#poor baby self-worth issues Cassian
flowerflamestars · 4 years
Nesta Under the Mountain: acowar remix
The first thing Nesta hears when she wakes up, is Rhysand. 
Who is right by her bedside, waiting, apparently for this exact moment of her eyes opening and coherency on her face to say, with full High Lord gravitas: we would have gone with you. 
Cassian, who has given up any pretense, and is literally on the floor between Rhysand’s armchair and Nesta’s bed, kicks him. 
They didn’t know what happened to her- couldn’t find any wounds, any marks at all, but Nesta wouldn’t wake up. It’s Amren who insists, who sits perfectly still by her side for an hour and says- she did something. She did something like what I did.
Lucien, poisoned with faebane and stabbed in the heart, was lucky to be alive, in and out of consciousness. He’d been awake in the days that followed for just ten minutes. During which he used the hand Azriel was persistently holding to leverage himself out of bed, fallen, been caught by Azriel, and somehow dragged himself to Nesta’s side before passing out, stitches popped and bleeding.
There’s two beds in the room now. 
Cassian doesn’t have the room to process- but he’s noticed, how he’s noticed- that Azriel has spent these days more than not like he is now: Lucien’s hand in both of his. 
A frozen elegy, Lucien’s scarred knuckles, pressed to his mouth.
Nesta’s awake, and Azriel hasn’t dropped Luciens hand.
Listen, Cassian hasn’t slept in days. He thought, truly, Nesta was never waking up. That he was going to sit here and watch her slowly die. He’s absolutely not in his right mind. So he thinks: Oh. oh. 
All three of them.
It’s not unheard of. And Azriel is, of course, one of the absolute best males that Cassian knows. Honorable. Strong. Beautiful. Of course, they’ve worked this out- Nesta is the most unflinching, brutally honest person of all of them. Lucien she can be loud with- Azriel she can be quiet with- enough love to burn the world, why should she give it to just one person?
(a smaller, quieter, sadder part of him that isn’t zipping through thoughts at the speed of light can admit- if it was going to be an Illyrian, if that was even an option-  why couldn’t it be him?
...of course, it would be handsome Azriel over Cassian)
It’s too easy to picture- dark Azriel, vibrant Lucien, moon glow on the blackest night Nesta. 
But none of that matters. Because Nesta is sitting up, and glaring at Rhys and looking like a person again. Looking down and finding Cassian, there on the floor, with a tiny, savage smile. A hesitation- a second, that goes on and on, Nesta’s lovely mouth perked up, her eyes steady on his.
Alive, alive, alive. Cassians imagines- thinks he’s only imagining- that he can feel the steady beat of her heart alongside his.
But then of course eventually Nesta twists to sit up properly, already braiding away the rumpled cascade of her hair. (Cassian’s hands ache to help). Turning, to look at Lucien, grey-tinged and too still in bed.
Azriel answered without needing to be asked, looking at Nesta with weary eyes, Lucien’s limp hand pressed to his cheek. (Cassian’s heart is on fire). Explains that the poison is cleansed and now it will only take time, that Lucien had demanded to see her. The first expression on Azriel’s face in four days straight: a quirk of his full mouth, the ghost of a fond smile, telling Nesta Lucien tore his stitches to get to her.
(Cassian feels a little sick)
Stupid asshole, Nesta will grumble right back, but in that tone that says I love you.
But Nesta will turn away, straight to Cassian, to ask: My sisters?
(Cassian is Not Okay. Cassian’s self-esteem issues are literally going to cockblock him and despite not leaving in days for more than a few moments, Cassian is suddenly desperate to get out of this room. The city. His own skin)
Cassian can recognize trust when he sees it. Swallows. Tells her they’ve been here too, Morrigan just dragged them away to eat. They’re downstairs- he can get them- he can-
The youngest Archeron crashes through the door with Nesta’s own cataclysmic sense of timing, and throws herself at her sister. Elain, a step behind, walks around Cassian to curl up on Nesta’s other side, skirts tucked carefully around her. 
They want to know what happened- and Rhysand, with his usual grace, choses this moment to interject that he would like to too.
(The Cauldron, downstairs, cannot be moved. Reacts to nothing, unaffected by physical strength or magical inquiry. It is, in the end, creepy as fuck. The sisters like it.)
(Not to mention that Nesta- who has always had presence, even as a mortal- whose mean laugh and beautiful face and tendency to yell at him is absolutely some kind of catnip to Rhysie- Nesta now feels like danger. Not the kind you only have to look hard at her to see, that strength that is who she is. Like a High Lord. Something old. Something powerful.)
So Nesta tells them. The King, the Castle of Bone, the Cauldron, who would be a prisoner no longer. Of the reckless, insane thing she’d done when it seemed like they were doomed- of what the Cauldron gave.
(Cassian is glad he didn’t leave. Cassian might never leave her side again, no matter how much it will hurt. Nesta drowned herself in eternity on purpose.)
She doesn’t allow them to congratulate, to question- though Feyre does joke about Nesta seizing the crown.
Nesta looks past them all, to Rhysand. Tells him what she’d told Cassian, the words he’d been holding behind his teeth like succor: She wasn’t the only sister. Rhysand. 
Linnea, Amarantha, Clythia. 
Nesta Archeron had been dragged over the Wall to protect her sisters- been transformed against her will into a monster and chosen that life, in the end, to stop war from marching to mortal lands to them.
Amarantha was a monster. Clythia a mistake. Linnea, long locked away, the discarded eldest, would come to sow vengeance against Prythian’s Vengeance. Against Nesta Archeron and whole continent that had borne and made her.
The war was still coming.
The medical team arrives to do one more round of treatment for Lucien. Nesta, uninterested now that she can resist in being poked and prodded ever, stumbles off to her actual bedroom, deathgrip on Cassian’s arm she will absolutely not admit is keeping her upright. 
She puts herself together. Bathes. Finds clothes. Looks, this time, in the mirror. She looks the same- her face had never changed that much. The subtle glow of immortality, the stupid knifeblade ears. But it’s still her face: her mother’s lathe cheekbones, her father’s plush, lying mouth.
Nesta is a monster, but Nesta is Nesta.
She marches downstairs, and shuts herself in the study with Rhys. Crossed her arms. Stands there, spine straight, feet spread, like she’s going to battle.
Clenches her tattooed hand so hard it hurts. 
She tells him, I want to make a deal. You wanted me in your Court, to fight in the war for the Night. I’ll swear fealty. I’ll be your fucking weapon- just me, not Lucien- if you promise that no matter what happens, no matter who comes, you protect my sisters. To the last fucking breath, Rhysand. 
Rhys stands up. Brushes a hand over his face like he’s thinking and abruptly, laughs. 
Nes, he’ll drawl to the feverpitch of her temper that he definitely has an unhealthy fondness of. You don’t owe me shit. You freed Prythian. You killed Hybern. You tamed the Cauldron. 
Is Velaris suddenly not your home? It’s not a trap. Archeron, you’re one of us, whether you wanted it or not. That means they are too.
Nesta: I am a private contractor. 
Rhys: You’re so involved you’re basically my Third alongside Mor. We would have gone with you. 
And that, in the end, is what does it. Rhys is such a goddamn liar- but that doesn’t mean Nesta hasn’t learned when he’s telling the truth. And he is now.
They would have gone with her- to kill a King. To save her sisters. To enact bloody, reckless violence.
Nesta sits down, steals his teacup, and says: Fine. 
The problem is clear at once: Rhysand thought Linnea was dead. Everyone thought Linnea was dead. Information from when she did live is unclear at best- Amarantha’s half-sister, where Clythia and her had been born to the same unfortunate mother.
Half-mad, denied acknowledgment from her father. Clythia and Amarantha were generals, woman who dealt in violence. Linnea, when she’d lived- when she’d been known- was an alchemist.
What the hell is alchemy? Magic that isn’t ours, Rhysand says darkly. Magic that is unnatural, not quite real. Not the power inside you- the power you can steal from the world.
It usually doesn’t work. It usually kills the fae involved eventually. 
They need more information- they need Azriel, and no one is about to suggest he move a muscle until Lucien wakes back up.
There’s a family dinner, eaten sprawled around the sickroom. Elain, Nesta learns, has made quick work of befriending Morrigan. Feyre’s recklessness- the mirror of Nesta’s- has ensured, with fearless wonder, that she’s absolutely comfortable here. 
(This Rhysand, who knew and was in awe of Nesta first, might like Feyre...but Nesta is his contemporary. The idea that her baby, mortal, youngest sister might also be doesn’t occur to him. Not yet, anyway. There being three Archeron’s at all remains overwhelming.)
Cassian offers to fly Elain and Feyre back to the House. 
It’s Feyre, with the sort of straight forward confusion that can’t be feigned, who says, after Cassian has set them down and is walking into the warm halls with them: Aren’t you going back? Oh, is Nesta coming here?
Cassian’s heart: ground zero. Cassian’s brain: just far enough from the explosion to be burning, burning, burning. 
Elain, who is a lot more like Nesta now that she isn’t frozen in worry, frowning just a little. Not warning- something worse, abject disappointment: We can get settled on our own. Nesta told me she’s sleeping at the townhouse tonight, in case Lucien wakes.
Feyre, yawning: Oh right, bye Cassian.
And then Cassian is left alone, the doors shut. 
Let us return to Nesta: feet propped up on the blankets of Luciens bed, quietly drinking whiskey. Watching, with a pang in her chest she’ll ignore and ignore and ignore, while Azriel- now that it’s just them, Nesta, who Lucien had explained to Azriel like this: I’d die for her. She’s my...Cassian. I’m always going to choose her, and if we do this you can’t hate that. Nesta, who is family- is gently braiding the riot of bloodred hair off Lucien’s face.
She handed over the half-full glass when he was done, and Azriel tossed the whole thing back. Said, eventually, as they sat there watching Lucien breathe together: that’s the first time Cassian has left.
Nesta, leaning even further back in the chair: Oh?
Azriel, with humor, steady in his deep voice: Rhysand had to make him let go so the healers could check you. He’s been in this room for a week.
Nesta, who’s still looking at the braids. Nesta, who’d woke and known that Cassian would have made sure her sisters were okay: Will he ever say anything?
Az: Does he need to?
Nesta, with a scoff: For me, no. For himself, yes. And then, softer. Thank you. For taking care of him. 
They both know she isn’t talking about Cassian.
Azriel will just nod. Say, like it’s nothing, the bare truth: He’s all the light, in the entire world.
Nesta hears again Cassian, tearing through words like they hurt to say: you’re the whole world.
Nesta, aloud: And much too stubborn to die.
This, unfortunately, the last two sentences, are all Cassian hears, frozen outside the door.
He walks away.
The next day, Lucien awake, Rhysand will call them all together and divide up what must be done. Lucien and Az: information. Morrigan: the darkbringers. Cassian and Nesta: the Legions.
It’s time for Nesta Archeron to go to Ilyria.
@more-espresso-less-depresso-xx @rhaenystargaryn @morrkrii @just-a-starcrossed-writer @clolikescloquetas @did-you-miss-me221 @caotica-e-quieta
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bookofmirth · 3 years
I think that Azriel’s problem with self-worth stems from a fear of rejection, and it translates into his relationships with women in an unhealthy way.
In his past, he was rejected by his family for being a bastard son of an Illyrian lord. He was abused and tortured, and the fact that his “legitimate” step brothers were the ones to scar his hands I think ultimately seared into his mind that he was an outcast, different from them, less worthy. His hands are reminder to him that he wasn’t good enough (in his eyes) and the way he’s so self conscious of them is because they are the physical manifestation of his worst fear - rejection.
Because of this, I think Azriel naturally gravitates towards women who are out of his reach. It’s why he’s been clinging to Mor for 500 years, even though she hasn’t made a move towards him (and hooked up with Cassian instead). But she hasn’t explicitly rejected him either, and I think he knew when he fell for her (even if only subconsciously) that she wouldn’t be as confrontational towards him.
I also think it’s a similar relationship he has with Elain. She’s the ultimate “forbidden fruit” - she already has a mate that she hasn’t rejected. So in that way, Azriel might feel more “safe” in his feelings for her because after all, he can’t be rejected if they aren’t in a relationship to begin with.
I know people in this fandom think the forbidden romance trope is attractive, but in this case, it’s not healthy for Azriel. It’s only furthering his poor self worth and low self esteem issues. It’s kind of a way of protecting himself by channeling all of his feelings of unworthiness onto women out of reach. I’m not sure he could handle a relationship with Elain or Mor (even if she was interested in him) at this point - he needs to confront his own issues first.
As a side note, this is why I think a potential relationship between Gwyn and him would work out much better. She’s more confrontational and I don’t think she would just put up with his shit. She’s also a much different person than Elain and Mor, she doesn’t fall into his usual type of “forbidden,” she’s open and honest, and I think it could be much healthier for him by allowing him to face his feelings. It could also give him the chance to actually bond and form a friendship with a woman before jumping all in on romance.
I agree with all of this!
I wonder if Mor sleeping with Cassian had something to do with his early feeling of rejection. This is not her fault at all, of course. It's just something you made me think about.
Az always seems like he is just on the side, watching everyone else live their lives. He doesn't do anything but work, pretty much, and have his secret lovers. A forbidden romance would be literally the worst thing for him right now because it would prove to him everything that you said - that he isn't worthy of a romance that he can share openly with the world, because he isn't good enough to be with *insert unattainable partner here*.
he can’t be rejected if they aren’t in a relationship to begin with
I know that you were talking about Elain in this paragraph, but the fact that we could insert her or Mor's name... This is *chef's kiss*
This idea that he chooses women who are unavailable is something that has been batted around the fandom since 2017 and the fact that it has endured for four years and two book releases (acofas and acosf) tells me it could have a lot of merit. It would explain a lot of his emotional reactions in his chapter, the way he acts around Mor, and Elain. It explains why he hides his lovers, why he doesn't think about having a family in the potential future, why he is jealous of Elain and Lucien's unresolved mating bond. All the pieces fall into place, and that's the sign of a good analysis.
Re: Gwyn, I know that people get confused about why, if Azriel has these issues, it would be okay for him to get with Gwyn. Now, I definitely don't want that to happen right away. It could happen at the end of his book, preferably. But it's what you said - Gwyn treats Az differently than other people do. She gives him shit, she doesn't tiptoe around him, she doesn't try to baby his feelings all the time. Mor and Cassian and Rhys walk around on eggshells when Azriel is around. Elain is the least confrontational person in the series. There are just people who work together despite their personal, individual issues, and people who can't work together even at their highest point of mental health. People who clash. Gwyn and Az don't clash, and she won't enable his shitty behavior because she knows that she deserves better than that.
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