#phew wipes brow
burrythebusy · 1 year
Something about being equals...
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rowarn · 9 months
i'm curious how you think simon would go about getting into an official relationship? like maybe the girl is kinda shy or wants to ask if she's the only one or just anything like that? how to get his attention and how to keep him? ♡♡
hmmm i think simon is kind of difficult to get the attention of. he doesnt really consider relationships as a possibility in day to day life. i also dont think he'd date a fellow soldier, i just dont see him as the type to fraternize or let a relationship possibly get in the way of his job.
he's also not really the type to consider dating a civilian. so in order to get his attention, i think the easiest way to go about it is...like...forced proximity.
simon doesnt spend extended time with anyone unless forced to. his job makes him interact with lots of people, naturally. but when hes off duty and home, if he can be alone he will absolutely do everything in his power to stay that way.
i think a good way to get his attention at the start would be just...talking to him. nothing crazy, he will not engage in conversation. but nice greetings and telling him to have a nice day is a good ice breaker -- form a routine with him and make him seek that routine out when he's home.
eventually, he'll start to look forward to your little smile and wave when he sees you. maybe you both go to the same market on the same days? maybe he's your neighbor? who knows! as long as you're someone just...in the outskirts of his life. someone who isn't a threat and someone consistent and kind.
simon is...difficult. he likes routine. he dislikes spontaneity. i think he would prefer someone good, someone who doesn't challenge him or make things needlessly difficult for him. he's dealt with a lot in his life and he deserves to have it easy when given the chance. he values kindness and quiet above all else.
once you have a nice lil simon dangling on ur fish hook, its pretty easy to keep him. his eyes don't wander and theres very, very few people who would bother to try and break down his walls to get him to be with them so it's not like he seeks anyone else out.
all you have to do is be there for him, just keep being the kind thing you are and treat him with the love and respect he needs. dont pick fights and don't try to control him. simon is...a free spirit. he does what he wants, when he wants and he doesn't like a leash on him.
hes not stupid or reckless so you dont have to worry about him doing anything crazy. he would never cheat and wouldn't do anything dangerous to put himself or you in any kind of line of fire.
so to keep him, you just have to go with his flow. be patient and understanding with him and he'll show his appreciation in all the ways he knows how.
he's a gentleman. he's the quiet sort of kind that makes you weak in the knees. he does acts of service bc it makes him feel good to do nice things for you and see a smile on your face.
simon is simultaneously easy and difficult i think!! hard to get, easy to keep!
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wickjump · 28 days
Hey, it's earbuds Anon
Now I'm a little confused, when was DreamTale created?
joku’s original blog was deactivated, meaning original content of dreamtale is hard to find. nightmare!sans was made either in late 2015 or early 2016, the au itself along with dream was made in 2016, and then was revamped in 2017. it depends how you look at it, what you consider the ‘start’ of dreamtale as any of these could count as the real start of dreamtale. the story we know was officially ‘published’ in 2017, however the ‘original’ dreamtale was in 2016, and the concept of nightmare can date back to 2015.
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
to give u a glimpse into MY crazy pop culture mind i was watching the Adam Sandler film "Mr. Deeds" which is partly set in New York City. there was a particular shot of the skyline that gave me a feeling that something was off. i got the feeling that something, or specifically two, identical, new york-based, building-shaped somethings, were missing...
so i look it up and what do i find but my suspicions to somehow be true
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i literally sensed the absence of the twin towers bc they were DIGITALLY REMOVED from the skyline in a shot from, of all things, this Adam Sandler movie bc they filmed just a few months before 9/11.
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
A bit related to your httyd pride requests but
What are your headcanons about how the httyd beans identify? Your takes are always the best <333
*spits into hands and rubs them together*
alright lads i'm just doing this for the main 6 dragon riders to keep it simple SO HERE WE GO!! explanations/further details under the read more!
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hiccup outwardly says that he is heterosexual/heteroromantic, however he is curious & keeps those thoughts more to himself outside of confiding in astrid, esp bc most of his curiosity is from fishlegs & maybe down the line he'll say he's bi or pan but not right now. also says he's a cisman but if someone calls him "they" he's not mad abt it (still feels like a man tho)
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astrid is def bi!!!!!! the way she has chemistry with everybody at some point but her attraction to hiccup & heather is soooooooooooooo.... bi.... she's bi!! it takes her a while to come to terms with it bc it doesn't feel like it's "correct" but she accepts it & is happier for it!! also she is cis & does mind if someone refers to her as "they/them" but isn't going to be rude abt it. she gets it.
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ruffnut is the most confident & has no issues exploring her sexuality & identity. she prefers the pansexual label & likes using she & they for pronouns. she's also polyamorous. life's too short & she's going to just go with it & have a good time!!! also the one who wants to help the others in exploring what they can do & who they can be!!
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fishlegs is bi/pan!! (heather & hiccup rlly just get ppl's gears going, huh?) he uses he/him most of the time but do he's agender & wants to use neopronouns too & only does so with hiccup bc xe's nervous to tell the others even tho they'd be w/e abt it. he's cool with he/him tho. any pronouns that aren't she/her are cool! (neopronouns used most often are xe/xem)
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snotlout is bisexual. bicon. he is also a trans man baybeeeee!!!! he transitioned at a young age & literally no one cared abt it. spitelout is actually his no. 1. supporter in this regard & snotlout holds that very dearly. however sometimes snotlout does feel a draw to being more feminine & this bothers him bc he feels like he's transitioned to being a man why does he feel this way?? it bothers him that sometimes he still wants to be feminine (does not like using they/them for himself... but perhaps bigender...)
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tuffnut 2 me says demisexual biromantic... i don't think he's searching to be with anyone, but that doesn't mean nothing happens when he gets close with someone. he goes with the flow & feels sexual attraction after he has an emotional bond. he's willing to romantically be with anyone if it happens, too. also non-binary like ruff but prefers he/they. once again, life is too short & he's more willing to openly explore that part of him compared to the others.
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kaikaykoa · 1 year
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hi nnk2 um . nonspecific celebratory art but it signals my new gender every time i come back here every now and then. YEAH !! happy anniversary nnk2 thank you for changing my life in ways i cannot comprehend. thank you for holding my hand and helping me step into one of the sweetest and warmest communities i have ever known and shaped my middle schooler brain so gently carefully before i thrust myself into the wild and matured even more. i am really so genuinely grateful for this game and the people who enjoy it also. i've met dearest friends who are still with me to this day and taught me values i use until now. thank you for being so kind to me and being there when i need to rest and answer my fondness for the past when i look for it. thank you ni no kuni series and thank YOU ni no kuni 2 revenant kingdom !!!!!!
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quirofiliac · 7 months
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on and in regards to bites the dust: as far as i'm personally aware, bites the dust is one of those... "stands" (quotations because it's essentially a supplement, of sorts, to killer queen itself. it's both its own separate entity yet perpetually attached to its "host" stand's existence.) where it's unnecessarily overpowered and pretty ridiculous. in typical jojo fashion, of course, it's an ability that seems overly "coincidental", meaning that it comes off as a stand that only applies in certain situations. which... yeah! it does.
kira doesn't really utilize bites the dust regularly, because its major caveat is that once it's active, he's left vulnerable in the most unpleasant way: he simply doesn't have a stand until disabling its effects on his chosen prey target. it's more or less something to only be used when kira believes that he has nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no one else to rely on. to sum it up, it's both his trump card and a failsafe.
since his so-called "resurrection" (when does it start to normalize for a man to realize he should be dead?) and subsequent arrangement with a certain mangaka, kira hasn't really felt a need to engage thoroughly with bites the dust. i can, however, state with the utmost confidence (because it's my city now.) that he still retains it at full strength and full potential.
of course, there are always new things for him to learn. he understood that as soon as he felt the (crunch of his skull caving in, forced to see what his brains looked like splattered on the asphalt. no human should bear witness to that, especially not him.) inevitable stench of defeat. no one could've missed that, especially not when you're as close as kira was on that day.
he thinks about it sometimes.
to say that bites the dust only takes effect when placed on non-stand users miiight be downplaying its potential because, while that is true, i'd like to go a step further and state that this applies in a very literal sense. meaning, that if a person (or thing, for that matter. as long as it has "sentience", bites the dust isn't picky.) is not in possession of a stand and, precisely, a stand then bites the dust can and will apply.
stands have a tendency to disregard reality as we all know it and, as a "side effect" of sorts, attempt to blatantly ignore the abilities of those around them. this isn't to say that bites the dust couldn't be used against a stand user (rather, kira theorizes that it might depend mostly on the user's stand and how they utilize said stand.) but, instead, targeting somebody that he knows cannot fight back in the "expected" or "normal" manner. characters with any "supernatural" ability -- or, honestly, any ability that can be described as "otherworldly" and slash or a "superpower" for that matter -- are not immune to its effects.
to explain bites the dust as simply and as briefly as possible, it's a stand ability that "traps" its target (it is of a single-target capacity, kira knows and understands this much.) in a groundhog day-esque loop, repeating the same "events" over and over with each ending in a death that feels all too real. anybody who gets involved, too, will be pulled into the loop and inevitably die, even if the initial, intended mark has managed to avoid involving them on future loops. whatever has played out in the first (and who's to say what was the first? everything, after a period of time, just starts... to... blend together.) loop will play out as intended, even if it doesn't seemingly make sense.
in terms of those with powers being pulled into the neverending cycle that is bites the dust, they'd most likely retain their powers. how beneficial and how useful they would be in such a situation, however? it would remain to be seen and would solely depend on said person's creativity and resourcefulness. if they are not the so-called "quarry", however, they're most likely unaware of being stuck in a loop in the first place-- one second, they're alive and then the next? boom, literally.
now, focusing on those that do have stands? bites the dust could probably work-- that's a potential i'm still shaky on. because, generally speaking, if i say it works on those with other abilities that aren't stands, who's to say that it couldn't (or wouldn't.) on stand users? who's to say he couldn't use this on the likes of dio or somebody of similar caliber? well! no one can say that, actually! it's fully possible and, theoretically, completely doable.
i'd like to reason this with a small excuse from kira's end: he picks people that cannot defend their selves. it's simple and easy, and he prefers things to go as smoothly as possible.
so, for sake of me rambling a little too much and making up for the time i spent doing that, bites the dust can, indeed, work on other stand users in theory. this is something that kira himself hasn't tested and, admittedly, really doesn't wish to... however, if given the opportunity with absolutely no other course of action available to him, he can and will take it-- if only to flee the scene and withdraw bites the dust as soon as he believes his safety (and life. can't forget about that.) is an absolute guarantee.
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hometownrockstar · 1 year
VERY simplistic guide on setting up world info, author's notes and memory for AI Dungeon
This is to get the AI to remember the max amount of detail and go more in-depth and behave less randomly, helpful if you want to make it act out specific scenes and characters, and its fun :-) again, this is much simplified to hopefully help ppl who don't know anything abt AI Dungeon, if you want more in-depth info check this whole sheet
This will get kinda long, so i will put it under a cut :-)
Now: setting up your adventure. Make a new one, and use a custom setting. I also recommend clicking on the "Do" button in the text box to make it "Story", this way you can write in pure prose and storytelling, the AI will also pick up on this style as you continue to write in it. You should also switch to 3rd Person, which you can do by going to the cog menu > 3 dots > Edit Adventure
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Now to set up your World Info for this story: go to the cog menu, scroll down until you see World Info, then you'll be on the world info screen. There's these category tabs you can click on to put your world info into, to keep it organized.
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click on Create New World Info, ignore all the stuff that just opened, and click on Manual Entry.
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Here's where it gets complicated, BUT! I have tools that can format the complicated parts for you! I'm just gonna summarize what it all means.
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This is called Zaltys formatting, its meant to minimize text to fit the word limit and maximize understanding for the AI. Now if this looks daunting to write yourself, don't worry: Go to this site and fill out the categories, hit refresh, then copy that text and paste it into the entry. it automatically formats it in this style for you :-)
How to use the site: Category is the all caps sections (ex. APPEAR), Attribute is the trait you're putting into it (ex. hair), and clicking the plus sign next to the attribute adds a Refinement which are the details about that trait (ex. brown/ponytail)
Not all of the sections have to be filled out, just put whatever info you think is most important. I have read about some people making separate World Info entries where they put in the keywords for characters and put info like hobbies and stuff which would only be important to load in the story in certain circumstances (for example, having a character who plays piano, but making a separate entry so this info only loads when they are in a room with a piano)
Extra details or summarization of backstories or anything else should go in SUMMARY, if you want to make a character with they/them pronouns i recommend stating it here and ALSO in the Story memory. It is much more consistent than trying to say theyre genderless or nonbinary, though it does often pluralize things in sentences. Neopronouns haven't worked that well when i experimented but hypothetically if you keep editing the results and continued to use them, the AI could get the hang of it. I have not tested this with characters who use multiple pronouns.
The keys section is where you put any words that will come up in the story that signify this character, most common being their name, but you can also do titles like "doctor" or "knight" or "bookworm", AS LONG AS they are the only character associated with these words. if you have multiple characters who's info is triggered by the word "doctor", the AI won't know who to associate with it.
This format is obviously useful for characters but you can also use it for locations, there are specific category words best used for locations but i have not played around with it myself yet, i recommend looking at the guide i linked at the start for info on that. Below is a chart from that guide that explains the categories a bit better
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Other things about World Info: I suggest also adding entries that are relevant to the story, like places or groups the story and characters take place in. Like if you have a character who works at an evil science company, you should make a faction world info entry that describes the company. it can be simple, just saying it has highly advanced technology and is very powerful. you should also mention it by name, either putting in the faction's info that the Character is a high-ranking official of the company or mentioning the company in the Character's SUMMARY info.
About Memory and Author's Note in the cog menu
This instructs the AI on how to respond and write. I'll try to keep it brief but Memory is like World Info that is always active to the AI (unlike World Info which is only active when triggered with a key word), and Author's Note is instructing the AI how to write the story (literally formatted like an invisible A/N inserted between sentences only the AI sees)
Here's an example of a Memory and A/N setup:
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The difference can be subtle sometimes but i think of Memory as more tangible things like the environment, scene, and character relations, and Author's Note as the prose and themeing of the story. Here is a site with words to use for the writing style/genre/ect. Examples of good category words to use in the Author's Note: author, writing style, genre, theme, setting, scene, format, goal, situation, storyline
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pisshandkerchief · 10 months
CRISIS AVERTED my work schedule lines up with the last few days of the u.s. fall out boy tour after all
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lanaevyssmoved · 8 months
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thank you for the clarification ed i was worried
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heat--end · 9 months
oh right. perrin is transgender i said so
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Gorgeous vampire diluc art by one of my favourite diluc artists ever, feel like you would appreciate this :3
Artist is @/_mairon._ on both tiktok and instagram
oh my GOD. i am falling over myself to take a seat in his lap. oh my gooood . . . i am Acting Up Right Now.
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daddyiluvhim · 1 year
live footage of my back getting broken
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simmonsized · 2 years
someone called bro's new chapter "disgusting" (affectionate) and I can't stop thinking about it
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drksigns · 2 months
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𝘖𝘗𝘌𝘕   𝘊𝘓𝘈𝘚𝘚𝘐𝘍𝘐𝘌𝘋   𝘍𝘐𝘓𝘌   .   .   . ?    YES    /    NO.
𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙎𝙋𝙀𝙍𝙊   𝙀𝙎𝙆𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍   .   .   .   “   𝗔𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗧   𝗗𝗢𝗩𝗘   ” .
⊠    ɪᴅ  .  .  .  ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ    ››    [    tamino  amir    /      twenty-five    /    cis man    /    he / him    ]   mercy  headquarters  is  pleased  to  officially  introduce  PROSPERO  ESKANDER.  they  have  been  apart  of  the  organization  for  four  years,  serving  as  A  JUNIOR  AGENT  and  has  been  assigned  the  codename  AGENT  DOVE.  it's  worth  noting  that  their  file  indicates  they  have  not  undergone  the  solaris  treatment  and  DO  NOT  HOST  A  MUTATION.  according  to  our  dossier,  the  agent  exhibits  a  combination  of  SHREWD  and  ULTERIOR  traits,  fitting  for  someone  reminiscent  of  the  rustle  of  inky  feathers  before  a  raven  takes  flight  ;  a  loyalty  only  to  your  own  survival,  &  a  penchant  to  work  only  for  the  highest  bidder  ;  dark,  luxurious  fabric  stretched  over  sinew  &  muscle,  finely  tailored  to  every  slope  &  angle  ;  an  arresting  gaze,  a  tilt  of  head  &  the  slightest  of  smiles  as  he  informs  you  your  watch  has  stopped.  prior  to  embarking  on  any  mission,  they  find  solace  in  listening  to  the  song  “ DARK SIGNS ”  by  SLEEP  TOKEN.
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trashogram · 4 months
He Chose You (Pt. 3)
Lucifer/Reader - Lucifer decides that you are the perfect person to be his baby mama.
Rated E, but the smut has been delayed due to personal matters. I apologize! Still not for kiddos though.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13
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“Hello there!”
This man in your apartment — 
‘He was a duck. A fucking duck and now he’s a man. Oh my fucking god what the fucking fuck.’ 
                                                 — had shark teeth. 
If you’d had better control of your faculties — if you were capable of doing anything more than staring airily with mouth agape — you would’ve screamed bloody murder.
Instead, you sat there, unable to move and quickly succumbing to a sensation you could only described as detachment. 
His pointy smile gleamed despite the darkness. His whole person appeared to glow, in fact, giving you a clear view of his demonic approximation of a man in what could only be described as circus attire. 
You stared.
There was silence. The expression on his face fell slowly, showman’s smile melting until it barely lingered on his pallid face.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to get loud, heh.” The man-creature adopted an inside voice. “Hello.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you. I mean we’ve met before, obviously, but it’s nice to be able to meet you as me a-and you as you!”
The blond cleared his throat. Enthusiasm in full force as he pulled a cane out of behind his back and spread his arms out wide. 
“Allow me to introduce myself! I am Lucifer Morningstar! King of Hell… and I am at your service, my lady.”
Lucifer bowed until his strangely nose-less face just about touched the floor. 
“… King of Hell…?” Your voice came out steadier than you thought it would. “You’re… Satan?”
“Ah-ha, ha, that’s a common misconception. Satan is actually a friend of mine!” Lucifer sprung up, pleased as punch to hear you finally speak. “People have called me a ton of different names; that’s what happens when you’ve been around for like, ever. It all gets jumbled and lost in translation. Like that game! Telephone!”
“Wait, no.” He snapped his fingers together a few times. “Is that…? No that’s not it. It’s, it’s, ah shit.”
“No, you’re right.” You replied mildly. ”It’s Telephone.”
Lucifer’s eyes lit up like firecrackers. He moved closer to you, step by step, while excitement squared his shoulders. 
“So, are you taking me to hell now?” Your flippant question stopped him dead. 
“Wait, what?” His shock snapped into nervous laughter. 
Your eyes rolled up to the ceiling contemplatively. “I didn’t think I was special enough to be brought down by the Devil himself.” 
“No! No, no, no, no, no!” Lucifer waved his arms frantically. “I’m not! You’re not! I would never!”
“I’m flattered. You didn’t have to come all this way, you know.”
“Hell is for sinners not — not for you!” The very real panic on his face was amusing to some part of your hindbrain as you stared back at him airily. “You’re - you don’t deserve to go to Hell. Ever!”
“… Why?”
Lucifer’s shoulders shook, eyes still bugging out of his skull before he took a deep breath and exhaled shakily. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear he was on the verge of a panic attack. 
“Well, because! Because you-uuu are a good person. Good people go to…” He inhaled deeply and exhaled shakily. “H-heaven.” 
You humored him with a smile, a kernel of pity lodged in your heart. It made sense that the Devil would hesitate before even naming Heaven. 
“No,” You course-corrected gently. “Why are you here?”
“Oh! Okay, yeah that. Great question! Thank you for asking!” The man-thing cartoonishly wiped at his brow, a silent ‘phew’ following. “I just wanted to, um…” 
Black gloves gesture wildly like Lucifer was fishing for words out of the air. 
“Ahh, I guess? The short answer is that I just wanted to meet you.” He smiled sheepishly. 
Your face felt numb, but you imagined that he could make out the want to raise your eyebrow questioningly from the blazé energy you were exuding. 
“See, actually, I’ve been meaning to introduce myself for days. You were moving in and I saw you and I wanted to say hello because you looked… ”
Fang-like teeth bit into his lower lip as Lucifer eyes darted to your form. That sheepish look had morphed into a mortified one when he could no longer make eye contact with you. 
“You looked like a ve-ery nice, helpful person and I thought to myself ‘gee, I don’t get to talk to a lot of nice, helpful people often — being as I am the ruler of Hell, and that’s not the nicest place around, right? Hah — so why not stop by and see if this person would be willing to talk to me?’” 
The cane in his gloved hands tapped against one palm impatiently, a shiny red apple glinting at the top. 
“Well, I, I mean that’s what I wanted to do when you first got here…” He trailed off with uncertainty. 
“But I just… I just kept fucking it up!” Lucifer knocked a fist against his face as if to say ‘stupid! stupid!’. “Every time I come up to knock on your door, I start thinking about all the ways it could go wrong and then I’d start getting antsy and I didn’t wanna freak you out!”
The Devil raked a hand through his platinum-blond hair. 
“I was just so afraid you’d run away screaming.” He sighed. “Which, while I thought that would be the worst case scenario, made a little more sense than right now with you taking this whole thing exceptionally well.” 
“Hmm,” You hummed, turning his words over in your mind. “Well I can’t run away, but I’m definitely screaming internally, if that’s helpful?”
Lucifer had the nerve to pout at your deadpan statement. 
“Maybe whatever you gave me at dinner caused a bad reaction?” You suggested. 
“Oh no. Well, maybe. I mean — I didn’t give that stuff to you. This was their idea.”
A bit of feeling was returning to your nose, and you could feel it scrunch up in confusion. “Your friends wanted to drug me?”
“My frie — Hah! Oh no, sweetie those aren’t my friends! Well, I mean they’ve let me crash at their place when I’m up topside, but that’s all part of our little agreement.” 
“Your agreement to-oo provide them with joy and laughter in their golden years as a pet duck?”
Lucifer guffawed loudly. “Oho! You are — that was funny! Hah, funny, kind, pretty, you’re the whole shebang aren’t ya?! — I knew picking you was the right move!”
‘Picking me?’ That got you to tilt your head with some effort, mouth opening to ask just that.
“Aha no, actually.” Lucifer cut you off. “That’s the other thing I was going to mention. I wasn’t gonna bring it up until a little while later, after we got to know each other.” 
Before you knew it, Lucifer had scuttled to your side and was sitting on the edge of the couch beside you, propping up the side of his head on one arm against the back. 
“Now’s as good a time as any.” You replied serenely. If you could shrug, you would’ve. 
Lucifer frowned while patterns into the couch cushion. “I wish I knew why you’re so darn agreeable. I mean, I love it! Makes this so much easier. But it’s also a little… weird.” 
You shifted to better face the Prince of Darkness, feeling a tingling sensation along one side. “I find it’s best to go with the flow during dreams. When I question things, they’re more likely to change into nightmares.” 
“Wh… what?” Your companion flinched back like you’d smacked him in the face. “You think this is a dream?”
“What else could it be?” Came your nonchalant response. “It’s either that or a hallucination from the drugs. I wouldn’t know, I don’t usually partake. But I’m pretty sure I fell asleep after my neighbors brought me back to my room, so I’m leaning toward that.”
The devil remained silent, that earlier expression of mortification making a comeback, as well as a slow-growing horror that made the unusually red spots on his cheeks drain down to pink. 
“No, no I’m not… I’m not a dream! This is real! I’m real!” Lucifer lurched forward suddenly, hands hovering centimeters from your lifeless arm. 
He swallowed thickly, making a decision in real time to peel off his glove and reach out to you with alabaster fingers. 
“See?” He asked softly, brushed against your shoulder down to your forearm with cautious claws. 
The nerve endings in your body had been waking up throughout your conversation with Not-Satan, but felt unusually sharp as his nails grazed your flesh. Lucifer’s hand was smoother than smooth, and cold like a glass window in winter. It was as if he were made of porcelain, solid yet fragile. 
And yet you felt a burgeoning warmth when he took hold of your hand. There was a faint heat coming from beneath his skin; a candle still burning somewhere beneath layers and layers of ice. 
You shivered violently, body and mind syncing as you both rejected and sought that impossible sensation. 
Lucifer, meanwhile, was staring at your hand in his, fingers entwined. He marveled at the image, hope blossoming from within, after an eternity of being grounded. 
Just to touch you, to be near you and bask in your body heat and the presence of your soul did wonders. 
“This is no dream. This is really happening.” He repeated softly. 
———————— Tag List:
@crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch
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