laikothehead · 2 years
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Second page of the "themed" Artbook done! The first Topic is "Greek Gods" and the first ones in my list are Hermes, Dionysus, Apollo and I want to add Hades too and some other some other ones, also look into primordial deities and what not. If you have a direct wish to get one of the greek mythological creature god, deity or whatnot, write it in the comments and I will see if i would put it in my list :D Current list: - Hermes ✅ - Dionysus ✅ - Apollo - Hades - Thanatos - Hypnos - Eris - Aprohodite #dionysus #greegod #owninterpretation #drawing #traditionaldrawing #alcoholmarkers #fineliner #bored #hirnhusten #gah https://www.instagram.com/p/CgX9jujqKTB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pearlplusau · 5 years
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Disobedient, ft. Coral
"MOM! they've got to remember mom! But...." Steven turned to look at his father, he remembered how traumatized and miserable he was when he first saw Amethyst shapeshift into his deceased mother.
But Greg just sighed, knowing what would come next and prepared himself mentally.
" If... if that's what it takes..." he said, giving his son the confirmation to say that he'll be okay.
Steven nodded to Amethyst, she grabbed a mike from Sadie and started to channel her shapeshifting ability, not to goof around or to fight, but to get the pearls back.
Everyone in the room took noticed of the bright light on stage, they cheered on thinking its part of the show, when the light faded there was a familiar looking women in a white dress and huge curls. She held the mike and sang,
"I... want... to be..... disobedient"
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As she sang she leaped down the stage and proceeds to Coral, who was trying to keep her eyes on UmGreg, but couldn't.
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Coral was stunned, she looked at the beautiful giant women in front of her, she tried to gaze into her eyes and get lost in them, but she was turned away to see her facing the other pearl.
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She felt something so familiar, something that really hurts, she knows that curly-haired women, but shes also hurt to see her turn away to someone else.
"I... want... to be..... disobedient"
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Coral clutched her arms tight and covered her right eye, she felt something, a memory, a very painful one, someone she once loved turned away from her just like that, leaving her behind.
The gem on her navy glowed bright, Coral's form is changing, as she recalled her past memories, serving as Pink Diamond's pearl, her owner being given another pearl and spends less time with her day by day, the rebellion where Coral fell in love with Bismuth, the shattering, the corruption, the times where she loved and lost, when Pink was truly gone to give birth to a half human child, when she realized she would always have her friends with her, being part of the Crystal Gems...
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"Coral! You’re back!" Steven rushes in for a hug as Coral desends from reforming.
"Ughhh my head... Steven?" Coral noticed the hug and returned the favour. They twirled as giggled together, for a few seconds, and let go for some answers.
"What happened? Where are the others? whats going o-" Coral turned and saw Rose, being the colour purple.
"is that... Amethyst?" she took note of the quartz gem on her chest. "What’s she doing looking like Rose?" she asked.
"Well..." Steven started to explain as Amethyst finishes the song.
"I...want... to be..... disobedient.... disobedient... disobedient...." The giant women had finished her song, but the white pearl looked unfazed by any of her actions.
"Is that Pearl? She looks... different?" Coral questioned, and finally took in the situation.
As her memories came back, her form shifts every few seconds, from a servant of Pink diamond to a full crystal gem.
"Wait, you never saw her in this form? Never mind that, Coral, what do you know about Spinel?" Steven asked the pink pearl.
"Spinel? i only ever heard of her when i was with Pink, she talked about how Fun she was and playful, but other than that i dont know a thing about her!" Coral's answer was not enough, Steven needed to bring back the other Crystal Gem.
Amethyst shapeshift back and rejoined steven," Coral! You're back! But why didnt seeing Rose did the same to Pearl over there?" The purple gem pointed to the pale pearl, as she was watching her Umgreg attentively.
Greg was cheering with the crowd but sighed and stopped, Pearl noticed his sudden halt and shouted over the crowd," Dont worry! I CAN CLAP FOR YOU! "
She clapped and cheered unenthusiastically, but thats when Greg kinda snapped,
"Uhhh, WHAT WILL MAKE YOU STOP SERVING ME!?" He screamed in defeat and despair.
To this, Pearl calmly replied, while shouting, "AS LONG AS YOU EXIST I SHALL SERVE YOU!!!"
Her answer HIT the trio, "As long as you exist!" they said in unison.
"Thats it! Mom dissapeared!" Steven concluded his answer, but then turned at Coral,
"But, how did you come back without her dissapearing?" He asked the pink gem.
To this, Coral was not certain, but she think the answer is...
"I was made for Pink diamond, but she treat me more like a friend than a servant! So when I saw Rose again turning her attention towards another gem, i was brought back..." Coral tried to explain as much as she could, as much as she can.
"So you got your memories because of not thinking of being in slavery of a diamond but a friend, but Pearl never thought of it as being friends?" Amethyst tried to chip in answers, but was trying to see it being different from Pearls situation.
"Pearl wanted to be free!" Coral figured it out, "so what we need first is to have Greg dissapear for her to actually think of freedom!"
"And theres only one way to do that!" Steven rushes over to Greg and whispered into his ear.
Greg looked unsure and confused, "You sure? But arent your powers messed up?"
"I can at least try!" Steven replied.
"But what about me? I've never...." Greg tried to protest his suggestion.
"It will work! Come on Dad, Lets Duet!"
(Amazing Art work by the Tripixle from instagram.
Just gonna say this.
I wrote it almost immediatly after i saw her post.
For those who cant exactly grasp why didnt Coral got her memories back the same way as Pearl, its because she faced an insecurity of her past rather than wanting to be free from slavery. Which is Pink D/Rose turning away from her to the other pearl, which led her to recall her memories back.)
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spycopoth · 3 years
I was going off to a friend on discord and well
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For context: I was talking about judgemental followers of modern christianity and I just kinda went off
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nudelgiri · 4 years
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I’ve been seeing many of these and wanted to try my owninterpretation. i LOVE tabby. she’s such an ugly cat . I tried my best with this one
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Everyone sees who I appear to be, but only a few know the REAL ME. You only see what I choose to show. There's so much behind my smile you just don't know.
>Once again, don’t think or assume that you know me. Never underestimate me. I’m more than who you think you know.
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miagroenewald · 10 years
Fever Ray - Here before
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laikothehead · 2 years
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First page of the "themed" Artbook done! The first Topic is "Greek Gods" and the first ones in my list are Hermes, Dionysus, Apollo and I want to add Hades too and some other some other ones, also look into primordial deities and what not. If you have a direct wish to get one of the greek mythological creature god, deity or whatnot, write it in the comments and I will see if i would put it in my list :D #hermes 'greegod #owninterpretation #drawing #traditionaldrawing #alcoholmarkers #fineliner #bored #hirnhusten #gah https://www.instagram.com/p/CgWkF78KcHW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pearlplusau · 5 years
Chapter 4, The bright light Part 1
In the midst of the red, dark battlefield, multiple gems lay poofed or shards scattered as far as an eye could see. The war had yet concluded.
With the crystal gems gaining the upper hand, the leader of the rebellion, “Rose Quartz”, in the heat of battle, her shield rose, her sword gripped, her comrades fighting as one. As Pearl fends off an elite soldier all on her own in a distance, her spear shining as she fought with grace and elegance within the cacophony of battle. While Garnet charges and finishes the jaspers, Coral stood alongside Rose, with her lance fencing off surprised attacks from the sides, and whacks a topaz on her head. “Poof!” as yellow smoke dissipated and her gem on the ground.
Rose thought to herself with glee, “We’re almost there! We’ll finally be able to stay here after all this is over!” Victory seems to be closer and closer, but none of them will be leaving without consequences.
On Homeworld,
A red ruby ship approaches the landing site, as it descends, a tattered up Amethyst guard faceplants off the ship, “Ughhhhh!” She moaned, her long, puffy white hair in horrendous state and she was wearing a uniform that signifies her diamond in serving, Pink Diamond.
This Amethyst guard had never been to Homeworld before, but her orders were clear, “ONE OF YOU UPPER CRUST! Find the Diamonds! State the situation and request back up!” In a rush, her elite sisters decided to send 8XWJ, a soldier that’s not in the fighting shape anymore, and threw her into a small ruby ship and launched it manually from the control panel on Earth.
The amethyst regains her strength, and proceeds her mission.
She knew the urgency of this message, but she couldn’t stop from gawking as the scenes in Homeworld get more and more alien than what’s she’s used on Earth. Instead of forests and hills and rocks, it’s buildings, skyscrapers, and fellow new gems!
She’s never seen other types of gems other than herself and jaspers, so seeing so many gems who are clearly in higher positions intimidates her.
“You there!” A blue gem approaches her with the sound of heels “clonk, clonk, clonk” getting louder and angrier.
She begins to panic! She raced through her mind and forgot what to do. What was she supposed to do when greeting a higher level gem? Oh right! The diamond arm thing! She shaped her arms as the big gem stood right in front of her.
“State your purpose!” The blue gem ordered, but 8XWJ has no clue who or forgot what she has to say as she begins to get very nervous and sweats. “I…ahh…uhh…” 8XWJ stammered and fiddled her fingers, the blue gem narrowed her eyes, “Newcomer huh?” She smirked and continued, “How am I not surprised?” Her tone was filled with disgust and prejudice.
“I am Holy Blue Agate! I have been urgently assigned to receive a message from an Amethyst guard from Earth by a fellow Hessonite, now tell me…”
She reached to the back of her head, where her gem placement is, and conjured an electric whip full of static! She flings towards the purple gem, grips her hip, and sends a wave of electricity as 8XWJ screeched in pain and got yanked towards Holy.
“What…is…THE MESSAGE?!” she screams as she grabbed her by the uniform, and shook her as violent as she was allowed.
“ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!” 8XWJ shouted and plead, the whip dissipates and she fell on her knees, which was painful as her gem is located on the left.
She explained the situation on Earth as the soldiers were close to losing the battles, and she was told to inform the diamonds personally by another commander, but was cut short when she heard Holly laughing.
“You? Informing the Diamonds? Ha!” She mocked and continued, “Don’t even try, you won’t even make it to The Great Ballroom without another few centuries in this confusing labyrinth! I’ll deliver the message to the diamonds myself.” With that, she turned and walked back where she came.
The amethyst plead, “Wait! Wait a sec!” With her raspy voice, she requests permission to follow the Agate. The blue gem scoffed and said, “What makes you think I’ll let you?” She looked at AXWJ as if she’s gone corrupted, “An Amethyst guard with an Agate! What will the others say?”
Looks like AXWJ was stuck finding her way back to the ship, she turned and sighed, “Guess I’ll just find another way back then…” she considered tracing her steps when the agate changed her mind, “Fine, you can tatter along, but just so we’re clear, I will be the one speaking to the diamonds! Don’t make a pip while I’m talking!”
Before they proceed to the diamonds, AXWJ made another diamond symbol and request to speak freely, “What was the whip all about? It hurts so MUCH!”
Holy smirked, “That, was just a little fun I needed, and also the tip of the iceberg, step out of line or waste my time again, you’ll be wishing you were never made.” 8XWJ gulped and nodded.
In Blue Diamond’s chamber (pool),
A blue themed chamber, with pillars connected to each other and tubes beneath the pathway up to the pool, where the three massive diamonds are present. The water resembles the color of lime, with the beautiful White Diamond in front of the waterfall, and Blue and Yellow on her left and right. They stayed still and quiet, as they were finally done with their work and tried to relax for a bit, but Yellow had something in mind she wished to share.
It wasn’t long until relaxation was over, Yellow decided to drag work into everything once more, “An idea occurred to me the other day, as you both know, Pink’s colony is still a work in progress after all those centuries given, as not much resources are useful towards our expanding Empire anymore, so I propose…an Alternative.”
White opens her eyes as a sign of interest, and turned to her fellow sister, mouthed “Go on”. Blue however, was not pleased as their time together has been restricting since pink’s absence, she just wished they could all have some quality time together, but sometimes opportunities like this are extremely rare, so she understood why Yellow decided to bring up work into their bonding time.
Blue sighed, “What is it you have in mind Yellow?” As she was interested as well, but would still rather have a nice quiet pool time, so maybe it’ll be over soon.
“Pearl?” Yellow summoned her little servant and continued, “Bring me the blueprints marked EX-293.”
The yellow pearl shaped her arms and bowed, “Right away my Diamond!” and scurries off to the exit.
“A few days ago I was experimenting with the “Fallen” soldiers from battles, I pieced them together and see if it would reform as a fusion, and sure enough, it did, with very little resources, I produced hundreds of little monsters crawling around, in very little time might I add, so I propose…”
She paused as her pearl had retrieved the data she needed, it was a palm-sized green sphere, the poor pearl had to use all her strength to push the sphere into the water. As it finally drifted in the midst of the diamond, a hologram projected above the pool and showed the data of what she experimented.
“From what you see here are the results of the experiment aforementioned, the duration of each fusion depends on its size and quality, each of these has the capability of mass destruction to anyone in their path, so…” The image flickered to a blank state, but with a slight touch on the screen, millions of shards grouped into a massive form, its gem size was bigger than White Diamond herself!
“I call it, the Cluster.” She presumes as the image regained its form. “When it emerges, it will tear apart the Earth, forming as a massive Geo weapon, and with it, conquering the galaxy would be so much easier and effective with it on our side!” Yellow Diamond pictured the cluster on a rampage on their enemy territory, declaring victory and taking over the galaxies.
“But…it will tear apart the Earth?” Blue Diamond was concerned on that particular segment, “Was Pink in on this Yellow?” She hoped to receive comfort with Pinks agreement with the plan.
“This…is the alternative for when she… Fails, Blue.” Yellow was expecting comments from the leader, but she was quiet and tranquil, as if she knew their faith in their youngest diamond would be diminished somehow.
“You…”Blue was in disbelief! Pink losing her first colony just because she couldn’t handle the little “issues” she stated a few decades ago. She had to do something! She wanted to scream, she wanted to shout, she wanted to let her anger loose and end the conversation! But she knows nothing will change Yellow’s mind once she establishes a plan for it, but she still wants to try, for her dear Pink.
The faint lime colored water retreated into the “drain”, as Blue stood up, she spoke, “I…object this proposal, Yellow…”
Back to Holly,
The two gems were almost there, they just need to gain access into The Great Ballroom which was guarded by two topazes and an aquamarine.
“State your facets, cut and purpose.” The small floating gem requested while adjusting her wand/hairband.
“Holly Blue Agate, facet 2D cut-22, and this is…” Holly gestured to Amethyst, who was trying not to stare at the giant golden doorway shimmering, reflecting rays of light into her eyes, which cut her back to reality and stammered.
“Amethyst, facet 5 cut 8XWJ! I was sent here by the orders from the military force, Jasper 3LJ, to deliver important information to the Diamonds!” She stated with her best.
“How lovely! An Amethyst delivering vital information to the Diamonds? Ha! Don’t make me laugh!” She definitely looked like she was somehow offended and shamed. “Unfortunately, the Diamonds are not in the Great Ballroom, if you wish to see them right away, they are currently in My Diamonds pool chamber, please await here for their arrival, they would be free to hear your “vital” information in another few decades or so.”
“Wait what!?” Amethyst 8XWJ slipped a bit but remained calm, “I mean...the war is in progress as we speak! The commander request back up from the diamonds immediately! Can’t you just let us cut or something?”
“Oh, sure you can! I mean, where would we be with all this waiting and order? Just go to the diamond’s chamber pool and see if they’re willing to take the time for you.” The tiny floating gem replies with much sarcasm, but Amethyst took no notice.
“Great! Let’s go Holly!” The amethyst said but abruptly stopped, and gulped…
“Oh let’s go indeed! And it looks like you know exactly what will happen next!” Holly spoke with such cheer and enthusiasm it was scary…
To be continued…
(A/N: Sooo, as you finished reading you will realize I will be heading towards story interpretation of what might have happened from different perspectives. By reading these, you will see how scenes MIGHT lead to the title, the bright light.
Most of you might be thinking, “I'm here for Pink Pearl and HER au! Just because you include her as a small character in this story doesn’t make her your main focus!”
And to that I say, 
Yeah you’re right.
But prior to this story, the other story not really focusing on Pink Pearl, “Coral” is Part 2 of Bismuth, which is similar to this chapter, writing mainly the story of how it might have went, cuz honestly, im pretty curious how everything happened from the rebellion to the corruption even to the cluster.
So if theres any questions or confusion, feel free to ask them so you can get the clear picture. I won't reveal my next chapters tho, that would be a surprise for yall.
So this tells me you read the whole thing, which is pretty impressive, Part 2 of this chapter will be coming up in a week or two.
Happy reading and till next time!)
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Shining is she Cloaked in her own beauty Through undiscovered Strong is she She who is deceiving Never had you seen such as one Powerful and sneaky Never undone The unspoken beauty of her race Power is etched in her face
> Never underestimate me. I can be as hateful as I’m forgiving. I can love and still give a thought towards forgetting you exist. My beauty is my own and so is my strength. 
>When someone let’s you feel so done and out, what can you do or what should you do? Confront or ignore? When you wish someone would give you a hug and say that you’re gonna make it and you get no one, how should you feel and react? How do you try to bury something and make sure no one knows about the same hurt and pain that eat you up at night? How do you put up being frank and yet pretending that nothing’s wrong? It’s not fair that no one seems to see past this sweet face and ask if I’m really feeling happy and free. I guess I also hate the feeling of having to lie.
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Fantasizing about future happiness will NEVER bring fulfillment because FANTASY is UNREALITY
> Enjoy the now. I guess I’ll cross the bridge when I get there. This is blunt and frank.
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Being pretty doesn't keep a man. Being a good woman barely keeps a man.
>The only thing that keeps a man is a man that wants to be kept.
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