ruins. Because Exploration.
More Firegleam. And another metal flower. WHEN DO I GET TO GET RID OF THIS SHIT ALREADY?!? Oh well; I got some good out of it - three Burrowers down and at least some shiny.
Okay. Dig site. Scrappers and ... why do they want Widemaws here? I guess because water-adjacent? Now, I could hide in a bush, and I will for these guys, but ... that's not a great angle. How about I quietly go up to the top of this post and shoot from there?
Right. So. Underwater. Ohyay.
Now, see, here's another thing I want RightTheHellNow. WHERE IS MY REBREATHER? Well, I apparently need access keys or some shit first.
This ... must be where my first access key is. One Skydrifter, a couple of Scroungers. And a friendly bush. Bye, guys!
...AND green shiny! My cup runneth over.
Ouch. Poor Old World Fighter-Dudes. None of that sounded happy. Right. Not much else in here, but there is an access key, so grab that and moving on...
Access Key The Second is apparently in another blocked path spot. Yaaaaaaay. I will get there eventually. (This is why I feel no shame in having my interactive map open at all times; I need to be able to reference back to where all the stuff I couldn't open is when I finally can open it.)
Welp, I'm pretty close to Sylens' coordinates, so I guess it's about time for main quest.
Thaaaaat's a Titan. And some data points / codex entries / whatever.
Sylens ... you tortured HADES for nearly two weeks?!? So how do you torture an AI?
...Well, that's ... one way to torture that particular AI, I guess. (Interesting to note that one of my most-used tags violates HADES' version of the Geneva Convention.)
Okay. Just want to check a thing. Because we have a workbench, a main questline, and a bit patch of Firegleam. I have a feeling I know what one of the rewards for this is, and I want to make sure I'm right.
Oooh, nailed that Skydrifter right in the chillwater reservoir. Aaaaaand now everything else wants me dead. Fine. Alternate between knocking you away with the spear and taking pot shots at you at short range. Because I can adapt, when I have to.
Huh. There's a campfire and a vendor right here. And a supply cache. This feels like a "If you need to pee, eat, or sleep, do it now because you're in for a long period of uninterrupted STUFF" save point to me. Lemme check a thing.
...Yeaaaaaaaah, no, better to do this tomorrow when I'm fresh. So the mystery can wait for now. I haven't got a big cutscene in me right now. (Then again, it could not possibly be as bad as some of the cutscene chains in FFXIV. Still.)
Yeah, pouring one out for Lance Reddick, because he does give exceptional dickwaffle. I just want to be awake enough to appreciate the sheer range of dickwaffle he portrays here.
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itzlanzkie · 3 years
"Trust is for fools. It shifts and crumbles like sand - a poor foundation for any partnership. But mutual self-interest - now that is a solid bedrock, upon which you and I might build a new science of understanding."
-Sylens, Horizon Zero Dawn
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baejax-the-great · 2 years
your turn: HZD for the blorbo asks!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Oh, definitely Aloy. How could it not be? I love her strength, her tenacity, her struggles, her snarky sense of humor. I love that she's still a teenager very much going through a coming of age story.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Hmm, maybe Varga? I always adopt the nearest engineer into my family, and I love her enthusiasm
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Varl! In addition to his handsome face and how he wakes up and drinks his "respect Aloy" juice every morning, I love the role he plays in Aloy's life as she confronts her culture and beliefs. Aloy might be an atheist, but she is still very much a product of Nora culture, and I hope to see her explore her fraught relationship with her culture maybe with the help of another seeker.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Enjuk! I fucking love this nature-loving biologist and I hope one day he gets to meet all the animals he's learned about. I want Aloy to remember him and invite him to ARTEMIS. I want him to be given access to APOLLO and to see all the diversity of this planet. I love this man.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I don't know that I have one of those for this game. Like, are there characters I would agree are poor little meow meows? Yes. But are they MY meow meow? Nah.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Sylens. I love this bastard man so much but the fun part of about arrogant bastard men is making their lives harder and watching them suffer
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Ted Faro, obvi
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