quillpokebiology · 11 months
Geography of Galar
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Galar is my home region, and I wanna talk about it more since there's actually multiple cultural regions of Galar. And, at some parts, even different languages! So, here's some stuff about Galar!
Just getting this out of the way. The most common language spoken in Galarian is, well, Galarian. But there are actually many different 'subcategories' of Galarian. For example, the Galarian I'm speaking is Hammerlock Galarian. But some parts will speak Lean (a language that isn't that common and is spoken and originated in the Glimwood Tangle area), while others might speak other forms of old Galarian. Keep in mind that the languages aren't as common as they used to be because the Hammerlocke kingdom colonized a lot of places. So you won't be completely lost if you visit these places and don't speak the local language.
Southern Galar
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Also called Dùaicha by locals, which doesn't really have a direct translation, but it has the old Galarian words for 'country', 'white', and 'field'. Southern Galar is mostly a farming part of Galar, where people have strong accents. The history is pretty neat, as it was once inhabited by different tribes and clans before the people of Hammerlock came and forced them away from their culture. As a lot of history passed, and Hammerlock's kingdom soon died out, the people of Southern Galar were able to gain their cultures back, but of course, there were reproductions, as a lot of their history was lost. While they mostly speak Hammerlock Galarian there, words will sometimes be different.
The people that live in the Crown Tundra tend to have heavier accents (basically the stereotypical Galarian accent you hear all the time), and tend to speak Hammerlock Galarian less.
Central Southern Galar
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The place I grew up! Central Southern Galar contains the 1st (first) Wild Area, Turtfield, and the 3rd most populated city in Galar, Motostoke.
The history of Motostoke is rather interesting, being founded in the 1st century and controlled by the old Hammerlock kings. But as time went on and technology started to improve, Motostoke became one of the first industrialized cities in the world!
The Wild Area tends to be different. For one, there's barely any towns there, with some houses and cottages scattered about. And since it's not near most people, they tend to speak old Souther Galarian there (which I would speak with my parents and the other people in the area I lived in). In ancient times, multiple tribes and clans lived in the area, living side-by-side with the Pokemon around them. But the people of the old clans went away for various reasons (colonization, slowly failing economies, disputes, wars, etc).
Turtfield is the second most well-known city in Central Galar 1, purely because one of the gym leaders lives there. The history is still pretty neat, with the artwork depicting the Darkest Day. It's also one of the oldest towns in Galar, still having a lot of culture involved with it.
Central Galar
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One of the most well-known cities in Galar, which I find interesting since it's not even the capital (Wyndon is). Being one of an old kingdom, descendants from old Hammerlocke are known as Hammerlockians Anyways, Hammerlocke is located in the center of Galar, but I wanna mention it because a lot of stuff has happened here. I can't explain the entire history of it, because I'm most likely not qualified to do that.
But Hammerlocke was a super power in the Galar region, and it managed to colonize a lot of stuff, and is one of the reasons Hammerlocke Galarian is spoken all throughout Galar, spoken in Unova, and a commonly learned second language around the world. They had a monarchy and were run by kings and a couple of queens.
Other than the colonization, Hammerlocke was also known as 'The Dragon Hunters.'' They hunted a lot of dragon types in Galar to extinction, and even as Pokemon started co existing with humans, there was still a lot of stigma around having Dragin types in or near the city, and having one could get you seriously in trouble. Hammerlock actually designed their buildings like that to scare off dragon types. There also one of the reasons Flapple and Appletun look the way they do; they had to evolve to look friendlier to NOT get killed by them!
But now, Hammerlocke is one of the safest places to own a Dragon type in Galar. The wide and expansive area of it as well as the stigma of the area disappearing had led Hammerlocke to almost completely get rid of that stigma entirely (I also like to put that on the popularity of the gym leader here. Ngl, I might've had a crush on him when I was younger).
Central Galar is also home to the second Wild Area. Even fewer people live there compared to the first Wild Area since it holds a lot more dangerous Pokemon.
West-Central Galar
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West-Central Galar holds the Leantír and the Creuilg area.
Leantír is the term that refers to the entire Glimwood Tangle area. The word Lea is a Galarian suffix for woodlands or a clearing. Tír is just Southern Galarian for land. The people who reside in this area are known as the Lean people. A cool thing about them is that they are one of the few groups that managed to avoid the colonization of Hammerlocke, purely because the people in Hammerlocke thought that Glimwood Tangle was too dangerous since of the Pokemon there. Because of this, the culture was able to grow free from colonization, and their language has been preserved throughout the years.
There was some stuff that happened though. Like how a guy found Indeedee 7,000 years ago in Glimwood Tangle and took them out to breed them. But another thing that isn't well known is that Leantír use to spread a lot farther than it does now, reaching all the way down to the Stow-on-Side area, and even a bit of Hammerlocke! But Hammerlocke cut down their trees and got rid of their dangerous Pokemon fairly quickly. The Pokemon of the forest than became more wary of people from Hammerlocke, and they ended up attacking any human that wasn't from deeper in the forest, which is why Hammerlocke never went that far.
Creulig is a combination of the old Galarian word for rock and blood (referring to the red-like color of the canyons). One of the largest towns there (Stow-on-side) holds a gym challenge there. It's also the only desert on Mainland Galar.
There were civilizations here in the ancient past, which were realized when old artifacts were found here. But little is known about that civilization, as the history of it only started being documented when newer people moved in.
East-Central Galar
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East-Central Galar holds the Nixalba area, which got its name from a forgotten language. "Nix" means snow, while "alba" means white.
The history of the area is really cool (no pun intended), with the Circhester town being around for thousands of years. Originally, Circhester was made in 60 AD, where the first settlers there used the hot springs in the area as a spa area and built their town around it. It became a really popular tourist spot, with the added gym challenge making it even more popular.
The places around it (like Spikemuth and route 8) used to be a lot colder, but climate change and global warming have made it the way it is today. Route 8 has faced a lot of weathering and erosion, which is what gives it its more rocky appearance. But ancient people of the Nixalba area lived there, giving it the ruins it has. In the Hulbury area, people have used that place as a fishing port for hundreds of years.
Northern Galar
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Other than the Wyndon district, Northern Galar is inhabited much because of the large mountains making it hard for people to live there. Mostly hikers, researchers, and explorers head there.
However, the history of Wyndon is really interesting. The main city itself was founded in 43 CE when the Hammerlocke kingdom was making its way around Galar. Most of the ancient tribes that lived there were wiped out, and not much is known about the tribes that resided here (which is sad).
The Isle of Armor
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The Isle of Armor is a subregion of Galar. Back then, a lot of immigrants from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh came here, and the culture here reflects that. This place is very popular for trainers coming here to get stronger because of the famous dojo they have here.
So yeah, that's the Galar region! Have fun with this information!
Ooc stuff
Honestly, I know this probably isn't accurate to irl UK, but I think it would just be boring to restate UK history. Plus, I don't want the world building to be EXACTLY like it is irl. For one, the game doesn't mention much colonization, and I like that idea. But it would make sense that Galar would have some colonization (it's literally the UK), But I also like the idea of different languages being more common, since it sucks that irl UK has a bunch of dying languages because of colonization. So instead, I made them have colonization, but the languages would stay semi-alive, where you would meet a lot more people that would speak them.
The Isle of Armor was based on The Isle of Man, which mostly has a Celtic history. But from what we see in the game, it has a lot of East Asian inspiration, and I wanted to reflect that here.
I purposely made the places seem bigger than they were since it's stupid to only imagine one small town in the entirety of an area. Plus, we only really see that stuff in the game because it's all we need to see. We can assume there's more people and towns there.
The old clans and tribes are supposed to be old Celtic tribes, but I couldn't think of a name to give them in the Pokemon world...
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alolanrain · 2 years
Lance: WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE REACTING?! EVEN THE NEW ONES*motions to Goh and Chloe*DONT EVEN BLINK WHEN HE SUMMONS A GOD! (Goh:... Are we supposed to react whenever he does it? It gets old kinda fast) (Chloe: Pretty sure hes thd only one who finds what Ash does weird.) Lance: IT IS WEIRD! [Nobody in anime reacts to Ash's adventures beyond 'huh, neat' so I made Lance the Only Sane Man on Pokéarth]
We ride the same boat, Anon
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britt-kageryuu · 1 year
Why is the in game habitat search in Scarlet and Violet so weird, and quite honestly pretty inaccurate?
I was trying to find were a specific Pokémon spawned, but the highlighted boxes are so vague that I can't tell when I've left or enetered the right quadrant on the map!!
Not to mention the odds it can appear in this on small box as a tiny chance of it actually appearing, or doesn't tell you it can appear in pack spawns here. And the 'hints' on where they might spawn is just stupid at times, 'hangs out in trees', 'gets carried on the wind', 'lives in (blank) area'...
And I've already kinda vented about a lack of a map for Area Zero, and the spawn locations of the areas...
I was trying to find the tree lovers and some are just to rare that I've never seen a couple of them outside of a raid or trainer battle!!
Not to mention the weird time I'm having trying to find Flabébé! They are either so tiny you can't see them, or they're spawn chance gets taken over by a different Pokémon in the area!!
I felt the need to rant if only because some pokemon sites have better spawn maps like 'Pokéarth' that allow you to Zoom In on the locations, so you have a more accurate range of where they might spawn!!!
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eldunea · 4 years
So You Want To Run Through Preuzien?
i’ve received a fair few messages from people interested in having their muses go through prussia, with one person even being interested in making a preuzien OC, so i thought i’d do this post setting up some necessary boundaries and limitations for any character who intends to challenge the prussian league and make a name for themselves in my fakémon region. this applies primarily to muses who wish to start their prussia arcs before lotor became champion, although some of these points still apply to a certain extent even after he won the position.
without further ado…here we go. >:3
[TW: Mentions of death, animal abuse and human abuse. If these topics trigger you, do NOT have your muse do a run through pre-Lotor Preuzien.]
First Things First: Your Muse Probably Won’t Be Champion Anytime Soon
i’ll be blunt. unless your character 1) is willing to kill lotor and all of his pokémon, most of whom are sapient, 2) is willing to risk their life and the lives of all their partners in the championship battle, and 3) can also singlehandedly defeat a five-core complete forme/ragnamax zygarde that has world-ending capabilities and is comparable in power to eternamax eternatus, they don’t stand a chance. for #1 and #2, though lotor has dismantled most aspects of the fight to kill clause, he still keeps the part that says all official championship battles must be fought to the death. he does this as a deterrent to challengers--and he is not afraid to slaughter his opponents in their moments of hesitance should they express any reluctance to kill. and while he doesn’t own ragnamax zygarde, he has definitely single-handedly defeated it, as it’s how he became champion in the first place.
i want to make it clear that this doesn’t mean he’s unbeatable in every scenario. he can still be defeated in a less high-stakes setting where he isn’t allowed to kill or cripple his opponents, or destroy everything around him in a 5-mile radius. one of his big weaknesses is that ever since his championship battle in kalos against diantha he’s gotten real rusty in traditional 6v6 style battling; this is because he has spent all his time perfecting the prussian style of battle, and because if any criminals are stupidly polite enough to do a traditional 6v6 against him, his unprincipled bitch self will just bring out his entire team to gangbeat their ass. but in an all-out campaign match where he gets to use deadly force and unleash the full apocalyptic extent of his pokémons’ power, he is not going to lose to any muse who 1) is not as fully psychologically ready to shed blood as he is, 2) is not psychologically able to handle seeing their pokémon get killed or the mere thought of their pokémon being killed, OR 3) could not also pull off what he did. that is a FACT.
i do hc that lotor stops being champion eventually, but i haven’t figured out when would be a good time for lotor to lose his spot, or even whether i’d want him to lose it rather than stepping down. there are many different possibilities that can be explored and i may make different verses for them, such as the possibility that he loses/steps down from the championship some time in the near future (5 - 10 years) when he feels that his work is done/feels the pressure is too much, or the possibility that he feels his work will take literal decades and he steps down as an old man once he is satisfied that the region has finally reformed. if you are interested in lotor’s championship spot though, please know that as of writing this, i am IFFY about any plot where a muse defeats lotor and then returns prussia to its original ways. this is because despite my love of “ow the edge,” as the creator of preuzien i do want to write a happier ending for a region whose people have seen nothing but suffering. if this does end up happening, it will have to happen in a separate verse.
Be Prepared for a Long and Potentially Traumatizing Haul
the prussian league is a thirty-six-badge-long, MULTI-YEAR ordeal. there is no way around that. i hc other leagues usually take about a year to complete. the prussian league, on the other hand, takes a MINIMUM of 4 years to finish for trainers who start their journeys in preuzien, 3.5 years for trainers who have already entered the hall of fame for a foreign league, and 2.5 years for trainers who have entered the hall of fame in more than one foreign league. for some perspective on its difficulty--lotor, the guy with the 200+ IQ who beat ragnamax zygarde and stopped ragnarök during his championship battle, STILL took multiple years to complete his league challenge. can your muse clear the league in, say, half a year or a year less than the time it normally takes? yes, but i will be selective about who gets to have that honor. please don’t be “that person” and say “well my muse is capable of doing it in less than a year”--no. they can’t. why? because i said so.
another thing to note about the prussian league is its difficulty. this is part of why it takes such a long time for any trainer to get through preuzien: your muse will not have an easy time going through it, NO MATTER WHAT. yes, even if your muse has legendaries…joke’s on them, preuzien’s entire culture is geared toward beating the shit out of legendaries, and i daresay they’re damn good at it. yes, even if your muse is “really, really strong”…everyone in preuzien is also really, really strong, and not to mention, strength in preuzien is different from strength in most of the pokémon world because historically, the prussian league has put its trainers through situations--both on and off the field--approximating WAR. again, for perspective: lotor has one of the highest IQs on planet pokéarth and literally saved the world from the previous deity champion, and preuzien still had times when it PUSHED HIM PAST HIS LIMIT. so if you state that your muse is somehow able to just breeze through every gym and the national tournament like it’s nothing, that’s something i’m going to have a real hard time believing.
as to the trauma part of this section, prussia is a much friendlier place now that lotor is champion…provided you’re not an abuser or a member of a corrupt ruling class. but if your muse is entering the league pre-lotor’s championship, when the region was still under the rule of wilhelmine von hohenzollern, your muse WILL suffer some sort of trauma. there is also no way around that. if they started in preuzien, they would have started in mandatory trainers’ school, where they would have been both physically and emotionally abused by their teachers. the only ways to avoid this abuse are to 1) be a junker’s child whose parents are the rare prussian unicorns that do not support child-beating or 2) become a total kissup to the teachers and other authority figures of the school, screwing over your fellow students to save yourself, and i doubt most peoples’ muses would want to do that. if they started outside the region and came in…they still have the below section to deal with.
Your Muse Will Lose Pokémon
this is no longer a guaranteed if your muse is joining the prussian league under lotor’s rule. but in the time of wilhelmine, under the fight to kill clause, you may be ordered to kill your opponent and their pokémon for the entertainment of the crowd. and you can’t back out from this either, because if you do, you will be publicly executed for failing to provide the audience entertainment. this aspect of the fight to kill clause is no longer in effect, but when it was, it was responsible for so many young peoples’ deaths that the region’s age dependency ratio went completely out of whack. what’s more, the fight to kill clause also states that gym leaders can choose whether they wish to kill you without warning and/or your pokémon at any point during their matches, which only adds to the danger. in a region where the league literally requires you to fight for your life, it is NEARLY INCONCEIVABLE that anyone could get through this without losing at least one of their trusted partners. there is only one person in the entire history of wilhelmine prussia who managed to go through all the gyms and the prussian national tournament without losing a single one of their pokémon (and his name, by the way, is not lotor). i am going to keep it that way.
what’s more, if the brutality of the battles don’t get to you, the lack of healthcare will. preuzien in its pre-lotor days was infamous for the shortage of both human and pokémon healthcare that plagued its system. healthcare was only guaranteed to junkers, the military, and those who are deemed “victors,” aka those who fought long and hard enough to get the government’s attention and be seen as worthy. for the rest, they have to struggle through long and potentially life-ending lines at pokémon centers and doctors’ offices, all of which come from the fact that preuzien glorifies pokémon training and militarism to the point that almost every other profession is suffering a shortage in professionals and that includes healthcare. even if we go with the fanon that nurse joys are always in abundance because they’re actually ditto spawn that can be mass-produced, preuzien would deliberately make it so that there’s a lack of healthcare so they could force people to kill each other over who gets treated. so yeah. under wilhelmine, this is a region in which losing at least one pokémon is a 99.99999% certainty.
Your Muse is More Likely to Fail than Succeed
i’m gonna be straight up right now: i won’t let more than a handful of muses succeed in winning the prussian national tournament--at least, in proportion to the rest who fail. why? because if i as preuzien’s creator let too many people have a successful run through prussia, the difficulty of the league will lose its meaning. it’s not “the hardest league in the world” if every muse and their mother is capable of receiving all 18 type specialist badges, receiving all 18 other strategic badges, and clearing all four stages of the 256-person prussian national tournament. by having too many muses being able to achieve this extraordinarily difficult feat, it cheapens the accomplishment of the few who did. i might be more lenient on this for muses that enter the league after wilhelmine is deposed, seeing as the fight to kill clause is abolished and that explains a big chunk of the prussian league’s difficulty. but even so, given the unique demands that prussian-style battling foists on its trainers, they’ll be hard pressed to rise to the challenge--especially if they were not raised like most prussian trainers are to take it on.
if you want your muse to succeed, i will be tough about this. i will play devil’s advocate and come up with every single possible way in which your muse could fail, whether psychologically or strategically. even the best strategists which basically every muse seems to be can crumble and be broken by a league specifically designed to mentally shatter its participants in order to “weed out the weak.” and even the strongest-willed people which basically every muse also seems to be may lack the particular intelligence needed to handle strategic situations that require one to think less like a trainer and more like a MILITARY COMMANDER. this applies mainly to wilhelmine’s preuzien, because her league is brutal on a scale that is unseen anywhere else in the world and what’s more, it’s not afraid to play dirty. if doing a run when lotor is champion i will be less exacting, but i still want to keep the success to failure ratio low. please don’t take it personally when i start grilling like it’s a BBQ--i just want to be realistic and a hardliner about whether your muse really has what it takes. like the officials of the prussian league itself, i want to make sure that ONLY THE BEST OF THE BEST make it through. 
i will, however, say this: just because your muse fails to get to/through the prussian national tournament, doesn’t mean it’s the end for them. they could join tournaments for the badge level at which your muse stopped, or join the coordinating scene that has gained new life under lotor’s leadership. they could move on to another region and enjoy their newfound capacity to beat the shit out of almost everyone they come across, because sometimes even the people who fail in preuzien are leaps and bounds stronger than those who succeed outside it. or they could divert their efforts from trying to climb to the top, thank their lucky stars that they still have their mental health mostly intact, and start taking care of pokémon who were abused by the system. there’s still plenty to do after an unsuccessful prussian run--your character’s story will not necessarily end there, and even in prussia’s darkest days, it would not necessarily end in disaster. to sum it up, failure to complete the league is still a plot point that you may find worth exploring.
in closing, i would like to say: your muse will have it extremely rough going through prussia but honestly…the struggle is half the fun of writing it. >:3
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hisvanity · 5 years
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writober 2019: deepest fears.
i don’t have it in me to do a drabble like everybody else does but this prompt still got me thinking so here comes a post in the format that i enjoy most: a giant meta.
wallace fears a lot of things. he fears the oncoming environmental crisis--sometimes he hates being young in such a trying time, because he honestly wishes he doesn’t have to be alive to see the entire world go to shit; he’s doing everything he can to fight against climate change, but he feels that it won’t be enough. he fears that things will get worse for his people, and that he won’t be able to protect them like a champion should. none of these are his deepest fear, however. underlying all these fears is his overarching fear of failure. 
he knows he’s failed hugely and publicly when he was younger--snapping at @deedeerling‘s professor juniper for example. he has recent examples of failure too (remember last year at the wallace cup with @cacturnefortheworse‘s harley? that was a shitshow). and then he also blames himself for team aqua reawakening kyogre and sootopolis flooding--he feels like he should have been able to stop the whole thing himself, and even though it was honestly the entire league’s fault that they needed a ten-year-old to bail them out he feels like he bears the most responsibility for it. he has literally lived his deepest fear, over and over and over again. this hasn’t inured him to the prospect of failure: instead, it makes him fear failure even more. 
because what will happen next time he fails? what if he makes a mistake that he knows he can’t come back from? it’s not just going to be him and his reputation that get hurt. failing hurts his pride, which he obviously cares a lot about--in his depressive moods, he feels like he’s not as great as he thinks he is if he keeps failing. worse still, he feels that if he fails, he lets down entire people groups--be they indigenous sootopolitans, gay people, hoennese citizens, or, heck, even all of humanity (because i guarantee you if pokéarth falls apart, he’s gonna blame himself unfairly for the whole thing.) sometimes the weight of that burden makes him wonder if he should be a league member at all, and he would leave his post…except for the fact that he sees quitting as a failure too. if he quits, he lets the haters win, and there’s no way he can live with himself if he does that. there’s literally no way out from this fear for him. there’s no escape.
he talks to very few people about his fear of failure, because it’s something that he doesn’t want to admit. he rarely talks to his mother about it, because he feels like she just says the same unhelpful campy shit every time. and he NEVER talks to his dad about it because his dad is a blunt realist who only seems to want to ram into his head that he WILL fail and he MIGHT fail at the biggest things in his life and there’s nothing he can do about it. (granted, his dad said that he would love and support wallace even if he DID fail, but…couldn’t he try to be a bit more comforting?) two people who have helped him through this are bliss’s cynthia (@shironandina) and lotus’ yuugetsu wheeler (@lunarisvesperaregina), which i will go into below.
he hasn’t said much to cynthia about this, but he has said more to her than he has to some of his fellow champions because he feels that cynthia has a calming presence, which makes him trust her. he has talked to her about his fears of big world issues not being resolved and played it off as professional concerns. as a league member, it is after all his job to protect his part of the world, and it’s only natural that two league members would discuss their worries about the world around them. still, however, he’s said enough that cynthia will one day get the sense that this fear of his is more than is normal.
yuugetsu, on the other hand, is closer to the truth: that his fear of failure runs deeper than simple fear of failing at his job. he never wanted her to know so much about this issue, as she is still a child and he is an adult and he finds it unseemly as a 29 year old man to vent to a 16-17 year old kid. but he conflates her accomplishment with maturity sometimes, and has accidentally let things slip. he also suspects the truth that one of yuu’s biggest fears is failure, which makes her more relatable--he knows he’s not alone. the two of them have since been trying to help each other with their fears, but in a roundabout way. each tries to drop hints that they know the other fears failure. but when each does so, the other’s pride kicks in and they deny, deny, deny. it’s a long road before they’re finally honest with each other about this, but they’ll get there. eventually.
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keykidpilipili · 5 years
So... Here's some interesting Pokémon Lore I don't hear a lot of people talk about: Apparently, Aerodactyl's Mega Evolved form is what it's SUPPOSED to look like, but the genes for the rock spikes were apparently "dormant" until Mega Evolution "awoke" them. I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but it still pains an interesting picture of prehistoric Pokéarth.
Pokedex lore is always so fascinating even though sometimes it leaves you confused as whether it’s lying or not(like Gardevoir being able to create black holes or the deal Araquanid). The rock spike on its jaw looks like a weird beard and it kinda takes away the serious factor a little.
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theluckiestrose · 3 years
Also I think the biggest problem with trying to compile a map of the Pokemon World is that the regions are tiny. People like to depict them as full countries on their Pokéarth maps and it just doesnt work. It makes the landmasses messy and ugly. For reference, the first 4 regions are all based on regions in Japan, and are roughly the same size as their real-life counterparts. Each region has about a dozen cities, which is absurd for a full country.
For a more accurate Pokéarth, the first 4 regions need to form a large island chain, and the other regions need to be placed on separate continents. These continents need realistic coastlines with fractal patterns as in real life, and they need to be much bigger in relation to the regions they contain.
Some regions, like Galar, are directly based on full countries which complicates things. These can be interpreted as smaller parts of larger island clusters. Alola is the one exception, as it's based on the Hawaiian islands and is actually similar in size to those islands. The islands' relative positions on in-game maps shouldn't be taken as gospel, however. As Hawaii is an island chain formed by continental drift over a magma outlet, Alola should be rearranged into a similar chain with additional uninhabited islands toward the end.
I think most spinoff regions are based on Japan as well, but Orre is based on the Mojave so it belongs on the same landmass as Unova. This only makes sense geographically, as it was released long before Unova and they don't have many pokemon in common.
Idk. I dont know much geography but most Pokéarth interpretations look Wrong and could use a lot of work. Most people seem to have given up on updating their maps, but as more regions come out the maps should become more and more complete. There haven't been any regions based on Africa, South America, or mainland Asia to my knowledge, so there are whole landmasses that would be entirely blank on a proper Pokéarth map.
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kalosian-writer · 6 years
Not wanting to spoil anything for myself, I loaded up Pokéarth on Serebii, looked at the Kalos map briefly, and said ‘oh, Geosenge Town. This looks like it will be fairly unimportant plot-wise, making it a safe hometown for her. I don’t see a Gym, after all, and it’s not a big city like Lumiose.’
Basically the only thing you need to know about the creation of Jules.
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New Tumblr
Working on a fan game. Completely new gen, 8th gen, and a goal of having all existing Pokémon, items, and moves as well as the ability to visit the entirety of Pokéarth alongside the new region! Currently our goal is to make it to Pokédex number 1000. Help us and submit all fakemon you'd like to see in it (please credit the artist if not your own artwork). Everybody give every bit of input you have to help us!
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coffeetime88 · 7 years
Rare Pokémon Fishing
Sun/Moon Pokédex
This is a guide for fishing Pokémon with a 1% normal encounter rate (e.g. Dhelmise, Relicanth, Feebas). Regular fishing is time consuming and running back and forth to get bubbling spots is tedious, so here’s a quick guide to helping you save time.
First thing you need to do is double check that the Pokémon you want is in the place you believe it to be. I linked Serebii because that’s the site that is easiest for me to use. Make sure you’re in the specific section of the area that has the Pokémon you want (Feebas is only found in the lowest levels of Brooklet Hill).
Make sure you have a Pokémon with False Swipe/Hold Back, and at least two lower-level Pokémon (this is a good time to train, after all). Also keep a ‘mon with a non-damaging status move (Thunder Wave, Paralyze/Sleep Powder, Spore, Hypnosis). Make sure you have plenty of Dive Balls with you as they get bonuses on Pokémon found in water.
Go to the route/area and find yourself a fishing spot that bubbles up. Lapras paddle (can’t fish on Sharpedo) over to it if necessary, and SAVE. Then Save again for good measure. Now fish. If the Pokémon you need isn’t the one that appeared, then hit R+L+Start (R+Start should work too). This will quick refresh your game and take you back to the title screen. Now load up and fish again. Repeat until you encounter/capture the Pokémon you want. If you catch a Bottle Cap or just want to battle a Wailmer for experience, leave the area and come back to the bubbling spot, then save and repeat the process.
Yeah, this is just that thing that your one friend does to get that shiny legendary, but it saves you a lot of time of going in/out of areas just to catch a single Pokémon. For Feebas, Relicanth, and Dratini this is helpful because their bubbling spots are a bit of a ways away from the entrance to the route.
Hope that this helped and happy fishing!
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alolanrain · 2 years
The planet Ash lies on is called "Pokéarth" and the humans there are actually called "Pokéarthians".
My immediate reaction was to shout “poker!?” in my car. I obviously read that wrong.
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