#paca paca passion
itsfantasticac · 10 months
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Rhythm game fanart, submitted to Arcadia magazine in 2000.
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nidera · 1 year
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brexckat · 2 years
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g4rden0fplay · 1 month
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awsmdog-blog · 7 months
Teruo Konishi - Paca Paca Passion 2 - Cool Dancing 2
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karis17love · 9 months
Just Dance 30 Day Challenge Thread:
Credits to @Achillean_Koi [From Instagram & X (Twitter)]! <3
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Day 1
My opinion changes all the time, but at the moment it's "Bloody Mary" and "Boss Witch". I love the mystery in both of these maps.
Day 2
"Dark Horse" from Just Dance 2015! Uuu, that's such a good map! I remember that me and my cousin had a problem with setting up the ps4 camera and we choose this one as a test, because "it looks easy!". Well at that time - it wasn't for us, lmao
Day 3
→ Cover - "Boss Witch", duh! This is the best cover that JD Team has done in their entire career, imo
→ Official Song - idk, but I think "Paca Dance", I mean - it's so goofy and funny, so cute *-*
Day 4
Since JD has lore, it's Jack Rose and Night Svan - I'm just so curious about their story and aside from them I adore Mothigan.
Day 5
Just Dance 2015, because it was my first JD game ever, it has amazing songs and I feel nostalgic in general - ahh memories!!
Day 6
Uuu, nice question... I think, it's Eternyx and Carnivallium. Eternyx - I love dark atmosphere, songs and maps & Carnivallium - because I'm very curious about it + I like all these lights on maps, lol
Day 7
Just Chacarron... This explains it all... Like this whole Chaccaron vs Zooby Doo thing?! Also these one from JD's account & a few of mine
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Day 8
Definitely "Animals" extreme - it's fast, it has a lot of wild (?) moves, it's intense and gosh, that flip on the floor, but still - it's one of the best extremes in this game, imo
Day 9
This was my second time getting "all perfects" in a song (I don't remember the first one, so I don't count it) so yeah... I'm honestly very proud of it❤🥰
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Day 10
→ "Bloody Mary" - JD 2023
→ "Freed From Desire" & "Boss Witch" - JD 2022
→ "Summer" Classic - JD 2015
Day 11
→ "Me And My Broken Heart" - JD 2015
→ "The Way I Are" - JD 2021
→ "Gibberish" - JD 2016
→ "Rock Lobster" - JD 4 (yes.)
Day 12
Guys, why are ALL trios in this game so good!?!
→ "Jopping & Black Mamba" Extreme - JD 2022
→ "Get Ugly" - JDU (2016/2017?)
→ "Wannabe" Extreme - JD 2023
Day 13
Just Iconic!
→ "Drum Go Dum" - JD 2021
→ "Boombayah" Extreme - JD 2022
→ "Best Song Ever" - JD 2015
→ "I Was Made For Lovin' You" - JD 3
Day 14
Good question! Hmm, I definitely love the Showdown season, it was so good and unexpected that I hope it will appear again in the future, also Astral & Versus are perfect
Day 15
These ones are amazing! But I think all fanarts in this community are incredible! <33
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Day 16
Honestly all the avatars in this game are just beautiful, unlocking them (like from all the rewards) gives me the most joy!
My favorites: Red So, Jinx and Felicia!
Day 17
Just Dance x Eurovision for sure
Day 18
"China" from JD 2022. The map is just too long...
Day 19
Redoo, T.Dancer and JAMAA are just so incredible and talented!
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Day 20
→ "Rabiosa" & "Hangover" - JD 2016
→ "On The Floor" - JD 4
I used to play them many times as a teenager, as well as now
Day 21
I don't have a favorite, but I really like the second gold move in "Get Busy"
Day 22
Honestly, I try to watch every creator of the community, discover new channels etc. However, it was Littlesiha and TheFairyDina who helped me the most, I learned a lot by watching their videos, they brought back my passion for dancing. So if you don't know them, I really recommend checking out their channels:
Littlesiha ↓
TheFairyDina ↓
Also check these amazing people ↓ TeamCenterStage
Day 23
... "Get Down" - JD 2021
Day 24
I don't know what it means, but the best moment for me is waiting every year for new previews and the game, I love this feeling of excitement...
Day 25 & 26
Underrated / Overrated
"Radioactive" - JD 2023 / "Kiss Me More" - JD 2022
Day 27
→ "Happier Than Ever" - JD 2022
Day 28
Liza Friday from Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - JD 2022
Mainly, because she's shy like me
Day 29
Every Rihanna's map! Please, bring back, our queen
Day 30 & The Last
Well, I don't have a specific one I'd like, but any Jann's song would be awesome, but also for a long time, I've wanted any Tini's song. It would be nice if there was a phonk song or another polish (good) song added - because it's in my language🤷‍♀️
Okay, that's all! Thank you for reading this thread! <33
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MARSEILLE : Viva Tech – TeedUp permet aux coachs sportif de vivre de leur passion ! » La lettre économique et politique de PACA Presse Agence Lire la suite
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earaercircular · 1 year
The association that hunts down party waste
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Aremacs was created in 2004 to try to find a solution to the litter generated by cultural or sporting events. It managed 450 tons in 2022.
Hunting down the waste generated by festivals and sporting events: this is the objective of Aremacs[1], an association “created by friends who wanted to act together to live in a world that respects its environment”, explain the founders.
Of its full name: association for the respect of the environment during cultural and sporting events, it has 30 employees, 900 volunteers present in five French cities (Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, Nantes and Lyon) and is part of the great family of the social and solidarity economy[2] by respecting its principles of associative democracy. Aremacs was created in 2004 by Arthur Gagneux, a computer developer, and Julien Perrier, passionate about music, cultural action and extreme sports.
“Cultural and sporting events unfortunately produce all kinds of litter with a strong negative impact on the environment, explains Valentin Lacombe, one of the permanent members. It can be beer cans, a half-eaten sandwich, plastic cutlery, a paper plate, glass, a packet of fries”.[3] In front of this observation, it was urgent to act by finding solutions allowing the organisers of festivals or concerts to reduce and recover this innumerable debris. “We went to meet the actors in the field, to plant stakes in the ground and staple bags, we installed signage, did some awareness efforts… This had two consequences. Prove to the organisers that we could manage waste, and involve the public by raising awareness of the environment”.
“Before, everything went to the dumpster”
The approach has been developed in five territories, from Nouvelle Aquitaine[4] to Pays de la Loire[5], via Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes[6] and the Paca region[7] and Ile-de-France[8]. In 2022, Aremacs took part in 150 events where some 450 tonnes of waste were recovered. Ultimately, with partnerships forged with the wood, cardboard and aluminum industries. “We bring this waste to a sorting centre to recycle it, whereas before everything went to the dumpster in total indifference”.
“There has been a real awareness since five or six years. People understand that a cleaner event is better for the planet, confirms Marc Brégégère, head of the Pays de la Loire branch. People stalk us when they see us with our heads in the trash cans to find out where all this waste is going to end up. It is then necessary to deconstruct the preconceived ideas. Fortunately, there is more and more transparency and communication in the sorting sectors”.
“A minimum of subsidies”
“Finally, people end up integrating these instructions and applying them. And maybe tomorrow they will take the bike rather than the car,” continues Valentin Lacombe. "Well, I'm not hiding from you that on some concerts, it's not progressing quickly, there's still work to do," laughs Marc Brégégère.
The Covid years have had a negative impact on the activities of the association, which nevertheless hopes to maintain and develop its action by retaining its staff. For its budget, Aremacs works with the event industry and local authorities (Grand Lyon, city of Lyon, Villeurbanne, for example for the Rhône-Alpes structure) "but with a minimum of subsidies to avoid political uncertainties", details Paul Berthet , co-director of the structure at the national headquarters. Who does not forget the purpose of his mission: "Events are not just concerts and shows, they are above all social ties, a meeting place where we can talk about sorting but also popular education, civic transition, consumption patterns and values”.
Didier Arnaud, L’asso qui fait la chasse aux déchets des festoches, in : Libération, 6-5-2023, https://www.liberation.fr/forums/lasso-qui-fait-la-chasse-aux-dechets-des-festoches-20230506_U3KX3CT4CRHTPB5GIW5IIMXR6Q/
[1] AREMACS = Association pour le Respect de l’Environnement lors des Manifestations Culturelles et Sportives (Association for the Respect of the Environment during Cultural and Sporting Events). Support for the reduction, management and recovery of waste in events, public awareness and event eco-responsibility. https://aremacs.com/
[2] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/708682241486815232/ecological-transition-the-ess-factor-of-social?source=share & https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/689128249535676416/this-is-how-to-avoid-unnecessary-waste-at?source=share
[3] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/691400986929004544/rented-tents-must-produce-less-waste-for-danish?source=share
[4] Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the largest administrative region in France, spanning the west and southwest of the mainland. The region was created by the territorial reform of French regions in 2014 through the merger of three regions: Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes. It covers 84,036 km2 – or 1⁄8 of the country – and has 5,956,978 inhabitants (municipal population on 1 January 2017).
[5] Pays de la Loire is one of the 18 regions of France, in the west of the mainland. It was created in the 1950s to serve as a zone of influence for its capital, Nantes, one of a handful of "balancing metropolises" (métropoles d'équilibre)
[6] Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is a region in southeast-central France created by the 2014 territorial reform of French regions; it resulted from the merger of Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes.
[7] Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur), also known as Région Sud (Southern Region), is one of the eighteen administrative regions of France, the far south-eastern on the mainland. Its prefecture and largest city is Marseille.
[8] The Île-de-France is the most populous of the eighteen regions of France, with an official estimated population of 12,271,794 residents on 1 January 2023. Centred on the capital Paris, it is located in the north-central part of the country and often called the Paris Region. Île-de-France is densely populated and retains a prime economic position on the national stage: though it covers only 12,012 square kilometres (4,638 square miles), about 2% of metropolitan French territory, its 2017 population was nearly one-fifth of the national total
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turbuuhypnos · 3 years
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goodvibes24hrs · 2 years
Félix & Agustín Headcanons
Agustín has taken multiple hits for his daughters and even his Sobrina & Sobrinos. He’s taken several falling potted planets to the head for his girls, pushed Camilo out of harms way, and once shielded Isabela & Dolores from some bees. Félix & Pepa will forever be grateful to Agustín for every time he’s protected his & their kids.
Félix & Agustín help keep Castia tidy. While their wives & kids go off to help the town, they stay and help around the house. They do the laundry, fix anything broken, feed some of Antonio’s animal friends, water Isabela’s plants, etc.
Just like when Camilo thought Mirabel was his twins, Camilo thought he also had two dads till he was 6.
“What do you mean Agustín isn’t my dad? What next huh? You gonna tell me Mira isn’t my twin? Pfff” “…Mijo do i have news for you-“
It doesn’t help that Félix would play along with the idea of Mirabel being his daughter (“Course she’s my girl! She has my charming looks”) and making kissy noises towards Agustín. He’d say “Ven paca chulo! Dame un beso!” as he smooshes Agustín face with his hands.
Aside from Julieta, Félix also likes to cook. He’s the one to make lunch for the familia. If the family’s busy out helping the town he’d take them their lunch. Whoever he finds last he sits and eats lunch with them.
Agustín & Félix take a day out their week to spend time with Bruno. Félix calls it their “Boys Night out”. While they’re out, if anyone dares to udder a single harmful word towards Bruno, it’s gonna end up in a fight. No one, absolutely no one is allowed to dis their brother-in-law.
After the fight the boys take their time getting home so they can come up with an excuse why they’re covered in brusies. Whatever lie they settle on doesn’t get the chance to be used cause already Julieta, Pepa, & Dolores are waiting at the doors of Casita to give them a healing meal and an earful.
When it’s just Félix & Agustín at home they end up chatting out on the back porch and talking about all the amazing things their kids have done that week and don’t get them started on their wives. They’d stay there talking passionately about them for hours.
Agustín is the number one fall guy for the kids. If they ever broke something or did something they were told not to do he’d 100% take the blame for them or hide it if he can. Luisa broke a vase? You know me honey, tripped over the darn thing. Antonio let his animal friends in the kitchen after you told him not to? Starts cleaning the mess & shooing any left over animals as fast as he can.
Félix has a hand man apron made by Julieta. He wears it every time he makes lunch and when he offers to help Julieta with making dinner.
These two have absolutely done the “You know what’s better than one baby? Two babies!” Both when they had Isabela & Dolores and Camilo & Mirabel.
After her gift ceremony, Mirabel spent a lot of time at home. She’d spend her time helping around the house with her dad & tío. Agustín & Félix would try their best to cheer Mirabel up. They’d make her laugh, let her run trough the hanged laundry, give her extra lunch/dessert, or just sit and talk with her. If she falls asleep Agustín or Félix (depending who she was with) would carry her around as they continued doing their chores.
That’s all I got for these two! Love the Madrigal Husbands 🧡💛💙💜
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ebodinphotos · 4 years
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©Eric Bodin 🇫🇷 www.ebodinphotography.com www.facebook.com/EBODINPhotography/
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itsfantasticac · 11 months
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Summer-themed arcade game fanart, from a 2001 issue of Arcadia magazine.
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onigiriico · 3 years
Osora Interview translation (pt.1)
(printed in AnimaniA 4/2018, p.58 - 61 / interview originally given in March 2018 at the Manga-Comic-Con in Leipzig, Germany)
Osora-sensei, is this your first time visiting Germany? How is your impression of the country and your German fans?
— I've had a temporary stop at a German airport while traveling before,  but this is my first real visit here. The German fans are all incredibly kind! The atmosphere here is really familiar in a way. Before coming here, I assumed everyone would be very serious, but I was actually met with a lot of smiles, and that made me happy! When we went out to get food with the team and my entourage talked to the waiter in the restaurant, that exchange seemed so friendly and natural that I thought they were acquainted, but they weren't. Things like that typically don't happen in Japan and I thought it was a really nice and interesting experience. I really like this kind of friendly, familiar atmosphere!
How did you start drawing manga?
— I've always loved drawing, anytime and anywhere – even on the back of flyers that my mother would give to me. I discovered the manga style during high school, when I was 15 or 16. That's also when I first started teaching myself how to draw comics. I was still a bit embarrassed about drawing back then, though, so I never showed it to anyone. When I entered college, I got my first own computer, continued drawing and eventually started publishing my works online as well.
Are there specific manga or mangaka that you liked back in school, that have influenced your own work in some way?
— I’ve always really liked the fantasy manga Mahoujin Guru Guru by Eto Hiroyuki-sensei. The art is cute, but lots of strange characters like plants or elderly men show up as well. This was the first series that I collected and read with a passion. I’m sure this has had a lot of influence on me.
The designs of your characters are very recognizable. Could you tell us a little bit about the designs for Himeko and Shuji from Boku to Senpai no Tekken Kousai?
— Himeko’s design is shiro lolita based, so she’s a cute lolita character with a lot of bows and frills. Shuji as her counterpart was designed to be the polar opposite, so his outfit is mostly black and fairly simple, with almost no decorative elements. I really enjoy drawing characters with contrasting designs. And since manga are drawn in black and white anyway, their outfits make them easy to recognize as well.
And how did you develop the designs for Akatsuki and Paca from The Ones Within?
— In Boku to Senpai no Tekken Kousai, the main character wears a blazer, so for The Ones Within, I wanted to draw a gakuran (the traditional boys’ school uniform). That has a more serious look to it. Because Shuji was kind of uptight and serious, I wanted to make Akatsuki the opposite of that, so he’s kind and friendly, maybe even a little bit naïve – just the kind of character that is easy to take a liking to! With Paca, I didn’t put as much thought into it. But I didn’t want people to entirely hate him as the antagonist, so I gave him a cute design. Sometimes I also draw him a bit more mascot-like so he won’t come across as too scary or two-faced to the readers.
The Ones Within revolves around Let’s Players who get trapped in a mysterious game. How did you come up with the idea of putting the topic of gaming / streaming into your manga?
— The topic was actually suggested to me by my editor. I was thinking of a story where boys and girls have to escape from a locked room, and we ended up combining those concepts. Let’s Plays were also pretty popular back then, so we hoped for a good reception. Also, a game setting leaves a lot of room for different sceneries and outfits – there’s a lot of interesting things to explore and that’s why we decided to go for this set-up.
Do you also watch Let’s Plays?
— I do! I really enjoy Let’s Plays and I usually watch videos about Minecraft or horror games.
[ part 2 ]
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sweetteajavi · 4 years
Every cry from your lips fueled Javier to go harder, faster, anything to please you. The way you cried you were his shot straight to his heart. Even though he was inside of you, he thought of how sweet sounding it was. You were his. The more he thrusted inside of you, the closer he got to his climax and he could tell you were close too. He went harder, feeling his balls slap against you at the intensity of his thrusts. He leaned over, kissing your head before moving to your ear, biting your earlobe before moving down to your neck. Even though you already had a few marks, he marked you more, leaving your skin an array of colors. His grip around you tightened roughly, feeling like if he didn't hold you harder, you'd fall out of his hold.
Javi didn't have a chance to respond to your declaration, which he wholeheartedly agreed to, as you came on his cock. He felt your walls tighten roughly and he grunted out, leaving kisses on your shoulders, before kissing you, knowing you had another orgasm. He gripped your breast tightly as he thrusted a few more times before cumming inside of you, filling your cunt with his seed. "F-fuck!" He grunted out as he emptied himself inside of you. Javier wanted to drag out every bit of pleasure from your body, dragging his hand down your body, rubbing at your spent clit, feeling as you twitched against him, over spent moans leaving your lips. He panted heavily against you, trying to catch his breath as he kissed you passionately before reluctantly pulling away. He felt you hold onto his arm as he raised an eyebrow but chuckled when you explained yourself. He flexed his arm and fingers in response. "Baby, we gotta go before we get caught. I won't live this one down at the embassy if police come."
Javier smiled at your response, kissing your head lovingly. He smirked at your next words. "Better keep it inside of you cariño." He reached over to grab your chin gently and rolled his eyes playfully as you nipped his finger. He kissed your head a few more times before slowly pulling out of you. He was gentle towards your body. He mentally slapped himself for going hard on you. He knew the next time you slept together, he had to be softer. He sat back, tucking himself back into his pants, fixing his clothes. When he looked over at you, he noticed the way you slumped over in your seat and chuckled. He moved out of the car, noticing that there were still a lot of cars in the lot. He rubbed some of the sweat off of his head before looking back into the car. You had laid over the seats, fast asleep. He watched you for a few seconds, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He swallowed thickly, wishing the nerves away. He had only felt this way once before but he didn't want to think about it. He moved to the trunk, pulling his jacket out before moving back to you, draping it over your sleeping form. He grabbed your hand gently in his, kissing the back of it as he watched your chest rise and fall with every breath you took. You looked so peaceful in your slumber and he couldn't help his wandering hands as he smoothed a few strands of your hair away from your face, letting his fingers trace the curve of your lips and nose before moving to cup your chin gently. God you were beautiful.
Javier finally relented his need to admire you in your sleep and made his way to the driver's seat. He opened all the windows, letting the air circulate through the car. He knew it was really potent of sex. He didn't mind it but he did use the car regularly for work and he couldn't bring it to work that way. As he drove off of the lot and back towards the city, Javier constantly looked back at you through the rear view mirror, making sure you were well. You were completely passed out and it was humorous to him. You were drooling onto the seat and you were curled into yourself and he found it to be one of the most beautiful views he could ever have. The more he watched you though, the more he realized the seriousness between the two of you. He knew you both needed to have the talk. He needed to tell you, or at least, let you into his past. He wasn't an open person, never was, but he knew with you, he had to at least try. He blamed himself for his other relationships not working. He didn't fully give in like he should. He didn't want to lose you. He had to change. Not just for you but for himself. He found someone who truly made him happy, made him daydream, and he didn't want to lose that. He didn't want to lose you.
Before Javier could realize it, he had parked inside of the parking garage underneath his apartment building. He stared at the steering wheel before letting his eyes flicker over to you in his rearview mirror. He never brought anyone over to his apartment, much less someone he had just started seeing but it felt right. Who was he to question it? He got off of the car and gently scooped you into his arms, carrying you towards the elevator. He rode the elevator quietly, gripping you for dear life. Once the elevator arrived to his floor, he walked towards the end where the door was. Entering the rather plain apartment, he dropped his keys at the front on a side table. He walked towards his bedroom, laying you down gently on his bed. He moved around towards his dresser, dropping his few belongings on it before moving towards his closet, taking off his boots and shirt. He grabbed two clean shirts, dropping them on the bed beside you. He moved to take off your shoes, placing them on the floor. He bit his lip and sighed while his mind ran a thousand thoughts at a time. He didn't want to leave you in your clothes but he felt that maybe he was crossing a line by changing them. Would you be mad waking up in different clothes? Would you be creeped out? He didn't want you to be mad at him but seeing the way your clothes were covered in.. substances, he wanted to at least clean them for you. He figured this was a risk he could take.
Javier moved closer to you, sitting on the edge next to your body as he opened your shirt, pulling it off of you with one hand, the other wrapped tightly around your body so you wouldn't fall. He let his fingers move across the soft expanse of your skin, humming softly. He placed a soft kiss on your shoulder before reaching over and pulling his shirt towards you. Doing everything with one hand proved to be very hard but in the end he was finally able to get the shirt on you and lay you back down on the bed. He reached for your skirt and unzipped it, pulling it down your legs. He bit his lip as he looked away to give you your privacy. He realized he hadn't buttoned the shirt he put on you and he fumbled around, trying to blindly feel for them. He felt his hand go too far and graze your breast and he hissed, pulling his hand back as if it burned him. So much for privacy. He mumbled his quiet apologies as he finally found a button and quickly did it before standing up and looking at you. He smiled softly and moved towards the restroom. He showered and got ready for bed. He slipped on some pajama pants and decided to forgo the shirt. He laid down next to you on the bed, pulling the covers over the both of you. He wrapped his arm around you, holding you close as sleep over took him.
Later on in the night, Javier was woken up by your movement and he groaned when you sat up. "Vente paca y duermete." He mumbled sleepily as he pulled you into him, draping you across his body. He used his other hand to pull your leg across his middle, his hand caressing your thigh as you rested your head on his chest. He hummed his approval, falling asleep seconds later.
The light pouring in from the window stirred Javier awake from his deep slumber. He blinked his eyes awake and he felt a foreign weight against him. He looked down and he felt like all the weight of the world just disappeared as he held you in his arms. He kissed your head gently before slowly moving out of the bed, leaving you to rest. He moved towards his kitchen, yawning as he tried to comb his hair, moving towards the coffee pot. He made coffee as an idea struck him. 30 minutes later, he had breakfast cooking on the stove, eggs, bacon, toast, cut up fruit and pancakes. Anything for his girl. He looked at the time and decided it was a good time to wake you. He grabbed the coffee he had prepared for you, walking into his room as he knocked on the door. He sat next to you on the bed as he chuckled at your sleepy demeanor, handing you the coffee. "You've been really out of it since last night, cariño. Did I really tire you out that much? No te has despertado desde ayer."
Javier smirked at your question and winked before watching you drink your coffee. The way your eyes lit up told him he got it right. "I made you breakfast.. You know, to return the favor for yesterday. I'm no chef but I hope you like it. He noticed that your demeanor changed to a nervous one and he watched you as you finally asked him what had crossed your mind. He sighed his relief as a large smile painted his features. He stopped you in between your ramblings, reaching over to grab your chin gently to get your attention. " Baby, I'd love to. I feel honored that you want me to go." He watched as you jumped excitedly and as you kissed him, he was about to kiss back but you pulled away and he frowned. He rolled his eyes and pulled you back into him, kissing you lovingly as his hands wandered, wanting to feel your skin. He nibbled your lip before you pulled away again. You mentioned how the food might get cold and he chuckled, standing up to walk towards the kitchen. He stopped as you brought up the shirt barely being buttoned and he felt the blush flare from his neck as he rubbed it. He looked at you but didn't say anything as he finally could admire you in his shirt. It barely covered you, your nipples perk underneath and the bottom of his shirt barely covering you, leaving you as a tease to his eyes. His eyes darkened as they rose back to yours, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. "Sorry bebita." Was all he could muster before clearing his throat, moving back towards the kitchen with you following. "Of course I'd take care of you. You don't have to thank me."
Javier chatised himself for saying it like that but he noticed that you were lost in your own world looking at his apartment and he chuckled, shaking his head. He moved around setting the table with the food and the plates for breakfast. Javier chuckled at your comment as he reached over, pulling you into his lap. He wrapped his arm around your middle, holding you close to him. His hand landed on your abdomen, half of his fingers on top of your shirt, the others inside against your bare skin. He peppered your skin with kisses, nibbling playfully as he tried to unbutton the shirt. He felt you playfully smack his hand. "Pero te ves tan bonita sin ropa nena."
Javier chuckled deeply as he listened to your comment. He grabbed the fork out of your hand, grabbing a few berries and pancakes with it, holding it up to your lips. He waited for you to bite the food before using the same fork to get some for himself, popping it into his mouth. "What are you planning to do now that you're graduating?" He listened attentively to your response. Before he could say anything, you turned in his lap, dragging your fingers through his hair and if this wasn't heaven, god did he not want it to end.
"What about you? Tell me more about you. What don't I know about the most prolific DEA agent in the United States?"
Javier chuckled as he watched you play with his hair. Even though he kept his demeanor nonchalant, he felt a small panic inside. He was already building his walls up and he knew it. He had to be different with you. He willed himself to stop building those walls before taking a deep breath. He rubbed his thumb against your skin on your thigh, taking a second to think about his response. It probably left you feeling nervous. He could feel it in the way you shuffled in his lap. He moved you around so you were now straddling him with your back against the table. He ran his fingers through his hair before moving them to rub his lips, a nervous tick. "There's.. A few things I think you should know."
Javier sighed, trying to think of the best way to say what he needed to. This was too hard and this was why he didn't do it often. "I was engaged, " The bitterness of the word invaded Javier's mouth and he frowned at his disapproval. God, he felt like a loser. "Obviously, it didn't work out for a few reasons and, uh, we still work together. Which reminds me, there's an opening at the embassy in my department for a medical examiner… if you're interested.. " The switch between the topics even surprised himself, as if you were having the most simplest of conversations. He rubbed his hand down his face as he gathered his thoughts, or rather tried. What he said was already monumental progress. He bit his lip nervously as he glanced at you. He hadn't looked at you since he started talking for fear of seeing judgement in your eyes but all he saw was concern and compassion. He swallowed thickly as he tried to say something but for the first time in a long time, he was speechless.
Javier listened to you as you let him know he didn't have to continue and what he said was enough. You noticed how difficult it was for him to even say those three words and that when he was ready, you were there to listen. Javier exhaled softly as he moved forward, leaning his head against your chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you, holding you as tightly as he could. He listened to your heartbeat as he just held you. He felt you run your fingers through his hair again and he grunted his approval, closing his eyes, letting himself get lost in all that was you. He thought of his ex and he felt sick. He squeezed you, almost like a reassurance to himself that his ex was in the past and now he had you. He slowly let go of one of his arms that were around you, moving it between the two of you. He unbuttoned your shirt softly, moving his hand slowly against your abdomen. The shirt fell open slightly only revealing the valley between your breasts. Javi began kissing your skin gently, he needed to feel you. He kissed between your breasts, up towards your neck. He left open mouthed kisses all over your skin until he got to your jaw. He heard you whimper something about needing to buy a graduation dress. "Vamos hoy si quieres.. No trabajo.." He mumbled against your skin. He sat back, and tugged you with him, feeling the way you squeezed your thighs around him.
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Javier couldn't take his eyes off of you as he watched the way your lips parted, soft moans leaving them, the way your chest rose and fell with excitement, the way you gripped his shoulder for dear life, he loved all of it. He let his hand roam across your thigh all the way up to your hips, holding you against him as he finally kissed up to your lips. It was a rough and needy kiss, all his unsaid emotions behind his lips. He pulled back when air was something you both needed and he smiled when you rested your forehead on his, the both of you panting as your lips still rubbed together but you weren't kissing. "I'll take you home so you can change and then we can go." Even though you hadn't said anything, he could tell it was what was on your mind. He gripped your right ass cheek tightly in his hand before smacking it playfully. He smiled wide at your reaction, sitting back to watch you turn into a blushing mess and mumbling something needing to shower before leaving. Javier laughed and gave you a sweet kiss to stop you from mumbling.
"You can shower. I washed your clothes. You can have some of my boxers." He wrapped an arm around you as he stood, moving towards his room with you in his arms. He dropped you on his bed as he moved around, handing you your freshly washed clothes and a pair of his underwear as he rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassment flooding his cheeks as he momentarily blushed. "Oh, uh, yeah, sorry about uh, ripping your underwear."
Javier blushed harder as you chatised him, saying he owed you a new pair. "Today, I'll get you a new pair." He chuckled softly before kissing you on the cheek. He listened to you as you asked if you could shower and he showed you the way. Of course, being the beat you were, he watched as you took off his shirt, for the second time, handing it to him before walking into the restroom. Once he heard the lock click on the door, he let out the heavy breath he was holding. He grumbled about how you were such a tease. He dropped the shirt onto his bed before sitting down, brushing his fingers through his hair. He looked down, seeing the evident hard on he had and he groaned. You were going to be the death of him. He waited to hear the noise of the shower turn on before he could even begin to think of how to take care of himself. He knew he could've waited until the end of the day but would he really last that long? He bit his lip as he stared at the bathroom door. He reached underneath his pillow pulling out your torn underwear, playing with it in his fingers. He took a deep breath, moving to get comfortable on the bed as he pulled his pants down, his cock springing free. There was precum leaking from the tip. He grabbed his cock and hissed, feeling sensitive. He closed his eyes and thought of you. 
Javier started to pump his hand up and down his shaft, closing his eyes tightly as he thought of you, murmurs of your name leaving his lips. He grunted out a moan when he rubbed his thumb across his tip, his hips pumping up once as he slowly got a rhythm going. Without even needing to open his eyes, he moved your torn panties into his hands and started to rub his cock with them. He moaned out, so lost in pleasuring himself and thoughts of you underneath him, moaning his name, the way you claimed him. If he thought hard enough, he could feel you dragging your nails against his skin. "Fuck! M-mikayla." He whimpered your name like it was the last thing he'd ever say. He started to pick up the pace of his thrusts, pumping his hand against his shaft, the material of your panties so tantalizing to his pleasure. He was so caught up in his need to pleasure himself he didn't hear the shower stop. All he heard were your moans from the previous nights and the way he chanted your name like a forbidden prayer. 
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addisonacres · 4 years
Pass the happy! 💜 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
5 things that make me happy 🤔 thanks for the ask @carsonsweebabyturtles !
1. My pets. I have 15 - 2 alpacas, 7 chickens, and 6 guinea fowl. None of them are what you'd call 'cuddly' (if I'm lucky I'll have a chicken sit on my lap or the 'pacas will magnanimously allow me to hand feed them) but I love them all dearly. Nothing makes me smile more than seeing a fluffy chicken butt running by.
2. My hubby. We're high school sweethearts, have been together 24 years and he's such a GOOD man. He makes me laugh, doesn't mind that I'm a slob, and has always been there for me.
3. Our fanfic community. Besides a few anti exceptions, everyone is so supportive and encouraging. It feels like we're a small clique with inside jokes and shared experiences, no matter the fandom we come from. I've made some amazing friends, my writing has improved in leaps and bounds, and I've read some amazing stories.
4. My job. When I was hired I was only part time and I thought it was a library assistant role (I'm not a librarian and have no training). Turns out in small, rural libraries, that's all they have! I was IN CHARGE. I started with nothing but a passion for reading and customer service and over the past 4 years we've gotten so much busier and I've been embraced by the community. I've been able to implement programs, do activities, improve our services, and really hone our selection. I love it and can't believe I'm lucky enough to have my dream job.
5. My friends and family. I love my family but I don't live overly close (not too far either, about an hour to an hour and a half away) so I don't see them as often as I'd like.
The friends I've found from the local area are amazing and ARE family to me. We hang out, cry on shouders, run amok, volunteer together, laugh together, and have each other's backs. I love them so much.
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vavisdv-blog · 4 years
L’univers de VVDV
Ça y est ! Le blog de VA,VIS,DV est né.
Mais... pourquoi ? C’est vrai, après tout, tenir à jour un blog ça prend du temps et ça demande de l’énergie. Avec un travail salarié temps plein, une activité libérale, une famille et un besoin de vivre dehors, un blog ça peut faire beaucoup.  
Revenons à l’essentiel. Revenons aux principes fondateurs de VA,VIS,DV.
Il y a un peu plus d’un an nous avons créé VA,VIS,DV, un service dédié à la déficience visuelle. Notre objectif était de répondre à un besoin spécifique. Mensonge ! de répondre à deux besoins spécifiques : un premier sociétal, un second personnel.
-        Répondre à un sentiment d’injustice
En région PACA, il y a un sérieux problème de pénurie de service, de main d’œuvre et de ressource. Un genre de système à deux vitesses dans lequel vaux mieux être âgé de moins 21 ans et vivre dans le 13, le 83 ou le 06. Ce qui ne veut pas dire qu’en dehors de ces critères les gens croupissent dans le salon. Non. Par contre, ils doivent être très patients et surtout hyper hyper hyper débrouillards. Oui, en PACA l’offre de services est extrêmement variable en fonction des âges et des départements.
-        A travers une passion commune
Katheleen et moi sommes issues de formations et milieux totalement différents. Moi, ergonome et instructrice en activité de vie journalière, elle, psychomotricienne et instructrice en locomotion. Moi, avec des influences canadiennes, elle, avec des influences européennes. Deux intervenantes, trois influences et philosophies d’intervention, quatre métiers. Le monde de la vision nous passionne et l’expérience se partage.  
La philosophie
Vous l’avez compris, nous travaillons dans une philosophie de partage. Le partage passe par les échanges. Pour échanger, rien de mieux qu’une communauté. Une communauté composée de professionnels « formés » en déficience visuelle et de professionnels « vivant » avec une déficience visuelle. Alors, pourquoi ne pas profiter du confinement et de la technologie pour créer et se réinventer !? Il y a tellement de domaines à explorer. Tellement de gens rencontrer. Tellement de notions à transmettre.  
Le contenu du blog
Il sera divers et varié, peut-être même créatif. Il y aura des outils pour les parents d’enfants déficients visuels, des outils pour les futurs parents déficients visuels, des outils pour les étudiants, les travailleurs et les personnes âgées. Il y aura des trucs et astuces, des références, des vidéos, des articles, etc. Si vous avez des questions, posez-les. Nous n’avons peut-être pas les réponses, mais nous avons autour de nous des personnes compétentes dans différents domaines.
Alors, revenons à la question : pourquoi créer un blog ? J’ai envie de dire pour partager, transmettre, apprendre, se réinventer… et certainement bien d’autres raisons encore.
#deficiencevisuelle #bassevision #aidestechniques #insertion #handicap #handicapvisuel #aidevisuelle #visionpaca #readaptation #reeducation
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