#please i dont want drama i just needed to ramble
aquarri · 1 year
#anon#there are very few people i truly hate on the earth and louis is not one of them#really my 'hate' for him comes from a place of love and the want for them to do better#because they deserve better! and they can achieve that#yeah recently i've been hating on him and have been 'unsupportive' but thats how i deal with people who are in my eyes being stupid#making poor decisions#its very hard for me to see something and brush it under the rug#(not supporting the doc bc i dont want a doc that isn't truly authentic or made without the public lies)#im not someone whos gonna sit back and laugh when i see something i dont like ya know?#(please dont call me a solo harrie bc i think you missed my hating harry holivia era :D that was a shit show and harry was acting stupid#and i said that and didnt support that either lol)#not that i need to justify anything but i complain about hshq and tour all the time#im not gonna hate on harry bc hes not pissing me off rn? lol#its tough love sorry anon ik my worth and what i deserve to give to people based on what they give back#is that parasocial? idk but i also dont need to blindly follow and act happy when im not?#also i hate the word “stan” im just here observing the drama talking on my little blog about millionaire men that annoy me sometimes#i really do want better for them thats why im here at least thats what brought me here#i do like louis or at least i liked what he stood for in previous years but idk both of them seem to be kind of lost at the moment#this just turned into a ramble but anon im not a solo harrie nor will i ever be#i would like to be called a hater larrie.#why would i be directing hater energy at harry when he just sang woman after louis did ~that~#im not gonna praise him for stunting with a 22 y/o playing daddy and releasing a copy lg doc lmao
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gifti3 · 1 month
Arranged marriage au with asmo
I need asmo to be in some type of royal otome slowburn manhwa
ramblings ramblings
the drama guys....the DRAMA! dont tell me a bunch of nonsense wouldnt happen
remember the post where i was like indifferent/passive aggressive asmo becoming curious about the MC fics are peak
similar thing is happening here! honestly i think theres some resentment coming from asmos side at first but mc is like ay....you do ur thing and i do mine
im not gonna make u do anything u dont want, i dont have any expectations from this arrangement. lets just try not to make each of our lives hell u know
lol i bet when asmo first meets MC after finding out that hes supposed to marry them he's like thinking "......ig theyre not that bad looking"😒 (he literally would have been flirting with them in any other circumstance)
hmmm mc needs to be apart of a pretty influential family i think since this is gonna be a political type marriage
and asmo,,,,i feel like he doesnt really engage in the specifics when it comes to politics or anything. it's just not something thats important to him. he has his side hobbies and business endeavors that cares about. But topics outside of those things are left up to his family
so perhaps one day, the head of the family (i wanna say lucifer but since i want the person in this role to give off more a mysterious vibe, where his word is final michael might be a better choice) is like... this specific family...theyre kinda important and we want them on our side so get married to their eldest who has rejected every other person ever but has agreed to marry and since u dont do much when it comes to political affairs im gonna have you do this whether you want to or not
and asmo is just like....HUH he tries to get lucifer to help him out here but lucifers like...yea dads not budging sorry lil bro (he doesnt say it like that but similar sentiment lmao)
now mc never really wanted to get married cause they didnt wanna have to go through the motions against their will and they like their life as is but their parents have been breathing down their neck about marriage for years now. And now that this BIG opportunity has present itself to their parents, it feels like the pressure is really on now! at first mc is like shit...idk if i can weasel my way outta this one
and then......they realized that maybe this could probably work out in their favor actually.....
mc agreed to married him cause asmo has a bit of a reputation as a partier and a playboy
with asmo they feel like things can stay as they are for the most part if they let him continue to do as he pleases (not like they could have stopped him if they wanted to lol)
everything can be the same, they can still live their own separate lives, just now they have the title of spouses!
and thats the plan, like i said before asmo comes in being a bit rude at first but it kinda changes to indifference and a little passive aggressiveness once MC is like...yo chill im not gonna shit on ur parade. i just wanna be left to my own things. you do you sir
yes thats the plan...thats supposed to be the plan and it was going as mc expected for a good while
but as we know if u put something or someone in front of asmo enough times hes gonna get curious
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09lover · 6 months
i think its about time i did one.. so.. [pinned]
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— 𓄷 as you know, i go by es, he / they + 16. trans demi-boy! this is a milgram only (main)blog. UTC +8:00. i take doodles and writing requests, and random stuff, request rules will be added when made! ꒱
៹ ៸៸ basic — a really big es lover, i write and i also do art here while the rest of my posts are usually random rambles. i usually prefer people reaching out first than i do.
* if you want to be moots, do let me know! i dont bite at all, im actually looking for moots but idk how to. haha..-? if you need tone tags, please let me know!
disclaimer — i tend to talk/interact a lot, suspected auadhd but currently undiagnosed! also usually not caught up with trending or new stuff/drama, so if i am missing out do let me know if needed. much appreciated actually!
* despite being on tumblr for months; im still new to it. amazing right/s, so apologies if i do something wrong, do correct me please.
if i do make you uncomfy or offended in any way, please let me know immediately as well. i either reply to notifs fast or i dont, no inbetween. maybe there is tho. ꒱
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៹ ៸៸ dni — basic dni, israel supporters, irls unless i permit you to interact, inappropriate mlgrm ships. nsfw (jokes r okay), pro/comship etc. i can also block freely if i want to, rarely happens tho.
* i dont mind anyone at any age interacting, so long youre respectful of my boundaries. just dont be a weirdo. ꒱
៹ ៸៸ fandoms — mainly milgram, paralive, aopl & much more which i forgot … but you can ask ! ꒱
៹ ៸៸ favs — es, muu & the whole cast right behind, nayuta & kanata yatonokami / cozmez, hajun yeon, honami osato, vadlip, hajime suzumiya ꒱
៹ ៸៸ funfacts — i love rambling & rping, i have 7 gmails for no reason.. i also have a MINIgram writing series planned! i love cream puffs and my phone’s battery is broken. i dont like donuts. ꒱
៹ ៸៸ tags :
#es talks — random rambles/talks
#es’ reblogs — my reblogs
#es’ art journal — my drawings/artworks
#es’ writing journal — all my works
#es’ [genre] journal — works w that genre!
#es’ asks — my asks
#es’ fav — personal fav things i love!
#es’ notebook — tagged to keep track of things.
* new tags
#es in his misery hole — vent tag, please filter.
#es’ moot battle — battle of his moots! who wins?
#mikoto’s workshift — mini mikopost interaction!
#new year phonegram — tsumi’s new years gartic! ꒱
៹ ៸៸ if you want to dm me about anything literally, feel free to do so; but please ask first! thanks.
with that, youve reached the end of this intro post, thank you for reading! hope you know me at least a little bit more now. ꒱
៹ ៸៸ last updated — 1 jan, happy new year. ꒱
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eomma-jpeg · 10 months
thanks @veilder I really do like doing these lil games even though I have some unfinished ones in my drafts 💀
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I have some extra thoughts if anyone cares if I ramble
I did write quite a bit on wattpad back in the day. My account is still up and kicking but my username there isn't the same anywhere else LOL so you might be able to find it ? I had a moderately successful fairy tail one-shot series and an unfinished doctor who self insert fic (i wrote these when I was 14 i want everyone to remember that lil fact.
I currently beta read for @noaafishfieldguide so I get alllll the juicy sea foam drama >:) (its literally so fun i love doing it T-T. I don't have any beta readers except that squid does get to read 'in the meadow' early to help me make sure it actually is good LOLOL
Every fic i write is self indulgent, isn't that like.... the point of a fanfiction ???
So I am a multifandom writer, but as of late I've been stuck in trigun (the Fandom that got me to start writing again). But I technically started writing for royai just before then because Fullmetal is one of my all time favorites and royai is so special and perfect to meeeeee (I also wrote a kacchako fiction which is technically my most popular by kudos??? Which is wild?)
I cannot tell you how closely i watch my phone after a chapter of itm is posted. I just like, stare longingly and wait for comments to roll in T-T
I have.... an entire kacchako fantasy bnha fic outline just like sitting in my drive. I've written some chunks of it, but it was mostly self indulgence and there's like a make-out scene in there... I also have a one bed royai thats just sitting, waiting to be published bc I dont know if its good LOLOL
Listen, I know its silly and its my current fic, but I really adore writing in the meadow and I'm so happy that the people reading it do read it, but I need more to join bc I am converting people to the millyons agenda.... thats just my whole goal so please get in on this
Ty for indulging me and here are the people I tag: @noaafishfieldguide, @firewoodfigs, @fullmetalscullyy, @fullcry, @eilwen
Here's the blank copy!
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willel · 11 months
Since I'm sure there will be a lot of new people from Twitter, I want to personally say welcome, but also please don't make the shipping wars any worse. Lol
You can do that by tagging correctly, blocking people you don't like, and muting tags that upset you. Tags are like folders. When people tag correctly, it's like opening a book with only the things you like on an endless school. Very handy.
Are you making a post about your favorite ship? Excellent! Tag it correctly. Do not tag a bunch of irrelevant tags as that's considered spamming. Your tags should look like:
#shipname #charactera #characterb #whatever else you want that is actually related to the post
By the way, this isn't twitter. Tags can have spaces in them. You can write a whole ass paragraph almost. It's enouraged to do so!
Also, this isn't TikTok. "Unalive" and other censored words for the "algorithm" are dumb and pointless. There is no algorithm. Use the right words so that people can filter what they don't want to see.
Are you writing a negative post about a ship you don't like? Well that's a waste of time but you do you, just tag it correctly. Your tag should like like:
#anti-ship #dont mention the ship in any other way! It could pop up in their tags when those shippers are trying to do their own thing
Don't cross post KNOWING your post can upset someone. Don't play coy. Don't play dumb. Don't start drama on purpose. If you're bored and want some action, why not get a real hobby instead of fighting on the internet?
If a tag is meant for a platonic ship, then you should find the proper romantic ship version of that name. If another character or pairing has nothing to do with your post, then keep it in your pants and don't tag them. It's rude and could earn you some blocks.
That is the proper tagging etiquette for tumblr.com. You can mute any tag you want by visiting your settings and adding a tag to filtered tags and/or filtered content.
Anon hate is a thing of the past. Grow up. You can send anonymous or faced questions to almost any blog you want. You can also turn off that feature entirely if you don't like it.
If you don't like someone, you can select the three dots on top of their posts and block them. You can save yourself a headache if you learn to curate your experience~
Here in Tumblr, there is no reliable algorithm. More than likely, Tumblr won't be showing everyone posts that are relevant to them automatically. You'll have to visit the tags yourself to see what you want to see.
If YOU LOVE SOMETHING, REBLOG IT. Likes work like bookmarks here on tumblr.com. Everyone appreciates likes on their posts, but sadly, that's all it is. A post can die in the sea of irrelevance if no one reblogs it.
You know all those cool popular posts you see with thousands of notes? They only got like that because thousands of people reblogged it.
Do your artist friends, writer friends, and normal friends a favor by reblogging their posts and spreading the good word~. If you consistently reblog good posts on a consistent basis, you'll likely find yourself some cool followers as well who have the same interests as you.
By the way, while you can be a little well known here in Tumblr, you'll never have any clout. Give up now before you even begin. Everyone is an equal here. We're all just fans being fans of whatever content we're consuming that day alright? There are famous people on here, but unless they're chill and breezy, people will tend to chase them away anyway.
Do you want separate your personal blog from your fan blog? Well no need to make a new account, you can just add a sideblog and it's practically the same thing. You only have to log in once. I have at least a dozen active side blogs for every new interest I get very invested in. Great for organization and keeping your main blog for your personal rambles and posts.
By the way, there's no need to tell everyone your name, your phone number, your address etc. This site is anonymous. Enjoy the anonymity! Let yourself be a faceless fan among other faceless fans, keep your personal details safe and private.
And finally, don't be a creepy weirdo. That's pretty self explanatory. If your are a creepy weirdo, stop while you're ahead. You know you're gonna get caught and ousted. You aren't slick, you're just a weirdo.
That is all. This is meant for the Stranger Things fandom but it can be applied to any fandom. Hope this helps.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 8 months
fixing the pinned post (actually making it usable)
alright, since my normal one isnt usable mostly, its going bye bye (you can see what it was supposed to look like here if your interested)
hey there, im the sapphic bigender slut running this blog! i use any pronouns, though i prefer he/her. idk why but i feel like im the "me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic" meme if it applied both ways (adhd up in here too wooooooooo)
what to expect: once very blue moon an art post, a lot of jrwi rambles and comedy, some crazy theories, but lots of reblogs. i do try to do like a post that i wrote a day but with school, scroll qand reblog is the life lol
-i mostly use parenthesises and shit instead of tone tags (if needed, ill use them both)
-misspells i keep if theyre funny enough, but if unreadbale ill clarify (example: unreadable)
-the words with gender are gender neutral here. ill say girlie and my homeboy because its fun to ruin the gender concept
fandoms i post about now: scrolling back youd probs find some of my toh posts, but ive been more so on a riptide and mythborne grind. i do sometimes post on scu though! i also got my own characters lol
dni list: honestly anything for drama. of course no pedos and racsists and all that cause ill beat you on sight, just dont be a dick lol
-for asks, dont ask too personal shit or anything thatd fall under the dni list
-since im being kinda general with it, heres some specific ones for dni: those people who made weird sexualities (i mean like fucking figdetsexual and shit), politics (i may reblog on political stuff, im just spreading the message), things like that
if you wanna share more on interests, i have a card with some of my current interests and a couple places to find me maybe
asks are heavily encouraged and if you like any of my art, credit me if you get inspired and shit (dont trace please and if for whatever reason ai wants to use my art: no.)
now for what tags i use:
#jrwi by non-jrwi enjoyer = im talking to my non just roll with it friend on just roll with it
#not my usual content = might be more serious, just something i dont normally talk about (example: something that happened to me)
#silli promo = im probs promoing my fics or smth
#cheri's insane again = theories >:)
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night-market-if · 1 year
AHHHHH The last chapter, just AHHHHHH, it was expected, but unexpected, I, I just can't.
I think, I dont know if this was an error or purposely, but when you are talking with <3Malcolm<3 and you have the options "I do/I'm sorry/ I could" talking about Milo and if you love him, in "I'm sorry" option, you go to the same page than "I could", again I don't know if you wanted in that way or not, but just in case I told you xD
I'm so hyped for the next chapter, I can already see my MC, someone who really are a "Kuudere stereotype" (more or less he is a "serious and sarcastic type of character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical without showing any signs of emotion". But this is all facade, inside they are very affectionate, at least when it comes to their loved ones) losing his shit with all the things happening and busting in flames and drama because:
"really, I was wandering like a lost puppy all over the market for so long meanwhile people here were busy making necromancy shit, broking spines, buying-selling people as prison system and my f-ing lover/boyfriend whatever we are, (BECAUSE I EVEN DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL WE ARE) were more worried hiding the secret I almost died for a couple of times and telling shit like "be careful" ohhhh im going to be careful, dear of course im going to, I'm going to be very careful when I catch you cause im going to kill you" and "all the people here are just worrying about keeping their secrets and making shit decisions instead of worrying about the end of the world so f u guys"
The meme of a doggo saying "Im fine" meanwhile siping it's cafe in a house in flames? That is my mc outside, inside is the meme of "gimme yo f-ing money!!" CHAN CHAN LAW & ORDER Special victim unit Being the girl my MC and all the other character and drama the doll.
Can we please choose to lost our shit? I will love my usually calm MC losing his cool and exploding in a flurry of pent up emotions (I love drama)
The worst of all? I know im going to feel so bad about Milo that, surely im going to choose the meaner option only to know the way he will react but then im going to go back and choose the better option for his mental health cause, lets be honest, the poor guy needs not a therapy, but a whole psychological office, poor baby boy.
PS: Malcolm is the sexiest, charmer cutest boy ever and every time he talk my MC simp, a lot. I loved the head?canon about him talking with the lamp lights and now I cant stop thinking about it
Okey, maybe its better for me to stop rambling, thank you so much for all your hard work! Really, you are writing a master piece, I hope you have a beautiful day
That was for sure a bug! I got it all fixed up for the next update. Kicking myself that that one got messed because the "I'm sorry" portion was kind of important for a future romance. But! I guess that's why we have wips. LOL
I like the headcannon MC you got going. That is awesome. And oddly works really well I think for a Milo romance. I think Milo needs someone that can put him in his place occasionally and who is not afraid to call him out on his bullshit. In chapter twelve, it is going to much more be about getting the information he is holding back. There are going to be some moments to get angry with him but there is a lot going on in the last chapter that it won't be the focus. But I promise you, it is going to happen in book 2. There is no way Milo could even be in the game anymore without a confrontation of some sorts. I'll let the reader handle how they would like to see that confrontation but it will be there.
🪷✨🪷✨ If you want to support me 🪷 ✨🪷✨
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waywardsou2 · 4 months
New master post because the old one is broken
About me!
Welcome to my blog! My name is Wayward (not irl obviously. Though I wish) Just some basic information *ahem* I'm transmasc, androgenous (masc leaning), omniflux (but mostly mlm). Kinda complicated, yeah, but aren't we all. My pronouns are He/Him (main) Xe/Xir (trialing neos) They/Them (for my more 'who cares about gender' mood). I haven an extensive list here 👉: Pronoun card.
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Other random info about me :) I'm an aspiring author (my ao3 here 👈) and self-taught artist.
I have an TMNT AU I'm currently writing/designing. Find that here 👈
I'm also a Punk (in clothing and in ideologies and less so in music. yk just deal with it, it's the spirit that counts)
I'm also a monster fucker -I mean what? Who said that?
My beliefs are centered in Nordic Witchcraft, so no hate or I will bring down the might of Thor on your head. You've been warned. But if you are gonna play nice you can find me here 👈.
I'm quite odd so if that bothers you then don't stick around. I'm never in the mood to fight so don't even try it. Oh also, I'm an undiagnosed neurodivergent (probably autistic) and diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Although I'm pretty good now-a-days.
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This blog is mainly for my shit posting, doom scrolling, fandom shenanigans, hyper fixations and it's my main. Everything else I do branches off into its own blog. Kinda like blog children. Bloglins you could even call them. (I'm coining that term. Mine now) My current hyper fixations are TMNT and HTTYD.
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I LOVE GETTING ASKS. I have a few ask games I'm happy to do so I'll link them 👈. I usually answer within a day or two so please send them in. They are so much fun and I love interacting with communites . My DM's are also open if you just wanna chat in general or have any questions you want to ask not publically (for reasons).
If you are an alter/non human follow me here
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As I'm sure most of you can relate to this I really dont see why I need to say it but it's the internet so you can never be too careful. But I'm really attached to a lot of fictional characters from many franchises and if I ever post about them please be nice. Even if you dont like them or the potential discourse around them. Just be decent ok? They can be found here 👈
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Now that I've told you about me there are some ground rules to go over for my corner of the internet.
No harassment, bullying, discourse or anything of that nature belongs here. This is a Peaceful blog alright? I dont want none of that shit 🫵
No terfs, no homophobes, no transphobes, no zoophiles, no pedofiles (you are not MAPS ok, fuck off), no incest shippers, no anti-lgbt of any kind, no bigots, no conservative Christians, no religion haters (there is a balance), or anti-alter humanity of any kind. I think you get the idea but if I get even a hint that any of you people are lurking you will get tossed out like the trash you are. IMMIDEITLEY 🖕
No dark jokes or snides at mental health, it's tough shit and people dont need any more negativity to deal with. I will fucking report you if you ever do anything of the sort on my blog.
And finally no drama or discourse. seriously no one has the time or energy for that esspecially me. Just dont ok? 👎
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I have a few personal tags and may add more when need arises but if your looking for something in particular you may find them with these tags
#wayward rants
# wayward rambles
#wayward asks
#wayward rambles
# helpful reblogs
# waywards wallflower AU
#waywards art
@neonleons-posts @small-spiderpunkboy @fireflysquidsoup @ghosts-in-the-outfield @promiscuousbarnes @waywardsarah @corrupt-touch @dissapointedcreeper @regulusblackisamermaid
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I have another Master Post type post so anything that isn't here will be there. It's kinda like a less detailed pt 2 to this post. You can find that here 👈. And if for some reason you want to see the old Master Post, I am gonna keep it up so you can find that here 👈
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That's all for now folks hope you have fun whilst visiting my blog.
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single-malt-scotch · 5 months
really glad you mentioned the whole tonal shift in the life series thing bc that thought was actually what motivated me to make that post. i remember people talking about when the Tonal Shift happened and for me it was 100% when keepinventory was turned on. please ramble some more about it all i would love to hear your thoughts esp wrt death games and whatnot bc i think you pretty much summarized my Exact thoughts better than anyone
yeppp Limlife is where it happened to me. as mentioned i think this worked just fine w limlife, i remember when it first happened and i was unsure, but that was on like. the first death. and when we got to see how much people would die in that series, it made sense.
we have only had one season with it after now, and i can say imo i think it was entirely pointless to secret life. i felt like something was off about that season outside of just the new gimmicks, and i realize that keep inventory means no tension/drama of losing items and surviving which meant that the entire focus on that season was really only the consequences of the main gimmick- the tasks.
and the tasks had next to no consequences until certain circumstances (being red life or getting a hard task-- hard tasks being rare, and red lives being near pointless considering 90% of the server had to get turned at the same time at the very end thus not allowing reds to play out their purpose for long). secret life wasnt trying to be a survival series in the same way, it was trying to be a series that handed players ways to keep surviving in means that werent rooted in minecraft's vanilla survival mechanics. there was barely a threat of death unless it was directing people to die, which takes out any traditional survival all together. where as previous seasons didnt bring in some new system to override the survival provided by the game-- you relied on vanilla survival to survive, not an outside modded gimmick.
SL's only worry was about the tasks and if the tasks werent good/interesting/etc then, well. there may not be much to like about some episodes because it otherwise would just be me watching someone interact with others (to the best of their task related abilities) with little threat of death. SL felt like a fun goofy hang out, which does mean it sucked to watch it. it just means to me that it did not achieve what i wanted to feel about a life season, based on how previous seasons made me feel. i would have wanted to have seen the alliances battles i remember of past seasons, for example, and yes i think something as 'minor' as keep inventory plays into all of this.
i dont point this out to keep hating on SL specifically, but im saying it to express how survival changed and why keep inventory can kinda impact this a lot. what makes a death game isnt just the threat of dying for good, its also knowing that you really need to try to survive. and when your armor and weapons are handed right back to you, you lose the fear of when its coming to get you. the anxiety of running back to your friends, or hoping to recover your gear. you dont want to die, not just because you lost one life but also because you know youre not out of the water yet when you respawn. if you lose all your armor when you die, you have to keep worrying until you get back on your feet. it might force you to find help and make new friends. who knows?
maybe that seems harsh but hey, that has never been an issue before, so i dont feel like the concern should be taken to 'what if they die too fast because they keep losing gear?' theyre capable. if anything im a tad worried that the want for content creation feeding into the audience will take priority over the original intention of the game and its survival aspect. i wasnt a fan of SL because i felt like it was constantly feeding the audience things with little focus on it being the kind of survival focused series we had seen prior, and keep inventory + the system of tasks kinda just turned off every other part of what made the older seasons survival/death games imo.
what i need is factions/groups/etc all teaming up and fighting and big battles and desperately clambering away to hide from death. or crawling to the feet of their enemies begging to join because they lost everything. i want them to struggle through each recovery. you die, you lose everything, thats the consequence of playing.
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separatist-apologist · 7 months
Hi, I am your Ottoman Obession era Anon.
Yes, I would recommend the book. Shadows of God by Alan Mikhail. I think i pick thus book after halfway watching Rise of Empire : Ottoman in Netflix. Why you should read this book? Please allow me to share my thought
1. I am not someone from History study or Labguage study. Therefore, I want to read history book that are easy to understand and not overcomplicated. You know,most often I put down the book because I couldnt follow the story or underatand what is going on. And i am not native English speaker, and it just hard for me to read certain book. Or maybe the author tried to hard to impress reader with bombastic word that after googling the word, i am still dont see how it make sense.
But this book? Damn, i feel like a girly pop reading a diary. It doenst just blandly narrated a story but I found this book interesting because it also give us the insight of the character. If i look back, it follows Selim journey from his childhood to how he claimed the throne. I can understand what is going on in the book and not to get lost myself.
Ngl, since the historical figure mention in the book is Selim, i am now rooting for him to claimed the throne and praying for his mother wellbeing. And oh! I love Selim mother the most in the book. The author touched a lot of aspect being an ottoman prince mother and his mother contribution during Selim ruling as a gavernor in Trapzor. They are very close to each other and i found it really sweet.
2. It does not exclusively follow Seim jourbey. The author also gives us hindsight on what is happening aroubd Europe at the time. I have read history book before and they exclusively narrate the historical figure and it made me confuse when there is foreign figure appear around the main historical figure. But this book? It tell us what was happening around,guve an idea where actually this event set place and how it correlate to other event in history. It became so fun to read when I can recognize othe histrical figure. For example the borgia. I know the borgia family because of a manhwa (korean type of comic).
It so fun to read and trigger my roller coaster emotionally.
3. I found it more interesting when I learn that Selim as said in the book is not highly favoured by his father. Especially when he is sent far away from Constantinople (or istanbul atm) assigned as governor. They said that the more far away the son is sent to givern a state,the lesser the chance the son get to be a Sultan.
It really made me think, did Beron apply the same thing? Except his intention to worsen the sibling relationship? Because i think I remember in one of your fic you had this scene where eris mentioning how lucky for Elain that Lucien is exiled. Otherwise, Beron would pit her and his other daughter in law. Which to me was genius since Beron wanted his son to fight each other for the throne.
Even in the book, it mention that the father/current Sultan is not excluded from this fraticide practice. The son still can and have the right to claw their own father from the throne
I recommend this book. Why? Simple, because someone slow like me can read it and enjoy the drama in this book. I think you would too. Sorry for the rambling tho.
You're back! This is the exact kind of recommendation I'm looking for, ESPECIALLY from a non-fiction book. When I was in grad school, one of my professors discussed what made good, academic writing ESPECIALLY if you were writing for lay people. And the hallmark of it was accessibility. Even within niche topics, your writing shouldn't be so convoluted that you need to re-read sentences over and over.
You can get away with some of it in academic journals but I'd argue if I'm reading a paper on a topic I'm knowledgable and published in, and I'm asking myself "what the fuck are you trying to say?" you've done a bad job.
And books ESPECIALLY because history is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating subjects AND should be one of the most accessible ones as well. History is like gossip, it's half rumor, half fact depending on who is telling it. It's like when your friend texts, "can I say something fucked up?" like HELL YES tell me the atrocities and salacious gossip, I beg you.
I had a world history teacher in high school who once said history was the greatest soap opera and he made it accessible in a way that I've always been obsessed. And I'm saying all this because you said it was dumbed down enough for you to understand- but consider that it was WELL written enough to keep your attention rather than being so smugly satisfied with itself that the author renders the subject matter boring.
You sound exceptionally smart to me. You're reading in two languages! Give yourself WAY more credit and remember that a LOT of academics are just puffed up blow-hards that could use a regular person telling them, actually- you're not that interesting.
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Seb, I know I have said it a million times, but I'm going to say it a million more whether it's here or in private messages. Thank you for your posts. And I don't just mean your writing (although it always makes my day. Especially on my bad ones, curling up with my sloth stuffie and reading through for comfort) but for you. You take the time to say hello, to check in, to let everyone ramble, and let people talk. You let everyone be who they want, and you provide a safe place. I come to Tumblr to get away from everything, whether it's my personal life, politics, drama... I know your page is immediately the place I can go to so I can shut my brain off. On this app, this blog, I can just let myself enjoy any silly posts or jokes, see the soft thoughts or the thots.
I don't know if you know how much it means to me to just have you here. And I hope soon I'll be back to writing once my mental health is better (I am working with my therapist!) And I can maybe bring you some of that joy too. I try to make my page drama free and politically free, so people have the opportunity to be relaxed also. The only "drama" (although i dont see it as drama personally) I know I step in is defending other writers. Cause seb, you and so many others, if you get even a little hate, just send them my way. I'll go right up to bat for ya ❤️
Sorry, got a little off topic (apparently when showing my love for people that happens. Who knew?)
But still, even if you chose to stop writing and just wanted to be a chat blog, I would be here. You became such a great friend, honestly.
Thank you ❤️
gabbie 🥺🥺🥺
i’m sorry i took a while to reply to this. i had it in my inbox and i just kept re-reading it and tearing up and feeling all mushy 🥺
i’m at a complete loss for words and overwhelmed (in the best way!) with this sweet and thoughtful message. i hope you know this has truly made my entire week and i really needed to read this rn. goodness, i’m just so honored and happy to hear that my lil blog can provide that comfort and safe place for you. it’s music to my ears. 💗
i know i’ve said it before, but i’ve always wanted this lil blog to be a safe place and let people come ramble, talk or vent, and it makes my heart swell that it’s perceived like that.
i’m also so pleased to hear that you’re working with your therapist! i hope you’re taking it slow and taking care of yourself, because you deserve it my lovely angel! you are so sweet, kind and wonderful and i’m just so thrilled to call you my friend, and an incredibly wonderful friend at that! 🥹💗
do not apologise one bit, my love. spreading love and joy is a okay here! thank you so much for this message and thank you for just being the lovely and kind soul that you are, inside and out. i’m sending you so much love my angel, mwah mwah mwah! 💗💕💓🫶🏼
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shecharm · 10 months
Tumblr media
likely don't need to say this since we're all adults here, but just a reminder that my lack of talking to you ooc or constantly reaching out whether it be to plot or send asks, etc, whatever - does not mean i don't want to interact with you. i'm generally just a quiet person and 99.9% of the time i just don't have anything to say! i'm very much a no thoughts behind those eyes type of person, i'm dealing with my own drama in my personal life and just get on here to be silly or drown in video games. [ under a read more bc i'm rambling tbh ]
sometimes i write a lot at once, sometimes i'm absent for a week or a month. but please don't feel like my absence or quiet days mean i don't like you or anything of the sort. it's just how i am and always have been. literally the only people i talk to on a constant daily basis are rue and tala because i've known them for a very, very long time; rue over ten years and tala just about a similar amount of time, maybe 6-7 years? i can't keep count. and tbh! im terrified of being annoying! so i dont really send asks, i dont write random starters unless i specifically make posts like hey like for x or y, etc. so i just wanted to i guess,, let you know?? bc i know i can come off as very like cold or disinterested but i promise it's not the case.
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the-heaminator · 2 years
I’m also bored cuz I can’t sleep cuz I’ve got work experience starting tomorrow, so I’m gonna quickly throw an au at you:
Engport secondary school teacher au
Engport secondary school teacher au.
Please I need this in my life.
Ok so England is one of the history teachers, he seems boring and strict and all that but really is just an absolute demon of chaos (I'm basing him off my own history teacher, I love her so fuckin much)
Portugal is an English teacher for reasons that i dont know myself, but he does give off that vibe of that one english teacher who knows too much and is the head of the lgbtq+ club, is just a vibe and is vaguely androgynous (also basing this off my english teacher)
They like put on a performance of some shakespeare play, with the help of Francis who is the drama teacher, i am very tempted to make them do a midsummers night dream because it is on so much crack that it just makes it hilarious to see these two act it.
A bunch of teachers are in this play and (a ramble about shakespeare is incoming pls hold) Titania is Lovino, who is the cooking teavher because reasons, and i am so tempted to make Antonio, the PE and PSCHE teacher be oberon just because.
Puck will be gilbert, the physics eacher that just radiates chaos and just screws everything up for everyone in the play.
Im getting off topic here
Because Arthur, the history teacher wantes to make it as historically accurate as he can, Joao helps and because the english department is organising this whole fiasco and he fucking loves the classics.
The history teacher keeps nitpicking his outfit (he is going to be demetrius) and francis gets pissed at him and makes him helena (who as you may recall falls in love with demetrius) and during the rehearsals everyone can feel the tension growing and francis gilbert and antonio are thinking gay gay gay.
ON the night of the play, and during most of it, Arthur is flushing his ass off and during the marriage he looked like a tomato, and unfortunately he has year 10, who are utter shits and they tease him mercilessly and shenanigans ensue as Ports form room, of a bunch of year 8s, who are also little shits see the play as well and notice that he clearly is having gay thoughts.
And through some miracle of nature, nd much to the chagrin of the year 9s, 7s and teachers, they try to get the teachers together and its just chaos
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11x07 of chicago fire
i always loving seeing the girls on fire scenes
they’re so cute!!
im so proud of Stella
she's fantastic and im in love
boden and kidd’s father-daughter relationship is something to live for
hermann and cruz are unofficial besties and father-son
we deserve more of them
we don’t see hermann in charge too often
i love it
who’s this guy that thinks it’s okay to make fun of a firefighter who’s doing his job????
w h o   i s   t h i s   g u y ? ? ?
lieutenant kidd taking charge is everything i never knew i needed
oh who am i kidding
i always knew i needed that
‘hey, john, we’re gonna get you outta here’
john’s gonna die, isn’t he?
oh poor john
poor guy
they're making cry for a character ive known for 8 and a half minutes
john’s definitely dying
‘an expensive midlife crisis... time for a minivan’
sev’s gonna take the bike???
John is sooooo dying
one hundred percent
carver and gallo would be good friends tho
if the writers stopped causing unnecessary drama around carver
i could see them being besties
‘weirdo of the week’ is an understatement
LMAOOO the ‘hypothetical’ with ritter and hermann is making me cackle
‘and the friend was maybe dying’
‘and not fun anymore’
‘he could pull through! it’s possible.’
‘what kind of hypothetical is this?’
hermann spiralling to ritter is hilarious to me
aw poor hermann
‘you tryna rub a hole through your equipment, cruz?’
‘it’s called cleaning capp. you should try it sometime.’
we love that interaction
oh wait
it’s his midlife crisis
‘do you know how to write a bike?’
‘more importantly, do you know how to fix one?’
‘eh, i'll manage’
sure you will mouch
sure you will
mouch asking kelly for help just as kelly’s leaving?
peak comedy. golden.
stella looks good in her lieutenants uniform
macy’s mom needs to take several seats
macy made her choice ma’am
either support her or get the hell out
hermann’s really showing his age
im living for his crusty father humor
ritter finding katherine in twenty seconds while hermann’s complaining is *chef’s kiss* we love to see it
sylvie brett looks absolutely gorgeous
mouch is giving me second-hand embarrassment and I DONT LIKE IT
capp smirking at mouch makes me cackle
gallo and hermann’s niece??
reassuring husband!kelly is what stella needs
thank you kelly severide
stella please
stop doubting yourself
thank you boden
bro better leave
right. now.
he’s gone
‘hopefully that’s the end of it’
we all know that that’s not the end of it
that's nowhere NEAR the end of it
stella testing kylie is adorable
and the worry written on her face??
god it kills me
stop doubting yourself
let kylie do what she wants
ritter is concerned
he’s gonna do something, i can feel it
hermann trying to talk to the automated message is peak father behavior
christopher rambling on the voicemail is so sweet and so cute
kelly you better help mouch
dude’s about to hurt himself
oh thANK GOD
mouch’s sly little shrug to cruz
kelly’s face of ‘oh great, now im stuck w/ it’
what the fuck do you want?
gallo and carver’s exasperated look
we love that
dude just causes chaos and then leaves
thank you random police officer
get him outta here
i can't stand this asshole anymore
oh so john’s not dead?
brett’s reaction to hermann is so cute
oh they were serious about turning the washer/dryer area into kidd’s office??
looks nice
oh poor baby
i love you honey
you’re perfect lovely
yes thank you ritter
you're helping stella w/ this
thank you
mouch wearing sunglasses while standing next to bike that he ‘fixed’ but can’t drive just SCREAMS midlife crisis
its also giving me second hand embarrassment and i can't stand this
trudy: ‘what’s going on here?’
me: ‘mouch is having a midlife crisis’
everyone in the background smiling and being confused is a meme waiting to happen
‘hop on baby’
everyone cheering loudly for mouch and platt is adorable
the fuck kinda name is edgar weston?
i get you're pissed off
but there are better ways to go about it
than to HARASS a bunch of firefighters
and paramedics
who are just doing their job
stella and kylie
aww their banter!!!
kylie’s so pretty!
ah god
the heckler
hanako’s performance is amazing
oh poor guy
i still don't like you tho
poor violet’s ‘you can’t’ just breaks me
oh john
he’s alive!
oh damn
then what’s gonna be the consequences of his actions
you’re overthinking this
hermann is great at giving advice
that’s so sweet
‘i'm the guy who left that very long message’
there are better ways to introduce yourself
im shipping katherine and john and i barely know them
aw stella
awwww stellaaaaa
looking out for her girls!
cindy and hermann are adorable
they’re so cute!
ohhhh joeeee
how's this gonna go???
please tell me its approved
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witchersgoldenbard · 2 years
season 2 ruined geraskier for me.
now, that's a pretty loaded statement, i know, but i just realised how i can explain that weird heavy feeling that's been weighing on my chest every time i think about geralt and jaskier since watching season 2. don't get me wrong, i still love my boys to death and i will continue to write stories with them, i still have so many ideas. but before that can happen, i need to ramble and vent a little bit.
during and after season 1, geraskier was my comfort ship. the grumpy one and the sunshine one, one with heavy trauma and the other with enough blank space to serve wonderfully as a projection screen. there was so much between them in little glances and touches and smiles, and also of course in the witcher source material. there was endless room for fluff and angst and hurt/comfort, and it was always so natural. the mountain break-up scene as classic fix-it point, cakes upon cakes only served to revolve around that. there was so much room for everything that could possibly come afterwards, it was beautiful. there was no doubt at all that geraskier would be a lasting ship, a big one, one of the biggest of tumblr.
and then? then season 2 happened. and i only just figured out what bothered me. there was no closure. for anyone. all that pain and trauma i mentioned, situations where both got hurt, and nobody got the chance to properly apologise, or demand an apology. they never, not once, got to talk it out. not even with glances and a fond but exasperated smile that would tell us everything could be okay. nothing. instead, what we got was geralt apologising to jaskier while sitting on a horse, not even properly looking at him, not even on eye level. that is horrible grounds for an apology. and jaskier? he brought back the most traumatising moniker of geralt's and made it famous again, called him "butcher" because he had a broken heart. all of that could possibly be excused but-- oh wait. there was none. no apology, nothing real on either part.
we were left like them: just hanging in the air, somehow, wrongfooted, hooked but unsatisfied. we were given scraps and pieces while they weren't given time to talk and heal.
and you know what that means? it means that it's us, the fanfic writers, who have to fix this all. we cannot possibly write post-season 2 fluff without going through the emotionally heavy and draining parts of reasoning and apologising and talking first. we cannot really write an au without first having to fix whatever the fuck season 2 did. it means that i, as a person who first and foremost used to write geraskier, now find yennskier more appealing simply because it isn't so draining. it means that i get weirdly sad and heavy every time i so much as think about geraskier, because, as a friend said: i hate that i have to write geraskier fluff either in modern au or during season 1.
it's no coincidence that most of the post-s2 geraskier tag is hundreds of versions of geralt apologising, or jaskier apologising (though the first one is far more prominent, and that's another thing i am very very tired of, because it's not just geralt who needs to apologise!). there's just so much trauma in these two that there'll be 200 fics set immediately after that final battle, and all of them will be different and have different angles, because there's still so much left for them to process, it almost makes me angry.
but i'm not angry. i'm just sad and exhausted and i miss my boys. and maybe that's just me, maybe other people don't have problems writing geraskier right now, but i am very drained that in order to make them happy, i have to make them heal first. because the professional writers who were supposed to do that, didn't. and now i can't have my comfort ship anymore, because everything is too heavy.
and that is how season two ruined geraskier for me.
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pumpkins-s · 5 years
Listen I try to like narrachara. It’s a great theory. It’s got some good canon basis. And it’s a fun interpretation of Chara’s character. But people who make these giant all caps “theory” posts which basically boil down to “narrachara is canon and anyone who says otherwise or writes a more morally ambiguous interpretation of chara is Wrong and Evil” and that go out of their way to attack others with different styles of writing chara need to like. Calm the fuck down.
It’s a video game, Greg. And it’s a character with evidence to support multiple interpretations. Please relax and let people be.
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