#other cultures... have other blood-drinking or life-sucking monsters. the vampire is... not those things. or at least isn't anymore.
hypokeimena · 1 year
"give me culturally christian vampires." wow imagine a culturally christian vampire. maybe they'd be repelled by christian holy symbols, like they wouldn't want to touch a crucifix and maybe they couldn't stand on holy ground or holy water might bother them! what a funny way of bringing christian superstition into the timeless and completely universal vampire myth that has NEVER been culturally specific before :)
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warmageragnar · 1 year
I think "Hunters are agents of hetero-normativity" is a superficial take
Vampires and Werewolves, specifically in WoD, aren't misunderstood, sympathetic minorities and hunter's don't try to kill them because they're different, they try to kill them because they hurt people and probably have personally hurt them
Vampires are predators who use their unnatural abilities to worm their way into power and then exercise that power to actively make life worse for people because it makes it easier for vampires to eat them. They are the ultimate oppressors, ones who will rule forever
The Garou are fascists and habitual abusers that would send humanity back to the stone age if they had their way
Hunters don't belong to any particular group. They are anyone and everyone who can recognize and stand up to the very real danger in their midst, to protect themselves and those in their community
I don't really understand why you identify with the feudal, blood-drinking sexual predators and the "insane, neo-pagan, theocrat berserkers" over the regular people opposed to them
I understand what you're saying, but you're going at it from the POV of someone who has knowledge of all those WoD splats, enough to know why all those supernaturals suck. Going at it from a layman's POV, all you have is the premise of each splat. You're a vampire experiencing existential dread, fighting other monsters within and without. You're a werewolf fighting to preserve the environment, etc.
Outside the context of WoD, monsters like vampires have long been relatable to social outcasts, because we are branded as predatory and unnatural ourselves. It's a collective power move to lean into that and want to actually roleplay as the monster.
Through that lens, you could see why the prospect of being one of the hunters would be deeply unappealing to the uninitiated, or even to old fans who are used to being the monster.
Moreover, when you play Vampire or Werewolf, you don't play as the entire group or institution that's making things bad for everyone. You're playing as one nascent member of that group, and the weight of that faction's evils falls upon you too. You're a tiny fish in an enormous pond, you're a pawn to an elder's inhuman scheme, you're a cub pushing against millennia of misguided tradition.
And if you try to distance yourself from that corrupt immortal society, you find yourself alone and easy pickings for the human hunters, who don't care whether or not you are one of the horrible ones.
The monsters don't stop being relatable because their government and culture are horrible and harmful. If anything, they could reflect our own sense of powerlessness with our IRL situation, with our IRL government and mainstream culture.
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sunshinewrit-ing · 3 years
Norse Mythology
ig: @sunshine.writing
As with every culture, there are many different interpretations and I tried my best to use the most popular ones. There are also many different versions and spellings for the names of the gods and goddesses, but I used the anglicized and most popular spellings. 
Aesir and Vanir
The Norse gods are divided into two families, the Aesir family, and the Vanir family. The Aesir family is the larger of the two and is mostly connected with war and government and includes the gods Odin, Thor, Loki, Baldr, Hodr, Heimdall, and Tyr. The Vanir family includes the fertility gods and goddesses such as Njord, Feyr, and Freyja. Both families reside in Asgard but don’t see eye-to-eye as shown through the Aesir-Vanir war. 
Besides the Aesir and Vanir, there are also female deities known as Disir, Alfar (elves), Jotnar (giants), and Dvergar (dwarves).
Aesir Gods and Goddesses
Odin - Odin was the King of the Aesir clan and known as “the father of all gods.” He’s depicted as a one-eyed, bearded old man wearing a hat and a cloak. He was said to have slain the first being known as Ymir before carving up his body to help create the Earth. He was one of the most powerful and revered of the gods and associated with wisdom, knowledge, healing, death, and war. He also ruled over Valhalla. 
Thor - Son of Odin, he was regarded as the strongest of all the Norse deities because he was tasked with safeguarding Asgard. He was the most popular of all the gods and worshipped by most Vikings. He was the god of thunder and lightning and wielded the Mjolnir. He rode a chariot drawn by two massive goats called Tanngnjostr and Tanngrisnir.
Loki - Loki was considered a “blood brother” of Odin. He was known as the trickster god and was equipped with the ability to shapeshift into different forms. He was the chief engineer behind the death of Balder.
Frigg - Frigg was the wife of Odin and the queen of the Aesir gods. She was the only one allowed to sit next to her husband and always stuck by her partner even though he had many extramarital affairs.  She was worshipped as the goddess of the sky and associated with wisdom, marriage, family, and fertility. She was blessed with the power of divination but never revealed her visions to anyone. 
Baldur - Son of Odin and half-brother to Thor, Baldur was the god of light and purity. He was described as fair, kind, and handsome, whose beauty was unparalleled. He was the epitome of all things wise and good and often praised for his mercifulness. Also thought to be immortal, he had been prophesied to die and was slain by an arrow made out of mistletoe, his death orchestrated by Loki. 
Heimdall - Heimdall is the son of Odin and no less than nine mothers, and is the watchman of the god. He dwelt at the entry to Asgard where he guarded Bifrost. 
Tyr - Tyr is the god of War and the Lawgiver of the gods. The bravest of the gods, he makes the binding of Fenrir possible by sacrificing his right hand. He’s the son of Odin and the son of the giant Hymir.
Idun - Idun is the goddess of spring or rejuvenation and is the wife of Bragi. She was the keeper of the magic apples of immortality which the gods must eat to preserve their youth. 
Bragi - Bragi is the skaldic poet of the Aesir and his name means “poet”. He’s the son of Odin and possibly the giantess Gunnlod, and the husband to Idun. 
Vili and Ve - Vili and Ve are the two brothers of Odin who helped to slay Ymir to create the remaining seven realms. They’re the sons of Bestla and Borr and were raised in the realm of Nifelheim. 
Forseti - He’s the son of Baldr and Nanna, and is the god of justice and reconciliation.
Gefjun - She’s the goddess of agriculture, fertility, abundance, and prosperity. Her name can be translated to “Giver” or “Generous One.”
Sif - Sif is the wife of Thor as well as a giantess and the goddess of grain and fertility. She was one of the Asynjur and mother of Ullr.
Fjorgynn and Fjorgyn - Fjorgyn, also known as Jord, is a giantess and the mother of Thor through an affair with Odin. Her masculine form Fjorgynn is the father of the goddess Frigg, the wife of Odin. 
Sol and Mani - Sol and Mani were the beings who drove the sun and the moon in their courses through the sun. They were sister and brother, and both were fair and beautiful. Sol had to travel at great speed, pursued by a wolf named Skoll who would eventually devour her. Mani kidnapped two humans named Bil (waning) and Hjuki (waxing), children of Vidfinn, and forced them to travel with him. Like his sister, he was also being chased by a hound named Hati Hrodvitnisson. 
Ullr - Ullr is the god of sports, particularly archery and skiing. He’s the son of Sif and Egill and step-son to Thor. 
Hoenir - Hoenir is a warrior god and is the travel companion of Odin and Loki. He was also part of the creation of Ask and Embla. He goes with Mimir to the Vanir as a hostage in order to seal a truce to the Aesir-Vanir War. He’s the god of indecision, avoidance, and mystery. 
Vidar - Son of Odin and Gridr, he was known as Vidar the silent, the possessor of the iron shoe, the enemy and slayer of Fenrir, the avenger, and he who inhabits the homestead of his father. He’s a warrior god and an excellent fighter. 
Hodr - Hodr is the blind god of winter and warriors. Oftentimes he’s depicted with a bow and arrows, or the spear that Loki used to trick him. He was the son of Frigg and Odin and twin brother of Baldr. Sometimes he’s thought to be a god of darkness.
Vali - Son of Odin and the giantess Rindr, Vali was born for the sole purpose of avenging Baldr. He kills Hodr and binds Loki with the entrails of his son Narfi. He’s the god of vengeance.
Vanir Gods and Goddesses
Freya - Freya was the goddess of fate, love, beauty, gold, war, and fertility. She ruled over the meadow of Folkvangr and owned a torc or necklace known as the Brisingamen as well as a cloak made of falcon feathers. She rode a chariot drawn by two cats and was accompanied by a board called Hildisvini most of the time. She practiced Seidr, which is a form of magic that allowed her the ability to control and manipulate the desires and prosperity of others. 
Freyr - Freyr is associated with sacral kingship, virility, peace, prosperity, sunshine and fair weather, and good harvest. He’s the son of Njord and the god of fertility, rain, and sunshine. His twin sister is Freyja.
Freyja - Freyja, twin sister and counterpart of Freyr, was the goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death. Her father was Njord. Pigs were sacred to her, and she rode a boar with golden bristles. 
Njord - Njord is the god of seas, wealth, wind, and fishing. He was the father of Freyr and Freyja. 
Nerthus - Nerthus is a goddess associated with fertility. She was also associated with peace and prosperity. She was the wife and sister of Njord and the mother of Freyr and Freyja.
Gullveig - Gullveig is a sorceress and seer with great love and lust for gold. She was speared by the Aesir, burnt three times, and yet thrice reborn.
Odr - Odr is the husband of Freyja
Norse Creatures
Dwarves - Also known as dark elves, they’re small creatures that originated as maggots from the corpse of Ymir. They live underground in Svartalfheim (literally means “home of the black elves”) and are said to have crafted the finest weapons and jewelry such as Mjollnir and Gungnir. In certain myths, they’re portrayed as turning to stone if exposed to sunlight. 
Draugar - The Draugar are the undead. Some myths describe them as creatures who drink blood, they’re more similar to zombies than vampires. They possess superhuman strength and can increase their size at will, but have a constant stench of decay and appear as a dead body. They often live in their graves to defend the treasure they were buried with but can also enter communities to torment those who wronged them in life. They’re said to be able to enter the dreams of the living to torment them, and would leave behind a gift so the victims knew the encounter was real. 
Elves - Elves are separated into two different types; Dokkalfar, or dark elves, and Ljosalfar, light elves. Dark elves are thought to be the same as dwarves and light elves are described as more beautiful than the sun. They’re generally described as having an ambivalent relationship with humans.
Fenrir - Fenrir was the son of Loki and the giantess Angroboda. He was raised by the gods of Asgard to stop him from wreaking havoc across the nine worlds but the gods ended up deciding to chain him up. It’s believed that when Fenrir breaks his chains to get his revenge, it will lead to Ragnarok, the end of the world. 
Fossegrimen - Also known as the grim, he’s a water spirit who plays the fiddle mimicking the sounds of the forest, wind, and water. He can be bribed to teach his skill with an offering that he deems sufficient. He’s also known to lure women and children to lakes and streams where they drown.
Huldra - Wardens of the forest and part of a group of Ra that protects various locations. Female Huldra are described as beautiful and seductive, with a long tail of a cow and their back covered in bark. They can disguise themselves as young women to walk in the world of men but their power of illusion is broken if someone sees their tail. They lure young, unmarried men into the forest and keep them as slaves, lovers, or sometimes they’ll suck the life out of them. 
Jormungandr - Also known as the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr is another child of Loki and Angrboda. He is a snake or dragon that lives in the sea surrounding Midgard. He is described as an enemy of Thor and during Ragnarok, the two are fated to slay one another. 
Jotnar - Jotnar, meaning “devourers”, are giants with powers that rival the power of the gods. They’re the enemy of the gods and the Jotnar embody chaos. Many of the Asgardian gods are descended from Jotnar such as Odin and Thor. 
Kraken - Aquatic monsters that are believed to live off the shores of Norway and Greenland. They’re depicted as gigantic octopi or squids. They mostly ate fish but when it rose to the surface, it was believed to cause large whirlpools which would help it attack ships.
Valkyries - The female helping spirits of Odin, depicted as elegant maidens who ferry the slain to Valhalla. Their name means “choosers of the Slain”, which hints at their more sinister side, the fact that they also choose who lives and dies in battle. They would sometimes use malicious magic to ensure their preferences.
Sleipnir - Odin’s mighty eight-legged horse is the child of Loki and Svadilfari. It had eight legs so that it could have one leg in each of the Norse worlds. 
Mare - The Mare monster gave people bad dreams at night by sitting on them in their sleep. Often they were witches whose souls took the forms of animals, but normal people, particularly adolescents, were also thought to become Mare when their spirits wandered. It was believed that when the Mare touched a living thing, people, cattle, or trees, it would cause their hair to become entangled. 
Trolls - There are large ugly trolls that dwell in forests and mountains, and small gnome-like trolls that live underground in deep caves and caverns. They’re depicted as not very intelligent and malevolent but can show kindness in exchange for a favor.
Norns - The three principal Norns served as the caretakers of the tree of life, but their care only slowed the death of the tree. 
Ratatoskr - A squirrel that runs up and down the tree of life delivering the messages of the gods. He enjoys stirring trouble between the wise eagle that sits atop the tree and the hungry dragon that swells in its roots. 
The Nine Realms
Yggdrasil - Yggdrasil is the mighty tree whose trunk rises at the geographical center of the Norse spiritual cosmos. It’s believed that the nine worlds are all held in the branches and roots of the tree of Yggdrasil. It’s commonly said to be an ash tree.
Niflheim - The realm of fog and mist. It’s the darkest and coldest region of all the realms. It’s one of the first two realms and is placed in the northern region of Ginnngagap. Hvergelmir is located in Niflheim, which is said to be the source of the elven rivers. As Yggdrasil started to grow, it stretched one of its large roots far into Niflheim to draw water from Hvergelmir. 
Muspelheim - The land of fire. Muspelheim was created at the same time as Niflheim but was created far to the south. It’s a burning hot place filled with lava, flames, sparks, and soot. It’s the home of the fire giants, fire demons, and is ruled by Surtr.
Asgard - Home of the Gods. The most commonly known realm, Asgard is located in the middle of the world, high up in the sky. It’s the home of the gods and goddesses and is ruled by the chief of Aesir Odin. Inside the gates of Asgard is Valhalla, the place where half who die in battle will go for the afterlife and the other half go to Folkvangr.
Midgard - Home of the humans. “Middle earth” is located in the middle of the world below Asgard. Midgard and Asgard are connected by Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge. It’s surrounded by a large, impassable ocean that is occupied by the Midgard Serpent. The first two humans were Ash and Embla and were sent to Midgard after being created from tree logs by Odin and his brothers Vili and Ve.
Jotunheim - Home of the giants. Jotunheim consists mostly of rocks, wilderness, and dense forests, and lies in the snowy regions on the outermost shores of the ocean. There is no fertile land in Jotunheim. Jotunheim is separated from Asgard by the river living which never freezes over.
Vanaheim - Home of the Vanir. Nobody knows where exactly the land is located or how it looks. 
Alfheim - Home of the light elves. Alfheim is located right next to Asgard in heaven. The god Freyr is the ruler of Alfheim. 
Svartalfheim - Home of the dwarves. Svartalfheim means dark fields, and they live under the rocks, in caves, and underground. Hreidmar was the king of Svartalfheim until he was killed. 
Helheim - Home of the dishonorable dead. Hel is where the dishonorable dead, thieves, murderers, or those the gods and goddesses feel are not brave enough to go to Valhalla or Folkvangr. Helheim is ruled over by Hel and is a very grim and cold place. Any person who arrives at Helheim will never feel joy or happiness again. 
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Ghost Stories Pt1
TRIGGER WARNING: Discusses some violence
Halloween had always been Amy and Lily's favorite holiday, and that didn't change after they became vampires. If anything, they liked the spooky beauty of the holiday even more. This year, after fighting Gaius and all of the trauma they were still recovering from, they decided to spend some quality time with their friends.
They drove to a cabin away from the city, getting away from all the reminders of Gaius's destruction. They brought hot dogs and stuff for smores, blood and hot apple cider, and alcohol, ready to build a bonfire and spend well-deserved time with each other.
They all dressed for the weather, Amy insisting they all wear flannel to, as she said, "look the part." Kamilah wasn't usually one for lesbian stereotypes, but Amy in flannel was one she could get behind. She walked up behind her, wrapping her arms around her.
"I vant to suck your blood," she said, jokingly. Amy laughed as she kissed her neck.
"Wouldn't be the first time," she said with a wink.
They unpacked the food, feeding the ego of the men by allowing them to build the fire. Lily chatted about how much she loved Halloween.
"I'm just saying," said Lily. "Halloween is basically my Christmas. I live for this stuff."
Amy laughed. "We know, Lil," she said. "If I had to describe your style, it would be Halloween chic."
Lily gasped. "Girl, this is why we are best friends."
"Hey!" shouted Adrian.
"Finally!" wooped Jax.
The girls laughed, feigning impressed. "Good job boys!" shouted Kamilah.
"Nicely done!" complimented Amy.
"Level up!" laughed Lily.
With the fire roaring, the group gathered around.
Amy sat on Kamilah's lap, cuddled under a blanket. She was warm and happy. She leaned back into Kamilah's arms, staring at her liquid brown eyes lit by the light of the fire. She kissed her softly, the alcohol warming from the inside and Kamilah's warmth and the fire from the out. Her lips tasted smoky and sweet, the remnants of a burnt marshmallow there.
Adrian and Jax sat on logs, and Lily had brought a gamer chair that she pulled up.
"Not very rustic, Lil," said Amy.
"Hey," said Lily. "I've got to draw a line somewhere." The group laughed.
The laughter died down, the crackling of the fire the only sound to be heard.
"So what now?" asked Jax, downing a beer and chasing it with a shot of blood. "Drink and howl at the moon?"
"Bored already?" asked Adrian with a smile.
"I know!" said Lily. "Why don't we all take turns telling ghost stories?"
She smiled wide, pulling out a flashlight and shining it on her face. "Scariest one wins!"
"Wait," said Jax, rolling his eyes. "You mean to tell me you believe in ghosts?"
Amy laughed. "Jax you're a vampire!" she said. "You don't think ghosts are at least a possibility?"
"No," said Jax, matter-of-factly. "I don't."
"Well I do," said Adrian.
"Me too," replied Kamilah.
Lily sighed. "Your story doesn't have to be about a ghost, Jax. You can talk about monsters, or anything. Just make something up, for all I care. As long as it's scary!"
"Fine," he scoffed. "I'll think of something."
"Better think quick," said Lily. "'Cause you just volunteered to go first."
Jax groaned. "Alright, alright."
"My great-grandfather lived in Japan, before we found our way to America," he began. "When he was still alive, he told me this story of a beautiful young woman he had met in his youth. Her name was Aiko, and she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. This was before my grandmother, while he was attending university. He told me that she had the face of a goddess, and when he first saw her he knew he must get to know her better. So, brave man that he was, he went up to her between classes.
'Hello,' he said to her. 'I couldn't help but notice you. You are truly breathtaking, and I would like the chance to know you better.'
The girl smiled at him, and he knew he was done for. He said to me, 'Jaxie, that girl's smile was sunshine, and I was instantly blinded. Every moment after, my vision littered with sun spots of her.'"
"This is supposed to be scary, not a romance," teased Lily.
Jax looked at her seriously. "Sometimes," he said, "love is one of the scariest things of all." This silenced Lily as he continued.
"The girl agreed to go out with him. He took her to dinner, then they went for a walk in the moonlight, underneath the cherry blossom trees. They talked and laughed, and my great-grandfather knew he had met the love of his life.
'She wasn't just beautiful,' he told me. 'She was brilliant. She talked about literature, painting stories more vibrant and realistic than the greatest authors I had read. And she spoke of science with such understanding and insight. She even talked of something I had just learned about, genetic experimentation.'
It was a new field in Japan at the time," Jax explained. "My great-grandfather had learned from some of the researchers as part of his studies. They talked of animal testing, altering their genetic makeup to give them human-like features. It was all very hush-hush at the time, kept under wraps by the government, so he jumped at the opportunity to talk freely with someone. So they walked through the park, conversing, my great-grandfather enraptured by this woman.
'Aiko,' he told her, 'I know we've just met, but you light my soul on fire. I have never met a woman with such passion, intelligence, eloquence. I was struck by your beauty, my dear, but I am most excited by your personality and your mind. I hope it is not too forward to ask that I see you again?'
Aiko smiled that sunshine smile, there under the light of the moon, cherry blossom petals falling around them. She took my great-grandfather's hand, kissing it softly. 'I would like that very much,' she told him.
He walked her back to her room, leaving her for the evening.
'Jaxie, I was smitten,' he told me. 'I was young and foolish, so I fell hard and quick. And she was a starbeam I couldn't quite catch in my hands. The way she eluded me, that pursuit, it drove me absolutely crazy with desire.'
So my great-grandfather planned their second date. There was a reading by a renowned author on the other side of town. It was late, and that area wasn't the safest, but he knew it would impress her. So, his foolishly smitten self decided it was worth the risk. And it was. They went to the reading, and she had tears in her eyes.
'Aiko, are you okay?' my great-grandfather had asked her. She nodded.
'I am so grateful for this opportunity,' she told him. 'Thank you.'
The reading finished late, and they were walking home around 2 a.m. when my grandfather noticed a group of men crossing from the other side of the street.
'Well, well, well,' said one of the men as they approached. 'Look what we've got here.'
My great-grandfather stepped forward, shielding Aiko behind him. 'We don't want any trouble,' he told them.
'Too bad,' spat the man. 'You just found it.'
He turned, looking at Aiko. 'Run,' he said to her, prepared to die if it meant she would live."
Jax paused to catch his breath, everyone leaning towards him, drawn in by his story.
"What next?!" Lily asked urgently. Kamilah held Amy close to her, and Adrian sat silently.
"So Aiko ran, turning down an alley, and my great-grandfather tried to fight the group of guys.
'I held my own,' he told me. 'But there were four of them, and I am only one.'
So they beat him, stole his wallet. They left him laying there and went on their way. He watched as they passed the alley, relieved that he had saved Aiko. He stood, painfully. His body was pretty broken, and he was covered in his own blood. But all he could think of was Aiko. So he stood, and he limped his way into the dark alley.
'Aiko,' he called out. 'They are gone, it is safe now.'
But Aiko didn't respond. And then he saw her body, laying on the ground. He rushed over to her, collapsing by her side.
'Aiko?' he screamed, trying to wake her. He felt blood, hurrying to check her pulse. He felt nothing. The clouds cleared and he could see a hole in her chest. 'Aiko, what happened?' he cried. 'What happened to you?'
Then, he heard growling. From the shadows of the alley, a dog stepped forward. Or, at least, he thought it was a dog. Until he heard his name.
'Eiji?' It was Aiko's voice. But it didn't come from Aiko's body, in his arms. It came from the shadows. From the dog. He looked up, eyes locking with--"
Jax paused for dramatic effect, looking at his friends. They sat on the edge of their seats, waiting for him to continue.
"Aiko. Or, at least, it looked like Aiko. It talked like Aiko. It had her face, her eyes. And then it smiled. And that smile...it was dark. Sinister. And my great-grandfather stood, looking at this dog with Aiko's face, but not Aiko's smile.
'What are you?!' he shouted, limping backwards.
'Eiji, please,' the creature said. 'Don't leave me. Save me.'
It stalked towards him.
'Eiji, take me with you,' it said. 'Let's live our lives together.'
My great-grandfather continued backing out of the alley.
'Eiji, I love you,' the creature said. And even though he knew it was not his Aiko, those three words stopped my great-grandfather in his track.
The creature lunged at him, biting into his leg. He screamed, collapsing, certain that his weakness, his foolish love for this woman he'd only just met would be the death of him."
Jax finished the story, glancing at his friends.
"That's it?!" asked Lily. "You're really gonna leave it like that?! Did he survive?"
"Obviously," interrupted Kamilah, "or he couldn't have told Jax the story."
"Okay, okay," said Lily. "But how did he survive?"
"And what was that creature?" asked Adrian.
Jax laughed. "One question at a time," he replied.
"It was a jinmenken," said Jax. "There are a lot of rumors about them in Japanese culture. My great-grandfather believed this one was a little different, though. After years of research, he had come to believe that a scientist had genetically modified a werewolf, creating a different effect than your average jinmenken, which had a static face. This one, he believed, could mimic what it saw. That's how it had Aiko's face and voice. As for why it spared him," Jax said, looking at Lily. "He had no idea."
"Wow," said Lily. "That was a pretty good scary story."
Jax smiled as the others agreed.
Then, after a beat, "Who's next?"
Part 2
Tag list: @h-doodles @scarlet-letter-a0114 @idkbutkamilah @lightning-fury @galaxyside-0 @blogsupitssam @ilovetaylor13m
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xx4353 · 4 years
So I have wrritten some fansty ideas stuff, its pretty fun to make a world you know. Anyway gonna put the stuff underneath a *read more* 
Werewolves: Werewolves were created when a group of humans wanted to create the perfect hunters, It did succeed in some ways. Werewolves now do hunt but are more focused on fighting each other. Werewolves villages are just huge mess halls where the drinks and food are plentiful.  Arm Wrestling, wrestling, fighting, and other competition are common past time. They are loud and love a fighting spirit. But werewolves have a strong sense of community since anyone can become a werewolf they are very focused on making sure newcomers are welcomed and it feels like you are joining a new family, a family of werewolves who love wrestling each other. Racism and disputes are very very unlikely when it comes to werewolves since they pride in being accepting. How to become a werewolf is very simple, you can drink the blood of a werewolf, or simply get bitten by one. The first news of a newcomer to the werewolf life will find that it can be stressful and hard, to not let into primal urges. But one can restain themselves and control the beast within, then they can be a functioning member of their new werewolf communities. Though much more feral werewolves can be seen out deep in the wild, the ones who couldn’t control the beast. Different species will have different versions of a werewolf, a human werewolf is average but an elf werewolf will be tall and lanky with very point ears, there are books and people who study werewolves for a living. Along with that, common side effects of becoming a werewolf is being more hunger, getting into fights, and growing hair everywhere, even for females. If a werewolf wants to marry another werewolf what they will do is have a kiss before they transform for the night, and then still kissing while they are transforming, to symbolize how their love is for both them and their wolf version. While many races do hate werewolves, they hardly hold grudges but will protect each other in times of need. 
Werewolves hunters: While most werewolves do not attack other races and eat them, they are a few who let their wild side take control of them, giving the werewolves a bad name. Werewolves hunters typically believe that werewolves are a deranged monster of nature, that something should not exist and must be eliminated, to keep the world pure. There are some hunters who hunt because they want to hunt the best creatures around and werewolves fit that challenge. Most werewolves hunters will wear the dead fur of werewolves or carry around necklaces of werewolf teeth.
Vampires: Vampires are much like the opposite of werewolves, they are reserved and do not like mixing with outsiders. IN truth vampires believe themselves to be a higher race than most, and see other races as just mere food. With that you will not just see a random vampire around, no they live in castles like kings and queens. The family line is what is important, do not mingle and make the family tree too wide they say. There is always the Head of the family, who controls and acts as the ruler. Each race has one vampire family, this is because even with other vampires, vampires think its best to stay in your own race as well, just to make sure they don’t spoil the blood. But that has lead to constant fights between families overpower. Vampires don’t believe that showing emotions is good, so love is never a concern of theirs. Marrying is just a tool to gain power, you don’t marry because you love that person, you marry because they have land or a resource you want. Vampires despise werewolves, they hate how they just accept anyone into their ranks, they are a strong race, why should those werewolves just mingle around? In truth, most vampires can’t understand the concept of being equal with others. Most families have deals with local governments that prisoners on death row get sent to the families to feed on. They have the ability to change into a big bat version of themselves, which is more resistant to the sun and damage, but it’s common for most vampires to stay out of this form. They find it insulting to race and high standing to look so beastly. 
The Cave bats: These are large bloodthirsty bat people who live in caves, they do not like the sun as it hurts their eyes so they mainly stay in their caves till night. Which when they do go flying out, they tend to grab unprotected livestock from local farms, and they suck the blood out of them. They are one of the worst creatures to find in caves since they will tend to swoop people away from their groups and there is alot of them since they breed so fast. They are not natural-appearing creatures, what happens is a vampire will attempt to make another person a vampire and in some very very rare cases, the person will turn into one of these feral bloodthirsty bat people who loses all their previous identity. The transformation is quick and sudden and there is no way to reverse it. They will naturally go into caves and try to find others like them to create a new colony of bats. Vampires hate these animals because to them they are mistakes and should not be alive, they often fight with each other. Cave Bats also can not transform other people into vampires or into cave bats. 
Vampire hunters: Much like werewolf hunters. Vampire hunters think vampires are a blight on the world. A spot that needs to eradicate. Vampire hunting is tricky because of its like staging war on a big family, a big family who drink blood. Vampire hunters when they do kill a vampire, they will rub the ashes of a vampire into their skin
Elves: Elves are the race that believes the best way to live is to live with nature. Thats why they live in the trees of great forests and live off the land.  They mostly stick to themselves. But beware, if you start polluting their forest they will protect their land with their lives. Their clothing reflects this by being mostly made out of what they have in the woods
Dark Elves: Much like their kin the Elves. The dark elves believe in being with nature. Their skins have multiple tones grey. With big red eyes with black pupils. But the way they go about doing is by being nomadic. The dark elf motto is "why not explore the world and its beauty?". Dark elves live in nomadic groups will set down in a place for a long time and then move. Their clothing is heavily inspired by Mongolians. Master at riding animals and living off any land. They prefer colder climates. Their main values are one should never waste anything if you can still use it. Then why not keep using it? The other value is sharing and showing kindness to strangers. Because we are nothing if we are too scared to show compassion to people we don’t know
Sea people: At the coast and in the sea there is a race that can breathe both in the sea and on the ground. Sea people is a general term since there are many different variations, from octopus to sharks, to lobsters.  These humanoid sea creatures who have evolved far away from people but yet have made similar choices as humans.No god created them.  There are plenty of deep cities that most races can’t get too because of a lack of oxygen but if a sea person wants to, there are ways to lead them into the cities. Most cities are market-based, meaning that the center is a huge square for trading goods.  Most other races tend to only see these creatures as pirates, and these creatures are some of the most dangerous of pirates. Their ships can swim and glide through the water and raise up and lay like a normal ship. Giving most races a fear of the sea, and the thought of maybe there a pirate there. The deeper you go into the wilder, the odder sea people you will encounter, like blobfish and anglerfishes.  For the sea people, the land races are just things to trade with or take stuff from, basically just a source of income.
Dwarves: Dwarves are a race that mainly lives in the mines and caves. They are master of the furnace and instead of lights dwarfs create aqueducts of molten lava to light up their cites. To the point where dwarfs had lava to a part of their culture, bathing in lava is considered a social activity, since dwarfs skin can withstand lava. Often they try to get their fellow races to join them since they don’t realize other races can’t handle lava. This causes lots of issues with the sea people. Dwarves of community and think it’s important to be with other races, to gain more knowledge. Drinking is also a very social activity, but most other races can’t handle the drinks. This has caused drinking parties between the werewolves and the dwarfs. Their amour is made out of this hard stone that no other races seem to know how to craft, most weapons break when hitting this amour, causing this to be very sought out.
Humans: What are humans in this world in fantasy? Some ways they are the weakest of the races, they have no special powers, no deep connection to the forests, to gods. But yet, what makes a human special? They are born with a fiery determination, a determination to grab ahold of the world and bend it’s to their whim. Sometimes this is for the betterment of the world, they can create cures to diseases that are hurting the other races, save others, create food, art, and music. Sometimes this determination has lead to wars and famine and diseases, sometimes the humans can have a greed that devours all the good in them. Humans are special like that. They have no main home, they are everywhere. In the forests, in the cities, in the mountains, and near coasts. Humans are to some a plague and to others a special flowers. Humans, in the end, are just an odd spot in this world. And they know this, humans know they are dealing with creatures higher in power than them. But that will not stop them from continuing with progress. One such group of humans even try to become the perfect hunters but ended up making werewolves we know today
Sirens: The creature of the water, these seductresses of the deep pry on people who get a bit close to their lairs. They do not eat or drink or need any sort of energy to keep them going. No, there only purpose is to watch others drown as they bring them down into the deep dark sea. Their bodies are made out of pure water. They will fill the mind of people with thoughts of their deepest desires and make it seem if they come with them, that their thoughts will be granted. There are a few races who can resistant the song. Sea people can since they have evolved too and dwarfs since their mines are filled with thoughts of mining, and the singing of a siren never sounds good to them, dwarfs much prefer the type of music that fills an entire mountain
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crowley-fe11 · 4 years
Vampire Crowley
You both like Ineffable Husbands.
Stranger: [vampire!Crowley, any!Aziraphale | let me know if you want it to be unest/est, husbands/wives, etc, I'm open to ideas as well! | Aziraphale can know about Crowley or not, up to you |  3am] Are you awake, angel? C
You: Yes, hello dear. A (human, est) How have you been? A
Stranger: Did I wake you up? C Eh. Been worse, honestly. Can't really sleep, y'know? C
You: Well, you tend to be more of a night owl. A But no, I suppose I got sucked into a book, but this is a welcome interruption. A
Stranger: Mhm. Just wish I could actually nap for once. I suppose alcohol doesn't help with that either. C You're gonna fuck up your schedule if you keep doing that, angel. C ...Mind if I ask you a question? S'bit weird. C
You: Eh, I don't mind. I'd be more on schedule with you, afterall. A What is it?
Stranger: Not worth it, angel, trust me. Not worth it at all. You wouldn't be able to keep your precious bookshop opened. C What would you do if you found out I'm a monster? C
You: What do you mean? A
Stranger: Let's say that I tell you I'm a literal monster. What would you do? C
You: I suppose I'd have to know more about what sort of monster you are. A But I really do like you, so I'm sure we could still make things work. A
Stranger: A blood-sucking one. Y'know. The kind of monster that scared the living shite out of people. C What if I told you that you could get hurt just by being near me? C
You: Like Dracula? A Sorry, that's what I happen to be reading. A
Stranger: Kinda. Let's just say vampire in general. Still scares the living shit out of people. c Just... Bear with me, angel, it's- Important. For me, at least. C
You: Right, okay. A Well, I trust you. I know you care about me, and I you. And you never cease to make me happy. Even just spending time with you is the highlight of my day. Or week, even. A And if you are something of that sort, I'm sure we could work things out. And I'm not going to lie, the idea of it is rather alluring, in a way. A
Stranger: You're a real charmer, angel, aren't you? Eh. Appreciated. C .../Alluring/. How someone who drinks /blood/ and is a literal monster is alluring to you, Aziraphale? C
You: Well, I'm sure you've seen the appeal in pop culture around vampires. A And I have to admit, I can see that appeal as well. A I have a feeling you're trying to tell me something. A
Stranger: Angel, if you start talking about Twilight or some shit like that, I will scream. C These pop-culture vampires are far from true, though. C Or we can pretend that you don't have that feeling. Would be better for both of us. C
You: Personally, I prefer the ones like the ones in classic literature, don't worry. A So, this was an entirely theoretical question you had at this hour? A
Stranger: Eh. At least classic literature is somewhat correct, isn't it. C M'gonna pretend that this is exactly what it was. And that I've had a few drinks too many. C
You: Somewhat correct... A So you know from experience? A
Stranger: Y'know, this was a bad idea. Forget it. C Go back to sleep or reading your book, angel. I'll text you later, yeah? C
You: Crowley, please, just be honest with me. A What raised all this? A
Stranger: If I'm honest, then you're going to hate me. C Alcohol did. Wouldn't be saying those things if I were sober. C
You: Drunk words are sober thoughts, aren't they? A And I'd like to think I'm open-minded. A
Stranger: Yeah. but I usually keep these sober thoughts to myself. C Open-minded to fight the very basic instinct which is fear? Don't think so, angel. C
You: But there's another factor at play here, which is love. A And I adore /you/. A
Stranger: Love doesn't cancel fear out. You can love someone but still be scared of them. C Why do you always have to be so stubborn? C
You: Yes, but love can overcome it. A Just tell me the truth, dear. Nothing will change, I promise you that. A
Stranger: Not always. C ...I'd rather show it. Just- Don't say that I haven't warned you, angel. M'sitting outside the bookshop. C ((Could you switch to para? If not, I can, just lmk))
You: (Yeah, sure!)
Stranger: ((Thanks!))
You: Aziraphale was surprised at how Crowley was just outside, but he supposed a question like this would plague anyone in his position if this really were the case. At this point, it would be laughable if the other was simply drunk and they could put this behind then, but something felt more serious about it than that. And now that he considered the possibility, the more it seemed to make sense. He pulled his robe around him as he went to the door, opening it for the other as he smiled at his boyfriend. "Hello, dear," he greeted warmly as he stepped aside to let the other inside. "Would you like some tea?" He offered, figuring that might help calm the other if he really was so anxious.
Stranger: Crowley was nervous. He would be lying if he said he wasn't - after all, what kind of a vampire wouldn't be nervous if they got somewhat drunk and then started asking their boyfriend all these questions? Honestly, at this point, he could as well go and smash his head against the wall since he'd achieve the same outcome this way. A lot of regret, pain, and then some more regret. Crowley was just sitting on the stairs, staring up at the stars. When Aziraphale came out, he took a long moment to get up and get inside. "Tea's not going to help, angel," He mumbled, letting out a soft breath. This was it, wasn't it? No turning back now. The vampire slowly reached to his glasses, making sure that his back was facing the other as he took them off. "You always keep asking me why m'wearing shades," Crowley muttered, hesitating for a second and then turning around and revealing his inhuman eyes to his boyfriend. "These are the reason why, y'know? People would get scared and all of that shit."
You: Aziraphale let out a small sigh, wondering how exactly this would pan out. However, if Crowley really was insinuating that he was anything but human, he couldn't be as monstrous as any book described. He was at least forthcoming about it, and he seemed more worried for him, and for the two of them as a couple. But then he took off his shades, something he'd never done in the time they'd known each other. One of the pieces that added even more intrigue, which Aziraphale admired. And he revealed something remarkably different: golden yellow eyes, the pupils snake-like. He couldn't help but feel entranced by them, and he took a few steps closer, reaching up to stroke Crowley's cheek as he gazed up at him. So many things could fill him with fear and anxiety, but never him. "You haven't scared me yet," he offered softly as smiled up at him.
Stranger: When Aziraphale came closer to him, Crowley expected to be hit, in all honesty. He expected a hit that would be followed by a shriek or something like that. He expected the other to tell him to fuck off and never come back. But nothing like that had happened. Instead of being hit, Crowley was suddenly having his cheek stroked and instead of being told to fuck off, he was being reassured that Aziraphale wasn't afraid of him yet. The vampire's expression turned into a pure shock as he stared at the other for a long while, blinking at him once or twice. What was this? He then had frowned, still utterly confused before he opened his mouth, making sure that his boyfriend could see his fangs. "See, angel? I'm a blood-sucking monster. You're /supposed/ to be afraid of me, I could rip your throat out before you could even make a single sound," He muttered, frowning a bit deeper, carefully watching the blonde. "I drink blood, for fuck's sake, I've hurt people before!"
You: Aziraphale could see the point of his fangs, which confirmed this was very real. Yet he didn't so much as flinch at seeing them. But he could see the fear in Crowley's eyes, the uncertainty of how he would react. "Well, you haven't done that in the time we've been seeing each other," Aziraphale mentioned as he looked back up to the other, a tender expression on his face. "Something tells me if you were really a cold-blooded killer, and you chose to target me, you would have done so sooner." At least, that made sense to him. Why would Crowley wait all this time just to reveal himself and take his life? It was very likely he was making sure he'd be safe to tell him. "Have you hurt anyone recently?"
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