yearof20xx · 3 years
Vesper immediately hugged both of her siblings, squealing in delight.
“This is going to be the best, I promise! And you can stay in or out of the water as much as you like! Ocean’s going to be providing the entertainment anyway, isn’t that right?”
“I did mention I would be surfing,” Ocean chuckled.
“That’s right you did, now let’s get going!” Vesper insisted as she started pushing her siblings out the door. “Mush!’
“No, I actually just finished everything I needed to do. I didn’t have any plans until you showed up. Do you know where Vesper is so we can get going?”
“Well, uh, no, but I think if I spam her messages enough the way she does to me whenever she wants to get my attention, she’ll answer! If not, I’ll just walk in to her work place and ask in person.”
Ocean didn’t give Tempo the chance to even consider putting a stop to such a course of action before he had already started spamming his poor sister with messages. Fortunately, she transported there with little annoyance.
“The beach?!” Vesper said excitedly. “And we’re bringing Tempo! Sis tell me Ocean isn’t lying right now just to get me excited.”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
“No, I actually just finished everything I needed to do. I didn’t have any plans until you showed up. Do you know where Vesper is so we can get going?”
"Well, uh, no, but I think if I spam her messages enough the way she does to me whenever she wants to get my attention, she’ll answer! If not, I’ll just walk in to her work place and ask in person.”
Ocean didn’t give Tempo the chance to even consider putting a stop to such a course of action before he had already started spamming his poor sister with messages. Fortunately, she transported there with little annoyance.
“The beach?!” Vesper said excitedly. “And we’re bringing Tempo! Sis tell me Ocean isn’t lying right now just to get me excited.”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Muse: Knight Man. Icon of your muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: As a robot master, Knight Man has no blood. Instead, he has a thick “circulatory” oil. Unintended by his designer, as well as his commissioner, it is extremely heat resistant, on par with other fire-based robot masters, but in turn can leave him more susceptible to the cold. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: Pretty well, honestly. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: Nothing I can think of at this time. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: I’ll have to come back to this one, but he’s a rather soft-hearted individual and it leads him to take less-than-desirable courses of actions at times. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: He has a prized possession, but out of anger and hatred at a wrong done to him, rather than out of love or remembrance. It’s a modification piece that was inserted into his core without his knowledge or consent by a prior partner who wanted to make him stronger in combat so he would win more duels.  Any Medical Conditions?: N/A.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: “Purple. It’s quite regal.” What’s Your Favorite Food: “Duck.” Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “Skiing, though I am not terribly great at either...” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: "The worst injury I ever had was in a duel. My opponent was afraid to lose, so he made a panicked strike at my chest. It pierced my armor and hit my core in just the wrong place and just the wrong time for it to implode. The implosion shredded my processor and almost damaged my IC chip, amongst a long list of other injuries. Poor fellow, didn't mean to nearly kill me. I heard he visited me on the repair table for weeks. I don't hold it against him, he was new to the profession and didn't know how to take a loss yet. I've heard he's learned better since.” Early Riser or Sleep in?: “Early riser... most of the time.” Video Games or Books?: “Books.” Something that Makes you Cry?: “Sad romance movies... happy romance movies... romantic comedies... honestly I tend to only watch them on my own time because of how much of a sap I am about them.” Someone You Hate? Why?: “Mr. Million and Mrs. Million come to mind when you ask that question...” Phobias: “None I am aware of.” Favorite Soda?: “Carbonated drinks tend to make me feel ill.” Favorite Drink in General?: “It is either black tea, or raspberry flavored water. I am not sure I could pick.” What did you have for Breakfast?: “Tea, beans, and toast.” Song you are listening to right now?: “I am not listening to any music at present.” Worst Job Ever?: He looks to the side a little sadly. “I decline to answer.” Best Job Ever?: “I enjoy almost all of the work I do, but I think I enjoy the fruits of my efforts from community work the most.” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “I’ve fallen out of a window, I think that would still count. Blade and I were in the middle of a very heated, very drunken argument about nothing and she shoved us both out of a window of the castle. We didn’t even stand up, we just fell asleep where we landed.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: “I... no.” Any Roommates?: “No, just family.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “Both, for different reasons.” C4 or Dynamite: “No.” Catch Phrase or One Liners: “One... one liners?” Day or Night: “Day.” Star Wars or Star Trek: Cake or Pie: “Cake.” Zombies or Vampires?: “... vampires? Maybe?”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
“That’s fine, I want to see how someone who doesn’t know anything about surfing rates my attempts. I get less anxiety that way, and less bullheaded about getting it right. Though, uh, before we head out, did you need to do anything? It can wait, Vesper won’t mind waiting, I’m totally not speaking for her or anything.’
Ocean: "Hey Tempo! I know that you kinda dislike water still I think? I don't know how you feel about it now I just know you kinda don't like it and honestly neither does Vesper BUT did you want to come to the beach with me? I already asked Vesper and she said she's fine with coming to watch me try and surf again. You can both rate me I brought score cards."
Tempo had just finished cleaning up her work station and found she'd had nothing to do for the rest of the day when Ocean asked her to the beach. Finding nothing objectionable about the offer she nodded.
"Sure. I'm fine with water as long as it's not over my head and too dark to see. The beach sounds like fun. I should tell you I don't know anything about surfing so I don't know how well I can score you beyond seeing you don't fall off the board."
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Muse: Doctor Mikhail Sergeyevich Cossack. Icon of your muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: This is subject to change, but Type O. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: Mikhail generally lets it slide off of him and he moves onto the next opportunity. He has to, given he works in a field where rejection is common. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: Mikhail does not feel there is much for him to envy, but the closest is when he sees others his age still have close relations to their families, as the only family he has left is his children. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: Mikhail is a pessimist who is more likely to assume the worst of outcomes rather than hope for the best. He struggles to remain hopeful, and is also more likely to pick a violent solution than the rest of his peers. His gloomy thinking fuels his depression, which in turn fuels his vaping, a addiction he developed to cope with his own misery and remain productive. Whether anyone likes it or not, his vaping has allowed him to remain in the field of robotics and be an active presence in his children’s lives, but it is very much a blanket solution that does not address the actual problem. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: Both his wedding and his engagement ring, as well as Mila’s. He still wears his wedding ring when possible, making exceptions only when he’s working or when it could be dangerous, but he always makes it a point to put it back on.  Any Medical Conditions?: Mikhail is in remarkably good physical health for a man of his age, and for having mild-to-moderate depression. His only condition is, again, a depressive disorder that he has unfortunately struggled with for his entire life, but has been made significantly worse by factors such as his wife Mila’s death.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: “Red.” What’s Your Favorite Food: “Beef stroganoff, or fish.” Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “I prefer using a snow motorcycle.” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: “I was nearly crushed to death by debris from an explosion, I consider that my worst.” (he’s had worse injuries, but he considers this his worst because he nearly died from it) Early Riser or Sleep in?: “Early riser. There are so many things that need to be done, and not enough time to do them.” Video Games or Books?: “Books.” Something that Makes you Cry?: “I do not want to say.” Someone You Hate? Why?: “There are days I wish I had put a bullet in Albert Wily’s head and spared us all the grief.” Phobias: He tries to think of an answer. “I do not believe I have one.” Favorite Soda?: “Ochakovsky.” Favorite Drink in General?: “Raspberry mors.” What did you have for Breakfast?: “Some ukha.” Song you are listening to right now?: “None.” Worst Job Ever?: “It is a tie between fighting Mega Man to save my daughter’s life and working in the Russian military. I do not believe there will be a winner.” Best Job Ever?: “Being a father, easily.” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “Yes, as part of a military hazing ritual.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: There’s a brief silence. “No.” Any Roommates?: “No.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “Both, if I’m choosing just between the two.” C4 or Dynamite: “I do not want to discuss explosives.” Catch Phrase or One Liners: (gonna be honest I wish I knew what this question meant) Day or Night: “Day.” Star Wars or Star Trek: Cake or Pie: “Pie.” Zombies or Vampires?: “Vampires.”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Vesper: "Wasn't that fistfight against Ballade?"
Ocean: "Well, I tried to fight Ballade once. With my fists."
Vesper: "He did more than bruise you, he broke off your nose!"
Ocean: "Do you gotta tell them everything about how I was defeated? Come on, Vespie."
Vesper: "I'm just saying, he did more than leave a few bruises!"
Ocean: "I don't wanna tell everyone about how I picked a fight with a combat model I was severely outmatched by, okay?! Besides, I thought we were trying to let that go, since he's trying to change and all."
Vesper: "Still, you don't have to downplay it by saying he just left a few bruises."
Ocean: "I would like to retain some dignity, thank you."
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Muse: Ocean Man. Icon of your muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: As a robot master, Ocean Man has no blood. He instead has circulatory fluid designed to withstand high pressures and both high and low temperatures, but not to a great extreme in either direction. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: Ocean’s afraid of rejection, particularly rejection from cute guys he has crushes on, but he always thinks he’ll handle it worse than he actually does. He doesn’t just brush it off and it does negatively affect him, but he deals with it much better than he thinks it does and he’s coped with it sooner than he thinks he has. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: Not sure at this time. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: Ocean is an impulsive, slightly hot-headed teenager who rushes in to do what he thinks is right with limited consideration for the possible consequences, and can unintentionally cause more harm than was originally being done, or improperly resolve a situation by rushing in with zero forethought on the matter. He means well, but struggles to consider consequences, and can get a little riled up easily and have his emotions cloud his judgement. As for an actual bad habit, and not a serious character flaw (though perhaps caused by it), Ocean hates wearing his helmet in armored mode (or really any mode) and is more often seen without it. He will put it on if the situation is exceptionally dangerous, or pressured to by his mother or sisters, or maybe if asked nicely by Shark, but it always comes back off not long later. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: His surfboard. He loves the thing and takes good care of it. Do not infringe upon the surfboard. Any Medical Conditions?: N/A.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: “It’s either blue or sea green, I’m not sure.” What’s Your Favorite Food: “There’s some really good fish out there, especially when seasoned right! But I’m not sure what my favorite food is right now.” Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “I’ve got more of a handle on snow boarding thanks to my surfing experience. I’ve been meaning to ask Oil if he wants to go surfing, since he, since he has the talent, but, we, uh, heh, we have conflicting schedules and stuff... yeah...” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: “Eh, just a few bruises from when I got in a fistfight. And lost. Embarrassingly.” Early Riser or Sleep in?: “Just once this week I want to sleep in please. I live for lazy mornings.” Video Games or Books?: “Both. You will not make me choose. ... but I do read books more.” Something that Makes you Cry?: “Does crying in rage count? Because you would not believe the amount of times I have found myself screaming because of people polluting ecosystems in the ocean because they don’t see it after they just drop it off! They don’t care about the harm they’re doing and it makes me so mad and I’m going to stop here because I will start crying if I don’t.” Someone You Hate? Why?: “Gonna go for someone easy! Dr. Wily. He’s kinda become an old joke.” Phobias: “Bugs. I do not like bugs. I can handle the weird things you find in the ocean, but I will scream if yet another wasp makes its way into my bedroom. Again.” Favorite Soda?: “Pepsi.” Favorite Drink in General?: “Lemonade!” What did you have for Breakfast?: “Tuyo and some salted tomatoes.” Song you are listening to right now?: “It’s... it’s really sappy and gay... I think I’ll just not mention it.” Worst Job Ever?: “Ever need to clean out a bunch of dead animal bodies that died from toxic waste dumped there by a corporation that doesn’t want to pay to dispose of things cleanly? It sucks. It really does. So does interacting with toxic waste, I could feel that stuff in my intakes for weeks.” Best Job Ever?: “Ever get paid just to pet some stingrays? I have not had a better work day since.” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “Not yet I haven’t.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: “This probably isn’t a good thing, but while there are things I could have done better, I don’t regret anything yet? I’m kinda worried about that. Maybe I just haven’t done anything bad yet. Or I’m a monster who can’t feel remorse. I don’t know which one it is.” Any Roommates?: “It’s just me, my mom, my sisters, and every bug that’s determined to wake everyone up to my screams of terror.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “Both, but I have a slight preference for dogs. They’re a little more energetic, is all.” C4 or Dynamite: “Eheheheh... uh... no?” Catch Phrase or One Liners: “I bumble both of them, so, uh, one liners?” Day or Night: “Ni- uh. I mean, I prefer night because I’m built for areas with low light, so I’m more comfortable at night, but at the same time, everything I do is during the day. Saying night just feels kinda dishonest.” Star Wars or Star Trek: (honestly I’m gonna stop answering this question until I’ve properly seen enough of both series to give a fair answer) Cake or Pie: “Cake!” Zombies or Vampires?: “Eh, I guess vampires? I’m not really sure about this, but zombies tend to be a little... boring.”
0 notes
yearof20xx · 3 years
"Yeah, I'm having a normal morning."
Dust then directs the conversation to a video she took of Dr. Cossack screaming angrily in Russian at a bear and her cub for rummaging through their trash.
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Muse: Dust Woman. Icon of your muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: As a robot master, Dust Woman has no blood. She has standard circulatory oil, jokes, and a lot of garbage. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: Rejection more often than not tends to slide off of her. It would have to be something serious or something she was really looking forward to for it to affect her. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: Fairly little, Dust is content with her life. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: Dust has a tendency to hide her true thoughts and feelings behind her more humorous side, and presents more of her jokester self to others to obfuscate how she feels and who she is. She does this because she feels it’s “better this way,” in that she can bring joy to others by acting like she’s nothing more than a jester who doesn’t think too hard about serious matters. She is a silly person by nature, so she isn’t lying, but she tends to hide less pleasant thoughts and questions behind lighthearted humor and a carefree attitude so no one has to be upset by such things that she would rather deal on her own. This leads to her not really relying on others emotionally when she needs it, such as say, the fallout of MM4. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: Dust has copies of all the recordings of Mila Cossack, technically her mother, stored in a secret compartment of her closet. She hasn’t told anyone she copied every recording in the house, nor has she told anyone that she watches them and wonders to herself if Mila cared for her, and every DCN that was conceived after her death. She’s sure the answer is yes, but it’s a little hard for her to believe when she in no way existed before Mila died. She also has some copies of the accident report that resulted in Mila’s death, including the gruesome pictures. Any Medical Conditions?: N/A.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: “Gray and red.” What’s Your Favorite Food: I’m gonna have to come back to this one. Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “Skiis!” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: “Not to be boring, but being defeated by Mega Man is never pretty.” Early Riser or Sleep in?: “Early riser, the trash won’t take itself out, and either I have to do it, or dad will take out all the trash by himself because I slept in for five minutes.” Video Games or Books?: “Don’t make me choose. Both.” Something that Makes you Cry?: “Have you ever seen a tiny, tiny little kitten? And it just meows and meows and meows at you? I have to resist tears every time.” Someone You Hate? Why?: “Politicians.” Phobias: "Pharaoh taking out all of the trash in the house except for one lone bag. One. Lone. Bag. I sweat every night thinking I will wake up to the horrible sight of all the trash being taken out of the house except for one. Tiny. Bag. Make it stop. He lives to torture me that’s all dad made him for.” Favorite Soda?: “Dr. Pepper.” Favorite Drink in General?: I’m gonna have to come back to this one. What did you have for Breakfast?: “Dad caught some fish I’ve been using up! I keep forgetting to ask him what kind it is, but it’s good.” Song you are listening to right now?: “Here, why don’t you listen!” Worst Job Ever?: “Working with Dr. Wily and Metal. That says enough.” Best Job Ever?: “Making the world a cleaner place!” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “Do I look like Toad? No.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: “No, lol.” Any Roommates?: “Nope!”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “I like them both!” C4 or Dynamite: “Uh. Uh. Uhhhhhh. I like my explosives, how about that!” Catch Phrase or One Liners: “Yes.” Day or Night: “Once you see an aurora borealis, you don’t really enjoy the daylight as much. Night.” Star Wars or Star Trek: “There’s parts of both series I like and dislike, so... yes?” Cake or Pie: “Yes.” Zombies or Vampires?: “Gotta say vampires. They’re hot.”
0 notes
yearof20xx · 3 years
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(Obvious Ocean Man by Ween joke here) Bestie requested some Ocean Man, I give her some Ocean Man
I have a sale on character reference commissions! (Feb 15th - June 3rd )
Commission Google Doc / Google Form! / Tip Me! / Patreon!
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yearof20xx · 3 years
"It's not that big of a deal, but if you insist..."
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          “time, get yourself some breakfast right the heck now.”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Muse: Copy Roll/Swing. Icon of your muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: As a robot master, Swing has no blood. She does, however, have standard “circulatory” oil. And a lot of spite. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: Not sure. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: Not a lot, actually. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: Swing has a slight Atlas Complex due to being the one who had to rescue her entire line of cloned siblings on her own with zero assistance. She struggles to ask for help as a result and in some ways doesn’t want it, she feels she should do things on her own and other people are just getting in the way. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- Any Medical Conditions?: N/A.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: “Red and yellow.” What’s Your Favorite Food: “The chocolate pocky Rewind gets is really good...” Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “Skiing?” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: “Getting smacked by Viol’s arm because I didn’t secure it properly.” Early Riser or Sleep in?: “Sleep in, thanks.” Video Games or Books?: “Video games.” Something that Makes you Cry?: “Too many things! I don’t want to cry anymore!” Someone You Hate? Why?: “Me, Dr. Wily, Dr. Light, every other doctor on this planet, me, Snake, and every alien who stops on this planet to try and conquer it! Go away! I don’t want to know about any extraterrestrial life anymore! Stay extraterrestrial!” Phobias: “Hmm, nope, I don’t think so.” Favorite Soda?: “Sprite.” Favorite Drink in General?: “Hot chocolate. I could really go for some right now, I might make some after this...” What did you have for Breakfast?: “Crackers.” Song you are listening to right now?: “The last song I listened to was “Keep A-Knockin'” by Peggy Suave.” Worst Job Ever?: “Rebuilding my abandoned siblings with no support from anyone.” Best Job Ever?: “Seeing my siblings alive because of my efforts?” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “No. I’ve climbed out of a window, but I’ve never been thrown out of one.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: “No!” Any Roommates?: “No.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “Both.” C4 or Dynamite: “Rave would scream if I held either one of those.” Catch Phrase or One Liners: “... one liner?” Day or Night: “Night.” Star Wars or Star Trek: “I’ve seen both.” Cake or Pie: “Cake.” Zombies or Vampires?: “Ehhhhh... neither?”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Muse: Time Man. Icon of your muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: As a robot master, Time Man has no blood, but rather has standard “circulatory” oil. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: He handles it with as much maturity as he possibly can, and is decent enough about handling it honestly. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: Not sure. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: Although it has been years since Time’s completion and he has dropped a lot of his former habits that were extremely toxic to himself and to others, he still has a slight perfectionist problem where he dreads failure to the point he will not attempt something he is not certain he is good at. He still puts himself on a pedestal to a smaller degree and is more reserved than he wants to be. He is much better than he used to be, but some things do not seem to fade. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: Why do I rarely have an answer to this question. I’m sorry. Gah. Any Medical Conditions?: N/A.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: “Purple.” What’s Your Favorite Food: “... applesauce.” Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “I have no talent for either, but I would most trust myself on a snow board.” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: His optics flicker for a moment as he stares blankly. “... next question.” Early Riser or Sleep in?: “Early riser.” Video Games or Books?: “Books.” Something that Makes you Cry?: “I’m not answering this.” Someone You Hate? Why?: “No one.” Phobias: “None.” Favorite Soda?: “I’m not fond of soda.” Favorite Drink in General?: “... apple juice.” What did you have for Breakfast?: “I skipped breakfast this morning.” Song you are listening to right now?: “I’m not listening to any music at present.” Worst Job Ever?: “... I’ll pass on this question.” Best Job Ever?: “Working on that time machine... it’s a shame it’s gone now.” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “No.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: “I do.” Any Roommates?: “No.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “Neither.” C4 or Dynamite: “Neither.” Catch Phrase or One Liners: “... for what?” Day or Night: “Day.” Star Wars or Star Trek: god I need to watch both of these so I can give an informed answer for my muses some day. Cake or Pie: “... cake.” Zombies or Vampires?: “Both.”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Muse: Fire Man. Icon of your muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: As a robot master, Fire Man has no blood. Instead, he has a heat resistant “circulatory” oil that is built to withstand extremely high temperature outputs for extended durations of time. In turn, his circulatory oil is less cold resistant, and can begin to freeze faster than other, more standard oils. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: Fairly calmly, and usually with respect to the other party’s decision. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: I cannot think of anything at this time. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: Not applicable at this time. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: Not applicable at this time. Any Medical Conditions?: N/A.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: He laughs a little. “Reds and oranges.” What’s Your Favorite Food: I can’t think of an answer to this one. Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “Neither. Neither, neither, neither.” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: “... hate to say it, but the aftermath of my battle with Mega Man is the worst I’ve ever been. That was forever ago, though.” Early Riser or Sleep in?: “Early riser. I got work to do and all.” Video Games or Books?: “Books.” Something that Makes you Cry?:  Someone You Hate? Why?: He thinks for a moment. “I’m gonna decline to answer.” Phobias: “I can’t say I got one.” Favorite Soda?: “Coca-Cola’s a good soda and a terrible company.” Favorite Drink in General?: “Apple cider! ... spiked, preferably.” What did you have for Breakfast?: “Eggs n’ toast.” Song you are listening to right now?: “Nothin’.” Worst Job Ever?: “Well... I think I’ll pass on this question.” Best Job Ever?: “My current occupation suits me just fine, cleaning and reusing old things that have been thrown out and all.” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “No.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: “A bit, yeah.” Any Roommates?: “They’re not roommates, so no.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “Both.” C4 or Dynamite: “Dynamite, no contest. C4 is dangerous, I cannot think of a reason I would need to use it in any normal context.” Catch Phrase or One Liners: “... neither?” Day or Night: “Day.” Star Wars or Star Trek: “Ehhh... neither.” Cake or Pie: “Pie!” Zombies or Vampires?: “Vampires.”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Dust gives Pharaoh her biggest smile.
"I didn't do anything other than cut it! Y'know, like you might do with a cake."
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yearof20xx · 3 years
"Just for being a great little sister!" Dust answered cheerfully. "I may have some for Waltz, too! Have you seen her anywhere?"
Dust gives Kalinka a completely normal center piece of a chocolate cake. "Here, sis! I got you a little something!"
Kalinka’s face lights up at the gift.
“Aw thank you, Dust. What’s this for?”
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yearof20xx · 3 years
Muse: Metal Man. Icon of your muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: As a robot master, Metal Man has no blood. Instead, he has standard “circulatory” oil, amongst other fluids. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: Worse than he likes to think. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: Metal is somewhat jealous of the lives the DLNs, DCNs, LMNs, so on and so forth, have. He understands their lives are not picture-perfect, specifically in regards to the ninth line and Tempo, but he feels they were given a better start and a better lot in life than he or any DWN made by Dr. Wily will ever have. He was never asked if he wanted to be a part of Dr. Wily’s failed attempts at world conquest, he was created for it, and it makes him both resentful and jealous of other robot masters who were created for more beneficial purposes and who, in his eyes, have more choice on whether or not they can change their station than he or any DWN does. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: Metal has a severe habit of playing into his confirmation biases and ignoring evidence to the contrary, or selectively applying critical thought to certain matters that more often than not reaffirm his biases. For example, his hatred for all of humankind is more often than not bolstered by any act of malice on a human’s part, and left unaffected by any act of kindness on a human’s part. He often tends to ignore evidence contrary to what he wants to believe on specific topics, more specifically topics he feels he’s already made up his mind on. Much of this is rooted in trauma, the rest is rooted in him not wanting to do any of the legwork to reassess his beliefs and change his mindset. Too much work, too much effort. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: Not applicable at this time. Any Medical Conditions?: N/A.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: “Red.” What’s Your Favorite Food: Not applicable at this time, maybe something German. Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “Snowboarding.” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: He rolls his eyes. “Bein’ sliced up by my own weaponry is definitely among the worst. It keeps happening, too.” Early Riser or Sleep in?: “Early riser.” Liar. Video Games or Books?: “I tend to play video games and read books about the same amount, I won’t choose between the two.” Something that Makes you Cry?: “I don’t cry.” Someone You Hate? Why?: He stares for a moment. “... Mega Man.” Phobias: “I don’t have a single phobia of- WHO LET GOSPEL IN-” the audio cuts out and is restored ten minutes later. Favorite Soda?: “Root beers are good.” Favorite Drink in General?: “Water.” What did you have for Breakfast?: “Scrambled eggs and toast.” Song you are listening to right now?: “White noise.” Worst Job Ever?: “Stealing Dr. Wily’s medications. It’s a complete hassle. I’m glad Flash managed to find an underground market to get them, not that we always have the funds...” Best Job Ever?: “Working in Flash’s office, whenever he lets me, is surprisingly relaxing.” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “Yes, the why isn’t important.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: “No.” Any Roommates?: “I wouldn’t say this fortress counts as a roommate situation.”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “Cats. Easily.” C4 or Dynamite: “Neither. I don’t handle explosives.” Catch Phrase or One Liners: “One liners, I guess.” Day or Night: “Day.” Star Wars or Star Trek: “They’re both alright.” Cake or Pie: “Cake.” Zombies or Vampires?: “I... hm. I’m not one for either, I suppose vampires.”
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