#poor darry
well-golly-gee-balkan · 8 months
The gang minus Darry: if we’re ever in trouble we just throw Darry at the problem and hope for the best
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cleverclove · 2 years
Darry got a pretty bad concussion from playing football in high school and to this day still gets headaches and slightly fainty from it. It’s small, but you can see a small scar from the accident on his brow where eyebrows don’t grow.
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soctherapy · 1 month
weed brownie fanfic intro!!!
The whole gang, excluding Darry due to him working overtime, were currently over at the Curtis brothers’ house! Chocolate smears covered their faces as they joked around, drunk most of the beer in the fridge, and took bite after bite of Darry’s brownies Soda had snatched from atop the fridge.
They didn’t expect, however, for Darry to come home early. So as soon as the eldest gang member entered the door, he was met with 6 chocolate covered faces staring wide-eyed at him and an empty brownie tray on the coffee table.
“My weed brownies!” He cried out.
A moment of silence fell over the room.
“Your… what?”
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moon-tell-me · 6 months
Them having a crush on you...
The outsiders (separate) x GN! reader
Warnings: nothing I don't think :))
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It's been a reaalllyy long time since he's felt this way for anyone
So a small part of him is excited when he realizes it
But the majority of him..?
Well.. that's a different story
He's very busy with work and the family
He just doesn't have any time for love or romance
You understand ://
So it's unlikely he will do much of anything on his own
He will probably even avoid you a bit in hopes of making himself feel better
That being said, if you realize what's going on, and decide to pursue the relationship, he may manage to fit you in his schedule :))
"Hey, Darry.. uhm, could we talk for a second..?" You asked, as you popped up from around the corner, completely catching him off guard. It had been almost two weeks since you two had a proper conversation, and you weren't gonna let it go on any longer.
Okay so this is gonna come as a surprise to no one, but..
Throughout his life he has consistently gotten girlfriends and boyfriends with no issue
Again, no one's surprised
I mean, look at him, he's beautiful
He immediately knows that he likes you
And he very quickly starts planning out how he can go about the situation
It won't take very long for him to make his move, however if you beat him to it, he would definitely be over the moon
There you are, looking as good as ever. He's already decided that he's gonna ask you out later, an- wait.. your walking over to him..?
Poor kid doesn't know wtf is going on at first
All he knows is that he suddenly enjoys your company more then before
It wasn't until you interlocked his fingers with yours one night that he finally became fully aware of his feelings
He is not nearly as subtle about these feelings as he thinks he is.
He's so obvious, you'd have to be pretty inattentive to not notice anything
Based on this, you will likely be making the first move
With a dramatic sigh you let your head fall against his shoulder. The two of you have been studying together for about two hours and your in desperate need of a break. "C'mon, you need to focus." He said, sounding more annoyed then he really was. You grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers and looking up at him pleadingly. "Pleease.?"
Ohh boy
Out of allll the guys in Tulsa, you caught his attention?
Lucky 🙄
I love him sm istg
In all seriousness, this is very new to him
He's not used to genuinely caring about someone
Besides Johnny, he's never really loved anything
He's gonna start off with his typical flirting
That won't change until he realizes his feelings
After that, he switches to being a total jerk to you
Mans does not know how to process his feelings
Just give him time tho, he'll figure it all out
Here you are, sitting on the porch of the Curtis house. It's late and everyone is inside the house, save for you and Dal. He's been real difficult lately, although tonight his attitude has noticably improved. As you watch him struggle to light his cancer stick you can't help but wonder, what did he want to ask you.?
My sweet, respectful boy
He falls head over heels immediately
Everybody realizes his feelings rather quickly too
Including himself
He's not stupid
He notices how his cheeks get all warm
His hands get all sweaty
His knees feel like they might give out
It's a new feeling for him
For once he has someone touching him without causing him pain
I'm gonna fight his parents- WOAH! Who said that!? 😅
If your the type of person who is really affectionate with your friends (me fr) then you might actually kill the poor kid
He asked Dally for advice only to completely ignore it
Turns out Dally sucks at giving good advice, who woulda known?
He was thankful for how dark it had gotten, otherwise you would be able to see just how red his face had gone. For some reason you had decided it would be a great idea to hold his hand out of nowhere. Why can't you see what your doing to him?
You guys prolly met in middle school
He pulled some dumb shii and put gum in your hair or something
After that he often teased you
Referring to you as his girlfriend/boyfriend
You better expect a lot of playful flirting with this one
He pretty much confesses his feelings on the daily tbh
Albeit in a way that makes you think it's a joke
Eventually you just kinda realize that hey, maybe he isn't joking
"See, I always knew we were perfect for each other, ever since that day in sixth grade." He teased, throwing his arm around your shoulder only for you to immediately push it off. "Get off of me, would you?"
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wannaseewhatshangin · 9 months
Summary: Dallas gets his wisdom teeth removed.
Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem reader
Warnings: Cursing, Some sexual remarks and I think that's it.
Dallas had just got back from the dentist, bleeding from the mouth and a bad attitude.
"How was the dentist?" You ask him, rubbing his back as he got out of Darry's truck.
"Terrible. They took my tongue." He said, showing you his bloody tongue that was still there.
You laughed softly, helping him to the front door.
He looked back at you.
"Who are you? Who is she? She's cute." He asked everyone, trying to keep himself standing.
Two-Bit smiled at his buddy.
"That's your girlfriend, dally." He said, patting him on the back.
"You're my girlfriend?" He asked surprised, his voice muffled slightly since the gauze was in the way.
You laughed and nodded your head, smiling brightly at him.
"Aw, you're so pretty." He said smiling.
"Dal, it's time to change your gauze." Darry said, opening a new pack and went to take the old ones out of his mouth.
"No! You're not taking my tongue again!" He said, trying to get away as he laid on the couch.
You laughed.
"Come on, baby. He's not gonna take your tongue. He's changing the gauze in your mouth because they're all bloody." You looked at him with a soft smile.
"Yeah do whatever the pretty lady says." Two-Bit said, laughing as he took a bite out of his chocolate cake.
Dally huffed and opened up his mouth, letting Darry take out the old gauze and replacing them with new ones.
Two-Bit and Soda definitely convinced Dallas that his dick fell off.
Poor baby was so upset.
"They took it?!" He screamed, eventually started sobbing.
"Wait that means I don't have to pee anymore." He says laughing, laying his head on your shoulder.
"Wanna makeout?" He asks looking at you with lustful eyes.
"Um, not right now no. Maybe when your mouth isn't all bloody." You said chuckling.
"Awh. But I love you." He says, hugging you suddenly.
"Awwww that's so sweet dally boy" Two-bit teased, flicking dals ear.
You and the gang definitely had to to bite back your giggles at Dal's lisp he had due to the gauze in the way.
"Babe, I want a kiss." He said, his lisp coming out strong.
"Sorry Dallas I don't know what a 'kith' is." You laugh
Totally got mad at you after that.
"Stop making fun of me! It's not very nice!"
Craved ice cream since he got out of the dentist building.
"Steve! Go get me ice cream!"
"No. What do I look like? A butler?"
"Not gonna lie..A little."
Best believe Ponyboy recorded this.
Because I mean, who wouldn't.
You can't tell me that this dude wont start singing randomly.
"I wanna know what love isss!"
"Dal, shut up."
"Kiss my ass, Two."
He's just a mess.
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sometimesiwrite13 · 2 months
Could you please write Darry smut (if you are comfortable with that ofc) if not then just some fluff? Thank u!
Darry Curtis x Fem!Reader
warnings: smut, p in v, my writing! (again), not proofread, ooc darry ig?
author’s note: I decided to give the reader a nickname, which is baby (a wink to dirty dancing) but apart from that she isn’t really given any physical description. But Anyways to whoever requested it I hope you like it! pls have in mind this is my first time writing smut so I made it quite short! Let me know what you guys think!!
Darry sat on the bathroom sink, sporting a few cuts on his eyebrow and a bruise on his cheekbone from the ramble that had taken place a few hours prior. In front of him stood Baby, cleaning him up. His hands placed firmly on her hips, she dabbed alcohol soaked cotton balls on his cuts to prevent them from getting infected.
-You’re all done superman. She said as she finished.
-I’m Sorry. Darry said as he stood up. She let out a small chuckle.
-What are you sorry for Dare? She questioned.
-For you having to take care of me. He answered. All those years of being self-sufficient and never asking for help had really gotten to him.
-Hey, no, none of that, you always take care of me, it’s only fair if I do too, besides, I want to, okay? She set her hands on both sides of his face then placed a loving kiss on his lips. As she went to pull away, Darry chased after her, wanting more. This resulted in Darry wrapping his arms around her torso and kissing her deeply.
-Dare…The could hear us. She spoke between breathy moans as Darry began biting and sucking on her neck.
-You’re gonna have to be real quiet then. He answered, and even though she couldn’t quite see his face she knew there was a smirk on his lips. Although it was a poor answer it was enough convincing for her to slip her hand down Darry’s torso and onto his crotch, palming him through his jeans as he let out a low moan. Baby let out a yelp as he grabbed onto her thighs and carried her to the sink where he was sitting before.
-I sometimes forget how strong you are. She said laughing.
-I ain’t called superman for nothin’. He smirked. Baby laughed then placed light kisses on his collarbone as Darry undid his belt and pushed his jeans and boxers down, then proceeded to bunch up her skirt to her waist and pull her panties to the side. Without any warning he slid into her fully, making her let out a loud moan.
-Be quiet. Darry said with a light chuckle, placing his hand over her mouth. Baby nodded with wide eyes.
As Darry’s thrusts got faster and deeper, Baby grabbed onto his arms, digging her nails into his slightly tanned skin.
-Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Exhaled Darry
-Me too. Baby said between moans.
After they both came, Darry let his head fall onto the crook of her shoulder as she threaded her hands through his short hair. Suddenly, there was a rushed knock at the door.
-Can you two quit being gross in there, I need’a take a leak! Exclaimed a disgusted Steve Randle.
At his comment, Darry and Baby both lifted their heads in suprise. Baby’s eyes were wide with worry and Darry laughed at her expression.
-I told ya to be quiet. He laughed, which earned him a slap on the shoulder.
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sundayiminlove · 11 months
sleep, pretty darling [ dallas winston x f!reader ]
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synopsis : you're overworking yourself with studying in preparation for exams, and dally isn't havin' it. contains : academic overachiever reader, whipped dallas winston, mostly just tooth-rotting fluff, notes : first writing post on here, kinda (very) nervous!! think i'm gonna make a point to write for each greaser in effort to shoehorn my way into outsiders tumblr?? yeah??? okay, GREAT. 99% chance i post something different for dal tho. just a messy, silly little drabble. ironically wrote after not sleeping for 32 hours. i'm sorry if he's a lil ooc y'all, this is my first dal fic in give or take a year!!! he'll get there, i promise! mwah mwah hope u enjoy warnings : not proofread, we die like dally
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PALE BLUE EYES slant sideways, casting a brief look at you.
Your nose is scrunched in concentration over the comically large textbook laid open in your lap. You're hunched over, tracing under each printed word with your finger, thumbing down when you stop to take a note.
Dallas is preemptively annoyed. He's been leaning expectantly against the doorframe circa ten seconds ago, and you're yet to notice him. He takes one last dramatic drag from his cigarette before begrudgingly discarding it on the outsole of his shoe. The creases on on your nose tighten as you catch a whiff of the wafting smoke. Though a vehement anti-smoker yourself, you've spent enough time around the gang to guarantee your lungs at least a permanent char. Despite this, you always just have to make a big song and dance of your distaste for them, and Dally does nothing to curb the quirk of his lips into a slight grin.
You have him, hook line and sinker.
"(Y/N)," he speaks at last. His tone is firm yet without underlying aggression; one exclusively for your ears.
You perk up.
Dallas' fingers splay against his lips as if holding a phantom cigarette. "What're you doin' over here so late, huh? Was out lookin' for you."
He watches as your gaze darts to the window. Nightfall has long since kissed the apex of Tulsa, yet you hadn't a clue. You'd been there for hours, crunching equations and fruitlessly jotting down formulas. The encroaching weight of finals week had rendered both your circadian rhythm and measure of passing time nugatory.
"Borrowin' one of Darry's old textbooks," you explain, the corners of your mouth tugging into a frown. "Not exactly a monastery but it beats that old Soc-infested library, long as Two stays gone, that is."
He crosses the Curtis' living room in four smooth strides, plopping down next to you on the couch. The flimsy cushion sinks beneath him, forcing you closer to him, and for once, Dally's grateful for the pathetic old thing's lack of structural integrity.
He lifts the textbook, ignoring your whimper of protest and sets it on the coffee table. He spins the silver band on his knuckle, averting his gaze downwards. "You know, sweetheart," he pauses, choosing his words. Dally wears his worry uniquely, sparingly. "I'm not particularly likin' all of these.. these books, and.." he trails off, thumb tracing your newly-formed eyebag as if he could swipe it clean. "When's the last time you got any sleep?"
Things are different. You're his girl now. And not just his pretty skirt for the night and until 7am after; no, this is serious. You're his girlfriend. His lover. It's foreign. It's enthralling.
No one had told poor Dallas that falling for you would unwind a deep vortex in his brain that noticed the trivial things, like how suspiciously little you blinked or how the vibrant pink in your cheeks had drained.
You lean into his touch with an exasperated sigh. "Dally, c'mon, don't you start this. I know it's nothin' to you, but it's finals week!" you huff. "I'll catch up on the sleep, swear it! I just, I got so much left to do here, and,"
Your defense falls on deaf ears. This has been it for weeks now; and the you-sized hole burning in his chest is only getting deeper. Dally's arms encircle your waist as he taps gently on the small of your back. "Don't give me that," he sighs. "God, baby, you're worryin' me, alright? Don't like seeing my girl so..." he fans his hand outwards.
As you tense and start to fly into another excuse, he shakes his head, mind already made. He's sparing no more of your attention. "You're comin' back to Buck's with me, alright?" His timbre leaves no room for argument, but you squirm regardless. His grip on you tightens. "And I'm making sure you get some goddamn rest."
You pout, looking over at your textbook as if it would personify and save you. "But," you start, only to be hastily shushed.
"But nothin', doll. C'mon, up ya go,"
With that, he scoops you up, one arm hooking around your legs. Your series of half-hearted protests are nullified as he secures you into Buck's old truck, movements careful yet hasty. You inevitably surrender, a soft sigh escaping your lips as you lean back into the torn leather.
BUCK MERRIL'S HOUSE is as quiet as Buck Merril's house is capable of being. You've never been to Buck Merril's house, so you don't find it very quiet at all.
Running his hands over the blanket, Dallas spreads it out on the floor, smoothening out the crinkles and corners. They reform almost immediately and he sighs heavily, airing it out on the pummeled mattress in defeat. If he would have know he'd be conducting a full-scale kidnapping for the sake of your rest, he might have better prepared. Might have.
So, here's the thing, right?"
There have been girls in Dallas Winston's bed before.
There have been quite a few girls in Dallas Winston's bed before.
There have been zero girls in Dallas Winston's bed that he didn't bring into it with meaningless sex on the horizons.
You're no snob and he knows this, but now, it's the principle. Dallas Winston may sleep on a mattress deficient of ample springs and no top sheet, but Dallas Winston's girl should never. In spite his hazy, rose-colored, Y/N-centric world created under this roof, he knows he has to step it up.
As soon as he hears the faucet cut off, he's off his feet. He flings himself onto the mattress, hitching one leg up as he awaits the slow creek of the door.
And there you stand.
Dallas wonders what karmic debt is being paid off for him to deserve to see you like this. His lips part as he drinks in the sight of you like a man dying of thirst. You, in his lightly wrinkled grey tee that scarcely conceals your bare thighs. Your face glistens with renew, a few stray droplets racing down your forehead and cheeks. Even trammeled by exhaustion, you knock the wind right out of him.
You wear the moonlight beautifully. It traces each feature so delicately as you sit beside him on the bed. "I'm—," you start, but pause to let a little yawn. He practically melts beside you.
"I'm sorry I gave you such a tough time, darlin'," you continue, situating under the blanket. "You were right, I'm proper beat."
He smirks, propping his head up to look down on you. "As always," he notes, tucking a fly-away hair behind your ears. You roll your eyes and give him a playful jab, to which he winces in mock affliction. "Some nerve," he hums, thumb tracing your cheek.
You look at him, lips parting gently. This isn't Dallas Winston; that infamous, no-good hoodlum from the wrong side of the tracks. This is your Dally, someone you alone have the absolute pleasure of knowing.
"That's it," he whispers as you surrender to his side, nuzzling his neck. Your eyes are heavy, faltering by the second, yet your grip on him is unyielding. He's never felt a thing like this before, and he's quickly becoming putty in your careful arms. He's content to lay awake all night, watching the gentle rise and fall of your chest as slumber claims you.
His gangly fingers trace idly on your back, and he knows. He will never be the same.
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dumbponyboykinnie · 4 months
how do the outsiders sleep headcanons (IM REALLY SORRY FOR MY POOR VOCABULARY)
two-bit: falls asleep fast, tosses and turns while sleeping, can sit up at a random moment without waking up, in the morning always wakes up tangled up in his blanket
johnny: always sleeps curled up and hugging a pillow if he sleeps at home or at curtis’; it’s easy to wake him up even with a little noise and he usually wakes up several times a night so he’s always sleepy; it makes him doze off during classes sometimes but he really tries not to
pony: canonically, has nightmares. but falls asleep quite quickly and can sleep almost everywhere, most noises or uncomfortable places don’t bother him
soda: learned to sleep without moving when started sharing a bed with pony to not accidentally wake him up; usually can’t fall asleep for a while and it’s hard for him to get up in the morning; he’s the type of person to turn his alarm clock down when he hears it and go back to sleep
darry: falls asleep the second he gets to bed because of staying up for too late; usually too tired to have dreams but sometimes has nightmares about his parents or brothers, from which he wakes up without screaming and lies awake for a while
steve: lays in his bed on the back and stares at the ceiling trying to fall asleep, it can take a long time; sometimes talks in his sleep and soda finds it hilarious
dally: has a special ability to sleep literally everywhere, no matter how loud is there, but sometimes loses it and just can’t fall asleep at all. he doesn’t see dreams really often but when he does they’re either nightmares or just really weird and usually about him running somewhere or from someone
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melrosing · 2 months
JAIME IN THE RIVERLANDS II: Bluffs, Bargaining and Baby Trebuchets - Why Jaime Can’t Win at Riverrun
[lol sorry i've not updated this since Dec 2022 but i feel kind of compelled to finish it and this part was actually mostly done in back in Jan last year. I just got distracted. anyway part one here]
Following ASOS where Jaime’s character development came thick and fast, Jaime of AFFC is stalling by comparison, looking for an outlet and lacking one. He hopes to improve the Kingsguard as its new Commander but it’s in a poor state, saddled with men like Boros Blount and Osmund Kettleblack who are sworn to serve it for life. Meanwhile, his every move is undermined by Cersei’s erratic rule as regent, or the strange counsel she has built around her. He is beside his son, but Tommen can’t know it, and his daily duties involve tedium more often than not. Jaime’s scope has been drastically reduced: there are no bears, there is only Pycelle, and meanwhile his relationship with Cersei is undergoing seismic change that leaves him emotionally adrift. 
Jaime is also growing increasingly conscious of the risk that Tywin’s death poses to his family: joining the funeral procession for his father’s return to the Rock, ‘dead’ rings in his ears as he attempts reconciliation between Kevan and Cersei (JAIME II, AFFC) - Tywin is truly gone, and nothing stands in his place. Indeed, whilst we see throughout ASOS and AFFC that Tywin had the respect of his siblings, Jaime and Cersei are viewed by Genna and Kevan as little more than squabbling children far out of their depth. Kevan even regards the twins as a direct threat to he and his family’s security and goes so far to say as much, rending the family deeper. Worse still, Jaime is unsure whether or not Cersei does represent a true threat to their uncle, leaving him to play the game half blind:
Ser Kevan was a Lannister of Casterly Rock. He could not believe that she would ever do him harm, but… I was wrong about Tyrion, why not about Cersei? When sons were killing fathers, what was there to stop a niece from ordering an uncle slain? [JAIME II, AFFC]
It’s clear at this point to both Jaime and the reader that House Lannister is beginning to cannibalise itself, with each link representing a threat to the other: even Genna and Kevan compete for safer seats for their families, with Kevan leaving the poisoned chalice of Riverrun for his sister and her children. Meanwhile, Cersei’s growing paranoia and ineptitude as queen is setting off alarm bells: “The crows will feast upon us all if you go on this way, sweet sister” (JAIME II, AFFC). House Lannister’s vulnerability is hugely apparent, and now, far from Tywin’s vision of a single unanimous collective, each branch of the family pulls in its own direction. So we see that part of Jaime’s role at this point in the story is to somehow reunite his family with the singular object of their security: the trouble is that the security of House Lannister runs directly counter to the security of all others.
It is here that Cersei sends Jaime into the Riverlands against his will, to finish their father’s work in quashing House Stark and House Tully. Jaime goes reluctantly, knowing the Riverlands have already been ravaged by his father’s men: “scarce a field remained unburnt, a town unsacked, a maiden undespoiled.” Cersei’s request that he finish the work of men like Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch “[leaves] a bitter taste in his mouth” (JAIME III, AFFC). Jaime is also mindful of his oaths to Catelyn Stark, i.e. that he will not take arms against Stark or Tully, and his own personal ambitions for betterment. But the dregs of the war aren’t going anywhere, and so begins Jaime’s attempt to balance his own personal ambitions with what his family needs to solidify their rule.
Jaime initially travels with little sense of direction. He hovers at Darry to see Lancel and settle the matter of Cersei’s infidelity. He returns to Harrenhal to restore order, and makes some attempts at a transformation into ‘Goldenhand the Just’: rescuing Pia, executing her rapist, punishing outlaws (be they of opposing camps or otherwise) and rehabilitating Ser Ilyn Payne. But as many have observed, these are small gestures - perhaps even misguided, in the case of the outlaws: Brienne’s chapters feature a sorrowful monologue on the plight of ‘broken men’, who have long suffered at the mercy of their high lords. This is Jaime attempting to do good within the scope he’s been afforded, but he is under no illusions that it is enough to transform his reputation, and it is certainly not enough to atone for his sins: 
"Wear [the golden hand], Jaime," urged Ser Kennos of Kayce. "Wave at the smallfolk and give them a tale to tell their children." "I think not." Jaime would not show the crowds a golden lie. Let them see the stump. Let them see the cripple. [JAIME III, AFFC]
“Men will name you Goldenhand from his day forth,” the armorer had assured him the first time he fitted it onto Jaime’s wrist. He was wrong. I shall be the Kingslayer till I die. [JAIME III, AFFC]
“He was not wrong," Ser Bonifer allowed, "but some sins are blacker than others, and fouler in the nostrils of the Seven." And you have no more nose than my little brother, or my own sins would have you choking on that pear. [JAIME III, AFFC]
After loitering long enough, Jaime finally continues his journey to Riverrun, where he finds the entire place at a standstill. The Freys have ruined negotiations by belying the bluff behind their threats, and now Riverrun will not fall without armed conflict. Jaime does not want armed conflict owing to the oath he swore to Catelyn that he would not take up arms against House Tully, but the danger to his house grows more pronounced: Lannisters and Freys can be found hanging in the woods, and Brynden Tully obstinately wants no peace with them. The contrast between the honourable Tullys and the impotent Freys is immediately made starkly apparent, and any reader would feel that Jaime is on the wrong side of this conflict. Yet even despite Jaime’s own obvious disregard for the Freys, we get to see the House Lannister he’s grown up with, and hopes to protect: the jovial Daven, the fond Genna, even the tragic Lancel. There is genuine affection amongst the extended tree of Lannisters, not easily dismissed for the sake of oaths.
Yet even so, Genna quickly notes Jaime is not the man to protect them: “Who will protect us now? [...] Tyrion is Tywin’s son, not you.” I’d argue that it is at this juncture, more than any other, that Jaime resolves to begin his performance as Tywin’s ‘true’ heir: he has entered this conflict lacking direction, and Genna has now provided him one that he has willfully ignored till now: House Lannister needs someone to protect them, and if not him, then who?
So begins the delicate balancing act between Jaime’s own ideals and oaths to Catelyn, alongside the dwindling security of House Lannister. 
We frequently see Jaime struggle with the fact that he vastly prefers his enemies to his allies, even as the reader is encouraged to do the same. Jaime likes Jeyne Westerling, with her earnest devotion to Robb. He has admired Brynden Tully since he was a boy, and desperately hopes to win the man over himself (to no avail). He clearly prefers Tytos Blackwood to Jonos Bracken, despite (if not because of) Blackwood’s staunch support for House Tully, versus Bracken’s more malleable loyalties. Yet Jaime himself is encumbered by Freys of dubious loyalty and still more dubious character (if they are not altogether ineffectual), as well as lickspittles and violent rogues, such as the remainder of Gregor’s party he finds at Harrenhal. We see Jaime attempting to work with what he’s been given, but the disdain he feels towards his allies is always palpable - whilst his preference for his more honourable enemies is a recurring weakness.
Jaime’s ADWD chapter is an interesting exploration of both the strengths of Jaime’s character, and the ways in which he is ill-suited to his role in this conflict. He is instantly able to build some rapport with Tytos Blackwood, agreeing to privately manage humiliating dealings, and making allowances for the man where he can. He even goes so far as to allow Blackwood to choose his own hostage - Jonos Bracken advises Jaime that taking Tytos’ treasured daughter would give House Lannister the strongest hold over the family, but when Tytos emotionally protests, he allows the man to instead suggest a son he’s less fond of, and who would even enjoy the trip to the capital. The threat inherent in this exchange is so forgotten that when Hoster Blackwood emerges as though ready for summer camp, Jaime realises he has to remind the Blackwoods of who exactly they’re dealing with, else appear weak to a supporter who might easily turn: 
"I am not your friend and I am not your brother." That cleaned the grin off the boy's face. Jaime turned to Lord Tytos. "My lord, let there be no misunderstanding here. Lord Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, Sandor Clegane, Brynden Tully, this woman Stoneheart … all these are outlaws and rebels, enemies to the king and all his leal subjects. If I should learn that you or yours are hiding them, protecting them, or assisting them in any way, I will not hesitate to send you your son's head. I hope you understand that. Understand this as well: I am not Ryman Frey." [JAIME I, ADWD]
Here, Jaime directly counterposes himself with Ryman Frey: the man who almost lost Riverrun owing to his ineffectual bluffing. The reason being that Jaime and Ryman are dealing in the same currency: so far, Jaime has offered only threats that remain untested by his enemies, and Hos the hostage is only another of them. His role as Tywin’s heir is an elaborate performance, but Tywin’s reputation was earned through deed - Jaime so far relies only the memory of that. The second any one enemy does dare to test his resolve, the whole business could come crashing down - because this is a character who has yet to prove his resolve in the matter to either his enemies or himself, and is desperately avoiding doing so.
We see his lack of conviction again in subsequent conversations with his new hostage. Hoster reminds Jaime of his younger brother Tyrion, building his warmth towards the boy, and soon enough Jaime is asking him questions about the surrounding landscape and its history. At the end of the chapter, Jaime even shares a skin of wine with Hoster and his young squires (mostly hostages themselves) about a campfire, failing to enforce an emotional distance. The only instance where Jaime resumes his performance before Hoster is one where the pretence is palpable:
"My father had a saying too. Never wound a foe when you can kill him. Dead men don't claim vengeance." "Their sons do," said Hoster, apologetically. "Not if you kill the sons as well. Ask the Casterlys about that if you doubt me. Ask Lord and Lady Tarbeck, or the Reynes of Castamere. Ask the Prince of Dragonstone." For an instant, the deep red clouds that crowned the western hills reminded him of Rhaegar's children, all wrapped up in crimson cloaks. "Is that why you killed all the Starks?" "Not all," said Jaime. "Lord Eddard's daughters live. One has just been wed. The other …" Brienne, where are you? Have you found her? "… if the gods are good, she'll forget she was a Stark. She'll wed some burly blacksmith or fat-faced innkeep, fill his house with children, and never need to fear that some knight might come along to smash their heads against a wall." [JAIME I, ADWD]
Here, Hoster inadvertently tests Jaime’s resolve in the Lannister cause, and Jaime parrots obligingly, invoking his father’s darkest deeds as a reminder of what House Lannister is capable of. As Tywin’s heir, Jaime, is aware that he owes his audience a performance.
Yet what is coming out of Jaime’s mouth runs laughably counter to his own feelings and actions. He does not agree with his father’s methodry: the memory of Rhaenys’ and Aegon’s bloody bodies is clearly traumatic, and something Jaime has repeatedly wished he had prevented. And he has of course sent Brienne to rescue Sansa; in doing so, he may well have sown the seeds of the next Stark uprising himself, a consequence that could directly threaten his own family. This goes to prove how complex and contradictory Jaime’s objectives have become. He is attempting to preserve the security of both the Starks and the Lannisters, whilst struggling to avoid handing either side victory over the other. 
Jaime cannot make that struggle apparent to his audience, however, and so he says the words for Hoster: it is important Hoster believes them - that everyone does - yet once again, words are all Jaime has offered.
Jaime’s sole ADWD chapter offers the best framework to unpack one of the most discussed episodes of Jaime’s Riverlands arc, and that is: Jaime’s threat to fling a baby over a castle wall.
"You've seen our numbers, Edmure. You've seen the ladders, the towers, the trebuchets, the rams. If I speak the command, my coz will bridge your moat and break your gate. Hundreds will die, most of them your own. Your former bannermen will make up the first wave of attackers, so you'll start your day by killing the fathers and brothers of men who died for you at the Twins. The second wave will be Freys, I have no lack of those. My westermen will follow when your archers are short of arrows and your knights so weary they can hardly lift their blades. When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. By the time I'm done no man will ever know that a castle once stood here." Jaime got to his feet. "Your wife may whelp before that. You'll want your child, I expect. I'll send him to you when he's born. With a trebuchet." [JAIME VI, AFFC]
As already mentioned, bluffs have been Jaime’s sole currency against the Tullys so far. The trouble is that he has entered an arena where bluffs have already been used to ill effect: the Freys have practically numbed Brynden Tully and his garrison to Edmure’s death, by threatening to do kill the man daily and failing follow through: this has led Brynden to frame his retaliation under the supposition that his nephew is as good as dead already. The best thing Jaime could do to assert his status over the Freys and dominance over the Tullys is demonstrate that he is a man of action, and will kill Edmure - but the action required is precisely that which he is not willing to take.
So Jaime enters this conflict with a bluff of his own, this time pointed at both the Freys and Edmure, as it’s necessary for both parties to believe he means what he says. Having covertly directed Ser Ilyn Payne to bluff, Jaime fools even the reader for a moment into believing that he meant to have Edmure’s head off:
The ferry had just started across with Walder Rivers and Edwyn Frey when Jaime and his men arrived at the river. As they awaited its return, Jaime told them what he wanted. Ser Ilyn spat into the river. [...] The sight of Ser Ilyn widened [Edmure’s] eyes. "Better a sword than a rope. Do it, Payne." "Ser Ilyn," said Jaime. "You heard Lord Tully. Do it." [...] "No! Stop. NO!" Edwyn Frey came panting into view. [JAIME VI, AFFC]
It’s here apparent that Ilyn Payne has been instructed to sever the rope suspending Edmure, making it seem to Edmure and onlookers that he means for Ilyn to behead the man. Jaime knows that Edwyn Frey will intervene before this can take place, but Edmure, who already bought into Jaime’s Kingslayer persona, has now had it reified by Jaime’s apparent resolve to behead him there and then. This lays the foundations for Jaime’s subsequent negotiations with Edmure: whilst treating with Brynden Tully, a man with nothing to lose, was a worthless pursuit… convincing Edmure, with everything to lose, holds more promise, and Jaime has now primed him to accept the carrot and fear the invisible stick.
Many readers do not regard Jaime’s villainous monologue to Edmure as any kind of bluff, but rather a promise that demonstrates that even if he isn’t Tywin’s ‘true’ heir, he’s capable of the same cruelties. However, we’ve now established that bluffs have become the currency at Riverrun, and are an especially vital currency to Jaime, a man who is determined to take no decisive action for the sake of his oath. His sole objective is to get Edmure to surrender peacefully, and violent words are his oddly pacifist method. 
It is also worth observing the improvised nature of the threat. Jaime mentions trebuchets specifically because they are trademark of Tywin’s from his feuds with the Reynes and the Tarbecks - as is drowning castles so that no-one would know they ever stood. The whole threat is heavy on Tywinian rhetoric, promising violent extremes that are atypical of Jaime’s own approach in war - but of course, they go the extra mile in pushing Edmure over the edge. Edmure knows what the Lannisters are capable of, and that is enough to frighten him into acquiescence before he begins to wonder what Jaime himself is capable of. 
Following Edmure’s surrender, Jaime self-consciously notes to himself his cynical invocation of Tywin’s trademarks, humorlessly marvelling at what came out of his mouth:
‘With a trebuchet,’ Jaime thought. If his aunt had been there, would she still say Tyrion was Tywin’s son? [JAIME VI, AFFC]
And of course, we see again here what has been on Jaime’s mind the whole time. Genna has told him she doesn’t believe he can protect their family, because he is no second coming of Tywin Lannister. Jaime is desperate to prove otherwise, whilst simultaneously desperate not to - and so, in thinking to himself that he has proved Genna wrong, Jaime has ironically proved her right: he is not willing to take decisive action, offering only words to suggest he could. 
Finally, there is a telling passage that precedes Jaime’s threat, suggesting the extent to which just saying the words pains Jaime:
Must you make me say the words? Pia was standing by the flap of the tent with her arms full of clothes. His squires were listening as well, and the singer. Let them hear, Jaime thought. Let the world hear. It makes no matter. He forced himself to smile. [JAIME VI, AFFC]
Jaime has built rapport with Pia and his squires over the course of AFFC - he gets to know them as people, they get to know him, and Jaime is a different person for them than he has been in the minds of those back at King’s Landing - he is a saviour to Pia, and a mentor for his squires. They are at the inception of the man Jaime wants to become for the rest of Westeros - someone honourable, and worthy of their respect. 
However, Tywin Lannister was not such a man - he was a man to be feared, and to sustain the Lannister regime, his heir must be feared as well. Jaime asks himself, ‘Must [Edmure] make me say the words?’, belying the fact that he had hoped to leave the threat implicit, offering Edmure a hand to his feet without having to show him the back of it. He is conscious of Pia and his squires listening, and how these words will impact their opinion of him; how the words will get out of the tent, and impact everyone’s opinion of him. 
But Jaime resolves: “Let them hear. Let the world hear. It makes no matter.” It’s apparent that it does matter to Jaime; he does not want to be a man feared and despised. Nonetheless, there is a futility in these lines. He lost the respect of Westeros long ago, and will not regain it in acting as Tywin’s heir. ‘Goldenhand the Just’ is a fantasy, and revealing his true motives to the world would be dangerous. He has to maintain his performance as Tywin’s heir for the sake of his family, and if that’s all the world will ever know of him… here, Jaime is telling himself to suck it up. “He forced himself to smile.”
The threat serves its purpose in the short-term, however. As much as Edmure hates Jaime for the words, it’s likely he requires them before he can sign Riverrun away to the Lannisters. Edmure needs to know the price of the carrot, cannot take it without asking. The price tells Edmure he’s making the right decision for everyone, albeit a bitter, humiliating one that reeks of injustice. Yet to refuse the carrot would be to surrender his family and people to something worse than injustice: in short Edmure needs to believe he’s saving his family from something. Jaime gives him that. 
Of course, the greatest trouble for the Lannisters is that Jaime’s measures will not maintain the peace in his absence. Jaime did not take up arms against the Tullys, and so Brynden has escaped. In all likelihood, Edmure and his pregnant wife will shortly do the same - they travel with Jeyne Westerling to Casterly Rock, a character GRRM has told us will feature in TWOW’s prologue. It seems a foregone conclusion that that prologue will see an interruption to the hostages’ journey to the Rock, perhaps one orchestrated by Brynden Tully. 
It hardly helps that Jaime has even released a number of Tully men after having them swear an oath after the fashion of his own to Cat: 
Lady Genna suggested that a few of the men might be put to the question. He refused. "I gave Edmure my word that if he yielded, the garrison could leave unharmed." "That was chivalrous of you," his aunt said, "but it's strength that's needed here, not chivalry." [...] The Tully garrison departed the next morning, stripped of all their arms and armour. Each man was allowed three days' food and the clothing on his back, after he swore a solemn oath never to take up arms against Lord Emmon or House Lannister. "If you're fortunate, one man in ten may keep that vow," Lady Genna said. [JAIME VII, AFFC]
As we see, Genna does not regard Jaime’s measures as stringent enough for their ends, and she may well be right - the Lannisters’ pit of violence has grown too deep for the family to sustain themselves through pacifism now. But ultimately, these chapters serve to show that Jaime is not willing to consider the alternative: whatever method his family requires to survive, he is demonstrably not the character to implement it.
Needless to say, it seems pointless to argue that there aren’t clear ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ in the Riverlands conflict - because even if there were, Jaime’s desire to protect his family is a sympathetic one. His attempts to do this solely through rhetoric are understandable, even laudable. And the fact that he has ultimately failed has a level of tragedy to it: we root for the Tullys and their return to Riverrun, and the downfall of the Lannister regime, but there is still a human cost associated. 
The coming of Red Wedding 2.0 is another foregone conclusion, but from the groundwork laid in AFFC and ADWD, it seems clear that GRRM will not intend it as a triumphant event: it was gruesome and cruel the first time, with many innocent lives lost in the crossfire - it can only be so different the second. 
As readers, we want Jaime to move beyond the Lannister cause to higher ideals, and in ADWD he has. But GRRM does not intend that this should be an easy path to take. Jaime’s loved ones remain embroiled in this conflict, and fighting for or favouring the other side has implications for all of them. Abandoning the Lannister cause is necessarily difficult, and there will be consequences for doing so.
NEXT PART: A Reckoning in the Riverlands!!! this won't be quick but i hope it won't be a fucking year
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dantakeyoman · 11 months
𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒 | 𝐣. 𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞
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♡ 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
♡ *𝒐𝒉, (𝒚/𝒏)? 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒕, 𝒔𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒏𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏, 𝒕𝒐𝒐. 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒐𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆𝒓. …𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉. *
♡ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬, 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐲, 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐬, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.
♡ * 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒚 - 𝒑𝒐𝒗: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 *
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"Watch it, Steve!" You exclaimed, giving the boy a quick kick to the ankle as you rolled out from under the car you were working on.
He let out a dramatic howl, jumping and clutching his foot like a cartoon.
"Keep goofin' around like that and this car's gon' take my head clean off."
"Ow, (y/n/n)! Watchu got stones in your shoe or somethin'?" Steve smiled, a flicker of pain in his eye.
"Now, c'mon, you two, let's finish this up. I don't know about y'all but I'm tryna get home tonight," Sodapop sighed, rolling out from his side with a tired look.
You, Steve, and Soda all worked at the DX together, and were working on your last car of the day, before Steve started up his usual shenanigans.
"Home? All the things to do on a Friday night and y'all wanna go home? S'enough to make a grown man cry..." Steve gasped dramatically, wiping away some fake tears.
"Not me. I got somewhere I gotta be. So if you would kindly shut your trap, maybe we could get this done," you glared, giving him another kick to the foot before rolling back to your spot.
Steve let out another loud whine, and Soda rolled his eyes, going back to his spot as well.
"You keep that up and you'll cripple 'im," he chuckled.
"Yeah, and maybe then he'll finally sit himself down."
"You said you got somewhere to be..." Steve smirked, his pain seemingly gone as he sat down next to you.
"Got a hot date?"
You scoffed, "Yeah, right. I'm meetin' Johnny at the Dingo."
At the mere mention of Johnny, the two boys let out loud coos, Steve making obnoxious kissing noises.
"Will you two cut it out?!" You exclaimed, embarrassed as you rolled out from your spot again, the flush on your cheeks clear as day, just like the grease on them, too.
"Johnnycake, you can stay at my house if you like. Johnnycake, could you walk me home?" Steve impersonated in your voice, tossing a rag on his head to make his hair look like yours.
"Johnnycake, it's freezing! Lemme get you a jacket," Soda chimed with a smile, throwing on your voice as well.
"I don't know what y'all are talkin' about," you rolled your eyes, standing up and grabbing the rag off Steve's head, using it to clean off your hands.
"You should. Poor Johnnycake's the only person in the world you're nice to," Steve gave you a playful poke in the side as you wiped your face.
"I'm nice to plenty. Pony, Darry, the man at the drugstore-." "Then why ain't you nice to me?" Steve gasped, offended.
"'Cause you don't deserve my kindness," you smirked, dropping the dirty rag bag on his head, which earned you his childish pout.
Soda rolled out with a groan, stretching his arms, "(y/n/n), we're pretty much finished here so you can head out after we close up."
"S'all right if I go on ahead? I really don't wanna be late," you asked, clasping your hands together and giving him your best pleading eyes.
"I don't know..." he shook his head, "I don't wantchu walkin' out there by yourself. You know the Socs have been real wild lately..."
"Relax, Soda," Steve smiled, throwing an arm around your shoulder. "(y/n/n)'s meaner than a wildcat, and can hold 'er own just fine."
Sodapop groaned, wiping his face before looking back to you, "You got your switchblade on ya?"
You nodded, whipping it out your pocket and flicking it open, "Never leave home without it."
Steve smiled, "See?"
"...I guess it wouldn't hurt none. So long as you're careful," Soda caved.
"YES!" You cheered, running over to grab your jacket off the hook.
"Your brother's gonna skin me when he finds out..." he sighed, shaking his head.
"Oh, now that's a hood. Guy's so grease he glides when he walks," Steve chuckled.
Your brother was a little bit older than Darry but they used to buddy around in school all the time.
Your parents were never in the picture much so he took up the mantle of breadwinner in junior high, and works the same job as Darry, and a couple others here and there.
"If he finds out," you grinned, turning to walk out, "I'll see y'all tomorrow. You two have a goodnight, ya hear."
"Yeah, yeah, just go on an' git," Soda rolled his eyes with a smile, waving you off.
"Do 'er one lil' favor and all a sudden she's all smiles," Steve scoffed, also smiling.
"That girl's a head case."
𝒋 𝒐 𝒉 𝒏 𝒏 𝒚 𝒄 𝒂 𝒌 𝒆
'Damn idiots. Don't know what the hell they talkin' 'bout.'
You'd started your trek to the Dingo about 20 minutes ago, and despite leaving the DX early, you were horribly late.
You sighed, roughly rubbing your hands in your pockets to try and gather some warmth in the cold, September air.
Although you were nearly there, the temperatures were beginning to get to you.
'Shoulda known not to take this flimsy jacket. Damn thing's thinner than Dally's patience.'
Letting out a shivering breath, your mind flashed to the image of Johnny, sitting in the drive-in all by his lonesome.
His sad, pleading baby browns staring up at the screen, open and empty seat next to him, collecting dust while waiting for your arrival.
Deciding your brisk walking pace wasn't enough, you kicked it into a jog, which slowly, but surely, turned into a full on sprint.
And with the Dingo's sign in sight, you smiled, speeding up even more.
That is, until you were suddenly grabbed by a set of hands.
A ringed set of hands.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you goin' in a hurry, grease?" The Soc boy known as Bob sneered, holding you tightly against his sweatered-chest.
"Away from your slimy paws, that's where," you spat, slamming your foot down on his, making him let go of you with a yowl of pain.
But sadly, Socs never travel alone.
In an instead, you were grabbed up by about three other Socs, two grabbing your arms and one taking your switchblade out your pocket.
"You gimme that back or I swear I'll knock in your teeth!" You shouted, your tone venomous and probably flammable if such a thing was possible.
You sharply threw your head to the side, knocking into the nose of the boy holding your right arm.
"Goddammit! The bitch broke my nose!" He shrieked, the boy that took your blade taking his place as the other nursed his poor, bloody sniffer. "This on got a mouth on 'er, don't she? Well, I'm sure we can fix that..." Bob gave you a lidded smirk, his words slurring in a way that made it clear as day that the boy was drunk.
Cracking up his knuckles and winding for a punch, you hardened your look, already prepped and braced for the oncoming beating.
'If this guy don't beat me to death, then (b/n/n) sure will...or even Soda.'
"DON'T YOU TOUCH 'ER!" A familiar voice shouted, that greasy mop of hair you liked so much sprinting out the Dingo and towards you.
"Johnnycake..." you sighed with a smile, relieved.
"Y'all Socs want a fight?! You got one!" Two-Bit added, donning his favorite Mickey Mouse shirt as he ran up right behind Johnny, breaking a beer bottle on the fence next to him.
But suddenly, you were hit with a full force, four ringed punch straight to the mouth, the metal on his hands nearly knocking your jaw off its hinges.
The two holding you let you fall to the floor before they sprinted away from the oncoming crazed dog that was a mad Two-Bit.
And with his running start, Johnny landed his own punch on Bob, with about three times the kick, and sent the Soc tumbling to the ground.
Though the catch was Bob got him as well.
A small gash on his left cheek.
Quickly, Bob scrambled up and scurried away, hopping into the safety of his Mustang and driving away.
With your vision getting clear, you could clearly see Johnny and Two-Bit fussing over you like mothers to an injured baby.
And it didn't help none when you coughed up a bit of blood you swallowed.
"Aw, shit! It looks like it slashed 'er lip real bad! We gotta get 'er to Darry's, quick!" Two exclaimed, throwing one of your arms over his shoulder
"Right," Johnny quickly agreed, grabbing your other arm.
"Don't you worry, (y/n/n). We're gonna get you fixed up just right. Just you hang in there."
Seemed like he was saying that more for his sake than yours.
"Broke one a their noses, y'know," you smirked, looking up at the boys with a bloody grin as hey started running down the street.
You let out a hardy laugh, "Damn thing looks like a bendy straw."
Johnny smiled, giving a quiet chuckle.
Two scoffed, letting a smile crack out the side of his mouth.
"You still got your sense a humor. Glad to see the Socs ain't knock you loopy."
𝒋 𝒐 𝒉 𝒏 𝒏 𝒚 𝒄 𝒂 𝒌 𝒆
"Darry! Soda! It's (y/n/n)! She's hurt bad!" Johnny exclaimed as he and Two-Bit burst into the Curtis house.
A crowd of eyes snapped over to you, and you cursed under your breath as you realized nearly the entire gang was there.
"The hell happened to you, Nails?!" Dallas asked as he caught sight of your face, eyebrows furrowed with concern as he slammed his beer bottle down on the table.
He always called you Nails because you were just like a bag of 'em when you were young.
Still are.
"Same ol', same ol'," you shrugged with a smirk, your head resting on Johnny's shoulder.
"Jesus, get 'er on the couch, quick!" Darry quickly ordered, jumping up from his recliner.
"Soda, go get the medical kit from under the sink!"
"Right!" Soda nodded, hopping off the couch and jogging into the kitchen.
Darry started keeping an emergency kit in the house after a rumble went bad and Steve wouldn't stop bleeding out his arm.
Steve and Dally got up and sat down on the table to give you some room, and Johnny and Two-Bit placed you down on the couch.
"The Socs caught 'er on the way to the Dingo. 'Bout four of 'em," Two panted, placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath.
"The guy with all the rings socked 'er good, cut up her lip real bad."
"Ooo, right in the kisser," Steve winced, Darry giving him a rough elbow.
"I got the kit," Soda announced, moving quickly back into the living room and opening it up.
"I told you to wait for me an' Steve to drop you off. But you ain't wanna listen to me. I though you had your blade witchu?" he scolded, his face trying to be angry
But Soda was never an angry guy, and was truly blaming himself for this happening.
"They all grabbed me an' took it, the bastards," you groaned, sleepily plopping your head down on Johnny's lap.
"I can take on a Soc or two, but four was just too many. I'm not Wonder Woman. Though I did break one of their noses, an' Johnnycake knocked Bob silly after he hit me."
You looked up at the boy above you with a thankful nod, Johnny turning away with a shy smile, "It was nothin'."
"Here," Darry handed Johnny a clean rag from the bathroom, "Use that to get up the blood."
The boy nodded, carefully dabbing the cloth on your face as if you were a porcelain doll, subject to crack with even the slightest hint of force.
"I shoulda never let you go by yourself," Soda sighed, raking a guilty hand through his hair.
"Socs think they're so tough jumpin' one of ours with four in their corner. I say we teach 'em a lesson now before they start gettin' too comfortable," Dally firmly stated, standing up as if he was ready to hunt them down right that second.
"I'm with Dally! We're lucky it was just 'er lip. What happens when it's 'er eye? Or 'er arm? Or there are more of 'em? We gotta nip this in the bud!" Steve agreed, standing up as well and crossing his arms.
"I'm sure 'er brother would join us. (b/n/n) would pound 'em into ground beef," Two chimed, his breath now caught and standing upright.
"No way," you shut down, sitting up. "Don't none of y'all dare bring him into this. He's already got enough on his plate with his jobs."
The whole room got quiet at your tone, even Dally tensing slightly.
"We're not wagin' war on the Socs just 'cause I got a lil' split lip," you turned to the Curtis boys, "If y'all an' my brother get caught in the middle of a rumble, him an' Darry are goin' to jail, an' me, Soda, an' Pony are gettin' put in a home."
The quiet turned to silence as the boys realized the weight your words held.
If the three of you got put in a home, there would be no guarantee that you'd stay together, or that you'd ever see the gang again.
"So, just play it cool. No jazz unless they start it, understand?" You cocked a brow.
A couple of grumbles and sucked teeth echoed around the room, but you figured that was about as much as you were gonna get.
"If that's what (y/n/n) wants, then we respect it. No jazz," Darry crossed his arms, further pushing them.
"Whatever," Dally scoffed, roughly tucking his hands into his jacket pockets.
"Fine," Steve sighed, stuffing a fistful of chocolate cake into his mouth as he sat back down on the table.
You turned to Johnny, about to check on him since he'd been so quiet, only to notice the small gash on his cheek.
"Oh, Johnny, you got cut real bad! I'm sorry I didn't notice," you apologized, placing a hand on his cheek and carefully gliding your thumb over the wound.
"It's fine. ...It don't hurt none, honest," he managed to putter out, red as a beet.
But you didn't seem to notice.
"Nonsense. Lemme getchu a rag," you got up, going straight for the bathroom, not noticing the looks that the boys were giving you and Johnny.
"They're in my room, (y/n/n)," Darry smirked, nodding over to the hallway.
"Thanks," you nodded back, going into the hallway and out of earshot.
And once you were, the teasing ensued.
Quiet whoops and coos slipped from the boys as each one gave Johnny their own little nudge.
"You see 'er? She jumped at the chance to take care of poor, ol' Johnnycake," Steve grinned, chocolate all over his teeth.
"Got 'er hook, line, and sinker, man," Dally took a swig of his beer, giving the boy a rough pat on the back.
"Y'all, cut it out, would ya? Don't know what you're talkin' about," Johnny rolled his eyes, pushing their hands off him with a sigh.
"She's crazy about you, kid. You see how she was all caressing' your face? Was like we weren't even here," Two chuckled, gliding his hand over Johnny's cheek just like you did, though Johnny tore his cheek away with a wince.
"Hush up, I think she's comin' back," Darry whispered, the whole group staging themselves as if they were going about business as usual.
"Hey, Johnnycake, come over to the bathroom! I found the rag," you called from the bathroom.
"Comin'!" Johnny called back, standing up to more coos and kissing noises.
"Go get 'em, tiger," Soda smirked.
"Use protection," Dally loudly whispered, turning around on the couch.
Johnny shot them a sharp side eye, turning the corner to be met with your beautiful smile, which immediately washed away everything else.
"Here," you started, wetting the rag as you motioned for him to sit at the edge of the bath tub. "Imma clean out the cut."
He complied, quietly sitting down and turning to leave his cheek open.
As you started tending his wound, pangs of guilt began to bang in your chest at the sight of it.
A part of you felt responsible. If you had just paid more attention like Darry, or had been more capable like Dally, he would've never gotten roped up in your mess.
Him getting hurt was your fault.
"I'm real sorry, Johnnycake," you admitted, a sullen look replacing the smile he loved so much.
"For what? You ain't do nothin' to me," he asked, turning to you.
"I was late, I got jumped, and I gotchu hurt. I ruined our night," you listed, hanging your head.
"None of them things was your fault. Four Socs is a lot for anyone to take on all alone," he assured, placing a comforting hand on yours and giving you his signature doe eyed look, nearly making you melt right there.
"This cut looks a lot worse than it feels, trust me. I'm just glad you're all right."
You smiled up at him through your beautiful lashes, making him flush as you two locked eyes for a quick moment.
"It was funny seein' you pounce on Bob like that," you grinned, folding up the rag and placing it back on the sink.
"Funny?" He scrunched his nose.
"Yeah! The way you jumped you looked like an angry tabby cat, claws an' all," you snickered.
He smiled, looking down at the bathroom floor with that familiar warm feeling buzzing in his chest, "Yeah, I guess I did."
Little did you two know, there was a crowd of boys right outside the door, a glass to the door as they tried to listen in on your conversation.
"Don't understand why he won't just tell 'er how he feels. They've been like this since grade school," Soda sighed, shaking his head
"A packs of cigs says they break before the year's over," Two smirked.
"I'll take that action," Dally smirked back.
"Two says that (y/n/n) breaks first," Soda chimed.
"With their pace they'll break in the next 30 years," Steve scoffed.
"Alright, to bed all of you. Let's give 'em some privacy," Darry smiled, pushing the boys away from the door.
"I think we've had enough excitement for one night."
𝒋 𝒐 𝒉 𝒏 𝒏 𝒚 𝒄 𝒂 𝒌 𝒆
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ameliiwa · 20 days
Darry headcanons bc I like him a lot <3
- can be actually funny sometimes. The rest of the gang loves seeing him joke around cause they know how hard he works and usually doesn’t
- has been set up on many dates by the gang (mostly soda) but never goes and ghosts the poor girl😭
- had one girlfriend during highschool only because of peer pressure. They lasted a few months
- goes to bed every single night worrying about his brothers, bills, and his future. Never can get a full nights sleep
- grieves severely about what his future could have been like and how he could actually be somewhat like himself before his parents died
- wonders what he’s going to do after pony and soda move out when he can’t sleep
- says why he puts so much pressure on Ponyboy so he can have a good future, but it’s also kinda because he wants pony to be like him (I can’t explain it 😔)
- he only truly feels free while playing football
- dimples ❤️
- looovess Elvis
- isn’t actually disciplining the gang when they do bad stuff. He’s actually encouraging and engaging in the stupid tomfoolery they do unless it’s illegal
- is the one everyone in the gang goes to for advice
- used to love dogs with his whole life but then converted into a cat lover because “they’re easier to take care of”
- never EVER willingly accepts help from anyone. Has been approached by his co-workers, old friends, and twobits mom to help him but is too stubborn to say yes
- but he is ready to drop anything and everything to help a random person (hypocrite 🙄)
- says he hates being pitied on, but he feels as if it’s the only sense of comfort he has, especially when his parents died
- desperately wants a gym membership
- jealous of soda and pony’s relationship with each other. Wishes he could be vulnerable with them and actually be their brother, not their dad
- has the GOOFIEST laugh. The joke wouldn’t even be funny but people are only laughing because of his laugh
-cant comfort people for shit, but he really tries
- while he took a class about acrobatics at the y, he also took a class on dance and is really good at it (he would never tell anyone tho)
- would do anything for the gang, may not express it but would literally die for any of them
Thank you if you read all of that hope it made sense 😭🙏
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well-golly-gee-balkan · 9 months
Dally: violence is so messy
Darry: no one told you to use ur teeth
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cranberrv · 8 months
⪩⪨ dating sodapop curtis headcanons
a/n : i love him soooo much omg!! requests open <3 not proofread cause i hate proofreading anyways enjoy ily
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- and they called it puppy love but x10000000
- poor boy is obsessed with you so much people start to feel bad
- brings you flowers every date, sometimes chocolate too but he ends up eating most of it
- and yes he takes you on actual dates
- he would take you out to fancy dinners but he does not ever want to do 50/50 or have you pay since he’s a bit broke so he doesn’t
- but he takes you out for milkshakes, to the movies, out for walks and picnics, everything he can afford
- always has one hand on your back, and is not afraid of kissing in public
- not like making out level but he will kiss you quite a lot in public
- loves kissing you and hugging you
- in front of the gang too, he can handle their teasing
- he’s a bit all over the place sometimes (hence steve having to remind him about shoes and a shirt) so you kind of become the new steve and remind him of everything if he’s rushing
- that leads me to why steve doesn’t like you
- steve’s jealousy to you being his ‘replacement’ causes a bit of a rift in your relationship
- how is he supposed to choose between a lover and a best friend?
- steve says bros before hoes
- but sodapop says hoes = bros (what)
- other than that you don’t have many arguments, mostly due to his complete aversion to them
- they will end in tears from both of you so you try to avoid that
- boy is ATTACHED to you and is probably already planning the wedding
- he’s probably daydreamed your entire life together, where you’ll live, how many kids you’ll have, etc
- he’s a delusional teenage girl basically
- you feel like you’re in a fairytale with the amazing way he treats you
- and ponyboy and darry LOVE YOU
- you’re always invited over dinner and to hangout w them and the rest of the gang
- he kisses you by gently holding your cheek and stroking it w his thumb OH MY GOSHHHH
- so huge on everyone knowing you’re dating
- the entirety of tulsa knows
- even the nicer socs are jealous that you got the hottest boy in town
- and probably jealous that he got you cause you are both catches and that is very well known
- tulsas dream couple™️
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imdead770 · 5 months
yours and soda's first argument
Sodapop Curtis x Reader - First Fight
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Authors Note - So sorry for not writing this sooner, I don't really have an excuse, I just never felt like it. Enjoy!
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• The fact the two of you even fought is crazy to me
• I think Soda is pretty good with communication
• Like he comes to you if he's hurt, you go to him, there's no secrets between either of you
• But there's one thing we all know
• Just because Sodapop has a partner doesn't mean the girls will leave him alone
• Maybe one of them go a bit too handsy while you were coincidentally at DX
• Poor Sodapop has no idea they're flirting because he's just like 'okay, they're touching my arm, weird but you do you'
• Then she gets more handsy
• And the thing that made you mad is Sodapop didn't do shit about it
• This random girl was practically feeling him up and he was just smiling and talking to her, trying to get customer service points
• I'd be mad too
• You know Soda would never cheat on you
• But still, if some random guy had his hand on your bicep you'd say something about it
• At least lean away
• But Sodapops just sitting there, all smiles.
• So eventually Soda comes back to the Curtis house where you often are, all excited to tell you about what Steve did today
• Only to be met with you
• His first thought is 'aw, she had a bad day'
• Which is so sweet holy shit
• But back to the beef
• You, obviously, confront him
"Hey.. how come you were letting that girl touch you like that?"
• He's gotta think for a second because he doesn't even remember any girl
• Then it clicks
• Shit, she was flirting??
• Aw fu-
"It ain't anythin' important"
• Right when he said it he regretted it
" What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"It's nothing."
"What, you let hot girls feel you up and then come home to me all sunshiney?"
"It's not-.."
• This idiot
• His swore his brain wasn't working
"Why ya' gotta be so jealous?"
• Oh shit
• He could've sworn he heard a snap in your nervous system
"Look, darlin', I didn't-"
"Can you shut up for one second? What the hell do you mean?"
• He can't even respond
• He's still internally slapping himself on the forehead
"Are you gonna just stand there?"
• You just rolled your eyes (understandable) and walked off
• The moment you left he slapped him in the forehead with an audible 'pow'
• After that, if you're like me, you kept your distance
• Cause, for a good reason, you're pissed
• Sodapop goes to Darry for advice
• And of course Darrys response is
"Are you stupid?"
"I dropped outta school, Dar', course I'm stupid."
"Yeah but I didn't think you were that stupid"
• He tells Soda to give you your space
• And Soda tries, he really does
• But he just can't avoid you
• He's literally head over heels for you and he's supposed to just ignore you??
• So eventually he finally manages to track you down
• This man is practically on his knees begging you to forgive him
"I'm so sorry, I ain't never do it again, it was stupid I know-"
• If I were in your shoes I'd start laughing
• Or maybe you're still mad
• Or you're smiling at the apology, depends on who you are.
• But it's practically impossible not to forgive him
• He said "I'm sorry" at least 500 times by now
• He sounds like Eminem at this point
• So either you're
A) "I forgive you, Soda"
B) To stubborn to forgive so you just kiss him
• I'm personally a B but you do you
• It's the sweetest kiss ever
• Pure wattpad fanfiction kiss
• Soft and sweet with both of you smiling into it
• Especially Soda
• He hasn't tasted you in like.. 1 day
• That's practically an eternity
• In summary
• Arguments with Soda rarely happen
• And if they do they last for 3 days max
• Normally with Sodapop knocking at your window with some roses and his award winning smile
• And no matter how big the problem is
• You always end up making out
• Gotta love Soda
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Could you do some modern day Soda headcanons please? I love him so much and I love your blog so much soooooo….
Ok so soda is tricky for me to write but I tried my best!!!
Modern Au Sodapop Headcanons
-Drinks every single energy drink imaginable. Rockstar? Like its water. Prime? For the plot. 5 hour energy? He’ll down it in five seconds. Darry is HORRIFIED.
-Is pretty enough he’s one of those people who becomes moderately famous on TikTok without having to really do much. His followers notice he’s always talking to someone off camera, and they’re desperate to find out who it is, but Soda only ever responds to comments with ‘oh that’s just Stevie, he doesn’t like TikTok’.
-Soda’s followers have a lot of theories about this ‘Stevie’. Soda is weirdly tight lipped about him, despite the fact he often breaks off mid rant in videos to talk to him. There’s also the fact that the rest of the gang is often around/in the background of videos, but the mysterious ‘Stevie’ never appears. (okok I’ll stop here before this becomes a Stevepop social media au)
-Regularly forgets to take his ADHD meds and Darry often has to remind him
-Would either have a hockey flow or a mullet (whatever y’all think, personally I think modern Soda with a hockey flow tracks with his character)
-One of those people who loves horror movies but is also completely terrified of even the dumbest ones and has to sleep with the lights on for weeks afterwards. Steve makes fun of him for it, but will also stay up on the phone with him if Soda watches one by himself and freaks himself out
-Has a million fidget spinners because they actually help him focus on stuff when he needs to
-Soda in modern AU wouldn’t call Ponyboy ‘kid brother’ as a nickname (don’t get me wrong, I love it but Ive never heard it used irl). Instead, I think him and Darry (and thus the rest of the gang) refer to Pony as ‘shrimp’ and Ponyboy absolutely hates it  “where’s the shrimp” “he’s has track practice ‘till four, you of all people should know that Dar” (brought to you by me and my interactions with my own little brothers)
-The whole gang is super into video games, but Soda is kind of shit at them and lowkey grumpy about it
-Every teacher he’s ever had has done that thing where they expect him to be exactly like his older sibling, and therefore expect him to be a model student like Darry, and every time they are proven entirely wrong. By the time the same teachers see Ponyboy’s name on their class lists they’re terrified of what to expect
-He definitely had that horrible middle school boy stage where he just reeked of axe body spray and BO before he figured out proper hygiene
-Every two weeks him and Steve end up doing some sort of YouTube deep dive where they end up being convinced of some sort of wild conspiracy theory that Ponyboy and sometimes Darry have to spend three hours talking them out of
-Uses far too many emojis in texts
-He had a pet hamster once and you know that thing died in the most horrendous way imaginable. Two-bit probably farted into the cage at one point as a joke and the poor thing asphyxiated to death or some shit like that
-He’s that kid in group projects who does nothing and tanks the presentation for everyone by mispronouncing half the words on the slides some other group member made for him
-Him and Steve are so inseparable that when they’re not together people will be like ‘where’s your boyfriend’ and he just answers without thinking before flushing really hard and sputtering a bit. 
-One of those people that casually catches snakes with his bare hands. Steve HATES it and Ponyboy is TERRIFIED of snakes so he gets in trouble with Darry if he does it too often or brings them near the house
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theoutsiderslove · 11 months
Helping and Loving
Darry Curtis x Fem! Reader Tags: Angsty-ish. References of violence. Financial issues. Darry is stressed. Word Count: 2.3k “If you really don’t mind…that’d be great,"
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“Darry, why don’t you come to bed?” You called with a calming, sweet voice.
Darry was listening, but he didn’t pay any attention to your suggestion. His back was turned to you from where he stood at the tattered dresser in his bedroom.
He had a basket of dry clothes that he was working on folding and putting away, but his stewing was more obvious than anything.
“He just doesn’t ever think,” Darry grumbled, his head shaking in irritation. “He’s always got his head stuck somewhere else.”
He was talking about Ponyboy, of course. The only person in the world that Darry could get so sore and annoyed with was his youngest brother.
It had been a stressful day for Darry. Work was exhausting and he received a notice for being behind on the electricity bill again this month. Darry had mentioned to you that money was tighter than usual right now.
Soda was picking up extra hours at the DX to make up for it, considering that he had more time to spend now that he had dropped out of school. Darry was taking on more roofing jobs and spending extra time bookkeeping for the company.
He already had a lot on his plate, and today had only made it heavier.
Tensions between Greasers and Socs had been higher lately. Socs were getting too comfortable stepping outside of their side of town, harassing and assaulting any Greaser they could get their hands on.
All Ponyboy did was walk home from the movies. For weeks, all he talked about was the new Paul Newman film coming out.
He wanted to be one of the first ones to see it, since he anticipated it for weeks.
Getting jumped by a group of Socs definitely put a damper on his afternoon, his screams and cries as proof to it. The gang was quick to his rescue and Ponyboy was relatively unharmed...but it had scared Darry something awful.
You hadn't been there when it happened, but when you showed up to the Curtis' home around dinnertime, you knew that something wasn't right.
Darry was quiet all through dinner. Sodapop did his best to crack jokes and start up conversation, but the energy between his older and younger brother was too much to break through.
You really knew something was wrong when Ponyboy couldn't have cared less about answering your questions about the Paul Newman film that was fresh on his mind. You made a mental note to ask him about it later when things cooled off, because you really wanted to know all about it.
Ponyboy finished up his homework in his bedroom after dinner, Sodapop retreating to the shower to rinse himself of whatever traces of diesel and gasoline might've been lingering on him.
That left you and Darry with the dishes, where he told you all about the day's events...not leaving out a single detail.
After homework was finished and everybody was cleaned up, bedtime called and the house was put to rest for the night.
Darry, however, was still fired up.
You had been in bed for at least an hour now, but Darry was pacing the room and was basically beating up his poor laundry.
Darry wasn't really angry. His way of expressing concern could come off as aggressive. You knew this from experience and from understanding him, which was the only reason you were keeping your cool with him for being so harsh.
“He knows better than to walk anywhere alone. Especially after what happened to Johnny,” Darry sighed a harsh exhale of air. “He could’ve at least been carryin’ a blade.”
There was a sudden urge to defend Ponyboy within your heart. In these moments where Darry was at odds with one of his brothers, you tended to not to take sides. Most of the time, you could see clearly from both points of view.
But Darry scolding Ponyboy for not having a knife on him was unfair, because you knew what Darry would’ve said if he had.
“You would’ve gotten on to him if he had been carrying one,” You pointed out, and Darry sighed again. “And he shouldn’t have to watch over his shoulder just walking home from the movies.”
Darry didn’t say anything. He continued to fold his clothes and all but slam them into the drawer.
“Darry,” You said sternly. “He’s alright. That’s what matters.”
Darry’s hands stopped fidgeting with the gray t-shirt that he was close to creating a permanent crease in. His head lowered with defeat and the knowledge that you were right.
There was no sense in fretting over it now. He hoped that Ponyboy would be more careful after this. He could at least feel somewhat better that Pony was planning on spending his Saturday with Dallas and Johnny.
Actually, that didn't make him feel all that comfortable.
“Yeah. I know.” He set the t-shirt inside and closed the drawer.
Darry was trying his best, and he often felt like his best wasn't good enough. He didn't know how to raise and take care of a 17 and 14 year old. He already had so much to worry about.
He supposed he could add "being worried about his little brother getting beat to a pulp" to the list.
You couldn't see his face, but you didn't need to see his expression to know what he was thinking. He wore his stress and he showed the weight on his shoulders physically. You could see the anxiety and the strain from a mile away.
"Hey," You said to get his attention. His head raised and he turned at the sound of your voice that called to his heart in the most beautiful way. "Come here."
Oh, he looked so tired.
His eyes were glazed over and the dark circles under his eyes had gotten so much worse lately. He couldn't take much more of this. Darry was strong and capable, but even the strongest and most capable had a limit.
His limit was being pushed like never before.
You always let him know when you were concerned. Over and over again you had reminded him that you were there for him in any way. Oftentimes, he felt insanely upset for making you troubled.
Ironically, he felt stressed that you were stressed about him being stressed.
You tried not to show your concern too much, simply just to keep him from feeling so bad.
But when he looked into your pleading eyes that were looking at him so intently, he knew you were worried. The desire to comfort him was written all over your face. The least he could do was give in to your needs.
After all, he could lay the events of the day to rest and start over tomorrow.
His steps were heavy and slow as he approached his side of the bed. A soft bed and his favorite girl appealed to him far more than manhandling his laundry. His strong, superman frame slid into bed, a quiet groan escaping his chest at the feeling of the mattress offering his muscles and bones so much relief.
You turned off the lamp on the table next to you, sending the room into darkness. The only light came from the moon in the sky outside and the street lamps on the road. Together, they offered just enough light so that you could make out his face and features.
His eyes fluttered closed, but he wasn't asleep. No matter how tired he was or how downhearted he felt, he never went to sleep without chatting with you for at least a few minutes.
"Didn't even ask about your day," Darry's brows raised in regret. "I'm sorry."
His legs intertwined with yours, his arm snaking around your waist. His hand rested on your lower back and rubbed in soothing, gentle circles.
"It's okay. I worked the breakfast and lunch shift. Nothing special." You shrugged, taking one of his large hands into yours and fiddling with his fingers playfully.
Darry's eyebrows went from apologetic to confused. It was funny talking to Darry when he was half asleep because his expressions still changed accordingly.
"You did that one day last week. Are you workin' double shifts now?" He asked.
"Just once a week. I'm hoping the extra cash will help me out."
Darry almost laughed. He understood that better than anybody.
A few moments of silence passed. Darry was enjoying having you here and so close to him. His sleep would still be restless, but it made him feel better to know that the three most important people in his life were all together, safe, and accounted for.
He felt somewhat at ease, and if he could go to bed in a halfway relaxed state, then that was a good end to the day.
But he wasn't surprised when you brought up the previous conversation.
"Pony loves you a lot, you know. He wants to make you proud," You placed a stray set of hairs back with the rest. "He looks up to you."
"You sound like Sodapop," He grumbled, his closed eyes twitching once. "Always stickin' up for the kid brother."
"That's not true," You responded with a soft voice. "I just understand what both of you are feeling. Seeing the two of you so at odds is hard."
Darry only sighed. This wasn't the first time that you had brought this up to him. He knew that you were only trying to help, and he appreciated it endlessly.
He was thankful that you were so understanding with the obstacles that came between the two of you. Those obstacles often had nothing to do with your relationship, but Darry had to juggle so much that it was inevitable that some of it would creep its way in.
Darry couldn't understand how you were so patient. How you could put up with him -- a guy who rarely had enough time for you and was always giving the majority of his attention to his brothers -- was a mystery to him.
Whatever the answer was, he was forever thankful for it.
“I’m working the dinner shift for the next several days,” You said. “How about I take Pony to school on Monday? That way he can sleep in — and I’ll make sure he gets fed and to school on time.”
His eyelids shot open. The frustration and hardness from before in Darry’s eyes faded into something softer. It was a cross between love and adoration…with a sprinkle of guilt.
“You don’t have to do that.” Darry sighed, his heart sinking but also swelling at the thought of you helping take care of his brothers.
The last thing Darry wanted was for you to feel obligated to help out with Sodapop and Ponyboy just because it was such a priority for him. Darry never wanted to make his duties become yours.
Even the little things like washing the dishes after dinner or helping Ponyboy with his homework made Darry feel like he was bestowing responsibilities upon you that you didn’t ask for.
You always offered to do these things or just did them because you wanted to. Darry’s biggest fear was that you would feel like the only way to earn his affection was through picking up the slack that he fell behind on.
“I really don’t mind,” You smiled. “Besides, if I’m going to stay here all the time, the least I can do is help out.”
Darry knew that all of these little chores that you helped out with did take pressure off of him. The smallest of tasks really made a big difference at the end of the day.
“It’d be a huge help, but…I don’t know…” He held the back of his neck, hesitant to give in to your offer.
“Darry, I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to,” You rested a warm hand on his cheek. “I’ll take him to the diner for breakfast. He loves the pancakes.”
Pancakes. Darry could’ve teared up. Not only were you going out of your way to get him to school on time, you were going even further out of your way to feed him a breakfast that he loved…and also one that he didn’t get to have very often.
In many ways, lending a hand around the house and taking care of the boys was because you loved Darry.
Loving Sodapop and Ponyboy as your own? That was loving Darry. Washing dishes after dinner and hanging wet clothes on the clothesline — that was loving Darry too. Driving Ponyboy to school and letting him pig out on chocolate chip pancakes…was most definitely loving Darry.
“If you really don’t mind…that’d be great," He nodded, eyes closing again. "I know Pony would really dig that."
"Good," You brought the palm of his hand to your lips. "And I don't want you feeling guilty over it."
He couldn't help but chuckle, a genuine smile spreading on his face.
"Alright. I'll try." He agreed.
He chuckled again when you pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose, his grip tightening around you slightly and bringing you closer to him. He caught your lips in a kiss this time, humming with content at the feeling of your smile underneath.
He couldn't help but think about how lucky he was. A woman as wonderful as you, working double shifts and taking on extra responsibilities and yet you still made time for him.
He had a lot of time to make up to you. He owed you a date night if nothing else, and even then, that wasn't really repaying you at all.
But for now, the best he could do was be here and be in the moment. If kissing you and keeping you close was making you happy, then that was the least he could do.
He didn't stray far from you for the rest of the night. The two of you slept closely, sharing kisses and soft hums throughout the night whenever you stirred one another awake.
This was something that Darry wished for. And perhaps one day, he could have this all the time. Not today, but maybe someday.
And he couldn't wait for that day to come.
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