#please be as nosy as you like hehe <33
bookishjules · 1 year
I'm nosy so I'm gonna ask for a second: 43
book 43 was Beach Read by Emily Henry <3
discovering Emily Henry this year was such a win. I loved this story sm. the relateable mc and the messy and angsty love interest are just top notch
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starglow-xx · 2 years
— the ada boys when they find out their little sister is dating someone they know
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characters: dazai osamu, edogawa ranpo, kunikida doppo, nakajima atsushi
a/n: i found this buried in the depths of my drafts and it’s kinda like a part two to this !!
i originally had junichiro here too but i got stumped and gave up so maybe i’ll try again for him next time😅
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dazai osamu *ೃ༄
// nakajima atsushi (sorry for those who expected chuuya; i wanted to mix it up hehe)
im gonna call it now, if you’re 18 (and single ofc), he would try to set you up with atsushi
*you and atsushi having a friendly conversation bc yk you two are friends*
*dazai creeping up in the background and obnoxiously whispering* shala-la-la-la-la don't be scared! you got the mood prepared! go on and kiss the girl!
you and atsushi: “...”
i feel like it would start off as a joke to piss you off, annoy you, and embarrass the both you
but at some point he might be doing it fr and not as a joke
and if by any chance, you do get together with atsushi then yay!! his precious little sister and his subordinate are dating <33
but it’s different if you were actually secretly dating atsushi the entire time cause then he’ll go off on some tangent about “betrayal and heartbreak”
dazai’s words not mine
but nonetheless, is genuinely happy for the both of you <33
tho does not mean you escape the menace that is your big brother
“ne ne atsushi-kun have you and y/n-chan ever went all the waAWHACKS”
“d-dazai-san?! a-are you okay?!”
“let’s just leave him alone for right now atsushi-kun”
“but y/n-chan you threw a plant at him. a potted plant.”
“i know what i did atsushi”
besides bothering u, he constantly wants all the deets bc he’s nosy like that
“hey y/n-chan–”
“osamu go away”
“but i didn’t say anything yet!”
also blackmails both u and atsushi bc yeah he’s a little shit
you don’t even know how he knows the things he knows bc you’re 98% sure you haven’t told him or gave anything away
“so how was your date at the park? you know, the one you went on yesterday instead of doing those errands kunikida-kun wanted you two to do? i wonder how mad he’ll get~”
“…im calling chuuya-san”
“(y/n) you’re no fun!”
edogawa ranpo *ೃ༄
// edgar allen poe
he’d be such a fucking troll
“poe-kun can you run to the store and get this for me?”
“ah yes of course ranpo-kun!”
“what was that?”
“oh er, of course greatest detective in all of japan and the rest of world!”
anything for that big brother approval yk?
ranpo just wants to mess with him bc he’s bored (and bc he’s a little bitter his younger sister is dating)
poe would come back from the store and ranpo will send him back like 7 times claiming that he didn’t get the right thing or that he forgot to tell him to buy something else
“ah i hope this is the right one this time! i wonder what ranpo-kun needs motor oil and tupperware for anyways...”
ranpo, if he’s not sending poe out for sweets, he always sends him to get stuff he doesn’t need nor want if he’s feeling particularly bored that day and if he’s feeling generous, he’d send poe to run the errands everyone else is supposed to be doing
for example, making him buy the things on yosano’s supply list or going to the grocery store to use the coupons kunikida had been saving
and poe being poe and being in the position he’s in won’t question why he needs it find some more tweezers, sharp knives, alcohol, scalpels or buy 3 dozen eggs and dish washing soap
finding out, you weren’t exactly pleased
you: im speechless!
ranpo: *looks stright into the camera like he’s in the office*
ranpo: despite being “speechless”, (y/n) continued to yell at me for another hour
kunikida doppo *ೃ༄
// dazai osamu
i don’t know how to start this besides holy shit he will flip the fuck out
it’s dazai what else were you expecting?
but jeez lighten up nii-san would you? smh
eventually, he’ll suck it up
it’ll take...quite a while but yes
he’ll suck it up just for you and only you
somewhere deep down inside he’s happy tho bc, he along with everyone else in the agency knows that he secretly cares for dazai
but he has night terrors realizing that if/when you guys get married, they’ll be brothers (in laws, but whatever)
if you accidentally show up with a hickey to work, even if it’s just barely visible, he’s throwing dazai out the window
and then locking him in a closet
dazai also likes to take all your paperwork along with his and hide them in random folders of kunikida’s work so he’ll accidentally do them
istg he’s literally like 5 pieces of paper away from being finished before he realizes he’s in the middle of doing dazai’s 2 week missing report and that he’s done all of your paperwork for today
he starts screaming and you nervously sweat drop from like halfway across the city bc oh boy you can already tell that this isn’t going to go down well
nakajima atsushi *ೃ༄
// akutagawa ryuunosuke
for the sake of keeping you of age, let’s say you’re twins
he cannot for the life of him comprehend how you fell for that...thing
at first you think he’s mad at you which makes you sad, but he’s not; he’s just really really surprised
he never thought that akutagawa would’ve gotten a girlfriend with his “attack and or kill first don’t ask questions ever” kind of thing he’s got going on
ok, sure, akutagawa getting a girlfriend? he’ll get over that shock soon, it’s not rlly his business yk?
but the fact that his girlfriend iS HIS SISTER??
yeah no never in a million years
sometimes he wakes up in the morning thinking that it was a just a nightmare dream till his overhears you on the phone with ryuu and he’s like
“...so that wasn’t a nightmare after all”
it’s like a complete switch of their relationship
atsushi is more than willing to fight ryuu and on the other hand ryuu is somewhat in control
and just to clarify it’s not bc he doesn’t want to fight atsushi, no he’s always willing to do that bc how dare that jinko look down on me but it’s more like if does it you’ll get upset with him
he doesn’t want to do that
so he fights with every single fiber of his being to resist the urge of smacking atsushi into wall bc no if i do that y/n gets mad and that’s not good
and boy were there close calls
they’re literally 2 seconds from attacking each other but then suddenly they’ll feel a chill in the room from your direction and stop then refuse to make eye contact with anyone
you included (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
you don’t think that they’ll ever get along, but at least for your sake, you’re sure that they’ll at least try to tolerate each other
for now anyways (*°▽°*)
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate on here or any other sites!
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kubomayu · 4 years
1) pan! Sort of... its v hard to define what i like exactly so,,,,, its easier to say I’m pan and be done with it
2) I’m obsessed with fuckin writing babeyyyyy mostly porn. ...exclusively porn
3) I’ve done ibuprofen AND paracetamol at the same time so,, ;)
4) i want one of those epic scaffolding ones! If thats what its called the one that goes across the top of your ear???
5) at least 3 people two of which were on the mouth hehe
6) proper English country style with a huge comfy bed and a massive garden with all sorts of pretty flowers and a TREE and a pond
7) I’m jealous of literally anyone that has better motivation than i do
8) b99 babey!! Its really easy and also makes me laugh :)
9) sometimes yeha
10) not anymore! It used to be porn related actually
11) I’d teleport to that one person tha t i love dearly duh
12) student teacher ÙwÚ
13) I’ve considered it?????????????????????? I’m scared though
14) on charities!! And on my family
15) i am! For 3 years i think now
16) i used to but they turned into gross hardcore shit when i like the romantic/aesthetic side of porn like photography and stuff (not for masturbation if thats what you’re asking, i just like pretty pictures of genitalia and boobs)
17) occasionally
18) many! One for sailor moon, one for rhcp.... so much... too much
19) i probably wont my name is pretty epic enough as it is
20) cute things! Cute girls cute cats cute ...food?
21) they make me laugh everyday
22) uhhh as far as i know they dont use tumblr?? And i dont talk to them anymore so I’d rather now expose them
23) rhcp! Radiohead! Joji! Band-maid! Konomi Suzuki!
24) America! (just for food really) japan! (Also sort of for food) ummmmmm cant think of anywhere else
25) napping in bed with my cats and also being kissed
26) winter! Its freezing cold and everything is dead its so peaceful and serene
27) there is NOTHIGN worse than being poked if anyone jabbed their finger on my arm I’d have to kill them sorry i don’t make the rules
28) i really dont know i laugh at pretty much anything I’m really easy
29) joker for the right reasons though
30) idk if they have tumblr but iv_arm on twitter n instagram theyre p cool
31) ebooks because I’m clumsy
32) either ac or in middle earth
33) a mix between pastel goth and regular goth
34) latte babey
35) I’ll never tell
36) nope! One I’m pretty sure is dead and the other one is probably the most ex h a u s t i n g person in the world
37) i hope to get my first next year!
38) yes i need a drink desperately I’m so so thirsty
39) ;)
40) sort of sure
41) who gives a FUCK i only talk to 3 people on here
42) big, hairy and can easily crush me in their arms please and thank you
43) i have no guilty pleasures i love relentlessly
44) yes i write it too its better than disgusting sex scenes in films n telly!
45) I never liked anyone enough to date apart from one person but I moved on
47) my first though was Henry Caville but hes from east London and I’m from north London it’ll never work
48) someone who makes me laugh!!
49) my friends UwU
50) its sunny but the wind is there so I’m not totally roasting in the sun and its not boiling hot and the wind isnt freezing
Oh and here’s all the questions in an order I’m not sure is chronological
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