#other Paladin moms read from the sidelines equally gleeful and disturbed
voltrohgodwhat · 1 month
Krolia joining a Mom Forum just to troll people:
Post: "My son is in junior varsity now!"
Krolia: "That's nice. My son recently spearheaded a covert operation to take down a terrorist column, and liberated a burning planet with nothing but his squad of lesbians and a barely-functional black market cargo ship."
Post: "Share your pictures! Here's my child on their first day of college!"
Krolia: [posts grainy, blurry cryptid shots of Keith stalking through the desert at 3AM]
Post: "How do you guys teach your kids to deal with problems? We're having some bullying issues at school."
Krolia: "If they're not decimating their enemies by at least age 5, you're doing it wrong. Vrepit sa."
Post: "Ladies! Camping beauty tips? We're off for the weekend!"
Krolia: "Remember the S's of camouflage: Stillness, Shape, Shadow, Shine, Silhouette, Signature, and Spacing. You must adapt to resemble your environment, and disrupt your presentation to the enemy. When disguising your weapon, avoid wrapping foliage or cover around the functional portions of a firearm-"
Post: "Creative ideas for hide and seek and tag games?"
Krolia: "Remember, when stalking a target, avoid looking directly at the back of their head, as they may be able to sense your approach."
Post: "Is it okay to let my son go out with his friends late?"
Krolia: "Group bonding is essential. The warriors your son spends time with will help teach him right from wrong in battle. He must learn how to operate within a small unit."
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