writerquil · 6 months
i either see gay ships as my two fathers or my son and his stupid little boyfriend
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lolbrainrot · 4 months
new episode go crazy
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Chester ur such a fucking gayass what
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gerathewise · 23 days
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chester & parker so bbg 😌🌷
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sweepweep · 4 months
Next Life of Luxury Dark video
We Ordered Our New Bed Off Of The Dark Web???!!!!!
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creelby · 3 months
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cobwebliss · 4 months
I wish people would learn to tell the difference between YouTubers that are mostly themselves online and those who are playing characters. It used to be common for them to play characters back in the day. The Angry Video Game Nerd is one example. James Rolfe was never himself as the AVGN. He was a fictional character. It's why he's consistently referred to as "Nerd" in universe instead of James and why he doesn't know who Mike Matei is.
YouTube got lazy and people stopped creating distinct characters over time, just presenting a "public persona" of themselves, but Life of Luxury is different.
Here's the thing, the Luxury videos are fiction. They are not gaming channels or reaction channels. Nothing they show on their channels are real. Their reactions aren't real. Their personalities aren't real. Though the fact they decided to just use their real names is annoying. Still, they're far from the first guys to just leave their name as is when presenting fiction. It was common with older shows - think Lucille Ball, for example, or Bob Newhart.
How do you explain Life of Luxury Chester is a coward and Luxury Dark Chester is clueless? Or that Life of Luxury Parker is overly involved yet dedicated but Luxury Dark Parker is forever annoyed and done with it all?
Even these two versions are different characters. That's why I usually write either Life of Luxury versions of them or Luxury Dark versions of them. Sin & Sinners was a Luxury Dark fic, Claimed & Collared was a Life of Luxury fic.
When people ship Parkster, they're not necessarily shipping RPF. They might be, if they're writing about a couple of goofy YouTubers, but the vast majority I've seen treat the source material as real. They're writing the characters. If the demons are real in their fics, the characters are as fake as the demons, it's okay to write about them.
I've seen one people claim that they're queer baiting for views a few times. That's another fallacy. Are IRL Parkster boning? Well, maybe, who knows. But Life of Luxury Chester is definitely in love with Parker and that was a purposeful decision that they made. Even if nothing ever comes out of it, they're not tricking their audience or whatever, they're just playing out a fictional story that happens to include an unrequited love plotline played for laughs.
Now here's the thing: I actually am not against RPF. It's not something I actually enjoy or consume though I did in my early teen years. And to be honest, a lot of RPF is still about "characters" because most public personas for famous people are characters in their own right. But no matter the debate on the morality of RPF, I'm holding to the point that people shouldn't accuse anybody of shipping real people just because they like Parkster. There are so many layers of Parkster and very little of it is true RPF.
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r4violli · 3 months
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They're just teasing us atp
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nobodyproblematic · 1 year
Chester: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it. 
Chester: And I started thinking. 
Chester: Like, it was just trying to get food. 
Chester: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck? 
Parker: Are you ok?
Parker: If you could guess, how many brain cells do you have? 
Chester: Dorito’s cool ranch. 
Parker: I'm just gonna assume zero for now. 
Chester: I love that song.
Chester: I’m scared that when you become rich and famous you’ll be embarrassed by me. 
Parker: Oh Chester, I’m already embarrassed by you.
Chester: Isn’t this a bit dangerous? 
Parker: Chester, please. We’ve been in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt. 
Chester: ... 
Parker: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt. 
Chester: ... 
Parker: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves on the way home.
Chester: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly. 
Parker: Why not? 
Chester: Because I don't know what they mean.
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lifeofparkster · 1 year
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Life Of Luxury "It Waits Until You Fall Asleep..": Maybe Homophobia was the Real Monster All Along, Dude...
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eddies-spaghetti · 9 months
i am so devastated about life of luxury ending for so many reasons, but the biggest one is probably because they have gotten SO GOOD at story telling recently. I feel like they were genuinely building a lore and telling stories instead of just following the same story in each video.
My favorite ep is definitely Petey’s Playhouse and then the second tommy one bc they are so different from their other videos. Their recent videos tell stories, and i LOVE it.
Life of Luxury is such a genius series. They have captured the self aware and comical horror series better than any movie ever has.
i am just gonna miss them sm
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writerquil · 7 months
pisses me off when u look in the comments of a ship post and one of them says "i dont ship it... i just see them as friends but like this is cool ig" like nice bro what do u want us to do with this information. gtfo.
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lolbrainrot · 4 months
goofy guys
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this episode is the bane of my existence PARKER WTH MAN?????
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idkman10101 · 1 year
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I had no clue there was a life of luxury fandom but I’m here for it
Here’s a little doodle of the dudes
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jyushikoo · 2 years
Parker, Parker Junior and a desperate, tiny Chester🖤
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The newest Luxury Dark video was so dramatic and emotional for some reason.🥲❤
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city-catz · 3 months
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They're just teasing us atp
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techniktagebuch · 3 months
9. Februar 2024
Park-Apps existieren jetzt also nicht nur, sondern sind wirklich einfacher als Bargeld geworden
Ich parke in der Innenstadt von Deggendorf auf einem Parkplatz, für den ich einen Parkschein bräuchte. Ich gehe zum Automaten und lese die Anleitung. Es kostet nur einen Euro für 90 Minuten, aber wie fast immer in den letzten Jahren fehlt mir dieser Euro. Ein Zweieurostück hätte ich zufällig, aber der Automat wechselt nicht.
Oberhalb vom Automaten weist ein Schild darauf hin, dass man stattdessen auch eine Park-App verwenden kann. Ich habe zwar im Juni 2021 und im Oktober 2021 schlechte Erfahrungen mit Park-Apps gemacht, aber jetzt geht es nicht anders. Außerdem habe ich gerade Zeit und da stört es mich nicht, dass ich voraussichtlich viele Daten und Passwörter und noch bessere Passwörter und Zahlungsmittel und andere Zahlungsmittel eintragen und auf Bestätigungsmails warten müssen werde.
Ich setze mich wieder ins Auto und lade die App "Parkster" herunter. Ich muss meine Mailadresse eintragen, meine Telefonnummer, meine Postadresse und das Nummernschild des Autos. Die App fragt, ob ich da stehe, wo ich stehe (sie hat meine Standortdaten), und dann darf ich parken.
Es kostet genau wie am Automaten nur einen Euro, und ich musste kein einziges Zahlungsmittel eintragen. Offenbar bekommt man einmal im Monat eine Rechnung zugeschickt, per Mail. Man könnte sie auch per Post bekommen, das kostet dann aber extra.
Diese Mail werde ich voraussichtlich übersehen oder sie wird als Spam einsortiert werden. Aber davon abgesehen kommt mir das Verfahren so einfach und nutzungsfreundlich vor, dass ich es später sogar meiner Mutter empfehle. Die möchte aber doch lieber beim Bargeld bleiben. Dabei hilft ihr, dass sie sowieso nie an Parkautomaten parkt, sondern auf dem Parkplatz ihrer Apotheke. Der verlangt spezielle Parkmünzen, aber mit 80 benötigt man praktisch täglich irgendwas aus der Apotheke und bei jedem Kauf kann man sich eine Parkmünze geben lassen. Deshalb hortet die Mutter in ihrem Rucksack einen kleinen Parkmünzenschatz und wird wahrscheinlich nie mehr fürs Parken bezahlen müssen.
(Kathrin Passig)
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