#philinda in phase 4
brekkingdown · 3 years
so we all agree?
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agents of shield supremacy
im calling it now, philinda in phase 4
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Happy Birthday to this adorable,
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Sunglasses wearing,
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Homemade soap making,
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Pie eating,
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History loving,
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Potato of a man (that took over thirty years to make a move on his best friend).
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We love you, Phillip J. Coulson
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Happy Birthday ❤
July 8th, 1964
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helcnsharpe · 3 years
philinda ghost wrote mine by taylor swift
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katemularkey · 3 years
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phil coulson waking up to watch his beautiful wife melinda may sleeping
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justanalto · 3 years
creator tag game
i was tagged by @loverdlx (thank you sm madison!! ily) for some creating jazz!
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
so much of my creations have come from fics, i’d honestly be hard-pressed to think about things that weren’t fics I did, welp...so here’s five of my favorite fics I’ve written this year, in no particular order :) 
1. you’re a carnival on a summer night (unrequited fitzhunter, ~1.6k, G) this was part of when I thought I could write a musical one-shot every day of the year, and is based off of ‘hurt’ by Lady A. for some reason, the jagged edges of fitzhunter really bit into me when I wrote this. 
2. (she) means everything to me (unrequited skimmons, ~1.6k, G) more unrequited? say it ain’t so, LMAO. again part of the time I thought I could write a musical one-shot every day of the year, and is based off of ‘she’ by dodie. I can’t explain the skimmons, honestly, other than this one hurt so much I started writing a sequel. 
3. beautiful stranger, there you are (pipsy, 7k, T) a pipsy fake dating au in which daisy writes a craiglist ad for a fake date. i love this honestly because the concept is so great and the pipsy works so well, LMAO. (cut to: serena feverishly writing to meet a deadline while kat edits with “why is there corn in a corn maze, serena”) 
4. i would ruin myself (a million little times) (philinda, ~6.6k, no ratings) it’s a philinda best friends to lovers along with andrew garner and high school drama during homecoming season. this was written deep into my folklore phase, LMAO. 
5. the crazy straw called life (philindaisy, ~2.5k, G) a tiny look into college daisy when she comes home for winter break and her heinous red bull consumption, according to her mother. (ft. a caffienated father). honestly, this one was just so fun to write, and it just flowed out like nothing. 
literally tagging everyone I know: @daisylincs @apathbacktoyou @maybebrilliant @browneyedgenius @genderfluid-and-confuzled @maos2013 @aleksandrachaev @nazezdha321 @libbyweasley @springmagpies @unrequited-ship @the-writer-nerd-ro @sad-tunes @kaytikazoo @acetoshikosato @agentmmayy @a-biochemist-not-a-bird @sapphicsgaia @the9muses @bobbimorseisbisexual @incandescent-eden @holdendadcliffe@loved-the-stars-too-fondly @2minutes2midnight @angry-slytherin @florchis @slowlysuperduck and literally everyone else who sees this post; this goes out to all creators! <3 
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agl03 · 6 years
I have this theory that by the time they find Fitz, the Skrulls will have gotten to him and instead of it being the actual Fitz in Cryo, it’s a Skrull pretending to be him. It’s probably not going to happen but I think that may be a way they could introduce the Skrulls into the MCU. I hope it doesn’t happen.
Hi Anon,
There are just not enough words to describe how much I DO NOT want the Skrulls or a ‘someone on the team” is a Skrull story arc.  For me, that storyline has already been done on AOS in the LMD Arc.  And I really hate it when they throw away a ton of character, story, or relationship development because that character wasn’t really that character.
The writers also must be very very careful with Fitz.  They have put him through the wringer the last couple of seasons and there is only so much the fans can take.  That whole line between fun and frustrating.  I’m not saying he’s not going to be in peril a lot or have his annual Fitznapping, but last season was rough between the split and then Maurader Fitz dying.
Having it turn out that he was kidnapped before he was rescued and swapped out by a Skrull is a bit too much in my book.  Because it would once again take away things like the Fitzsimmons reunion and them reconnecting, him meeting Deke, learning about Coulson, learning he and Jemma are married, and whatever else they have in store for us.  They already tossed away all the character development from most of Season 5 with the death of Maurader Fitz and doing it again would be pretty unpopular with the fans.  
I am not trying to speak for anyone but, if you love the Skrulls and hope its coming that’s you.  I know if this happened my ask box would literally implode.  I’m still amazed it didn’t just shut down after 5.14
And don’t get me started on how badly received separating Fitzsimmons again would be.
Thanks to Captain Marvel and them using the Skrulls that is going to be a healthy fear I’m going to keep that the Skrulls will show up on AOS.
But here is my two cents on the matter.
While Captain Marvel is bringing them into the MCU and thus into AOS’s orbit I  think the reason Captain Marvel is bringing them in is in order to set up a Secret Invasion storyline for the larger MCU as the MCU enters a new phase after Avengers 4.  So if the AOS writers do want to use the Skrulls they would have to make sure that it doesn’t mess up the movies.   It would be on a smaller level.
The other thing is the MCU hasn’t paid attention to AOS for years and the tie-ins for AOS and the MCU have been super small or even just lines of dialogue.  The events of Infinity War were used as a way to motivate Graviton into feeling he needed to have more power.  We just haven’t had a tie-in on the major level since Season 1 and I am personally okay with that.  I like the world, stories, and characters AOS has built and I have zero interest in them having to change it in order to get a big movie tie-in.
Part of them having a summer return is to keep them out of the fall out from Infinity War and allow Avengers 4 to fix the snap.
I”m not as concerned about Fitz getting swapped out for a Skrull as I am for it to be Coulson if they go that route.  Having the Coulson that died be a Skrull and the team finding the real one or have a Skrull return posing as him is a way for the writers to bring Clark and Coulson back while preserving the original ending.
This would be insanely painful for the team as if Coulson was swapped during the events of Captain Marvel the Coulson that would return would only know May.  He’d have no knowledge or relationships with anyone else on the team.  No history or memories with them.  And poor Philinda would essentially be starting over.  
For the record, I don’t like this option either.  Again, I am not a fan of “someone on the team has been a Skrull” at all.   I think the AOS writing team has lots of better options on the table they can go for.  I just need some more context before I can start theorizing as to what exactly that will be outside of my initial theories.  
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skylandmountain1013 · 7 years
Moon Phases: An Agents of Shield Story
If someone would have said I would be dusting off my Tumblr after a year due to an inexplicable need to write Agents of Shield fanfic... I probably would have laughed in their face. 
And yet- here we are!
Title: Moon Phases
Summary: Twice he’s considered grabbing Mack’s shotgun axe, taking Lola to Radcliffe’s last known whereabouts and shooting his way to answers. Gravity has enough of a hold on him that he knows it’ll do no good.
Warnings: There’s a few NSFW words. Nothing else. 
Season 4. Philinda. LMD arc. Post 4X12. There be angst ahoy. As always, shout out to @katieannwrites for listening to my ramblings even when she doesn’t watch this show. 
He feels like he is moving faster than the rest of the world. He hates the in between. In between missions. In between life and death. He thinks if he is not careful, he may careen out of the Earth’s orbit. 
They know what the next step is. Aida. Aida leads to Radcliffe, Radcliffe leads to May.
It has been two days and there is no sign of her. No first step to take.
Twice he’s considered grabbing Mack’s shotgun axe, taking Lola to Radcliffe’s last known whereabouts and shooting his way to answers. Gravity has enough of a hold on him that he knows it’ll do no good.
So he spins. Between briefings he paces the halls, his mind replaying the same sequence over and over. Awe to confusion to shock to anger.
He always ends up in the same spot- next to the LMD he couldn’t burn.
It’s stupid—he knows—to hold a vigil for a machine. But he thinks maybe, if he spends enough time, May will sense his presence.
He doesn’t think the technology works like that. But then again, he’s not sure how anything fucking works right now.
His back screams at him as he tries to focus on his surroundings. He doesn’t remember falling asleep. Simmons is standing over him, giving a wary eye to the lifeless body on the gurney next to him.
“Are you alright?”
He rubs the grit out of his eyes and tries to command his knees to work. He’s getting too old for all of this.
“Yeah-“ he manages. He fumbles for an excuse—anything besides my partner is missing and has been replaced with a robot and no one has the slightest fucking idea how to find her so sitting here just seemed like the best thing to do. 
He tries weakly, “I figured someone needed to be on killer robot watch.”
Simmons brightens instinctively, happy to have an answer for him. “Oh! Fitz disabled the controller and power up mechanism. No LMDs are being powered up here without quite the mechanical intervention.”
“Well. Okay then.”
He watches the comprehension dawn on her face. “That’s not why you’re here.”
“No.” He’s too tired to lie.
Simmons musters all the positivity she can. “We are going to find her, sir. I know it.”
There’s a pillow and a blanket there later that night, and a cup of coffee waiting in the morning.
Coulson paces the lab, picks up files, puts them down.
Fitz doesn’t say much to him.
He’s not sure what he wants to hear. But it would be nice if someone actually talked. Three days and everyone is still moving in slow motion. He fiddles with a switch. He’d rather not think about where it came from.
Fitz breaks the silence. “I don’t think she’s hurt. The real May. Not the.. not May.”
He puts the machinery down and gives the younger man his full attention.
He continues. “The program was made for training purposes. Controlled environment. She may feel pain, but there’s no actual damage being sustained.” 
When he speaks again, Fitz is much quieter. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. The LMD program was intended to save Agents. Keep our friends out of harms way.” He buries his head in his hands.
“This wasn’t you. You didn’t do this.”
“Yeah,” he sniffs, and shakes his head to regain composure. “Jemma said I’m supposed to ask you if you’ve eaten today.”
“I’m fine.”
Fitz nods and turns back to his computer.
“That shouldn’t be here.”
He looks up from another set of dead end leads to see Mack leaning against the doorframe. He nods towards the gurney. “It should be with the rest. Nothing but ashes.”
“Not an option.” Coulson reflexively shifts to block the LMD. He knows he should separate them in his brain. This is not May. It will never be May.
He is not there yet.
Mack moves closer. “No good can come of keeping it here. If someone powers it back on, there’s no telling what programming might be uploaded by Radcliffe.” He pulls the sheet over the machine’s face.
“That’s enough, Agent Mackenzie.” He forces himself to breathe, to stay calm. He hears May in his head, telling him to stay the course. “No one is going to power her back on.”
“She? This is a machine, Coulson. A robot. We don’t know where Agent May is. She could be-“
“I said that’s ENOUGH!” He snaps. He doesn’t realize it until he’s got Mack pinned against the wall, one hand on his chest and his robotic one squeezing the brick behind him so hard it begins to crumble.
The larger man doesn’t flinch, and it brings Coulson back to reality.  He drops immediately and takes a step back. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.” 
“It’s alright.” Mack moves past him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he does.
Coulson goes to pick up the files strewn about the hallway. He doesn’t move the sheet.
Daisy slides down beside him and offers a bottle. “Friday. Drinks on me.”
The beer tastes good and feels even better. There’s a hard aftertaste of guilt though. He doesn’t think he deserves any pleasure—no matter how small—after the events of the week.
“You know she’s going to kick your ass when she finds out how mopey you were through this whole thing.”
He gives a mirthless laugh and takes another swig. “May doesn’t need an excuse to kick my ass.”
“So, how long has it been?”
He closes his eyes and rests his head against the wall. He’s gotten good at giving this speech—God knows he’s had to do it more in the last week than he has in the past decade. “It’s not what you think. A member of the team has gone missing and proper protocol is to exhaust all avenues to-“
“Simmons says you’ve been sleeping here. On the floor.”
“-anyone would do the same for any member of this team.”
“Coulson.” She knocks him on the knee with her empty bottle to break his pattern.
He sighs and turns her way. “Fifteen years? Give or take a few months?”
If Daisy is surprised, she doesn’t show it. He doesn’t think she is surprised.
"I kissed her, you know. I had no idea."
Her eyes go wide. "No. When?"
"About 5 seconds before she pulled a gun on me and professed her loyalty to our robot overlords." He forces the remainder of the beer down and tosses the bottle across the hall. It lands next to the trashcan with a defiant thud.
"Wow. That's going to be one hell of a conversation."
"You're telling me."
They both get quiet. He can’t get the machine’s words out of his head- that her feelings and desires were May’s feelings and desires. He thinks he would like to believe that. He doesn’t know what he’s supposed to think.
“When I was in the 4th grade,” he starts, “my teacher made us all get up, and spin around in circles as fast as we could for 30 seconds. When we all managed to sit back down, she told us how that’s what it would be like if the moon went away. The Earth’s rotation would speed up just enough to prevent life from going on as normal. And you maybe wouldn’t notice at first. But eventually it would all catch up to you.”
“That’s quite the hands on science approach.”
He looks at an indeterminate point on the wall. “I have no idea why that popped into my head just now.”
Daisy shifts so their shoulders are touching. He welcomes the camaraderie. “The moon can’t exist without the Earth and the Earth can’t exist without the moon.”
He wishes he had another beer. “Yeah. I guess so.”
“You’re going to save her.”
They sit quietly through the night.
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brekkingdown · 3 years
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put on your shoes clowns, it’s time to clown again 🤡
@unrequited-ship i’m ready 😺
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brekkingdown · 3 years
suspicious me thinks
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not to mention the h a i r
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and the sEcrEt proJeCt
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and these-
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so in conclusion: Melinda May and Phil Coulson in phase 4. thank yew
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brekkingdown · 3 years
hello have these ✨wallpapers✨ i made
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they’re scraps pls i’m trying yay i hope you like them :D
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brekkingdown · 3 years
am i the only one wondering where the wv x philinda fics are like
“we’ve said goodbye before, so it stands to reason-“
“we’ll say hello again”
would be so good in a philinda fanfic
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brekkingdown · 3 years
i cant stress enough JUST HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM
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[creds to CGU and MNWU -theyre like amazing]
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helcnsharpe · 3 years
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so philinda in phase 4 when marvel
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katemularkey · 3 years
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