#paraphilia safe
cutestalker · 3 months
In the mood to stab him and hear him moan like a whore
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Not mine but still.
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gokbukethings · 4 days
🗺️ flag kinda slaps ngl
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phantasm-masquerade · 2 months
Xelebre Space is open!
xelebre.com is open for signups! We are a pro-fiction anti-censorship Mastodon instance based upon the principles of freedom of thought and tolerance.
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littlebunnyblogs · 4 months
public bathrooms are so icky, someone should strangle me in one 💕
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thedigitalwave · 8 months
If you ever think the radqueer community is wrong by despising "survivors of the radqueer community", just think of Oli London.
He labeled himself as queer and was transrace. Now he hates queer people and trace people, says they're all the same mob of horribleness, and thrashes trans people because he's now christian and doesn't identify with those "beliefs".
Do you really think he was right? If yes, you're just a bigot, congratulations, but if not, where do you draw the line? At hating "actual queer people"? At hating "an actual minority"? Because I've never seen a non-queer radqueer. I've never seen a radqueer who's never been oppressed in any way. And with the amount of hate we've gotten, you can bet (and I know it's true) that a lot of antis are bigoted. I've seen antis be so straight up ableist while "fighting against ableism", I've seen them call radqueers the r slur and say horrible shit. And you can't say that's not a majority, I've never seen an anti who isn't conservative-coded and doesn't spew bigoted bullshit.
Because the nature of antis is segregation between binaries that don't exist as a binary. Disabled vs abled is not a binary, yet I've seen antis say that people can never become disabled, which is just stupid. As a white latino, POC vs white is not a binary I fall into, yet they really want to separate those and say people can never ever identify as something other than what they're born and perceived as.
They want to separate them because it's less confusing and less problematic. They want to maintain the status quo of never letting minorities become privileged as an identity (e.g. transwhiteness and nullabledness), and of never letting privileged people identify with minorities. Privilege or minority status will likely never leave us and we're not saying it will, but muddying the waters will never be something less than good. Because that only empowers.
In my humble opinion, saying disability and other minority status is desirable and inherently neutral or good, is not harmful. Because the other option is saying disability and other minority status is inherently undesirable regardless of how the disabled person or minority feels about it.
Anyway. I have said this multiple times, but having a distinct line between privilege status and minority status that no one can cross is not a good thing and will never be.
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parafessions · 7 months
Confession rules
Preferably stay on anon for your own safety. I do not want anyone to get harassed for anything they confess here. Let me know if you get harassed by anyone from your confessions, and I will block them so I can prevent hate as much as possible
Do not EVER send in confessions about assaulting real life animals, children, corpses, or anyone. You will be reported and blocked. You may send in about fiction, not real life. (Will explain further if needed)
Hate to me or confessions will be blocked and deleted
Not a rule but I will not have any more public stances other than anti contact and pro consent (meaning a human of legal age saying yes whether verbally said, written, or signed, not "my pet sniffed me so that means yes")
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softdegenerate · 5 months
Transblackxenomelanin 🖤
Transxenomelanin identity label to identify those who feel they should have/have had black xenomelanin and/or desires to have/have had black xenomelanin. This identity is not trace unless xenoracial, but it doesn't have to be too.
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entropy-sea-system · 7 months
for the millionth time there is no fucking thing such as a "harmful" paraphilia. Paraphilia only refers to thoughts / attraction NOT actions (note that for paraphilic disorders not nondisordered ones, the criteria is harmful actions OR distress causing clinical impairment in ones life) . Only ACTIONS can be harmful, not what goes on in your mind. Stop letting conservative rhetoric influence the way you view the world.
[Don't clown on this post. Especially if you clearly don't know anything about paraphilias or what actions are harmful]
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cutestalker · 4 months
I don’t like the word victim. It’s inaccurate. We both know you want this
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Paraphilia Education Time
🗺️ edition
There are 4 minor attractions
Nepiophilia attracted to infants/toddlers (0-5)
Pedophilia attracted to prepubescent children (6-10)
Hebephilia attracted to pubescent children (11-14)
Ephebophilia attracted to post pubescent, sexually maturing adolescents (15-20)
So the term 🗺️ was made by a group of professionals that deals with paraphiles and they are B4-UACT (🗺️s mostly from what I remember) to group all minor attractions together. Because as we can see 🗺️≠Pedophile but a pedophile is under the 🗺️ label.
Why does 18-20 in the 🗺️ label to be honest I don’t remember why but then again in other places around the world people of that age are still considered as minors sooo
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sappho-and-pup · 24 days
bingus says map pride and aam pride!! >:3
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(Old artwork qwq)
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