#pogues headers
allfavz · 1 year
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obx cast headers like/reblog if you save
credits @aIfasquad on twitter
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dollarvalentine · 1 year
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header outer banks season 3
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tvstcff · 2 years
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slipmams · 1 year
headers obx3
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sarahcambam · 1 year
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outer banks (season 3) - headers
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wallsfx · 1 year
outer banks headers
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beauperalta · 2 years
teaser obx³ headers
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keungking · 8 months
at long last, cunty doyoung of nct is no longer the guardian (icon) of this blog. now, let my mote (my beloved) era commence.
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A little bit about me- I'm Malika,She/her,I like to write and make gifs. I am just a young OBX girl who loves Teen Wolf among other things. I am always open to have a convo but if ur male then DNI cos online safety ppl, but no seriously just DNI. Here are all my OBX stories, I hope y'all enjoy them If the title has a 💗 next to it then that means it is completed. Home is You: WRITTEN BY ME AND MY BESTIE @lis4ux "We can't leave him alone," Kiara says, clear worry in her voice. "What?" Pope asks, confused at the topic of conversation. "JJ," she clarifies. "He can't be alone." "Why?" Kiara scoffs. "Because he's in total self-destruction mode," she explains, like that wasn't already obvious
Pogues for Life💗:
Because JJ's gonna be okay and that means John B will be fine too.They don't know yet about the new set of obstacles and challenges that await them, the new enemies the new gold.For now, they are just two boys, holding each other, watching a movie, being Pogues for life.
The Lost Tides Of Kitty Hawk:
What if the roles were reversed? What if instead of kidnapping Kiara, JJ was taken away What will the Pogues do and will Kiara do what JJ did for her?
Warmth in every hug💗:
Each time a Pogue hugged JJ and 1 time they gave him a group hug(requested)
I can't lose you💗:
"How'd you like havin' a gun pulled on you?" JJ said, jabbing his finger on John B's chest. "He had it right here on you, bro."John B gently wraps his fingers around JJ's wrist and says, "Relax."And that's the final straw because the next thing he knows,JJ is crumbling into John B, crying his heart out.
Hold me in your arms💗:
"I can’t lose him, Kie” Kiara looks up at John B and gives a small empathetic smile. “You won’t, no, we won’t”
I wasn't hurt that badly💗:
about JJ at the HOSPITAL
We can't leave JB💗:
Basically the scene from s3 e2 when Pope and Kiara argue with JJ about leaving John B but more detailed
Don't Leave, Just Don't leave me💗:
“Don’t you wanna eat Jajge?"Pope starts as he looks at the Maybank boy.JJ looks defeated,like all the fight has left him and the usual energy that comes with him is not in sight."not hungry”
I think… I love you, so don't leave me💗:
“Go to the chateau"Sarah says- it’s only now Pope realises that she’s practically taken the role of leadership in the last 30 minutes."But JJ needs a hospital not a-”Sarah cuts Topper off,“Chateau now”The drive there is silent apart from Kiara’s sobs.
If only you'd know💗:
He could see Pope sitting alone on the rocks near the shore.John B felt a bit guilty, he was Pope's friend too.But Pope had hurt JJ. His JJ.
Lost in My Past💗:
Not real not real not real-JJ gasps for air as he tugs on his hair-His dad's angry shouts merge with the gunshots.
Gone(But Not Forever):
Starts from s1 ep10 my take on things Some chapters involve Panic attacks, mentions of child abuse John b and Sarah are gone Not dead. Gone A big difference Because they can't be dead they just can't
i may have lost my mind without you💗:
basically i loved pioneer7's fic and i wanted to write a chapter about how the others take care of jj whilst kie was also in the hospital
Header made by an ex-mutual of mine as a gift for me when we were friends- Can't tag her cos she blocked me
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pappydaddy · 2 years
style (j.m.)
a/n: this is a test to see if i really am shadowbanned. i have excluded any links and tags.
show/movie: outer banks
pairing: jj maybank x fem!kook!reader
not requested
synopsis: good-girl kook y/n and bad boy pogue jj, something that y/n doesn’t want to go out of style. no matter what brought them together.
warnings: fwb kinda gig, secret relationship (a little), infidelity (kinda), steamy make-out
masterlist found under navigation in bio
next part: i wish you would, found on my obx masterlist under jj and series | how you get the girl posted!
note: i usually link and tag people, but in an effort to see if i am shadowbanned or i need to redo all my links, i decided to use this to test.
not my gif | my header
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Eleven o’clock at night, Y/N sat there, eyes trained on the window waiting for the text to pop up onto her phone. Dressed in her best dress with the shortest skirt that she knew he loved, she waited for JJ - the Pogue bad boy her parents hated. She wasn’t sure what it was about JJ that made her lose all control. Made her lose her good-girl facade, but she knew for sure it wasn’t to piss off her parents since they didn’t even know about her hanging around JJ, she made sure of that in fear that they would ruin it. 
  “jj and sandra are leaving the wreck in two dif cars” Kie texted the group chat between her, Y/N and Sarah, before adding three side-eye emojis. Y/N glanced at it, eyes narrowing. When Kie texted telling them that he was hanging out with her, anger and jealousy filled Y/N even though she knew she had no place. They weren’t actually dating. They are just slightly more than hooking up. JJ took her to their secret hangout spot for romantic picnics and she was content knowing that she was the only one he did that for. Their hookups were more like sleepovers with sex, he would spend weeks holed up in her room when John B just assumed he was hooking up with random people. 
  “kick a soccer ball at her new nose on the first day of school, y/n.” Sarah urged. Sandra Hanson was the only other kook other than Kie and Y/N who went to the public school. Sarah is planning to transfer, but she cannot make any promises as of yet. Sitting comfortably in slightly higher than middle class, Y/N’s parents were not too happy about their daughter wanting to go to public school, but they surrendered to her begging. They didn’t know it was a ploy to get closer to her crush, JJ. Sandra had been expelled from the Kook Academy for disorderly conduct. 
  “they appeared to be doing homework but idk, seems sus.” Kie texted back an update. Y/N stood from the foot of her bed, pacing around. She hasn’t heard from JJ for weeks. She hadn’t even really heard from him, only getting a ‘be ready by midnight’ text from him after radio silence. This wasn’t uncommon for them. Y/N had hinted about wanting more for their relationship and JJ had seemed to disappear for a little bit besides them hanging out within their friend group. 
 ‘jj doing homework? Yeah right” Sarah sent with an eye-roll emoji. “ idk tho why would jj suddenly take interest in sandra when hes obvi obsessed with y/n, something is up…” She added quickly, a second grey bubble popping up under the other. 
  Y/N ignored this as the clock changed to eleven fifty-nine, igniting a swirl of butterflies within her stomach. Nobody knew about them. Well, what there was to know about them. They didn’t know about the late nights spent tangled together, stripped of clothes and defences - naked in front of each other. They didn’t know that Y/N’s classic, signature red lipstick stained JJ’s neck and other bits of skin regularly. They didn’t know anything. 
  The distant and familiar rattle of John B’s van excited her. Looking out her window, she could see the dark silhouette of the van turning into her driveway, pausing for a moment. Even with the headlights off, she could see, in the glow of the moon, JJ’s arm reaching out and punching in the code for the gate in her driveway. A burst of warmth filled her heart at the thought of JJ knowing the code to her gate off by heart. 
  Rushing out of her room and down the stairs, she was too eager to wait for him to even get out of the van and meet her at the door. By the time he was pulling up, she was already out the door and locking it. “Wow, someone’s eager.” JJ whistled, eyes shamelessly raking her up and down, checking her out. 
  “Oh, shut up.” She teased, rolling her eyes in fake annoyance. The smile stretching across her red painted lips gave her away. JJ, despite her already heading for the van, got out. She paused for a second, breath-taken away by the sight. She swears he moves in slow-motion half the time. Like a cheesy slow-motion clip of a really hot character in a show.
  JJ was the type of guy that made even the simplest outfit look hot. Blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket (definitely not the outfit worn in the picture Kie sent the group chat earlier). Just three simple pieces of clothing and he looks like sex on a stick. She watched him, slightly slack jawed, as he stretched, his muscles flexing. The white shirt did little to hide his defined abdomen as the moonlight rained down upon him like a spot light. His hands reached into his blonde locks, tossing the perfectly styled hair just the right way (again, much different than the messy hair hidden beneath the backwards baseball cap in the picture Kie sent). 
  The one piece of solstice she had within her relationship was that JJ tried with her. The other girls he’s seen with, he puts in the minimum amount of effort with them. But with her, he tried. Tried with his physical appearance, his emotions, and his intellect. The sentiment warmed her heart, her vital organ glowing like a star (something only JJ could make it do). 
  “Alright, let’s get going,” JJ groaned as he stretched more, his white shirt rising up just enough to allow his lower stomach to peek through. She nodded, following him as he led her towards the passenger side of the van. Opening the door for her, he gave her his hand to help her up. The contact of their skin was like an electric stock to her, making her flex her hand once he let go of it, closing the door. Her keen eyes didn’t fail to pick up the same movement from JJ’s hand as he jogged around the van. “I thought we would just drive around, there is some really rich Kook thing happening on the beach right by our spot.” 
  “Sounds good to me.” She sighed, wiggling in the seat to get comfortable. As much as they both tried within their thing, they both found themselves one-hundred percent comfortable with each other. She knew them too well. This long drive could end in burning flames or paradise. Either sending them into another flurry of sex, heat, and passion or into another pit of minimum contact. 
  Two AM. JJ drives them back to her house, his wild eyes seeming to have a hard time staying off her as she lounges back in her seat. His hand, clamped on her bare thigh, squeezed gently, making her look over at him. Her eyes twinkled in the moonlight, her hair flowing around them as he sped down the street. The corner of her lips turned up into a sweet smile, making his knees weak. He wasn’t sure what it was about her, the goodest Kook of them all, that drove him wild in such a tame and domesticated way, but it scared him. It scared him that he loved that red lip, classic look so much. It scared him that he loved her. 
  Pulling up to her gate once again, this time the yellow-tinted headlights of the van reflected back of the steel gate, hitting them. Easily, he punched in the code, slowly driving forward as the gate squeaked open. The van was bathed in a comfortable silence, as if they had been married for five years already. Just enjoying each other’s presence. 
  Wordlessly, they both got out, JJ’s hand finding the small of her back as they walked to her front door together. Nobody needed to say anything. They had an unspoken communication that JJ was coming into her house. 
  Y/N had doubts. She was tired of their circles. She wanted something more, but the last time she brought it up, it sent JJ into hiding for weeks. All the lights were off, just as she suspected as her parents were on a business trip, as she opened the door, letting them both in. Without hesitation, he walks past her as she turns around to shut and lock the door. 
  She could hear the rustling of him shrugging out of his leather jacket, discarding it onto the coat rack he knew they used religiously. In the back of her mind, she considers telling him to leave because she knows this will never change, this will lead to the exact same thing, but as she turns around to see him standing there, she decides going in the circle of crashing down and coming back every time was a much better option. 
  “I heard you were out and about with some other girls. Audrey Glassman last night at a Pogue party and Sandra Hanson tonight at the Wreck.” She brought up, eyebrows raised as she tried to play her jealousy off as intrigue and curiosity. JJ could see right through her, he always could. 
  Bowing his head, he slowly walked to her, closing the distance between them and she let him, standing there unmoving as she watched him get closer. “Look, yes, I hung out with them, but Y/N, I couldn’t get you off my mind for the past few weeks. It’s been driving me mad. I couldn’t stop thinking about you when I was with them.” He told her earnestly, hands falling on her hips as he stepped toe-to-toe to her, his breath fanning her face as they stared into each other’s eyes. 
  She hummed, head bowing for a second as she nodded. She knew what he was saying. She found her eyes flicking up to meet his. She swore that for a second, she was feeling what her grandmother felt whenever she gushed about the time she met James Dean. The same handsome sparkle she sees in the old picture of the two (she was pretty sure they dated but, her grandmother won’t confess). “Yeah, I’ve been there too a few times.” She admitted. 
  It was true. JJ always seemed to occupy her mind. Even when she was with other guys. The way he cannot seem to keep his wild eyes on the road when they’re driving somewhere. The way he fits right into her house as if he lives there too. The way his eyes sparkle when he looks at her. It was never sexual (well, rarely sexual) whenever she thought of him. Sure, she thought of his touch, but it was the comforting feel of his hand on her lower back as he’s guiding her to their private date spot in the dark or the light feeling of his fingertips pressing into her upper back whenever he feels protective over her (usually whenever Rafe is nearby). 
  “What do you say, Baby,” JJ asked, using his hands planted on her hips to pull her flush to him. She gasped, looking down at their bodies pressed against each other. She could feel every bump and dip of his body. She could feel his defined muscles, she could feel the heat radiating off him. She could feel another bump. Gingerly, her fingers found themselves dancing along his back, feeling the way his muscles rippled when he moved ever so slightly. “You forgive me? Nothing happened with either of them, you have my word and I might not have much, but I do have that.” 
  He leaned his head down, their foreheads touching in such a sweet and innocent way, a stark contrast to the way their bodies felt flush against each other, his nose brushing against hers. Her eyes fluttered closed, but she could feel his staring at her intently. Her eyes fluttered closed as she relished in the feeling. His breath fanned over her lips as he watched her intently, not doing anything until he knew for sure she was okay. Slowly, almost non-existent, there was a nod. “Yeah.” She breathed out. 
  “Good,” He breathed out in the same way. “Now, let me show you exactly why you were on my mind when I was with them.” He whispered seconds before their lips crashed together in a feverish kiss. It was messy, hands roaming everywhere, lips mushed together so hard it almost hurt. Tongues and a little bit of spit moving from mouth to mouth, but they didn’t care if drool was rolling down either of their faces. They were too absorbed in the feeling of each other. 
  Chests rose and fell rapidly and it was only a few seconds in, but that’s how passionate they are. Hums, moans, and panting were the only sounds in the quiet house as her Hands gripped the bottom of JJ’s t-shirt, pulling it up. Her knuckles dragged along his abs (both for her pleasure and his) making his muscles ripple and his back hunch slightly. Humming into the kiss at the feeling, Y/N nearly ripped the shirt off him, making him pull away to get rid of the barrier before resuming the kiss with more vigour, forcefully lifting her up into the air, her legs wrapping around his waist as some sort of automatic response. His arms tightened around her waist, pushing her against him. Her pelvis rolled against his clothed bulge, making him whine slightly at the feeling. 
  The air in the room was already thick with the smell of arousal and sex. Their skin became sticky as they worked each other up, hands roaming each other’s bodies like someone exploring new land. It was as if they were a force when together, possessing the power to make any room seem like a sex room in under ten seconds. 
  With her back pressed into the wall suddenly, JJ’s weight pressing her flush against it, he rolled his pelvis into hers making her tear her lips away from him, the feeling of his clothed, jean-clad pelvis rolling against hers that was basically only covered by her panties due to her skirt riding up send shock waves through her body. His lips latched onto her throat without a second thought, inciting another gasp from her - a sound that drove him mad. Another quick roll and she cried out, body falling forward onto him. Tears pricked her eyes as her head pulled back, hitting the wall. JJ’s tongue licked the spot he knew made her weak, humming at the sound of her whimper before biting it gently, enticing a gasp from her. Her breasts pressed against him harder, her fingers disappearing into his blonde hair as he continued his attack on her neck. 
  Sure, she should have told him to leave, but that wouldn’t have fixed anything. There is no way to pull them apart. No matter how many times she tells him to leave, they just keep coming back because they will never go out of style. Never. Now, be that the sheer magnitude of their passion and feelings or the pull of the stereotype they so perfectly fit, Y/N had no idea, but she never wanted it to stop.  
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alicntsdnce · 1 year
Could I request obx gif headers? Maybe with the ripped effect at the bottom or something like that?? It doesn’t really matter tbh, it’s up to you! But just something with the obx cast please :)) The pogues or Drew Starkey lol. Thank you 💞
Hope you like these, did only Drew!
Please reblog and/or like if you use!
Made by alicntsdnce
Do not steal, or edit.
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allfavz · 1 year
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jiara headers like/reblog if you save
credits @aIfasquad on twitter
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dollarvalentine · 1 year
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- header trailer OBX3 -
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pogueszn · 10 months
my tags
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☆૮꒰•༝ •。꒱ა inbox ! : messages and concepts (not requests) from you guys on and off of anon!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ gracie chats : where i tell you guys my thoughts or talk to you about ideas i may have! basically anything that isn't writing
(∩˃o˂∩)♡ gracie's recs ! : my favorite pieces by other content creators!
.・✩°。⋆my writing.・✩°。⋆ : everything i write, excluding small concept pieces from my inbox ( which can be found under the inbox tag or (character) x reader tag)
꒰ঌᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ໒꒱ layouts ! : icons, headers, dividers, and banners that i use can be found under this tag!
jj maybank: gifsets, photos etc of jj
pope heyward: gifsets, photos etc of pope
jjpope: gifsets, photos etc including pope and jj (previously under mayward)
john booker routledge: gifsets, photos etc of john b
cleo: gifsets, photos etc of cleo
sarah cameron: gifsets, photos etc of sarah cameron
kiara carrera: gifsets, photos etc of kiara carrera
pogies: gifsets, photos etc of all of the pogues
sprout, dad!jj: includes all of the sprout cinematic universe of jj having a little girl named ophelia who is affectionately known as sprout (discontinued)
queue tea : posts that have been posted through queue
old messages including concepts and just us chattin' can be found under : answered or anon
star and heart divider: @/cafekitsune (tagged on my pinned post!)
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sarahcambam · 1 year
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outer banks (season 3) - headers
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fromfilms · 4 years
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outer banks (2020): headers.
like or reblog if you use or save.
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