#our lovely admin gave me permission to jump into your group since
strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Can’t Duct Tape Broken Bonds
Part 13
Part 14 [CURRENT]
Part 15
DT: @petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @artistconk @ivorylin @sydneys-sketches
The group had left Tavern Town, prizes in hand, and were now walking towards the recreation of the Dream SMP. Fundy was walking beside Wilbur, who was holding Theo with care, as if his grandson was made of porcelain. Theo, on the other hand, was happily yapping away to his father, grandfather and great grandparents. Clementine, who was sitting on Tommy’s shoulders, was mumbling in incoherent noises, moving her sword around in sudden movements. After Technoblade had reached over to her, adjusting her grip on the sword, her movements became more swift with every move. Suddenly, a confused voice caught her attention, momentarily startling her.
“Y𝙹⚍ ᓭ!¡ᒷᔑꖌ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ꖎᔑリ⊣⚍ᔑ⊣ᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹𝙹?”
Squeaking out in surprise, she fumbled with her wooden sword for a while. Regaining her hold on it, she pointed it at the one who surprised her. Tilting his head in curiosity, the man (Ranboo, his name is Ranboo, remember?) peered down at her practice sword. Putting his hands up to show that he meant no harm, he gave her a smile. Tilting her head curiously, Clementine squeaked as she quietly sneezed, enderman features covering her face. Shaking her head, she regained her usual form, rubbing an eye in irritation. Ranboo stared at her with confusion and curiosity.
“ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ᔑリ ᒷリ↸ᒷ∷ᒲᔑリ ⍑||ʖ∷╎↸?”
Humming, she shook her head at the tall man. This answer only seemed to have confused him, however, for he looked perplexed. Before he could ask another question, however, her tiny voice spoke up.
“╎ ∴ᔑᓭ ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ 𝙹ꖎ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣  ╎ ᔑᒲ ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣  ᔑ ᓭ!¡ᒷᓵ╎ᔑꖎ ℸ ̣ ||!¡ᒷ 𝙹⎓ ᓭ⍑ᔑ!¡ᒷᓭ⍑╎⎓ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷”
“ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ᓭ⚍∷ᒷ? ╎ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ リᒷ⍊ᒷ∷ ⍑ᒷᔑ∷↸ 𝙹⎓ ᓭ⍑ᔑ!¡ᒷᓭ⍑╎⎓ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ᓭ ∴⍑𝙹 ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ꖎᔑリ⊣⚍ᔑ⊣ᒷ, 𝙹∷ ∴⍑𝙹 ᓵᔑリ ᓭ⍑╎⎓ℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᒲ𝙹ʖᓭ”
Clementine just shrugged her shoulders, poking Tommy’s head. When she received a hum in response, she patted his hair before speaking up.
Tommy hummed once more, smiling as she squealed. Turning to gaze at Ranboo, Tommy nodded as Clem hugged his head.
“She is a special type of shapeshifter. She is very inexperienced in certain areas, however, so she can only shift a few times a day. This is only until she can control it, though, so no worries. She once shifted into a mouse and got stuck in that form for half a day.”
“But she and I can understand each other.”
“I don’t know how she understands that language, but she was speaking it since I brought her home, her knowledge in English not being good. I taught her how to speak English, and she’s been slowly teaching me the forgotten language. I’m not good at speaking it, but I’ll get there eventually.”
Before they could continue their conversation, the sound of whining filled the air. Fundy huffed as he looked over to his son, who was starting to show signs of a tantrum. Wilbur began to momentarily panic, not quite yet knowing how Theo’s personality affected his tantrums. Phil appeared to look unsure, causing Kristin to stifle a giggle. As Theo began to melt and squirm in Wilbur’s grasp, causing his grandfather to worry about dropping his grandson, Fundy poked his face. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Theo, use your words, what’s wrong”
“See? That wasn’t so hard. Come here, I’ll take you and Clem to get something to snack on before lunch.”
Theo shot up in Wilbur’s arms, making the older man panic. Nodding his head, Theo climbed from his grandfather’s arms to his father’s. Curling up into Fundy’s arms, Theo smiled as his father walked over to Tommy. After sharing a few words with each other, Clem happily climbed over Tommy’s head, jumping onto Fundy’s back. Scrambling up to his shoulders, the small girl pat her hands on her cousin’s hat, smiling when he bid his farewell to the group before disappearing into the crowd. Once he was gone, Tommy faced his older brother, determined.
“He may be starting to forgive you as Wilbur, but Fundy also needs to forgive you as his dad. You were a great one at first, but you became a shit dad, Wil. You need to forgive yourself for all the bullshit and go talk to your son.”
Wilbur just blinked at his younger brother, uncertainty dancing in his eyes. Grian just nodded, patting Wilbur’s forearm. Raising an eyebrow, Techno spoke up as he approached his brothers.
“When did you, of all people, become so wise, Tommy?”
“Shut the fuck up, I’m always wise as shit.” 
“When did Fundy adopt that kid?”
Pausing momentarily, Tommy peered back behind him. There, showing signs of confusion, was Dream, being closely monitored by the girls. Tommy crossed his arms as Grian put a protective arm in front of his youngest brother, narrowing his eyes at Dream. 
“That kid has a name, Dream, use it. Theo deserves respect, not that you understand that kind of shit.”
“Alright, when did Fundy adopt Theo.”
Biting back his anger towards the green admin, Tommy used his finger to draw shapes on Grian back. When his anger was slightly drained, the young adult spoke up once more.  “Fundy didn’t adopt Theo, idiot.”
“Come on, I’m not stupid-”
“You obviously are, dickhead. Did you not notice the resemblance?”
Tommy watched with annoyance as Dream appeared to be even more confused than before. Rolling his eyes, Tommy finally allowed his full annoyance to fill his tone.
“Theo is Fundy’s biological son. Theo is your biological son. Fucking hell, and people think I’m slow.”
“You are slow.”
“Did you know?”
The group watched as Dream stared at his sister, who huffed an annoyed breath. Did Drista love her older brother? Of course she did, it would take a lot more for her to forget their loving moments together. Doesn’t mean she couldn’t be annoyed and mad at the dude for his idiotic choices. Giving her brother a half nod, Drista put her hands on her hips, something that she caught herself doing quite a bit today. 
“Of course I knew, I’m his auntie. It would be hard for me to not know after all the time I spent with him.”
“You knew I had a son! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s not my place to tell you anything that involves Theo.”
“Oh, but it’s Tommy’s place?”
“No, but he and I were just given permission to speak about him today.”
“But I’m your brother!”
“Some brother you are! Where were you after I stopped visiting? Where were your letters, your messages, your visits? All forms of relationships are a two-way street, Clay, even ours!”
Drista recoiled as Dream reached for her. Huffing, she accepted the words of comfort from Lani and Tubbo. Shaking his head, Tommy frowned as the spirits began mocking the admin, not caring that they couldn’t be heard. Clenching his fist in anger, Dream turned his attention to Tommy. He stepped towards the adult, only to stop when Grian took a step towards him. Regaining his composure after the sight of Grian, Dream returned his attention to Tommy.
“You did this-”
“No, Dream, you did this. It’s about time you quite fucking around and fix it.”
Satisfied with the hesitance in the green admin, Tommy and Grian returned by Kristin’s side. Smiling kindly at the two boys, Kristin looped her arms in theirs. Not noticing the looks across everyone’s faces, most notably Phil, Techno and Wilbur, she pulled her boys along with her. Peering behind her, a sweet tone filled her voice.
“Well, let’s get going! I want to ride some rides!”
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iikxreaboo-blog · 7 years
Tickle Fight
Okay so hey guys, this is going to be the first day to my one month (4 weeks) of writing, I plan to be posting something everyday for the next 4 weeks, so I hope you enjoy. And don’t hesitate to leave a request. -Admin Vicki
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1,576
Pairings: Taehyung and Reader
Group: BTS
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Today was one of the very few days off you get from work and since your boyfriend, Taehyung still has work, you decided that relaxing would be best for you. 
Hours of pampering and nothingness slowly began to wore out. A heavy sigh parted from you as your slumped body relaxed into the couch cushion of your living room.
You wanted nothing more than to spend the day with the person you loved most. Alas you knew he wouldn't be home for another hour so your hooded eyes lazily scanned the room looking for something that could help occupy your current boredom when suddenly a particular object peaked your interest.
'That could work.' you thought to yourself as you sat up.
All day long during practice Taehyung couldn't keep you out of his mind no matter how hard he tried. He wanted nothing more that to be home, cuddling up beside you as your fingers gently ran through his hair. 
So once the members where dismissed, his first thought was to run straight to you, and that's exactly what he did.
After opening the door to your apartment, the sound of loud crashing and music was the first to fill his ears. He quickly ran to the living room to see you sitting directly in front of the TV cross legged and holding a game controller. A knowing smile flashed upon his face but quickly vanished when he realized your current score.
"Hey! How'd you beat my high score?" he asked, genuinely surprised by your hard work. You however continued to pay your full attention to what was before you, earning a pout from Taehyung. He continued to shout out your name, trying to get your attention, and you heard him but continued to focus on the game, you were so close to leveling up.
Right when you were about to finish, Taehyung jumped in front of you, blocked the view of the TV and began attacking your sides with aggressive tickles, causing you to drop the remote controller and lose.
You tried to groan out in annoyance at his childish behavior but it was nearly impossible with the laughter that was bubbling deep inside you chest. You couldn't hold back anymore and it was becoming a bit hard to breath threw the rounds of laughter so you firmly grabbed his wrists, stopping his movements.
Once the laughter began to die down you finally realized just how close Taehyung actually was. You laid flat on your back now holding onto his forearms as he hovered over your panting body. A few strands of your hair fell out of place and now stood in your face. Taehyung's chocolate eyes, now dusted with a look you were all too familiar with and you were certain your did too, lust.
Taehyung freed one of his hands from your grasp to slowly sort out the loose hairs as he looked you deep in your eyes. "You shouldn't have ignore me."
"I'm sor-"
"Oh no no no," He interrupted you. "We both know just saying that won't do." He then leaned done to place a softer than expected kiss to your lips. It was short but sweet, and exactly what the both of you needed after today.
"But I'm willing to over look that since I've missed you so much." He leaned down again to connect your lips. The kiss quickly turned heated as your tongues hungrily brushed against each other. Your hands found their way to his neck as you turned your head to deepen the kiss. Taehyung was the first to pull away when air became urgent, a line of your mixed saliva still connected the two you but quickly broke when he began to talk.
"I would take you to the bedroom but this," His eyes gave your body a once over before returning to yours. "Is more convenient." Normally you would've been embarrassed from the amount of legs that were being shown freely, but you were so desperate you didn't care about how under dressed you were, it was your home anyway right?
"Then do it." You boldly commanded before reaching forward to pull his gorgeous body towards yours and pressing your lips against his for another round of heated kisses. His tongue gliding against yours sent a pleasant wave of shivers done your spine and straight to your heat. A moan manage to slip past your lips and into the shared kiss, Taehyung began to lower himself between your wide legs and began grinding his hard erection into you. The thin pajama pants you were wearing along with the swat pants he was wearing didn't leave much to the imagination for you could feel everything he had to offer and more.
You couldn't hold back the moans that Taehyung found so sexy anymore, instead you pulled away from the kiss in order to moan out into the heavy atmosphere. His lips instantly found your neck and began marking his territory will little love bites that would be difficult to hide tomorrow morning but you didn't care. Instead your hand found its place in his soft hair, tugging at it softly. 
"Look at how needy you are today." He groaned into your ear before lightly tugging at it will his teeth. Another moan emitted from your bruised lips, Taehyung was quick to answer it with a moan of his own.
"I don't think I can wait any longer." He began to pull away from you and quickly took off his shirt and sweat pants. "I need you right now." He said as he started crawling towards you in nothing but his boxers.
He pulled you by the waist to his firm chest and sloppily kissed. His hands slowly rose up the inside of your shirt. You quickly got the message and pulled away from his to take if off. That was when you truly began to see just how had he was. A smirk crossed over your feature as you began to slowly back up and off of the straddling position you once were in.
You now were seated in front of him, on your knees and trailing a single finger up and down his exposed thighs. Your fingers finally reached the top of his boxers, you raised your head up to watch Taehyung as you began to tease them off of his waist and down his legs until the were fully off and discarded somewhere in the room.
You hands firmly grasped onto the base of his cock as you pumped him slowly. Your gaze returned to him, asking for permission. He was quick to answer with a nod, you could feel his legs visibly shaking as you quickly picked up speed. Every few pumps you would take your thumb to spread out the pre-cum that was leaking from his slit.
"Fuck y/n, ahh." He moaned in ecstasy, kicking his head back onto the sofa.
"What's wrong baby?" You asked in a sweat tone.
"Oh you're so good to me, ah fuck y/n... I'm so close to cumming." Your grip around his shaft tightened as you picked up speed. It wasn't long before one of his hands softly shooed away yours, releasing his grip around you.
"Get on all fours baby girl." He demanded in a husky voice that just had your wanting heat dipping, you could feel just how wet your panties were.
One of his hands came down hard on your ass, the pain sent even more waves of heat to the center.
"Please Daddy I need your cock inside of me." You whined at the feeling of your throbbing clit against your underwear, you grinded your ass back into nothing causing you to whine from the amount of friction you were getting.
"Of course baby, but first we have to get rid of these." He said as he helped you out of the rest of your remaining clothes. Once you were completely naked you returned back to your original position, in front of him on all fours.
A small moan pasted your lips as Taehyung slowly pushed himself into your needy walls. "Damn you're so tight y/n!" He groaned as he continued to stretch you out with his slow thrusts, making sure that you were accustomed to his size.
"Faster Taehyung." You moaned out, and immediately he began to snap into yours. He would pull out just to plunge back into you at full force. It wasn't long before he managed to find you sweet spot causing you to moan out even louder as your hips pushed back to meet his thrusts.
The sound of both your moans filled the room and bounced off the walls along with the amazing sounds of skin hitting skin. You could feel your release approaching faster.
"I'm cumm-"
"I know baby," Taehyung managed to interrupt threw heavy breaths. His thrust became sloppy and hectic as he was reaching his point too. "Cum with me y/n."
You were the first to release all over his cock as your walls began to clench around him. The feeling of how tight you were around him and your warm juices cause him to blow his load right after. After riding out your highs he pulled out and allowed you to collapsed onto the floor.
After laying down for a bit, he disappeared to the bathroom and returned back to you with a warm damp towel to clean you up with.
Did you like? Well I HOPE so. LOL. If you have any requests as to what you’d like me to write for you guys, feel free to leave a request. And if you’re bored checkout some more of our BTS scenario posts on the BTS Masterlist. XOXO, Admin Vicki
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cat-oconnor · 9 years
[[ bristolcooper && livia-fox && callaramsey​ ]]
"Pardon me -- " Emerging from shadow, she realizes she plays the part of the aging, hermetic crone almost too well, "But you wouldn't happen to -- have the time, would you?" 
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