#please help a girly outt😭😭
meowmeowxoxo · 23 days
Tbh I love reading and I want a good juicy fanfic and I'm trying to find some but all I can find are blurbs, unfinished series, and smaus(which I don't hate and I even read one I really liked but its just not my cup of tea).😭 Like I don't think I'm looking well enough or is there a drought?
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evansbby · 16 days
so I’ve known this girl for like two years, we met at uni, and she’s rlly nice. we’re really close and do a lot of stuff together (yes, I feel bad about doing this behind her back 😭). we’re in a lot of the same classes, so when we have an assignment or have to study, we meet up, and do it together. a few days ago, she invited me over to her place to study. who opens the door when I get there? the most delicious man I’ve ever seen in my lifeeee. man is 6’7, puerto rican, biceps the size of my head and has sleeve tattoos 😖😖 he’s like 43/44, I think? we eventually settled in their dining room to study, and from there, you can see into the living room if that makes sense. so I was waayy more focused on watching him than my studies. we were constantly flirting every time he ‘checked on us’ or if I saw him in the kitchen or hallway. did I act stupid so he could help me? abso-fucking-lutely. (he’s so smart which instantly makes him ten times hotter) anyway, it got really late and I got an uber there, so he offered to drive me back home. long story short, we started making out when we arrived at my apartment, and I ended up giving him head in the car 😭. I told him that I’m a virgin, so we exchanged contacts so he can, and I quote, “take my time with you”. so yeah, he’s coming over tomorrow to blow my back outt LMAOO. this happened like a few days ago, so he’s been teasing me endlessly on the phone 😪😪. plus, my bsf knows there’s a guy bc she saw the hickeys on my neck, she just doesn’t know that the guy is her dad 😬. I’m sorry, but he TALKED ME THROUGH ITTT. like I can’t not hook up with him 😭
PSA!!! before anybody says anything, he’s divorced and single. I’m 21, and I only JUST met her dad, so he didn’t know me as a child 💀
Okay firstly, a disclaimer; I know you’re an adult and you can make your own decisions. But I just have to say this, bc I’ve been staring at this ask for a while now thinking of how to answer it, PLEASE DO THINK THIS THROUGH! And yeah, maybe I’m being a party pooper but do think it through and if definitively yes, then go for it girlie!!! I know you are a legal, consenting adult. But yeah pretend I’m like your older sister with your best interests at heart bc this is what I’d tell any friend or cousin of mine who is 21!
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So girlies, i ate 1.060 calories today in total and I know it sounds crazy,but i was too tired (because of the exercises i did yesterday)my whole body was hurting so, i needed some noodles.But I bought a gluten free one and made a low calorie sauce myself at home. I am feeling nauseous because of the stress i feel.Is 1.060 cals too much? Did I ruined my day? I will go to a 30 min walk at night but i am so scared please help a girl outt😭😭😭
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