#pit babe brainrot
shawolsos · 4 months
"you can't call Babe a pretty little princess–"
My sibling in christ, the man spent his childhood being used as a political bargaining tool who was expected to one day be auctioned off to bear someone's children (holy shit that's depressing) and to top that off, he's now married to a dude called CHARLES. I honest to god dare you to try and find a more on the nose definition of the word princess.
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ohanny · 4 months
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it's giving tony died of a perfectly natural, nothing suspicious here aneurysm almost a decade ago and kenta inherited the whole chenpire because by then pete had already left to start beyond and gotten himself struck out of the will. instead of competing against each other, they teamed up and helped each other grow and restructure. so basically we have two young, ridiculously hot, competent and respected ceos.
but they're also just…men. so one time during their monthly brotherly bonding nights, talking about their newest sports cars leads to talking about sports and cars and somehow, after a bottle of whiskey, they decide to each randomly pick a local racing team to sponsor and then make bets to see whose team wins at the end of the season because that's just a very billionaire thing to do.
kenta’s hangover does not get better when he realizes pete totally had some prior knowledge because how else did he just magically happen to end up with team x-hunter while kenta is stuck with red racing and winner, the biggest loser. first order of business? get his team manager to find him more drivers actually capable of beating the famous pit babe.
that's how kim ends up in bangkok. and kenta… kenta is instantly smitten. kim is confused because he did his research and he's heard his potential new co-workers talk about kenta and how he's competent and strict but fair. the man in front of him starts stuttering when he smiles and sounds downright shy when asking how he’s liking the team so far.
kim: the track is nice and the car is okay but -
kenta: whatever you want.
kim: i didn't even get to finish.
kenta: i mean it. anything.
kim: mmmh, could get expensive.
kenta: i can afford it.
kim: shall we discuss it over dinner?
kenta: uh -
kim: i do make a mean japchae and you did generously provide me with an apartment with a great kitchen.
kenta: that sounds -
kim: great. i’ll see you at seven. you know where i live.
kenta leaving the garage in a panic, cancelling all his appointments and calling pete because what the fuuuuuck
kenta: my new racer just asked me out. except... he didn't ask? he told me to show up at seven. at his place.
pete: bahahahahahahaha
kenta: WHAT DO I DO
pete: show up at seven, duh. and bring condoms.
kenta hangs up. and he shows up at seven and decidedly does not bring condoms which will make kim laugh later in the night because “such a gentleman… good thing i’m not.”
and obviously kim will stay with red racing and kenta continues to be painfully, obviously whipped for him, much to everyone’s amusement. and it's great because kim is everything he has ever wanted, there is no tony to make him feel bad about himself and if someone does cross the line - *cough winner cough crying about favoritism* - kim has no trouble correcting that behaviour. and this is where we make a full circle to this picture and how it's giving rich ceo with his top racer boyfriend ready to take on the season.
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existentialcrisiscore · 4 months
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pretty face, miserable eyes, questionable morals
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queersouthasian · 6 months
Things I want from Pit Babe
P.s: I have extremely minimal idea about the novel
Way trying to hypnotise Pete but realising his powers don't work on him, in return being terrified
Charlie in action (like anything, chocking, punching, stabbing lmao, ANYTHING)
Babe realising Way has been hypnotising him (may happen tbh)
Charlie dropping honorifications and calling babe, "Pit babe" or just "babe" in his deep slutty voice
a solo shot of Sonic walking down the racetrack with those coloured smokes while wearing a fancy oversized jacket
Dean to be the one to rail winner lmao
One biting/marking scene
Overprotective jeff (for alan tbh)
Babe crying over Charlie (idk why BUT I NEED IT)
Someone going into heat, fr
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okiedokie2216 · 5 months
if you see me make my 5347544th reblog of pit babe the series 4 days after an ep aired no you didn't
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kiyoitiepie · 6 months
i wanna talk about all the other crazy bl shit that happened this weekend but my mind is still with mama and papa
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nozunhinged · 4 months
I may haven’t uttered a single word about them but I’m thinking about petekenta way more than I‘m able to handle
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scarefox · 6 months
shifting from twin murder (?) erotic mystery -> to twin sport switch romcom -> to sport car racing omegaverse
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gayshrug · 6 months
pit babe ep 5 thoughts
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the priorities are shifting
needless to say, i was at the edge of my seat/swooning/angry throughout the entirety of this week's episode. here we go
ALANJEFF. SCREAM. i'm pretty sure i have side-couple-syndrome judging by how fixated i am on them and every single second of screentime they get. jeff's wet boba eyes...... alan's stern but caring face....... unrelated but i checked the actors' profiles on MDL and a) jeff's my age. hello, fellow 95er. b) who would've fucking thought they only have an age difference of two years c) impeccable casting
wait. the way jeff was fully expecting alan to side with him because he's already grown to trust alan in this unfamiliar place... and his trust is NOT misplaced. as a fellow introverted person, alan's concerns are spot-on. how can you expect other people to understand you and know your motives when you're that closed-off? it was a painful read but mostly justified. and we know (thanks to that wonderful preview) that alan's gonna do his best to get jeff to open up away from the pressure of The Workplace and prying eyes. he's gonna put in the effort. i love them sooooo much
also that toyota product placement was the funniest thing i've ever seen like i wanted to feel sad for jeff so badly but. it was undercut by the effective showcasing of the google maps bluetooth function
I STILL FEEL SO CONFLICTED ABOUT CHARLIE!!!!!!!!!! like i'm 99% sure that he genuinely cares about babe and isn't just pampering him in order to get that racing gig or whatever but. @ the showrunners PLEASE give us more insight into his motives. i can't enjoy half the sweet things he says and does when i don't know whether they're genuine or not.
that being said.............................. babe is SO in love. and who wouldn't be. charlie's little face, his determination to care for him, the attention he gives him. that whole pre-race-nerves scene was the cutest thing in the world. and pavel's In Love look is so fucking heartwarming. HIS ACTING IN THE FLASHBACK TOO. the little "eep" when he first started the motor. i am in love with him. he's so so sweet. i love that his hardened exterior is beginning to melt away more and more, despite the potential for further hurt. pavel's gonna EAT in future emotional scenes.
i want tony to eat dirt. and SOON. the way he treated cutie was abysmal. the scars and despair. wet and pathetic looking at himself in the mirror. i hope he and kim are going to bond soon and take that man DOWN. (i'm rooting for a death here.)
ik we're gonna get peteway but i didn't get anything from that first interaction. here's to hoping way's gonna realise he's gotta start focusing on other people soon because he continues to get on my nerves.
still don't care for sonic and the other guy like. cut their dialogue and give me more jeff. cut winner out too. JEFF. ALAN. JEFFALAN. more charliebabe forehead kisses. give me it.
idk what dean's gonna do but him getting punched by alan of all people........ dude must really, really fuck up in the next episode. can't wait. this is obviously gonna lead to him switching to red racing and colluding (touching tips) with winner, which i'm less excited about, but we'll see.
i love the whole "babe is probably gonna sit out the season we're so done he needs to recover let's get a replacement to support way asap" thing.... and then charlie and dean have to compete against babe. like girl..... isn't he supposed to rest fhskdjf
once again i'm avoiding book spoilers like the plague so i don't fucking know what's going on with babe's powers but uh. if this turns out to be a permanent thing, i doubt it's just from the accident.
on the other hand, i love that babe (with charlie's help) seems to be adjusting quite well. after the initial frustration after the crash, he didn't have another outburst while charlie was caring for him. he, like, accepted his circumstances and put his energy into helping his baby achieve his dream and. that's cute as hell.
that whole "but what are you gonna give me if i win wink wink" moment..... the fucking tension. HIS PUSSY. you're gonna get his pussy, charlie
ik we're not even halfway through the season but. PLEASE. tell me what charlie and jeff's plan is because, aside from the ominous phonecall in ep 1, i really don't get the vibe that they're doing anything malicious. and if their plan is to take down tony, how would they accomplish that when the xhunter team is basically imploding. partially due to their meddling/ unclear communication. WHAT IS THEIR PLAN. if they wanna build a secret society of Tony's Rejected Adopted Sons, they're gonna have to put in some real work. because those bonds are rotting.
ok i'm done. once more: i fucking love this show and it's getting more and more difficult to wait for each next episode. i wanna watch it all NOW. also [foaming at the mouth] alanjeff
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silverraes · 6 months
not the omegaverse car racing show providing THE cutest, softest kisses
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shawolsos · 4 months
Can we all just accept, like, as a collective that post-canon, Pete and Kenta reconnect and end up together, okay that's fantastic, great work today team, thanks <3
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goldenquillarchive · 5 months
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existentialcrisiscore · 4 months
I feel like we don't talk enough about how way's character would have been so much more complex and the love chain would have been so much more dramatic if they had not made him such an irredeemable character
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inrainprose · 4 months
OMG thank you for tagging me! I love how you say you don't have many WIPs... I have exactly 1 atm :-p
Ofc I'm most intrigued by the "PB - Death" title... Can't wait for the next installment of this amazing universe you're building! Love ya!
I feel like people have so many sometimes?? Tbh this is more than usual for me and it's all Pit Babe's fault ^^
That was a fake WIP because I was finalizing it already when I made that post, so here it is hehe
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creepywitchy · 5 months
excuse the brainrot. it will happen again.
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ikigaisvt · 6 months
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in which your boyfriend comforts you after a restless night.
pairing: joshua x gn!reader words count: 1.6k content: comfort, fluff warnings: talk of insomnia, eating, talk of drinking, petnames (for reader: babe, baby, sweeheart / for joshua: josh, love), skinship (cuddles, kisses) note: hi!! the joshua brainrot has been hitting hard lately; im kinda in love,, thank you so much @goblinvern for proof reading this for me 🫶 you're the absolute best! minors are allowed to interact with this post but please don't follow or i'll hard block you. enjoy and don't forget to leave a like/comment/reblog! note 2.0: i wasn't planning on posting this fic before the new year, but since i had it sitting in the drafts and it's joshua's day, i thought it'd be a good timing to post it now~ i hope everyone will have a good 2024 and happy birthday to shua!! 🫶
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You were pretty sure if people would have to describe you, they’d use that word: admirative. You were one to always be left in awe at people’s talents, whether it be singing, drawing, dancing or truly anything else. Even though you were creative yourself, you’d always be admirative of what people could create out of their minds only. But if you had to say the one skill that would leave you speechless, as it is not one you possess, it’s being able to function with little to no sleep.
Okay, let’s redo this. If you’re being truthful, people would more likely describe you as sleepy. You were someone who always loved sleeping; however, sleep did not like you. You were never like one of those people who could sleep anywhere and through anything, you were rather on the more sensitive side when it came to sleeping. Over the years, you had put together a very strict routine you had to follow every night to ensure a restful sleep. But oh, if you had the bad idea or the bad luck to skip or miss a step? You’d end up falling asleep at 1 am and waking up at 5 am. And that’s exactly what happened yesterday night. Now, you’re used to this so surely you would know how to handle your own state and have the most productive day despite your tiredness. However, because the world never gives enough hardships to one, you were sometimes faced with a special kind of tiredness. A tiredness that would make you stick to anyone’s side. A tiredness that would make you hug a person and never let go. And when that happened, well, no amount of self-knowledge could make you change for the day. But maybe you have something to thank the world for: it gave the loveliest and gentlest boyfriend ever. And he loves cuddles.
10 am – 5 hours since I’ve been awake. He should be awake pretty soon; you think to yourself. Here you were, perched on the kitchen stool, an empty bowl of cereal in front of you, waiting for your boyfriend to wake up so you could cuddle. When you first woke up, you had hoped you would fall back asleep immediately, even though that rarely happened for you, so you didn’t even think of cuddling. But when you realized you would not fall asleep, you decide to get up and go about your day, already looking forward to your afternoon’s nap. All you did was settle down on your couch and put on your favorite show – The Vampire Diaries and around 9am, when hungriness settled down in the pit of your stomach, you got up and made yourself a bowl of cereal. You don’t know what triggered your need to hug your boyfriend – maybe the chill air that settled in your apartment as winter is coming closer or maybe the fact that you haven’t seen him a lot lately, but all you have been thinking about since then was him. Him and his arms enveloping you. Him and his scent making your head spin. Him and his fingers playing with your hair. Him, him, him. Now, you could have woken him up but knowing he came back home around 2 am – as he was out drinking with Jeonghan – you didn’t find it in you to ruin his sleep.
“10:30 am – he really should be awake by now,” you say out loud before you hear the water running in your bathroom. You slowly lean and peek at your hallway only to see Joshua walk down towards you – more like, towards the kitchen, his hair sticking out in weird angles while he rubs the sleep away from his eyes.
“Sweetheart,” he calls out to you once he gets closer, “Since when have you been awake?” he asks, worries written all over his face. He knows how much you struggle with sleeping.
“I woke up around 5,” you mumble as he starts making himself a cup of coffee. At your words he turns around to look at you, gives up on his coffee and comes around the kitchen bar.
“Oh babe,” he says, his hands reaching for your face, cupping your cheeks gently, “Is it because of me? Did I wake you up?” he questions, his eyes searching yours for an answer.
“No, you’re fine. You know how it gets for me sometimes,” you reassure him, your hands holding on his wrists.
“Okay, okay,” he says, “What can I do? Do you want to stay in bed while I clean around? Today is cleaning day, right?” he asks, trying to come up with a way to make today easier for you.
“Well, cleaning day is reported to tomorrow,” you chuckle, lighting up the situation, “but there’s something I’d really like,” you mumble, trying to work up the courage to ask him for cuddles.
“Yes, tell me. Anything for you,” he nods, his hands now resting on your neck, his fingers playing with the little hair at the back of your head.
“You promise you won’t make fun of me?” you ask him, holding out your hand in a pinky promise.
“Of course. I promise I won’t make fun of you,” he states, as he meets your hand in the same promise, a glint of mischievousness appearing in his eyes, “You want cuddles, don’t you?” he asks in a smile.
“How did you know?” you gasp, not knowing what could have given you up. But truly, Joshua knew as soon as he looked at you. He couldn’t pin point what gave you away either but he’s sure it’s there somewhere, in your shiny eyes, in your slight pout or maybe it’s the way your body is leaning into his, faster, closer, than usual.
“You always ask me to not make fun of you before asking for cuddles,” he chuckles, trying to come up with an answer without giving away how much he loves you, “and I always tell you I will not. Never.” He says, planting a kiss on your forehead, “Especially not when you’re being so open with what you need. You know I’ll always try to provide whatever you need for you.” Okay, he thinks to himself, maybe I did give myself away with that one.
“Thank you, Josh,” you murmur, your hands finding his shirt, as you pull him towards you so he can stand between your legs, “Just like this. For a few seconds.” You tell him, your voice even quieter as you bury yourself in his chest. You feel his arms reach behind you, rubbing your head and your back in slow motion, bringing you the comfort you were wishing for. Your body slowly relaxes, your hands untighten against his shirt and your breath becomes slower, little sighs leaving you as you realize that this is feeling rested. This is what love feels like. This is what home feels like.
“Feels good?” he whispers, his hand now drawing circles on your back, your response coming in the form of a nod, “You want to move to the couch?” he asks as you mumble yes against his shirt, slowly leaving his embrace. You look up at him, your eyes meeting as he reaches for your face, slowly coming closer to your lips. Just as you close your eyes and your lips are about to meet, he whispers something about the couch and suddenly you’re hoisted up in the air, his arms around you.
“There we go, baby,” he says as he kisses your forehead, blush creeping on your cheeks at how much he’s covering you with love, “Hold on tight,” he whispers, your arms finding rest on his shoulders as he holds you closer to his chest.
He slowly makes his way to the couch, the slight movement of his steps almost lulling you to sleep, to that state you always struggle to find on your own. And yet with him, it’s so easy. So easy you find yourself sleepier than before, as Joshua sets you down on the couch, his arms open to allow you the rest you deeply deserve. Your cheek is pressed against his chest, his heart like a lullaby to you while he strokes your hair out of your face.
“You’re good now?” he whispers as he plants another kiss on your head.
“Hm, yeah. Thank you, love,” you whisper, already feeling sleepier than a few minutes ago as he strokes your back.
“Please, don’t thank me,” he starts, “always come find me when you can’t sleep, okay? Call me and I’ll come running. Tell me and I’ll drop everything. Wake me up whenever and I will give every ounce of sleep to you.” he says, your eyes looking up at him, “You need to promise me, okay?” he asks, his hand already out in a pinky promise.
“I swear,” you answer, your hand locking his into a promise. You take a hold of his hand quick enough, playing with his fingers before you start leaving kisses on his open palm, his knuckles, the tip of his fingers, “I love you.” you whisper as you let his hand down, your fingers still intertwined.
“I know,” he says quietly, his eyes filled with something you can’t describe. Perhaps it is love. “I love you too. So much.” He tells you, sealing his love with a kiss on your hand as your eyes feel heavier than before, sleep and warmth slowly invading your body.
It’s when you feel your body getting heavier, Joshua’s heart beats fading in the background as his hand never stop rubbing your back that you realize you should have added cuddles with Joshua as a crucial part of your night routine. No matter how many tips you will try to sleep better – earplugs, sleeping masks, white noise music, nothing will ever compare to Joshua and the comfort, rest and love he brings you. And maybe after a few years, you’ll be able to only have one step in your night routine.
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thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it 🫶
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