#para: Elliot
thecelestexzhao · 3 days
closed - @fatefulfortune
where - reef bar
Seeing a now-familiar face coming up to the bar, Celeste found herself smiling and she went over to where he was moving to sit, wasting no time in wiping down the area in front of him, "Didn't expect to see you in here tonight, Daddy Warbucks." she told him with a little smirk before nodding behind herself to all the rows of liquor bottles lined up behind her. "Anything in particular striking your fancy? Or you just here to toss some bills to us plebeians?"
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twistedthings · 8 months
𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔: m/f/anyone 𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖙: Elliot has been traveling for the last few weeks & is working late at the University he works at, your muse has been trying to get in contact with him during his absence for something (perhaps urgent or not) & has finally caught him in his office late one night. hmu if you'd like to plot! I have some ideas. 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: student or potential TA, another professor or colleague, friend, fwb/fling, partner/bf/gf, mafia or crime leader or member looking for him as a connection to the black market, idk anything works.
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Grading papers was often the most tedious part of Elliot's job but he enjoyed the solitude it took in order for him complete the task, getting lost in the details of papers and words was always something the professor enjoyed and used to ignore the world around him. At this particular moment though, he was not intentionally trying to ignore anything, an unexpectedly long trip to the Andes had put the ancient cultures professor behind on two weeks worth of work and then some at the unexpected quitting of his teacher's assistant. With a deep breath Elliot exhaled his mild stress before he brought the glass tumbler filled with amber alcohol to his lips and took a soothing drink, shifting in his desk chair to focus better on the words before him on the piece of paper he was reading.
He didn't hear the soft knock at his door, if there even was one, but he became aware of the person approaching his desk quicker and the tall man sat up some in his seat, a little startled. Elliot cleared his throat and flashed an apologetic expression as he turned blue eyes upon his late night visitor. "Ahh, sorry, I didn't hear you knock," he apologized, shifting forward and shutting his laptop screen enough to not have the glare obstruct his vision so that he could see the other better. "-- is everything alright?"
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ritadcsc · 10 months
Do mesmo modo, você e eu não fazemos ideia do que está acontecendo no mundo invisível; apenas temos uma ideia de que tudo ocorre para nosso aperfeiçoamento, para nossa plenitude, para nossa bênção final.
Elisabeth Elliot em O sofrimento nunca é em vão, p. 71
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twistedthingsa · 2 years
𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔: m/f/anyone 𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖙: Eli & your muse have been on again/off again for a while, whatever they have it’s not always the best but it always feels so good. It’s a back & forth between them, game after game, but in the middle Eli realized that they’re both just going to hurt each other & he’s trying to bail. idk hmu to plot more if you want~ 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: toxic lovers, enemies to lovers, a forbidden love he’s trying to run away from, some primal & intense fwb or ex, idk whatever works! hmu if you wanna talk about it.
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Tension pulled at his shoulders as Elliot pushed a hand through his dark hair, gaze fixed on the other person before him. They were tempting in many ways but right now they were appealing to a side of himself that Eli spent his entire life keeping tied down in a cell within his chest. In ways he didn’t fully understand and the worst part about it was that he liked it, he enjoyed how they pushed him in ways no one else ever had, the thrill he got by giving in.
“Look, I’m done with whatever this is,” he gestured between them and shook his head, trying to distance himself from them and stand his ground. “— you’re not going to get what you want this time.” In any other situation where Elliot had to take control and be commanding, whether it was business or standing up against an authority he did not agree with, he had always been strong but sometimes… sometimes he felt unsure and unsteady near them and more often than not he liked it, that was what frightened him the most. The flame between them was unpredictable and Eli was sure it would destroy the whole world if they let it consume them both.
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elliotofvanity · 2 years
Flashback Para: Dungeon Distance
Elliot had been so excited to have his sister finally home—and not just briefly home, for a holiday break that was so short it was almost worst than not even happening at all. No, she was home-home, for the next three months anyway, and the next three months were all that mattered because the month after that Elliot would be joining her at Hogwarts and they would not just be together again, but be together at Hogwarts.
He was so excited to see the castle, to be sorted into Slytherin House with Emma, to get his own wand (he had been pestering mum for weeks and she’d promised that they could finally go to Diagon Alley next week and get it, even though she’d originally intended to wait until their letters came with their list of books for their classes), to start learning magic, to start learning all the things Emma had talked about in her letters home.
And he was excited, still. He was. He was just...a little unsure.
Emma seemed so different. And obviously going to Hogwarts, becoming a real wix, was a big deal! He knew it was a big deal. Obviously that was going to make a person different. Obviously. He wasn’t stupid. He just hadn’t realized it would also make them...small. Or maybe it just seemed that way because Emma had learned so much at Hogwarts that now being at home—being with him again—made her feel like everything else was small. Maybe she was just adjusting. Maybe she was just growing up.
Well, Elliot was going to catch-up with her soon. And in the meantime...well, in the meantime, she could at least tell him all about the amazing stuff he was going to see next year. And maybe in the process, she’d remember that even though being at home wasn’t as much fun as being at Hogwarts, he was at home, and they could still have fun together. Right?
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“Hey Emma,” Elliot said, a little more uncertainly than he’d meant to. He scuffed a foot on the floor, wondering if she was going to tell him to go find something to entertain himself with the way mum did when she was working on the account books or trying to coax Evelyn to take a nap. “So...do you have underwater windows in your bedroom at school, too? Or, um...or is it just the common room?”
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ambivxxlence · 2 years
❣️💘👬🍽 si le sigues teniendo en la ml
Misc. Ask Meme
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❣️ - What are their love languages?
El contacto físico y dar regalos. Pero tiene que estar muy enamorado porque de otra forma solo va a hacerlo por interés.
💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
El atractivo físico. La independencia, la rebeldía, la libertad y, no tiene nada en contra de las personas que se entregan fácilmente, pero le parece más atractivo cuando se lo ponen difícil.
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings?
Los tenía, pero están muertos hace mucho.
Si considera a alguna persona como un hermano, pues sí, aunque no parezca.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
Por alguna razón los jovenes ingenuos le saben mucho mejor.
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xwesjames · 4 months
where: Audubon Zoo when: New Orleans trip - February 2024 who: Wes & @elliot-newman
After chatting some with Elliot, he and Wesley had agreed to spend the afternoon exploring the zoo in New Orleans. Wes was aware that Elliot was adjusting to fatherhood, he figured it an easy, no pressure environment while still getting to enjoy the outdoors. Even more importantly for Wes, something eleven year old Arabella would still enjoy.
Wes and Arabella waited for Elliot and baby Sawyer, just outside of the zoo entrance, ready to scan in past the gates to kick off the afternoon.
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noahwrightx · 7 months
@pretty-boyelliot | continued from here
He hummed his agreement at Elliot's wish for pancakes, his fingers absently tracing shapes on the incubus' arm. A love of eating even though it didn't exactly nourish them was something they had in common, and Noah added, "Big stack. With butter and syrup. Maybe some fruit," before Elliot spoke again and Noah pulled himself out of his breakfast-food-daydream.
"This? A sign?" He looked around the room as if considering it, and then, with a wrinkled nose and a shake of his head, declared: "Nah, don't think so. The only thing this is a sign of is that ol' Malvolio is trying to deflect attention from something. That stunt at the luncheon sure as shit wasn't rebellious slaves and their sympathetic master friends, but I reckon he's hoping we'll all be too worried about our own skin to ask more questions about what it really was." And, looking around the ballroom full of anxious slaves and masters, it would probably be effective. "You and me have survived worse than anything that old fartbag has up his sleeve, hey?"
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sunshinebunnyx · 10 months
Since Elliot had been claimed, he was doing his very best to keep his head down and behave, so Noah had less issues.  Obviously Elliot knew he wasn’t someone who typically misbehaved in the first place, but he and the reaper have had their fair share of mishaps between the two of them.  He was trying really hard not to mess up this time around, since he had plans to be here a bit longer while he flipped majors no he wasn’t prolonging his time here so he could stay bound, why do you ask?.  He was on the beach, at golden hour, taking some practice pictures.  Of the sunset, the waves, the little lizard thathad scurried over his bare toes.  Of the person who was a few yards away, Elliot indiscreetly lifting his camera for the shot.  But when he looked in the viewfinder, he saw the person had not only noticed him, but was coming over.  Quickly he shut the camera off, letting it drop to his stomach, camera strapped around his neck.  “Sorry!  Sorry, I know people don’t always like having their picture taken - I should have asked.  Actually I didn’t take any at all!  If that helps?”
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Sunny grinned at Elliot through his rambling apology, shaking her head in amusement. This felt more like the Elliot she’d first met, rather than the one she’d encountered during the week where magic had wreaked such havoc on the island, which was comforting--whatever magic had effected Elliot then, it had made him less sweet. 
“You can take my picture,” she assured him cheerfully. “I just thought you might like a better view!” At this she did a little twirl, kicking up sand in the name of showing off her bikini, a multicolored crocheted affair that she’d made herself. Shameless, she struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other behind her head, expression playfully pouty--but it quickly shifted into a grin as she properly took in his bare neck. “You got claimed! How exciting!”
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twistedthings · 10 months
𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔: m/f/anyone 𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖙: Eli & your muse have been on again/off again for a while, whatever they have it’s not always the best but it always feels so good. It’s a back & forth between them, game after game, but in the middle Eli realized that they’re both just going to hurt each other & he’s trying to bail. idk hmu to plot more if you want~ 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: toxic lovers, enemies to lovers, a forbidden love he’s trying to run away from, some primal & intense fwb or ex, idk whatever works! hmu if you wanna talk about it.
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Tension pulled at his shoulders as Elliot pushed a hand through his dark hair, gaze fixed on the other person before him. They were tempting in many ways but right now they were appealing to a side of himself that Eli spent his entire life keeping tied down in a cell within his chest. In ways he didn’t fully understand and the worst part about it was that he liked it, he enjoyed how they pushed him in ways no one else ever had, the thrill he got by giving in.
“Look, I’m done with whatever this is,” he gestured between them and shook his head, trying to distance himself from them and stand his ground. “— you’re not going to get what you want this time.” In any other situation where Elliot had to take control and be commanding, whether it was business or standing up against an authority he did not agree with, he had always been strong but sometimes… sometimes he felt unsure and unsteady near them and more often than not he liked it, that was what frightened him the most. The flame between them was unpredictable and Eli was sure it would destroy the whole world if they let it consume them both.
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ritadcsc · 10 months
Tudo oque acontece se encaixa nessa composição para nosso bem. O sofrimento nunca é em vão.
Elisabeth Elliot em O sofrimento nunca é em vão, p. 97
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anita-codes · 5 months
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Skin simple — Stardust (gratuita)
Feliz año nuevo 2024!!!! ✨✨✨ Sinceramente espero que todos hayan disfrutado de un buen cierre de año, en compañía de sus seres queridos y se hayan hartado hasta el cansancio todas las galletas y ponche de la mesa. Que este nuevo año nos traiga a todos abundancia de bendiciones, salud y gratas sorpresas a nuestras vidas.
Tras tomarme un tiempo de inactividad en este bonito espacio, principalmente motivado por el cuidado de mi salud mental y una carga excesiva de responsabilidades en mi vida cotidiana, estoy decidida a volver a enfocar mi energía y entusiasmo en los proyectos que una vez inicié con gran ilusión. Por esta razón, una de mis metas para este año es volver a retomar y culminar dichos proyectos postergados.
Gracias a todos aquellos que me brindaron su apoyo y comprensión durante este receso, y a los que me siguen y comparten mi trabajo.
Y pues, nada, impulsada por las fechas festivas (y una reciente adicción a vocaloid) se me ocurrió romper el hielo con una skin sencilla ( phpbb3 ) que pueden usar de base para sus propias skins.
Preview en vivo: https://star-dust.foroactivo.com/
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Cuenta para invitados: Elliot S. Wrigty | Contraseña: skinstardust2024
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twistedthingsa · 2 years
open to: m/f/anyone connection: old flame/ex-partner. bonus points if they’re also a mutant/superpowered~ plot: Elliot & your muse used to be together (partner, lover, whatever works) & had something intense & special, it’s been a while since they split & while on one of his adventures for work, Eli sees your muse again for the first time since then– only they’re with someone else (whether that’s a relationship or not is up to you!) & Eli is feeling a little jealous but he can’t make a big scene because he’s there to meet someone for a dangerous job. probably drama & adventure tbh.
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The taste of bile rose in his throat and burned at the back of his tongue, silencing any comment he may have been brewing within his head– seeing them here had been a shock all in it’s own right and Eli had been trying to catch his thoughts as well as his breath when he saw that they seemed to be with someone and this quickly clouded his mind with jealousy. His jaw tensed and the man glanced away, attention placed back on the glass of wine he’d been nursing for the last half hour, in an easy and careless act he finished off the liquid and flagged down a waiter.
“Get me a triple shot of vodka,” he instructed the waiter, sighing heavily and shooting another glance at the other across the high end restaurant and club. The waiter nodded and moved away to fulfill his order and Eli sat there trying to make up his mind on what he was to do, now that he knew they were there he couldn’t help but start to sense them in the ways he used to when they were together.
Even this far away he thought he could catch a vague hint of their scent and their energy was stirring the jealousy within his gut, fortunately his drink came quickly and he was able to quell the urge to ruin their night with vile words and a sudden appearance. Instead, he downed his drink and stood, gaze fixing on them before he turned and moved towards the bar to get himself another, walking through their line of eye-sight.
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spoilergodwins · 1 year
Se o seu objetivo é a pureza de coração, esteja preparado para ser visto como alguém muito estranho.
Elisabeth Elliot
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distanciastes · 1 year
Querida Amice,
Há um longo tempo que eu não endereço cartas a ti. Os dias se tornaram complicados demais, eu peguei uma batalha das grandes... era eu contra eu mesma. Eu aprendi que para enfrentar nossos demônios, é necessário nomeá-los. Você lembra do Elliot? Ele desgraçou meu coração, o estilhaçou de formas imagináveis. Depois de tanto sofrer em silêncio, eu decidi conversar sobre isso com um amigo, ele chama-se Luke, e caramba Amice, eu senti um peso absurdo sair do meu peito. As coisas mudaram, e ver Elliot passar próximo a mim já não dói tanto. Já não rasga o peito. Será que meu sentimento por ele mudou? Ou será que ele foi tão enterrado que acabou sendo soterrado e adormeceu por não tem uma saída? De qualquer modo, isso foi a melhor coisa que podia ter me acontecido. Eu voltei a dançar músicas que somente eu escuto nos fones de ouvido, passei a comer minhas comidas favoritas de novo, diminuiu a intensidade das minhas crises, já escuto aquela banda que eu evitava por lembrar dele, voltei a gostar da cor azul. O que me quebra, Amice, é a dúvida do que houve com o sentimento. Talvez eu devesse escutar o Luke quando me disse que o ideal seria me afastar... ele acredita que, só é possível curar um amor não correspondido com outro amor, e que se isolar da pessoa, é a opção mais dolorosa, mas a mais eficiente. E cá entre nós, eu aprendi que muita coisa nessa vida pode nos quebrar, e que nem sempre elas saem como queremos ou achamos que deveria ser. A gente acaba meio que aprendendo a sobreviver, né? Duas pessoas destinadas a estarem juntas, e duas pessoas que regam um sentimento uma pela outra, nem sempre ficarão juntas. Cansei de procurar sinais, Amice, de ver coisas que meu coração gostaria que fossem reais, mas não passam de uma ilusão que ele criou como reconforto e por ser tão dependente de alguém. Está mais do que na hora de eu viver a minha vida da forma que eu deveria ter feito desde sempre, não é?
Com determinação,
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celsolimas12 · 3 months
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*Devocional Diário.*
Terça - Feira 12/03/24
*Tema:* Entrega Total
Jeremias 29:13
Vocês me procurarão e me acharão quando me procurarem de todo o coração.
🙏🏻 *Frases do Dia.*
Deus conhece o caminho por onde você anda; mas você não conhece o Dele. *Elisabeth Elliot*
🌅 *Provérbios do Dia.*
Pv 12.26
O justo serve de guia para o seu companheiro, mas o caminho dos perversos os faz errar.
📖 *Leitura Biblíca Diária.*
João 5.39
Examinaisas Escrituras, porque julgais ter nelas a vida eterna, e são elas mesmas que testificam de mim.
" *Deus é Fiel e abençoará a sua Vida hoje* "
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