#peppered corydoras
waterskies · 10 months
Finnley came out today and stuck around for me to take some footage of. He is one of the first fish I owned when I started the hobby 7 years ago!
Bonus Cory photos:
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vulperagirlears · 8 months
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everyone SHUT the FUCK up my son is SLEEPING on an LEAF do not WAKE him with your POSTS
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aquariuminfobureau · 16 days
The peppered Corydoras
Just a reminder that the 22 or 23 degree temperature range that is often suggested for the popular peppered or mottled Corydoras, Corydoras paleatus, are based on year-round averages for its natural range, in the Lower Parana and La Plata, Argentina. In reality the region is not tropical, and the climate is seasonal, with winter temps dropping as low as 18 degrees, and summer temps soaring as high as 28 degrees.
This origin actually gives C. paleatus a wide tolerance of ambient temperatures, though those temperatures too close to the higher and lower ends of that range, should not be maintained permanently. Whereas there is a reason, countless hobbyists have maintained this fish in perfect health, year round, at tank temperatures of 22 to 25 degrees. These are not the water temperatures preferred by flag or discus cichlids, for example, but 24 degrees is the standard temperature for running tropical community aquaria.
For C. paleatus the pH ought to be set to around 7, or slightly over, as per their wild origins. These are not a fish from tropical blackwaters, nor hardwater lakes. Care in the aquarium is otherwise as standard, for the other popular Corydoras species. The aquarium substrate should be fine sand, food should be dried and defrosted items suitable for small, largely insectivorous catfishes, and the fish themselves should be maintained in a group, lest singular corys become less bold.
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betta-beta · 2 months
I went to the pet store to get some isopods and they had two more of the peppered corys in the tank (I only grabbed 6, last time, because that’s all I saw there), so I grabbed them, and I got this leucistic one. It’s much less amused by the barbs than the other 7.
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ajitated · 3 months
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Playing a lil bit of catch up for Fishuary now that I finished the first post, so here's Day 6, Catfish!
I did 3 of my favorite corydoras -- I'm hopefully getting some pygmy's and salt & peppers!
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therewithacamera · 3 months
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Fishuary + LGBTQ history month
Peppered corydoras and enby
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spidermilkshake · 3 months
Now that all my little nano feesh buddies are settled in (and I'm more mobile in my walking boot, rather than a heavy ole cast), I'm thinking about the Final Tank and its residents.
Assassin Snails for sure, so that this 30-gallon can be the default "this is where I trap a bunch of my pest bladder snails with a chunk of cuke and drop them off" zone. I only have a sponge filter in this one so I can try more low-flow fishes, but I'm thinking I'll add one of my small air pumps to it for some redundancy and try to see if the flow will be enough to happily keep a few bamboo shrimp. I know it's got a TON of microorganisms living in it from the ample copepod, amphipod, hydra and microworm populations (which also yee, free fish food source if I'm ever unable to feed them for a couple days), just thinking an additional source of current is what I'd need to satisfy the needs of these cool filter-feeding shrimp.
As far as fish go, fewer but slightly larger. Since it's lower surface disturbance with some already pretty lush little water sprite cuttings and nice bendy thin woodscape, I'm deciding between having a small (2-3) betta sorority since I still love bettas and it would be great to keep some in... less ignorant conditions than previous attempts during childhood where I didn't have the power to choose tanks and plants and whatnot. If not bettas, I love little gouramis! Sparkling gouramis would be lovely and too small to really bother the shrimp, and honey gouramis would be lovely as well since they're so cute and chill... well, with other fish. XD They can get sassy with each other, but I'm familiar with my flame tetras' various soap opera antics, so turf disputes and little chases are pretty normal. And on the bottom I'm contemplating a few species of catfish. Smaller corydoras of course--like a group of 6 would be great of Juliis, or Pandas, or Salt-and-Peppers. I'm also wondering if the stocking would also permit either a school of 6 or so Anchor Catfish (teeny little cute dudes who love shuffling in sand and leaves) or a Bristlenose pleco? I know it would have to be one or the other, since the filtration is large for a sponge but still relatively small. They should all get on together regardless of what arrangement it ends up being.
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kaopiak · 1 year
What kinda fish are those 3 fish characters?
it’s on that post it says
isopod / cory dora / sea urchin
but here are pictures of what their species look like from left to right in the order the drawing is in :) !
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specifically the aquatic giant isopod, a panda corydora, and purple sea urchin!
• Rolan - i named him that because they’re technically a part of the rolly polly family and Rolan sounds like Rolling lol..
• Conda - is a mix of Cory/Panda and in her story she was named that because her dad thought it sounded badass
• Styley - Styley’s name is Styley because i was listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers when I made him ! Charlie is his other name when he’s with family haha
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palaeoplushies · 2 years
I don't have a picture of them unfortunately but when I was little, my mother got two... plecos..? from her brother who passed away in his will. One was pepper-gray, one is peopered black (her tank is so dark I can't get an even halfway decent picture, we do have tank lights but she likes the dark! Only comes out when all lights are off.)
The reason I say they're... plecos...? is because my mother has brought pictures of them to several fish stores and and no one has any idea what the hell they ARE. I myself have done some googling and still can't find anything that matches their looks, not even close. And unfortunately the person who actually purchased them passed, so... if he knew, we can't find out
The still-living one is black with mild peppering, looks like a corydora and a catfish had an approximately 5-inch long baby, one lived approximately 15 years, the other is in her 20's currently
Ooh, a fish mystery! I'm really sorry to hear about your uncle's passing, but I'm glad that his fish went to a good home and they have had such long lives (and one continues to have a long life!). It's hard to tell what your mystery fish are without a photo. Both Plecos and Corydora are types of catfish, so I assume we're looking at something catfish-y, at least!
Try having a look at different catfish; Synodontis species have a kind of pleco-like profile with a cory-ish face and come in the colours and size you describe. Pictus catfish could be another contender, but without more information these are really stabs in the dark. If you'd like more help, feel free to ping me another message with a more detailled description if possible: Do they have a pleco-like suction cup mouth on the underside of their face, or do they have a small mouth on the front, or a wide mouth? Do they have long whiskery barbels, small barbels or a bunch of bristles or spikes on their face? What sort of general shape do they have? Are they flatter and wide or are they taller? Do they have a big sail-shaped fin like a pleco?
Thanks for your message, Anon! I like me a fish mystery (fishtery)
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waterskies · 2 months
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vulperagirlears · 9 months
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dontkillcoyotes · 1 year
1 week old peppered corydora catfish 🤗
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appalamutte · 2 years
tag some mutuals you want to get to know better!
thank you @tiredsemanticist for tagging me <3
favorite time of year: autumn, hands down. the trees, the weather, the atmosphere. halloween and pumpkins. it’s almost as magical as christmas was when i was young
comfort food: bojangles chicken. yes it’s fast food, yes it’s a niche regional chain, yes it’s not the healthiest but it’s the most comforting
favorite dessert: soft peanut butter cookies. got my go-to recipe and everything
things you collect: antique atlases, small handful of manga series, shot glasses
favorite drink: strawberry lemonade and dr. pepper
favorite musical artist: lord, i don’t even know. based off my top artists on spotify from the last six months, it’s nothing but thieves or phoebe bridgers. cigarettes after sex is really close too
last song you listened to: georgia by phoebe bridgers (lol see? top artist)
last movie you watched: just any movie? the other woman while my mom was watching it earlier today, but i only watched like ten minutes of it. last full movie i watched was the adventures of priscilla: queen of the desert, which is literally just about three australian drag queens getting stuck in the outback, and it was so good
last series you watched: given (anime) - it was actually super cute!
series you’re currently watching: none at the moment. i haven’t watched many series at all lately lol, been more into reading/youtube
current obsession: brittany broski, i’m probably halfway through her entire youtube channel. also pumping up for the nhl season—which is my first too!! i can’t wait, if you would’ve told 16yo me that we’d be into any sport at all (and hockey at that) he would’ve laughed, but here i am almost counting down the days
a dream place to visit: anywhere outside the united states. i’ve never had the opportunity to travel abroad and at this point i’d sell a kidney to be able to. but to narrow it down: kyoto, japan
a place that you want to go back to: new york city. spent 36 hours there when i was 14 because my aunt had enough points for a single night in a hilton hotel, and we made the four hour drive from her house to the city just because we had the weekend to do so. i’d love love love to go back to actually get to explore the city more than central park/rockefeller center/grand central  (which is all we saw basically lol)
something you want: real not-instant ramen. though the closest ramen place is 2 hours away from me, so
currently working on: school—classes started three weeks ago and it’s already consumed my life. but! i’m also slowly working through fic wips like always, deciding if grad school is something i really want to do, and hunting down five corydora catfish for my aquarium (because i’m down to one and he’s so lonely)
tagging a few people @dexsbruins, @stardryad-random, @cricketnationrise, and anyone else who wants to do this!! (no pressure though!)
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therewithacamera · 5 days
I had to euthanise my pepper corydora today. She'd been in my tank for 6+ years, and I can't imagine it without her. In the last couple of years her cataracts developed, but she could still swim and find food. I had several other corydoras with her, and they're all swimming around like they know something is wrong. She was fine when I fed them this morning, but not when I got home. She was floating on the top, swollen and unable to move, but her gills still moved. I removed her and introduced her to a bowl with clove oil, which I can still smell on my hands after washing them. She looked like she had a seizure, she started twitching all over and her gills moved much more rapidly. I watched while her gills stopped moving, and when I was sure she was dead I buried her under a flower. Part of me feels stupid grieving a fish, but she was there through so much, and she would swim up to my hand when I changed the water. I miss her so much already. I only have a couple of pictures to remember her by, but years of memories.
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Bye, Pepper.
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officialpetanimals · 7 months
Can you keep different Cory Catfish species together in one tank?
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Cory catfish, often referred to as "Corydoras," are a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts for their charming personalities and unique appearance. These peaceful bottom-dwellers are known for their endearing behavior and are perfect for community tanks. However, when it comes to keeping different cory catfish species together in one tank, there are some important considerations to keep in mind. In this article, we will explore the various Cory catfish types and discuss the feasibility of keeping them together harmoniously in a single tank.
Click here to learn more :-
Understanding Cory Catfish Types
Before diving into the compatibility of different cory catfish species, it's essential to familiarize ourselves with the various types that exist within this group. Corydoras is a diverse genus, with over 170 recognized species. Each species has its own unique characteristics, including size, coloration, and behavior. Here are a few popular cory catfish types:
Corydoras aeneus (Bronze Cory)
Corydoras paleatus (Peppered Cory)
Corydoras sterbai (Sterba's Cory)
Corydoras panda (Panda Cory)
Corydoras habrosus (Salt and Pepper Cory)
Corydoras julii (Julii Cory)
Corydoras pygmaeus (Pygmy Cory)
Compatibility Considerations
While cory catfish are generally peaceful and sociable, it's important to consider a few factors when contemplating keeping different cory catfish species together in a single tank:
Tank Size: Cory catfish appreciate space to explore, and the size of your tank plays a crucial role in their compatibility. A larger tank allows for more fish and reduces the chances of territorial disputes.
Similar Water Parameters: Different cory catfish species may have varying preferences for water parameters like temperature, pH, and hardness. It's crucial to choose species that share similar requirements to ensure they thrive together.
Aggression Levels: Although cory catfish are typically non-aggressive, there can be instances of territorial behavior or competition for food. Mixing species with vastly different sizes or temperaments may lead to issues.
Group Size: Cory catfish are social creatures and thrive in groups. When mixing species, ensure that you have an adequate number of each type to prevent isolation or stress.
Compatibility with Tankmates: Consider the other fish species in your tank as well. Some species may be more compatible with certain cory catfish types than others. Avoid keeping aggressive or predatory fish with your cory catfish.
Potential Combinations
While it's generally recommended to keep cory catfish of the same species together, there are some combinations that can work successfully if you follow the compatibility guidelines:
Corydoras aeneus and Corydoras paleatus: These two species are relatively similar in size and temperament, making them a suitable pairing for a community tank. Ensure the tank is appropriately sized and provides plenty of hiding spots.
Corydoras panda and Corydoras habrosus: Both species are small and peaceful, making them great choices for a peaceful community tank with other small, non-aggressive fish.
Corydoras sterbai and Corydoras julii: These species have similar care requirements and can coexist peacefully. Ensure your tank is large enough and provide plenty of hiding places.
Corydoras pygmaeus and Corydoras habrosus: These tiny cory catfish types are excellent choices for small tanks. Their small size and peaceful nature make them ideal for micro-sized community setups.
While mixing different Cory catfish types species in one tank can be possible, it's essential to consider various factors to ensure a harmonious coexistence. Tank size, water parameters, aggression levels, group size, and compatibility with tankmates all play vital roles in determining the success of such a setup.
It's crucial to research the specific requirements of each cory catfish type you intend to keep and plan your tank accordingly. Always prioritize the well-being of your fish by providing appropriate hiding spots, maintaining stable water conditions, and monitoring their behavior closely. By taking these precautions, you can create a thriving and visually captivating community tank featuring a variety of cory catfish species.
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deepspacedukat · 10 months
🤣I’m glad you liked the little scenario I came up with friend! 💙 Also this is sort of on topic since it’s about my corydora catfish tank and sorta not. Sorry for the fish ramble in advance but I hope you don’t mind me sharing my ordeal.
But I’m having a time with the new additions. I have a mix of adopted and store bought fishy friends and added to the surviving three so I now have nine. But four of them are store fish so I know what the prices are it’s $2.50 for standard wild colors like the natural colored ones (on average depending on the species, I used the emerald corydora price) and my albino (Ghost) (would’ve gotten minimum of two but it was the last in the tank, they normally have panda, emerald, bronze, or peppered corys) so the albino was store bought at $6.75 which I expected since it’s a rarer color morph and but what I did not expect was when I put in the order for two melanistic black corydoras (male and female) was for them to be $20 EACH. Which I found out the price when I showed to to buy them after picking up the peppered corydora. So I get them and figured since I specifically got a male (Nix) and female (Arwen) and they’re the same kind I’ll just mimic rain and put some nesting moss in then they’ll try to spawn, right?
Welp as soon as I added the new fish to the tank and they started exploring and staying grouped together cause they traveled together. But Nix immediately ditched Arwen as soon as he saw Ghost so now for the past two days he has been following the albino corydora (and some vice versa on her part) like a lost puppy and laying on the substrate with her, while poor Arwen after being dumped found Aragorn (emerald cory), Haldir (emerald cory), and Phantom (glow albino), and decided to shoal with that group.
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Oh, I don't mind at all, friend! My ask box is always open for whatever you want to chat about! 💙
Awww, look at all those cute lil fish bbs!! 🥺
That sounds like quite the saga! I'm glad the new fishies are settling in even if there's a bit of group shifting going on. Also, I love the names! The LotR theme is *chef's kiss*
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