rainbowxfmuses · 5 years
//Hi guys! I'm alive, just extremely busy, I'm sorry that I'm not on her much, I love this blog, and I want to be on more often, but life and my other muses are kind of making me slow. Mostly life, and on Friday I am going on vacation to Chicago. Actually, I was thinking of deleting this account, BUT I would create a multi muse account instead, and still be Daisy. Can you guys please PLEASE give me some feedback on this? I appreciate it, thank you! <3
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ofpxriahs-blog · 8 years
So. Another hiatus. Probably gonna be longer. I lost a friend just a couple hours ago to suicide. If any of my followers are going through a rough time, you are not alone. There are people out there who love you. Things will get better. Love you guys. Stay safe.
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blood-red-daisies · 9 years
Roleplaying on this blog
Give respect and get respect.
All anon hate will be ignored.
I don’t follow personal blogs on this account.
If your a an RP blog and you follow me feel free to ask for a thread anytime.
If you want something tagged please tell me.
Mun is 19
Angst and gore is to be had on this blog. This will however will be tagged.
I track the tag: Bloodreddaisies
I write paragraph, multi-paragraph and sometimes Novella when really get into something.
If you don’t match my length it’s fine. But please try to keep it reasonable.
Blog is OC/Canon friendly
Quick Note: I will NOT RP with an OC character if there’s no Information about the OC!
I love Au’s and canon universes anything goes with me!
Asks, threads, meme prompts? All are welcome. Go ahead and surprise me I WANT to interact with you.
I may take some time to reply to a thread. But if I haven’t replied in 4-6 days you can send me gentle reminder and I will get right on it.
This blog is multi-ship. My muse isn’t cheating on any character unless stated.
Merrill is bisexual so basically anything goes but…
There has got to be chemistry! If there is none we can make it to an angsty unrequited love thread instead.
I like building up things slow. So expect me to put a lot of time into buildup with these ships. Unless they start in the thread as a couple.
Smut is to occur on this blog. But this and the same with gore will be tagged and put under a read more.
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eluvianpariah · 10 years
((You guys I am SO sorry that I haven't been active...November is going to be SUUUUUPER busy for me, so I probably won't be on that often. ;_; Thank you all for being patient so far. I'll do my best to get back into the loop in December.))
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daisysteru-blog · 11 years
Hello everyone! It's Teru's Mun- It's been almost forever (dies) since I have last updated with an unexcused Hiatus and I am very very very sorry about that. Now I'm still in hiatus (yes kill me pls) and in a process of making this blog much more of a quality RP blog. Please bear it with me, I am so sorry. 
I think it was yesterday(??) or so when I heard that Dengeki Daisy (the manga Teru was from in case you guys didn't know) was ending (CRIES) in October. I almost cried a bunch when I heard it since DD is one of my favorite mangas. So I have decided to remain Hiatus until the manga ends. Like -
"A Great Return of Kurebayashi Teru" 
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Anyways I am very very sorry about the lack of the updates and maybe see you all in October(?) 
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rainbowxfmuses · 5 years
//Okay. So. I'm probably going to end up changing this profile, later, instead of just deleting it. By later I mean probably tomorrow or later, lol, right now I am pretty tired. I will start out with a few muses at first, Daisy being one of them, so I won't have to worry about saving rps that are currently going on. One thing I will have a problem with is finding a good header image, and I have to come up with a different username. But yep, this a heads up of what is going to be happening, and I thank you guys for your feedback. So I will do this the next time I get on here, and also, I'll reply to anyone I owe. I don't have enough energy right now, and I can't really think. I took allergy meds, and they made me tired. Anyway, thank you! I love you guys! <3
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rainbowxfmuses · 5 years
//Sorry, I've alive! Lol. I have a lot of muses and I made another one. XD Also I just bought Shantae for the switch and I have been obsessed with playing that, lol. Also started playing my 3DS, and I've been sick! First I had a cold, then I got a stomach virus. I think I'm alright, now, but I'm worried about getting another cold. I've also been trying to put together my Roxas cosplay, but it's difficult, since I bought the wrong size pants, and they were NOT getting back to me about it, and I am really stressing out over it. Also got a new shelf for figures and such and I've been painting that, hope to get it up on Wednesday! Anyway, off to replies, and if I forget you, let me know, if I do, I'm very sorry and I don't mean to, al ot has been happening, and sometimes my memory isn't the greatest!//
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rainbowxfmuses · 5 years
//I will try and be on in the next few days, but I am worried about the spam bots that have been taking over blogs, and I'm worried for Daisy, I don't want to lose her. Also, I wanted to make a new muse, so I was thinking of getting rid of one of my Kongs, (thanks to someone hacking another account of mine, I can't use that.)and I wanted to know which Kong of mine you would be less sad to see go, Tiny, or Dixie? Opinions please. <3
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rainbowxfmuses · 6 years
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//Here is my cosplay with my binder. Now it looks like I have no boob, but I honestly like it this way. I don’t remember what I was laughing at in the left photo.
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rainbowxfmuses · 6 years
//Ah, nothing like waking up to disgusting, bigoted, entitled, comments. I hate being here. 😭
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rainbowxfmuses · 5 years
//Hello! I’m alive, lol. Been having mental and physical health issues, and I have just been busy. I also feel like I want to change some of my muses. Like, Coco, I love her, but I have someone else in mind. I hope that @rxpper-roo would not be upset with me, though, I really enjoy writing with you as her. Also no one seems to rp with my Link, so I thought of someone else who I'd rather rp as. I know I tend to change a lot, but I just want to rp people who I feel happy as, and can relate to in rl, well sometimes I can, lol, at least maybe personality wise. Other than that, I don't wanna change any of of other muses. I love you guys.
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rainbowxfmuses · 5 years
//I've had a sore throat, and I have been sneezing a lot, and my nose has been stuffy. I’ve also been on Roxas, but sick, too.//
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rainbowxfmuses · 5 years
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//Wanted to share some gifts that I got for the holidays, no one could wait until tomorrow, lol, plus not everyone will be here in the morning. I can't wait to play, I am near the end of BOTW, anyway, and I want to give it a break. No offense but you know I'm gonna grab Pikachu asap! XD
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rainbowxfmuses · 6 years
//Sorry I keep disappearing, not only have I been depressed, but I have been playing a lot of games, I got Spyro, and I finally got a Switch, so I’ve been playing Breath of the Wild. I’ll try and get on soon, I still want to get a pic of myself in my cosplay, too. ❤️
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rainbowxfmuses · 6 years
//I’m going to see Ozzy Osbourne tomorrow, so I probably won’t be on until Sunday or Monday, just a heads up.
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rainbowxfmuses · 6 years
//There’s people I want to send asks to, but now I’m afraid to even say “Hey,” to someone, cause it might somehow get flagged.
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