#peppercosmos talks
peppercosmos · 1 year
given everyone I know is jumpin' for this might as well Meet Shiba!
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Lineart and Base by @mewtwoandme character owned by @peppercosmos Flower babies concept was made by @xxtc-96xx please support the creators(@mewtwoandme & @xxtc-96xx ! they are awesome people!))
the short backstory is, she was found as an infant and raised by her "human" trainer "D" (for Ditto), her parent who birthed her via flower abandoned her for her dark pigmentation and weird markings, she is blind on her left due to an accident when she fell out of the makeshift nest she was abandoned in and thankfully was found before sundown by D, she had multiple struggles on fitting in but now is a fighter/trainer. In the meantime she has taken up eggsitting due to her pigment causing warm spots amongst her body, she has not found any flowers to produce her own but her dream is to have her own.
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dimorphodon-x · 1 year
apoligies for previous ask had a major energy boost from medication-
what i had meant to ask was; do you have a favorite ARK(survival evolved) creature or favorite game in general eg, Slime ranchers or Supersmash Ultimate (top 3 if you cant decide/top10 :D)
I haven’t played ARK in 100 years, and I suck at every game that has ever existed even if I have never played them
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peppercosmos · 5 months
tried a new art style because i was bored. but ohwell fanart
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this is specifically for @phlurrii and i did try a more "floof realism" kind of look but it looks choppy to my end. (the blue orb under is supposed to be an oran berry but i forgot what an oran berry looks like.)
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peppercosmos · 3 months
nobody will probably see this but ohwell time to introduce some lore into my characters:
Shiba, as you may know Arc-mew. *Arc. as in say an Arch-way. serves as the deity of Arceus. she has 9 lesser siblings, all based off the planets. Venus, Mars, jupiter etc so lets get into them: Shiba - female - lvl 100 - Serious, Proud of their power. (dragon affinity) Solaris. *mercury, - lvl 60 Female. - Lonely, likes to take plenty of siestas. (Fire affinity) Eros *Venus - lvl 50 Male. - Mild, Somewhat Vain (fairy affinity) Ezu *mars - Lvl 70 Male. - Brave, loves to eat. (Ground affinity) Aether *earth - lvl 90 Male - Adamant, Alert to sounds (Grass affinity) Jade *Jupiter - lvl 56 Female - Docile, likes to relax ( Steel affinity) Ptolemaeus *Saturn - Lvl 65 Male - Quirky, Alert to sounds (Dark affinity) Korinna *Uranus - lvl 66 Female - Relaxed, Capable of taking hits (Water affinity) Lochlainn *Neptune - lvl 75 Male - Gentle, Highly curious (Ice affinity) Muirenn *Pluto - lvl 49 Female - Calm, Strongly defiant. (Ghost affinity) *they all have affinities, Affinities are like secondary typings that don't register but make the pokemon limited to normal type moves and the affinity they're assigned. if its pure Normal typing then they can't use any other types of moves. all of these characters will get their references soon aswell. - Ezu and Aether are Donor mews to the mewtwos, (6 total two's are cannonical in this universe.) Arceus doesn't exist, and is general myth, but the other three do(Giratina, Palkia, Dialga). all of these characters have the ability to use Transform regardless of ability or affinity. These siblings live on a "floating island" which was home to fossilized pokemon, which features a polar biome, canyon, bayou/swamp, plains and foresty areas. this is Invisible to humans without the gift of being "revived" or had a near death experience. (think Thestrals sort of) and only can step foot on the island if invited. and only shiba is an Arc-mew. Arc-mew's in general are a mystery but some researchers wish to capture them to see what they can do, for better or worse.
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peppercosmos · 3 months
Crackship stuff.
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Meau's owned by @phlurrii and Shiba's owned by @peppercosmos (aka me) I thought it would be fun to name them Themis (after the goddess of justice) and of course phlurrii is welcome to use them anyway they like :D
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peppercosmos · 1 year
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after looking at references from both @mewtwoandme, @loupy-mongoose, and @phlurrii I've decided to give this a shot. credit to these three for the motivation and inspiration! ^^ Meet Shiba(different AU than Mewtwo Shiba) Shiba(F) Docile - Somewhat Stubborn. She lived in a parallel world to the Pokemon world where humans never truly existed aside from a few travelers via Ultra Wormholes, as one opened up she was sucked into it and kept flying to the end of it thus leading her to the Pokemon world that we know today; she has been in hiding as trainers keep coming across her, she managed to live inside a ruined temple in the mountain a joint to Sinnoh and Kanto, while she doesn't have much to offer aside from protection injured Pokemon and abandoned mon's come to her for sanctuary. this being said she does not trust humans entirely with open arms she will not act aggressively toward them and keep them at arm's length as she is uncatchable for this purpose of being from a parallel world. any humans with balls who tried to catch her were always met with being teleported miles away in a city. - stats: Spiral Cloud: ability: similar to AIRLOCK, nullifies Ground, Flying, Dragon, Electric, and fire typing moves on the enemy's side. (1x faint on the enemy or ally side increases this Pokemon's attack by 1x.) Swift: Move: Pokemon basic move. Call of the past: special: increases dmg and accuracy but decreases defense on the Pokemon that uses this. Lightning Storm: Move: Creates a storm-like move that has a chance of striking an enemy; if struck they're paralyzed for 5 moves. - misc abilities: Latias/Latios invisibility: commonly used Telepath: Commonly used chirps and clicks: commonly used. - she can breed, unlike normal mews. - Family: N/A Trainer: n/a companion: N/A offspring: N/A - "Brain stem" is technically just a fin however it is technically also an organ to send sonar-like-soundwaves to echolocate certain items and organic matter Her tail is used to guide her way around like a secondary leg after being had amputation from when she was caught in a trap placed by Giovanni grunts and is used aswell as a secondary organ to secrete a sweet-smelling liquid that is supposed to heal other Pokemon and even humans in small amounts and used to feed baby mews aswell as splits into three sections.
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peppercosmos · 3 months
introducing Eros!
for those who dont know from my last post Eros' is a Male mew, of space origin based off the planet of Venus. stats and info: Eros *Venus - lvl 50 Male. - Mild, Somewhat Vain (fairy affinity)
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Eros's name comes off the greek god of love. (and sex but thats not important). He's one out of 2 genetic donors of the mewtwos, His job as a mew is to sort out the egg groupings of pokemon before sending it up the list for Aether to approve the request and send it to shiba. essentially and helping pokemon and trainers find their "match" Eros > Aether > Shiba
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peppercosmos · 3 months
after heavy concideration..
i've decided to make my characters a new series! So you may know about my character: SHIBA the mew/mewtwo from @phlurrii and how my character is based off of meau n nightfuries n stuff so i kept thinking. hm. what is "Ancient" but not with the word ancient in the words of pokemon. and then i thought: oh yeah! arceus. so Arceus is replaced by Shiba in this AU/timeline thus being named The "Arc mew" but everything else happens. Arceus is seen as a careless foolish god like PJO's apollo. while the other trio put up with them. everything else is the same (mewtwo being created, ash is born etc minus ash being champion)
so Introducing my Mewtwo(Movie 1: mewtwo strikes back)
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shiba currently resides on a island with no human contact, and the only human's shes seen were when she rescued Novus from the lab after a fire spread out, they were all dead on arrival so she doesn't have any trauma with them as she's remained Seldom to human knowledge. She's seen what they've evolved from, to who they are today and don't enjoy some. she finds it curious to watch humans grow and die of old age, to see what becomes of their work, and the likes. while she doesn't interfere with most mortal affairs, she's invisible most of the time to the eye, watching. she doesn't have much parental experience but she hopes she'll be able to help her "manmade" adopted son grow into a well developed idol.
---------------------------------- thats it pretty much <3 I still need to work on both of her posts from earlier. but the backstory remains pretty much the same she replaces arceus. etc Arc-mew is more aless also backed on the fact in PL:A the "Arc-phone" exists, so why the hell not lol btw series will be tagged under "ArcMewChronicals" AMC Novus's name is based off the latin word for New.
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peppercosmos · 10 days
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Lilith, (base made by @mewtwoandme ) daughter of Shiba and Destroid of Mewtwo AU. info about mew/mewtwo babies in my AU They grow extremely quickly to protect themselves from wild pokemon learning teleport and scratch at level 1. Day 0 they are blind and deaf reliant on the pokemon that birthed them via Milk and other forms of food, protection and shelter. Day 1, they have gained hearing and have leveled to level 5, they can see and hear quite a distance and know to hide when seeing large mons. this stays the same until week 1, they start learning to levitate objects, themselves and using bubble. they age quickly during this time being hungry frequently and in pain due to growth spuirts. By 2 months, they have grown into children sized mewtwos (3"0ft/3"11) and have mastered kelekenetics, bubbling, teleporting, and levitation flying. their eyecolor normally develops by then, and thats their adult eye color. their ears are still floppy by that point. but using calcium they eventually get harder and more like horns over time. by year 1 they are teens and by year 2 fully fledged adults capable of taking on even legendary pokemon. but normally stick close to their birthplace. Mewtwo babies are normally randomized color wise at birth but take more influence based off the pigment on the parents.
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peppercosmos · 10 days
decided to share a bit of my characters using a base
this AU was a spiderman pkmn au between a friend and myself
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intoducing Des first, He was part of an Experiment for mewtwos and alien genetics from a wormhole. He had several siblings *3 total. His job essentially is to be Spiderman and fend off Poke'villians from the cities (most crestelia) He lacks most psychic abilities due to genetic disperportions, thus using webbing to get around. He does have the ability to float slightly, and use the mew bubble but besides that he can't really do much. uses mostly brute strength and tactics to defeat enemies. He has a hatred towards team Plasma. He has 4 kids currently.(more on that later) He's mated (married) to Shiba as a power couple essentially. both of them are extremely powerful enough to level cities but shiba is stunted due to fear of humans. Base is made by @mewtwoandme and Line editted by @peppercosmos
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peppercosmos · 2 months
just a tw for below, For bruises, Child abuse, bruising. ps: self info, read at your own descrision.
I am a former student of Joshua schools CO. i was pulled due to basically all of the code violations and general issues with the school building and i am SICK. if you don't know, There was a broadcast on nine news, of a child being abused by littleton schools. and there are several children that have been attacked by this women. VIDEO this is the raw uncut footage from the bus. minus a blurring of a child in the back. Video and this is the interview with nine news about it. Kiarra Jone Dobs is her name and is out on bail right now. her current charges are 3rd degree assault on a at risk Adult/juvinile. and Injury to a at risk Adult/juvinile. she was arrested april 4th, 2024.
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dimorphodon-x · 2 years
peppercosmos again.
but take human cast of tfp;
yeet them into an accident where they turn into dragons and have issues over that.
primary issue: A. teenagers, into dragons bodies ain't gonna be great.
B; the transformers have to somehow figure out how to take care of them and figure out how to explain this to their caretakers (parents/school)
C: they cant talk aside from one another (the teenage dragons)
my face when dragons are mentioned and I get to babble on about theories and ideas because nobodies up aside from idols (cough cough you) V
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ps enjoy image ^
I need to fix my sleep schedule lol💀
Yeah that’s certainly an idea I’m sure some would enjoy, though it’s not really one up my alley ^^;
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