Its so sad when the side couples are better then the main couple and u get so little of them 😔(aka winteam and ramking and prob more that i dont remember rn)
me when the side couple’s better than the main couple and we get so little of them 😬
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other ones i felt that way about according to my notes were saifahzon in why r u, arisa and ying in the stranded (omg season two when netflix??? 🔪), tincan in love by chance, mingkit in 2moons, morn and gord in my tee... honestly it always feels rly rare when i actually do like the main couple. like it happened in 2gether and not that many others adjkfs. luckily a lot of the time we get sequels with more of the side couples in them~ i’m rlllly hoping my engineer s2 focuses a lot less on bohnduen and a lot more on ramking 🤞 it seems like that’s what most people want, so like... they rly should do it, but i don’t know if it’s a sure thing and i don’t want to be disappointed 😓
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hirakiyoiz · 3 years
@paulyubin 》 @gongjunz
url change after almost a year to celebrate me finishing my 2nd uni year tomorrow 🌈🎊 (and falling for shl lol)
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fu-yao · 3 years
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@lan-xichens’ march gif challenge ; week four
what matters is 'you', not the state of you.
the reason i picked this scene with this quote is because i feel jiang cheng is a character who struggles with how he views himself a lot and it was obvious that he felt utterly worthless after his golden core was taken from him, so i feel this quote is something that befits him well; what matters is jiang cheng himself, not his ability to cultivate or not, and i know he fucked up a lot in his life and isn’t an overall good character, but damn i have a soft spot for this man
i went on a font downloading spree yesterday (downloaded over 60 fonts in about two hours) specifically for this challenge and i ended up using only two (2) fonts lmao but anyways i had a lot of fun making this set! the coloring style is far from what i’m used to but i was messing around and i ended up liking the color palette :D
tagging, as always, some of my fave gifmakers on this site @linglynz @mylastbraincql @leonzhng @paulyubin @sarawatsaraleo @yibobibo @lan-xichens @lanszhan @jiancheng @gaoshide @highwarlockkareena​ @nyx4​ @purplexedhuman​ @aowyn​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @xiaoxzhan​ but there’s absolutely no pressure <3
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luna-lina · 3 years
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Challenge: From your creations, choose gifs and do a split of before and after adding your coloring!
Thank you for tagging me @leonzhng and @fengqing ♡  
These are almost all the colorings I have saved. I don’t know how to explain how I color gifs, I just use a lot of selective color layers and I really mean A LOT. I change the reds, yellows, greens and blues and I also make the blacks darker. I also use curves and color balance and that’s about it.
tagging (if you want to): @zuyilong @mufalo @lanwangjs @xiaoxzhan @paulyubin @eijunes @linglynz @aheartfullofjolllly
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lan-xichens · 3 years
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2020 is nearly over, and I’m happy it is, but it’s still been amazing over here ♡ There’s so, so many people I’ve met this past year, it’s overwhelming just how much fun I’ve had. Thank you all for making this such a loving place, thank you for your amazing interactions and all your wonderful fanworks ♡✨😄
I don’t think I’ve done a Follow Forever or a list of Favourite Posts and for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to combine them to celebrate the year’s end. Below the cut are all of the content creators in the MDZS/CQL fandom that I follow or frequently reblog here, and I’ve added my favourite posts by these creators! and it took so much time
Hope I didn’t miss anyone: THANK YOU ALL for this year!
a - d @aheartfullofjolllly + [x], [x], [x], [x] @alienwlw + [x], [x], [x] @ashenlights + [x], [x] @backtogusu + [x], [x], [x], [x] @baoshan-sanren + [x], [x] @bees0are0awesome + [x] @canary3d-obsessed + [x] @coffhwee + [x], [x], [x] @cherryysundae + [x], [x], [x], [x] @daozhangs + [x], [x], [x] @distantsnows + [x], [x], [x], [x] @drwcn + [x], [x]
e - h @edwinalric (deact.) + [x], [x], [x] @elvencantation + [x], [x], [x] @elysean + [x], [x] @evakant + [x], [x] @fengqing + [x], [x], [x], [x] @fytheuntamed + [x], [x] @ghafahey + [x], [x], [x], [x] @gusucloud + [x], [x], [x], [x] @gusurabbit + [x], [x], [x] @highwarlockkareena + [x], [x], [x], [x] @hellofavillain + [x] @hunxi-guilai + [x], [x], [x]
i - l @iiping + [x], [x] @ilyweiwuxian + [x], [x] @inessencedivided + [x] @jacksonyees + [x], [x], [x], [x] @jostencredible + [x], [x], [x], [x] @lansyuan + [x], [x], [x] @lanwangjs + [x], [x] @lanwuxianz + [x], [x], [x] @lanzhanjun + [x], [x], [x] @lanzhanshands + [x], [x], [x] @leonzhng + [x], [x], [x], [x], [x] @leoyunxi + [x], [x], [x] @linglynz + [x], [x], [x], [x] @luojins + [x], [x], [x], [x]
m - s @manhasetardis + [x], [x] @mylastbraincql + [x], [x], [x], [x], [x] @nyx4 + [x], [x], [x], [x] @ohsehuns + [x], [x], [x], [x] @oneautumnfox + [x], [x] @0tterp0p + [x], [x] @paulyubin + [x], [x] @pumpkinpaix + [x], [x] @purplexedhuman + [x], [x] @rinielle + [x], [x], [x] @sarawatsaraleo + [x], [x], [x], [x] @stebeee + [x], [x]
t - w @tarmairons + [x], [x], [x] @tiesanjiao + [x], [x], [x], [x], [x] @thirdofjune + [x], [x], [x] @theyilinglaozus + [x], [x] @vishcount + [x], [x] @wangji-love (deact.) + [x] @wangxianbunnydoodles + [x], [x] @wangxiians + [x], [x], [x], [x], [x] @weiwuxian-lanzhan + [x], [x] @wratshit + [x], [x] @wwangxians + [x] @wuxian-vs-wangji + [x]
x - z @xiaosean + [x], [x], [x], [x] @xiaoxzhan + [x], [x], [x], [x] @xueyangs-pinky-finger + [x] @xzstudios + [x], [x], [x] @yiqiie + [x], [x], [x], [x], [x] @yibuo + [x], [x], [x] @yilinglaozuhot + [x], [x], [x] @yibobibo + [x], [x] @yibowang + [x], [x], [x] @zhansww + [x], [x], [x], [x]
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ruanbaijie · 3 years
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March Gif Challenges [x] by @lan-xichens || Week 2 [x]
↳ Colour
I’ve never done colour palettes before so this was... mostly whattheheckamidoing experimentation at 2am and trying not to stab my eyeballs out over the absolute lack of colour in 2nd gif and all the movement going on in a bunch of others (・人・) I kinda slipped back into what I was doing for my mriad cases gifsets (the uniform background colour ones) *coughs* i.e. lots of selective colouring, hue/saturation, and masks... masks everywhere... 
tagging! @paulyubin @yibobibo @baoshan-sanren @fengqing @purplexedhuman @linglynz @cloudylotus @cescedes @inessencedevided @wangxianbunnydoodles
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dimpledpran · 3 years
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I never actually thought that I would hit such a milestone! I just created this blog on a whim to peek at CQL gif sets and reblog without spamming people on my main. So thank you so much for following and making my MDZS journey fun and exciting!
As a way to say thank you, I am going to take in gif requests for a month. It is also with a selfish interest, because I want to learn making nicer gifs. Totally got inspired by Kris’ March challenge and Angie’s Raffle.
So if you have any gif requests, please do send it my way. :)
Lastly, I would like to thank all the amazing people who made being here fun! I have to start out with Callie ( @reveriestar ) for introducing me to The Untamed, and getting me sucked into this hellhole. Thank you for watching the whole show (minus eps 30-33) with me and screaming with me. Thank you to my classified cultivators @jiancheng and @underaswift-sunrise! I had a great time getting to know you, and I am so glad to have found friends in the both of you! ☺️ Special shout-out to my fellow brownies @yibobibo and @purplexedhuman ! 🥰
Next up huge thanks to all the pals I’ve gotten to know here, who still entertain all my tag games! 🙈 Thank you to @aheartfullofjolllly , @betweentheheavesofstorm , @gaoshide , @lanzhanshands , @manhasetardis, @maikhiwi00 , @modamnyu , @shanastoryteller , @wei-gege, @yibocrisis for being so friendly!
A massive thank you to all the amazing content creators and accounts for all the beautiful work you put out! Obviously all the before mentioned names also come under here. And also the following people: @aowyn @accio-victuuri @baoshan-sanren  @candicewright @fengqing @lan-xichens @leonzhng @mylastbraincql @paulyubin​ @sarawatsaraleo​ @tracer85s @vishcount @wangxianbunnydoodles @yibowang @yiqiie @zhansww 
A final and huge thanks to the admins at @mdzsnet for adding me to the network. I’m always in awe at the posts the members come up with, and now I know that everyone is as crazy as they are talented! I’m glad to have gotten the chance to know everyone there! 🤗
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highwarlockkareena · 3 years
Gifmaker Appreciation Tag
Rules: answer the first half of the questions with gifsets of your own, then answer the second half by tagging gif makers you love!
I was tagged by @leonzhng @baoshan-sanren  @susuwatari-kompeito  @theyilinglaozus @yibobibo and @xiaodaozhang -can you tell I’m too slow at tag games 😂 thank you everyone!
Link a gifset you’re really proud of: 
This collaboration one. I did a few new things in it, worked well with @nyx4 and we produced a set I’m very proud of!
Link a gifset where you tried something new: 
It’s subtle but I used keyframes to increase opacity on brightness on the last gif to really highlight the ‘light’ theme. 
Link a gifset that features your favourite character or celebrity:
wen kexing! i mean any of my wen kexing or gong jun gifs, because i love him.
Link a gifset that you want more people to see:
I quite liked how this came out. I was experimenting, didn’t quite get what I wanted, but still, I like it!
Link a gifset that you had fun making:
I had so much fun making this, because even though it’s simple really, the planning of what to put in, the scenes, the colouring, wording etc was fun to work through.
Link a gifset that you created as part of a meme, challenge, or series:
This for Kris’ March Gif Challenges with a tiny bit of sneaky Tu Tam footage no one noticed...
Link a gifset of yours that makes you smile:
This nmj one because 👀 - mildly nsfw joke
Link a gifset that you made for someone else:
This birthday xiao zhan set - because we always need more gifs of him!
Tag someone who inspired you to start making gifs:
There are two names I looked up to for their perfect gifs & edits - @meliorn and @amorverus shadowhunters fandom was lucky to have them!
Tag someone who makes great vibrant gifs:
@blinkplnk @lan-xichens @yibobibo @xiaodaozhang @alienwlw (this one is hard, because it’s so many of you!!) 
Tag someone who makes great pale/pastel gifs:
@gusucloud & @fengqing showed me that you can make pastel gifs i’ll really love! 
Tag someone who gifs for a fandom you love:
@nyx4 @junhee-s @byeonqkwan @jun-hee @donghunnies @yibobibo @xiaodaozhang @slowlydiving
Tag someone who motivates you to step up your game: 
There’s two answers here - everyone because there are so many great giffers out there - but specifically @nyx4 and @aheartfullofjolllly who actively but gently bully me into trying out new things and stretching myself. (even though @nyx4 refuses to try to do one (1) overlay... 🥺)
Tag gif makers who you admire and appreciate! (Put as many people here as you want!):  
@ignisgayentia @capstevierogers @harmonization @rinielle @lan-xichens @wangxianbunnydoodles @yibobibo @slowlydiving  @jun-hee @wei-gege @mylastbraincql @xiaodaozhang @lanzhanshands @sugardaddyahxu @inessencedevided @suibianjie  @susuwatari-kompeito  @wendashanren  @yiling-recesses @theyilinglaozus @xueyangs-pinky-finger @aowyn @paulyubin @cescedes @suibianjie @claudiablack @cuddlybitch @gongjun  @sugarbabywenkexing @linglynz @wkxbaby @wuxien @baoshan-sanren and probably many more I’ve forgotten please forgive me 
Tag someone who uses text/typography really well in their gifsets:
@nyx4 @aheartfullofjolllly @leonzhng @yibobibo @davinciae 
Tag someone who you have taken inspiration from:
everyone, especially anyone mentioned above! but my biggest inspiration is @scinnlaece  i dream of creating overlays & colouring that beautiful.
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xiaosean · 3 years
Now that this hell year is almost over let’s celebrate the good things! If you’re receiving this it means you have made someone’s year better. Tell who on tumblr has made this year better for you (as many people as you like, it can be something as small as liking your posts or sending something sweet) and share some of the content you’ve enjoyed (your own or others)
putting this under a cut because 😳😳😳
@yiqiie miss mai 🥺 i honestly forgot when we began talking but at this rate we sorta just scream at each other fjdhsjkf but !!! you get me on a whole different level & share jessica with me; i came into this fandom relatively late but you were just so welcoming on your cai xukun blog LMAO and super supportive of all my content // thx for staying up with me and turning more hysterical and nonsensical as we became more sleep deprived 😔💕 she’s the best 宝贝 in the world, y’all could never 😌
@zuyilong sennen 😭 you’re actually the bestest and the first mutual i talked to on this blog! and god... thanks for introducing me to wangxian fics and making my year significantly better 🥰 ik our conversations go all over the place but you get it, you just !!! we’re so off topic most of the time but honestly, talking to you has my made year more eventful; also did i mention, your content is so amazing & i appreciate you for sharing it with me oml 😳 every time you show me i just stare and die a little bc that’s how amazing it is.
@xiaoxzhan you’re like my mental support system on tumblr for obvious reasons & just how do you produce quality content in such a timely manner? xiao zhan is lucky to have you on this platform 😌 he’s privileged. my dms open for you 24/7, and we can be each other’s tumblr voids ❤️
@xzstudios rapa ma’am ✨ i hope you’re well & taking care of yourself! just wanted to tell you that imysm 🥺 and thank you for that beautiful birthday gfx you made for me this year 😢❤️ you know i love wwx’s ribbon over anything else in the world; thanks for being super supportive + nice here; tumblr just ain’t the same without you here, but !!! please take time for yourself and live your best life bb
@yibowang my fav fav fav yibo blog !!! tbh i get my daily dose of yibo from you > any other source bc it seems more reliable (?) idk; but brenda! blog goals 😌🔥 you’re such a big mood honestly and lol we mainly spill tea and scream in the comments, but you’re the only mutual here who understands my yearning for mainland idols to speak cantonese fdhjkfs // thanks for providing me with yibotonin 💕 wait lemme try this... nei hou sei lei ah ✨ i’m gonna cry to you when 陈 sir comes, give me live updates plz.
people who make amazing content & have made my 2020 + experience in this fandom a blessing: @fengqing @paulyubin (em & hope! tysm for mdzsnet) @wangxiians @lan-xichens @jacksonyees @jingyilan @linglynz (ani ani ❤️ your svsss content i’m screaming) @gusucloud @zhansww @xueyanggg @fytheuntamed @mylastbraincql (mei i read all your tags 🥰) @baoshan-sanren @lanwuxianz @leonzhng @candicewright @leoyunxi @laoih @sarah-yyy @yibobibo (aamna you’re the best 🥺💕) @aheartfullofjolllly (tbh pat your talent > the world, i love all your gifsets) @stebeee @thirdofjune @bees0are0awesome @lanszhan @lanzhanjun @distantsnows @hualian (macy, every friday i give your blog at least 15 mins of traffic 😌) @9pcrcent @nyx4 @wei-gege @xiaozhan-hase @madetolove @sarawatsaraleo @yibocheeks @manhasetardis @hoexian @coffhwee @backtogusu @tiesanjiao @she @yibuo @clqs @sobichen
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sorry for the double msg again i always forget smthing lsbksjskd but yes feel free to quote me 😊 cant say i completely relate to ur feelings of becoming twenty soon and not being a teen anymore as im already 25 but i do remember the feeling plus i still like to deny the fact that im not a kid anymore🙈🙈 its actually not that bad tho, theres a lot of good things to being an adult but its also surreal
no worries lol. and yay, thanks! captions can be a struggle and your quote was kind of iconic alkdf <3 
i guess pretty much everyone just always feels like a kid forever, which is... kind of reassuring, since it’s a universal thing that everyone can relate to? but then kind of discouraging, bc it’s like... so this is it? i’m never gonna feel like i know what i’m doing?? 😩
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mdzsnet · 4 years
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Who are we?
The mdzsnet is a network dedicated to MXTX’s novel Mo Dao Zu Shi and all of its adaptations. Our goal is to bring MDZS content creators together and showcase their beautiful content on our blog. We also hope to become a reliable source for new fans and curious passersby.
How can I apply to become a member?
Follow the network. You will not be accepted if you do not follow.
Reblog this official post, liking it does not count.
You do not have to be an MDZS blog to join our network, but your blog must be at least 40% MDZS related and you must create content for MDZS.
Read the rules & f.a.q
Fill out this form
Optional: check out the admins @paulyubin & @lingwenn and queueing assistant @leonzhng
What happens after I’ve been accepted as a member?
If you get accepted, reblog the acceptance post to confirm your acceptance and add a visible link to the network on your blog.
You will be followed by our queue blog: @mdzs-queue
Track the tag #mdzsnet & use it within the first five tags of your original content.
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fu-yao · 3 years
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@lan-xichens’ march gif challenge ; week three
okay so i knew i said i wasn’t gonna gif anything until i got my laptop fixed but i caved in and installed avisynth on my gaming laptop and well. here we are 🤪 however simple, i’m still fairly proud of these gifs because i don’t have any of my base psds or any special fonts saved on my gaming laptop so this is all done from scratch! i know the typography & quotes challenge isn’t until next week but i couldn’t help myself and wanted to include these quotes (otherwise i felt the gifs might be too empty?) i was too lazy to make two different gifs so i just deleted some selective coloring layers & put in some new ones to go from purple to green (i also didn’t sharpen my gifs bc i forgot what my settings are and when i applied smart sharpening it was in ps’ standard settings which made them look absolutely terrible)
as for this challenge, i’ll tag @leonzhng @lan-xichens @aowyn @theyilinglaozus @yilinglaozuhot @xueyangs-pinky-finger @linglynz @mylastbraincql @gaoshide @highwarlockkareena @paulyubin @nyx4 @purplexedhuman @aheartfullofjolllly + whoever else wants to do this challenge! as always there’s no pressure & ily all <3​
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suibianjie · 3 years
I got exposed tagged by @highwarlockkareena
Rules: post the last picture/ GIF of a celebrity /character you saved and that’s your isolation buddy.
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Apologies all around for anyone who sees this without any context about the kind of person I am on the mdzsnet Discord server (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Tagging: @leonzhng, @fengqing, @wangxianbunnydoodles, @paulyubin, @xiaodaozhang, @inessencedevided, @purplexedhuman​, @susuwatari-kompeito​
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candicewright · 4 years
could you maybe give some recommended blog for the untamed? thank you! anyway I love your drawing *send love*
Aahh of course! These are some of my favorites:
@mika--82 @aheartfullofjolllly @lanzan @paulyubin @oneautumnfox @bees0are0awesome @yiqiie @cloudsrecesses @gusucloud @guqin-and-flute @linglynz @vishcount @lan-xichens @lanzhanshands @baoshan-sanren @highwarlockkareena @nikosomething @lanwuxianz @lanwangjs @thegreatkayden @chi-zi @hunxi-guilai @wangxiians @wangxianbunnydoodles
And I'm sure there are many more I'm missing, but I am but a simple human who can only remember this many URLs😂
I'm glad you like my art, anon! Thank you for telling me💜
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wei-gege-oldaccount · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @yiling-recesses
I’ve been tagged in this twice before here and here but I’ll do another 10 because a top 20 isn’t enough!
Rules: post ten gifs of your ten favourite movies (no giving away the title) and tag ten people.
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Tagging at random @xiaoxzhan @lan-xichens @paulyubin and anyone still in their pj’s (only if you want to)
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eohachu · 3 years
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alright everybody stay calm and by everybody i mean myself because i’m lowkey freaking out bc of the quality of this gif. thank you again @paulyubin for the avisynth tutorial!!! gif is from this mv
honorary mention: @mylastbraincql whose rb yesterday prompted this lel
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