#poor heimdall
cheesy-mak · 2 years
atreus or literally anyone attempting to smack heimdall by the back of his head while hes sitting down by a table and he dodges it but also slams his head down really fucking hard on said table to dodge the smack and he ends up cursing out loud and is in pain due to smasing his fucking forehead into the table
thor would be there to witness it and fucker would probably be laughing his ass off, more probable if hes drunk
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abby118 · 3 months
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sillyliltrashgoblin · 2 years
I've emerged from the depths of Tumblr, become vastly interested in GOW again for the new games, and I bring these two dumb memes to the community.
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robynsmooth · 1 year
Heimdall in pain 🥺 request ?
Ofcours!. Sorry i went ahead of myself tho..
warning for blood I hope you dont mind..
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duck-noises · 7 months
does anyone know where i could get some good references of the odinsons or some good references of heimdall, because i pretty have much none for him and all the ones i found are all the same.
Also if anyone has any tips on drawing heimdall and baldur, they are greatly appreciated because i am struggling 😭😭😭
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cheesesteak675 · 1 year
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transheimdall · 1 year
plagued with heimes thoughts tonight and yall are going to have to deal w it . anyways siren heimdall and sailor hermes . i am insane but i am free
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gyllentanne · 1 year
Heimdall should be really happy he didn't face old Kratos-
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No but val literally likes to stab which is very loki of her
That is very true 😂😂 They spent a few days in the Statesman and no one will ever convince me that Loki didn't get in Val's quarters at some point to obsess over Dragonfang, there was probably some stealing and some more fighting when she found out that ended up in them comparing...uh... sizes.
Make of that last line what you will 😜
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Theory: Gulltoppr’s feet were burned by Heimdall and Odin as a torture tactic to make him submit to being Heimdall’s steed.
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amphibifish · 8 months
do u ever think about how fucking obsessed heimdall is with loki. in the anime he's like. relatively normal about him. but in the manga ????? completely abnormal about him.
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zestys-stuff · 6 months
Alright so i promised more character info so here we are
Character introductions
Igor Vladimirov character traits and data
* Full name: Igor Vladimirov
* Age: 24 years old
* A 9’7/294 cm tall avatar “dreamwalker” (a bit taller than Quaritch)
* He’s russian therefore he presents a thick accent when speaking English
* His job inside the RDA facility: RECOM soldier
* He’s as reckless as a 5 year old child (with guns)
* His favorite things to do are build, test and use guns (which he is paid for)
* Muscle mass so well developed he can crush a human in a bear hug with ease
* Personality is similar to young Jake’s but a lot more reckless and aggressive
* Is an extrovert
* Straight forward and sometimes rude
* Can be soft and nice but rarely and he prefers not to
* Cave man behavior
* Eats like a dog, mainly carnivorous diet therefore his fangs are huge
* Likes presents (preferably gun parts or bullets) and Tieg
* Tail betrays him when his excitement builds up
* His favorite dessert is Pavlova
Tieg Heimdall character traits and data
* Full name: Tieg Heimdall
* Age: 28 years old
* A 9’/275 cm tall avatar “dreamwalker” (a bit taller than Jake)
* He’s half german, half american
* His job inside the RDA facility: Marine Biologist
* He’s mostly calm and content but does show signs of discomfort and annoyance
* His favorite things to do are discovering and studying new forms of marine life (flora & fauna)
* Has been touched by an Atokirina
* Muscle mass is not so developed given his poor health condition and the isolation inside his lab
* Works so much he tends to drown in his own research and forgets to eat because of it
* Personality is layered, he can be acidic and sarcastic but he cares deeply (has very genuine feelings)
* Cares more for animals than for people
* Is an introvert
* Finds it hard to be around people, he doesn’t want to be interrupted and doesn’t hesitate to dismiss anyone
* Very educated and mannered (can also insult you fancy enough for you to take it as a compliment)
* Has a mixed diet, but he prefers fruits and nuts therefore his fangs are not so proeminent
* Likes little trinkets such as animal fangs, small, oddly shaped rocks, beads, shells etc
* Tolerates Igor
* His ears are very quick and active in showing emotion
* Has a pet Hammerbrow fish
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
One Piece x Record of Ragnarok
The One Piece world is the far future of Earth and Luffy is chosen as a champion to face off against Apollo. Why? Because Nika and I find the potential reactions of the gods to be hilarious when they learn that Luffy is pretty much a god who is toon force personified
-It wasn’t hard to convince Luffy, who came to Valhalla in his prime, right after he discovered that his Devil Fruit wasn’t the Gum-Gum Fruit, but the Sun God Nika Fruit, to fight in Ragnarok. Brunnhilde told him that a feast would be prepared after he won his fight and showed him a video of the food being prepared.
-Brunnhilde herself was going to be his partner, telling him, “My Volundr with you will allow you to remain in your Nika form with no repercussions or strain on your body.”
-Luffy was sparkly-eyed at this, thinking it was going to be so cool to fight with no limitations, wanting to really try out his skills.
-Brunnhilde had no issues tricking him, “But the longer the fight, the longer you’ll have to wait for your food, and it might get cold~” Luffy was almost instantly fired up, lifting his fists to the sky, “I’m not gonna make my meat wait for me!!!”
-Apollo was annoyed his opponent was a pirate, the Pirate King at one point, but nevertheless, a pirate, finding it a poor choice against a god like him.
-Luffy walked out with a meat stick, something Brunnhilde gave him for some motivation to get started, giving him a tease of a taste of the feast that awaited him.
-Apollo sneered down at him, “Really? This is the best humanity could do?” Luffy swallowed, looking a bit confused, “Huh? Who are you?”
-The outrage from the side of the gods, especially from Apollo, was very loud, many were stunned to learn that Luffy had no idea who Apollo was!!
-Apollo glared hard, pointing a finger at him, “You dare ask such a question?! Have you been living under a rock?! I’m the sun god Apollo! The pinnacle of perfection!!”
-Luffy ate the rest of the meat stick in one bite, pulling the bone out after stretching his mouth with ease, stunning Apollo with his bad manners before he grinned brightly, spreading his legs, “Apollo huh? Never heard of you!”
-Apollo was quick to launch an attack, furious at this disrespect from Luffy who seemingly disappeared as he leapt up with ease before kicking the sun god away, stunning everyone with his combat skills with his Devil Fruit abilities.
-Brunnhilde appeared next to Luffy in spirit form, speaking to him, “I’m ready on my side. Remember- the sooner you beat him, the sooner you get to eat to your heart’s content!”
-Luffy punched his fists together before inhaling deeply and energy and power seemed to explode from him, creating a whirlwind, one that nearly took Apollo off his feet.
-Laughter quickly filled the stadium as Luffy appeared high in the sky above, his appearance now drastically different with snow white hair that looked like fluffy clouds.
-Jaws were dropped all around the stadium, many not completely sure what was happening before Heimdall shouted out, “That’s- that’s the Sun God Nika!!” the crowds were instantly alight with cheers and shouts, seeing that a human had a god like ability.
-Apollo believed that this was just for show, instantly going on the attack, “This arena only has room for one sun god!!” Luffy took the punch full force, and his head went back into a nearby wall, with everything else remaining still in front of Apollo, not bothered.
-Like a serpent, Luffy’s head was quick to come back, spiraling around Apollo who was horrified, “What is this?!” Luffy just laughed loudly, having fun.
-Gods were horrified to see how easily Luffy was handling Apollo, bouncing his ass like a basketball… literally, smushing the god into a ball shape and playing around with him.
-Some, like Buddha and Loki were nearly falling over each other, laughing loudly, as Apollo had been talking so much smack leading up to the match.
-Ares and Hermes were conflicted, on one side they found it hysterical, thinking it was amazing Apollo was being put in his place, but at the same time, they, along with many others, were intimidated by Luffy’s power, seeing him as someone very dangerous.
-Luffy was announced the winner in the quickest match of Ragnarok and once he was announced he returned to normal, feeling completely fine before Brunnhilde came apart from him.
-He held her hand like a child, “Bruu-chan! Meat!!” her eyelid twitched, making a mental note to smack Buddha the next time she saw him as she nodded, “Yes-yes, come with me. It should be being brought into your room now.” He cheered loudly, leaping up and everyone was stunned, seeing how simple he was, fighting so he could eat.
-On the way he ran into Kojiro who had been watching the fight up close on a balcony and Luffy beamed, “Double sword guy!!” Kojiro laughed warmly, greeting Luffy and Brunnhilde couldn’t help but smile, seeing how easily these two got along, but then again, Luffy seemed to make friends everywhere.
-When Brunnhilde arrived back to his room several hours later with more food, she was stunned to see Ares, Kojiro, Jack, Buddha, most of the Valkyries, Shiva and his wives, and Loki all enjoying the feast with Luffy, turning into a celebration party.
-She couldn’t help but smile as Luffy cheered when she came in with more food and many of the others cheered as well, greeting her.
-She declined to stay, as she was preparing for the next match, but thanked Luffy before walking by Buddha and left him with several large steaming lumps on his head which he only snickered at, finding Brunnhilde’s reaction to Luffy using her nickname hysterical.
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cool-kink-sis · 6 months
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I dunno, am I obsessing over whether or not Heimdall could have been controlled by Odin somewhat just before the new year?
Comparing Heimdall's eyes to two of the einherjar, like I get that the whole controlling Heimdall thing is a just a theory but I do find it a rather odd/poor choice, if its not true, that the eyes are the exact same colour and glowing.
Gna's eyes are apparently the same but I haven't gotten to her yet.
So the word is that the einherjar eyes are black before Odin does his little hocus pocus we see him do and then boom--pink, glowing eyes. Gna is said to be powered by the bifrost and that explains her eyes but that's the same as Heimdall, right?
But she doesn't see like he does, can't read intentions or see future moves.
I do like the theory but if they say thats true then its just another missed opportunity for a cool storyline.
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onlydeas · 2 years
someone requested to do heimdall as a dad i accidentally deleted the draft :| sadly
but here i go againnn i hope you all enjoy :)
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Heimdall as a dad headcanons!
No one could believe you married the biggest jerk there is, Heimdall. Everyone would approach you and ask what you saw in him, yet behind closed doors, Heimdall is a wonderful husband to you. when you found out you were pregnant with his child you couldn't wait to tell him
Heimdall was hallucinating, he knew you were pregnant before you told him, so when you eventually told him, he pretended to be surprised, but later told you he already knew. of course how wouldn't he know your husband can read your mind anytime after all that courage you put to tell him
He wants to do everything for you, which you appreciate, but you don't want to feel helpless. You could be on the other side of Asgard, ready to pick up something, and all of a sudden he's right there picking it up, scolding you for not calling him. he then gives you a lecture on why its "unsafe" for you to do anything
If you thought he was protective then, think again. He doesn't even want you out of his sight anymore; he needs you right next to him. He can see everything, but it would make him feel better if you were right next to him. When he spotted Sif near you, he went insane. What was she doing with you? Sif has been quite helpful, as has Thor surprisingly. You sometimes get the feeling that they are attempting to make up for what they did to Modi and Magni. but you don't say anything its none of your buisness anyways you are just happy for once they don't seem like they are angry at the world.
This has nothing to do with Heimdall a bit, but most of the time, Sif loves to follow you everywhere. This can be a little unsettling since you never know if she's upset or not, but she's really waiting for you to ask for her support. She just enjoys helping you; after all, she is the goddess of family too, and she has been unable to leave you alone since learning of your pregnancy. When she makes eye contact with you and begins walking towards you, your heart sinks, hoping she isn't upset, but she only checks to see whether you've ate properly today and drank water since she always says you are now eating for two.
heimdall hates sif being around you everyday because he's meant to be around you he's YOUR husband, Sif constantly pushes him away, claiming that "all-father put him on patrol today". This always makes Heimdall furious. he always says "she acts as if shes your wife!" poor heimdall
He talks to your big belly all the time, telling it about his day and how excited he is to meet the baby he really likes telling it stories about his adventures and protecting Asgard. You think this is so sweet, and he loves to kiss and rub your stomach. He is absolutely so in love with the fact that you are carrying his child.
Heimdall has issues with everyone, including the baby. as much as he loves the baby you're carrying he loves you even more he'd go to war for you so when the baby kicks excessively and you wake up in the middle of the night groaning, he lectures the baby, "You can't keep hurting mommy. She needs her sleep."
When the time came for you to give birth, Heimdall was more anxious and afraid than you were because he wanted things to go perfectly for the delivery of both you and his child. He was perfect. Your son was perfect. You may say that he resembles Heimdall, heimdall was so happy that he kissed your forehead and praised you on how well you did during the birth of your son. "you did amazing sunshine"
Heimdall laid by your side cuddling the baby and leaned in to kiss you as you slept. He was overjoyed to have his own small family like Thor.
He had Heimdall's beautiful glowing eyes and most of his features, and as the baby grew and grew into a toddler, you would think it was adorable that your son was at least attempting to understand some words and make out words. When people saw him walking by, they would say, "Yes, that's heimdalls and y/n’s child." 
as heimdall would live and die for you and loves you with every blood cell in his body your son loves you with every drop of water in the ocean heimdall cant say he has the best relationship with his son because they both argue about who you love the most “mommy loves me the most !!” heimdall slowly turns around to look at his son and bends down “well guess what your mommy and i got married and we had you because of the love we have for each other” you finally stepped in after watching them argue for an hour straight “heimdall please i love you both a lot” they both stared into your eyes as if they were reading your mind because they were and looked back at each other and ran to see who would hug you first
as much as heimdall and s/n would argue s/n would carry a stick around claiming it was his sword and would “train” with thrúd when she was valkyrie training. even after s/n was born sif is still always there to help you when you need she would joke that she has a husband and a wife (you) since shes with you most of the time. again this makes heimdall jealous
THE SAME ATTITUDE as his father: no one can tell him anything because he will talk back and he won't regret it. Of course, s/n wouldn't say anything to you because he loves you beyond infinty, but when he gets into trouble and Heimdall tells him something, he will just respond in the same way as his heimdall does son like father.
s/n is the reason you wake up every morning seriously he wakes you up by asking for help with getting dressed and asking if he can help with breakfast. he really copied and pasted his father's appearance and just is always prepared for everything, just like Heimdall. 
You sit down every morning to watch your son and husband either argue about who loves you more or heimdall teaching s/n something new. Your son is extremely intelligent, exactly like his father. sometimes when heimdall and s/n dont agree with something someone is doing they both have the same disappointed stare and stance you find this really funny because they’re just standing next to each other judging. heimdall is way taller then s/n of course his little mini him
Dinner is usually wonderful. The conversations you all have are so sweet. You truly love your family so much. You are your sons favorite person in the entire world. Heimdall is aware of this, but he is not angry since he also considers you to be his favorite person. They both look at you with such love in their eyes. "I love mommy so much !!" heimdall looks into your eyes and smiles "I love mommy too"
If you notice something crawling onto the bed between you and Heimdall while you are both asleep, what might it be? Of course, s/n, he just lays between you two, removing his father's face from your neck so that s/n can cuddle you instead of him.
There is nothing more in the world that Heimdall loves more than his family, you're so glad that you married him. He protects you and s/n as if his life depended on it and it does and he always swears that if something happened to you or s/n, he'd lose it.
When s/n found out he was going to be a big brother, there were mixed emotions because he was no longer going to be the baby. Of course, you smiled and reminded him that you would always love him no matter what. Heimdall was overjoyed that a new child was on the way. He wants to start a big family with you and he can't get enough of the happiness he has each morning when he watches you and s/n talking and getting ready for the day.
As your belly grew larger and larger each day, Heimdall showed s/n how to touch your belly without hurting you. he told s/n that the baby can hear him from the inside, of course s/n asked him if he would talk to him when he was inside your belly and you said "all the time there wasn't a day where he didn't speak to you"
At first, s/n wasn't too happy about having a sibling, but now he frequently talks about how he and your husband and the baby will go on adventures together and how he's going to teach his little sibling things. Every morning, s/n would run up to you and kiss your belly and ask when the baby was coming.
When you gave birth to your daughter instead of heimdall being worried and nervous about the birth of his child it was s/n he couldn't stop asking you if you were going to be okay, Heimdall and s/n would spend the daytimes sleeping next to each other since they were so exhausted from staying up all night to care for the baby while you rested.
You are the star of the show since you are what creates the family; Heimdall knows this and has so much respect and love only for you. heimdall and s/n would introduce the new family member to Asgard even though your husband didn't like this and this was s/n idea heimdall did it for his son, they were overjoyed that their family was growing.
Overall, Heimdall is a wonderful husband and father to his children. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't put you all first. Everyone knows that heimdall loves you and his children with all of his soul and wants the best for you all. He isn't overly strict with his children; instead, he just wants them to be happy and for you to be happy. However, if they do something wrong, of course, he will lecture them you are happy, hes happy and the children are happy.
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i hope you guys enjoyed this !! please let me know in the requests if you want more of anything :)
have an amazing day loves !!
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I am kind, not Complacent chpt 1,{next}
Word count: 4.9 k
Multi chapter
Heimdall gow x fém! Reader
hi all, this is a Heimdall x reader fic that I was inspired to write thanks to the very kind and talented @engardeitsme I want to thank you for reading my draft and encouraging me to share this with people.
synopsis: You are a little goddess of peace, alone for so long, fearing interacting with the outside world may just make things worse. odin hears of your existence and finds that you may be of use to him, but what will happen when he finds out that peace to you means freedom and fighting for what's right? what will he do as you, just a child, turn his allies against him? turn his son against him?
the reader will be a child for a few chapters, mute at times (spoilers) and the first few chapters will also be a back story before the events of Ragnorok, but we will get there as it is based on the game's plot! aka: Don't worry, there will be some adult pining as well, maybe smut??( idk what I'm doing) and you will see Atreus and Mimir, and Kratos and the rest of our found family.
please enjoy and let me know if you like this and want more because my plan is to write a pretty long story with multiple chapters and I enjoy positive enforcement :..)
“Excuse me?” a timid voice whispered from the large wooden chest being hoisted between two winged warriors. The moonlight of Vaneheim shone through the keyhole, and YN could only guess the direction they were headed from her memory of the woods. She knocked on the inside of the box on the side of one of her captors. “E-excuse me?” she mumbled a bit louder, “ Um, where are we going? You shouldn’t take me too close to people. And I-it’s starting to feel a bit cramped in here-” A slam came from her left, cutting her off with a start and she held her breath.
“Shut your mouth, Serpent Tongue.” A voice of the Valkerie on her left boomed. YN sighed through her nose and sat silently, her little fingers squeezing into fists and resting on her thighs as she curled up tighter into the cramped chest. Her heart shuttered the farther they got away from her camp, and she could only hope that wherever she was going, she would be able to talk her way out of it and go back to solitude. It was best that way.
Suddenly, the marching of the two Valkeries stopped, and the rushing sound of wind and the screeching of ravens rang in YN’s ears. 
The chest rattled, and sweeping darkness fluttered over the moon’s light streaming through the keyhole. YN shut her eyes tightly, covering her ears as the screeching and wings got louder and louder until suddenly there was silence. Not eery, or deafening, but somehow suddenly calm and warm. YN slowly uncovered her ears, willing her eyes to open even slightly. A warm stream of candlelight and the sweet smell of juniper berries and oak came from the keyhole. She slowly rolled onto her knees and peeked out to see where she had been taken. The room was vast and stacked from floor to ceiling with books. Scrolls lay sprawled across a large wooden desk, and she could hear a fire crackling to the left. The screeching of a chair’s legs against the wood floor took her attention, and as she tried to peek at who it was, she gasped; the chest being dropped about a foot onto the floor.
“All-father,” the Valkyries stood rigidly at attention, “We have captured the girl, as requested.” The bottom half of a blue robe, embroidered in intricate golden threads and beading was all YN could see come into view and she swallowed thickly as he stood only a few feet from where she was. 
“Wha- she’s in there? The poor thing must be terrified, let her out at once!” He commanded, knocking on the top of the chest, “ I’m so sorry, dear child!” Odin apologized as the Valkyrie on the right unlocked the chest and both Valkyries lifted the top open. Inside, YN winced at the sudden flood of light and hid her face in her hands. Odin crouched down gently, resting his hands on the edge of the box. He waited patiently for the little girl to raise her head, peeking slightly at the man who just smiled down at her. “ I’m so sorry, child. I sent my valkyries because I knew they could be trusted with bringing you here unharmed, but I suppose I forgot to explain that you were to be treated as a guest,” he glared at one, “and not a suspect.” he glared at the other. They stayed unmoving, staring straight ahead. He sighed and turned his attention back to the little girl in the chest. “ You are here now, though, and you are safe now.” He said finally, reaching out a hand for her to grab. She stared at him for a moment and down at his hand, before slowly grabbing it and allowing him to help her from the chest. 
“Thank you…” she whispered finally as she got her footing on the wood floor. She still couldn’t look away from their hands as she spoke again. “Am I… in trouble? I apologize if I’ve done anything to upset you.” she froze at the sudden booming laughter of the man in front of her.
“ Trouble? Of course not, sweet girl. But you are very well-spoken, may I just say!”
“Thank you, sir.”
“ You may call me All-Father.” he offered with a pat on her hand. She nodded apprehensively but responded in any case.
“Thank you, All-Father. You may call me YN,” she said instead, bowing a bit lower. Odin tutted and tucked a finder under the girl's chin, making their eyes meet. 
“ Now, now. None of that.” he stood tall and with a wave of his hand, the Valkeries dismissed themselves, and YN and Odin were left alone in his study. Odin turned to walk back behind his desk and took a seat, ushering the girl to sit in front of him. She obliged, crawling onto the large chair and letting her feet dangle off the floor, barely able to see Odin over the desk. The man chuckled softly and leaned in closer, resting his elbows on a stack of scrolls. “Do you know why you’re here, YN?”
She thought for a moment before shaking her head. “No, sir. But I hope I can help in some way, so that I may return home. It is best you keep me away from others.” Odin chuckled again, pointing at her. 
“That. That’s why—quite the negotiator. You are very well-spoken, YN, and you are so small. Did your family teach you such good manners?” he questioned, already knowing the answer.
“No sir, my family passed away long ago, I’ve been on my own for a bit now.”
“Hm… and how long is a bit?” 
“ 3 years in the spring, sir,” she said a bit too quickly. She had been counting every day she had been alone since she could remember. She was truly just a tot when it happened. Only remembering the screams and the flame of her village burning to the ground. She remembered sobbing over her mother’s corpse and promising to never let any needless bloodshed happen again. She didn’t realize her grief was so strong it had cursed her with immortality and the responsibility to hold up her end of the bargain. And though she tried her best to learn and meditate, no one took a little girl asking them to stop fighting seriously. Godly rage in the hands of an emotional child caused more harm than good, turning entire civilizations into mindless drones. No bloodshed, but no soul either. She went into hiding soon after, thinking it better for people to fight for what they believed in, rather than being complacent.
“And you don’t look a day over 12 years.” Odin broke her out of deep thought and she only nodded.
“My… aging has slowed since my family has passed...” She spoke slowly, starting to understand the circumstances.”... you know who I am, don’t you, sir? What I am…” She simply watched as Odin stroked his beard, seeming to ponder what to say next. 
“ I do…you are the young goddess of logic, strategy, protection…peace. You seek nothing but peace… And do you know who I am?” He questioned. YN paused for a moment, looking around the room before meeting his gaze once again, “ You are someone important… but I do not know beyond that, I am sorry…” Odin nodded again.
“ I am Odin, the All-Father. Kind of the Asir Gods. it is my job to protect Asgard and the rest of the 9 realms.” 
“Odin…” The girl let the name linger on her tongue and realization made her go ridged. “Yes… Yes, I have heard of Odin… are we in Asgard? I thought it wasn’t allowed for people like me.”Odin laughed at this, shaking his head in amusement.
“Yes for our protection I have closed us off from the other realms. But you are a guest. You’ve been alone for a long time.” He stated. 
“Yes, sir. I know nothing much outside of Vaneheim, and I have spent little time talking to people enough to understand what is happening in the realms. The easiest way to keep peace for me… is to keep space…”
“Mmh…” he hummed, hinting he wanted some elaboration. The girl nodded and continued,
“ I have found that when I speak… when I speak with people and I’m not careful… they become, uhm… empty?” she tried the word on her tongue, “they don’t act the same. Like ghosts just passing by each other. There is no war or hunger… but there is also no life…” she explained, starting to lose her train of thought. “I just don’t know what I’m doing…” she whispers finally. Odin nods and straightens himself to look down at YN.
“ I’ve been keeping my eye on you for a while, dear child. You seemed so alone, it was heartbreaking…Are you lonely?”
“Yes.” She spoke, without hesitation, not even quite realizing her own words until they rang in her ears. She stiffened in realization, but slowly relaxed into her seat, fidgeting with her hands. “Yes, I am…I don’t run into people much… and Skoll and Hati are a great company, but I miss… I miss my family…” she all but whispered at last, her lip quivering as she came to the realization this was the longest conversation she’s had in nearly 50 years. A blink of an eye in her immortal life, but long and unbearable just the same. She was, after all, only a child. Odin took a moment to listen and let the girl sit in silence before standing up slowly and walking up to her before crouching at her side. 
“ I have been watching over you… and how deeply you care for every breathing creature around you so much that you find the strength to stay away is something deeply admirable. You are a very powerful, YN. And I think if you stayed here with me… I would be able to help you use your power to help Asgard build strong connections with all the realms, to create peace everywhere, without fear that you may be manipulating people with your words.”
YN looked up to meet Odin’s gaze and rubbed a tear welling up in her eye. The idea that she may be able to help so many people. May be able to stop needless bloodshed. And to do so without taking away people's free will. It made her heart thrum with hope for the first time in years. 
“You think you can teach me?” she asked softly, rubbing under her nose. Odin smiled, resting his withered hand on her head. “Teach me to help people? To help build relationships and… and keep their souls whole?”
“With my help?” Odin asked dramatically, “ Absolutely.” 
YN’s heart pumped fast in her chest and she couldn't stop herself from throwing her little arms around Odin’s neck, pressing her teary eyes into his shoulder. He stiffened, staring at the girl clinging to him, before relaxing with a chuckle and patting her back. She knew better than to trust strangers, but for the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel alone.
“We will talk more soon, but now it is late. Let me show you to your room, There is a hot meal waiting for you, and we don’t want it to get cold now, do we?” He held her at arm's length by the shoulders and helped her whip her tears with the end of his robe. She could only nod as she tried to subside her gently sobbing and Odin stood tall, guiding her with a gentle hand on her head to the upstairs level of the lodge. It was mostly quiet, with gentle murmurs coming from a room here or there. The candlelight felt so calming and YN took this moment to just take in the grandness of the lodge. 
“ It’s so big…” she whispered. Odin snickered and ruffled her hair.
“I suppose it is, isn’t it?” he stopped in front of a large oak door at the end of the hall with gold inlay and burnt carvings. He swung the door open to reveal and gently lit the room, Simple yes, but to YN? It was the picture of comfort. I fireplace in one corner, a large queen bed in the other piled with a stack of fine furs with a corner table. A bowl of stew steamed and being cooled by a light breeze flowing through the window. Finally, her eyes landed on two shelves, one full of books and one full of weapons.
“Weapons?” she looked at them quizzically. Odin simply nodded as he led her to her bed, pulling the small table closer so she could start eating. 
“ yes. You will be taught to hone your brains, but every Asgardian god must learn to fight. It’s an unfortunate precaution. But it’s because I care so deeply for my family.” YN, swallowing a piping mouthful and staring at Odin with eyes wide as dinner plates.
“Family… me?”
Odin just smiled in return leaning town to tuck a stray hair behind the girl’s ear and kissing the top of her head. 
“Get some rest, sweet girl.” With that, Odin walked to the door and bowed before taking his leave. As he shut the door and turned, he could see piercing pink eyes staring from the room across the way. “Heimdall?” he questioned, and was met by the embarrassed gasp of the little boy who had been caught red-handed. Odin sauntered over to the door and the door opened wider, revealing a young boy who looked about twelve, with a mop of golden blond hair and bright rosy sapphire eyes, freckles showing in the candlelight. The boy bowed deeply.
“I’m sorry, All father. I heard noises…different ones I mean.” He stated, not looking his father in the eyes. He seemed to wince now and then, as a barrage of noises and conversations pounded into his ears. Odin patted his head lightly and Heimdall looked up, trying not to show his nervousness. “Who is that girl?”
“A guest, Heimdall. She’ll be staying with us for a while.”
“A guest… do you think she can be trusted, All-father?” Heimdall looked nervously beyond his father’s figure, staring at the door and listening to what could be happening. There was the clinking of a spoon hitting the bottom of a bowl, the crackle of a dying fire, and a soft hum that seemed to soothe his trembling the more he focused on it. He looked back as his father chortled. 
“ I suppose I’ll leave that up to you. She can be of great use to us as a mediator, and she seems eager to help if it means she can learn her powers. But only time will tell.” Heimdall nodded, wringing his hands together nervously as he spoke up again.
“ Do you think… we could be friends, All-Father?”
“Friends? My boy, I’m sorry but I can’t have you getting too distracted. It would be best if you could read her mind and be done with it. If only you were improving faster.” He tsked and Heimdall lowered his head.
“And besides,” Odin continued, “ She will have her own studies to focus on.” Heimdall’s shoulders drooped at the answer and he nodded, meekly. Odin sighed, pinching his temple in slight annoyance before putting on another smile and resting a hand on his Son’s shoulder. “Listen… I will introduce you two, and maybe I can have you two do some combat training here or there. This will allow you the opportunity to learn more about her; do some intel work for me, hm? But you have a very important role to fulfill, Heimdall, I can’t let you lose sight of that. Alright?” Heimdall perked up slightly and nodded.
“Yes, All-father. Thank you, All-father. I promise I won’t get distracted,” he bowed deeply and retreated behind his bedroom door. “Good night, All-Father.”
Heimdall spun from the door, his little bare feet carrying him to his bed where he tucked himself into his furs. He would learn more about the girl with the soft voice tomorrow. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
YN woke to the sound of bustling outside her door. She rubbed her eyes, listening to the heavy footfalls of leather boots and the clatter of daggers and axes dangling off belts. She took in the noise of people talking and shouting down the hall, the sound of sparing outside her window, and what sounded like staff calling out to each other while running errands. She rubbed her tired eyes, stretched her arms high above her head, and flopped deeper into the furs, opening her eyes to look at the ceiling. The more she listened, the more it made her nervous; the thought she was so close to so many people. Her lips pressed tight, she sighed through her nose to ease her nerves. 
“ Just don’t try to fix anything…” She mumbled to herself. She didn’t know where she was and how long she would be here, and though Odin had been welcoming and explained that being locked in the chest was a gross misunderstanding, she couldn’t shake a feeling of unnerve hidden under the warmth she felt being in a soft bed and being fed kind words. She learned long ago to never trust first impressions, but being paranoid wouldn’t help either. She felt her body start to shiver but caught herself, frowning and smacking her cheeks lightly to knock out the nerves. “Everything will be fine.”
“Who are you talking to?”
“Ah!” she yelped and sprang up from her bed to see a maid had made herself comfortable in YN’s room. The maid paid no mind to the girl’s scream, simply walking over to the window to open it, letting a cool breeze in.
“I was wondering when you would finally wake up. Goodness, I only checked five different times this morning! The whole lodge is awake now and you are supposed to be at the training grounds in 30 minutes!” She was an older woman; round and soft with a simple dress that skated across the floor and a tattered apron covered in what looked like coffee stains and dust. She had rough brown hair with lightened streaks that showed her age. Crow's feet pulled at the corners of her eyes and she had permanent worry marks on her forehead. Despite that and her fast pace, she gave off a comforting aura that made YN feel safe. She hustled about, grabbing a shirt and a pair of trousers from a wooden cabinet, she set them on the bed and the girl's feet. “My name is Maliorn; you can call me Mal, Do not call me “maid” or I will smack you,” she warned. “Quickly now, grab these and come with me. I need to get you in the bath and dressed in 20 minutes.”
“Oh, ok, but-whoa!” The maid ushered her out of the hall and pushed her towards a grand bathroom. “W-wait I’m sorry I don’t understand can I at least-” YN yelped as she was shoved yet again.
“No time, we are far too behind for questions. Hurry, hurry, hurry!” YN felt eyes around staring at her, most likely because she was an unfamiliar face being corralled into a bath and trying and failing to get a word in. Before the maid slammed the door, YN saw bright pink eyes stare back into hers, the boy’s shoulders shaking in laughter at her. Her face flushed with embarrassment and she couldn’t do much but hide her face in her clothes. Mal huffed as YN simply froze and ushered her to the bath. “None of that now. I wouldn’t have to rush you if you had just woken up earlier. Clothes off please.” 
“I didn’t know I needed to, I’ve never had a schedule before,” YN explained, pulling her nightshirt off over her head. “I’m sorry, Ma’am.”
“Just Mal, dear,” Mal stated, picking YN up from under her arms and dropping her into the bath. YN gasped, shivering and trying to crawl out before Mal pushed her back and poured a pitcher of ice-cold water onto her head, grabbing shampoo.
“It’s f-freezing!” YN whined, shaking like a leaf as Mal pulled her sopping hair from her face and scrubbed any grime from it. 
“Tch, well it would have been warm if you were awake when I drew it.” Mal teased with a smile, pouring another pitcher of water to wash the suds out. After a more thorough scrub down than YN would have liked, Mal pulled her out of the bath, tossing her a soft towel. “Hurry and get dressed. If you are quick you may be able to grab some bread from the great hall before I take you to the training grounds. Do NOT,” mal pointed a finger at the girls forehead “ go to the great hall alone. Find me and I will get you something to eat.” With that, Mal slipped out of the room, most likely to run off and take care of her other duties while she waited for YN to get dressed. The girl finally took the first deep breath since she woke up and pulled on her black trousers and green tunic, tying in the back around her waist to stop any bunching. She used leather straps to tighten the cloth of her shirt to her wrists, as well as her trousers around her ankles. She wrapped a final piece around her hair into a ponytail and ran off to try and find Mal. 
YN ended up wandering into the great hall, The smell of fresh bread and lingonberry jam, sausage and lamb roast, porridge and honey, and even sweet almond cakes made her mouth water. She followed it to a main table, crowded by people nearly stacked on top of each other. Warriors in the morning were desperate to eat their fill before going off to train, and as a result, there were stronger warriors at the forefront hoarding food while others pushed against the table to grab at anything they could find. This caused fresh loaves, cakes, butter, and jam jars to topple off the table in a waste, causing more problems of ‘I was going to eat that!’ and ‘You owe me a new pair of boots, worm!’. 
YN was able to dissect the entire situation and how it could be fixed, but shook her head. ‘No’ she thought ‘I can’t intervene on my first day. I just need to grab something and leave.’ With that, YN tried her best to squeeze between the crowds of people swarming the table to get some food. She huffed and tried again to move past the large lumbering bodies, her heart beating faster as the crowd’s shouting made her lose her bearings. She started to panic at the yelling and lack of space and gasped as she was grabbed by the hair and yanked to the side. 
“Oy, I’m not done yet, vermin.” A man sneered down at her, his face caked in the oils of sausage links and jam. He spoke with his mouth full, sputtering food, and cackled as YN whipped her face from flying crumbs before turning back to his food. YN scowled, feeling something primal bubble up deep inside her. Letting her frustration get the better of her, YN took a deep breath before tugging on the leg of the einherjar who had grabbed her not a moment ago. He whipped around at her, snarling in annoyance. 
“What do you want, you little rat?” the man sneered. YN blinked her big eyes and smiled up shyly at the hulk of a man.
“I’m very sorry, sir, but I’m having some trouble getting to the food table. Don’t you think it would be better if everyone simply took turns grabbing what they needed and then taking a seat?” Her voice seemed to echo and carry through the great hall like a song, and the shouting and clamoring started to quiet as people listened to her “suggestion”. The man in front of YN seemed to get clouded vision as he nodded slowly, his features relaxing as he finally swallowed his food and moved to the side so she could get to the table, others following suit, humming in agreement at the suggestion. The girl smiled and grabbed a loaf of warm bread, breaking it open and watching the steam ripple from the inside. She hummed as she slathered it with butter and jam and folded it back closed. Turning back, she bowed slightly at the crowd slowly surrounding her.
“Thank you, now I will take my leave and let someone else go. See? Isn’t that much better?” the girl asked with a smile, going to suck some jam off her thumb. 
“Yes… You are right. So sorry, goddess…” She froze at the title, her thumb still in her mouth. She quickly popped it out and shook her head. ‘I did it again…’ she thought in a panic. YN swallowed thickly and waved her hands in the air. 
“N-nevermind! It was a dumb idea, do what you want!” In a split second everyone seemed to regain their senses. The warrior she had spoken to blinked back his foggy haze and focused back down at her, glaring. 
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing? I wasn’t done eating yet, you little runt!” She gasped as he reached out his arm to snatch at her, and yelped when she was suddenly pulled by her scruff from the crowd. She was all but dragged outside and whipped around to a panicked Mal, who grabbed her face and scanned her body.
“My goodness, are you alright?!” Mal sighed as the girl nodded and then put on a scowl. “I thought I told you to come find me. The great hall is no place for you to be going alone, they’re all animals in there. ESPECIALLY in the mornings! The bunch of heathens.” Mal scolded YN until she noticed the girl's shy form looking meakly down at her bread. She sighed and patted her head before putting a hand on her back and leading her towards the training ground. “Now now, no use crying over spilled milk. I’m glad you got something to eat, you’ll need it. Hurry and wolf that down while you can.” YN nodded and took a bite of her breakfast, humming at the soft texture of the bread and sweet jam. She looked towards the training grounds and focused on a small boy, about her age. His golden hair shimmered in the morning sun as he moved swiftly against his opponent, a large lumbering man with fiery red hair. The boy turned, feeling YN’s eyes on him, scowled as he met her gaze. The girl frowned in return. ‘What’s his problem?’ she thought, suddenly feeling anxious at having to interact with someone who held such obvious disdain on his face.
 Heimdall clicked his tongue as he focused more on her, trying to hear her thoughts, but couldn’t focus when they were so far apart. He didn’t pay enough attention to dodge a blow to the back of the head from the man he was sparing.
“Ow!” he exclaimed, glaring up at his brother, “ Hey, I wasn’t ready!” he snapped. The young man rolled his eyes, tossing his hammer lazily in his hand. He was nearly seven feet tall and still growing. His hair was tied back in two braids and a bun, and the scruff of his beard was just long enough for a single short braid.
“Pay attention, brat. I have more important things to do than teach you how to swing a sword around. The least you could do is pay attention,” he looked down at Heimdall and smirked, “and stop making it so obvious you’re trying to read minds. It’s pathetic.” Heimdall gritted his teeth.
“I’m already more useful than you, Thor. All you’re good for is throwing your weight around!” he snapped back. Thor stopped tossing his hammer and instead harshly held it under his brother’s chin, making him strain to look up at him. 
“Better than being a sniveling little monster who can’t even use his gifts without sobbing like a baby. Should I tell All-Father about a few nights back? When you wept for hours because “it was just too loud to sleep~” Thor made a mocking whimper as he impersonated Heimdall and his last episode. Heimdall shivered at the mention of the All-Father and what he would do if he found out Heimdall had been crying from the voices in his head again. Thor continued, “At least I do what I was made for. I can fight, and you can barely do that.”
“Yes, I can!”
“Oh yeah?” Thor looked over at the girl coming closer to the training ground. Odin had already told him he was going to be given another brat to babysit and was dreading it until now. He smirked as he looked back down at Heimdall. “That little runt has probably never fought in her life. I bet you can’t even beat her.” Heimdall looked back towards the girl and then up at his brother.
“Is that a wager?” he smirked. Thor snorted.
“Sure. if you can best her, I’ll tell Father you’ve been improving much faster these past few days. If you can’t beat her, then…” Thor strokes his beard as he ponders a punishment then shrugs, “I’ll tell the All-Father about your most recent tantrum.” Heimdall’s eyes widened and he shook his head.
“You can’t be serious!”Thor simply stood straight and crossed his arms.
“I mean, if you don’t think you can do it-”
“Of course, I can!” the boy snapped, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Thor snickered and held out his hand. 
“It's a bet then.” Heimdall scowled and put his little hand in his brother's. He wasn’t going to lose to some little girl from who knows where. He was an Aseir prince. And no one would know about the things that keep him up at night. Not even the All-Father. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
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