#pirates FM
steeros · 7 months
I should've never been given access to AV equipment...
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anartisticalniche · 5 months
He noticed some commucion one day as he strolled around the plaza looking around for inspiration.
A crowd of some sort had formed around a corner; they were cheering, laughing at something- or someone- that he couldn't really see, due to the amount of people present.
As he approached the cheering citizens, his eyes lit up at what he witnessed.
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A pair of men, two brothers he believed, were performing acts of comedy and telling jokes, keeping the audience they had gathered captivated.
They were foreign, he could tell, as the thick accent reverbted in their joyful voices. Their clothes dirty and broken in places, but the glint in their eyes lightning up whatever state their physical form were at the moment.
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The man remained astonished: he could smell talent a mile away, and he believed he had just stepped a mine full of gold with these two.
After everyone had scattered, he approached, and while they remained wary, he simply clapped cheerfully.
"Bravo! You boys put on quite the show! I'm really impressed!"
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He bowed down, a gleam in his eye: "My name is SMG4, and I'd like to offer you both an opportunity. How would you fine gentlemen like a better stage than the dirty streets of the Mushroom Kingdom?"
Here we go! First prologue of A Corsair Freebooter, aka how the Mario bros met SMG4.
The poor boys were immigrants that performed around the streets for money, and the blue man himself took a bit advantage of it and recruited them for his plays in theater.
(I want to point out that he doesn't straight up become friends with them... he's a bit of an asshole like in the first era in canon, where he mainly focuses on getting famous and popularity through his work...
He'll get there though in terms of friendship, don't worry!)
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yellowmanula · 1 month
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Wielbiciele Rave Fm wśród Famili i zagranico, bo w samej Hameryce
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eaktionsshaytan · 2 months
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Derek Jarman
Pirate Tape
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liminalmindcore · 3 months
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lamentationsofasinner · 10 months
best things abt cornwall: ( a very unserious post)
1: PIRATE FM!!!!
i'm not even joking, johnny off pirate fm raised me. and their little segments, omg! i'm so good at where are we to it's not even real, and daytime in the duchy is the best programme ever. and before you ask, pirate's been bred into me. so much that ik their hotline number. 01209313900 just in case you were wondering. and you can get a pirate windscreen sticker. genius.
2: falmouth packet
i'm from falmouth, and when i tell you that the falmouth packet is the most quality piece of journalism out there i'm not exaggerating. the reports from the truro crown courts are just TOO FUCKING GOOD and the headlines are so overwhelmingly shit! i kid you not, one week the front page was 'pig becomes stuck in house' . journalistic gold.
3: the blanket hate of tourists!
this is a hate shared by every single cornish person, even though tourism brings in shit tons of money to our communities. we all gripe and bitch abt your quba sails coats and your teslas and range rovers and god help you if you have even the slightest northern accent. i am praying for you as i write this.
4: poldark
i'm going to keep this short and sweet. WHEN HE GOES OFF RIDING TO TRURO HE IS RIDING THE WRONG FUCKING WAY!!!!
5: david fucking barnicoat.
let's face it, if you're from falmouth, you either love him or you hate him. basically, david barnicoat is the local busybody, but we love him sm. he also used to do a very good column in the falmouth packet abt the shipping movements at the docks.
6: the pronunciation of fowey
some ignorant twats pronounce fowey 'foewee' because they're annoying and stupid. these people are so prevalent that studies say that the pronunciation of the place is literally changing. pronounce it FOY folks!
7: regarding anywhere beyond the tamar as 'foreign'
if you're not cornish, you'll need this explained, but the tamar is the river between devon and cornwall, and there is an ongoing joke between the cornish that anywhere not in cornwall is foreign. my lovely gorgeous amazing friend eliza is from exeter and i call her a bloody foreigner. btw we're not being offensive, it's a joke before people start getting all anti-discriminatory.
8: we laugh at your clocks that say 'dreckly'
we don't actually say dreckly anymore. merchandise has cruelly robbed it from us.
absolutely fucking brilliant department store, and the best one is in falmouth, not newton bloody abbot. it may be in a castle, but you can't find a fucking thing in there. you can buy anything in trago (the falmouth one) because it is just too good. but they sell the randomest shit, like in the sports department, you can buy guns and crossbows. like wtf. buuuutttt, they have the best christmas display, that is set up in like late september, so your perception of time is all fucked up. honestly, when they set it up for the first time it feels like november. i forgive them tho because they have a little train THAT GOES ROUND ON TRACKS. INJECT IT INTO MY VEINS.
also they have the best advert on pirate ever. *headbangs* wHaTeVeR yOu wAnT -DUH DUH- wHaTeVeR yOu LiKe -DUH DUH-
thanks very much for listening to my totally unserious post abt cornwall. david barnicoat, you won't be reading this but if you are, i'm sorry!
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grantgoddard · 6 days
The genesis of black music radio in London … still unfulfilled : 1970-1984 : Radio Invicta 92.4
 I only knew 'Roger Tate' (real name Bob Tomalski) through listening to his programmes on the radio. He was a DJ on 'Radio Invicta', London’s first soul music radio station, launched in 1970. Invicta was a pirate radio station. Back then, there were no legal radio stations in the UK other than the BBC.
The notion of a campaign for a soul music radio station for London had been a little premature, given that no kind of commercial radio had yet existed in Britain. But that is exactly what Radio Invicta did. As Roger Tate explained on-air in 1974:
“Who are Radio Invicta? You may well be asking. Well, we’re an all-soul music radio station. We’re more of a campaign than a radio station, I suppose. We believe in featuring more good soul music on the radio.”
By 1982, 'Black Echoes' music paper reported that Radio Invicta was attracting 26,000 listeners each weekend for its broadcasts. By 1983, Radio Invicta had collected a petition of 20,000 signatures in support of its campaign for a legal radio licence. There was sufficient space on the FM band for London to have dozens more radio stations. By then, local commercial radio had existed in the UK for a decade. But nobody in power wanted to receive the station’s petition and Invicta’s Mike Strawson commented:
“I have tried to speak to the Home Office about it, but it shuts the door.”
Radio Invicta eventually closed for good on 15 July 1984, the date that the new 'Telecommunications Act' had dramatically increased the penalties for getting caught doing pirate radio to a £2,000 fine and/or three months in jail. By then, 'Capital Radio' had enjoyed its licence as London’s only commercial radio music station for eleven years. Its monopoly reign was still to run for a further six years.
It might have seemed in 1984 that Radio Invicta’s fourteen-year struggle to play soul music on the radio in London had come to absolutely nothing. The Invicta team went their separate ways after the pirate station’s closure. Roger Tate continued his career as a successful technology journalist. After his death in 2001, aged only forty-seven, one of his friends, Trevor Brook, spoke of Tate’s determination to play soul music on the radio in the face of opposition from the government and the radio ‘establishment.’ His eulogy at the funeral of his friend included these comments:
“The government told the story that there were no frequencies available. Now Bob was not stupid. He had enough technical knowledge to know that this was simply not true. So, either government officials were too dim to realise the truth of the situation ... or they were just lying. Nowadays, we have 300 independent transmitters operating in those same wavebands, so you can probably work out which it was. Anyway, in Britain, the result was that any proper public debate about the possible merits of more radio listening choice was sabotaged by this perpetual claim that it was impossible anyway. So, we had pirates. Other countries which had not liberalised the airwaves had pirates as well, but some of them took the refreshingly realistic approach that no harm was being caused, and they permitted unlicensed operations to continue until they got round to regularising the situation. Ambulances still reached their destinations and no aeroplanes fell out of the sky. Not so in this country though. The enforcement services here were too well funded and the established orthodoxy too well entrenched. That 'frequency cupboard' was going to be kept well and truly locked! Bob had thrown himself into running a regular soul station, Radio Invicta. He built a studio, tore it apart and built a better one. He eventually sectioned off part of the flat as a separate soundproofed area. He built transmitters - and got them working. But Bob was nothing if not multi-skilled, and he excelled in producing the programmes themselves. Using nothing more impressive than an old four-track reel-to-reel tape recorder, Bob would create highly polished jingles and station identifications. ‘Roger Tate, super soul DJ.’ Other stations, both official and unofficial, listened to what Bob and his colleagues did and their ideas were copied or imitated. Faced with the authorities, Bob was remarkable, because he was absolutely fearless. He was certain they were in the wrong and, given enough time, were going to lose the battle. It was a war of attrition and only perpetual piracy was ever going to bring about change. And he was quite right about that. The government kept winning the battle in the courts but began to lose the moral one. Eventually the law was changed.  Do we have free radio now? In the sense that anybody can decide to start up a new magazine, find the finance and get on with it, no, we don't have that for radio. The process is bound up with a longwinded regulation and approval process involving a statutory body which has had its fingers burnt in the past by the odd bankruptcy and the odd scandal. So they play safe and issue more licences to those who already have stations. The consequence is that originality and creativity get crushed into blandness and mediocrity. My own teenagers constantly flip between stations in the car, but they don't care enough about any of them to listen indoors. Fresh people don't get to control stations. Behind boardroom doors, they might think it privately, but in what other industry would the chairman of the largest conglomerate in the market dare to say publicly that even the present regime was too open and, I quote, ‘was out of date and was letting inexperienced players into the market’? That is a disgraceful statement. Where would television, theatre, comedy, the arts, and so on be, if new and, by definition, inexperienced people didn't get lots of exposure? The industry is stale, complacent and rotten. Bob, there are more battles out there and we needed you here.”
Ten years later, these words are just as pertinent. It is hard to believe that a bunch of enthusiastic soul music fans who wanted to play their favourite music to their mates could have posed such a threat to the established order. But the history of radio broadcasting in the UK has demonstrated repeatedly that ‘the great and the good’ consider the medium far too important to let control fall out of their hands. Their arguments, however ridiculous, were taken completely seriously because they were the establishment.
Peter Baldwin, deputy director of radio at the 'Independent Broadcasting Authority' [regulator], said in 1985:
“We wouldn’t want to be dealing with two current local stations [in one area]. If it’s Radio Yeovil [operating as the only commercial station in Yeovil], well, that’s okay ... But we couldn’t subscribe to competition [for existing local commercial pop music station Swansea Sound] from Radio Swansea, unless it was in Welsh or concentrated on jazz – and there probably wouldn’t be sufficient demand for that kind of service.”
James Gordon (now Lord Gordon), then managing director of 'Radio Clyde', wrote in 'The Independent' newspaper in 1989:
“It has to be asked whether there is really evidence of pent-up demand from listeners for more localised neighbourhood stations ... Eight to ten London-wide stations would be enough to cater for most tastes.”
David Mellor MP told the House of Commons in 1984:
“The government do not believe that it would be sensible or fair to issue pirate broadcasters with licences to broadcast. To do so, on the basis suggested by the pirate broadcasters, would be progressively to undermine the broadcasting structure that has evolved over the years.”
However, within five years, the government did indeed license a pirate radio station to broadcast in London. Once Invicta had disappeared in 1984, it was superseded by newer, more commercially minded, more entrepreneurial pirate radio stations – 'JFM', 'LWR', 'Horizon' – that played black music for Londoners. In 1985, a new pirate station called 'KISS FM' started, quite hesitantly at first. Its reign as a London pirate proved to be much shorter than Invicta’s but, by the time KISS closed in 1988, it was probably already better known than Invicta.
KISS FM went on to win a London radio licence in 1989 and re-launched legally in 1990. It carried with it the debt of a twenty-year history of black music pirate radio in London started by Radio Invicta and then pushed forward by hundreds of DJ’s who had worked on dozens of London black music stations. KISS FM would never have existed or won its licence without those pirate pioneers.
Sadly, the importance of KISS FM’s licence as the outcome of a twenty-year campaign seemed to be quickly forgotten by its owners and shareholders. The lure of big bucks quickly replaced pirate ideology during a period of history when ‘get rich quick’ was peddled by government as the legitimate prevailing economic philosophy. KISS FM lost the plot rapidly and soon became no more than a money-making machine for a faceless multimedia corporation.
Right now, there remains as big a gap between pirate radio and the licensed radio broadcasters as existed twenty years ago or even forty years ago. London’s supposedly ‘black music’ stations, KISS FM and 'Choice FM', now sound too much of the time like parodies of what they could be. Whereas pirate radio in London still sounds remarkably alive, unconventional and creative. More importantly, only the pirates play the ‘tunes’ that many of us like to hear.
The issue of how black music was ignored by legal radio in London, and then betrayed by newly licensed black music radio stations, is on my mind because of my new book ‘KISS FM: From Radical Radio To Big Business.’ It documents a small part of the history of black music pirate radio in London, and it charts the transformation of KISS FM from a rag tag group of black music fanatics into a corporate horror story. I was on the inside of that metamorphosis and it was an experience that, even twenty years later, remains a sad and terrible time to recall.
In 1974, Roger Tate had wanted more black music to be heard on the radio in London. Ostensibly, that objective has been achieved. But the black music I hear played on white-owned stations in London (there is no black-owned station) is a kind of vanilla 'K-Tel' ‘black music’ that is inoffensive and unchallenging.
If Croydon is the dubstep capital of the world, how come there is no FM radio station playing dubstep in Croydon, or even in London? How come I never hear reggae on the radio when London is one of the world cities for reggae? How come I had to turn to speech station 'BBC Radio Four' to hear anything about the death of Gil Scott-Heron in May? Why is it that Jean Adebambo’s suicide went completely unremarked by radio two years ago?
Legitimate radio in London seems just as scared of contemporary cutting-edge black music as it was in the 1970’s when Roger Tate was trying to fill the gaping hole with Radio Invicta. Nothing has really changed. Except now there exists the internet to fill that gaping hole. And FM pirate radio in London continues to satisfy demands from an audience that legitimate radio has demonstrated time and time again that it doesn’t give a shit about. Is it any surprise that young people are deserting broadcast radio?
Forty years ago, I listened to Roger Tate and London pirates like Radio Invicta because they played the music I wanted to hear. Forty years later, I find it absolutely ridiculous that I am still listening to a new generation of London pirates because they still play the music I want to hear. As Trevor Brook suggested at Roger’s funeral, our radio system is so consumed by “blandness and mediocrity” that “the industry is stale, complacent and rotten.”
Roger Tate R.I.P. You may be gone, but you and your campaign at Radio Invicta are as necessary as ever today. Sad but true.
[First published by Grant Goddard: Radio Blog as 'Radio Invicta: The Genesis Of Black Music Radio In London … Still Unfulfilled', 1 July 2011.]
[Republished recently at https://peoplelikeyoudontworkinradio.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-genesis-of-black-music-radio-in.html ]
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airchexx · 2 months
Scott Shannon Career Timeline Aircheck, WCBS-FM 101.1 New York |1960s-2010s
 WCBS-FM 101.1 New York – Scott Shannon Career Timeline Aircheck – 1960s – 2000s  1480 WABB Pensacola, WMAK Nashville, WQXI Atlanta, 1580 WPGC Washington, Q105 WRBQ Tampa Bay, Z100 WHTZ, Pirate Radio KQLZ Los Angeles, 95.5 WPLJ, & WCBS-FM are all on this radio aircheck featuring stops on Scott Shannon’s radio history over the years since the mid 1960s. After almost 40 years on New York…
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rayjuss · 8 months
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mostardently · 10 months
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yellowmanula · 1 month
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This is Marlena. Marlena listens to and likes Rave Fm. Be like Marlena, support our radio station 👽
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
Hello i love your storysssssssss
🥺can u do a luffy and law x fm reader where they are jalouse about a kid who is taking to much of readers attention .
Hiya papaya!! I absolutely can do my best, I hope that I do this justice for you!!
[Heads up!: touch of silliness, afab/fem aligned reader, little kids are cute]
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Luffy ㅡ Jealousy really isn't Luffy's thing, so he just kind of views the entire ordeal with humor. After all, this kid has been following you around all day since you rescued them from a couple of thugs trying to throw their weight around.
"You should stay here," the kid says, and Luffy laughs outright at that.
"Yeah right, as if she would!"
"Why not?" The kid huffs, and Luffy grins.
"Because she's part of my pirate crew!"
The kid is undeterred. "Then I'll become a better pirate than you and ask her to join my crew!" It's a cute notion and obviously the whimsy of a child, and that only makes Luffy laugh harder.
"It's a deal then! Come find me when you get bigger and we'll fight for [Name]!"
Law ㅡ Honestly he's more frustrated than jealous for how this kid is asking you a thousand questions and shows no sign of stopping even as he's trying to guide you back to the task at hand. You're here for a supply run, not a seminar for this kid on anything and everything he can think of.
"Look," he says, "we don't have all day for them to answer your questions."
"Law," you scold, and that frustrates him more because why are you taking the brat's side over his? You do eventually free yourself from the kid's incessant barage, and you glance at Law. "No need to sulk."
"I'm not." He scowls. "That set us back at least an hour."
"We'll be fine," you soothe. "Besides, the kid was cute. Kind of reminded me of you."
Law isn't sure if that's an insult or a compliment.
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foone · 2 years
Concept: fursonas with non-human senses. Not just canine "can smell better" ("My fursona has no nose." "How does she smell?" "Terrible!"), but actually different senses. (Under a readmore because big surprise, I write a lot)
Sharks who walk into a dark room and go "hey guys!" to the people about to shout "surprise!". Electroreception, yo. They can feel the electric fields in bodies. They have a good job as an electrician, because they can tell which wires are active and which aren't, without needing a tester. One of the guests is a snake who says "I told you this wouldn't work", as they can see in the dark through thermoception.
Corvids who don't watch human movies, especially not in theaters. They're just flickery slide-shows to them. Their vision is too fast, persistence of vision doesn't kick in until like 200 FPS.
I know the mantis shrimp colors aren't real (it's actually just a thing where they have extra cones to make up for not having enough brain to merge them. Like, humans have red/green/blue cones, and we see "yellow" when the red and green cones are both activated, but shrimp can't do that merging. So they have a yellow cone) but fuck it, this is fantasy. Make your fursona have access to all the forbidden colors.
Hell, have them able to see outside the "visible" spectrum! Imagine a furry working at a human-majority office who gets pulled into a meeting with her manager one day, who has to tell her that even if she's covered in fur, she can't wear a top that revealing, they have a dress code. She goes "what? But.. Sally in accounting wears that semi-transparent blouse most weeks!" and then they both come to realize that humans can't see near-IR and therefore don't realize that a lot of their clothing choices are transparent to that wavelength. The furry has just been seeing all these exposed chests and going "wow, I had heard the humans could be prudes about nudity, what with not having fur, but apparently not." and decided to join in one day. Whoops.
Hell, let them see radiation! Who needs a giger counter? They're digging through an junk shop and WHOA, shouldn't this be in the back or in a safe or something? The owner (a Shetland sheep dog) is like "what do you mean?" and they go "it's pretty radioactive, man! Can't you tell?" "uhh.. No. Why don't you put that down quickly and I'll go grab a lead bucket."
An octopus that goes to see a 3D movie but turns down the glasses. No need. They can see circularly polarized light just fine on their own.
You go over to visit a bat's warehouse to get an old computer they offered to loan you and they sheepishly (is that offensive to sheep?) admit that they never bothered installing any lighting inside. Why would they? They can see fine with echolocation. And their friend Skippy never complained, either! Mind you, they are a dolphin.
A park ranger who is a jewel beetle. They can detect fires miles away, but only if pine trees are involved. They're a firefighter in a pine tree forest, so that's fine.
A bee who keeps giving directions in terms of cardinal directions and forgetting that not everyone has an innate sense of North/South thanks to being able to sense the magnetic field of the Earth. And this is after they went to all the trouble of giving the directions in words, instead of dancing!
Tangent idea: a bee pirate who writes a pop song, and it's not until another bee hears it years later that they realize that the dance instructions in the song are actually a treasure map.
Creatures who can sense RF directly. Some of them can't even get near human-style cities, as they're "too noisy". It takes the more mundane inhabitants a while to realize they aren't talking about sound, and earplugs won't help.
Others can pull off amazing mental tricks like the Scramblers from Peter Watts' Blindsight, and the first time they get near a human city they figure out how to decode all these FM signals and within minutes they can watch TV, listen to the radio, or log onto the wifi. They're not robots or cyborgs, they're just unholy smart and frighteningly fast.
And there's no reason it should be limited to natural things... The supernatural is there as well. A furry who mentions they hate going to some human cities because they're so crowded with ancestors. It's not for a while until someone realizes that word isn't being translated exactly right, and they don't just mean "old humans". They mean the ones who lived there before, but are dead. They still see them, and are surprised that the humans can't.
Hell, how about a fursona with an asymmetric design? Different fur patterns, heterochromia, things like that. But it swaps sides from time to time. It's not an art mistake, they really do that. No one understands why until they casually point out a missing item is in the drawer of there, the locked one. Then they reach around all six sides of the drawer and pull it out. What, you can't see in four dimensions? Yeah, sometimes their body swaps left/right because they rotated through the 4th axis and inverted their body. No big deal, but they have to be careful with what food they eat sometimes. All those chiral molecules... You don't want them backwards. Fortunately they've got a pretty strong digestive system so it's not a big deal. And vodka always goes down smooth, alcohol is symmetric!
Speaking of which, fursonas with vulture-like digestive systems. They yell at their roommate for throwing out that expired meat. It's only expired by human standards, and they're just a bunch of wimps who can't handle a little putrefaction in their lunch.
And I know I said "not like canines with just better senses of smell" but there's some interesting options for having beings who can smell things humans just can't. A fursona that detects a gas leak because they can smell carbon monoxide, not just the bitterants added to help humans detect it. Or can pick up on human pheromones, although that one is often covered in werewolf media, I hear. But instead of just arousal/fertility/pregnancy, they can also be like "hey you smell different... Have you talked to your doctor about testing for diabetes? I think your a1c might be high."
Speaking of pheromones, how about fursonas that do things like ants, who automatically put down invisible scent trails and follow them? They are a pain to go hiking with, since they just assume you can follow them if they get out of sight, and you gotta remind them to slow down sometimes.
Hell, fursonas who have quorum sensing, either type. The bacteria-like type have gene expression that changes based on population density. Members of their species in the wild, in rural areas, and in urban areas have radically different phenotypes. The social insect type make decisions with an implicit silent democracy, bordering on a hive mind. They are always surprised when humans and similar want to talk out decisions. Can't they just tell what the majority want and just do that? It seems so much similar.
Speaking of which, ACTUAL HIVE MINDS. You're dating a nice worker bee and and another member of the same hive comes by and says "hello love!" and gives you a big kiss. Your partner is surprised you had any problem with this. They're the same person, basically? And they feel their love for you just as much. (obligatory A Miracle of Science reference: Mars thinks you're cute)
Combine that with insect-like lifespans for some extra weirdness: the one you're dating isn't even the one you started with. The bee-people only live a month or two, and you've been dating for nearly a year now. Hell, even when your first partner was still alive, it wasn't always the "same" bee that came by to visit. Of course, that's putting a human-like kind of perspective on if it's the same bee. To the hive-mind bees, it is. It's the same hive. They have the same mind, just in 70,000 separate bodies. So of course it's the same person. Just not the same body.
Heh. How about magnetic sense? This may be overly specific to my interests, but you hand a furry a floppy disk and they hold it for a few seconds and then hand it back. "Thanks!" "oh, don't you want it?" "oh yeah. But I already got all the data off it." "but... You didn't put it in a floppy drive?" "no? What's the point in that? I just read the flux transitions off the surface. It's not hard."
More esoteric senses, too. You're driving down California one with your partner, listing to some Decemberists and they idly go "huh, Diablo Canyon is still running? I thought they had shut it down!" You're like "what?" They point out the window at the two cooling domes. "The power plant! It's still running. Can't you taste all those neutrinos?" "uh, no." "what, really? They're quite fresh compared to the usual solar ones." "I can't 'taste' those either" "oh. Weird!"
Your plasma-lifeform boyfriend who evolved in space sometimes has dizzy spells where he nearly drives his containment vessel into a wall. "sorry, that was a big one. Those gravity waves must have been from, like, an 80-90 solar-mass black hole merger? A close one too, only a few dozen megaparsecs."
You've long since given up explaining that you have no way of detecting events that take place over 30 million light-years away.
The atemporal energy being who proposes the first time you meet. You're shocked, but they point out why? You have/are/will spent/spending (tenses are hard) over 60 years of your experience of years with them. They just don't really see how this time is different from all the times you have/will spend together. They thought humans liked this "till death do us part" ceremony, even though death has no meaning for them. They're not immortal, but their death is just like their birth (or the energy being equivalent): a discontinuity on the edges of their lifeline. They don't exist past there, just like you don't exist outside of the 3D volume of your body. So what does it matter? Besides, we've had this conversation before, or is it later? Either way.
A hive mind being who only has one body you can see, because they're actually a hive mind across themselves in different timelines. They sometimes get mixed up which version of you they're talking to, and ask odd questions like how your son is doing in college. You don't have son, or any kids for that matter. "whoops, that's the other you. Lemme... You're married to Tony, right?" "Who's Tony?" "Obviously not. Uhh, is Sarah your girlfriend?" "no? I'm not a lesbian!" "Not this you, at least. Oh, I've got it. You work at the newspaper?" "yeah. I'm an editor" "oh cool. Got it. Sorry, it's easy to get all the yous confused sometimes."
Later that week, your boss introduces you to a new reporter, Sarah Torres. You can't help but wonder of this is the Sarah another you is dating. You don't see it. But apparently another you does.
And that tangent makes me think of another one: mind reading, either full or just empathic, isn't that unusual in aliens and such, but imagine a race that doesn't go around reading minds unless given permission, but they have a persistent problem with pronouns. See, they can just tell what your gender is. And closeted trans people keep getting outed accidentally. Sometimes outed to themselves, because they call you by your "true" pronouns, not the ones you're using now.
And the same goes for orientation. Like your coworker will be like "why don't you ask out Steven on a date?" and you're like "Steven? I don't even know if he likes guys, I've never gotten any hints from him..." and they go "what? No, of course he does. Can't you tell?"
(I just invented a species with perfect gaydar. That's weird, right?)
Someone who has that ESP "there were strong emotions and events here" sense, but it goes both ways. They would never visit Hiroshima for the same reason they will never visit Chicago. They don't want to explain to you what will happen there, but they go a bit teary-eyed when you bring it up.
A species that magic tricks just don't work on, and no one can figure out why. They can't see through solid objects, they don't seem to have a super-fast vision, they can't read minds, but everytime you show them a magic trick they're like "the ball is in your hand" or "you have a fifth ace in your sleeve" or "there's another rabbit under the table". They don't even seem to realize it's supposed to be a trick. They're just slightly confused at what you're trying to do.
A species that has the equivalent of a spectroscope/chromatograph built into their body. You hand them a drink and they can list the molecules in it and their concentrations. You'd think they'd mainly be scientists, but a lot of them are bartenders. They make perfect mixed drinks (down to the nanoliter of exact composition) and they can spot a spiked drink from across the room.
A species that can taste your DNA when you touch them. They're a weird blob that rewrites their own DNA on a daily basis, and find static-DNA beings "weird and unusual" and always want to help you with that. Wouldn't you be happier if you had a couple extra arms? Maybe claws? How about switching sex? Just for the weekend, they can put you back to "normal" if you want. Or maybe you'd like to spend some time as a dog? Your two species are pretty close, evolutionary speaking. It shouldn't take more than a day or two to rewrite every cell in your body. Sometimes you "humans" are so boring. They can't imagine staying in the same form for more than a few days, and you fuckers do that for, what, up to a century? Before you "get old and die"? You know, that's a choice. They can fix that. You don't have to age, if you don't want to.
Speaking of which, species with radically different lifespans and approaches to life.
The Dragon's Egg beings occasionally give humans gifts, of books of poetry about their unrequited love for you. There's no point in responding, even if you do come to love them from their writings. By the time you have opened the first page of the book, they're dead, their children are dead, and their grandchildren are getting old.
Similarly there's a race of trees where you can be dating one for 40 years before they reveal that they've considered this just a minor flirty bit of fun. They don't get involved with humans and human-likes, they'll be gone in the blink of a century, so what's the point. You ask them their age one time and have trouble grappling with the fact that when they sprouted, your ancestors hadn't yet mastered the written language. Their still-living parent remembers visiting earth before it had any life outside the seas. You had dinner with them last Thanksgiving. They liked your broccoli casserole.
So... yeah.
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thebunnednun · 30 days
Whispers of the Heart Dracule Mihawk x Fm! Reader (Part 1)
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I could eat this fucking man up with a golden spoon.
Art by @xuchuan25 I hope you don't mind I really love your artwork!
You've been Dracule Mihawk's personal maid and housekeeper for what feels like an eternity. Let's cut to the chase – you're a badass, sweetheart. Sexy, cool, and confident, with a reputation that precedes you. Been friends with the stoic man for eons by now.
Everyone knows you or knows of you, and it's not just because you keep Mihawk's castle running like a well-oiled machine.
So what happens when you develop feelings for your old friend and boss?
What does he do when he comes home to find you in his room without your panties?
__________________Chapter 1: Veiled Emotions___________________
You've been Dracule Mihawk's personal maid and housekeeper for what feels like an eternity. Let's cut to the chase – you're a formidable force, with a demeanor that's as captivating as it is commanding. Sexy, cool, and confident, your reputation precedes you wherever you go. It's not just because you keep Mihawk's castle running like a well-oiled machine; it's because you're a legend in your own right.
You and Mihawk share a history that stretches back to the tumultuous days of your youth, when you roamed the seas as a pirate queen. Despite the allure of power and prestige, you turned down an invitation to be a warlord, realizing that it wasn't the path for you. Sure, you could bring anyone to their knees with ease, but you craved something more than mere conquest.
Don’t get it twisted, you could still fight with one arm tied behind your back and you kept a blade on you at all times. But you wanted to live your life and until you figured out what to do, you were on hiatus. You wanted adventure, companionship, and a sense of purpose beyond just being a good pirate. So, you took a pause from piracy, sending your crew back home with ample spoils and staying in touch through letters that serve as a testament to your leadership.
(Who can blame them? Good bosses are hard to come by!~)
As for you, you couldn’t bear the idea of sailing alone aimlessly through the grandline. What would be the point if there was no one there to share it? It would kill your love of adventure and you’d capsize your own ship before that ever happened.
You also saw the way the world was slowly going to shit and just needed a break. Over time, as a favor to your old friend, you began to take over the castle duties while he was out, handling everything from the cleaning to the paperwork with effortless grace.
You’ve been at it for about three years now.
Mihawk was a very particular man and at the same time he wasn’t. Old eagle eyes likes his wine just so and his jackets to be put away according to color. But he won’t play the worlds game on anyone else's terms but his own. That, you both have in common.
As for the warlord incident, your notoriety stemmed from an encounter with the infamous battle ax Morgan. His bruised ego led to a reckless attempt to have you arrested after you turned down his advances and refused to entertain his delusions of an exclusive relationship. Morgan couldn't handle rejection, especially from a woman as striking as you. However, you swiftly dealt with the situation, turning the tables on him in a manner that became the stuff of legends among pirates and marines alike.
In retaliation for his embarrassment, Morgan unleashed a storm of accusations, plastering your face on wanted posters across every marine outpost. Your captivating appearance, with your (H/c) locks and (E/c) eyes, only served to amplify the fervor surrounding your bounty. Despite the chaos that ensued, you stood your ground, refusing to let Morgan's vendetta dictate your fate.
It was during this tumultuous time that Mihawk extended a lifeline, offering you a sanctuary within the walls of his castle.
Having just laid off your crew, this job offered you somewhere to stay and he could provide some sort of protection while you figured things out. All in all, it was a very sweet deal.
But beneath the surface of this professional arrangement, there are tensions simmering tensions of the sexy variety. You've noticed Mihawk's lingering stares when he believes you're not watching, and felt the subtle brush of his touch as you pass each other in the grand halls of his castle.
And yet, despite the undeniable chemistry between you, neither of you has dared to act on your feelings. After all, you're the maid, and he's the master of the castle. But as the days go by and the tension between you reaches its boiling point, you find yourself wondering how much do you and your boss really care for each other?
Whether it's a late-night encounter in the dimly lit corridors of the castle or a trip to the market in the bustling streets of the nearby town, each moment serves as a reminder of the unspoken bond that exists between you. The man could live in silence if he wanted to.
But you would miss that lovely deep voice.
On a crisp morning, as Mihawk made his way through the halls of his castle, he couldn't help but notice you weren't bustling about, but your vibrant laughter was echoing through the corridors. oon, he found himself standing in the doorway of the kitchen, where you were engrossed in the task of sorting through a stack of mail, undoubtedly from your former crew members.
With a pen poised in one hand, you worked with practiced efficiency, your every movement is a testament to your grace. Across from you, a forgotten cup of coffee awaited, a silent companion to your morning routine and some left over pie from last nights dinner.
"[Name], do try to be more discreet with your antics," Mihawk remarked, amusement lacing his tone as he observed your playful demeanor. You turned to face him, a mischievous glint dancing in your eyes as you met his gaze.
"Oh, but where's the fun in that, 'Master' Mihawk?" you retorted, a playful smirk gracing your lips. Today, you were adorned in a cute black top paired with low-rise flared acid wash jeans, the lace crosses on the back pockets adding a touch of sexy to your ensemble.
Your ears sparkled with golden hoops and diamond studs, a testament to your bold sense of style. Around your neck, a delicate chain held a gold and slider cross, a thoughtful gift from Mihawk himself. Your fingers were adorned with an array of rings, each one a testament to your unique personality and taste.
With a touch of sparkly nude eyeshadow and deep pink lip gloss, you exuded an air of effortless beauty. Even your nails, with their French tip design and hints of pink and sage green, spoke to your attention to detail and love for all things glamorous.
Look, you’re an ex-pirate but still a pirate. You like gold, okay!
Mihawk couldn't suppress a subtle eye-roll at your retort, his stoic demeanor momentarily softened by your infectious energy. Despite the playful banter, there lingered a mutual respect in your exchange, a testament to the genuine friendship that had developed between you.
Of course, he certainly didn't allow his thoughts to wander to the sensation of your lips against his skin, despite the tempting notion.
His eyes totally didn’t flick over your lips and wonder what it would have felt like to have your sticky kisses decorate his body.
Instead, he held his typical emotionless expression and took a seat across from you. Looking at the counter he noticed you only had coffee and leftover pie for breakfast.
“Not very hungry, my dear?”
You waved your hand dismissively, eyes glued to the letter before you. “I felt kind’ve sick last night. But don't worry, Perona had a proper breakfast.” You and his young ward had become instant friends when you first arrived. She was happy to have some real company and you even gave her a key to your chambers for emergencies and late night cookies.
Mihawk acknowledged your words with a subtle nod before returning his attention to the newspaper in his hands. It was a habitual gesture that never failed to amuse you, considering his apparent disinterest in the affairs of others. Yet, despite his indifference, he maintained the routine with unwavering consistency.
As his intense gaze bore into your face, you deliberately focused on the task at hand, busying yourself with another letter and the remnants of your pie. Ordinarily, the weight of his stare might have unsettled someone, but you recognized that beneath the facade of the "greatest swordsman in the world" lay a man with his own quirks and idiosyncrasies, much like anyone else.
Spooning another bite of your pie, your cheeks offered a very pleasant rosy glow in the early morning light. When you arrived at Kuraigana Castle, you told Mihawk to ditch the darkness. Straight up refused to live in the depressing atmosphere and threatened to throw out his old dusty ass curtains if he didn’t get his shit together. Mihawk had initially resisted the changes but told you to do as you pleased when you threatened to give him and Shanks matching arms.
(That would be some Naruto and Sasuke shit right there.)
However, he was all the more glad to see your features in the light. You weren’t unbearable to his feelings either. You respected that he needed some shade and allowed the dining room to have a night blend of night. The whole of the castle was like that now with some areas being bright and cheerful and others more dark and deserted. Even Perona gravitated towards the lighter rooms to find you cleaning or simply wanting your attention.
In the quiet moments between your duties, you find yourself reflecting on the depth of your connection with Mihawk. You remember the countless times he's shown you kindness, the way he's trusted you with the inner workings of his castle, and the rare glimpses of vulnerability he's allowed you to see. And as you ponder these memories, you can't help but wonder if there's more to your relationship than meets the eye.
The man truly does value his space. Even when you would bump into old friends like a certain clown he insisted you did not swap addresses for the sake of, "That Blue haired freak," not popping up unannounced. Or how he'd always been close by when you were teenagers and running rampant with a red haired young man. The times where he would escort you to social events only to slip away with you before the party was over. It was him offering you a place to stay after becoming a wanted woman for crimes you did not commit.
Moments where you found yourself bathed in the golden warmth of his eyes.
But just as you begin to contemplate the possibilities, your mind intervenes once again. Flashing you back to a few months ago. It was a frigid winter evening when you found yourself ensconced in the castle's library, surrounded by the flickering glow of candlelight and the comforting scent of weathered tomes. The air hummed with an unspoken tension, each movement you made sending ripples of awareness through the stillness.
Winter was always harsh on you, coming from an island that never really subscribed to the notion of cold weather. You were more built for tropical weather and humid conditions. Where on one side of your island it could be raining and the other could be sunny and dry. You'd never even seen snow before until you set out as a young pirate.
The old castle was too large to light fires in all the rooms, so it made more sense to keep them limited to the common areas like the kitchens, drawing room, your bed chambers, and (of course) the library.
You were laying in the warlords lap, actually. A thick book in his hand and a left over crossword puzzle in yours. Every now and then, he would softly stroke your spine as if you were a freighted cat. You'd taken to curling up like this out of habit and because of your dislike of cold weather.
Mihawk loves personal space but you'd taken to perching on him for years. If you asked to rest your head on his shoulder, he would respond with a soft hum of agreement, though he pretended not to notice as you snuggled closer, seeking the warmth of his embrace.
Even at social gatherings, you had no qualms about stretching out your legs across his lap, feeling his big, strong hands gently resting on them for all to see. And if luck was on your side, he might even share a dance with you, his presence grounding you and filling you with a sense of contentment amidst the chaos of the party.
In a rare moment of vulnerability, Mihawk breaks the silence, his voice a low, husky murmur cutting through the quiet. "You know," he begins, his words carrying a weight of sincerity, "I've always admired your compassion and resilience."
His unexpected admission catches you off guard, your breath hitching momentarily as you process his words. Gathering your composure, you respond in kind, your voice a mere whisper against the backdrop of the library's hushed ambiance. "And I've always admired your grace and composure, Master Mihawk."
For an instant, the air between you crackles with an electric energy, the unspoken truths hanging palpably in the space between you. As if drawn by an invisible force, you sit a little taller, the weight of the moment pressing down upon you. Then, without warning, Mihawk reaches out, his hand enveloping yours in a gentle grasp.
A rush of warmth floods through your veins at his touch, a silent reassurance amidst the quietude of the library. His thumb traces soothing circles on the back of your hand, a gesture both comforting and intimate, before he releases you, returning to his book as if nothing had transpired.
You 'playfully' bit his large thigh over that.
Moments like that with Mihawk were rare but not uncommon somehow. You were always respected by him for your personal strength and reliance. Mihawk respected dedication and honor. You had a multitude of qualities he secretly liked, not that you were fully aware, anyway.
His voice intruded on this memory to snap you back to the present.
"Perhaps it's time we ceased this dance, [Name]," he murmurs, his gaze smoldering with a flicker of desire. "Perhaps it's time we embraced what has lingered between us all this while."
Your heart quickens its pace within your chest as you lock eyes with him, a whirlwind of thoughts cascading through your mind. In that pivotal moment, teetering on the edge of something unknown and exhilarating, you recognize the undeniable bond that binds you to Mihawk—a connection that defies the constraints of social hierarchy and ignites with an intensity that cannot be suppressed.
Or so you envisioned, until he swiftly swipes the last piece of your pie and runs from the kitchens, prompting you to vault over the counter in a spirited attempt to stab his trachea with your fork as he began running down the hallway.
Making to the stairs, Mihawk closed his eyes and let out a soft hum before delving into his (your) pie, savoring each bite with a sense of contentment. Your presence offered a refreshing reprieve from the weighty responsibilities that burdened him, your playful banter injecting a lighthearted energy into the morning. You trying to stab him was thought of affectionately, as well.~
What a delightful breakfast it was within the walls of Castle Kuraigana!
Later, as Mihawk retreated to his chambers, a persistent curiosity lingered within him, tugging at the corners of his mind. What was it about you that captivated him so, he wondered? And why did your essence linger in his thoughts long after you had disappeared from his sight?
Lost in contemplation, Mihawk was roused from his reverie by a soft murmur that drifted through the open window, drawing his gaze downwards. There, he spied you and Perona engaged in conversation, your voices carrying on the breeze.
"...and I heard that he's quite taken with someone," Perona remarked mischievously, casting a glance towards the castle. The pair strolled through the tall grass grounds hand in hand, a scene that elicited a faint smile from Mihawk. He could tell from your firm steps that you had decided to go barefoot. Your quirks never failed to amuse him.
In the spring and summer, you had a steadfast refusal to wear anything other than cute heeled sandals or durable tennis shoes. This wasn't just a matter of practicality; it was a reflection of your upbringing on an island where both children and adults embraced the freedom of going barefoot during the hot months. The fact that Mihawk effortlessly recalled these details about you spoke volumes about the depth of his observations, even if he didn't consciously realize it.
Unconsciously, he found himself craning his neck so you may take up his vision.
As Perona guided you through the tall grass, she paused at a patch of wild daisies, prompting a soft chuckle to escape your lips. Your gaze drifted into the distance as you replied, "Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?"
Mihawk felt a sudden skip in his typically cold heart at your words, a glimmer of hope stirring within him. Could it be that you harbored feelings for him as well? The mere thought sent a rush of warmth through his veins, fueling his resolve to uncover the truth behind your feelings.
With a newfound determination, Mihawk silently vowed to delve deeper into the enigma of your emotions, eager to unravel the mysteries of your heart.
Part 2: Posted Here Part 3: Posted Here
Part 4: Right here baby!~
Part 5 now posted.
The coffee and leftover pie part are a nod to Laufys ,"Let you break my heart again," give it a listen as it goes well with the story.
This is also posted on the a03 account by the same name. A new update post will also be out tomorrow regarding updates and new stories.
Please check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please.
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 6 months
time for my monthly mp3 player propaganda post!
yall. don't fucking stream music off of youtube or spotify. they pay their creators shit. the most generous estimate i could find was artists being paid $1 for every 200 streams (0.5¢ per stream), and unless you're listening to songs on an album thousands times in total, it helps tremendously more to just. buy their albums or subscribe to a patreon-like service for them
mp3 players are laughably inexpensive (you can get a decent one with bluetooth for like $40-50 and you can get away with even less if you forego some features), many of them are drag-and-drop, no ads, decent enough sound quality for the average person, unlimited skips, track selection, regular play and shuffle, playlists, being able to shut off your screen, and more importantly, ALL OF THIS IS AVAILABLE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION. i've always been an avid hater of subscription models. there are some things where it's understandable, but you shouldn't lose access to basic QOL features just because you can't or won't fork over $10-15 a month.
"b-b-but $50 is so expensive!" WRONG. $50 (which is more than i've EVER spend on a single mp3 player) is the equivalent to 5 months on spotify premium without discounts. if you can afford that, it's worth investing into a device that can last you literal years if you get a good one and take good care of it
"but i don't wanna carry around another device!" fair enough, but these things are small enough to fit in tiny pockets (mine fits snugly in the watch pocket of my jeans) and are typically light enough to not be burdensome. if you can carry around your phone, you can carry around an mp3 player
"what if people think i'm weird for having outdated technology" let them. it's worth it in my opinion if it means i get to listen to music ad-free. the most I've ever gotten was "wooooah bro's got the dinosaur tech" and i just thought that was funny personally
"but what if the artist collapses without a constant stream of money!!! i'm not supporting the artist!!!!!" companies try to pay as little as they can get away with to artists. most of that money goes to the CEO and other higher-ups.
"but piracy is bad!" Piracy is a Crime. However, downloading youtube videos/audio for your own PERSONAL, NON-COMMERCIAL USE and NOT REDISTRIBUTING THEM is legal (generally, in the US, check your laws, i am not a lawyer, not legal advice, blah blah blah). besides, i never said you had to pirate your music. in fact, i encourage you to buy the albums of and support your favourite artists in other ways. some artists might even provide links for people to download their songs for free in high quality anyway
not gonna link products just in case someone thinks i'm a shill. but literally just look up "mp3 player" on your search engine or shopping site of choice and find something that doesn't look like it'll fall apart if you breathe on it too hard
seriously guys. if you listen to music more than like a few hours a week, and you don't get all of your music from livestreams or radios (although mine can connect to AM/FM radio), consider investing in an mp3 player. i tried out using one regularly in fall of 2021, and I haven't looked back. don't let companies drain subscription money from you
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slaypanda · 12 days
Reader my au x ASL Trio
Part 5 "Out of control"
TW: BLOOD, insane, Brusis, Flashbacks, Killing, screaming, fm!reader, pain, hallucinations, angst, fluff kinda, my brother was sending me memes while I was writing this.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Part 6 Part 7
It's been a few days since you've been hanging out with Sabo and Ace. Like everyday Ace pick you up into a piggyback ride and always finds a way to get Luffy off his tail. The usual but now you think of it, you aren't Dadan favorite anymore as you don't help around the place anymore, but she still treats you better so a win win.
You also have been keeping an eye on your devil fruit signs this time it probably reached its peak. Your veins pop out and are a dark black color and your fangs grew, aswell you've been having headaches. You cover your veins by clothing so today you wore a white dress with long sleeves, it seems to cover up well so it good.
At the moment, you and Ace are talking to each other as Ace piggybacks you as he keeps walking.
"Ok, Y/N were going to head to Grey Terminal so I could beat some chumps up and get some cash"
You nodded. Face still dead and no expressions.
"Alright, can I help?"
,"...fine but be careful, don't want you hurting yourself"
You nodded as you guys kept walking to Gray Terminal.
When you reached Grey Terminal you and Ace saw two guys one with whiteish blonde hair and a blue and white jacket, and one with a dark green hoodie and a weird mustache and a beard. Ace leaned onto a wall and waited until he could sneak up on the chumps. You also leaned onto the wall aswell as you waited for the chumps to walk by.
When the chumps walk by you and Ace started running behind them, fast but quiet. When you catch up to them they started to run away but Ace was able to beat up the blondish guy. You punched the weird mustache dude square in the face and kicked him in his "no no" place. He fell onto the ground as you grabbed his valuables. Ace finished up beating up his guy and smiled when you were able to beat a guy on your own.
"you're getting stronger Y/N"
You nodded
"Thank you"
You turn to look at Ace and his entire face is red and he is sweating.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
"Y-yer-yes I'm fine, now let's head back to Sabo before were anymore late" He stumbled against his words as he turns away with a flushed face and a sternish tone.
You nodded as you ran with him holding his hand. One hand of your hand holding the bag of money and the other holding his hand.
You guys reached the tree, Ace sweating a bit.
"Sabo, Hey are you there?" Ace shouted at the tree.
"Oh what's up Ace and Y/N" Sabo replied
"Sorry were a little late this time" Ace apologized
"More than a little, I went out there and made a killing already" Sabo grinned
"Oh yeah well maybe we did too" Ace grinned.
You and Ace climed up the tree, Ace helping you up when you reached the top. You sat down near Ace on the thick branch as you handed the bag of money to Ace.
"Let's see!" Both Ace and Sabo shouted as they open there bag of money.
"Woah dude you guys have more than me! That's a ton of cash, What happened!" Sabo said as sweat went down his face at how much money you and Ace have got.
"Some chumps near the gate, robbed them blind and made a run for it."
"Heh well crap, guess you guys win again."
Sabo picked up the cash and started counting it as you plumed the money from both bags into the secret place for hidden treasure, which was a hole inside the tree branch that had a lid you could open and close.
"It doesn't matter if we win or lose. We got five years of pirate saving piled up. We all should be happy about that. Now we have Y/N who will be helping us all together to reach our dreams......we worked pretty hard." Ace said in a calm and netural tone.
"Eh yeah no kidding" Sabo stands up and looks out to sea. "We'll leave this dump and go places these chumps never dreamed of. This all will be worth it, just you wait. Sabo and Ace grinned.
You were looking through your guys treasure inspecting the items for fun. There was rings, bracelets, necklace and many other things as you fiddle with the objects.
Sabo sat down and looked at Ace who was looking at him.
"We better put it away now, we can't let anyone else see this." Ace said.
Sabo tossed the money that was in his hand into the treasure pile. You put away the items that you were playing with back into the treasure pile aswell.
"So how much is a ship. I want a good one but it seems like were pretty rich." Sabo spoked up.
"Yeah, could take 10 million maybe even more, shouldn't rush it" Ace replied
"It depends on the ship if you want a smaller one it might cost about 1-" you get cut off by a shout which led Sabo to smaking the treasure lid closed, and all of you to jump.
"Did you say ship! You're going to be pirates! And you got hidden treasure already! I'm going to be a pirate too!!" Luffy shouted while waving his hands and having a huge smile and giggling.
You look at Ace and Sabo and you see them face darken and they are gritting their teeths. You all look at each other as you all nod, and all rush down climbing down the tree as Sabo and Ace run towards Luffy. Ace and Sabo run towards Luffy and wack him right on the top of his head.
"Shut Up!" Sabo and Ace shouted.
You sighed as Sabo gave you some rope to tie Luffy up. You grab the rope and Luffy and started to tie him up. When you finished you sat near Ace who was standing with his hands on his hips and for some reason a sweating forehead. Sabo was also standing, crossing his arms and also had a sweaty forehead. You looked at Luffy who had a huge smile on his face, "poor boy" you sighed.
"You know what's cool, now I know where you go, I can follow you everyday" Luffy said euthisatically.
"Great" Ace said sarcastically
"Luffy huh? This was the brat you were talking to about Ace."
"Heh does that mean you tell your friends about me!"
"I was telling my friend how annoying you were"
"He also tell me your head is full of rocks"
Luffy laughed "bad rocks"
"You do realize we are messing with you right?" Sabo asked.
You sighed as they kept talking and arguing. You played with the grass, ripping it, tieing it, or just plane looking at it. You didn't really care what they were talking about, it's not like they'll will kill Luffy. You stood up and walked behind the tree where nobody was. You pulled up your sleeve and saw that your nails were SHARP and a black color, your migraines were getting worse.
You felt the need to throw up, you threw up but it wasn't normal it was a blackish color like ink. You knew..this is the final stage in matter of an hour your devil fruit will start controlling on it's own.
You wiped the black ink on the grass and pulled down your sleeve. You had to pretend everything was fine. You just couldn't bring yourself to show Ace, Sabo or Luffy. They might not want to be with anymore, Dadan might kick you out and you'll have to suffer through the pain again.
You took a deep breath before going back to where Ace, Sabo and Luffy was. Looked like they're still talking. You stood next to Ace waiting to what he has to say.
"He knows our secret, we can't trust him to keep his mouth shut, he's to stupid" Ace spoked
Luffy giggled
"We'll kill him" Ace spoke " Yep sounds good" Sobo agreed.
"Wh-" you get caught off by Luffy scream.
You fell back at how sudden and loud he was as you covered your ears from all the loud noises happening around. Sabo trying to keep Luffy quiet and them arguing who should kill Luffy.
You heard some people coming you uncovered your ears and closed your eyes. You saw a group of four. Two of them are the ones you beat up with Ace today, one randomand a big dude with a sharp sword that sent chills to your stomach.
"Um.. sabo? Ace?"
"WHAT!" They both exclaimed
"People are coming from Grey Terminal to over here"
Sabo and Ace both shut up and also heard people coming.
"Damn your right, somebody heard him probably. Set him free Sabo we got to get out of here fast. If people start snooping around they'll find our treasure."
Sabo nodded as he untied Luffy as all four of you hid behind a bush, and saw 4 guys walking around to an area in front of you guys.
"Bluejam crap, how was I suppose to know they were working with him" Ace whispered.
"You robbed those guys, are you trying to get us killed or what!" Sabo whispered shouted.
"Yeah, this is not going to end well" Ace confessed.
"That sword looks sharp, though you guys probably saw that already. The guy with him is Porchemy, he's crazy, lose a fight with him and he'll scalp you alive just to hear you scream." Sabo answered.
A drop of sweat went down your cheeks at how nervous you were. Just even defining how he acts is frightening. The sharp sword he carried send shivers down your spine.
"We should just lay low until he passes by" you whispered.
Sabo and Ace nodded. Sabo turned his head to see if Luffy is still there.
"Uh oh, he's gone!" Sabo whispered shouted.
You face went white as you looked at Porchemy who was holding Luffy by the collar of his shirt.
"You're going to put me done right now!" Luffy exlamined.
"How the hell did he get caught already" you questioned yourself.
"Oh you wanna play tough, say I didn't warn ya!" Luffy shouted and wiggled in Porchemy grip trying to pry Porchemy grip off.
"This guy won't put me down. ACE! HELP! Ace why aren't you saving me! Were friend right!"
"We should've killed him now were all dead" Ace whispered.
Luffy kept screaming, you covered your ears to block the shouting Luffys was doing.
"So you know Ace do ya?" Porchemy asked.
"Ya that's right" Luffy answered.
"And If you cry do you think he'll come for ya?"
"Ya cause were friends! Except he just tried to kill me so maybe not."
You turned your head to look at Ace who was clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. You turned your head to look back at Luffy who was still in Porchemy grip.
"If he's your friend maybe you can help us. See Ace and a girl with him stole our money and if we got it back we wouldn't have to hurt anybody, you don't happen to know where they're do ya?"
"Were screwed they're going to take our money for sure" Sabo confessed.
"For once in your life please shut up" Ace pleaded in his head as he kept looking at Luffy.
"Well are you going to talk?" Porchemy asked Luffy.
Luffy made a face where you can clearly tell he is lying where he raises his eyebrows and look to a side and put his mouth in a whistle shape.
"I dont know, sorry" Luffy replied.
You face palmed yourself, he's a crappy liar so you're all screwed. The gang that Porchemy was with had evil grins and they chuckled which didn't seem good.
"Alright fine , I'm sure you just forgot, dont worry, I have ways of jogging your memory." Porchemy said as he took Luffy and walked away, Luffy still shouting.
When you saw Ace and Sabo not following Porchemy you put it on yourself to find out where Luffy was and help him. You quietly left Ace side and begin to follow Porchemy through the forest.
Porchemy reached this shack and him and his buddies went inside, Luffy included. You had to see what they were going to do to Luffy but before you could take a step, pain coursed through your body.
You held your place only wobbling a bit. You threw up again, more ink. Your brain was in agony and you fell to your knees as you grabbed your head.
Memories, bad memories, memories of you killing your family memories of your mother memories when you were taken, memories of the friends you lost over, over and over again. Memories when the "doctors" experimented you, when the Celestial dragon guards will hit you and shout.
This only made your sadness and anger rise as you dropped onto the grass and ripped it out the ground. "Take control, no no no no" you tried to stop this. "It hurts, I can't hurt anyone else" but the memories and powers had more control reminding you of all the time when you couldn't protect somone because of yourown selfishness.
The doctors never allowed you to use your powers because it was dangerous. Now your stuck not knowing what to do, this is the first time it had happened.
Your breath hitches has you feels your right eye changing as you shout in pain. Black liquid drops from eyes. You fangs sharp and claws like lion claws.
You slowly stood up and look at the shack you knew Luffy was in. You didn't even think, your body completely moved on it's own towards the shack.
You burst through a open spot and saw Luffy hunged up by a rope, slightly bloody but bruised.
"Hey your the brat that with Ace, now I have two children to tell me where the treasure is."
You face darken, when you looked at Luffy it reminded you of somone you remember well. You dashed across the room.
"Hey where did she go!" Porchemy stated.
You cut the rope Luffy was on with your claws and stood in front of him to protect him.
"You will not lay another finger on him" You stated.
With Sabo
Sabo hid behind a wooden building seeing the chumps asking around.
What's going on? If they're asking around and still don't know about our tresure. Surely Luffy would have told them by now.
He heard someone speaking in a shack and it sounded like Y/N.
"You will not lay another finger on him" You stated.
"Eh! No way!" Sabo stated as he ran to inform Ace.
Back to you
You stared Porchemy in the eye as one of your eye has a dark on the outside and a white pupil, ink dripping from it.
"What the hell are you, Freak!" Porchemy shouted.
You dashed and scratched his face leaving claw marks on his face. Luffy staring in awe.
You dashed the other way kicking his back and scratching it with your claws again as he stumbled forward.
"You brat!" He shouts
He punches you as you hit a wall, debris covering you.
"Y/N!" Luffy pleads.
Porchemy grabs his sword and drags to where Luffy is crying on the floor. Porchemy raises his sword.
"Were done here brat" he says as he swing his sword at Luffy.
"Luffy!" You shout.
Before the sword can reach Luffy, Ace and Sabo barge into the room destroying a wall.
"Let Them Go!" Ace and Sabo both shout as the barge through the wall.
Ace hits a fat guy in the head with a metal pipe causing the man to get thrown back. Ace lands onto the ground as he looks at Porchemy.
"Damn it where's Y/N" Ace thought.
"Porchemy it that damn kid!"
"He's got the money, that brat!" The friend growls.
"Ace! Your here!" Luffy shouts.
Ace jumps to hit Porchemy but gets caught and Porchemy grabs Ace by the neck and holds him up.
"Thanks for showing up kid, you saved us some trouble, your friend here ain't talking, but I think you'll talk."
"Ace!" Luffy pleades.
"S-sabo do it!" Ace said.
Before Sabo could head to go get a hit on Porchemy something hit him in the head leaving slash across Porchemy face and head.
"Boss are you okay!"
Porchemy drops Ace onto the ground to hold his face. Ace looks around trying to find the thing that hit Porchemy, sweat on his brow.
Again something hits Porchemy in the chest causing him to fall back. A person stands in front of Porchemy.
Y-Y/N" Ace spoke.
You turned around and saw Ace, you had one eye that was fully black except the pupil which was white, you had weird markings on your body and your fangs and claws were sharp.
"You brat. You don't know you are messing with, you're all dead meat!" Porchemy says.
"Y/N what hap-" Sabo gets caught off.
"No time for questions! Sabo help Luffy I'll deal with this guy" Ace retorted.
"Ok be careful that big ugly guy has a sword"
You and Ace both nodded as you both started dealing with Porchemy. You punched Porchemy in the face as Sabo said he got Luffy.
"You guys go ahead" Ace replied.
"Ace let's just leave!" Sabo said.
"I dont ever run from my enemies ever, Got it!"
"And I don't go easy on my enemies" Porchemy included
"Come on these guys aren't just this they are BlueJam pirates" Sabo said.
"Yeah you got that right. I'm done playing games here, you have something that belong to us, be good and give it back. You're just a kid, I dont blame you for being stupid, but fork over the cash, or you'll regret it"
Ace hit Porchemy sword back.
"We've got better plan for the money, and it's our money now"
"Than you're dead"
Sabo came next to Ace holding his metal pipe aswell.
"You like to di-
"Sabo, Ace go take Luffy and go somewhere safe and where we can meet up, I'm going to do something, but you can get caught in the crossfire so leave"
You gripped onto your arm which started to be covered with the ink, as you twitched because it burned.
You send a glare at both of them.
"Leave. It was not a yes or no answer, go"
Ace gritted his teeth but listened and went to take Luffy somewhere safe. Sabo nodded and picked up Luffy as all 3 of them ran away.
"Now your on your own brat, you're dead"
Pain coursed through your body as ink like substance surrounded your body as you gritted your teeth, this is the complete final stage of the devil fruit, you won't be yourself....
"Wh-what the hell are you!"
"I ate the ink ink beast fruit, a devil that alllows me to have control on ink in various ways that you will never understand."
You put your hand into a fist and pointed it at Porchemy as ink spread on your arm. You laughed as you saw the scaredness in his face.
"Scared! Of a kid! How pathetic!" You laughed
You shoot your hand up as the Ink made contact with Porchemy making him fly back. You grabbed his sword and made your ink wrap around it.
"I warned you" you grinned
You stab the sword into his stomach as he scream in pain, you pull the sword and throw it to the side. You chuckled...than you giggled..than you laughed..you internally couldn't know why you are laughing but you are.
The ink spreads all over the room as it swallows every object it could devour. You closed your eyes as you smiled..... then you heard somone call your name.
You turned around and grabbed the inked sword ready to see who it was..it was your mother. The ink that covered your eyes slowly faded away as you looked at her your eye just widen in suprised.
"M-mom?" Tears streamed down your face.
"Y/N..dear your friends are waiting for you"
More and more of the ink faded away and slowly back into your body and nails and fangs slowly shrinking.
"Dont blame yourself for what happened that day, I still love you no matter what"
More more tears streamed down your face as you ran to her. You went to hug her but you just passed through her. You turned around hoping she was just playing a trick..but no she was not there anymore.
You sighed as you looked at your hands and around the place, everything was back to normal except for the damage you've done and the dead Porchemy in the corner. She helped you hold on to life, you smiled.
"Thank you...mom"
You wiped your hands on your dress as you went back in the forest looking for Ace, Sabo, And luffy.
What will they do when you come back. Will they be relieved, happy, mad. You knew you had to confess to them about your powers you just hoped they won't get too mad.
AN:I'll be making a part 6 on Sunday so stay tuned.
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