#pookie bear better be truthful OR ELSE
sharpth1ng · 2 months
Saw your post replying to the ask about 'losing a Billy person' and it got me thinking about this. I guess I'm a Billy person who's (nearly) lost their Stu person (which is actually rare and quite the opposite to their dynamic) In WoM Billy decides to move and start a new life afar from Stu because all the shit that's happened and his feelings about him and stuff so he's being sort of avoidant too. They both have very poorly communication skills and they definitely don't resolve anything so I can totally picture Billy getting away from Stu when he starts doing dumb shit (and because of Billy's fear of abandonment because of his mom, he doesn't wanna get hurt, feel vulnerable... etc) and when he doesn't get in exchange the kind of feedback he wants, ( a Stu who's devoted to him and their relationship, a lifetime partner, and everything he's bowed to) How would Billy deal with a lack of commitment? An unexpected betrayal? I guess I love angsty Billy way too much, lol. I'm a big fan of Stu going thru the process of grief but if the opposite happened how would Billy cope with it? My take on this is: bad copying mechanisms, tons of unleashed anger that he's been boiling up and listening to the same 3 depressive alt rock CD'S.
Also, re-reading Debaser and Wom it's like my biggest source of comfort atm so thanks for sharing your amazing writing with us<3
I think the way I write him Billy is also terrified of the idea of a lifetime partner tbh. Does he want that internally? Desperately, but because of the situation with his mom he doesn't feel safe wanting that.
Allowing himself to fully want and have Stu means acknowledging that he would be worse off without him, that he needs him on some level. Billy's got that self-sufficiency type toxic masculinity, he thinks he needs to be perfectly ok on his own and that he shouldn't ever need to rely on anyone else (which is just not how people work).
As a result, Billy running away in WoM is very much avoidance because he got a taste of what it would be like if he lost Stu and he couldn't handle it. Literally all of this is happening because Stu is too trustworthy, too reliably supportive, and Billy essentially thinks that enjoying that makes him weak.
So if there was an actual betrayal? He's going nuclear honestly. It doesn't even have to be the biggest betrayal. Stu's basically the last person he actually trusts in the world, he definitely doesn't trust Nancy anymore. Really the only reason he hasn't totally blown up at her is that he's put her on a pedestal, he sees her as a victim in this situation. So her actions are somewhat justified to him, but at the same time any trust he had for her has completely eroded.
Now with Stu, where he actually does trust him and also is essentially afraid of what that means? If he was betrayed or that trust was broken he would take that to mean that he was right; trusting or relying on anyone else is a bad idea. I think his specific reaction depends on what happened- if its a smaller thing yeah he might just run away, self isolate, smoke too much and get really aggro in general.
If it's anything even a little bit bigger though I think he would be on an actual warpath, like its Billy Loomis vengeance time and we all know what that means. He might decide to make Stu's life a living hell in a lot of little ways or he might decide to bottle it up, act like things are normal the way he did with Sid and then completely tear Stu's life down around him.
Either way I think this results in a much more self-destructive Billy than what we saw in his revenge plan with Sid. A Billy who's lost his trust in Stu is a Billy without direction, without comfort, and I think ultimately a Billy without hope. Like worst case scenario I do think he might try to kill Stu, but either way this is a Billy defending fully into nihilism.
So yeah, if there’s a lack of commitment? Billy is gone, he’s isolating and he’s telling himself he doesn’t need anything or anyone. If it’s a betrayal? He’s on the warpath.
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kamiversee · 2 months
Fuck being scared for the reader- I'm scared for choso, not because of the 'truths' to be revealed bc I low-key don't think he'll give a fuck bc we quite literally just told him we slept with his abusive brother and he didn't love us any less so..but anyways I'm scared for him bc of the reader when he said "no matter what you tell me, I'll still love you" and then it says this:
"does he understand what he's getting into? Does he understand the gravity of what he just said to you?"
Like..it's giving..
"I'm obsessed with you" (ifykyk🤭)
No but I'm fr scared for this man like Is reader Abt to become obsessively in love Joe Goldberg style or what??😭 (I love me sum Joe😮‍💨)
But the whole situation is completely understandable and I honestly don't think it was as emotional as I thought luckily🙏🏾 and choso feelings are understandable and it's totally normal to be anxious when it comes to sb you love (romantically) especially when you're not in a relationship and you've been told that there was sb else. So naturally you're always gonna be on edge and anxious whether they're gonna be stolen away from you or not bc you truly don't know.
Also I wanna mention how it said:
it feels like the moment with Gojo yet different somehow
It feels different because the situations (talking about the relationships) are different and choso feelings are understandable where you were so entirely confused when it came to gojo.
Lastly. This man choso is such a pookie bear like he's such an emotional and understanding creature of the world where all he wants is the best for his brothers and to be loved as he loves like I honestly wished he found sb better than the reader, someone who could just wholeheartedly love him.
#me😍 #ICOULDTREATYOUBETTERTHANSHECAN!! #lovemechooseme🥹 #imobviouslythebetteroption🙄 #BREAKUPWITYOURGIRLFRIEND!!
(Jk jk, or am I?👀 Hmu choso)
Great observation ngl ^.^
I always say, As Gojo is to the reader, the reader is to Choso (in some aspects ofc bc shes not blackmailing anyone💀)
But honestly, I can’t imagine the reader growing possessive or obsessive with anyone because she doesn’t exactly have that sort of trauma, or a screw loose, that’d lead to said traits. :)
& exactly, things are different because where Gojo constantly confuses her, Choso makes things so clear to her, especially after he explodes as he did.
AND HEY THE READER IS JUST FINE FOR HIM🤨 js lemme cook y’all, you’ll see what I mean soon 😒
#chososactuallymine #backupoffmyemoboyfriend
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blankdblank · 5 years
Glass Heart Pt 4
Tumblr media
Pt 2 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/187377332481/glass-heart-pt-2
Pt 3 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/187491801834/glass-heart-pt-3
Wk 9 Prompt - The screams echoed around the room creating a cacophony of emotion.
… @sdavid09
Keeping a few moments to himself Thorin remained on the back porch letting the news and stages of acceptance and remorse wash through his relatives while he relented to what he needed to do. Inside The screams echoed around the room creating a cacophony of emotion while in his own heart he was torn as to how he could have missed it. Clearly you knew the nickname, you knew the language the customs and holidays down to a T. Even had the same raven curls and purple eyes, though your eyes had darkened and your hair had grown all the more alluring at its impressive length and shimmer from the silver stands of hair woven into each curl from your silver haired mother. Had he only asked your first name, clearly under the last name Pear, which must have been your mother’s maiden name, you had passed under the radar.
All that was left was to go an face the music. Clearly he was wrong and you were right. There was a set plan for the boys to visit you and surely he could manage to drop by before you would no doubt send him away for your own bout of shunning. Lost for what else to do he simply made his way back to his studio to work off some steam and no doubt end up with yet another clay miniature of you. Each one more detailed than the last while against his original self appointed goal of loathing you forever each word and taunting smirk of yours made you all the more irritatingly appealing showing off more to your Dwarven side showing through in your untouchable stubbornness.
Lost to your own feverish whims you had spent your night on metal scaffolding placing the sheets of glass in the roof of your greenhouse. Halfway awed with the stars that had welcomed you so openly and managing to somehow secure the full lot you had made covering half of the vast sculpture. Though by sunrise you had returned in time to shower and put the final touches on the honey butter rolls you had made for the picnic. A confirming message had you walking with your own basket peering down at the cubs bounding around your feet saying, “Now, no diving in the baskets I have a full supply for you lot later, with extra jellies and jams.” Eager grunts came from the group who turned to hurry off to their mother, who was taking them fishing leaving you to finish the trip alone.
Three Durins stood on the edge of the river under the shade of an old oak and in the distance you could see the effect of your name weighing already on the poor grumpy teddy bear no doubt ready to explode into a pile of apologies at the sight of you alone. Up to them you crossed and with a smirk at Thorin you turned your eyes to the boys accepting their timid hugs. Holding your smirk you shifted to face Thorin who inhaled sharply then flinched slightly when you said, “No.”
His brow inched up and he parroted back as the boys set out the blanket they had brought, “No?”
“I will not accept your apology,” his brows dropped while the boys peered up at you open mouthed, “Because I will not hear it.”
Kili, “Oh that’s just cold.”
You shook your head at Thorin’s narrowed eyes, “Gramps used to use that on Dad. Old Dwarvish trick.”
Fili, “Amad only uses that when she’s furious with us.”
Smirking at Thorin you said, “No fury here, just not tolerating any apologies. So you just stew on it and remember.”
Thorin’s eyes narrowed in your turn playfully rumbling out, “Never took you as a torturer.”
Settling down you set your basket in front of you saying, “Just for that you have to eat two of my honey butter rolls.” Making him roll his eyes, “Do you want to push for three there Pookie?”
The boys snickered and peered in the basket when they had set out all their spread they had brought and Thorin rumbled back in settling across from you, half dazed at the shadows from the leaves dancing across your skin, “Just two or I’ll lose a button.”
You smirked at him again making him avert his eyes to the food, “Then perhaps don’t dress so constricting for a picnic with me.”
Fili, “How is the greenhouse coming?”
With a giggle you answered “Managed to get the half I had glass for up last night.”
Kili, “Mahal, when do you sleep?!”
You giggled again, “It’s the Elven side. I can stay up for days. But I do enjoy a good night in as often as I can manage, just not been in the mood to sleep lately.”
Thorin, “Too used to the big city buzz to slow down?”
Your eyes locked with his and his smirk flinched seeing a glint of pain in your eyes, “I can slow down easily. Been having bad dreams before the move.”
Thorin, “Anything specific?”
Fili, “We’ve tons of teas and crystals for aiding in that.”
You nodded, “I know, I’ve tried. It’s coming loose slowly.”
Kili, “You should see Oin then, the best in crystal cleanses!”
Fili nodded, “Nearly everyone pops in when they feel a bit off balance.”
Accepting your helping of the food you set it down and slid the helping of buns to the Durins after claiming one for yourself, Thorin especially sniffing at the mouthwatering scent of your honey they were trying to mask at seeming overeager. “I’ll consider it.”
Kili wet his lips after taking a bite of the roll he hummed at tasting then asked, “Do you miss the city? Must be awful being without your family.”
You shook your head, “I don’t miss it at all past having my usual orders saved at my usual places for when I would call. And there’s no family out there.”
Their eyes all turned to you as you ate a piece of one of the tarts Bombur had packed for them. Wetting his lips Fili asked, “But, I thought you went to live with your mom and her family.”
“She died a bit after I left here,” making their hearts drop, “The family I was left with might share her name but they aren’t my family.”
Thorin, “It couldn’t have been that bad.”
Your eyes locked with his and you lowered the tart to your plate and said, “So much worse than you could imagine possible.”
Kili, “That why you came then, you don’t get on with them?”
With a sigh you answered, “I wanted to be seen.”
Fili chortled, “Surely you’ve had a great deal of stares since you arrived.”
Thorin rumbled out playfully, “That’s what you’re hoping for then? Attention?”
You shook your head and locked your eyes with his, “Have you ever had someone watch you work? No talking, no comments, no expectations, just a bystander watching the process. Back in the city there was this constant roar around me, expectations, demands. Then I got this call from Gramps, and for the longest time I’ve hear my name be said in the most fluid Elvish forms there is, never sounding right, because my Adad named me, and it never reminded me of home so much as when Gramps would call. The same rough growl through it. I don’t know why it took me so long to come home, just imagining I was doing the right thing I suppose, helping others out when really I was funding their lifestyles they hoped to get without any effort. So I packed up and the last straw snapped the night I left.”
After wetting your lips you continued, “I came home to another kind of roar, objection and in the true Dwarvish spirit I kept pushing on, and the roars died down. Then, my name didn’t matter, nothing did past the bare stretch of land sprouting into a garden and the castle being mended. I wanted to work without the fame or any expectation at all and I got that, freedom to build without limits for an audience appreciative of the effort put in.”
Thorin hummed back, “Rare combination to find. I take it none of your Elven kin took to glass blowing?”
“Two of my cousins destroyed my first exhibits when I refused to spend the money on their whims.” Parting their lips in shock, “Of course what pissed them off more was a wave of my hand and they were pieced back together again. Hate using it but desperate times and all that.”
Thorin, “They can’t be so uncaring!”
You smirked at him after a chuckle, “You’ve shown more care for me in this conversation than they did in years. They wouldn’t care if I got hit by a bus.”
Kili, “Now you’re exaggerating!”
You giggled again, “No. I did get hit by a bus, and for a month I sat in the hospital alone. Nine broken ribs, four more badly bruised, stress fracture in my collar bone. Had to take a taxi home, the only time they called was to let me know they used my concert tickets so they didn’t go to waste.” All in seething rage the men sharply inhaled and took large bites of their rolls, “I was lucrative, and all through my hospitalization they had been saying I was working on a new collection, royally pissed off my agent something fierce both before and after it was explained.”
Fili, “I can see why you left.”
You chuckled and swallowed your mouthful, “Among other things.”
Thorin growled out, “What else could there be?”
In a smirk at him he swallowed dryly not wanting the truth on what else could have sent you away. “Any new pieces for you? Saw pictures of your last exhibit.”
He chuckled and replied, “If I didn’t know better I’d say Dis had asked you to ask me that.”
You rolled your eyes, “No pressure intended.” Looking to the boys you asked, “I’ve heard you’ve taken up painting?”
They both nodded and delved into what they had all studied in their own schooling with more shared about your interests while the food waned until an alarm reminded the boys of their promised time with Diaa to keep up on their clan studies. Thorin along with them left giving you another glance feeling his heart still aching at how lonely you must have been and how poorly he had acted on to of how others had treated you.
Off to your forge again you were and all through the night until you had taken the long walk back half past midnight when you bathed and made yourself a meal. In washing the dishes however a doorbell sounding brought you to your feet and to the door. A grin eased onto your face as Oin came into view, no less grey than the last time you had seen him as a child. “Pardon the late call Lass. However, the lads did mention that you were having a difficult go of sleeping. I always prefer to get an earlier start on these things.”
“Alright, I can’t promise I’ll be the easiest of cases.” You said stepping aside and letting him in seeing his cot he’d brought with him over his bag of tools.
Straight to the living room while you closed and locked the door he strolled appreciative that you had been in shorts and a tank top easing his tasks ahead. Cot set up he seated you on it asking you to shut your eyes. Inhaling deeply you wet your lips trying to relax to the sound of the singing bowl music while incense was lit. Halfway through his introductive explanation of what he was going to do he turned with his hands raised and brows furrowed at the obvious jumbled emotions and anxiety he ached so greatly to right. As part of his own natural born talent, where other Dwarves can bend earth and metal very few can help to heal those around them of many ailments.
Unspoken as if in a test he reached out gently resting his hands on your shoulders that made you flinch, an apology from you was silenced and he said, “No apology necessary. I don’t know what happened out there to you but someone had to have damaged your trust severely for you to flinch like that.”
In a sigh you replied at his fingers easing across your shoulders pressing harder in a few choice spots and making sure to be careful around your formerly injured collarbone. “I doubt you have the time for it all.”
Oin smirked and hummed back, “The boys did share about the bus incident, though what I am sensing was much more recent.”
After a dry swallow you said, “It’s sort of long winded, but-,” his hands settled over the tops of your shoulder blades trying to ease your troubles in your sharing, “I have a cousin, one of the most interested in my finances and dating life. We look similar past the fact she’s over a foot taller than me and her eyes are different. Anyways her and my ex had a running joke that he had a hard time knowing if he’d chosen the right one.” Open mouthed he gawked at the back of your head, “He only started dating me when he found out my best friend was the daughter of the Head of the Law Firm he wanted to join. The joke went on for years. I know it was idiotic of me to think he might actually notice I was there and actually give me a chance. But it was another birthday turned into a work schmoozing event and he practically had his hand up her skirt for most of it, he made the joke again and I left. Just had to go, I was so tired of being humiliated and used.”
“Your dreams, is he in them?”
“No.” you inhaled then said, “Oddly enough I keep waking up in a pool of candy.”
A snicker sounded behind you, “And your teeth fall out?”
“All of them. Which I know means you come into a fortune, but-,”
Oin chuckled again moving his hands over your sides ignoring your flinches at his fingers pressing where they were needed to, “The candy changes the meaning. It means you will find something more important than any fortune. Normally it comes around meeting your One. It should wane in time.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, “Oh yes, nothing quite puts me in the romance mood like losing all my teeth.” Making him chuckle again.
“Yes, a face only your One could love.” Making you giggle lightening his grin feeling an ease in you already.
Next you would be laid back and each limb was worked over and then from your stomach up to your temple you were stretched, pressed and tapped through more lulling compliments as to why you were now shedding silent tears from nowhere. All common in this portion of the treatment in trying to release the most bottled up of issues. Much more at ease you were wrapped in a hug putting Oin in a much greater mood sensing that your bottled up pain had waned greatly. A promise of another session later was agreed upon and feeling a bit more at ease, though no less confused about his comment on your One. You knew who you wanted it to be, just the person who had seemed the most adamant to be rid of you.
Still Oin had returned sharing news that you were off to try and sleep. Little else was shared past the fact that the trio was correct in assuming you had a great weight on you. Your time home had clearly eased it though at Oin’s gaze to Thorin at his continued pressing to know all the details it was clear he should wait for you to share it at how painful it was for you only making the mystery even worse as to how you were suffering.
Pt 5
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iamtotallycool · 5 years
EOA Secret Santa Gift
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!!! @eoa-secret-santa-2018
Silv @maruvian I hope you enjoy this gift to you and have a wonderful day!
Thank you to all that have made me feel welcomed into this fandom that I just joined not too long ago
It should be a surprise to no one that Queen Elena could still proudly admit that her favorite holiday and time of the year was Navidad. From the delicious smells of her Abuela’s tamales, to the vibrant poinsettias, and beautiful tinikling of silver bells, it all never ceased to take her breath away.
And this Navidad was no exception. In fact, this year was even more special. The many friends and familia that Elena had gained over the years were all gathered together on one of the castle’s more private beaches.
The Royal Sirena family lounged on the shores, munching on kelp tacos as they conversed with Val and Alanso. The Jaquins, on the other hand, had decided to show off some fancy flying work with Isabel’s new and improved sky painting invention.
“Luna, Skylar, You’re going to throw out your backs again.” Migs warned as he stood beside Elena on the ground.
“Oh lighten up Migs!” Luna yelled back as she did some large red swirls.
“Just because we’re still young at heart doesn’t mean you need to ruin our fun!” Skylar exclaimed as he did a tight and reckless barrel roll.
Migs just closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. “He’s your King Migs, he’s your King.”
Elena just chuckled and stroked back some of the agitated fur on Mig’s neck. “Don’t heal them Elena if they get hurt, or else they won’t learn their lesson.”
“As long as you take time to enjoy the party as well.” Elena pointed over her shoulder, “I’m pretty sure Dulce could use some help with the cubs.”
“You’re right,” Migs said. Of course Elena was right, this was their third litter and their largest one yet.
“Try to enjoy yourself Pookie bear.”
Migs groaned loudly, “Not you too.”
Elena smiled as Migs went over and joined his mate and rambunctious children. And once he was settled on the ground and looked a little more relaxed, Elena decided to inspect how the rest of the festivities were going.
She immediately scoped out for her Abuelo and let out a sigh of relief when she caught sight of him. Old wounds and days as a reckless young vigilante were catching up to Francisco more and more, now confining him to a wheelchair, but that didn’t mean he had lost his dramatic flare or guitar producing skills. Her daughter Bianca and nephew Damian were sitting comfortably on his lap and Rafa sat next to him with Elena's son Julian in her lap as Abuelo seemed to be regaling them with some epic tale of his youth.
Her Abuela was still in a little better shape, as she was kicking an olaball back and forth with her other daughter Ana Lucia and Isa. All their skirts were hiked up high, but Elena was so glad that she decided not to get Lulu a really expensive new Navidad dress like Bianca, lord knows how long it will be until this one was covered in dirt and torn.
Estaban was the most surprising as he was playing and wrestling around with the younger boys, with Damian’s twin Dante clinging to one leg and Naomi’s son Bay on the other. Mingo had his paws on Estaban's shoulder and was leaning heavily against his back. Elena had asked Estaban once why he decided to not marry or to adopt any children of his own, since despite his pompous exterior, he had the makings of a great father. His only response had been:
‘If I have ever had children, I would hope that would just be like you and your friends. Which is probably why I decided not to reproduce, so I will just stick to watching over and guiding your little ones instead.’
Well, it had mostly been a positive comment.
Elena was relieved that everything was going so well. She had planned many balls and festivals before, but she really wanted this to be something more simple and cozy, something to brighten all their spirits for the next year.
“Gotcha!” An arm wrapped around Elena’s waist and she was pulled into a warm and familiar chest.
Elena looked up to see the loving face of her husband and also caught sight of Naomi and Gabe as well.
All of them were together around a small fire that Naomi had not doubt built, keeping the ocean chill at bay.
“The King has caught the Queen?” Gabe said in a cheeky tone, his daughter Daniella passed out in his arms.
“Just Royal wizard and you know it,” Mateo replied. “Unless you want to start being addressed as Lord Gabe and Princess Naomi.”
Elena laughed loudly at the disgusted looks that twisted on their faces.
“Seriously though Elena, don’t be so busy that you can’t stay with us for a couple of minutes,” Naomi said as she passed her a mug of champurrado.
“I can’t really help it, I’m just so excited that we’re all together for Feliz Navidad,” Elena said as she took a long sip of the chocolatey drink. “We haven’t really been together since the Spring Love Festival.”
A strong breeze then blew in, causing Elena to shiver slightly. Mateo instantly brought her even closer to him, rubbing her arms to warm her up and nuzzling his face into her neck.
“Ugh, I see your kids haven’t stopped you two from being so gross,” Naomi said in a haughty tone as she pushed back a lock of colored hair, that was one strand of purple, dark blue, and bright blue. Something she had gotten not too long after she began her not so secret romance with her Sirena lover.
She was such a hypocrite.
Speaking of which. “How did Marzel do on your guy’s voyage to Corona? Does he finally have his sea legs?”
“For the most part,” Naomi said as she looked over her shoulder to see Marzel being utterly confused by some ornately crusted and designed piece of jewelry that Val was showing off. “He’s working mostly in the rigging now to work on his balance now that he’s not the clumsy Cabin boy anymore.”
“You would think he would’ve jumped pretty high in the ranks by now,” Elena noted.
“You know me too well Elena to know that I don’t give handouts to anyone, and he’ll have plenty of practice when Marzel, Bay and I head out to Norburg.” Naomi took another sip of her drink, “After that, we are heading back to Coronado since Marisa and Marzel want to start teaching Bay on the politics and landscape of the Kingdom.”
‘I see now,’ Elena thought to herself.
Though many had placed bets on it, Marisa had never shown any interest in marriage or even having children of her own. It didn’t mean she was any less a kind, compassionate, and wonderful Queen, but there had definitely been talk about who would take over once she served her reign. It seemed that they had made their decision on the matter and Elena was ecstatic to hear the news, though she did send her friends good fortune and strength about any challenges they may have from naysayers about having a ¼ Sirena heir on the throne.
“And what about you,” Naomi said as she turned to Gabe. “Are you going to be enjoy being a stay-at-home dad while your super smart science professor wife works at the academy?”
“Hardly,” Gabe said as he readjusted Dani. “Royal Preparatory Academy is a school full of other little royal students besides just my boys, with my wife, the princess, as faculty, and our Jaquin guardians.”
“Translation: Gabe is going to keep being the heroic soldier and Captain of the Guards at the school and they’ll never have to worry about safety again,” Mateo explained.
“And what about this little sweetheart?” Elena said as she motioned to her niece, “Is she going to be known by your new comrades as ‘Nina Captain’ as well?”
“She wouldn’t be my daughter if she doesn’t immediately make that first impression,” Gabe said as he kissed Dani’s forehead.
“Itchy papi,” Dani moaned in protest to Gabe’s stubble as she adjusted her head away from his face.
“And here I thought you would have finally gotten a dad haircut to go with that dad beard of yours,” Naomi jested.
“Just because you have a midlife crisis thing going on doesn’t mean you need to drag me into it,” Gabe joked as he pointed to her undercut. “And this hairstyle still goes with this facial hair. I would only need to change it if I grew a patch like Mateo.”
“Say whatever you want, but I’m proud of this,” Mateo said as he rubbed his facial hair. “Though the girl’s certainly loved pulling on it, thankfully Julian wasn’t as grabby.”
“How’s Olivia enjoying her new student?” Elena then asked, knowing full well that her son’s ‘they’re fine’ response to how his lessons were going wasn’t exactly the whole truth.
“Well,” Mateo said as he looked away from her. “He’s may have blown up the courtyard fountain the other day.”
“That sounds about right,” Elena responded, it only seemed natural that the poor fountain be abused a little by the next generation of magic users.
“So who’s taking over for you then while you’re gone then?” Naomi asked.
“Ricardo is.” Gabe then puffed up his chest slightly, “But I already told Isabel we’re not leaving until he can do everything forward, backwards, upside down, and blindfolded.”
Elena quirked up an eyebrow, she hardly believed that Isabel easily agreed to all those terms. But, she knew her sister probably had some tatic up her sleeve in case Gabe really did go too hard into soldier mode.
“Ricardo’s acting just like a new recruit,” Elena then noted, she had been quite surprised with the soldier's change in personality since he usually seemed so high and mighty. “It’s actually kind of adorable.”
“Oh is that so?” Gabe said with a sly grin.
“Do not do anything Gabe!”
“You better not Gabe,” Naomi said, “Ricardo’s going to have his hands full with the still very reckless and gravity defying Queen.”
“Hey, I can keep count how many times I actually do anything that extreme.”
“Oh boy, now there’s a drinking game for you,” Naomi said not-so-subtly to Gabe.
“And die of alcohol poisoning?” Mateo added.
“Hey!” Elena said as bumped her hip against his, “You’re supposed to be my backup. That might be considered some treasonous behavior to your Queen!”
All three of her friends though just immediately busted out into roaring laughter, not taking her threat at all seriously.
Elena of course laughed along with them, but in the middle of her giddiness, she felt some realization that stabbed into her. This may be one of the last navidads she had that felt…routine? Traditional? Whole? She wasn’t entirely sure. There were already so many changes going on, who knew what this new year would bring.
“What’s wrong?” Mateo then asked.
“Why would anything be wrong?”
“Your eyebrows are scrunching together and your nose it twitching,” Mateo said as he tapped her forehead. “You only do that when something is bothering you.”
Since when did he get so perceptive of her? Then again, she was never one to hide her emotions very well.
“It’s just weird to think that we’ve reached a point in our lives where we’ll all separate in different directions, but still come back together.” Elena looked down bashfully into her mug, “It’s just not for very long anymore.”
“But you know you’re not getting rid of me that easily,” Naomi said proudly. “Especially when you’ll need someone to take over as Supreme Commanding Master Chief Admiral once my mom steps down.”
“Are you really keeping that title?” Gabe asked.
“Well, we will have to throw Grand Council Member somewhere in there too.”
“I guess all we can really do is just to focus on the happy moments and make sure we can preserve them,” Mateo then said. “That way we can pull them out and use them as a source of power and goodness for when the bad times do come. Otherwise we’ll just keep ourselves worrying and stop moving forward.”
And with just that one sentence, Elena felt immense comfort. She smiled as she laced her fingers with his, “I believe you just earned a pardon from your Queen, Royal Wizard.”
Mateo returned her smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
Elena then turned towards her friends and proudly held her mug out. “To always being together.”
The other three immediately joined her in festive toast.
“To always being together.”
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