#otrtbs origins
otrtbs · 3 months
i say “or-torbs” idk where tf it came from
nah ortorbs sound sick it’s giving 🔥😎💥
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piscesmoonpress · 1 month
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Art Heist, Baby! by otrtbs (@otrtbs)
When James Potter answers a mysterious ad in his local coffee shop, the last thing he expects is to be thrown into a world of white collar crime, but how can he resist when the mastermind behind the operation has dark hair and brooding eyes and promises wealth beyond James' wildest imagination? He would do anything for that boy named after a star, including stealing millions of dollars of fine art.
Pairing: Regulus Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Alice Longbottom/Frank Longbottom Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: otrtbs no longer allows binds of Art Heist, Baby!. This edition was first typeset and bound in May of 2023. Please do not use this post as a permission to bind Art Heist, Baby!.
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Art Heist, Baby! was one of the very first jegulus fics I read, and eventually became my second-ever bind. The original binding for this fic was done over the course of a single weekend, which makes me cringe a little now—but I am still so proud of this typeset and the bind itself, despite its flaws.
Half-Letter | 219,117 words | 609 pages
Title and Drop Cap Font: Bodoni 72 Body: Adobe Garamond Pro Accent(s): Gill Sans, Futura Condensed
Typset by me in Word.
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Designed by me in Illustrator.
Cover Bookcloth: Duo in Blue Jean HTV: Siser Brand in Gold Metal and Powder Blue Endbands: Mettler Silk Finish Thread Endpapers: Chiyogami Paper
Eventually, I found that the structure of my previous binding was less-than-ideal, and I decided to rebind my copy. Given that I couldn't change the typeset, I spent a lot of time deciding on a cover design, and eventually settled on using Ivan Aivazovsky's Ship on Stormy Seas (a painting synonymous with this fic) as inspiration.
The process of turning the boat from this painting into something that could be used with a single shade of HTV was difficult, but I eventually settled upon a design I was happy with after messing around in Illustrator for a couple weeks.
When I removed the cover from this bind, I also trimmed and painted the edges, sewed double-core french endbands (two-tone, to match the bookcloth), and reinforced the spine (though I couldn't do much for the pre-existing swell). Overall, I am thrilled with how it looks, and with how my original typeset fits with my more developed design style.
Thank you to Nat, for writing such a beautiful (and heart-wrenching) story. Art Heist, Baby! is free to read on ao3, here.
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sillylovesongsfest · 2 months
Silly Love Songs Fest Masterlist
To see all of the submissions on the blog click here.
Here is the list of submissions:
Summer's Coming Soon by @kwiwrites :
Regulus/James. Rated: G. "Sometimes, Regulus sits in his cottage and watches the windows and the summer storms whipping through the countryside, wet with electricity, taste like James." Song: My Dear by Katzenjammer.
it beats me black and blue (but it fucks me so good) by @effiepotterisamilf :
Draco/Harry. Rated: E. "Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are rivals in the ring despite their feelings for each other." Song: Love On The Brain by Rihanna.
Till Forever Falls Apart by @courfee :
Les Mis art. Song: Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS.
Pierre by @otrtbs :
James/Barty. Rated: T. "jarty croucher | t | 4.1k | slightly sexual themes and recreational drug use." Song: Pierre by Ryn Weaver.
you can have this heart to break by @anouri :
Remus/Sirius. Rated: M. “...due to the affliction that is him being a moth and Sirius being a flame, Remus slips up almost incessantly, looking at him without permitting himself to look.” Song: So It Goes by Billy Joel.
Till Forever Falls Apart pt. 2 by @courfee :
Sirius & James Art. Song: Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS.
thrown right at me by @ryder-the-writer :
Remus/Sirius. "wolfstar, serenading your lover by the light of the stars, seaside cottage, 1.3k." Song: Thrown Right At Me by the tallest man on earth.
like real people do by @rottencranberry :
Original work. "a slightly suggestive fragment of the maiden neera she/her and her resurrected, insatiable lover vritra they/them." Song: Like Real People Do by Hozier.
Sweet Dreams, TN by @pretentiouswreckingball :
Draco/Harry. Rating: E. "Draco has a septum piercing. Harry doesn’t know what to do about that (yes, he does)." Song: Sweet Dreams, TN by The Last Shadow Puppets.
love my way by @messrsage :
Regulus/James. Rated: E. "James Potter is an up and coming, charming politician trying to make the world a better place. Regulus Black is an ambitious, coldhearted staffer who will do anything (and anyone) to get ahead. This is their story." Song: Love My Way by The Psychedelic Furs.
All that's ahead of us by @frank-lilac :
Draco/Harry. Rating: T. "Draco has been unable to move on from Harry even though he was the one to end things ten years ago. Given the chance to see Harry again, will Draco take it?" Song: Surplus by Spectre Jones.
My Favourite Fish by @whorerific :
Percy/Oliver. Rating: G. "The story of how a heat wave, a broken refrigerator, and an endangered species of fish bring two neighbors together." Song: My Favorite Fish by Gus Dapperton.
Thank you so much to each and every person who contributed to this fest! I'm so grateful that you all chose to participate and I hope you all check out each other's works because they're all amazing! Thank you for making Valentine's Day a lovely day.
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thejeguluslibrarian · 10 months
So I thought I’d start of this blog with some of my favorites!
The Long Game by lackadaisical_lizard (M, 243k) - British modern high school AU where James is the popular jock/ football star and Regulus is the quiet artist who couldn't be less bothered by status or popularity. They work on a project together. Pining ensues.
Librarian’s Review: I had originally set out to read this as a sort of fluffy side fic, but I quickly became obsessed with the well thought-out character building and phenomenal plot. My emotions have short-circuited. Absolutely one of the best things I’ve ever read, and guaranteed to make me smile and cry in equal measure.
my almost lover by alaranai (T, 23k) - Regulus and James are a couple. James is the last person to realise this.
Librarian’s Review: The characters in this are so spot on. I swear it was written by the marauders themselves. I’m so impressed with this author - they’ve somehow managed to write an adorable story that stocks with you even after you’ve read it a bajillion times.
love is not a predicate by mordax (M, 132k) - Regulus wants to be a classical pianist but can only bring himself to practice at night, and James has insomnia and finds music is the perfect cure. An exploration of Regulus's mind and struggle with the Black family, his journey to accepting himself, and his path to mending broken relationships, building new ones, and maybe, possibly, finding love. (circa 70s in a boarding school much like Hogwarts, only muggle)
Librarian’s Review: A truly outstanding angsty read. Regulus is so broody in this that I want to squish him (and possibly the author too). The world-building is so well woven into the plot that you don’t even notice it until you start being able to picture scenes as they happen. 
Art Heist, Baby! by otrtbs (M, 219k) - When James Potter answers a mysterious ad in his local coffee shop, the last thing he expects is to be thrown into a world of white collar crime, but how can he resist when the mastermind behind the operation has dark hair and brooding eyes and promises wealth beyond James' wildest imagination? He would do anything for that boy named after a star, including stealing millions of dollars of fine art.
Librarian’s Review: Call me basic, but this fic is truly one of the pillars of the entire Jegulus fan-canon. It is a classic. Are you ready to be destroyed and left speechless in awe? Well saddle up buckaroo, because reading this for the first time (or even the 51st) will change you forever.
And in the Death of His Reputation He Felt Truly Alive by reggiesreputation (M, 79k) - Regulus Black is the biggest pop star on the charts, but when pictures of him kissing a man are splattered on every paper in the world, he is severed from his family's record label. He has lost his music, his home, and his reputation is in shambles. But with the help of producer Remus Lupin, his brother, and a gorgeous man he meets in a dive bar, Regulus Black will rebuild his reputation, write his best album yet, and maybe even fall in love.
Librarian’s Review: Ok, so I’m not exactly what most people would consider a Taylor Swift fan, so I thoroughly did not realize that this was partially about her until very far into the fic. It is really good though! I would check it out, simply because it will alter your worldview. 11/10 stars.
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siriuslytproblem28 · 2 months
can't believe i forgot to update the fact that i finished art heist, baby! a few days ago :(
cw: spoilers for ahb!
i had the ending spoiled for me, sorta, via TikTok, though i had guesses that reggie would be the one to die due to the constant foreshadowing in the text. but though calloused, I'm a hopeless romantic, so i still delluded myself into thinking something might actually be ok.
the ending was sooo bittersweet, the sweet part coming especially from the fact that this girlie is a brazilian girlie and we're basically never mentioned, unless is to utterly represent the country as a lawless land, or a crazy jungle filled with uncivilized and savage people (basically, with racist colonial and imperialist lens).
but although i cried a lot during reg's death scene, i have to admit i thought it would be sadder. don't get me wrong, it was so heartbreaking, but i think that after crimson rivers, my idea of sad just became so unbearably gigantic that it's probably concerning.
as i did, by accident in crimson rivers, a specific scene became etched with the soundtrack that was playing, and somehow fit perfectly: in cr, epiphany by taylor started playing when monty was dying in effie's arms, and back then, i misunderstood the lyric "watch you breathing, watch you breathing out" for "watch you bleeding, watch you bleeding out". tbh both fit, but my listening just made it even sm sadder and engraved in my memory. in ahb!, as well, i bet on losing dogs starts playing at reggie's death, and especially one line fell SOO beautifully over the text, that now I don't seem to remember, but it will stay with me no nonetheless.
anyways, beautiful fic, liked the characterization pretty well, though i have to admit i doubted pete untill the end, probably as some kind of ptsd from literally every single marauder fic AND original hp books 🤡
absolutely loved the dorlene there
but my highlight HAS TO GO to rosekiller
i had never really read a fic that had it, though i guessed i would enjoy the ship, and idk if it was specifically otrtbs take on those two characters, but i simply adored every single scene, line, literally everything about them. they were sooo funny and unhinged, but also laced with angst and it's just the perfect combination for me. it made me actually want to seek out specific fics where they are the main couple.
okay I'm gonna go back to reading ch 2 of my new giant marauder fic project, that i just started today ( it's desintegration) and I'll be back tomorrow to assess my first impressions, as always
i also want to review ahb! in depth, cause rn i really have to read bc i should actually just go to bed, but i need to address how much reading about so much art made my little heart warm up (i draw and paint, but had kind of a fallout with it all after i dropped out of a visual arts college course) so it was really nice to have the nerdy art discussion sprinkled on the fic.
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nevvaraven · 1 year
10 books to know me 📚
 Thanks @otrtbs for the tag !
Ten books to know me or know what I like to read about, Nat did quotes with hers so I’m going to do quotes as well! 
Atonement by Ian McEwan - I still remember the way I flung this book across my room when I got to that part, if you’ve read it you know, still not over it and I get emotional every time I think about Robbie :( 
“As the distance opened up between them, they understood how far they had run ahead of themselves in their letters. This moment had been imagined and desired for too long, and could not measure up. He had been out of the world, and lacked the confidence to step back and reach for the larger thought. I love you, and you saved my life.”
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - The blueprint, will never not be in this list. I was raised on this stuff.
“Your defect is a propensity to hate everybody.” “And yours,” he replied with a smile, “is wilfully to misunderstand them.”
The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton - I am aware this is a children’s book but it’s the one my mum read to me every night before bed and the copy currently sitting on my shelf is the one she had when she was a child as well so it’s the most precious thing I own and they are still some of my favourite stories :)
“The faraway tree is always there. We never, never know what land is going to be at the top.”
The Fault in our Stars by John Green - I don’t want any slander okay, I don’t care to hear it ok in this house we respect our roots, this book made me cry and a part of my horrendous pre teen years was scrolling through tumblr and seeing all of those god awful picsart posts of the quotes and I loved every minute of it, it was a right of passage
“What a slut time is. She screws everybody.”
The Etymologicon by Mark Forsyth - I bought this book because it’s opening passage actually had me giggling out loud like a loser in a bookstore and the origins of random words will never not be cool, the opening passage is just so long I cant put it all in here but I highly recommend it to everyone. 
“Occasionally people make the mistake of asking me where a word comes from. They never make this mistake twice. I am naturally a stern and silent fellow; even forbidding. But there's something about etymology and where words come from that overcomes my inbuilt taciturnity.”
The Fallen Star series by Jessica Sorensen - I bullied my high school librarian to buy these for the school library because I couldn’t afford them at 14 and after 2 months of badgering he caved and got them and I immediately took them and read them all in the span of two days. It’s about a girl whose mum got hit by a falling star when she was pregnant with her and it ended up giving her purple eyes and magic powers? I don’t care how silly it is at 21 I still love it.
“Of course, my nightmares were just the tip of the iceberg in the madness that had overtaken my life. When I was awake, I had much bigger problems to deal with than monsters attacking me. Real problems. Ones I couldn’t blink away.”
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - Raise your hand if you’re surprised to see this. Anyone? Anyone at all? Yeah me neither. 
“Just because my dreams are different to yours does not mean that they’re unimportant.”
Divergent by Veronica Roth - I know it’s goofy but I really don’t care, this was my life! I was so convinced I was a dauntless girl lmao I have enough self awareness to know now I am either a Candor or Abnegation girl. 
“Becoming fearless isn’t the point. That’s impossible. It’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.”
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson - Was it the insightful examination of the constant battle of good and evil that inherently exists with all humans and the struggle we face daily on deciding which to act upon that drew me into this book or was the idea that I could blame all my bad decisions on ‘night time me’? We’ll never know.
“If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers”
The Devil Tree by Jerzy Kosiński - I’m currently reading this and so far its very rich boy problems and existential crisis but it’s beautifully written so I both am apathetic towards the man I’m reading through but also desperate to know each of his thoughts. Weird. 
“My past is the only firmament worth knowing, and I am it’s sole star. It is as haunting and mysterious as the sky overhead, and as impossible to discard.”
No pressure tagging - @waririses @signofthereads @im-still-tryin-to-find-it @euphorial-docx @siriuslyfuxkoff @condoneii and anyone else who wants to do it! xxx
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otrtbs · 3 months
hey hey 💖
idk if this has been asked before but does otrtbs stand for something? i've always wondered
yes and no!! so ,,,,
back in the day One Direction had a tour called on the road again tour,, which fans would abbreviate to OTRA. so when i was making my ao3 i had the silly idea to name myself after the One Direction tour. and i got as far as typing OTR and then i was like "girl,,, u cannot name urself after a One Direction tour in the year of our lord 2021" or whatever so then i keyboard smashed the TBS part and boom! otrtbs was born.
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otrtbs · 3 months
is your username an initialism or do i just read it out letter by letter ?
you just read it out letter by letter!!! at least that’s what i do! some ppl elect to call me orbs ,, i’m not picky 😭
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otrtbs · 3 months
I’ve always read your username all together, does tgat make sense?
yes!! kinda like ot-rit-biss or smth ?? 😭
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otrtbs · 4 months
pls know that i read your username as “otter tubs”
that’s all mwah
okay i love this sm adding it to the list of things ppl read my user name as
included but not limited to oatmeal cookies, orbs, and otter bull shit
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otrtbs · 3 months
Sometimes I read Otrtbs as ‘oogly boogly bitch’ like the person in this tiktok
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otrtbs · 4 months
respectfully adding to the discussion that I read your username like "otırbıs".... genuinely like a toddler trying to pronounce "otter" and "bus" back to back and real fast
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otrtbs · 1 year
idk if youve ever answered this before but ive always wondered what your username stands for? or what it is a reference of? is it an acronym orrr
heyo!! i’m sure i have answered this before somewhere but it’s half one direction half keyboard smash 😭
one direction had a tour back in the day called “on the road again” which was abbreviated “otra” and idk why but when i was making my ao3 account that’s the name that came to mind 😭
so i started typing otra and got as far as the “otr” bit and then i was like ,,, “nat,, u cannot name urself after a one direction tour,,, be serious” so then i just keyboard smashed the “tbs” bit and thus otrtbs was born!
it doesn’t mean anything 😭😭 it’s just a product of my 3am brain 😭😭 not an acronym or anything hahaha
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otrtbs · 11 months
heyy bestie quick question, how do you say your user? like do you pronounce all the letters? is it an acronym? does it mean anything? is it js random letters? im v curious lmao
i just say all the letters in groups of 2 like
ik some people say it in groups of 3 like (otr)(tbs)
ppl call me “orbs” like you can say whatever u like 😭
it does not stand for anything or mean anything tho!! it’s just a keyboard smash mostly !! i think i talk abt it a little under otrtbs origins that i’ll tag below if you want a more in depth answer ! 😋
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otrtbs · 3 months
no bc i remember u said a while back otr stands for on the road as in one directions on the road again tour (incredibly based if u ask me) so to remember the tbs i simply came up with one of life’s truths: tiddies be slay.
so all in all, On The Road, Tiddies Be Slay
yeah !!! yeah!! otr is always on the road
rip otra what a slay tour, what a slay time
but honestly your sentence 1,000% yeah yep
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otrtbs · 3 months
heyyy nat, i’ve been inactive for aaaages but i seen that people were asking about your username and j just wanted to bring back the fact that i thought it was pronounced ottertubs for far too long
ok that’s all byeeeeee
no otter tubs on top always!!!! it's a slay for sure !!
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