#poeple like this piss me off
yerawizardharreh · 1 year
Why do poeple treat you a certain way and get offended/upset when you give them the same treatment they give you????? It's the consequences of your own actions babe
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magpie-murder · 7 months
Hello. I hope you don't mind I use your askbox to vent, but poeple calling MCU Loki "God of Stories" is really pissing me off. His official title is God Loki and mistagging him only clogs the tag for actual God(dess) of Stories Loki from the comics.
I don't know if poeple mistag because they think it's going to give them more engagement (hello, this is Tumblr, not Twitter or Instagram), but this practice is both extremely annoying and counterproductive. Poeple who use the Enchantricks tags don't want to see Loki/Sylvie content, and Loki/Sylvie shippers have their own tags so mistagging is absolutely useless and only brings negative engagement. Same goes for every characters who get mistagged. Sylvie fans don't call her "Lady Loki", I don't think a single B-15 fan is going to call her Verity in the long term (we all have our HC names for her anyways ^^), etc...
I really wish poeple understood that. I've only seen anti-series fans complain about that, but as a fan of both the series and the comics, when I go to the God of the Stories time, it's to look at pictures of AoA Loki. Mistagging is just like putting a mess on the library shelves, it is lazy and serves no other purpose than annoy the next user.
yes, holy shit, i hate it. i'm genuinely leaving the fandom over this, ditching this blog and making a new one and everything. the only thing that stuff like this does is demoralize people.
our discord server is trying our best to implement a new comic loki tagging system because of this crosstagging problem. not a lot of people are using it yet, but these are the tags we're trying to get people to use in addition to normal comic book tags (it would help a TON if people went back and added these to their old 616)
#the echo of a scream — kid loki (comics only)
#moon queen and magic theatre — god(dess) of stories loki (comics only)
#the magpie who whispers — ikol/agent loki (comics only)
#human lie detector. the best and only friend — verity willis (comics only)
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happypotato48 · 2 months
I just visited Bangkok and one thing i absolutely hated about going there is all the beautiful well dressed fashion forward people. like i needed to use the public restroom in this big popular mall and there were two gorgeous guys (who i assumed are boyfriends) in front of the big mirror, setting their hairs and just generally being beautiful af. while me who just spent all day walking outside in summer heat and was wearing a grey sweatpants and a grey t-shirt with katchup stains on it looks like a person who just got hit by a car. So my brain that consumed too much BLs just gone, Wait did i just walked into someone's personal BL drama! did this what it feels like to be an a extra nobody with no speaking role in those BLs and which of the gods did i pissed off to deserved this punishment, can someone come and put me out of my misery!!!!! at least where i live beautiful poeple have the decency to mostly dressed casual most of the time.
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hypnoneghoul · 4 months
I feel like Ghost twitter is so dramatic for nothing...here on tumblr I feel very comfortable but twitter is so toxic place and in my humble opinion the people here are being too dramatic - speaking of accusing you racist. Wtf?!
I personally have a lot tattoos and the anons here are just dumb here. Really. Making assumptions just by tattoo.
I'm so pissed off and tired of some people...I hope you are okay! I know it's being said easily but ignore those poeple, they don't deserve your time! You are one of my most fav on here and I don't want you deactivate.:(
(sorry for my English, it isn't my first language and foreign languages teachers really sucks at schools in Czech republic, so I am trying to learn and improve on my own so I hope you understood well🙈)
the tattoo wasn't the initial reason for accusing me of racism but it was all a misunderstanding of a kind so when that anon brought it up and it was explained they lost only possible good point (if I would be "guilty") and gripped the next thing they could find which was the tattoo. it was a wild take for sure. I'm alright, thank you so much for the nice words. I don't plan on leaving here, don't worry :3 with twitter we'll see how it goes
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poppyandzena · 6 months
may I confess something?
people like poppy give people who are worried for how puritan life online has become a bad name . while those folk are annoyed how anti sexuality can be screw over and harass queers who have been treated like shit online by other , but then there is people like poppy who will take advantage of that fear to get people to defend her and look the other way at her actions when she dose them.
it pisses me off so much , its like she is more in love with sex then trying to fix the bullshit that cause people to be fearful of it in the first place. almost like she wants short term gratification then a long term one.
you know who else poppy reminds me of? LO.
they both are the best stereotypes of the antishipper / proshipper war (LO is an abusive bully who uses the label to shield herself from criticism and get her cult to attack people and poppy is a sex obsessed person who will harass victims online and treat people like shit if they do not cater to her.)
have loved ones who will defend them even when there is evidence of shit that was done wrong.
you can find people who is not any of them instead of supporting these people (just anyone for LO you can name in the cartoon youtubers variety like jordan fringe and for poppy there is a person who is goes by Rainy Studios who is trying to protect creators from these kind of nasty people online and is not a racist like poppy with her little "woke Colonialism" comment. if you have a better alternative to poppy please tell me)
they both like to be a contrarian to appeal to people who hate things that are new or changing. (LO getting pissed when people act in ways that she dose not want and poppy and zena appealing poeple who really have what left people have become and make fun of them to feel better)
sorry if I left out more things to add to the list of similarity of the two. its just in a dark way to me I am glad that people are realizing that poppy is unpleasant and in a cruel irony , is guilty of doing what one of there own videos on Therapy Speak being used as a way to manipulate people into agreeing with them.
I am decently sex positive. Puritanical views on sex simply contribute to more violence and unintended consequences. The difference between us and Poppy is that Poppy refuses to respect the sexual comfort of those around her. It is not necessary to push pornography into sfw spaces in order to be sex positive.
Some people are sex repulsed. Some people have reputations that can be damaged. Some people just don't want to see that shit in their space. And many people are MINORS.
There's no amount of mudslinging, pointing fingers, and bigot-jacketing from Poppy that will ever justify sending pornography to minors. It will never justify exploding on people kindly asking to not see porn in their own comment sections.
As for Lily, she really is just Poppy in poorly made sheep's clothing. In an attempt to obfuscate her disgusting past, she hard pivots into a cartoonishly extreme position, like McCarthy if McCarthy liked to write about child ponies getting raped.
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
Interpretation is free, facts are sacred
Yup, this is a vent post, sorry. Yesterday, someone wrote a comment to the chapter review I did of update 210 that crystallised what's been wrong with so much Reddit discourse. They disputed that Saitama was hurt, even though it's not even trivially difficult to understand it from what he's saying and the visuals. Why? Because accepting that Saitama is hurt does not jibe with their idea of what Saitama is like.
It almost gave me apoplexy because I loathe making-my-own-facts-up shit, but it also made me realize that quite a few poeple don't know the first thing about analysing a text.
There are a lot of very useful ways of talking about stuff that doesn't jibe with you. Ways like saying 'this development is not what I was expecting of this character'. Or 'I don't like the implications of what's been portrayed'. Or 'this doesn't work for me' (always valid!), or 'I don't like where the author is taking this,' or 'this seems incongruous,' or...
Those are true and don't involve denying what's on the page.
But going 'I'd expect Saitama to freak out more if he were hurt, so he can't actually be hurt,' FUCK. THAT. BULLSHIT.
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no, he's not talking about his clothing
And like that I understand Reddit OPM discourse better than before. It's like a lot of people don't have the tools to acknowledge where they stand, their thoughts, preconceptions, biases, and assumptions so that they can look at what's on the page as separate from themselves when they critique it. If they don't like it or it doesn't immediately make sense, instead they pretend that there's a fault with the facts. Or the authors are dumb. Or something. Holy crap... you're not entitled to your own facts is really not a joke.
I'm very aware that I'm reacting very strongly to this and that comes from my own background as a scientist. When the data doesn't fit your hypothesis there's real money and prestige on the line and it hurts. But change even one bit of the data for ease and you risk sinking your whole career at the worst and limiting what you can actually discover at the best. Because it's when shit doesn't fit that there's something new to be learned. It's not hypothetical or harmless. You are not entitled to pretend that the facts don't exist.
But this isn't a science thing, just a silly story. What's the harm? At the very least, it's cutting oneself off from following the story as one is stuck with only what one thinks one knows. At the worst, it's cultivating a lazy system of thinking about narratives that will make one a patsy for the other narratives we're asked to make real social, economic, and political decisions on.
Where it starts from is throwing out facts that don't fit your preconceptions.
If you like pissing down your leg and pretending that it's raining, I'm not about to stop you, but don't come near me.
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
Poeple who can figure out who someone's dating just through instagram following or comments scare me 😅 I just know that if I pissed them off they'd find my entire life story within like 24 hours
I am this person but in real life situations my friends boyfriends are scared lol
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arcanescionmoved · 11 months
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So... I might be moving my blog.
I know, I know, but tumblr is literally not helping me. I sent in two reports, asking them to help figure out why people I follow are not showing up on my "following" feed. I am only seeing a total of about.. 5-10 blogs, when I follow like 40. Some of my blogs I steadily roleplay with aren't showing up at all!!!
Yet all tumblr is doing is ignoring with an automated message of 'try this and this and this and send us a screen print.'
How do you send a screen print of this, like, I explained it to them and I'm getting no help.
So yeah, I'm 99% sure I'm going to have to move to a new blog to reset things and actually see poeple I follow. I'm sorry for this, I didn't want to move! I wnated to stay here, but tumblr is fucking me sideways and its really pissing me off. So yeah, hopefully you'll all follow me there.
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hatespeechinvestthis · 6 months
so signing me out of facebook
i dont give a fuck about the old stuf f ill just keep making new just like you jguys do at delaware county northumberland and northCumberland because you need to hide people and add the same person to two different units and keep spelling the name different because you think youre all going to get away with a muslim fraud scam
im not the sentimental with stuff like my family is.
i dontfucking care that all of you set this up with litchko morgan cunningham woodys sleva klinger marcheski barwicki slaby rodgers leo
all of you miller hine
loose your genetics testing with danville my code and all the fucking shit you been leaking out of the fucking governemnt for a long time hiding all your drugs trafficking prostitution hbiiring highschool because you all think its okay to vote ffor kids on klids still
im not embarassed by kensington im more pissed at the medical and the people that really didnt listen to her this whole time you would have gotten caught longer if she would have been able to explain all this to some poeple so for the feud being this long and everyone in this gang cycle street fucking uh sports whatever organizations but some people been being monitored for a long time on probation and you all knew about the halo you all hadf put in you i always just new it to look like a heating pad and sit under patients in hospitals to set the alarm off when they moved
they been tracking the emotions and you all cant have access if you all just got your shit busted with this florida thin that was posted in jail on the news however all of you are still going to trust whitney pollack is going to lie for barwicki candice and amber reed passing all those stds and girls that couldnt get a bad diagnosis so that was before grasyce got weith him and now were here why still with amber reed and barwicki still spreading diseases
your all really fucking gross anyways
grayce doesnt want to live cause you all at strokhecker and whateever backs the bullies like amanda griffiths trying to make alyssa moo yes im going to kill you and that sarah bitch becaue they just recorded all the tactics you guys have used for years doing this to kids and CYA means dont erase put a line through it and tell someonme you need help theres too many missing gaps and corrupted files and broken URLS that are still showing up
how are you guys going to threaten to black ball my old psychiatrist at phillhaven who now has her own practices and you guys keep asking for cashapps while im in jail hacking gmails and social security scam on locust gap address on unemplotyment that led me to the prostituition all of you have been a part of helping from holy spirit lordes shamokin north schuylkill and the surrounding coal bucket funding method
just getting hopes up to fail thanks for the fucking aerotek too good to be true fucking job chance. ill pass and keep putting apps in because all your going to sdo is some shit like steve short behind the scene or the allentown strip club guy blaming me for all the other girls fuck ups and all the mess you all had left before stevce short could take anonymous into the court house from rodgers sleva pirate and wikileaks so now data is erasing at a high rate and you guys have to be making this shit up as you go. you have all been versed in sets up and movie roles leaking information and studdies using klids as experiments and test subjects without them fully understanding and just seeing fame and fortune.
basically from innova on the car ride bradley shooting himself was my wish i like the chance to evolve with some understanding generational curses suck when you fail a hit on this kid that was supposed to get hit by a car up in delano. so we are sorry.
thanks everyone for the diseases im not the fiends and whores just trying to get more or ruin peoples lives the stigma of its a hard road when your trying not to use.
thank you barry for being there when i quit the needle the first time and shared the peace pipe with me im glad i got the chance to meet you as an adult. im sorry delano for my action when i was getting high and at work.
using my credentials because no one trusts apparently
all of shamokin with the stroheckers boyles khaleer griffiths elliott thompson
litchko who gutted ya?
ashland at junk yard joes
craawford jonsie lutey
what ever is left in mount carmel
this family is fucking ridiculous sorry your all really famous porn stars or something to embarass everyone. assemblyu and iicp and psychopathic stevo jackass new jersey and clerks
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cryptidcalling · 3 years
You can’t just attach “In my opinion” to a statement like it suddenly just makes you correct or exempt from people proving your ass wrong. Like you can’t just say “New Zealand's not real in my opinion” because that ISN’T an opinion. There’s a bunch of evidence proving you wrong and it’s not up to you to decide if an entire country isn’t real.
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angebisoux · 5 years
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deadwriter16 · 2 years
Ochako + relax and bakudeku + fashion for the ask game <3
im so sorry this took me so long to get to!!
ochako + relax
ochako is definitely one to get overstressed easily, so she has all kinds of tactics she uses to make herself relax
she loves her alone time, she really likes to put on some music and lie in bed doing face masks and watching her favorite show
she really loves self care. every once in a while she'll have a self care day where she takes a long bath, exfoliates, spend extra time on making her hair healthy and soft, and use like a bright pink bath bomb every time without fail and just fully relax
ochako also really likes to have karaoke night when she does her makeup and belts songs into her hairbrush
she also really loves stargazing and using her telescope, being outside and looking at space calms her down a lot
she also takes a lot of cat naps. like she's sleeping all the time
bkdk + fashion
these two cannot dress themselves. like at all. the difference is that deku literally is incapable of dressing himself and bakugou actually like purposefully dresses awful out of pure spite
deku dresses like a straight man. he does not try ever. basketball shorts and T shirts and sweats and sweatshirts and what i believe is the worst combination in the history of the world that i have seen before with my very own eyes, sweats, socks, and SLIDES
bakugou actually has a really great fashion sense, but he prefers to dress either loud and bold or all black and emo because either way isn't really seen as desirable or something people would praise him for, and i can definitely see bkg just wanting one way to a) piss off his fashion industry parents out of spite bc all they want is for him to dress himself all cute and b) so that he can have one thing to himself because i feel like he'd just want this one thing to be really out there so that poeple don't like constantly praise him
because i think there's definitely an extent to his praise tolerance, i think he'd really hate praise about something like clothes. he'd want the autonomy of dressing however he wants
bakugou also wears a lot of his dad's clothes. bc he loves him
deku unironically loves how bakugou dresses. he also really likes bakugou's clothes, for both the smell and how comfy they are. he's always walking around in one of bkgs skull shirts or aji fry shirts and his sweatpants and one of masaru's hawaiian shirts that kacchan stole from him that deku stole from kacchan
bkg can dress himself properly, and does when he has to for like formal events or he wants to make an effort. for his first date with deku he actually dressed well and deku almost fully nosebled right there at the ramen place. bkg was very smug about it
bkg teaches deku how to dress himself, which he soon regrets because deku looks even hotter when his clothes are stylish. he'll wear skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt and bkg is like fuck my life
one word hcs ask game!!
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danurso · 3 years
I'm not sure if i'm going to keep writting
I'm the type of guy who likes to work in my stuff at my own lazy pace, which is why most of my stories take awhile to go out, but i loved to write them so i kelt working on them despite knowing how it's hard for me to keep a storyline going, but right now, i don't know if i can keep writting.
Recently i've lost my cat, which is something i know a lot of people go through, they lose their pets, suffer for a while and then move on, but my cat wasn't just a pet to me, he was my best friend and seemed to be smarter than a lot of the people that "care" about me.
On the last decade i saw family members die, my grandmother found out sye has cancer and my biological dad got covid, and yet, i couldn't bring myself to feel anything thanks to a tendency to build barriers to keep everyone out, the only ones i don't have barries with are my mother and my cat, which is why when i woke up a few days back with my mother crying saying he was dying i was devastated, i kneeled next to him watching him barelly being able to breathe and crying for i have no idea how long. Last time i felt like this was more than a decade ago when i lost my grandfather and my stepdad, my two father figues who raised me.
And of course, we have the irony as well, because my life is apoarently a very funny joke to someone. I've always dreamed of having a gaming PC when i was a kid and spend a lot of free time researching and planning how i would build my own when i had the chance, and a few weeks back i got that chance and bought everything i needed to build it. I was over the moon about it, could barelly sleep because of how excited i was, and then an hour after he dies, while i'm still crying and feeling worse than shit, the parts arrive for me to make my dream come true........are you fucking serious?
Not to mention the complete and utter slap on the face that my mother gave me, I don't blame her, she saw her usually cold son suffering like she hadn't seen in years, so she left and came back with a fucking new cat. I know she was panicked and just wanted me to feel better, but the moment i put my eyes on it my blood started to boil, i wanted to scream at her and ask what the fuck she was thinking, but since i'm not a braindead snowflake who thinks my feelings matter more than those of the poeple around me, i just took a deep breath and went to my room.
She brings the cat to me sometimes and gushes about how cute he is, but every time i look at it all i can feel is a slap on my face and a voice screaming on my head "HE'S FUCKING DEAD!!" My mom even told me the 'tragic' story of the cat, about how he's been on the adotpion home for a year now and nobody wanted him, how he went straight to my mom and how the lady said that "he was just waiting for her to come pick him up" which was nauseating for me to hear, she at the end said he was not the cat i lost but asked if i could love him as well, i've always been on a messed up emotional state, even more now than ever, but i've always been honest to her so i told her i wouldn't love it, She then started to cry and got angry at me, repeating his story and saying that now she would give it back to the adoption home, it once more pissed me off how she was angry because i didn't care about a new cat that she brought home a few hours after i lost the cat i saw being born and loved more than anything on this world. She was bluffing of course and the cat is still there, i don't get close to it but it seems to like my room so i usually keep it closed, and if it gets in i'll just gently pick him up and leave him on the corridor, i also usually give him food and water even thought i don't like him since again, i'm not a braindead snowflake, i might hate him but i'm not gonna watch him starve or treat him baddly, he's not at fault here so i treat him well while keeping the most distance i possibly can.
So yeah, i still feel like shit, i cry from time to time, i don't feel like getting up or eating, i have now a built PC but don't feel like playing on it, just got an heirloom on apex (because why the hell wouldn't i in this wonderful week?) And am not playing very much, and above all, i hadn't wrote a single word ever since i lost him, and i don't even know if i will keep on the writting.
Writting has been one of my biggest passions for years now, i've wrote enough stuff on private to fill almost three entire bibles, not counting the promots i post here, so i do want to keep writting, but every single day it gets harder to do anything i like, i haven't wrote a thing for any of my sotries and even for my OC's that i enjoy writting every now and then, so yeah, i wanna keep going but if you never see me posting again you already know why.
Sorry if this was a long post but i needed to get this off my chest, i feel like posts like these are stupid coming from me, but i at least wanted to clarify things in case i stop writting completely, i wanna try and keep going, once i get my head in place again i'll sit down and try to get some stories done, i love writting and i don't wanna stop, but in case i can't do it, i just want you guys to know you're all awesome, thank you for all the support and nice messages you left in my stories, they always make me smile when i'm feeling down. I hope i can make more stories you can enjoy in the future.
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thelittlehansy · 3 years
Why the first Disney prince are not copy of themselves but got their define personality ( well according to me so just believe me.😂..)
1- Prince Florian
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There is definitely something more poetic in prince Florian behavior that we don’t have with the others prince there is something lyrical romantic even thought he court Snow White the same way that in sleeping beauty I just don’t get the same vibes from him and Phillip. There is also something that scream innocence from him In the same way that with Snow White. I defintly see two different character. Cannot developped more sadly we didn’t get a lot of screen time for him.
2- Prince Charming/Henry
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Even thought we saw the same «  I m rolling my eyes at my dad wanted to marry me off to strangers girl » I also see him having a different personality here I m not just gonna based myself only on the first movie but the third also because he is developed better on it. So we can’t overlook it.
Charming is truly charming conventional and very careful in term of manners he live in a royal castle with his usual habits even though it is hint on the first he get to go on some travel. Also something interesting to notice charming seems to want to give to his father everything he wants I mean in the sense he doesn’t complain at all about how forecul his father can be about his wedding . Two stuff that makes him to me différents from Eric and Phillip. Eric travel at sea and is not really conventional and I just can’t see him be very pointy about the protocole. Phillip him wanted to break the traditions annoyed by his arranged marriage. To me also he is definitely more extremely polite and well mannered that the others prince not that they’re not but charming character is very focused on that to me It is show on the third with tremaine Anastasia drizzela like he is really nice to them even though and doesn’t dare being rude. ( from my memory of twist in time) Not that the others are not but I see him being more ! An other stuff charming doesn’t have the same link to music that Florian got. Yep he sing a song with Cinderella but I mean Florian make a whole seranate under snow balcon which makes their link to music imo completely different. An other stuff charming is more humorous that Eric once you get to developed his personality in the third movie Eric is said to not have laugh since weeks before Ariel arrival in the little mermaid. An another point charming link to sport is different that the prince. But once again we a only see very few stuff about prince Florian but Henry seems more close to physical activity/trained
3-Prince phillip
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To me Phillip is definitely Flynn rider on the 50s when they weren’t having the stuff and time to makes Flynn. Him and Eric got completely different personality imo Phillip is confident Eric seems more reserved Phillip was engaged to a girl for 16 years and he decided to go flirt with briar rose in the woods 😂 Eric was having one girl in mind and didn’t think about doing anything with Ariel it take a whole fish musical number.🤣 i got the impression he defy more his father authority that charming. Eric is for me more loyal and faithful. When people said the contrary it is when they forget Eric was put under a spell by Ursula.
4-Prince Eric
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Eric work with the exceptation set on him Phillip said fuck off if I abandon a very very long project between my dad and his best friend I didn’t really cared about it anyway. Eric is an introvert that like play music alone Phillip is extrovert that like dancing in place full of poeple Phillip seems more « arrogant » I mean imposing Eric is completely the opposed. I wouldn’t said kind to describe Phillip in a sense it will not my the first word that come in my mind but definitely for Eric. Phillip seems also more rebellious even thought we knows Eric can be it too.
you get the point I think their personally is more different that what we think they are.🧐 that’s why it piss me off when I heard people calling the four of them «  Prince Charming » 🤣 worse saying that Phillip does’t have a personality when he is just not developped but we see he got his own personality or when Eric is blame to not have a personality because he is «  nice » also I have to said all Phillip adaptation in maleficent and once upon a time I don’t found them faithful to the character in adaptions Phillip got more Eric personality.
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bannanaswishes · 7 years
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Two things before I start: 1) I say all this AS a person of colour. 2) This is going to be critical of Sarah J Mass. I do like her books and I would like to think I framed this without throwing intense hate at her work, but still...if you somehow don't have the tag blocked, and don't want to see any criticism of her books, please scroll past.
So. About the "SJM representation" debate.
Now, coming onto the bigger reason why I started writing this post: the ACOTAR portion of this conversation. First off, just like the above cases, the characters aren't confirmed to be POCs, but even if I accept fanon interpretations as the author's intention in making Illyrians a separate race and hence a consider the possibility that they are a colored race, then it bothers me even more that that entire race is cast in a terrible light. They're violent brutes, misogynistic, abusive, uncivilised, backwards in their thinking, etc.
To start with, I don't like how none of the major characters that we as readers have accepted as Poeple of Colour are not really established as so in canon. I have heard a lot of people say that you just have to know Sarah J Maas' cues for darker skin, like tan, golden, etc. But these words are a) very vague, and b) often inconsistent amd not exclusive to POCs in her books.
For example: Golden skinned. Dorian (whom I absolutely adore, no shade to him, but he is one that I clearly remember being described like this at in QoS because I have read it very recently).
"Only a pale line marring his golden skin" but he is also said to have very pale skin at many points. And even with the word tan, Rowan was described as having tan skin, but Aelin too was tanned in Heir of Fire and so was Manon in Empire of Storms (again, I also adore these characters, but they serve as examples here). How am I, as a reader, supposed to distinguish that tan from the one being used to describe natural skin colour, when no other words that would clearly state a character as one of colour are written to differentiate between the two?
This is similar to when it's used for the bat boys and etc.
To what extent it was intentional, I don't know. But the fact remains that it's there.
These descriptions sound so much like stereotypes people in the real world have for countries that have majorly dark-skinned population.
(For instance, I am half-Indian and live in England. And I distinctly remember this one group of classmates in my high school class that joked about how it's a country of snake-charmers, black magic, oppressed and abused women, public fights and drunk dancers. Which is such a ridiculous thing to truly believe, that I would laugh if I wasn't so pissed. It isn't like that country does not have issues, but it is also so much more more them. And to be fair, most of my classmates except that group were lovely people who knew how idiotic those notions were, but the point is that there are people who think this way still.)
I wouldn't be thinking of all this if we just accepted that Sarah Janet is not good at representation and just read her books for what they are. But I see so many people arguing otherwise that it makes me wonder why we have to have so much discourse for skin colour, which isn't all that hard to describe in writing (again, not the issues that come with it, but just the colour itself). Look at the Six of Crows/Grishaverse fandom. There is zero debate about whether Inej and Jesper are people of colour, because Leigh Bardugo wrote it so explicitly in canon that it leaves no room for discussion.
It just feels like such a strange position to be in, wherein I can't decide if it's worse for me to just ignore this entire narrative, or really hope for a better exploration of it. Because it hasn't been dealt with well in 5 books, I don't know how much I can reasonably expect in 2-3 more.
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