#please ignore that they kidnapped people from their timelines and erased their memories and shit
thetimelordbatgirl · 7 months
Maybe its just me, but maybe having Loki's ending be that he self-sacrifices himself via basically dedicating himself to be alone while overseeing the branches of the multiverse...is a pretty shit ending, really failing to see the 'good conclusion' vibes here with it.
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Holic (how it would’ve continued)
Holic l masterlist
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the first part is backstory, and then the next part is breif summaries of how the chapters would’ve gone. Hope y’all enjoy it <3
not edited 
The first thing we need to understand is the character. For me, she was broken. The cliche of rich parents who don’t have time for their kid was one of the main shaping tools for her. I can’t remember if its obvious or not, but y/n was kidnapped when she was younger, and none of her own family members had noticed. Instead, it was her maid, who she was close to, but her parents fired her after some time. So, most of her childhood she felt unloved. 
Also, she was kidnapped when she was in her teens. The timeline is a bit fucked, cause I didn’t plan well so, god bless lol. But she gets kidnapped, and it was a hard and traumatic experience for her. She wasn’t even given the opportunity to express that experience because it was just swept under the rug. A few days after she had returned, her parents continued to celebrate her sister’s birthday. Which isn’t a bad thing, but she spends it in her room, crying, and no one comes to check up on her. 
A few months later Jaebum and her meet at the ball, and she tells him that she doesn’t like him. She was just protecting herself.
The main characteristic about her is that she’s always trying to protect someone or something. She married Jaebum to protect the honour of their families, then she tells Jaebum not to do anything that will ruin their image in front of the public, and to respect her. And then, when she finds her hoe sister, she tries to protect her after knowing it was their mother forcing her to go through with the wedding when she was in love and pregnant with someone else’s baby. 
But mostly, she was protective of herself. She didn’t want to seem weak or show any vulnerability. She keeps on saying it's so people can’t use it against her, but its actually just so she doesn’t get hurt. She doesn’t want to get her expectations up. She doesn’t want to imagine, she doesn’t want to wonder or trust another human with her emotions and feelings because it never worked for her since she was a kid. 
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so the future story would’ve gone:
y/n would’ve gotten pretty for the date with Jaebum, but her secretary brings photos of Jaebum and his secretary doing the dirty at the office. The outfit that Jaebum is wearing is the coat that she split milk on by mistake that one night. It was new, and then it was ruined so that was the only time he wore it after they were married, after she had asked him not to do anything stupid, after he had been nice to her, and before he did all this, and claimed to be in love with her, he was fucking his secretary. 
y/n thought she needed some time to collect herself, so she cancelled the date, and moved out. After like a week Jaebum and her go to a party. And this chapter would’ve been from Jaebum’s point of view. y/n would’ve been ignoring him and pretending like he didn’t exist. But she was still being civil and acting to be in love when someone came by, especially this old couple who they needed to finance their new business plan. So while y/n is trying to control her anger, and not rip Jaebum’s head off. Jaebum is completely oblivious to this and in his mind, he just thinks of how much he loves her. He looks at her and all he sees is beauty and an angel. He looks at her as she speaks to people, as she laughs, as she stands, the slope of her neck, her eyes and everything about her makes him feel like that kid back at the balcony of her parents anniversary. He was in love with her since then. It was her red heels that broke his heart and made him cold to everyone. And it was her that was laughing at him for having a red heel fetish. It wasn’t the fetish, it was the memory of her breaking his heart in two, and the necklace he had gotten for her the same fate that night. As he is looking at her, the old man says that love like her comes only once and to hold on to her. Jaebum already knew that. He knew it from the moment that she had walked away, he knew it when they walked down the alter. He knew it as she came and stood in front of him, her eyes dazed with intoxication from too many champagnes, her lips painted pink. He knew it, as he was still stuck where they had left off. He was in love with her. 
y/n wakes up at her house but finds that she is not alone. Jaebum is there waiting for you in the kitchen with oatmeals (your fav breakfast). You turn away from the dish and tell him to leave. He asks you what’s up, and you tell him to leave. Jaebum thinks you’re in a mood, and gives you a hug, chuckling and saying ‘okay, ill leave, you duckling. but have breakfast first.’ you push him away. You didn’t want to eat anything, you felt like vomiting. How could he say he loved you when he had been sticking his dick inside other girls. The thing that made it worse is that you didn’t know if this was still going on. If after every night that he held you close, he ran off in the morning into the arms of another and stuck his dick inside of them. You felt sick, hurt, but most of all stupid. Stupid for starting to fall into his trap, for letting go, for wanting to believe that what Jaebum and you had was real. that for one minute he had truly loved you. it was all just a mess now and you didn’t know what was right and wrong. You were hurt and so so so fucking angry, and the last thing you needed was Jaebum pretending to do whatever that he was doing. Jaebum reached out for you again but you pushed him. “Don't fucking come near me you asshole!” you sneered at him, your eyes raging. Jaebum didn’t understand what was going on, he looked sad. He was like baby what's wrong. You tried to walk away, but he pulled you back and asked you to tell him. So you were like fucking fine. You grabbed the envelope from the counter and dumped the photos onto the counter. Jaebum sees the photo and goes pale. You try not to cry and tell him “This was after our marriage. After that night at the party, this is what you were doing after sending me home. This was the night after our wedding Jaebum. Now, I know we don’t have any relationship like a husband and wife, but i just asked for one thing respect. I told you not to do anything stupid that could ruin this. Before you ask, I wasn’t spying on you. Some third-grade gossip journalist dropped this by my office. Next time you do something like this be careful. It isn’t just your life anymore.” Jaebum didn’t really have an explanation, because he did cheat on you, but that was the last time.  You leave the room and tell him to get out of your house. 
you knew what you were doing was wrong but you couldn’t help it. You wanted to hurt him, but more than that, you wanted to erase Jaebum. So. you hit up your old flame. Now, it was common knowledge that eventually (if your sister hadn’t run away) next in line would’ve been you and Jackson. You had known him since you were a kid, and he was like a friend more than anything else. But he was also very very attractive. And y’all sitting there having dinner at a restaurant, and then guess who walks in. That’s right Jaebum. And he is jealous. At first, you are too, seeing that pretty girl with him, but soon it doesn’t bother you cause he’s not even looking at her. All his attention is on you and Jackson. After a bit, you excuse yourself to the bathroom, and as you get out a man pulls you into the corner. You get scared and think you’ll keep on getting dragged away into a van, and then locked up in another dark room. But its just Jaebum, and you relax for a moment and hug him. You wanna cry, but you just hold him. Jaebum holds you tight and whispers “I miss you so much Y/n, please come back.” You snap back and push him away, and tell him to fuck off. He tells you that he’s sorry and that that night was the only time this happened, and it never happened after it and it will never happen again. He loves you, he told you. And you told him to go eat shit and started to walk away. He held your wrist and pulled you close to him. Your chest pressed against each other, as Jaebum pushed you against the wall and leaned forward. “You know, playing with boys like that won’t help. You can’t rid of me and what we have. You can’t go around fucking boys y/n” “I could say the same to you, but you’ve already been fucking other hoes, so I won't lose my breath over it. Let me go, and stay out of my life.” You and Jackson walk out, you sit in his car and tell him to drop you home. 
You get kidnapped. Jaebum saves you, because of special powers (special police) lol. You both cry and confess your love. You realise that while being scared of having love let you down or having your heart broken, or having it taken away; it's better to just love. so you forget and forgive and decide to live each day happy instead of safely. 
After months of therapy, and talking about your troubles you’re doing much better. You and Jaebum are going stronger than ever. And you both have such a cute boy. He’s like a taking no shit, don’t read me bullshit fairytales, but scared of clowns adorable little kid. Aww he’s so cute. And he brushes his hair to the side and tucks his shirt in, such a fucking cute boss nerd. And you both love this kid a lot, and you love each other a lot too. Even though it wasn’t the most romantic beginning to a love story, but as it was going right now it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because you loved him with all your heart hiding nothing and showing everything, and Jaebum doing the same. 
In the end, happy ending. I’m sorry I couldn’t finish this story. Maybe if i had planned it better it’d be easier lol. Sorry for plot holes or if i missed something. I had fun playing with story, and seeing all of y’all react to it. 
Thank you for all you love and support. 
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aka-willow · 4 years
Take Me Home, Part 2
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Words: 1678
Characters: Willow Wren, Fanisimo
Prompt/Tag:  “It’s not like I missed you or anything.” “Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?” “Maybe you’re not thinking hard enough.” “I’ve never killed anyone before.” “It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.”
Summary: Willow meets someone unexpected at the abandoned Facility
Timeline: July 2015
Song: Take Me Home - Phil Collins
A/N: part 2/4
I took several cautious steps forward, listening for something, anything. The place was in disarray as if it had been abandoned in a rush. I shut my eyes and tried to block out the memories already flooding in.
I need to get to level eight. That’s where they had us. I need to know what happened to the others.
I opened my wings and sailed down through the atrium, towards the lower levels, counting each floor as I passed. Down here, emergency lights were still on, and I shut my phone flashlight off as I started to explore. Where do I even start?
I broke into one of the laboratories and got on one of the few machines left behind, plugging in a flash drive I brought along with a password cracker. The next stop would be the dormitories. Maybe they left something behind, or—
I heard a door creak open. Possibly a floor below me.
“Shit,” I said. Someone was still here after all. I focused a little harder and pulled out metallic footsteps getting louder by the second. The password cracker was still running, and I ducked behind the lab bench trying to figure out my next move. My wings were still open from the flight down and though I tucked them in to hide, I kept them unfurled.
The footsteps were close now and then the door opened. I held my breath, but I knew I was found.
I jumped over the lab bench and hurled myself at whoever just entered, only taking seconds to process what it was. It almost looked like a small Transformer. My wings came in contact with the suit and punched the ‘borg back, just as it raised its hands and a red beam shot across the room and smashed the glass cabinets.
“Wait—stop!” the suit cried out and just as I was recoiling for another strike, the mask popped off. “Heckergal?”
“Fanisimo?” I asked.
My sibling, Fanisimo, called “September” by the scientists, broke into a grin. “Wha—what are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?” I asked. “And what is this suit? You look like a Walmart Iron Man.”
The suit opened and Fanisimo climbed out awkwardly. “Yeah, it’s a side project. Your hair got long,” he added.
“You have a mustache starting,” I pointed out, and Fanisimo’s brown cheeks gained a shade of deep red as he reached out to touch the few hairs under his nose.
“Yeah,” he said. “Looks like I won that bet with Manny.”
I looked around the lab and into the atrium beyond. “What happened here? Where are the others? Did you know that it was HYDRA--?”
Fanisimo glanced away. “You’ve missed a lot,” he said. “Maybe in a good way. But…”
“Are the others okay? Are they safe?”
“They’re fine. They got out.”
I was having a hard time processing all of this and I felt like my brain was running at a million miles a minute. “Where’s Dr. Turner?”
“No idea. Look, Heckergal, we need to talk.”
“Yeah,” I said, and then we both went in for a hug, and for some reason, I found myself about to start crying. “It’s not like I missed you or anything.”
“Bro, I missed you too.”
 We went to level nine, where Fanisimo had set up a camp of his own. Parts and projects were strewn around the place, wires tangling across the floor. There was a sleeping bag in the corner, along with a box of what looked like personal belongings. I sat down on the ground and as soon as Fanisimo got the suit prototype back to the charging port, he sat down cross-legged across from me and sighed.
“Uh… so I guess it started right after you left. Once we realized you actually made it out, we started to have some hope. A few weeks later, the higher ups here got panicked because they heard the news of the Avengers cleaning out other HYDRA facilities.”
“Did you know this was HYDRA?”
“Oh, I’ll get to that,” said Fanisimo, and I didn’t like the way he said it. “But they planned to move us to a new facility, way up north. We used that as a chance to make our escape and scattered. After a few months, I returned to scavenge what I could and see if I could figure out what they were doing here.”
“And that’s why I came.”
He nodded. “I thought so.”
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this place recently,” I said. “Memories, they’ve started coming back…”
“Same. But I’m not sure if I want all those memories back.”
I asked the question I was dreading. “What were they doing here, Fanisimo? What was the goal? HYDRA captured some toddlers and then what?”
“Yeah, that’s the thing,” said Fanisimo. “Okay… so…think about it, doesn’t it seem strange that most of us arrived after we were born? If they wanted to ensure that this project stayed secret, why didn’t they have us born here? Or make us in test tubes? I mean, it was six years before you got here, five years for Pingu. The rest of us were months old, except for Gooblin who was a toddler. Why did that happen?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I just assumed that my mom was a part of a study and ran after giving birth. Took them six years to find me again.”
“You think HYDRA took six years to find you? Weren’t you living in the same neighborhood you were abandoned in?”
I could tell that Fanisimo was leading up to something, but I wasn’t sure what it was yet. He had that excitable, stuttering cadence he got when he was ramping up, even if it wasn’t good news he was going to deliver.
“We started arriving here in 2001,” said Fanisimo. “Right? And that’s back when normal kids were arriving, too, the non-mutant ones.”
“The ones that died in the Blue Lab.”
“Right. And after that initial wave, it was just mutants like you and Pingu and Gooblin that arrived.”
I pinched my temple in an effort to ward off an oncoming headache. “But what does this mean?”
“2001. What happened in 2001?”
“We were born. Duh.”
“What else?”
“Bro… you said you’re a New Yorker now.”
“Shit… nine-‘leven?”
I stood up. “Oh, God. Please don’t tell me some time-travel conspiracy shit dude. What, did our births cause Mr. Bush to—”
Fanisimo ignored me and turned on one of the screens rigged to the wall. He wasn’t smiling.
“Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?” I asked.
After a few seconds, the screen came to life, and I was staring at photocopies all marked CLASSIFIED and stamped with a SHIELD logo. “Project Rebirth,” said Fanisimo. “Right here. Thaddeus Ross’ response to the attacks—create a new generation of super soldiers.” He paused to judge my reaction. “Ross is big in the government. Rumors that he might even be Secretary of State someday.”
That means next to nothing to me. I don’t even know Obama’s last name. “Wait, sorry, back up, I thought it was HYDRA,” I said. “We agreed on that. And wasn’t this program shut down? Didn’t it get leaked?”
“Officially, sure,” said Fanisimo. “But we both know that didn’t happen, and then HYDRA took it over right around the time they started testing in the Blue Lab. Remember the leaks from a few years ago?”
“Right. Yeah.”
“HYDRA infiltrated this lab for their own purposes, started testing new things on us. And you remember the brainwashing, the resets, etcetera.”
“Right. And the blue… glowing… thing.”
“Right. But this?” said Fanisimo, tapping the screen. “Who started this? It was the U.S. government. That’s how we ended up here.”
I felt like my head was going to explode. “Fuck. Wait a minute. Do the others know?”
“Mostly. I’m still putting the pieces together, but…”
“So we could have had normal lives,” I said, suddenly. “I mean, if there was no study in the first place, we were only put on their radar when something went wrong. When my powers were exposed. There was no contract. We were just… kidnapped… and then HYDRA went and started erasing the small bits of life we did have… to what? Create more soldiers? Is that why I can’t remember anything? Is that what all this was for?”
“Yeah, a bunch of brainwashed soldiers,” finished Fanisimo. “Resets to keep us from remembering too much. And remember, HYDRA is SHIELD, at least to an extent. So, in the end, SHIELD started this. HYDRA finished it. I have papers here that say that the blue thing was borrowed from SHIELD in the first place. But I don’t remember much myself.”
“Maybe you’re not thinking hard enough,” I joked, and Fanisimo rolled his eyes.
“Believe me, I’ve tried.”
“So have I,” I said, shutting my eyes, trying to recall any of the tests in the Blue Lab, beyond the resets and the blue lights.
“They stole years from us,” Fanisimo said quietly. “I mean, what if we did bad things? Or hurt people? Killed them?”
“I’ve never killed anyone before,” I said.
“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself,“ Fanisimo responded, and I ignore him.
 “We need to call the others,” I said, suddenly, pacing the room. “We need to… I don’t know. Do we know where the scientists fled to?” I felt anger bubbling up inside me, thinking about all the lost years stolen from me, from all of us. I knew it was HYDRA, but seeing it all mapped out like this, the sheer bureaucracy off it all makes my blood boil. “We have to… get them. Stop them. Especially if they’re still in government.”
“I can call the others,” said Fanisimo. “We arranged a network in the case we needed to get in touch. And now that you’re back, it’s probably time.”
“Call them,” I said. “We need to have a family meeting.”
It was time to get control back.
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