#phineas and ferb ps3
alex-travaganza · 5 months
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antoninostarki9 · 2 years
PlayStation Plus - *PS3* - Disney Universe - MODO PHINEAS Y FERB
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i put a fucking tortilla in my ps3 and it plays that phineas and ferb game
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heistmovie · 4 years
all me and my brother have done this quarantine is consume media from our childhood
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How would Jumin react to MC watching Phineas &Ferb? I love this show to the end of the earth lmaoooo
I think at first he'd be a bit confused as to why you're watching a "kids" show, but he wouldn't say anything about it, he loves it when you start singing along to the songs or just burst into fits of giggles because of a joke.
One day he decided to accompany you watching TV in the living room, and he became a bit interested in the show. In the beginning he'd be saying things like "this wouldn't really be possible to build in one day" or "platypuses aren't turquoise" or "that's actually illegal" or "I don't think they have enough money to be funding all of this." But his comments would then turn into small gasps as he gets a bit more into it.
He honestly finds Dr. Doofenshmirtz the best, don't ask me why it's the first thing that came into mind. At first he found him annoying but grew to slowly love him. He likes how he never gives up and actually cares about those around him, like his daughter.
He will be a bit slow on the jokes, god bless his beautiful heart, but will smile whenever you start laughing.
He thinks the songs are catchy and he likes them. He also really likes Ferb, and says if he existed Jumin would immediately hire him to work at C&R.
After seeing all the Perry shenanigans he will be 98.9999999% sure that Elizabeth is also a secret agent, and he will get her a very fancy hat. He knows Elizabeth is a smart cat, and it could be possible. He acts like he doesn't know, however because he doesn't want her to be taken away by the organization.
One thing that made him laugh are the Doofenshmirtz backstories, in a very ironic kind of way, since both their parents weren't exactly the most attentive. "It all started on the day I was born. My parents didn't show up" (I'm quoting this out of memory forgive me if it's not correct ajdjdjd but I love it it's so freaking! Oh God it's just amazing)
He also really loves the jingles of Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!!!! And will definetly want to get C&R one.
He constantly shits on Candace too, saying all the different ways she could have busted her brothers.
I feel like he'd have a favorite song, but right now I don't know which one. Maybe gitchi gitchi goo, it means I love you!
He likes the movies and bought the PS3 game for Phineas and Ferb across the 2d dimension (god I used to play that game all the time jesus) and will be a self proclaimed gamer now I guess lololol
In conclusion it'd be a Jumin approved show tbh, and could eventually be one he really likes. He thinks the jokes are great, he loves Agent P, and no matter how long the show ran for he felt it's spark never died out.
After watching Phineas and Ferb, he'd be pretty into watching Gravity Falls or maybe Adventure Time.
Gravity Falls would be his favorite, and tbh he wouldn't expect the whole twin brother thing in the end. He'd be able to guess the rest of the plot tho.
Gravity Falls is also his favorite because of all the spoopy paranormal stuff. He also gets into the codes at the end of the episodes and tries to decipher them, to get to the bottom of the mystery.
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kurlyfryz · 5 years
I didn't realize just how much of a Phineas and Ferb fan I was when I was younger until I remembered that I went to the "Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension" Premiere when I turned 6 (My dad showed me and my sister the tickets on my birthday)
I got some merch, too, I'll post it if I ever find it (A couple of tie-up sacks and pins with the alternate dimension characters printed on the sides)
Oh yeah and I had two Phineas and Ferb games (One for the DS, "Phineas and Ferb Ride Again", and one for the PS3 but I don't remember the name)
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enestoestuve · 3 years
Qué estuve escuchando #47
Repetición de plato para este Qué estuve escuchando.
Este podcast, del que hablé antes, vuelve a la palestra, a propósito de un concepto que suele salir a la hora de explicar personajes y situaciones en la ficción.
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BOSSCAST #20 – La mentira de la meritocracia
La conversación en el episodio 20 del BOSSCAST llevó a cosas que yo no pensé que podría encontrar en un podcast de videojuegos, pero en el mismo programa encontré otra cosa de la cual hablar aquí.
Resulta que no hace mucho se lanzó para consolas actuales, "Scott Pilgrim VS. The World: The Game - Complete Edition", basado en la película de Scott Pilgrim estrenada en 2010, que a su vez está basada en las novelas gráficas de Bryan Lee O’ Malley. Este lanzamiento hizo mucho ruido porque básicamente es un relanzamiento, luego de que al juego original, lanzado para X360 y PS3, se le expiró la licencia, y fue sacado de las tiendas digitales.
Era juego perdido, hasta que, para el décimo aniversario de la película, Bryan Lee O’Malley contó que estaba en conversaciones con Ubisoft para poder ver si se podía lanzar de nuevo. Y como pueden verlo, le fue bien con esas gestiones. Al punto de que, no solo se lanzó el juego en plataformas digitales, sino que Limited Run Games anunció ediciones regulares y especiales del juego en formato físico. ¿Hay gente que pagaría 140 dólares por una edición especial que incluye una especie de diorama de Sex Bob-Omb? Tal parece que sí.
Pero me estoy desviando mucho del punto principal del porqué estoy escribiendo esto. La conversación que partió con ese juego, se derivó a la película en que se basa, de ahí a la película Pixeles (Pixels), y de ahí uno de los dos conductores habla del “trope de juego en la vida real”, y la charla se pasó al concepto del “trope”.
Cuando hablan de “tropes”, ya me imagino en qué sitio están pensando.
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Yup, ese mismo.
Antes de hablar del concepto de “trope” paso primero a hablar del sitio del cual salió. TV Tropes lo conocí allá por 2011 cuando alguien en Twitter había hablado de un listado de cosas que pasan en 31 Minutos, y el primer artículo que leí en ese sitio, fue el de esa serie. Y desde que lo conocí, la cantidad de veces que lo visité y quedé adicto a leerlo, fueron incontables. Si usted cree que es inmune a la adicción a leer este sitio, visítelo por 30 días, y después me dice si lo que describe esta tira de XKCD es cierto.
Lo que no sabía es que TV Tropes es un sitio que existe desde el año 2004, completamente dedicado a la cultura pop. Cada página de cada serie, película, cómic, libro, anime, videojuego o incluso persona famosa, recopila una serie de tropos (esta es su traducción) que se pueden encontrar en dichas obras, además de los momentos terroríficos, tristes, conmovedores, trivias de cada obra, recapitulaciones si se está tratando con contenido audiovisual, y mucho más. No me extraña que sea tan adictivo.
Con eso dicho, ya puedo hablar de tropo. En el contexto de este sitio, tropo es una convención narrativa que se usa para explicar personajes, situaciones o tramas. Si hay un patrón en distintas obras (una forma de comportarse de un personaje, un género, una cierta vestimenta, por nombrar algunos ejemplos), entonces se puede decir que estamos frente a un tropo.
Por ejemplo: Existe un tropo llamado The Atoner, que se describe como un personaje que en el pasado ha hecho mal, se dio cuenta de ello, y quiere enmendar su rumbo haciendo buenas acciones. ¿Tres ejemplos de ello? Jason Bourne, en el cine; el Príncipe Zuko de Avatar: The Last Airbender, por las series animadas; y Ken Ichijouji de Digimon Adventure 02, en el ámbito del anime. Los tres actuaron mal en el pasado, cambian, y se pasan al lado de los buenos.
¿Un tropo es algo malo? Si es distractivo con la historia que se está contando una obra, sí. Pero por lo general los autores suelen estar más preocupados de la historia que de poner tropos intencionalmente porque conocen este sitio. De todos modos igual hay casos en los que se acredita que los autores leen TV Tropes, e intencionalmente dejan easter eggs para los que leen este sitio.
Uno de los mejores ejemplos de demostrar que un staff técnico de una serie era lector de TV Tropes, sin perder la integridad de su serie, es Phineas y Ferb. En la serie dejaban algunas perlitas solamente para confirmarlo. Por ejemplo, si recuerdan haber visto en la serie el "incruzable río de la incruzabilidad" o a un tipo en una caseta diciendo lo mismo en múltiples idiomas, bueno, los dos pertenecen al mismo ejemplo de tropo, "Department of Redundancy Department".
Si quieren entrar a colaborar, se pueden hacer su cuenta de usuario. Hay un índice de producciones chilenas que espera su amor en formato wiki. Tengo cuenta ahí y en algún momento entré fuerte a editar algunos artículos, pero ahora ando en otras cosas. Si tengo ganas de editar, seguro que estaré de vuelta.
¿Quiere seguir la conversación en el podcast? Momento 1:26:35, es en el que empiezan a hablar de Pixeles, y subsecuentemente de tropos.
El BOSSCAST se emite los días Viernes en vivo en el canal de YouTube de METABOSS, y posteriormente los episodios quedan disponibles ahí, en Apple Podcasts, Spotify, y otras plataformas de podcasts.
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sdmn-edits · 7 years
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t actually have a crush anymore😂😂199: I was born in: June198: I am really: weird197: My cellphone company is: Vodafone - it works where i go on holiday so it does me just fine 😂196: My eye color is: it changes - like sometimes its blue, green, grey and a mixture of blue and green - it’s weird .195: My shoe size is: 3 or 4 (5 at a push)194: My ring size is: I’ve never actually had it measured so idk 😂😂193: My height is: 5ft 5 - I’m growing lads!!!192: I am allergic to: waterproof plasters, bee/wasp stings (only mildly though - like i won’t die but just turn into a massive red ball), some soaps, most makeups, chalk and face paint.191: My 1st car was: I can’t even drive yet 😂😂190: My 1st job was: I don’t know if you would class this as a job but for my work experience, I worked at a cafe for two weeks. 189: Last book you read: Jane Eyre (one of my faves)188: My bed is: single - like me😉😂187: My pet: (s) two cats, (which my mum named) one called Mike and the other called Matt. I also have a pony called William (Billy for short)186: My best friend: @paigexxixo @sdmn-md @minibaeminter @wroetoredman @line-sidemen @mintersmini @wroetojill and a girl from irl called Catherine - i couldn’t choose one so have a few of my faves185: My favorite shampoo is: John Frieda Frizz Ease184: Xbox or ps3: PS3 cos I haven’t played XBox183: Piggy banks are: expensive bacon182: In my pockets: by Morrie (who kinda sounds like Marzia which is kinda scary?)181: On my calendar: is my exams😂180: Marriage is: okay? I haven’t had my wedding yet so I don’t know?179: Spongebob can: dance the best.178: My mom: likes to name animals weird names. 😂177: The last three songs I bought were? A candle, some chocolates and a shock absorber.176: Last YouTube video watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSAeOhCrv_s175: How many cousins do you have? About 14 give or take 😂 174: Do you have any siblings? One - my sister (she’s 17 - 2 years older than me)173: Are your parents divorced? Nope.172: Are you taller than your mom? I’m the same height maybe a lil smaller 😂 171: Do you play an instrument? Not currently, no. But I can play the drums, recorder and piano/keyboard (not perfectly but alright)170: What did you do yesterday? I played in two tournaments and had a back massage.[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: Idk 😂😂 168: Luck: Yeah I guess.167: Fate: Yeah. 166: Yourself: Mm not all the time 😂😂 165: Aliens: Yeah.164: Heaven: Yeah.163: Hell: Yeah.162: God: Yeah definitely.161: Horoscopes: Some.160: Soul mates: I guess? 😂 159: Ghosts: Yeah.158: Gay Marriage: YES! UNFOLLOW ME AS I DO NOT CARE, I BELIEVE IN EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS TO MARRY WHO THEY WANT, WHEN THEY WANT FIGHT ME IF YOU WANT!!157: War: Definitely not! 156: Orbs: Yeah I guess?155: Magic: Some 😂 [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs153: Drunk or High: Neither - I don’t do either of them.152: Phone or Online: Depends.151: Red heads or Black haired: Both are equally as cute150: Blondes or Brunettes: Both are equally as cute149: Hot or cold: Warm.148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: AUTUMN! IT’S THE BEST SEASON EVER!!!!!!!146: Chocolate or vanilla: Both together cos I’m a weirdo like that 😂😂 145: Night or Day: Night - I love looking at the stars tho I do like to cloud watch from time to time144: Oranges or Apples: Apples.143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight142: McDonalds or Burger King: Maccy D’s all the way😂😂 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Not really a fan of chocolate if I’m honest 😂😂 140: Mac or PC: PC for generic stuff, Mac for editing139: Flip flops or high heals: Neither.138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Ugly and rich so I can give money to charity etc137: Coke or Pepsi: Neither136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Either, I don’t care I’ll be dead 😂134: Singing or Dancing: Neither 😂😂133: Coach or Chanel: ??132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ??131: Small town or Big city: Both130: Wal-Mart or Target: Neither 😂😂129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Both are hilarious 😂128: Manicure or Pedicure: Neither 😂127: East Coast or West Coast: ??126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Both?125: Chocolate or Flowers: FLOWERS!!124: Disney or Six Flags: DISNEY!!123: Yankees or Red Sox: ??[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: shouldn’t be a thing.121: George Bush: needs to grow up.120: Gay Marriage: I FULLY SUPPORT IT - UNFOLLOW ME IF YOU WANT!119: The presidential election: irdk? I don’t watch it.118: Abortion: it’s people’s choice117: MySpace: ??116: Reality TV: don’t watch it115: Parents: some do a lot more than others to provide for the kiddas114: Back stabbers: fuck you, ain’t nobody stabbing me in the back113: Ebay: it’s cool, you literally can get anything and everything off of it112: Facebook: it’s okay?111: Work: as in job? do what you wanna do, not what your mum or dad says.110: My Neighbors: very funny. 109: Gas Prices: you make my grades jealous - going up.108: Designer Clothes: i don’t really where designer 😂😂107: College: i like the look of the one I’m intending to go106: Sports: I LOVE THEM (except netball, benchball and basketball - please don’t hate me, i’m just short and i struggle 😂😂)105: My family: they are okay, just fam really.104: The future:i don’t tend to think much of it, i just let it happen 😂😂[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: like 10 mins ago102: Last time you ate: like an hour ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: A guy called Daniel (I didn’t see him until last week but I didn’t see him since November)100: Cried in front of someone: Idk 😂 99: Went to a movie theater: Last year - to watch Finding Dory98: Took a vacation: idk 😂 97: Swam in a pool: last year 😂 96: Changed a diaper: never 😂 95: Got my nails done: last august for a wedding - never again94: Went to a wedding: the same wedding 93: Broke a bone: two years ago 92: Got a peircing: two years ago91: Broke the law: never 😂 90: Texted: half an hour ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: lots of people 😂😂 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed 😂 87: The last movie I saw: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 - Ik i’m a kid at heart, don’t judge 😂 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leaving school85: The thing im not looking forward to: my exams and tomorrow84: People call me: lodes of shit, I ain’t gonna name ‘em all but some people know what they say.83: The most difficult thing to do is: waking up in a morning82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer80: The first person i talked to today was: Mike - the cat but if we talking about people - my dad 😂😂 79: First time you had a crush: 3 years ago78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: nobody, i’m very open 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: idk 😂😂 76: Right now I am talking to: @paigexxixo  about bridge to terabithia 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully a graphics designer74: I have/will get a job: hopefully soon73: Tomorrow: school72: Today: sleep71: Next Summer: be fit70: Next Weekend: hopefully ask one of my friends from tennis their details69: I have these pets: cats and pony68: The worst sound in the world: nails dragging on chalk board, people smacking lips, people clicking pens, people shouting, people crying, people laughing, gun shots, explosions etc67: The person that makes me cry the most is: nobody 😂😂 66: People that make you happy: I could list forever65: Last time I cried: earlier - i was watching a vid of these boys crying and it just gets to me64: My friends are: lodes of people - most i have listed before63: My computer is: an acer62: My School: ??61: My Car: Audi A3 2010 model 1.6l?60: I lose all respect for people who: are homophobic, transphobic etc, people who hurt animals and people etc59: The movie I cried at was: ?? 58: Your hair color is: blonde57: TV shows you watch: that 70′s show, merlin, sherlock, heartland, doctor who, phineas and ferb, spongebob, tom and jerry, loony tunes56: Favorite web site: idk 😂😂 55: Your dream vacation: Guernsey, Jersey, Rome or Geneva54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when i either broke my arm,  or when i fell off a horse and dislocated my knee and cracked two of my ribs or when i fell off a different horse and almost broke my back53: How do you like your steak cooked: i don’t eat meat or fish 😂😂 52: My room is: 8 year old me’s bad desicion51: My favorite celebrity is: Johnny Depp50: Where would you like to be: some place else49: Do you want children: not particularly48: Ever been in love: nope47: Who’s your best friend: lodes of people46: More guy friends or girl friends: guy friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: people44: One person that you wish you could see right now: @paigexxixo or @sdmn-md43: Do you have a 5 year plan: nope 😂 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope 😂 41: Have you pre-named your children: nope😂 40: Last person I got mad at: *people: Looserpool 39: I would like to move to: either Guernsey, Jersey or Geneva38: I wish I was a professional: tennis player or sleeper 😂 [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Caramac36: Vehicle: Car (Tesla Model S P100D)35: President: Obama34: State visited: none - I’ve never left England33: Cellphone provider: Vodafone32: Athlete: Jessica Ennis-Hill31: Actor: Johnny Depp/Leo DiCaprio/Patrick Stewart30: Actress: Emma Stone29: Singer: ??28: Band: ??27: Clothing store: ??26: Grocery store: ??25: TV show: I have lodes24: Movie: I have lodes23: Website: I have lodes22: Animal: I love them all21: Theme park: I’ve only ever been to Flamingo Land20: Holiday: Yorkshire Dales or Whitby19: Sport to watch: Football (Soccer)18: Sport to play: Tennis17: Magazine: ??16: Book: Either Jane Eyre or I Capture The Castle15: Day of the week: Saturday14: Beach: idk 😂😂 13: Concert attended: I’ve never been to one 😂 12: Thing to cook: I like to cook all sorts 😂 11: Food: I like all sorts 😂 10: Restaurant: ??9: Radio station: ??8: Yankee candle scent: idk 😂 7: Perfume: idk 😂 6: Flower: Rose, Lily or blossom5: Color: Red or black4: Talk show host: ??3: Comedian: Michael McIntyre, Jack Whitehall, Peter Kay or Russell Howard2: Dog breed: Border Collie1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes!!!!
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emulator-team-blog · 7 years
[PS3 Emulator] RPCS3-LLVM-Vulkan Phineas and Ferb Across the 2nd Dimensi...
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alex-travaganza · 5 months
never should have gotten this fucjing game fuck this fucking game for having a million collectibles and trophies i’m going to be at this shit alllll day
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mokos23 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al_NqqhI7R8)
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sokittyllama-blog1 · 7 years
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3b-arts · 7 years
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I recently played Phineas and Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension on the PS3 and I just felt like drawing Isabella.
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mukyoucom · 7 years
New on PS Now: 17 Disney Games Join the Game-Streaming Service
From Playstation Blog USA
It’s June and the first day of summer is right around the corner. With 17 new games from Disney available on PlayStation Now starting today, it is the perfect time to enjoy some Disney magic – especially if you’re heading into summer vacation.
Suit up as your favorite character in Disney Universe, a multiplayer adventure where iconic Disney characters and legendary Disney worlds collide. Re-live the exciting swashbuckling tales of Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and Elizabeth Swan in LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game, which includes the first four PotC films. Buckle up and take the wheel in Split Second and experience thrilling racing, destructible environments, and driver-triggered “powerplays” as you race to the finish line.
Join Mickey and Oswald in their quest to save the Wasteland in Disney’s Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, a cooperative colorful adventure. Discover the beautiful digital world of Tron: Evolution, a third-person action game with racing and RPG elements, and learn about the events that took place between the original Tron movie and the recent Tron: Legacy sequel. Enjoy a variety of carnival games and attractions based on Toy Story and its iconic characters including Buzz Lightyear and Woody in Toy Story Mania!
The fun doesn’t stop there! Here is the full list of all 17 games available now on PlayStation Now:
Disney Universe
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean
Split Second
Disney’s Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
TRON: Evolution
Toy Story Mania!
Monkey Island: Special Edition
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Monkey Island 2: Special Edition
Cars 2: The Video Game (PS3)
Cars Race-O-Rama
Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension
Cars: Mater-National Championship
If you’re new to PS Now, the service offers access to a large and ever expanding lineup of games for one low monthly price. Since the service is based on our cloud streaming technology, you can access the entire catalog of games, select one, and start playing quickly without needing to wait for downloads. Also, PS Now uses cloud saves, letting you start a game on PS4 and continue playing on Windows PC (or vice versa).
If you haven’t given the service a try yet, now’s the perfect time to give it a spin with the seven-day free trial on PlayStation 4 and Windows PC.
Here’s a list of some of the most popular games on PlayStation Now last month.
Red Dead Redemption
Payday 2
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Mortal Kombat
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
WWE 2K15
Sniper Elite III
Mafia II
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
The post New on PS Now: 17 Disney Games Join the Game-Streaming Service appeared first on Ship 2 Block 20.
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xuisxa-geertu · 7 years
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PS3 GAME-PHINEAS AND FERB ACROSS THE 2ND DIMENSION-DISNEY-BOXED WITH MANUAL http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337478835&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229508&item=252882395748
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200: My crush’s name is: I don’t think I have crush rn
199: I was born in: 1996 in Seattle, WA
198: I am really: into drag queens.
197: My cellphone company is: Verizon
196: My eye color is: blue 
195: My shoe size is: woman’s 5-6 depending on the brand. But I can also wear children’s shoes.
194: My ring size is: I think like 7? 
193: My height is: 5'3 on a good day.
192: I am allergic to: adhesives. Which sounds really weird but since I get surgery a lot, I have to be careful because otherwise with monitors and the adhesive I’ll break out in hives.
191: My 1st car was: 2005 Ford Focus
190: My 1st job was: Starbucks barista 
189: Last book you read: Sense and Nonsense 
188: My bed is: a. Sleep number 
187: My pet: Toulouse, Duchess, Berlioz, Mac, and Angus 
186: My best friend: Grace, Hannah, Derek, and Rayn 
185: My favorite shampoo is: the honey Whole Blends stuff 
184: Xbox or ps3: PlayStation. Xbox controllers are uncomfortable because my hands are so small 
183: Piggy banks are: pretty sweet but I don’t have one 
182: In my pockets: nothing, I don’t have pockets rn
181: On my calendar: my little brother’s graduation this May because I’m horrible with dates. 
180: Marriage is: great in concept but I don’t have much hope for myself. 
179: Spongebob can: idk I’m more into Phineas and Ferb
178: My mom: is my hero and I just want to make her proud. 
177: The last three songs I bought were? I bought all of a The Arctic Monkeys albums because I got mad at Spotify.
176: Last YouTube video watched: Good Mythical Morning 
175: How many cousins do you have? 12 
174: Do you have any siblings? Yes
173: Are your parents divorced? Yes
172: Are you taller than your mom? No 
171: Do you play an instrument?Yes, the flute 
170: What did you do yesterday?Classes and work [ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: no 
168: Luck: yea 
167: Fate: no 
166: Yourself: no 
165: Aliens: yes 
164: Heaven: no 
163: Hell: no 
162: God: no 
161: Horoscopes: no 
160: Soul mates: no 
159: Ghosts: no 
158: Gay Marriage: yes 
157: War: yes? 
156: Orbs: idk what this means so sure
155: Magic: no [ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs but neck kisses are A+
153: Drunk or High: nether I don’t drink or smoke
Yooo this took me forever
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