#our poor little meow meow is a grown ass man
keepin-it-on-the-d-l · 11 months
The consequences of the kiddads starting as 12 year olds in season one is all of us collectively claiming them as our sons despite them being like 40 in season two and it’s hilarious
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mystic-faraday · 2 years
UTIL Plays Phoenix Wright: Justice For All (Case: Turnabout Bigtop... *sighs*)
(We had a drinking game going on while playing this case, if you would like to play your own version of the Turnabout Big Top drinking game, you can find it HERE )
- “Time for the worst case”
- “Breaking news: spirit channeling is a STEM FIELD! NOT magic.”
- Phoenix VA:  “Alright pearl you’re gonna learn about gay people” Pearl VA:  “I hope you have a good night and learn about gay people like me” Franziska VA: “Oh I think he already knows sweetie”
- Pearl “I wanna be gay when I grow up” Fey
- Max :“you’ve got to be pulling my magic wand” Everyone in call collectively: NOPE,NO NO NON O
- “Are those homestuck horns on his desk?”  “It’s a moustache!”  *unanimous chanting* “Model magic moustache!” 
- Miles VA: “I like knitting” Franziska VA: “And I like coins” Together: “We did not come out of the same loins”
-"cotton eyed m--" "HOW BOUT COTTON EYE NO?????"
-Gumshoe VA:  "Maybe I did wanna be a magician, maybe I didn't. what are you, a cop?"
-”Why does Moe have a set of suspenders that have such a defined butt?” “THOSE PANTS IMPLY MOE HAS A DUMPTRUCK ASS”
- Moe: Appears for the first time and tells his first joke Entire VC: silent as everyone takes a drink
- Maya: “Phoenix Laugh!” Phoenix VA:“Har, Har, Har, Har, Har *opens flask* har har **takes sip*”
- “We all have a metaphorical carrot in front of our faces…or something”
- “Guys, does Moe Fuck??? “OBJECTION: no one wants to hear the answer to that” “Well he’s got that Dumptruck Ass” “Moe the clown more like Hoe the clown”
- “What if we kissed under the carrot mistletoe and we were both clowns”
-We uncovered the collective truth that Manfred von Karma, like every single other person in the ace attorney series, is transgender, and therefore did not need to sleep with anyone to create Franziska 
- “The straightest character in this series is Trilo ‘cause he’s made of wood”
- Everyone refusing to read any lines of dialogue relating to the marriage / relationship between a child and a grown adult &  Casually just skipping entire sections of dialogue because none of us have the emotional willpower to voice act them.
- Trilo Voice: nipples!
- “Bitter love tria” *cuts off mid-sentence due to psychic damage*
- “ I cant believe I dodged a fucking bullet by voicing the clown”
- “How do you respond to this?” *Someone’s bottle making a swish noise as everyone takes a drink* “The Foley of it all”
- Franziska Voice: he’s my poor little meow meow
- “I’m never forgiving this game for west clownadelphia”
-“Have you met my proctologist? Dr. Seymour Butts!!’ “OH MY GOD LARRY’S DAD?!” “Everything is circling back to Moe’s ass...”
- Mii Sports ‘Nice Shot’ plays every time Franziska whips someone
- Moe: Trauma dumps in a court of law 2 seperate people: Sir this is a wendys
- “I’ll talk as long as you want!” UTIL greek chorus: ~Please Don’t~\
- “my poor little honk honk”
- “Something is toying with this court and it’s not me”  “IT’S THE GODDAMN PUPPET”
- “I don’t know why (im so tired)- actually i do. it’s because we’re playing bigtop”
- Actively replacing the word ‘sweetie’ with any word starting with the letter S
-*long pause of silence* “I think his nipples are the roses”
- “Max has a big... bust?” “We get it Phoenix, you’re a tits man!”
-”(Max’s Bust) Went missing 5 days ago” “HE HAD TOP SURGERY 5 DAYS AGO?!” “Teetus Deleteus”
- *Call dead silent except for the voice actors during the ‘Prosecutor Edgeworth chooses Death’ discussion* *The moment the scene ends* “WHY THE FUCK WAS THIS IN TURNABOUT BIGTOP?!
- “Miles Edgeworth chooses Bed”
-“Ooh ooh ah ah come here my little pogchamp”  Money: Instantly starts attacking Phoenix “ I guess he didn't like being called pogchamp”
- “I want to get to the end so i can get a shirt or pin saying ‘I survived the big top’” (Note: Everyone who made it to the end got a server role called ‘I survived Turnabout Big Top)
-“Moe is Regina’s uncle because he was dating the ringmaster” “The ringmaster is his rebound from his breakup with Manfred” “Terrible work everyone”
- “~Because it’s turnabout big top and life is a Fucking Nightmare~!”
- Entire VC, entering HOUR 6 of this case: “This is the case that never ends! It goes on and on my friends”
-‘Nothing can interrupt me expect death itself” *very quietly in the distance* ‘nice shot’
-Leon: *Bites Bat* “WAS THAT THE BITE OF’ 87?!”
-Phoenix: Deep, deep down I know you want to do good Franziska and Edgeworth: *hissing*
-Acro: *Starts Crying* *in the distance* nice shot\
-Edgeworth: *Appears at the ending scene* Franziska VA: THATS MY BROTHER
“Turnabout Bigtop, The End” Entire VC: *ERUPTS IN CELEBRATORY SCREAMS*
BONUS ROUND: Alternative Names for Turnabout Big Top: Turnabout Please Stop Turnabout Big Top: It Only Gets Worse Turnabout Nice Shot
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhpeReADAoM
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yikeshetalia · 4 years
The Red Rose
If I want to write about the cats choosing Alfred for Arthur Imma write about the cats choosing Alfred for Arthur and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Turns out this is gonna be a multiple chapter fic, Idk how long but hey it’s gonna be fluffy. Bitches love fluff. 
Don’t expect it to be update on Mondays or anything like that, chapters come out as I finish them.
“ And this is the Red Rose Cafe. Their coffee is the best in town, but they don’t take meal plan so you gotta use your own money.” Gilbert explained, leading Alfred into the cafe. Alfred looked around, noticing a wall of vines. “ Are those roses?” Alfred asked as they waited in line. Gilbert nodded “ The owner loves roses, so the rose wall was all grown in house by him. He’s one of my exes and I used to work here,  so don’t expect him to be very pleasant. He’s an asshole.” he grumbled as they were next.
When Alfred looked to the guy, he couldn’t help but freeze up a bit. Standing behind the counter, taking orders and making drinks as if it was easy as breathing, was a very cute man. His bangs were pinned back to keep them out of his eyes, but it also revealed that he had massive eyebrows. His green eyes flicked from Alfred’s face to Gilbert’s, neutral face changing to one of slight anger. “ Did you just call me an asshole, Gilbert? Last I remember I wasn’t the one who cheated and ruined our relationship.” he said, putting in an order for a latte without even being told. “ Usual amount, $3.50.” 
Gilbert handed over the money with a huff “ We were on a break, let it go.” The barista rolled his eyes “ Sure. I’ll let it go when you stop trying to walk out with Crumpet or Hero. God, I hope your university isn’t letting you show this poor sap around.” He held out his hand to Alfred “ I’m Arthur. If you’re planning on hanging around Gilbert I suggest you heed my warning that he’s just as much of an ass as he’ll make me out to be.” Alfred laughed, shaking his head. “ I figured that one out on day one... Hey, you’re hiring?” Alfred asked, noticing the flyer on the counter. 
“ Well, in some sense yes. As the school year starts we get busier and we need someone to only run the till. I make all the drinks and my cousin Oliver makes all the pastries. If you don’t have classes until later, it’s a good gig. We pay reasonably, and there’s a chance for you to get a raise if you turn out to be more helpful than the prick next to you.” Arthur explained. Alfred was about to say something, then heard a loud yowl from the floor. “ Don’t look down at him. He takes it as a welcome to climb up your legs. He usually only does this to me at closing.” Arthur warned, but the yowling got louder and louder. 
Alfred couldn’t help it and looked down, a very large Maine coon began to climb up his leg. “ God damn it, Hero, not again.” Arthur ran around the counter and took off the huge cat. Alfred was just laughing the entire time, especially since Arthur was basically engulfed by the large cat. Alfred petted the cat’s head, earning a loud purr. “ Huh, usually he doesn’t take head pats from strangers.” Gilbert pointed out, reaching for the cat. Upon seeing Gilbert reach, Hero swatted at him with his claws out and hissed. 
“ Ah, nope. Fucker still doesn’t like me. I swear you trained him to do that.” Gilbert held his hand to his chest, though Hero hadn’t actually gotten him. “ No, he just can tell who’s good people and who’s not.” Arthur put Hero on the cat tree and he took off across the cafe by the many shelves in it. “ Welp, looks like I gotta apply here now.” Alfred joked, waiting for Arthur to get back behind the bar. “ I guess I’ll just take a medium iced coffee.”
Arthur punched in his order, pouring out Gilbert’s quickly “ Total is $2, please.” Arthur did Alfred’s order faster, iced coffee being easier than the latte and getting distracted by a chunky boi. Alfred heard a meow from the cat tree besides him, figuring it was Hero again. He didn’t look over, but tapped his shoulder in a welcome for the cat to step on. Instead of the Lynx sized cat, a much lighter one hopped onto his shoulders and laid down with a purr. Gilbert was staring at him like he’d just said he killed a man, and Arthur was smiling watching him. 
“ Is this a different cat? What’s wrong?” Alfred asked, noticing lord chunk on the cat tree. “ Oh, I figured it was him...” Alfred blushed a bit, but held his hand to where the cat’s head would be to let him sniff it. The cat instead bonked his head into Alfred’s ear, purring happily with his new spot. “ The cat you currently have on your shoulders is Crumpet. Hero will let anyone pet him, but Crumpet is my cat. He isn’t very fond of other humans, even my cousin gets him angry.” Arthur explained “ Looks like you actually have to apply here now, here.” He passed over his coffee and an application form, as well as a cat treat. “ He’ll jump off before you go into the bathrooms or try to leave, but expect him to climb right back on as soon as you come back out.” 
Alfred sat at the table with Gilbert, filling out the application and drinking his coffee. “ $10 an hour? This place must get busy.” Alfred chuckled. “ Are you sure you’re going to be able to get up at 4 every morning? Arthur used to make me get up with him and it’s awful.” Gilbert rubbed his face “ Lived with him over the summer and let me tell you. It was awful.” Gilbert took a sip of his coffee and yawned. “ Bro, I wake up at 3 in the morning. I lived on a farm all my life, animals gotta eat before I headed into school.” he shrugged. He took the cat treat and lured the purring cat off his shoulder, gasping quietly. 
In front of him stood a Scottish fold, who had eyebrow marks on his face. The cat was tiny compared to Hero, but he was considerably softer than Hero. The cat carefully took the treat as Hero leapt onto the table and started sniffing Alfred’s hand. The cat whacked Hero on the head once and he ran off, leaving the cat on the table. “ They’re gay as fuck, Arthur rescued Crumpet from the gutters and after he opened this place Hero started hanging around. Arthur shooed him off thinking they’d fight, but each cat fight isn’t actually a cat fight.” Crumpet sat down, leaning back against Alfred and starting to groom his chest. Gilbert laughed and took a picture, and Alfred picked up the cat and turned him to look at him in the eye.
The cat stared Alfred in the eye, then began gently swatting at his glasses. Once put back down, he curled into a ball in Alfred’s lap and purred loudly. “ Damn, that cat loves you. Maybe you should ask Arthur out.” Gilbert teased, which actually made Alfred blush “ No! No, I barely know him and he’s gonna be my boss maybe! I couldn’t.” Alfred said, starting to finish filling out the application. “ Psh, Arthur always dates the cashiers. How do you think I got a job here?” he laughed, finishing his coffee “ Also, the cats like you. He’s gotta say yes.” 
Arthur whistled and Crumpet launched from Alfred’s lap and trotted over to him, and Hero launched from shelf to shelf and jumped on Arthur, who stumbled a bit as he caught him. He put Hero down, putting the cat food down after. Arthur caught Alfred staring, and Alfred’s breath caught for a second as they stared at each other. Arthur smiled softly at him, heading back behind the bar and heading  into the back kitchen. 
“ Oliver, we’re out of scones and there’s a cute man.” Arthur called and Oliver headed over to his cousin, wiping his hands on his apron “ Oh? Cute guy? Where?” he asked, grabbing a tray of scones. “ Blonde sitting with Gilbert, the cats even like him.” Arthur was blushing, taking a deep breath as they both headed back out. “ Now you mean cat, right?” Oliver asked “ Because Crumpet is a little brat.” As Oliver started to put the scones in the case, Crumpet ran up and started swatting at his leg with his ears back. Arthur picked Crumpet up and closed the behind the bar, and Crumpet ran over to Alfred’s table and jumped up and onto his shoulders. “ I said and meant cats.” Arthur motioned to the dining area. 
Oliver looked over at Alfred before heading into the back with Arthur again. “ Well, looks like your cat has decided on a guy you’re allowed to date, poppet.” Oliver giggled as Arthur kicked at him. “ Shut it, he’s adorable. Did you see how much Crumpet loves him?” The bell on the counter rang and Arthur poked his head out only to see Alfred standing there with Crumpet on his shoulders. “ Hey, I wanted to give in this application before I headed out.” Alfred smiled and Arthur internally panicked. “ Of course,” he looked at the top of the application “ Alfred. My older brother helps me look over the applications so I’ll be sure to contact you as soon as I can.” he smiled back.
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skyflyinginaction · 5 years
Shinhiro Aragaki Transulations from the Persona 3 Portable Fanbook
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Blog Handle Gaki
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[handwritten title at top] Gaki-san Cafeteria
Profile Name: Shinjiro Aragaki Sex: Male Birthday: 1991/8/11 [This profile uses year/month/day format.] Blood type: A Group: Gekkoukan Academy Upper Class Year 3 Class C (Suspended) Club: Unaffiliated
Ugh...  Me? Having a blog? So lame... Still, everyone's doing it, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Dunno what's with the goofy title. I'm just gonna write whatever I want. So uh, maybe gimme some ideas for posts?
Well... Might as well pass the time while I'm here. Anyway... enjoy?
Favorite Sites: [banners] A Dog's Heart [in snail] Sea slug [to right] Umiushi Family Cooking [white text, bottom right] Official Site
[large white text below blog page] I'm keeping my eyes peeled. Because there's an unimaginable way back...
[main body]
Aragaki, the lone wolf who sticks out like a sore thumb at nightly meetings, is from the same orphanage as Sanada. Three years ago, Aragaki was a member of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, where Sanada awakened the power of Persona within him. However, he wasn't able to fully control his powers. One day, a horrible accident occurred and a number of people were driven mad. Aragaki's Persona went berserk and snatched away the life of an innocent bystander. Despondent, Aragaki dropped out of school and began aimlessly roaming the streets at night. In order to restrain his Persona ability, whenever Aragaki is faced with danger, he takes a suppressant drug - although it has its side effects. Aragaki only returned to the SEES to bear his past deeds. Aragaki gave his life as a final apology to those tied to the past and unable to move forward, saying: "I'm the only one who deserves to rot in hell."
[at bottom:]
Shinjiro Aragaki
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Like A Whole Nother World
Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/9/3 (Thu) 23:18
People are taking my return to the SEES really nicely... What the hell happened. Back when it was just me and Aki and Kirijo, the lounge felt way too big... But with all the new members, it's stuffed. Girls, a little kid, and even a dog... Some real variety in this lineup. Did Aki and Kirijo just get swept up in all that?
And on top of that, they're all treating me real good, even though they barely know me. The 2nd years think I bailed their asses out at the meeting place, when really I was just chasing off some pests. Either way, they're being real nice to me.
I don't bother with school or club activities or whatever, so I can focus all my energy on battle. Hit me up whenever you're heading off to Tartarus. I mean, that's why I came back here in the first place.
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2009/9/4 (Fri) 01:23 JUN☆P-
Never gonna forget the hero at the meeting spot, dude. You totally bailed us out. With Aragaki-san on our side, we're like a hundred-man army!
2009/9/4 (Fri) 18:51 Yukaricchi♥
So you helped found the club, Aragaki-senpai... Thank you so much for saving us. I think you might actually be a really good guy, deep down...?
2009/9/4 (Fri) 21:00 Aigis
Koromaru-san reports that you often give him treats. It seems you two have become fast friends. Aragaki-san, you are rather reserved.
2009/9/4 (Fri) 23:06 Gaki
Oh come on, are you guys really kicking things off with a bunch of embarrassing comments? Hundred-man army, good guy... Don't just make stuff up about me. Ugh, I dunno how to deal with this.
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Boy's & Girl's Event
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Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/9/6 (Sun) 21:55
Under the full moon, a Shadow appeared, as promised. I hang out at Escapade plenty, but this time everyone on the floor was complaining about the power being on the fritz. I guess that was an omen or something that a Shadow was about to appear. Can't let things like that slip you by.
But man, there were some real annoying tagalongs last night. Junpei thought he was gonna party his ass off, the poor guy. That chick from Strega was totally stringing him along, but Junpei still managed to be worried about her. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but pure-hearted guys like him are the ones that fall for that kind of thing.
But still, the chick's Persona was really something... Might be worth worrying about. I think I'll pop my head into the hospital too.
Junpei Iori
Hey, uh... I just wanna know one thing... Was that really all just an act?
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2009/9/6 (Sun) 22:23 Yukaricchi♥
I mean, Junpei's so unsubtle about things like this... I bet he's going to visit at the hospital again today. Maybe if Junpei keeps talking to her, Chidori-san will start to open her heart... Or maybe I'm naive for even thinking that?  
Boy's & Girl's Event
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Passing the Persona Torch
Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/9/15 (Tue) 22:36
Man, you guys are a real pain. Though I guess I can't be so quick to judge if Koro-chan hangs with you...
⬤ Questions From Persona Users ⬤
1. How did it feel when your Persona awakened?
I don't remember anything from back then...
2. What did you think when you saw your Persona?
Don't really care, that's just how he looks. He's Aki's Persona's brother. I mean, me and Aki go way back. You couldn't separate us even if you tried.
3. What's your favorite attacking strategy?
I'm not a big fan of whittling enemies down bit by bit. Better to give 'em one big hit and knock 'em dead, all in one go.
4. Any Shadows you have trouble with?
I don't got any weak points. I mean, if your Persona is weak, that just means your heart is weak.
5. What do you want to do when we're done fighting?
Hell if I know. I just want to take responsibility for what I've done. I think I'm just about there. After that... Aki, it's your turn.
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2009/9/15 (Wed) 19:47 Aki
So it's my turn... Got it. Shinji, it may very well be because of my influence that the power of Persona was awakened within you...
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Boys & Girl's Event
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What Are You Weirdos, a Cosplay Group?
Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/9/16 (Wed) 22:58
Come on... I am not gonna participate in your little cosplay thing. The bus stop was one thing, but this time you want me to wear a tailcoat? What? Is that a butler costume? Like I'm gonna play some servant role.
Oh, and when we're going off to Tartarus, don't expect me to act like we're going on a picnic, or whatever. When a Shadow pops out, I want to look like a grown-up warrior. We didn't get this far by being stylish.
I mean, if you're fighting to win, then I'll quit whining. Just don't mess around too much. And don't forget that lives are on the line.
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2009/9/17 (Thu) 19:48 Yukaricchi♥
Please don't call us all "weirdos"! Our leader is the one who's into dressing up. I'm a victim too.
2009/9/17 (Thu) 22:39 JUN☆P-
That's the first time I've seen you hatless, Aragaki-san. ...And your head looks totally normal. So disappointing...
2009/9/17 (Fri) 19:29 Aki
I've never brought this up, but... Junpei, what do YOU look like with your hat off? I mean, even when you went swimming at the beach, you refused to take it off.
2009/9/17 (Fri) 21:46 Gaki
What kind of weird ideas are you having about people's heads... Hey Aki, meet me at the strategy room for a tactical debriefing on stealing Junpei's hat.
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Haven't Seen a Movie In Ages
Category: Posts 2009/9/23 (Wed) 22:26
Man, I haven't been to the movies in ages. It's a lot nicer to go on your own, but... Well, if you're inviting me, you must be kind of a weirdo. I guess I don't mind coming along though, kills some time.
But like, did you pick that movie on purpose? "Woof-Meow Kingdom"... We were surrounded by family, made me weirdly sweaty. And the climactic scene where they got dragged in the river... That was... Well, whatever...
Right, I need to give Koro-chan the special dog food and assorted bones I got on the way home. The leash we use on walks is filthy, so maybe I should get a new one, too... Oh, and I'm going to give him a bath later tonight. Shoot, I forgot to get a massage brush...
Anyway, do you think Koro-chan's good at doggy paddling? Never know when something bad might happen around water...
> Somehow, Aragaki's eyes seem red...
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2009/9/24 (Thu) 10:00 Aigis
Koromaru-san is profoundly moved by your exceptional treatment of him, Aragaki-san.
2009/9/24 (Thu) 19:13 Fuu*ka
Aragaki-senpai, you're a real animal lover, aren't you? Nobody who likes animals is a bad person, or so they say. I'll have to cook up something nice for Koro-chan too!
Garlic ・ Olive Oil ・ Pepperoncini
Family Cooking
Airing Weekly, Sunday 7 PM SMATV Network Kismet Publishing
September edition of the textbook now on sale. If not at your local bookstore, go here → to order online.
[button:] I Want It!
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Boys & Girl's Event Public Post
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Evening Walk
Category: Posts 2009/9/26 (Sat) 23:14
You guys keep going off about how taking a walk at night soothes the soul, and I kinda have to agree. I used to kill time at night by hanging out in back alleys or clubs, but I guess it's not so bad doing something more healthy with my evenings. And this is so weird, but taking a nice walk makes me want to make dinner for Koro-chan.
It's fall and everything's being harvested, which makes it the season for eating. You guys need to remember to eat up and stay healthy. Or else you're gonna end up bedridden, like our leader was. What would you even do if a shadow popped out then? Well, I guess everything's going good on that front, so it's fine for now. Just remember to get a nice square meal in every day.
Shinjiro Aragaki
You hungry? I'll fix you something when we get home.
Girl's Event Public Post
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The Trick to Cooking
Category: Cooking 2009/9/27 (Sun) 23:47
Fall's the season for eating, but I don't think that fancy kitchen we have is getting any use. The fridge is full of sports drinks and milk, the cupboards are crammed with protein shakes and cup noodles and junk food... It's messed up. Do you people seriously never cook? We didn't even have a good set of utensils, so I brought some in. Yamagishi's the only one who seems excited about cooking, but she doesn't have the basics down yet. Don't get me wrong, enthusiasm's great, but...
Well, if you've heard someone say that cooking is an act of love, it probably came from someone who's mastered their basics. Doesn't matter how much love you pour into your cooking, if you mess up some fundamental part, it's not gonna taste good. A super common mistake beginners make is ignoring what the recipe says and improvising instead. Get your basics down pat, then you can switch things up. Remember, you don't gotta rush it. Doesn't matter what you're doing, taking it one step at a time is key.
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2009/9/28 (Mon) 18:51 Fuu*ka
Aragaki-senpai, thank you... You put it pretty bluntly, but you're trying to help, aren't you? I'll start working my way up with simple things like onigiri. If you'd like, feel free to come sample my work?
2009/9/28 (Mon) 19:52 Mitsuru
Aragaki, I'm rather surprised at how good you are at cooking. I wouldn't say you surpass my family's professional chef, but your food was indeed exquisite. Perhaps eating together with everyone isn't so bad, every once in a while.
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Girl's Event
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Making Things Right
Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/10/3 (Sat) 02:45
Shinjiro Aragaki
...They're in your hands now. I believe in you.
[post body]
So tomorrow's the long-awaited full moon, huh. And you know another huge Shadow's gonna pop out. But I never thought the full moon would fall on tomorrow's date, of all days... I can't bring myself to call it a coincidence.
It's not like I think I won't be coming back, but with what I have in the palm of my hand... Well, I can't tell if it's a coincidence or a cruel prank. And the whole time I sit here agonizing about it, the pocketwatch in my palm keeps on ticking. If I had to name the one thing I can never change, it'd be my past self. Who's bound by their past now? It's not just me... So, the only thing left for me to do is to make things right. Because no matter what I choose, I don't got much time left...
I'm not gonna write anything more here, I promise. You don't have to forgive me for my selfishness. And no matter what happens, don't you dare cry...
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2009/10/7 (Wed) 18:36 Fuu*ka
Aragaki-senpai, they said you wouldn't wake up... When I first read this post, I didn't get it at all, but... Looking back, I think you knew what you were about to do...
2009/10/7 (Wed) 20:28 Mitsuru
Of course I was aware of the situation between Aragaki and Amada. It was a failing on my part that it came to this. From hereafter, the Kirijo family will dedicate all available resources to his medical care. Perhaps Aragaki's strong spirit will grant us a sliver of hope...
2009/10/8 (Thu) 01:36 JUN☆P-
I know you were ready to give your life in this battle, but... Now that it's actually happened, it hurts like hell... Aragaki-san, please wake up...
2009/10/8 (Thu) 20:38 Aki
When I thought Shinji was all but gone, he whispered, "This is what I wanted." While some may dismiss his way of making things right, I would not count myself among them. Everyone, we need to face forward!
2009/10/9 (Fri) 18:46 Amadaman
I've decided to keep fighting here. Until Aragaki-san returns, I will protect his place.
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[bubble at top left]
If You Get Into A Relationship...
Social links with Aragaki don't turn romantic until you max out your S. Link rank with him. But once you do get to max, if you call him one more time, you can have the protagonist confess to him. After a short period of heated questioning, you can enter Aragaki's room. Acting much unlike the Aragaki you've seen so far, he will embrace the protagonist and make an unexpectedly bold move. While it's quite the mushy event, if you do get in a relationship, he'll actually be quite assertive. By the way, the protagonist confesses to him in the dorm lounge. If you think about it, Yukari and Junpei and all the other members would be right next to them the whole time...
Shinjiro Aragaki
You're uh... not married, so don't get this wrong, but...
[bubbles at top right]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Break
[center of circle:] Shinjiro Aragaki
[by tarot card:] Moon
[spiky bubble at bottom:] Shinjiro Aragaki
[to left of portrait, beneath "Persona capable to summon once Moon's commu rank reaches the max:]
Sandalphon, the Angel That Conveys Prayers
[tag labeled 27]
From the Iwatodoi Dormitory Lounge ......Edition 27
[junpei:] Man, Aragaki-san's cooking is the best. [koro:] Woof!! [aegis:] Koromaru-san says he enjoys it too. [aragaki:] H, hey. You guys suck at eating balanced meals. Try to take care of yourselves. [mitsuru:] I agree completely. Akihiko could stand to eat something aside from gyudon. [Rice with beef and vegetables.] [sanada:] I, I eat more than just gyudon! I get plenty of protein shakes in too!
[next column] [mitsuru:] Ugh... You're giving me a headache. [junpei:] Gyudon and protein shakes and nothing else... That's uh, really... [aragaki:] Don't act like you're any different. You basically live off cup ramen. Balance your diet. [junpei:] Uh, well... I uh, how do I put this, just like, think it's good... [fuuka:] Okay, I'll keep balance in mind and cook something up! [aragaki] How about you focus on learning how to cook, first. ...Although, you can go ahead and start practicing.
[vertical line of text in center:]
Brotherly Lines
[column on right]
S. Link Rank 3 Female Protagonist
Look at the balance in these meals... Do you guys live off this...?
S. Link Rank 4 Female Protagonist
...You're not going to leave those vegetables on your plate, are you?
S. Link Rank 7 Female Protagonist
Get some good sleep. ...'Night.
S. Link Rank 9 Female Protagonist
Feels like I got a place to come home to.
S. Link MAX Female Protagonist
Now that you're here, I don't have a care in the world...
[screenshot to left:] Shinjiro Aragaki
Does everyone here eat like crap...?
[block labeled Girl's Side] Like An Older Brother
Shinjiro Aragaki always makes sure his fellow club members make it home safe. While he comes off as rather blunt, he's actually deeply worried about everyone's unhealthy eating habits. Following the protagonist's advice, he throws a party. While putting everything together for the party, he teaches Fuuka (who is hopeless at cooking) how to cook. Drawn by the smell, their dormmates gather, and the lounge springs to life. While everyone enjoys the meal, Aragaki steps out for a bit, and asks the protagonist for a private chat. Then, gazing at the protagonist with a gentle smile, he says, "I'm leaving Sanada and everyone else in your hands."
[screenshot to right:]
Koromaru-san is distraught.
[caption below screenshot:] Even Koromaru-san can tell how bad Fuuka's cooking is. But with Aragaki teaching her, she'll be able to make delicious food someday.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Hold On To Me Chapter 13 {Biadore} - imafuckinglibra
Hello darkness my old friend…The end is near people, like, ‘the end is here’ near. Also apparently I made my beta cry (woops) sorry babe. And sorry but for once there’s no smut in this I apologize. That’s all I have to say about this chapter enjoy, k bye.
“No. Out. Now!” Roy harshly yelled pointing to the exit.
He had stopped dead in his tracks when he opened the door to the backstage area of the club and spotted a familiar face sitting on his vanity’s surface.
Kicking his long lanky legs hanging off the counter cheerfully and grinning at him bigger than someone who’s just won the lottery.
“Uh-uh.” Danny bit his lip shaking his head like a disobedient child.
“You look retarded. Who the fuck even let in here?” He stood his ground crossing his arms. Danny’s adorably endearing charm was not getting him out of this one. He knew the rules - no meeting in public settings.
“I did.” Detox emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but her nude tights looking like some naked burned barbie doll.
“Of course you did.” He rolled his eyes. “Daniel…”
“Don’t hurt our baby!” Detox interjected throwing her arms around his shoulders, shielding him from the grumpy cuban queen.
“Your…no. No. You’re not working here so help me.” Roy warned dropping his bags next to Danny on the vanity. He stopped to put his hands either side of him and look him dead in the eyes. “Go home.”
“I’m serious. You’re not being as cute or funny as you think.”
“I’m very cute.” Danny smiled.
“I am going to strangle you one of these days.” Roy shook his head maintaining his authoritative stare.
Actually he didn’t mind having Danny there, he liked having the company and he hadn’t seen him a couple of days so he missed the little fucker. But being way too stubborn for his own good Roy wasn’t going to admit that and give Danny the satisfaction.
“Nobody’s buying the tough guy act pussyface, we all know about the lovin’.” Courtney magically appeared from behind another vanity.
“You have no proof.” Roy frowned at Danny. His bright smile only growing bigger the longer Roy glared at him which eventually made him cave and give him a quick peck. “Hi, now go home.”
Detox let go of him once she saw Roy wasn’t going to maul the poor boy and went back through the door leading to the bar. Once he was freed from the arms around him Danny placed his hands on either side of Roy’s hips pulling him closer. Trailing his hands back to hold onto his ass when Roy’s body hit his.
“I missed you.” He sighed dropping his head against Roy’s chest to listen to his heartbeat.
“If you still went to school you’d see me more.” Roy looked down at him, tucking a few strands of unruly hair behind his ears. “Regretting anything yet?”
While waiting for his answer Roy’s heart began growing heavier as he thought back on their conversation in the kitchen the first night Danny told him about dropping out.
“You’re what?” Roy shrieked letting go of his hold on Danny.
His eyes wide and his mouth flapping open unable to form a proper sentence.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’
“I’m dropping out. I won’t be your student anymore.” Danny shrugged lowering his hands from Roy’s neck to his waist.
“Is it because of me?” Roy’s hands went up to his head, running his fingers through his hair as he took a step back to take a breather. “Shit. Daniel if this is about me then, then…”
“It’s not.” Danny said calmly, standing there idly watching Roy’s pacing.
“You couldn’t wait 2 fucking months?”
“It’s not about you! I swear!” He tried walking back up to Roy, grabbing hold of his hands to stop his frantic to and fro.
Roy’s mind was a mess, a jumble of confusion and worry. If Danny were to drop out yes he wouldn’t be his student anymore but he’d be throwing his life away.
This beautiful young man standing in front of him, so bright with so much ahead of him, would be throwing his life away. He didn’t know how to react except staring blankly at him.
This is stupid. He was being unbelievably stupid! Why would he throw his life away like this? Yes people who drop out can still be successful but he knew Danny too well by now to know he doesn’t always make the most rational decisions.
“Hey, calm down.” Picking up on his internal freak out being worse than he was letting on Danny’s grip on his hands gave a tight squeeze before they went up to his face. His thumbs caressing his cheekbones to calm him down as much as he could.
Searching for any sense of comfort wherever he could get it his body instinctively relaxed into the warmth of his hands, his own coming up to hold onto his boney wrists for some stability.
“Is there any way I can talk you out of this?” He sighed trying to stop his mind from racing and just accept what was happening.
“No.” Danny shook his head with a faint smile on his face. “My mom and I talked about it during the days I missed school and I’ve been planning on dropping out since…”
“Sophomore year.” Roy finished his sentence.
“Yeah.” Danny nodded, leaning down to place a soft peck on Roy’s full lips.
A very smart way of getting him to calm down, the distraction of Danny’s lips gently brushing against his made Roy melt right on the spot.
‘I don’t want you to go…’ Roy thought.
He didn’t have the balls to admit to Danny that his resistance came from the fear that if he left school he’d leave him too.
He had grown far too attached for his own good to ever let him go at this point, a fear he never realized he had or could have till he so nearly lost him thanks to Raja’s mishap.
‘I don’t want you to go…I can’t say goodbye.’ He repeated in his mind hoping if he repeated it to himself enough eventually it would come out.
“If I let go will you run? Or you good?” Danny teased smushing his features together in his hands.
“Alright, alright. I’m good.” Roy placed his hands on Danny’s hips, his head a little clearer now after the initial shock fading. “When’s your last day? Do you even have a last day or…I don’t know, I don’t know how any of this works honestly.”
Danny smiled draping his arms over his shoulders again as they were previously. “I’m not sure yet, I had to talk to the guidance counselor the other day and they’re making me take these tests and get my GED. If I fail that then I can’t drop out.”
“Okay, so there’s still time before everything’s final?” Roy cocked a brow getting a nod from Danny after he thought it over a while. “And you’re sure I can’t talk you out of this?”
Danny shook his head. Can’t blame a guy for trying, he had to at least give it one final go to clear his conscious.
“I won’t freak out, again. Just tell me why you’re doing this.”
“What?” Roy snorted.
Was he really fucking dropping out for pizza? I mean it wouldn’t surprise him or anyone really it seemed to be the only thing on his mind 90% of the time. Roy’s dick apparently filling the other 10%.
No pun intended.
“Oh, pizza!” Roy ran back to the counter where their frozen dinner was sitting after Danny’s loud rumbling stomach answered for him.
Danny followed him resting his elbows on the countertop where Roy and his friends had been watching his old youtube videos a week earlier. Watching Roy’s every move as he thought of why he was leaving school.
If he had to be completely honest Roy did play a big part in his decision to give up on his education but it wasn’t just because of him.
School was packed with too many painful memories that he didn’t want to face anymore. The bullying, teasing, teachers telling him his attitude would get him in rehab, stress of all the assignments those were all so common they didn’t even matter to him anymore.
It was the pain beneath the surface, or in the case of his poor locker, it was the surface. Every time he’d walk past his freshman locker he’d be reminded of the pain he felt the last day of the year when he got the call of his father’s passing. Out of blind rage and sorrow he punched it so hard he broke 2 of his knuckles and his index finger.
But there was more.
Around every corner plastered on the blue walls he’d see the face of the pissed off jock who followed him home after school to yell obscenities in his ear after he bombed on Idols. Honoring this asshole who made his life hell for his athletic prowess.
The nurses office where he had cried in Michelle’s arms till he threw up after a bad trip from some fucked up drugs laced with something unknown that made him sick.
Of course the steps leading into the school were the worse. It’s been month since his fall and the concrete was still stained brown with his blood.
He couldn’t face any of it anymore. It wasn’t like he was running away from any of those bad times, he was just finally letting go.
The prospect of getting to be with Roy as his boyfriend and not just his quick fuck in a supply closet or goodnight FaceTimes was just the cherry on top.
“My grades suck, I mean you know that you gave them.” He started speaking while Roy unwrapped their meal. “And I’m not planning on ever going to college, like I want to be a performer. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do so, yeah. What’s the point? Kurt Cobain didn’t need to graduate.“
Roy got up from the oven slowly and turned around, his brows furrowed in a very amused ‘really bitch’ look. He leaned back against his sink with his hands next to him in the edge.
“Kurt Cobain is who you’re basing this decision on?”
“The same guy who shot himself at 27? And wrote Polly wants a cracker I think I should get off her first?”
“Meow.” Danny nodded with a chuckle. Roy knew the words to Polly? The fuck?
“Seems uh…logical.”
“Neither did Courtney Love or David Bowie or Cher or Ozzy Osbourne or Pink or…” Danny quickly blurted out names.
“I get it.”
“You’re mad?” Danny’s smile fell.
“I’m a little disappointed not gonna lie, but uh, no. I’m not…I don’t think I’m mad.” Roy stepped closer to lean over the same countertop as Danny and take hold of his hands. “If you know what you’re doing and it makes you happy then, I’m happy. Just give me some time to think it over.”
“You know what would make me really happy right now?” Danny smirked. “If I get to blow you again.”
Roy rolled his eyes every annoyingly as he pushed himself off the counter and mumbled some obscurities under his breath while walking into the bedroom.
When he came back a minute later with the object he went to fetch he found Danny sitting outside on the balcony in the same chair as the first time he was there. His knees shaking and a freshly lit cigarette between his lips.
“You like balconies huh?”
“I like smoking. You won’t let me smoke inside.” His demeanor was suddenly completely different. Cold almost.
“What’s wrong?” Roy took a seat across from him, placing his hand on Danny’s knee to stop it’s shaking.
“Talk to me.”
“I know you think I’m a child and I don’t know what I want or what I’m doing,” Danny’s voice cracked and with trembling hands he took another drag from his cigarette hiding his mouth behind his hand as he usually did when he started crying. “But I’m not.”
“I don’t think that…I just,” Roy sighed. “You’re young. I remember being your age and how scary everything feels, but you have to try and look at things from my perspective. See how fucked up I feel.”
“Cher was 11 years younger than Sonny too.”
Roy nodded and decided this was just a losing battle. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry.” Danny mouthed.
Seeing the boy he loved so much made Roy’s heart physically ache. How could someone so bright and full of possibilities fall so easily into despair?
“Hey. I got you babe.” Roy joked trying to lighten the mood as he shook his knee. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Danny just smiled halfheartedly and wiped away the tear that rolled down his cheek before any more could follow. “I didn’t mean to fuck up your life too.”
“You didn’t.” Roy quickly got up to go kneel between his legs, with a hand on each knee he spread his thighs so he could get closer to him. Hugging him tightly to reassure him everything would be okay. “I love you no matter what. I promise.”
“Love you too.”
“You want to come eat or stay outside, it’s cold as a witches tit out here. And I’m a fucking witch, I know how cold my tit is.”
Danny laughed a little at his stupidity bringing a smile to Roy’s face. “Can we just stay outside a bit?”
“Sure. But then show me your hand.” He held an open palm out waiting for Danny to put his injured hand on it.
Reluctantly he obliged and Roy went to work examining how bad the damage actually was. It hadn’t gotten bluer which was good, it was pretty swollen though which made him worry.
“I had to hit him. I told you you’re my only man, I wouldn’t let anyone else touch me even if we were open or you know, not together.” Danny whispered looking down to his lap.
“Good boy.” Roy praised releasing his hand to cup his face instead. “I’ll make you a deal. I won’t tell you what to do, I’ll let you make this decision on your own. But all I ask is think everything over clearly okay?”
“Okay.” Danny nodded into his warm palm. “Can I blow you now?”
Roy laughed off his comment and wrapped his arms around him again, lifting not only himself but Danny as well to spin them so he’d be seated with Danny on his lap all in one seamless move.
They stayed snuggled up outside till Danny’s fine tuned pizza senses tingled and he made Roy get up to go feed them. The few minutes outside did give them enough time to discuss what’s next however and give Roy the opportunity to begin concocting a plan for the future.
“Hm…Nope. No regrets.” Danny shook his head.
“You said you got your scores back right?”
He obviously didn’t get the hint so after a few seconds of silence Roy spelled it out for him. “I’m waiting for your results bitch. How did it go?”
“I um…” Danny dropped his head making Roy’s heart drop straight out of his ass.
‘Oh god he failed it.’ Roy began panicking.
He knew Danny would be absolutely crushed if this didn’t pan out as hoped and no amount of pizza, terrible 80’s movies or bj’s would be able to patch that wound.
He took a deep inhale bracing himself for the worst and out of habit placed a reassuring hand on Danny’s.
“I got a 2 605!”
“You little fucker.” Roy laughed when Danny sprung up grabbing onto him so he could spin him. “I’m so proud!”
Roy grabbed onto his upper thighs so he could hold him up better as he continued peppering loud kisses all over face making him giggle uncontrollably.
“You are?” Danny’s giggles died down and he looked into his eyes.
“Of course I am. Mwah! Mwah! I’m so fucking proud.”
And he was. Roy had watched Danny, and of course helped him a few times, study for his GED tests. They were 5 in total and even after just the first one he was spent, but he never doubted that he could pull it off. He didn’t believe it about himself but Danny was a smart boy.
Which is why the news also saddened Roy if he had to be brutally honest. In the few weeks since dropping the bomb on him Roy had been a mess too, which he buried as deep down as possible away from Danny.
He still had his reservations about the whole idea and wether Danny was making the right decision, but he had vowed to be there for him every step of the way and he intended on honoring that.
On the bright side Danny was now technically just a regular 19 year old guy. They were no longer teacher and student. Which in some fucked up way Roy missed about their relationship. Relationship.
Fuck. They could actually have a relationship now.
“Proud enough to buy me a drink.” Danny cocked his brow with a shit eating grin bringing him abruptly back to reality.
“Hey.” Roy dropped him back onto the vanity’s counter. “Don’t push your luck.”
“Do I get a drink if I tell you mom thinks I’m out with the guys tonight which means I can stay at your place?”
“One.” Roy gave him another quick peck and went to sit down. Starting the daunting process of turning himself into the erotic clown, Bianca del Rio herself. “But you’re not working here.”
“Wasn’t planning on working in your stupid club anyway.” Danny pouted crossing his arms
“Sure, princess.”
“Coño.” He muttered under his breath sticking his bottom lip out further.
“Language, Noriega.”
“Why can’t I?” He angrily huffed through his nostrils.
“Because this is my club, bitch.”
“Actually…” Raja jumped into the conversation emerging from behind the door to the bar with his arm around Raven.
“It’s ours, bitch.” Raven waved a finger between them.
Roy dramatically rolled his eyes and decided to prioritize and focus on getting ready instead of arguing over something stupid with Danny.
“Hi, gorgeous.” Raja glided over in her trademark ethereal fashion to Danny and taking his hands in hers she lifted him up to hug him warmly. “Congratulations on being a little dropout baby.”
“And you’re welcome to perform here any time you want, sweetheart.” Raven chimed in throwing her arms around him to sandwich the boy between them.
“Stop trying to get on his good side because you drove him into…that thing’s, arms.” Roy snarled in Raja’s direction without ever looking at the already painted queen.
“Hey! That was weeks ago and I apologized.”
“It’s all good I forgive you.” Danny returned the hug before tilting his head to whisper directly into Raja’s ear. “But I’ll never forget.”
Raja shivered at his words and almost instantly let go of him.
“And this is for you.” Danny turned back to the now eyebrow less Roy dangling a key with a Manson keychain between his index finger and thumb.
“What’s that?” Roy asked without bothering to turn around to look at it.
“Your key.”
Roy had given Danny a key to his apartment the very night he told him he was dropping out when they were on the balcony, on the condition that it was for emergency cram sessions only.
“You know, if parents or friends or tests or…or life, I guess gets too much and you need to study in peace. You have a place.” Were his exact words. What Danny could make out at least, he was too distracted by the way he was nervously blushing to be paying attention.
Which of course meant he completely abused his new toy and showed up at the most seemingly random times at his apartment, a few times even when Roy wasn’t home.
Like the first week after he gave it to him when Roy came home from work and found Danny sleeping in his bed next to candy wrappers like some fucked up version of Goldilocks.
“Don’t need it anymore.” Danny shrugged.
“Hold on to it.” Roy finally looked up at him, smiling at him with those beautiful dimples.
Roy placed the key back in his palms ad closed his fist around the small metal object. “Keep it. The offer still stands.”
Danny went blank for a moment to process that Roy had actually given him a key to his apartment. He was so caught up in everything else these last few weeks he didn’t even realize it till now.
When the lightbulb finally did spark to life however he lunged for Roy squealing uncontrollably. “You love me!”
“I take it back.” Roy groaned and tried to swipe it from him but Danny was quicker and held the key tighter between both palms like it was some precious jewel.
“No! Mine.” He pouted which made Roy laugh a little.
“I love you, you moron.��� Roy pulled him down by his collar and gave him a quick kiss. “Go play with the other crossdressers while I get pretty.”
Danny turned on his heels and walked away to the bar where Detox had disappeared to earlier. Smiling over his shoulder as he did which made Roy shake his head.
He was wearing the same pastel shirt as one of the videos they’d watched of him and a tiara that he got god knows where which made him look absolutely adorable - or like a child. Probably both.
“He did it…” Roy’s smiled dropped when Danny was out the door and slowly dread began setting in which made his mood sink as low as he did into his palms.
His mind was racing again with the guilt of being the reason Danny was dropping weighing unbearably heavy on him. He had explained to him several times he wasn’t the reason but Roy couldn’t help but feel responsible.
Like if he had just left Danny alone and never engaged with him in the first place he might still be trying to graduate.
He looked up into the mirror at his reflection, intensely glaring at the man staring back at him. Was he being selfish for wanting a relationship with Danny if this was what it took?
And was he being selfish for hoping he’d want to move back to New York with him instead of staying here with his family and persuing his own life?
“Oh God…What have I done?”
Roy - 14:03
I should be home in 30, come pick up your jeans
Danny - 14:04
Or you can keep them and I’ll never wear pants again 😉😉😉
Roy looked down smiling at his phone waving his last student walking out the door goodbye after the final bell for the day rang.
Danny did end up spending the night, and getting his drink, as a reward for getting his GED and now being free from any school related duties.
But somewhere in the heat of the moment Danny’s jeans went flying god knows where and in the frenzy of it all the zipper’s button snapped off. So being the gentleman he is Roy fixed it up for him after sending him home with one of his sweatpants.
Roy - 14:04
I wouldn’t be mad at it
He was surprised Danny even had any clothes left to wear at this point. He had an annoying habit of leaving everything around Roy’s apartment as he went along, like he was leaving a trail of discarded flannels and hoodies in case he got lost and needed to find his way back.
Roy dropped his phone onto his desk after turning it on vibrate to try and finish the last few papers he had left as quickly as possible so he could get home before Danny.
While reading Matt, one of Danny’s friends’, piss poor report on his analysis of Macbeth he got so discouraged by his insane ignorance he dropped his head into his palms and completely missed the fact that someone had entered the empty classroom.
Danny saw Roy was too lost in his work lazily chewing on his pen so instead of announcing his arrival he tip toed to the front of his desk.
He couldn’t help the bright smile and pink tint forming on his cheeks as he watched his boyfriend’s concentrated reading. He leaned forward ever so slightly closer and rested his hands on each side of Roy’s work.
“Mr. Haylock?”
Just as planned when Roy lifted his head to answer whoever called him his lips hit Danny’s strategically hovering over him.
“Hi.” Danny smiled when Roy jumped back from their kiss.
“What are you?” Roy nervously laughed quickly jumping up to close the class’s door. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to empty out my locker and figured maybe you could give me a ride home?”
“It’s real then.” Roy thought out loud, crossing his arms and looking down at the floor. This was real. Danny was officially a high school drop out.
“Yeah, it…it is.” Danny’s eyes started stinging.
As if he registered the fall in emotions the moment it happened Roy stepped closer, embracing him warmly.
“Hey, no crying anymore. I’m so, so proud of you. You’re so brave for doing this and you know I’m here behind you every step of the way.”
“It’s over.” Was all Danny seemed to be able to muster.
Truth be told the reality of what he had done finally hit him too. The reality of everything actually did.
He was a drop out, Roy’s 3 months as the substitute was soon over…everything was ending. It felt so surreal yet so freeing, so liberating.
In another month Roy would no longer be a teacher, at all, and they would be…normal.
In the course of the 2 months he had gone from feeling helpless and afraid of the future to actually being optimistic about what was to come, all because of Roy.
Because of all the lessons he had taught him not just the literal ones in these now empty desks but the kind he’d cherish forever.
He had taught him to never doubt himself, never listen to that voice inside yourself telling you your not good enough even if those voices were coming as snide remarks from others.
He had also learned never to take Raja, or Sutan he finally discovered, too seriously but that was another matter.
And he had learned that those who love you, truly wholeheartedly love you, will stick by you through everything regardless of their approval of your plans.
Unlike Jay who wrote him off after telling him he’s dropping out. Roy, his mom, Aaron and the rest of his friends as well as his new drag sisters were all there for him and supported him through every hard weekend of relentless cramming for his tests.
Still, a fucking whirlwind of a chapter of his life was coming to an end and it had crept up on him far sooner than anticipated.
As everything was tumbling around in his mind his emotions got the better of him and he found himself weeping uncontrollably into the collar of the arm so protectively around him.
Instead of letting up Roy kept his hold as secure as ever on him, whispering sweet words of praise and encouragement into his ear.
“I don’t want you to leave.” Roy whispered having finally built up the courage to say the words after weeks of heart ache.
“Never.” Danny’s fingers clung tighter into the shirt he was holding onto. Crinkling the fabric in his balled up fists.
How could Roy ever say that? Ever think he’d leave him like that after everything they’d been through?
“I never want to leave you. Ever, ever, ever.” He kept repeating with his tears now flowing heavier than before till his collar was completed drenched. He buried his face into Roy’s neck and brought his hand up to the back of his head. “I can’t ever leave you. I love you too much it would k…ki..”
When the lump in his throat from sobbing got the better of him he was unable to even finish his sentence, instead he lifted his head to kiss Roy as passionately as he could. His difficult, strained breathing and the tears from his face dampening Roy’s cheek didn’t stop deter either though.
“How much time do you have before going home?” Roy finally broke up their kiss, taking a second to wipe away the tears from Danny’s cheeks with his sleeve.
“I got some time.” Danny answered through his sniffling. “Why you want a final go in the supply closet?”
“You whore.” Roy laughed which made Danny laugh weakly a little too. “No. Because I thought while you’re over at my place picking up your shit you can stay for lunch maybe. I um…I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Sure. I’d like that.” Danny smiled. “Can I just do one last thing?”
Danny kissed him softly again and took his hand, leading him to the door of the supply closet. “It’s not what you think. Do you have a key or something sharp?”
“Something…no.” Roy nervously laughed. “Danny, you’re asking for trouble here.”
“I’m not. And this is our spot, isn’t it?”
“That’s sadder than I think you realize.”
“Whatever.” Danny rolled his eyes and held his palm out with a raised brow waiting for Roy to give him his key.
“I am going to miss this closet though.” Roy sighed. Fucked up as it was it was their spot, they had always found themselves behind that very door many an afternoon even during Danny’s busy studying schedule.
“Sames. D…plus…R” Danny began carving their initials into the wood at the bottom of the door as Roy watched waiting for that little tongue to poke out any moment.
“Forever.” Roy added making Danny blush.
“Forever.” He added and incased their message in a heart. Very cliche, very cheesy, but very worth it.
“Now what?” Roy took a deep inhale as Danny stood back up next to him.
As they made their way through the deserted corridors the younger took the time to reminisce.
Pointing at seemingly unimportant random spots and locations. For example, the girl’s bathroom where he smoked weed with chola’s so their boyfriends wouldn’t beat him up. The class where he had world politics sophomore year and blew a guy for the first time. The locker he had freshman year that still had he dent in it.
When they approached his current locker, now completely empty and looking somberly abandoned they both stopped to mourn having to leave behind the spot they met.
The same spot where Danny had sat kicking his boots many afternoons, sometimes even for an hour after the final bell rang, contemplating what he was doing with his life.
Unimportant and mundane to the average person but unbelievably sentimental to both since the day Roy caught him mid day dream and asked for directions to the principal’s office.
Too lost staring at this significant spot where they first laid eyes on each other their bodies worked on their own and reached for the other. Their fingers grazing over each other for a split second searching for some comfort as the silently said goodbye to it.
Roy never imagined in a million years that the first day he’d walk into the small Californian town he’d meet someone who’d become such a big part of his life.
Someone who would break down the 10ft iron walls he had surrounded himself with so easily. Someone who made him feel so safe that he doubted he’d ever need them again.
Despite the rocky start to their relationship and the fact that Danny seemed so fragile at times Roy never regretted any second of it, he wanted to be the one who picked up any broken pieces of him.
Or any discarded candy wrappers and clothing on the bed or couch which was a much more regular occurrence.
With a final deep sigh Danny picked up the box of his belongings and with Roy’s hand on his back very similar to the first night in the bar that Roy had saved him they walked out the school’s big metal doors into the parking lot together for the last time.
“I can totally see why they call her the shady elephant! How she even manages to teach anything when she’s probably spending all day thinking about sandwiches is a miracle.” Roy laughed into the the phone pressed between his ear and his shoulder as he poured himself some wine.
Darriene Lake, the real full time english teacher at the school had decided to return 2 weeks early claiming that although motherhood was fun, she was over it.
Roy didn’t mind one bit though. He had had it with trying to teach idiot stoners, jocks and everything in between the difference between they’re, there and their.
As soon as his meeting ended with the principal and Darienne, which lasted 2 fucking hours after school, he stopped by a thrift store that had a System Of A Down shirt in the window to buy it for Danny as a surprise.
He then rushed home and called Sutan and Shane to celebrate his new freedom as well as the official beginning of his life as a full time costumier.
“Alright, alright, pussyface.” Shane laughed over the speaker on the other end. “Sutan is picking me up in 5 minutes so we’ll probably be there in like 15 hold off on the shade till then.”
“Fine, but bring wine, I’m officially out.” He laughed tipping the bottle on its head letting the single drop of red wine fall on the floor.
“Aye aye. Love you.”
“Love you.” Roy clicked the little red icon on his phone and hung up.
He began scrolling through his recent history looking for Danny’s number to fill him in on the good news and maybe invite him too when the doorbell rang.
‘Maybe Shane misunderstood?’ Roy tried debating in his head over who it could be.
He expected one of his loud mouth hippy neighbors or Sutan or even Raven for that matter to open the door but instead he was met with a far more disastrous face.
“Hi.” Danny whispered from behind the hand hovering in front of his mouth. His eyes puffy and a deep shade of red presumably from crying for a couple of hours.
“Baby.” Roy quickly pulled him into the apartment the minute tears began pouring and embraced him as securely as possible. “Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
As Roy tried his best to calm the body shivering and shaking between his arms Danny struggled to find the words he needed.
“Roy…” He breathed out between sniffles. “Roy, I’m…”
“What’s wrong?” Roy took his face in his hands. “Talk to me.”
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered shaking his head. Somehow by the grace of whoever or whatever deity he managed to get his emotions under control as he took the wrists of the hands holding on to him. “I just talked to um, my mom…and Chris and, yeah.”
Roy could feel his heart drop between them and shatter into a million tiny pieces - this couldn’t be good.
As soon as his fragile heart hit the cold hard floor the first bricks of the wall he previously had demolished began reassembling themselves piece by piece.
“About what?” His demeanor changed, probably not too noticeable but he felt it. The way his cold side was bubbling up to the surface as a shield in case the answer was too painful.
“Can we uh, can we sit? Outside maybe?” Danny tilted his head back. Once Roy nodded and let go of his face the pair made their way to their usual seats out on the balcony.
Danny took out a cigarette from the small carton in his oversized coat pocket and with trembling hands he tried lighting it till Roy took the lighter and did it for him.
“Thanks.” He smiled blowing out the first puff of smoke.
“So?” Okay now it was noticeable, shit.
Danny had to take another deep inhale of thick nicotine laced smoke to shield himself from the harsher side of Roy coming out already.
“We, we talked about it for a while and since I no longer have school or anything interfering, okay wait. Let me start from the beginning. Chris and I have always had this very like Romy and Michelle plan after graduation.”
As he was speaking he picked up on Roy subtly leaning further and further back into his chair, distancing himself from Danny’s words.
“I’m moving to Texas, with Chris. My mom already planned everything out for me.” He blurted out the bad news as fast as he could scared if he didn’t he would make it.
Roy slowly nodded, his face and body language remaining completely neutral to hide the chaos raging inside him.
He was leaving, to Texas. A whole 27 hours’ drive away from New York and away from him. He wasn’t sure if he should fight or flee, and how could he fight? It wasn’t like Danny would ever choose living in a shoebox apartment in a strange, scary big city with him rather than be with his best friend.
“Roy?” Danny’s voice cracked again after breaking the awkward silence. “Say something.”
“Is this goodbye?”
“No, no it doesn’t have to…”
“Then why does it feel like it.” He snapped cutting his defense short, scowling under hazy eyes.
Nothing could’ve prepared Danny for this, he knew this wouldn’t go down well but he was so thrown back by just how earth shattering Roy’s callousness was that he didn’t even know how to respond.
Maybe this was goodbye after all.
“Wh-when?” Roy quickly wiped his eyes to hide the fact that they were tearing up.
“Um, Saturday.”
“Okay.” Roy sighed deeply unsure of what to say or how to react.
“Roy I…I tried fighting it I promise I did! But my mom wouldn’t listen she said that was the plan before I fucked it up with dropping out and I’m not allowed to bail again or some shit and, and, and I’m so fucking sorry.” The more he tried explaining why this was happening the more his voice disappeared into the background noises of cars passing.
“Okay.” Roy nodded again looking down at his lap brushing away the teardrop that sunk into his pants.
Danny knew what his standoffish behavior was masking. He had seen how sensitive Roy could be behind closed doors and how quickly he could shut down to avoid pain. But he couldn’t stay, having to tell Roy was bad enough but having to see his reaction was just unbearable.
Before Roy could react Danny had lifted himself off the chair. He leaned down cupping Roy’s cheeks to say goodbye one last time.
“I have to go.” He mouthed against his lips when Roy’s hands came up to hold onto his.
Slowly Roy watched him straighten up and pull his hands out of his grip, his pale long fingers slipping through his. He was a english teacher for christ sake and knew this was probably some deep metaphor type shit but fuck that.
Fuck everything.
He couldn’t focus or care about anything right now except the intense shooting pain through his chest. As if Danny had grabbed his heart through his chest during their kiss and was now going to leave with it forever.
His fight instincts finally taking over he ran after him just before he got to the door. He grabbed onto him from the back with all his might and began crying against his shoulders.
Crying like he never has before or even knew he was capable of. But that’s what Danny did, he brought out every aspect of Roy he didn’t even know he possessed.
He made him whole and the hopeless, soul crushing feeling of losing him was something he had experienced one too many times in the recent past and it had finally pushed him over the edge.
“Don’t go, please don’t go.” He screamed into his shoulders as tears began staining the thin fabric of his shirt.
Danny didn’t respond.
Instead he just stood there with his hands on the arms around his waist and wept. He was caught between the worlds most stubborn rock and a hard place.
His mother being the rock. He loved her too much to ever go against anything she said and she was far too stubborn to ever change her mind about him going off on his own.
He was too exhausted to react to anything or feel anything anymore, he had spent the last 4 hours trying to explain to his mom he needed some time to just be himself and do what he want before deciding anything but she kept telling him that was no longer an option.
On the other hand listening to her meant leaving Roy behind. And leaving behind the man he loved more than anything in the whole world, the whole galaxy, was even more painful.
He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to think anymore.
While he was shutting down Roy had dropped to his knees a complete mess of a man behind him still clinging onto his waist, pulling on any fabric his hands could reach to keep him from going. “Danny…Don’t leave, please.”
“I have to.” Danny whispered without turning around to look at him. He couldn’t. Seeing Roy that disheveled and brought to his lowest of lows was too excruciating.
When the door closed behind Danny Roy’s arms fell limply to his sides and he was left simple staring at the door as tears continued streaming down his cheeks. Still on his knees and completely paralyzed.
Every bone, every muscle, every fibre of his being felt numb. He felt numb. Everything felt cold and distant, like he was in a trance and there was now way out. No light at the end of the tunnel anymore.
“Howdy how…” Shane greeted when he and Raja arrived at his apartment a few minutes later but when they spotted the empty shell that Roy once was still as Danny had left him they quickly dropped everything and surrounded him.
“What’s wrong!?” Sutan took his jaw in both of his tan tattooed hands and looked straight into Roy’s dead brown eyes.
“He left…”
Saying those words felt to surreal, but hearing them sent Roy even further down his new found bottomless pit.
He fell back away from Sutan’s grip onto the hardwood floor covering his face with his hands bursting into uncontainable crying.
Sutan and Shane looked up at each other knowing exactly what he meant without needing any context. Shane took his head and lifted it into his lap like a mother soothing her child running his fingers across his temples.
Sutan on the other hand called Raven and asked him to stay home till they had sorted everything out before he joined them on the floor again.
Trying his best to coach Roy’s breathing as he heaved in Shane’s lap with his hands now on his chest clutching Sutan’s gasping for air between his wails.
“He…le-left…he’s gone…”
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