#cause TVA now suddenly good and crap
thetimelordbatgirl · 7 months
Maybe its just me, but maybe having Loki's ending be that he self-sacrifices himself via basically dedicating himself to be alone while overseeing the branches of the multiverse...is a pretty shit ending, really failing to see the 'good conclusion' vibes here with it.
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andguesswhat · 3 years
The fool on the hill - Chapter 7
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Yeah, well… Probably not what you’ve expected…  But for me this is them as well…
The Clown and the Circus Bear
So everything had been perfect. 
Owen had felt genuinely happy. He thought Tom was fucking adorable, he wanted to kiss him, wanted to fuck him. 
The moment on the hill with him was definitely something he would always cherish, always remember. This deep feeling of affection combined with this immense tension, the thrill, this feeling that yes, the other felt the same, wanted the same…
And as fucking frustrating as it was that they were interrupted and didn’t kiss, he had loved that, too. It was like being in a cheesy movie where the tension was ramped up yet again with a cheap director’s trick.
He took a deep breath. 
But now this. 
It had been like this before. 
Sometimes when he was genuinely happy, he would suddenly get this fear of losing everything. Like he wasn’t allowed to be this happy. So the happier he got, the more likely he was to crash. 
And this morning he had crashed, and crashed hard. 
A dark cloud of thick cotton already surrounded him, numbing and suffocating him. And there was nothing he could do about it. 
He had managed to get through the day and pretend everything was fine. But now he was on set at this birthday party of Natasha's and he felt completely out of place, like he didn’t belong here. Everyone around him was laughing too loud, talking too loud and he just wanted to get away from it all. 
Of course, after yesterday on the hill, everything was pointing towards him and Tom kissing tonight. Because why not. They should have fun at this party and then at some point.... kiss... right?
And it was that very expectation that caused Owen to crash. 
The excitement that he had felt yesterday was gone. Instead there was this fear of somehow not meeting the expectations, of doing something wrong that would destroy everything.
He hated it. 
Knowing that this was just some kind of sick mechanism in his head and he wasn’t able to do anything about it. He hated feeling like shit when this happened, but he bit his tongue and just smiled through the pain.
He saw Tom talking to people, saw him searching for eye contact with him, beaming at him, winking at him but Owen avoided him, always went somewhere else, far away from him. He felt a twinge in his chest at each smile sent his way and he finally couldn't do it anymore, so he disappeared behind some backdrops and got to the areas that were only illuminated with emergency lights. 
He had always loved that. Wandering through abandoned, dimly lit sets. He loved the atmosphere it created. But now he was just enjoying the darkness and a break away from all these laughing people. 
With a big sigh he sat down on the steps in the TVA interrogation room, resting his arms on his drawn knees, and closed his eyes. 
Why the fuck…!
He didn’t want this. 
He just wanted to be happy. 
He had been happy. 
So what was wrong with him?
Why had he to be like that?
He really hated himself. 
He wanted to drown this feeling in alcohol but he couldn’t risk falling even deeper.  
To think about his kids in these situations sometimes helped. Sometimes it made it worse, made him think he was the worst dad of all. 
Since he had come to Atlanta to work on `Loki´ everything had been so good this far. 
Even his current sleeping problems had stopped. He had felt calm. Content. Confident. 
Meeting Tom was one of the best things that had happened to him lately. He felt good in his presence. Safe. It was something he hadn’t expected. So he had cherished the time he had spent with Tom on and off set as something really special. 
And working on `Loki´ had been a blessing, too. The script was crap if he was honest. But due to that they had so much fun, so much freedom to try things out, to improvise, to just see what they came up with and it gave him the urge to write again. If it was for him, he would already do prequels, sequels and spin-offs with Mobius. He just loved it. He loved playing Mobius.
It really had done him so damn good. 
Owen contorted his face. 
So why?
Just why the fuck had it to be like this?
He heard someone coming. 
Saw Tom looking for him…  
With a bottle of beer in his hand. With a concerned look on his face.
With his fucking soft voice that Owen loved so much. 
“Everything alright? I don’t… I don’t want to bother you when you want to be alone. I was just… worried.” 
Being as sweet and caring and polite as always.
And it hurt Owen deep down in his chest. 
“No.. no, you don’t. I just… “ He didn’t know what to say.  
He just knew that he didn’t want Tom to leave.
“Can I sit down?” Tom asked carefully. 
Yes, please. “Sure.”
So Tom sat down next to him, looking at him with big questioning eyes. 
Yeah.. he should probably explain something. 
“I’m sorry… Tom.” Owen began. “I…”
He hated it. “I’m a mess...”
But Tom just looked at him compassionately and waited, so Owen continued. 
“I… have problems… sometimes.. mental problems… So I get sad sometimes… when I’m supposed to be… happy… when I am happy… It is some kind of dysfunction in my head. Like.. Well, like the happy clown gets sad…”
He sighed.
“And I’m really sorry… Because I guess.. you have expected something else… tonight… But I’m not good for you… I guess, I’m not good for anybody when I’m like this…” 
Tom squinted his eyes and pressed his lips together as if he was disagreeing but trying not to say anything. So Owen emphasized his point.
“I just can’t… give you what you want. I wish I could. But I just can’t.” 
He shook his head and looked down at the floor because he just didn’t know why he actually couldn’t.  
“I know this is hard to understand…” He knew how fucking stupid this all sounded. Why don’t you just do it if you want to? What’s the problem? They always say… 
He closed his eyes, feeling ashamed of himself.
“I do understand…” he heard Tom say softly.
Owen lifted his head to look at him. He was looking right back at him, with so much compassion in his eyes, and he continued speaking. Quietly. 
“Well, I don’t know… I mean everybody feels different, everybody has different… problems.. challenges… I don’t get sad when I’m happy.. But I do know what the sad side of a clown feels like… or actually more the sad side of a circus bear… which I am… Or was… I don’t know…”
Owen had to laugh a little at that. “Tom, the circus bear… Sounds like a cute children’s book.”
Tom smiled. “Yeah… .  I don’t know. Maybe it’s some kind of ADHD,” he shrugged his shoulders, “… but I’ve always done what people wanted me to do. And people wanted me to do really stupid things… . And I just did them. I loved the attention, I loved being liked… and to be loved… so I did more and more without really knowing why… And it really took me a long time to realize that…" he looked at the ceiling lost in thoughts, "I have worked constantly for 6 years in a row… I’ve sort of done every movie they offered me.. I have no idea how many interviews I gave during that time… how many stupid things I did… and all that just to not sit in that bear cage after the show…. And feel lonely and redundant…”
Owen felt his heart ache hearing all this. He didn't dare to breathe, didn't want to break this fragile bubble that they had somehow built here.
“And at some point I really lost it, I got so tired of it all… But you’re stuck in this wheel … " Tom’s hand made a circle," and you don’t know how to get out of it… I didn’t know who I am or what I wanted…” he sighed and nibbled at the label of his bottle. “I think I’m better now. Know how to take all this. But this doesn’t make me immune, you know. It will always be there…”
He took a deep breath, straightening up his back and looking directly at Owen.
“I’m sorry… I don’t want to be whining here.. I just want you to know that I know how it feels to be sad… when from the outside looking in... it seems that you don’t have any reason to.” 
Owen was deeply touched.
“Thank you…” he whispered. “Thank you for telling me…”
Tom gave him a reassuring look.
And then he got this Hang-on-I-have-to-think-about-something look on his face. 
Owen loved thinking-Tom. 
Watching Tom think always made Owen feel like a little kid at Christmas that couldn’t wait to see what was in the box. A quote? An adorable metaphor? 
“So… If you’re unhappy because you were happy…” Tom began. 
And Owen immediately loved how Tom had changed his voice to a more chatty and juvenile tone. 
“It’s sounds quite awful when I have to think that I am the one making you unhappy, so I’m going to reverse it: You being unhappy … does it mean that you like me… ” he gave Owen a challenging look. “…a little more… than a little?” 
Owen laughed. He shrugged his shoulders mockingly and showed a little space between his thumb and his index finger. “Yeah.. maybe a little more.”
But Tom didn’t seem to mind the mockery because he looked at Owen severely and said -  in his soft voice again -, “I can wait then.”
Owen didn’t know what to feel, he smiled a small smile but it came from deep in his heart and he hoped Tom would notice. 
“Thank you.”
Somehow he wished Tom would just grab him and kiss him. 
But it wouldn’t be Tom if he crossed the line. It wouldn’t be Tom if he didn’t respect him and his condition. 
And as much as Owen wished he would cross it, it showed him two things. 
One, that Tom was even more damn lovable. 
And two, that he himself was the one who needed to free himself out of there. Nobody else could. 
But he was determined to do it.  
He had to get better soon, if for no other reason than he could finally kiss Tom. His favorite Brit with his nonexistent lips. 
And now, now he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Tom. Held him close. And he was fucking glad that he could do it.  
“I’m sorry…” he whispered. 
“Don’t feel bad about it…,” Tom whispered back. “I want you to know that I don’t expect anything... And just as you are, you are good for me.” 
Tom’s word were soothing, his voice was soothing, Tom was soothing. Like he had been from the start.
“Thank you,” Owen said again and because he couldn’t resist, he added, “my little circus bear.”
Tom snorted. “Don’t! Just don’t!”
Owen grinned. “Yeah, I thought you are more of a pussycat anyway.”
And even he knew it would take some time before he felt right again, before he felt carefree again, he was fucking glad. 
That Tom had somehow turned this fucking sad situation in something lighter and beautiful. 
And that Tom had shown him a spark at the end of a hopefully not so long tunnel.
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popquizhot-shot · 3 years
You’re not him-Chapter 2
( How do I put links?) 
Italics are reader's thoughts
"Um, Miss, who are you?" Loki's voice dragged you out of your thoughts.
"Uh-I'm I'm an agent! here! in the TVA!" you say a little too enthusiastically.
Eyeing you worriedly, Loki replies, " Oooook, now Mobius." he says, looking at the man, " where will I be staying?"
" Y/n will show you your quarters Loki, and you'll have your own cubicle, where you'll be taught by Miss Minutes about the TVA" Mobius replies walking Loki out of his office, shooting you a sympathetic glance.
Following closely behind, the reality if the situation suddenly hit you like a train. A variant of your  your soon-to-be husband, who died, was here
Should you tell him? Should you not tell him? All the sadness and depression which you tried so hard to push away and bottle up was surfacing, leaking out drop by drop.
"Y/n? Y/n! Earth to Y/n!" you heard Mobius say your name, his hand waving in front of your face, he was looking at you sadly, knowing what you were going through.
" Sorry yeah?" you say, a little out of breath.
" Take Loki to his room ok? The staff quarters." He said.
" Yeah! Sure! Please follow me Mr. Laufeyson." you say heading towards the staff quarters.
Loki looks at Mobius before following you.
After a while of walking in complete silence, Loki tries to make conversation,
"I don't believe I've gotten your name madam" he says.
" Huh, well I thought, you already heard it multiple times, given how many times Mobius had shake me out of my thoughts, I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you." Again.
" Heh yes, well I'm Loki-"
" of Asgard, Yes, I'm aware of that Mr Laufeyson, I bet everyone knows who you are." you say.
It suddenly dawned that you might have not made a good first impression.
" I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, It's just everyone's on edge today." Yeah! particularly me! Well what am I supposed to do when I see a variant of my dead fiancé? Kiss him? Tell him the truth? No you idiot!
" Well, I doubt they have a runaway variant everyday." he says chuckling lightly.
" You'll be surprised, Mr Laufeyson." you say smirking at him.
Heading to a door, you unlock it with a keycard and show him inside. It's a fairly large room, with a bed, a Tv, a mini-fridge, with an attatched bathroom.
" This is your room, and so is this keycard, your uniform is in the cupboard and your work begins tomorrow. Good Luck Mr.Laufeyson" you say smiling lightly while simultaneously crying and sobbing on the inside.
" Thank you, Ma'am, and please call me Loki." he says smirking at you.
"Only if you call me Y/n."
"Alright then, Thank you Y/n"
" You're very welcome Loki, I'll see you tomorrow." you say walking out.
As soon as you leave and the door closes, you immediately sprint to Mobius's office.
"Y/n Liste-" Mobius begins,
"No no, this is where you zip it!" your eyes glowing a shade of orange . That's all that would happen, the only indication that you had magic, you're eyes would glow when you were  you were really emotional.
" Picture yourself in my place, you're getting married, you're fiance is killed before you're eyes, then after a few years you see them again, but they don't know you, how would you feel? Think about that Mobius!" you say, tears threatening to spill out your eyes.
"Y/n, I understand that, but we need him, he's the key to ending this, lots of minutemen, Jamie, Cassandra, Damon, Stefan! All dead! We need him, and we need him to be focused, after the mission is over, then you can tell him whatever you want, but please for the love of the time-keepers above, please don't tell him, you'll be accompanying us on missions from now on. You know Loki almost better than he knows himself an we need both of you. Please." Mobius pleads.
Sighing, you nod and try to glare at him, but ended up sadly smiling, you couldn't help it, you couldn't stay mad at Mobius, he was like an elder brother, or your best friend.
Smiling Mobius gets up and hugs you tightly, making you feel a bit better.
That night, you weren't able to sleep, thinking about every good memory you had when Loki-well OG Loki was still alive.
You and Loki baking, him dabbing frosting on your lips, before kissing it off, the boops, the damn boops that made you feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside.
When you first met- 2013
It was a normal day at Avengers Tower, you had just gotten back from a long undercover mission, you had heard about the new resident staying, God of Mischief.
Throwing your duffle bag on the carpet in the room and immediately showered, trying to scrubbing the blood and grime off, before you went downstairs to surprise the team.
Being a dramatic bitch, you decided to make an awesome entrance.
*Steve in the kitchen*
" Hey, Tony?" Steve said
"Yeah capsicle?"
"Why do  I hear boss music?" Steve says looking worried.
Suddenly the door's are kicked open, startling everyone.
" I'm BACK bitches!!!" you say while holding your arms out.( like how Loki does it)
Shriek and laughs and smiles later, you gather your courage and go up to Loki,
"Hi, I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you." you say smiling,
" Loki, of  Asgard, nice to meet you too." he says, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles.
And that was the day you fell for Loki Laufeyson.
"- and what happens when a nexus event branches past red line?" Miss Minutes asks Loki.
Loki ignores her, reading Mobius's jet ski magazine.
"Come on Loki!" she says frowning
Sighing Loki looks at her before saying, " It's when the Tva, can no longer reset the nexus event." smiling smugly.
" and the collapse of reality as when we know it." she finishes.
"Can you here me? Are you a recording, or are you alive?" he asks.
"Uh--sorta both!" she answers.
Mischievously, he rolls up the magazine and starts swatting at the mascot, causing her to go back inside the computer.
Looking at him, from you're cubicle, you can't help but smile softly, it had been years since you had last seen that beautiful smile and you're heart was melting.
From his cubicle, he spotted you and waved, eyes slightly softening, he liked your company, you put up with his bullshit and you were fun at the same time.
Waving back, you can't help but blush when you realize he caught you staring, your blush made him smile more.
Suddenly Mobius appeared behind him, talking to him and giving him a jacket, before he called you over, to talk about the mission.
" Y/n there's been an attack, we need you to come with us." he said hurriedly.
"We've grabbed enough temporal-aura to know it's our Loki variant, but we don't know which kind." Hunt says.
"The lesser kind, just to be sure." Loki butts in, making you snort.
He seemed pleased that he almost made you laugh.
" Ok, here's the deal, when we get out on the branch, we're not looking for a time criminal; we're looking Loki, a variation of this guy." Mobius says pointing to Loki, while projecting imaged of other Loki variants, each one getting weirder by the second.
"Apparently you won the Tour de France." you say nodding towards the hologram.
"Apparently." Loki says smiling.
"Not so slight, different powers, though powers include-Shape shifting, Illusion projection and Mind contr-" Mobius began.
"Duplication casting." You and Loki say in sync, turning to look at each other in surprise before looking back at the confused team.
"Illusion projection."
" No, they're two completely different powers." you began
"How Y/n?" Mobius asked.
" Professor Loki, would you like to answer that or would you like to answer?" you say, smirking at him
" You answer first." he says smirking back at you
"Illusion projection involved one depicting a detailed image from outside oneself which is perceptible in the external world." you began, Loki seemed impressed.
" While Duplication casting entails recreating an exact facsimile of one's own body in it's present circumstance which acts as a true holographic mirror of it's own molecular structure. But you already knew that." Loki finished.
" Not bad, Laufeyson." you said.
"Not bad yourself." He smiled.
" O-ok take a breath. Noted. Ok let's go. Everyone gear up" ( sometimes, I'm not going to follow the lines well, cuz i don't remember them.
Stepping out of the dressing room, you felt amazing, it had been a while since you wore gear and you didn't realize how much you missed it.
You also drew the attention of a certain blue-eyed, raven-haired god.
He couldn't take his eyes off you and you didn't know whether to feel happy or awkward.
Both is good.
Happy and Awkward.
After everyone was geared up, you headed to your destination.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Year 1985.
After reaching there, Loki went up to Mobius, and they started discussing things about the Tva, stuff you honestly did not give a crap about.
Headed towards a tent, Loki and Mobius were having a conversation. Loki seemed to trust Mobius and that's weird, he never trusted anyone except you.
"Ok stop, this is not your Loki ok, this is someone different, don't screw the relationship you have with this guy"
After all you went inside, you instantly spotted a TVA helmet.
Someone was taken hostage. Hunter C-20
"He's taking hostages." Hunter began
" He's never taken hostage before." Mobius mused.
" Maybe's he upping his game" Hunter said
"or he pruned her." you interuppted.
" A Loki couldn't have taken the jump on C 20." Hunt said.
" I think you underestimate-" Loki began
" Fan out, search for her and hurry up because we're at three units until red-line." Hunter ordered.
"Come on Loki." Mobius began. You follow him. Looking back, you see Loki staring at the helmet.
" Wait." Loki calls out, everyone stopping dead in their tracks and looking at him.
" If you leave this tent, you'll end up just like them" he continues.
As Loki explains, you zone out again, focusing on his eyes, ocean blue, with specks of green and gold, making them look like the most beautiful ocean ever.
"Did you know, you have beautiful eyes?" you say, stroking Loki's cheek while staring into his eyes.
" Oh, I have beautiful eyes?" he smirks
" The most beautiful." you whisper before kissing him softly.
Pulling away, Loki looks into your eyes.
"Darling, you complement my eyes, when yours are clearly superior!" He said
1, " But Loki, they're brown, they're so plain, what do you mean they're pretty.?"
"Darling, you're eyes are so beautiful, they remind me of a glass of ale, the mud that makes the earth, your eyes represent earthquakes, that bring the biggest of the biggest mountains to kneel for them. I love your eyes, they make me feel home."
( sorry about that, that's for people with brown eyes, cuz I have brown eyes, and I don't see them appreciated enough, pls ignore if you don't have brown eyes)
"Y/n, Y/n snap out of it! Come on, we're going back." Mobius said, walking out, you follow him, slightly smiling at the fond memory.
After you come back, you immediately head to your room, shower and take a nap.
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