#please do not the accuse
cupcakes-are-ours · 1 year
lothor: i said no more killing my men without permission. and what did you do? killed someone!
vexacus: i am not going to stand here and listen to you accusing me of things i clearly did
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transmascissues · 3 months
local cis man makes a “joke” tiktok that excludes trans men from the phrase “trans people” and mocks the music we make based on a stereotype that’s already been mocked to death, then makes a follow up video directed at the trans men who told him it wasn’t a funny joke or just made them feel shitty where he just doubles down and says the joke was fine because it “wasn’t serious” and that the trans men who didn’t like it are “directing their energy in the wrong place”.
maybe one day cis people will learn that 1) most trans jokes simply are not for them to make, regardless of how funny they think the joke would be, and 2) it’s not for them to decide if the trans people they chose to joke about are allowed to be upset that the joke was made. i honestly wouldn’t have even bothered making a post about this if it was just the original video because a lot of trans people also make jokes like this (which i still don’t think are funny or fair) so he could be forgiven for thinking no one would be upset, but the doubling down really rubs me the wrong way.
like, if we can’t even trust cis people to listen to our feelings on something as silly as a joke tiktok about music, how can we trust them to listen to us when it really counts? you can say it’s not that serious all you want, but when it’s already been demonstrated that you don’t always know how something will actually affect trans men, can you really expect us to trust that you’ll know when it is that serious?
because the message that response sends is this: “i find you fun to laugh at, but i don’t think you’re worth the trouble of caring about your feelings. i would rather enjoy myself and entertain others at your expense.” and is that the kind of message you want to send to anyone, especially a group of people you seemingly interact with enough to be familiar with the jokes made about them in their community? even if it wasn’t anti-transmasculine, it would still just be mean, and it’s certainly not a message that will make us see you as trustworthy when shit gets bad.
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ask-shane · 29 days
hi it's mod dawn here. i need to address something. i wrote this out in the tags on one post but i'll reiterate. when it comes to any of my ask/roleplay blogs, i CANNOT uphold established romantic relationships with anyone in character. this means the characters cannot say yes to being your s/o (dating or married). flirting is fine. it can be funny and sweet to interact like that. but i have to set the boundary there.
when the characters are 'reciprocating' your flirting, it is not to give false hope, nor is it supposed to be something sad. it's not a shane thing, it's a ME thing. there is a real person behind this. i do not feel comfortable roleplaying a romantic relationship, and i apologize if that makes people feel like the character is leading anyone on. it isn't my intention. if this boundary does not sit well with you, you are free to unfollow me. all that to say, please don't take the blog(s) too seriously. i just feel the need to make this clear due to some lingering concerns lately. thank you for listening.
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plounce · 8 months
people can get really mad if you make a post about how you think a character, who has no canonical queer identity, is gay. and they will accuse you of being biphobic (the character is not canonically bisexual) because the character has had past m/f relationships in canon and therefore they conclude that the character, if they are queer, should be bi. which is a totally fine thing to headcanon. i am not saying you can't draw that conclusion and in fact i have drawn that conclusion for many characters, because i love to have fun. however people can get really mad if you say (on a post on your blog) "i like the idea that this character's past m/f relationships are a product of compulsory heterosexuality as a part of my headcanon that this character is gay, and this all gels with larger my personal interpretation of the character". and gay (homosexual) people do in fact often have histories of being in straight relationships for various personal reasons! i'm gay and i have my own personal history before i realized i was gay! it is a totally normal and not uncommon thing. gayness is not a threat to bisexuality, much like how bisexuality is not a threat to gayness.
i think that people can often become very defensive of their own headcanons for characters they like especially when it parallels their own personal identities. but also it truly is not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things if a post crosses into your field of vision and op has a trivial headcanon that you don't agree with. headcanons, by nature of being headcanons, can often peacefully coexist. because it is just blorbos. you need to stop accusing random strangers of crazy shit on their own posts. you need to. perhaps. scroll past. and make your own post.
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kreachvera · 5 months
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identity of auto-cannibal
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bleuskais · 2 years
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Taika Waititi on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 22 Jun 2022
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mixelation · 5 months
would itachi meet toris old clan? how would that go?
no, i can't see that happening. she doesn't consider herself one of them, and they effectively kicked her out as a very small child, meaning THEY don't consider her one of them either. plus by the time itachi is in the picture, they're mostly. uh. dead?
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fauci saying “vulnerable people will fall by the wayside” and that some will die but that’s ok because we’re not going to see the “tsunami of cases” we’ve seen before is so dehumanising. so babies with no immune system, elderly people, disabled people, and people without adequate access to healthcare can all die of covid. but it’s ok guys because actually they’re just falling to the wayside and everyone else will go back to normal and be fine (sarcasm).
my death or the deaths of my family or friends wouldn’t be us “falling by the wayside”, it would be us being failed by our government, healthcare systems, and communities who have refused to take coronavirus seriously despite mounting anecdotal and scientific evidence of the harm this virus does. fact that people can accept the deaths of vulnerable groups just because they want to eat in a restaurant or don’t want to wear a mask is horrifying
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snzluv3r · 13 days
fluziska is straight up accusing me os sending them anon hate directly and i don’t know what to do i’m literally blocked and they’re publicly saying i’m in some sort of severe mental health spiral? because i’m upset about covid? do you guys not see how this ties into absolutely everything i’ve been saying?
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yubnubforhire · 5 months
The first half of episode 5 is sooo funny because first you have the hospital scene where Way tries desperately to turn Babe off Charlie by telling him about the brother reveal and being like see 😡 he was lying to you all along 👿 meanwhile Babe is just like 🥺 so he wasn’t cheating on me 🥰 the wedding is back on 🥰 🥰 and Way literally rolls his eyes because fuck that backfired
And then the next scene is Babe acting all petty like ‘oh don’t you need to cook for your bRoThEr you know your BrOtHeR Jeff that BROther’ while his internal monologue is clearly just rail me rail me rail me as evidenced by the fact that he melted after one (1) single whine from Charlie and proceeded to try to fuck him right there on that couch while being like 5 minutes out of the hospital
All the while detective Kim is in the background being the only one with a brain cell since everyone else decided to just lob accusations at Jeff before checking the fucking security footage that apparently everyone and their mother has access to
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genericpuff · 7 months
Hey so uhh about the Kawacy vampire comic my friend apparently is a fan and they said that it isn't grooming because the usual "He only loves her when she's an adult" and say that he also protect her from "actual predators"
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leviismybby · 3 months
Tired of some people blocking me out of the blue and than shading me on their blog. Real brave, talk to me about what's bothering you, esp if we were moots, that shit is not cool, that's all I will say.
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lordgrimwing · 1 month
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Had a great time fumbling around with drawing this evening with @nighttimepatrons. Here's a little drawing of Makalaure in an aesthetic cloth covering being gracefully buffeted by the winds on the cliffs around Tirion (because he's dramatic and he knows he looks good). Inspired by Boreas, painted by John William Waterhouse.
softer picture under the cut
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daily-ethoslab · 10 months
I lovee two things mcc and etho videos . And they are ONE NOW OMG
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metamatar · 6 months
sometimes my mom is like why do you bottle up everything and i have to stop myself from saying that both of my parents accused me of crying crocodile tears constantly between the ages of 5-9. after which i did my best not to cry in front of them.
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koppaiterocker · 5 months
THIS is the most delirious thing that's specific to me only. Parb save me
Cmon. Heart when talking about Barb. Heart pulled apart/broken/etc when switching to Branch. This is my copium this is my insanity. In my echo chamber
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