#piter tag
yuid69 · 2 months
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OLAL :3!!!
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etchif · 3 months
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some design ideas n concepts
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burdensomeblood · 1 month
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Doodles assortment
1) The people’s princess
2) Piter drawn at a restaurant feat. a small picture of a friend
3) Piter
4) Piter family???
5) Rabban gets ready
6) Leto and the Baron as teenagers (I know they aren’t the same age but why would the Baron be beefing with a child come on bro you’re better than this)
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daxwormzz · 3 months
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Catabolic Seed
(more Piter, this time depicting my friend’s design for him. I like a little variety sometimes)
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krillposting · 2 months
Four characters who make you yell "MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN".
Thank you for tagging me, @capondi!!
With apologies that 3 out of 4 are Dastmalchian characters...
1) Abner Krill
The man who launched my account, my darling Abner Krill. His depressive, brooding affect paired with his vibrant powers, social disinhibition and trauma captivated me instantly. Truly as a character he is a hyperfixation like no other. I can fix him? I really can't. But he can fix me.
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2) Piter de Vries.
Abner's opposite in many ways, but my type is fucked up little guy and Piter is the supreme. When I found out Dastmalchian was playing him in the Villeneuve Dune, I immediately became invested. But in process, came to adore every iteration of Piter: book version, Brad Dourif, and every fan art incarnation. They are all my murder husband.
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3) Dennis Murdoc
Oh look, another sociopath! To be honest, I have watched every MacGyver episode which features Murdoc, and none of the others. As far as I'm concerned, Murdoc is the main character of that show. I love that he's a cold blooded killer with a sense of humour, and you can tell Dastmalchian had a blast playing him. His gloves are also a borderline kink tbh.
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4) Floki Vilgerðarson
A character I've never posted about on here, but he is just as much My Man as the Dast boys. The top recommended Google search under Floki's name is "what mental illness does he have?" He's a master craftsman. He's a religious zealot. He's high on hallucinogens. He rocks a smoky eye. He discovered Iceland by mistake. I'm in love with him even though he'd want to kill me with an axe.
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I tag @kyber-infinitygems @practically-an-x-man @aesdi and @cadavergraves if any of you are up for playing - and whomever else too!!
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exdeputysonso · 1 year
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twlvie · 1 month
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pretty bird! pretty bird!
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maaruin · 2 years
When I watched the Dune movie in 2021, I had only read maybe 10 chapters of the book. But it was enough to make the movie less enjoyable for me. To me it feels like two important things from the book are missing in the movie:
1. The Planning
Much of the early parts of the book is devoted to long conversations about how the different sides plan to win the feud between House Atreides and House Harkonnen. In the movie we see only the Harkonnens planning and the scenes are much shorter, their plans less intricate. This gives the impression that a) the trap the Harkonnens set for Duke Leto Atreides is just brute force and b) that the duke walks into this trap without doing much. In the book Leto knows his assignment to Arrakis is a trap, but he has an idea on how to turn the situation to his advantage and win the confrontation. Now, we the reader know that Leto will not survive, but still, active Leto failing at avoiding his doom is much more interesting to see than the passive Leto walking to his doom.
2. Humor
In the books, Baron Harkonnen and his Mentat are funny. Their planning session is a blast to read. And Paul has his own mischievous sense of humor. His meeting with the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother has them kinda verbally sparring with each other, with the Reverend Mother coming out on top. In the movie the Harkonnens are just boring-evil (also, I don’t like their design) and Paul just looks confused and distant all the time.
Anyways I picked up the Dune book again a few days ago and reading it just reminds me how much I enjoy the dialogue. I think this part could have been adapted better. (There were a few other things they nailed, in particular creating a futuristic world that looks ancient old.)
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bobateaboo · 2 years
you should tell me a fun fact about your characters itd be funny
Piper is very slowly gaining more and more monster features. i have a future design for her in mind where she'll have red eyes and claws
Onyx is 19, meaning by lamia measures he's reached adulthood, but still has more growing to do. unfortunately, not nearly as much as he says he does, he will always be short compared to the rest of his pit
Cinnabon has a little theme song i wrote him on violin, called The First Act, and i very much imagine him doing trapeze stunts while committing literal murder
Indigo was my first ever undertale oc! they were meant to be a self insert and the main character of an ask comic, but I never got around to making it and now am very different than them
Saturn and Jupiter (and Turn and Piter, by @andizoidart) have two out of their three parents still alive (they were a poly!), both of which think their children died as toddlers and are still thoroughly dead. Their father, Granite, is an earth giant how currently runs a small homey blacksmith and is known for housing lost travelers, and their mother, Cassiopeia (also by Andi) lives at the base of the mountain, mostly being Big and Scary. they're divorced, after what happened to their kids and their wife
Variable has melt downs. Literally. A number of his ribs are semi fused where they've melted into each other
Onyx and Cinnabon both work for the big bad of my universe (and are forced to work under magic contract rules), but they're the only two who's seen them in years
No one ever really taught Export what sex is. he's the oldest of the siblings currently living in his house and in charge by default most of the time, just no one ever really thought to tell him
Summer is terrified of the dark. he got lost in the underground after all the lights had been turned out as a child and ran into more than a few unpleasant things
Nebula, as a kid, wanted to see if his wings worked but couldn't get a start from the ground. he figured that starting from somewhere higher to see if he could "glide" would help, which is how he ended up jumping off a roof and breaking a leg
the in universe explanation for Solar's costume change was that his Uncle Daybreak (surprise surprise, also by Andi!) got fed up with his lack of fashion sense and took him to get a proper outfit tailored. everyone say thank you to Daybreak for saving you from the costume design i made when i was twelve
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wickedlittleoz · 2 years
for the ask game: 4, 54, 90, 99 :)
hi love!!! thanks for sending these in <3
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
to be honest i've actually managed my oldest plot bunny already! for yeeeeears i wanted to write a music and lyrics (the 2007 film with hugh grant and drew barrymore) au, i remember attempting it many times for many different fandoms. and a couple years back i finally did it! (would link it but it's ptbr because, well, the pairing comes from a brazilian show; it's on my ao3 anyways) but to the optional question, yes, and i figured i love that film so much (even though it's cringy and predictable and silly) that i wanted to be able to write something that gave me just as much joy, and it's so hard to feel like what you're creating is on the same level as the stuff that you admire! maybe that's why i ended up writing it in my mother language after all.
54. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
to write what your heart wants, not what you think others would like to read. there's nothing wrong with writing self-insert or 'mary sue' characters if that brings you joy. life is hard and fanart offers us an escape, and you shouldn't be ashamed of that. took me long enough to learn and embrace this.
90. do you notice your own voice in your writing style?
yes. i talk too much and get lost in my thoughts and tie my sentences with too many 'and's and 'like's, and i never know when to stop. more often than not i find myself doing just that in my stories, so i try to at least edit it out and then use it only where it can help build up some tension.
99. was being a writer a dream of yours when you were little? or did it spring up when your older? or is it just a hobby? 
it is just a hobby, but it was once a dream, yes. i grew up on books, so i also spent a lot of time coming up with my own stories and thought it would be amazing to live off of that. in my teens i came onto fandom and fanfiction, and it became sort of a side thing, but it still means a lot to me. it's the way i feel most comfortable expressing my creativity. when i'm going through writing spurts, like right now, i feel like i get more focused and dedicated overall in life.
send me writer asks!
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okawarihappylife · 1 year
get your limbus only non lobcorp related shitpost out of the fucking lobcorp tag
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m0nsterpaint · 1 year
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tmw u fake a fight with your giant robot shell made up of five other robots to prove yourself within the autobot scout academy and end up endangering half your team and eventually gets you kicked off the academy but not before a combiner takes interest in you and trains you 2 control ur hivemind squadrant
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icedb1ackcoffee · 2 months
Corrupted by Design CH 3 | Feyd-Rautha x Reader
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After generations of pillaging and destroying their ecosystem, you are assigned by the Emperor to work on with the Harkonnens to improve their planet’s agriculture as Imperial Ecologist. However, Giedi Prime is far from welcoming, and you must fight to survive the horrors you endure at the hands of the Harkonnens. When you catch the eye of the Baron’s youngest nephew, and most prized possession, you step into a world complicated by politics and revenge.
Tags: Unbeta’d, AFAB Reader, multiple OCs, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, enemy to friends to lovers/enemy lovers, slow burn, fake science, blood, violence, gore, body horror, cannibalism, uncle/nephew incest (implied), eventual smut, etc.
A/N: I’ve never read the books, so this is a combination of the Villeneuve films, the Dune Wiki, and a heavy dose of just making shit up lol. I try my best to make Reader as nondescript as possible, but there are mentions of having periods and body hair in later chapters. As a warning up front, this will not have a Happily Ever After ending, but maybe more like Happy For Now?
Please mind the tags; this is very dark, but that comes with the territory.
Chapter Three: Cupio Dissolvi
Previous Chapter ⦾ Next Chapter
“It seems that you have caused quite the disruption since your arrival, Ecologist.”
You hardly registered the new voice in the room. Your fingers scraped against the thick material of your clothes, still wet from the commander’s blood. You killed a man, and you barely felt anything in spite of it. You killed him. 
A tall man had entered the room. Your eyes glossed over him briefly before returning to your lap. Piter de Vries, the tall Mentat you recognized briefly meeting so long ago, stopped across from you and introduced himself. He was alone. 
“I would not lay the blame on my presence. Any soul sent here would have faced the same.” Your voice cracked, and it ached from screaming. You didn’t bother clearing your throat; you let the uncomfortable feeling linger. You wiped at your warm, wet cheeks. 
“I didn’t realize you were so superstitious.”
Read More
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daxwormzz · 3 months
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Posting oc art but you ALSO get the baron. Yeah that’s right you have to look at my art of Vladimir Harkonnen.
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gggoldfinch · 4 months
Hiiii! What are your favorite fics of all time? And favorite books?
(I'm in need of reading material 👀)
OHHH MY GOD okay ! I’m SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!!!! This is going to be an INSANE and comprehensive list crossing multiple fandoms/ genres. Everything will be on ao3, but some authors are also my tumblr mutuals or friends so I’ll tag them too. Regular books will be at the end!!!
Important Notes: these won’t be ordered according to preference, just as they come to mind/as I go thru my bookmarks; I’ll group the fandoms together. There will be a mix of oneshots & multichap, finished & unfinished, mostly xReader with some xOC. I do fancy darkfics, dead doves, and otherwise questionable material, but for the sake of social affability I won’t add anything that is too dark, and will give adequate warnings if it verges on being so; keep in mind all of these have their own specific ao3 tags to heed, remember the golden rule: don’t like don’t read!
By The Light of The Second Moon by @eloquentmoon: Star Wars, Darth Maul/reader, unfinished multichap, canon typical violence
Snacks of Dathomir by Kuraiummei: Star Wars, Opress Bros/Mando!reader, unfinished multichap, crackfic adjacent in that it’s largely about cooking + Mand’o language
Solicitude by @shiversdownyerspine: TUA, The Swedes/powered!reader, unfinished multichap, canon-typical weirdness
this is a gift (it comes with a price) by moonlightserenades: Ghost, Cardinal Copia/reader, unfinished multichap
I Knew Nothing But Shadows by @writingjourney: Ghost, Papa IV (Copia)/ reader, unfinished multichap
Friday Nights at the Vinothek by @writingjourney: Ghost, vampire!Papa II (Secondo)/human!reader, oneshot, vampire-typical bloodiness
Lapine by @bjorntobemild: Fargo, Ole Munch/reader, complete multichap, canon-typical violence & weirdness
The Price of Vengeance by Mighty_Peacock & Prickly_Panda: AVP, yautja/human!oc, unfinished multichap, canon-typical violence, obligatory monsterfuckery, Dead Doveish
The Shadow in the Valley by frogonalog: AVP, yautja/human!oc, complete multichap, canon-typical violence, obligatory monsterfuckery
Breaking Bread by SS_Shitstorm: Transformers Prime, Megatron/human!reader (plus some other shenanigans), unfinished multichap, crackfic adjacent in that it’s largely about questionable chemistry, slightly more violent than canon, obligatory robotfuckery
Sweet by RandomFangirlX3: Transformers Prime, Starscream/human!reader, oneshot, obligatory robotfuckery
Who I Used to Be by TheNaiveMuse: Transformers Prime, humanized!Starscream/human!reader, unfinished multichap, verges on bodyhorror?
the beast that you know by ghoulstly: OFF, Batter/reader, oneshot
Rest for the Wicked by Korpuskat: Halloween, Michael Myers/reader, complete multichap, canon-typical violence, Dead Dove
Put a Pin in It by charCUTIErie: Hellraiser, Pinhead/ OC, unfinished multichap, canon-typical violence & bdsm elements, Dead Dove
The Mountain by TheMusicalHermit: Overwatch, unfinished multichap, Jamison Fawkes/reader, canon-typical insanity
New additions as of May 2024:
Soft Ribs by @0lemunch (bisquik on ao3): Snow White & the Huntsman, Finn/ OC, oneshot, Dead Dove
More Deadly by @0lemunch (bisquik on ao3): Fargo, Ole Munch/ OC, completed multichap, canon-typical violence
Ginger Snaps by @feralghouls (bisqik on ao3): Fallout (Prime), Cooper Howard (The Ghoul)/ ghoul!OC, oneshot, Dead Dove
janey’s dad by @ghoulphile: Fallout (Prime), prewar!Cooper Howard/ babysitter!reader, unfinished oneshot
The Interrogation by TheFlorescentElsewhere: Dune (2021), Piter de Vries/ OC, incomplete multichap, canon-typical mindfuckery, Dead Doveish
That’s all I can think of for now, I’m glad to finally have a comprehensive list for myself to reference haha!
Now on to books:
Again, not ordered by preference. There will be a mix of novels, graphic novels, anthologies, academic books, and plays, of all different genres.
Dune by Frank Herbert
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (wrote part of my senior thesis on this one lol)
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Hellboy graphic novel series by Mike Mignola
The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro & Daniel Kraus
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Idiot Verse poetry book by Keaton Henson
Women Writers in Renaissance England edited by Randall Martin
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Norton Anthology of English Literature books C-F
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Alien vs Predator: Ultimate Prey anthology (various authors)
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Low, Low Woods graphic novel by Carmen Maria Machado
New additions as of May 2024:
Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazzterica
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
Again, thank you SO MUCH for asking. This was lovely and wildly entertaining to put together ❤️ Inbox is always open if you’re looking for more recommendations!
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