pokemonpowergirl · 1 year
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April 1, 1997
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March 24, 2023
Peak Growth.
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themattress · 1 year
Pokeani: Is It Pure Filler?
A detailed look at which episodes in the Pokemon anime from the Original Series through Journeys qualify as pure filler; in that despite some worldbuilding or Pokemon spotlighting or good lessons learned, nothing in the episode advances anything major (the plot, character arcs, Pokemon evolutions and positions in characters’ teams, etc.) Bear in mind that plenty of the episodes not counted can still be considered largely filler with just some small token advancement thrown in, but as long as the advancement is there it’s not a pure filler episode.
OS001 - No (First episode, main characters introduced) OS002 - No (Jenny, Joy and Team Rocket introduction) OS003 - No (Ash catches Caterpie and Pidgeotto, Caterpie evolves into Metapod) OS004 - No (Metapod evolves into Butterfree) OS005 - No (Ash's 1st badge, Brock introduced and joins the group) OS006 - No (Brock catches Zubat, Misty's Staryu revealed) OS007 - No (Ash's 2nd badge, Misty's secret revealed) OS008 - Yes OS009 - Yes OS010 - No (Ash catches Bulbasaur) OS011 - No (Ash catches Charmander) OS012 - No (Ash catches Squirtle) OS013 - No (Ash catches Krabby) OS014 - No (Ash's 3rd badge) OS015 - No (Giovanni introduction, Lost at Sea arc starts) OS016 - No (Lost at Sea arc) OS017 - No (Lost at Sea arc) OS018 - No (Lost at Sea arc, Misty and Brock meet Delia, Gary and Professor Oak) OS019 - No (Lost at Sea arc, Misty catches Horsea) OS020 - No (Lost at Sea arc) OS021 - No (Butterfree released) OS022 - No (Sabrina introduction and arc starts) OS023 - No (Sabrina arc) OS024 - No (Sabrina arc, Ash's 4th badge) OS025 - No (Ash catches Primeape and reaches Celadon) OS026 - No (Ash's 5th badge) OS027 - No (Misty catches Psyduck) OS028 - No (Brock gets Vulpix) OS029 - No (Primeape's release) OS030 - No (Ash catches Muk) OS031 - No (Gary appears, Ekans and Koffing evolve into Arbok and Weezing) OS032 - No (Ash's 6th badge) OS033 - Yes OS034 - Yes OS035 - No (Ash catches Tauros) OS036 - Yes OS037 - Yes OS038 - Yes OS039 - Yes OS040 - Yes OS041 - Yes OS042 - Yes OS043 - No (Charmander evolves into Charmeleon) OS044 - No (Charmeleon begins disobeying Ash) OS045 - No (Jigglypuff introduction) OS046 - No (Gary appears, Charmeleon evolves into Charizard, Ash gets an egg) OS047 - Yes OS048 - No (James' backstory) OS049 - Yes OS050 - No (The egg hatches into Togepi which Misty keeps) OS051 - Yes OS052 - No (Jessie catches Lickitung, Jessie's backstory) OS053 - Yes OS054 - Yes OS055 - No (Snap arc starts) OS056 - No (Snap arc) OS057 - No (Snap arc, Butch and Cassidy introduction, James gets Victreebel) OS058 - No (Gary appears, Blaine introduction) OS059 - No (Ash's 7th badge) OS060 - Yes OS061 - No (Misty's arc concludes, Horsea and Starmie leave) OS062 - Yes OS063 - No (Gary appears, Mewtwo introduction, Ash's 8th badge) OS064 - No (Mr. Mime introduction, Ash returns to Pallet Town) OS065 - Yes OS066 - Yes OS067 - No (Mewtwo escapes, Gary appears, League set-up) OS068 - No (Fall-out of Mewtwo's escape) OS069 - Yes OS070 - Yes OS071 - No (Set-up for next episode) OS072 - No (Meowth's backstory) OS073 - No (Bruno introduction) OS074 - No (Jigglypuff's big pay-off) OS075 - No (Ash leaves Pallet Town for the Indigo Plateau) OS076 - No (Indigo League: Part 1) OS077 - No (Indigo League: Part 2) OS078 - No (Indigo League: Part 3) OS079 - No (Indigo League: Part 4) OS080 - No (Indigo League: Part 5) OS081 - No (Indigo League: Part 6) OS082 - No (Indigo League: Part 7)
OS083 - No (Ash's new journey starts, Pidgeotto evolves into Pidgeot and is released) OS084 - No (Ash's group and Team Rocket leaves Kanto for the Orange Islands) OS085 - No (Ash gets the GS Ball, Brock leaves the group) OS086 - No (Tracey introduced and joins the group, Ash catches Lapras, badge quest starts) OS087 - No (Ash's 1st badge) OS088 - No (Butch and Cassidy return, Togepi's first attack) OS089 - No (Tracey's Marill revealed) OS090 - Yes OS091 - Yes OS092 - Yes OS093 - Yes OS094 - Yes OS095 - No (Ash's 2nd badge) OS096 - No (Ash catches Snorlax) OS097 - No (Orange Islands history revealed) OS098 - Yes OS099 - No (Tracey catches Scyther) OS100 - Yes OS101 - No (Lorelei introduction) OS102 - Yes OS103 - Yes OS104 - Yes OS105 - No (Ash's 3rd badge) OS106 - Yes OS107 - No (Charizard finally starts obeying Ash) OS108 - No (Captain Aidan introduction) OS109 - Yes OS110 - No (Ash's 4th badge) OS111 - Yes OS112 - No (Misty catches Poliwag) OS113 - No (Orange League: Part 1) OS114 - No (Orange League: Part 2) OS115 - No (Lapras released) OS116 - No (Ash's group leaves Orange Islands for Kanto) OS117 - No (Back to Pallet Town, Tracey leaves the group, Brock and Gary return) OS118 - No (Brock rejoins the group, Ash's new journey starts)
OS119 - No (Professor Elm introduction, badge quest starts) OS120 - No (Casey introduction) OS121 - No (Ash catches Heracross) OS122 - Yes OS123 - No (Gary appears) OS124 - Yes OS125 - Yes OS126 - No (Snubbull introduction) OS127 - Yes OS128 - No (Ash catches Chikorita) OS129 - Yes OS130 - Yes OS131 - Yes OS132 - No (Ash's group reaches Violet City) OS133 - No (Ash's 1st badge) OS134 - Yes OS135 - Yes OS136 - No (Charizard leaves) OS137 - Yes OS138 - Yes OS139 - Yes OS140 - Yes OS141 - Yes OS142 - Yes OS143 - No (Ash catches Cyndaquil) OS144 - No (Ash's group reaches Azalea Town, Kurt introduction) OS145 - No (Brock catches Pineco, GS Ball given to Kurt) OS146 - No (Ash's 2nd badge) OS147 - Yes OS148 - No (Jessie trades Lickitung for Wobbuffet) OS149 - No (Squirtle released) OS150 - Yes OS151 - Yes OS152 - Yes OS153 - No (Togepi's first battle, Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl, Ash gets Totodile) OS154 - Yes OS155 - Yes OS156 - No (Ash catches Noctowl) OS157 - Yes OS158 - Yes OS159 - No (Butch and Cassidy return, Ash's group first sees Giovanni)
OS160 - No (Whitney introduction) OS161 - No (Ash's 3rd badge) OS162 - No (DJ Mary introduced) OS163 - No (Casey returns) OS164 - Yes OS165 - Yes OS166 - Yes OS167 - No (Zubat evolves into Golbat) OS168 - Yes OS169 - Yes OS170 - Yes OS171 - No (Vulpix is given back to Suzie) OS172 - Yes OS173 - No (Gary appears) OS174 - Yes OS175 - Yes OS176 - Yes OS177 - No (Snubbull evolves into Granbull and returns to Madame Muchmoney) OS178 - Yes OS179 - Yes OS180 - Yes OS181 - Yes OS182 - Yes OS183 - No (Morty introduction) OS184 - No (Ash's 4th badge) OS185 - No (Sakura introduction) OS186 - Yes OS187 - Yes OS188 - Yes OS189 - No (Snap arc starts) OS190 - No (Snap arc) OS191 - No (Snap arc) OS192 - Yes OS193 - Yes OS194 - Yes OS195 - Yes OS196 - Yes OS197 - Yes OS198 - No (Golbat evolves into Crobat) OS199 - Yes OS200 - Yes OS201 - No (Chikorita evolves into Bayleef) OS202 - Yes OS203 - Yes OS204 - Yes OS205 - Yes OS206 - Yes OS207 - Yes OS208 - Yes OS209 - Yes OS210 - No (Jasmine introduction) OS211 - No (Ash's 5th badge)
OS212 - No (Ash's group goes to the Whirl Islands) OS213 - Yes OS214 - Yes OS215 - No (Misty catches Corsola) OS216 - No (Luka introduction) OS217 - No (Whirl Cup: Part 1) OS218 - No (Whirl Cup: Part 2) OS219 - No (Whirl Cup: Part 3) OS220 - Yes OS221 - No (Ash's group goes to Silver Island, Ritchie and Sparky return) OS222 - No (Lugia arc begins, Butch and Cassidy return) OS223 - No (Lugia arc) OS224 - No (Lugia arc) OS225 - No (Ash's group leaves the Whirl Islands) OS226 - No (Ash's 6th badge) OS227 - No (Bulbasaur leaves) OS228 - No (Sakura returns) OS229 - No (Morty returns, Eusine introduction) OS230 - No (Gary appears, Ash gets an egg) OS231 - Yes OS232 - No (The egg hatches into Phanpy) OS233 - No (Delibird introduction, Jessie, James and Meowth rejoin Team Rocket) OS234 - Yes OS235 - Yes OS236 - Yes OS237 - No (Lake of Rage: Part 1, Lance introduction) OS238 - No (Lake of Rage: Part 2, Pryce introduction) OS239 - No (Pryce's personal issue resolved) OS240 - No (Ash's 7th badge) OS241 - Yes OS242 - Yes OS243 - Yes OS244 - Yes OS245 - Yes OS246 - Yes OS247 - No (Professor Oak visits Johto) OS248 - Yes OS249 - Yes OS250 - Yes OS251 - Yes OS252 - Yes OS253 - No (Clair introduction) OS254 - No (Wynaut introduction) OS255 - No (Charizard returns) OS256 - No (Ash's 8th badge) OS257 - No (Wynaut's big pay-off) OS258 - Yes OS259 - No (Lapras returns, Ash gets an egg) OS260 - No (The egg hatches into Larvitar) OS261 - No (Pineco evolves into Forretress) OS262 - Yes OS263 - No (Casey returns, James loses Victreebel) OS264 - Yes OS265 - No (Larvitar overcomes its shyness) OS266 - No (Ash's group reaches Mt. Silver, Larvitar leaves) OS267 - No (Johto League: Part 1) OS268 - No (Johto League: Part 2) OS269 - No (Johto League: Part 3) OS270 - No (Johto League: Part 4) OS271 - No (Johto League: Part 5) OS272 - No (Johto League: Part 6) OS273 - No (Johto League: Part 7) OS274 - No (Johto League: Part 8) OS275 - No (Ash's group returns to Kanto, Misty and Brock leave the group) OS276 - No (Ash's new journey starts)
AG001 - No (First episode, main characters introduced) AG002 - No (Team Magma introduction) AG003 - No (Max, Norman and Caroline introduction, Max joins the group) AG004 - No (Brock returns and joins the group, Ash catches Taillow) AG005 - No (May's first Pokemon battle) AG006 - No (Arbok and Weezing released, James catches Cacnea) AG007 - No (Ash catches Treecko) AG008 - No (Jessie catches Seviper) AG009 - Yes AG010 - Yes AG011 - Yes AG012 - No (Brock catches Lotad) AG013 - No (Pokemon Contests are introduced) AG014 - No (May and Jessie catch Wurmples) AG015 - No (Roxanne introduction) AG016 - No (Ash's 1st badge, May becomes a Coordinator) AG017 - No (Team Aqua introduction) AG018 - No (Mr. Briney introduction, Team Aqua appears) AG019 - No (Follow-up to previous episode, Ash's group reaches Dewford Town) AG020 - No (Brawly introduction) AG021 - Yes AG022 - No (Steven introduction) AG023 - No (Ash catches Corphish) AG024 - No (Wurmples evolve into Silcoon and Cascoon) AG025 - No (Brock catches Mudkip) AG026 - Yes AG027 - No (Team Aqua and Team Magma appear) AG028 - No (Wurmples evolve into Beautifly and Dustox) AG029 - Yes AG030 - No (Brawly returns) AG031 - No (Ash's 2nd badge) AG032 - No (Ash's group reaches Slateport City) AG033 - No (Drew introduction) AG034 - Yes AG035 - No (May's first Contest) AG036 - No (Team Magma appears) AG037 - Yes AG038 - Yes AG039 - No (Ash's group reaches Mauville City) AG040 - No (Ash's 3rd badge)
AG041 - Yes AG042 - Yes AG043 - Yes AG044 - No (Misty returns) AG045 - No (Togepi evolves into Togetic and is released, Misty leaves) AG046 - Yes AG047 - No (May catches Skitty) AG048 - Yes AG049 - Yes AG050 - No (Contest prep) AG051 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG052 - Yes AG053 - Yes AG054 - No (Team Aqua and Team Magma appear) AG055 - No (Flannery introduction) AG056 - No (Ash's 4th badge) AG057 - Yes AG058 - No (Ash catches Torkoal) AG059 - No (Wattson returns) AG060 - Yes AG061 - No (Contest prep) AG062 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG063 - No (Lotad evolves into Lombre) AG064 - Yes AG065 - Yes AG066 - No (Treecko evolves into Grovyle) AG067 - Yes AG068 - No (Ash's group returns to Petalburg) AG069 - No (Gym prep) AG070 - No (Ash's 5th badge) AG071 - No (May and Max meet Professor Oak) AG072 - No (Tag Battles are introduced) AG073 - No (May catches Bulbasaur) AG074 - Yes AG075 - Yes AG076 - Yes AG077 - No (Contest prep) AG078 - No (Contest) AG079 - No (Spoink introduced) AG080 - No (Taillow evolves into Swellow) AG081 - Yes AG082 - No (Torchic evolves into Combusken) AG083 - No (Team Aqua and Team Magma appear) AG084 - No (Winona introduction, James catches Chimecho) AG085 - No (Ash's 6th badge) AG086 - Yes AG087 - Yes AG088 - Yes AG089 - Yes AG090 - No (Contest prep) AG091 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG092 - Yes
AG093 - No (Spoink's big pay-off) AG094 - Yes AG095 - No (Professor Birch appears) AG096 - Yes AG097 - No (Team Aqua/Magma Climax: Part 1) AG098 - No (Team Aqua/Magma Climax: Part 2) AG099 - No (Tate and Liza introduction) AG100 - No (Ash's 7th badge) AG101 - No (Drake introduction) AG102 - Yes AG103 - No (Contest, Harley introduction, May gets a Ribbon) AG104 - Yes AG105 - No (Lombre evolves into Ludicolo) AG106 - Yes AG107 - Yes AG108 - No (Ash catches Snorunt) AG109 - Yes AG110 - No (Juan introduction) AG111 - No (Ash's 8th badge) AG112 - Yes AG113 - No (Important development for Drew and May) AG114 - Yes AG115 - No (Contest prep) AG116 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG117 - No (May catches Munchlax) AG118 - No (Morrison introduction) AG119 - No (Coda for Team Aqua/Magma, Ash's group reaches Slateport City) AG120 - Yes AG121 - No (Grand Festival: Part 1) AG122 - No (Grand Festival: Part 2) AG123 - No (Grand Festival: Part 3) AG124 - Yes AG125 - No (Hoenn League: Part 1) AG126 - No (Hoenn League: Part 2) AG127 - No (Hoenn League: Part 3) AG128 - No (Hoenn League: Part 4) AG129 - No (Hoenn League: Part 5) AG130 - No (Hoenn League: Part 6) AG131 - No (Hoenn League: Part 7) AG132 - No (Group parting, Ash and Team Rocket return to Kanto, Agatha and Scott introduction, Misty returns, Ash's new journey starts) AG133 - No (Group reconvenes, Misty joins the group, Max and May meet Delia and Tracey) AG134 - No (Misty leaves the group) AG135 - No (Noland introduction, Charizard returns) AG136 - No (Ash gets the Knowledge Symbol) AG137 - Yes AG138 - Yes AG139 - No (Drew is revealed to be in Kanto) AG140 - Yes AG141 - Yes AG142 - Yes AG143 - No (Contest prep, Harley is revealed to be in Kanto) AG144 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG145 - Yes
AG146 - Yes AG147 - No (Chimecho leaves, James gets Mime Jr.) AG148 - No (Mudkip evolves into Marshtomp) AG149 - No (Ash gets the Guts Symbol) AG150 - No (May gets an egg) AG151 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG152 - Yes AG153 - No (Ash gets the Tactics Symbol) AG154 - No (Phanpy evolves into Donphan) AG155 - No (Solana introduction) AG156 - No (Brock catches Bronsly) AG157 - No (The egg hatches into Eevee) AG158 - No (Ash gets the Luck Symbol) AG159 - Yes AG160 - No (Contest) AG161 - No (Grovyle evolves into Sceptile) AG162 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG163 - No (Spencer introduction) AG164 - No (Ash gets the Spirits Symbol) AG165 - Yes AG166 - Yes AG167 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG168 - Yes AG169 - No (Anabel introduction) AG170 - No (Ash gets the Ability Symbol) AG171 - No (Pokemon Ranger Event: Part 1) AG172 - No (Pokemon Ranger Event: Part 2) AG173 - Yes AG174 - No (Contest prep) AG175 - No (Contest, May gets a Ribbon) AG176 - No (Butch and Cassidy return) AG177 - No (Onix shown to have evolved into Steelix) AG178 - No (Brandon introduction) AG179 - No (Aipom introduction) AG180 - No (Grand Festival: Part 1) AG181 - No (Grand Festival: Part 2) AG182 - No (Grand Festival: Part 3, Ash catches Aipom) AG183 - Yes AG184 - Yes AG185 - Yes AG186 - No (Brandon returns) AG187 - No (Beautifly and Skitty return, May's arc concludes) AG188 - Yes AG189 - No (Brandon returns) AG190 - No (Ash gets the Brave Symbol and conquers the Battle Frontier) AG191 - No (Ash vs. May) AG192 - No (May and Max leave, Brock leaves, Gary returns, Ash's new journey starts)
DP001 - No (First episode, main characters introduced) DP002 - No (Dawn gets Pikachu, Ash catches a Starly, Brock returns, James gets Carnivine) DP003 - No (Ash gets Pikachu back, Dawn meets Ash and Brock, Paul introduction) DP004 - No (Nando introduction) DP005 - No (Ash catches Turtwig) DP006 - No (Paul appears) DP007 - No (Dawn becomes a Coordinator) DP008 - No (Brock catches Croagunk) DP009 - No (Dawn catches Buneary) DP010 - No (The group reaches Jubilife City, Dawn gets a Poketch) DP011 - No (Contest prep, Zoey introduction) DP012 - No (Contest) DP013 - No (Starly evolves into Staravia) DP014 - No (Bronsly evolves into Sudowoodo) DP015 - No (Roark introduction, Paul appears) DP016 - No (Oreburgh visit continues) DP017 - No (Oreburgh visit continues) DP018 - No (Ash's 1st badge) DP019 - No (Dawn catches Pachirisu) DP020 - No (Hunter J introduction) DP021 - Yes DP022 - Yes DP023 - Yes DP024 - Yes DP025 - Yes DP026 - No (Contest prep, Kenny introduction) DP027 - No (Contest, Dawn gets a Ribbon) DP028 - Yes DP029 - Yes DP030 - No (Cheryl introduction, Honey arc starts) DP031 - No (Honey arc, Gardenia introduction) DP032 - No (Honey arc) DP033 - No (Brock gets an egg) DP034 - No (Zoey appears, Dawn catches Buizel) DP035 - No (Lucian introduction, Buizel begins to obey Dawn) DP036 - No (Nando appears, Gardenia returns, Team Galactic introduction) DP037 - No (Ash's 2nd badge) DP038 - No (The egg hatches into Happiny) DP039 - Yes DP040 - No (Paul appears, Cynthia introduction) DP041 - No (Zoey appears) DP042 - Yes DP043 - Yes DP044 - No (Hippopotas introduction) DP045 - No (Gary returns, Hunter J appears) DP046 - No (Paul appears) DP047 - Yes DP048 - Yes DP049 - No (Contest, Dawn's self-confidence issues begin) DP050 - No (Tag Tournament: Part 1, Paul appears, Conway introduction) DP051 - No (Tag Tournament: Part 2, Paul releases Chimchar) DP052 - No (Tag Tournament: Part 3, Ash gets Chimchar)
DP053 - No (Chimchar overcomes his fear) DP054 - No (Gardenia returns, James releases his Cacnea) DP055 - No (Zoey appears, Ash gets Buizel and Dawn gets Aipom) DP056 - Yes DP057 - Yes DP058 - Yes DP059 - Yes DP060 - No (Team Galactic appears, Kenny appears, Aipom evolves into Ambipom) DP061 - No (Contest, Dawn's self-confidence issues continue) DP062 - Yes DP063 - Yes DP064 - No (Paul appears, Ash catches Gligar) DP065 - No (Hippopotas' big pay-off, Butch and Cassidy return) DP066 - No (Maylene and Reggie introduction) DP067 - No (Veilstone visit continues, Dawn's self-confidence issues continue) DP068 - No (Ash's 3rd badge) DP069 - No (Team Galactic appears) DP070 - Yes DP071 - No (Pokemon Ranger Event: Part 1, Hunter J appears) DP072 - No (Pokemon Ranger Event: Part 2, Hunter J appears) DP073 - No (Jessie releases Dustox) DP074 - Yes DP075 - No (Wallace introduction) DP076 - No (May returns) DP077 - No (Wallace Cup: Part 1) DP078 - No (Wallace Cup: Part 2) DP079 - No (Wallace Cup: Part 3, Dawn gets a Ribbon and her self-confidence issues end) DP080 - No (Jessie gets a Yanma which evolves into Yanmega) DP081 - No (Paul appears) DP082 - No (Crasher Wake introduction) DP083 - No (Ash's 4th badge) DP084 - No (Dawn catches Swinub) DP085 - No (Gary returns, Gligar evolves into Gliscor) DP086 - Yes DP087 - Yes DP088 - No (Angie introduction, Conway returns, Summer Camp arc starts) DP089 - No (Summer Camp arc) DP090 - No (Summer Camp arc) DP091 - No (Summer Camp arc) DP092 - Yes DP093 - No (Fantina introduction, Zoey appears) DP094 - Yes DP095 - No (Contest, Dawn gets a Ribbon) DP096 - No (Team Galactic appears, Cyrus and Carolina introduction, Cynthia returns) DP097 - No (Team Galactic event continues) DP098 - No (Angie returns) DP099 - No (Aaron introduction) DP100 - No (Paul appears, Turtwig evolves into Grotle) DP101 - No (Barry introduced and temporarily joins the group) DP102 - No (Ash's 5th badge) DP103 - No (Barry leaves the group) DP104 - No (Ash's group reaches Canalave City, Swinub evolves into Piloswine)
DP105 - Yes DP106 - No (Piloswine starts disobeying Dawn and evolves into Mamoswine) DP107 - No (Byron introduction, Roark returns) DP108 - No (Ash's 6th badge) DP109 - Yes DP110 - No (Riley introduction, Barry and Team Galactic appear) DP111 - No (Team Galactic event continues, Carolina returns) DP112 - Yes DP113 - Yes DP114 - No (Contest, Ursula introduction, Dawn gets a Ribbon) DP115 - Yes DP116 - Yes DP117 - Yes DP118 - No (Paul appears, Staravia evolves into Staraptor) DP119 - No (Mamoswine begins to obey Dawn) DP120 - Yes DP121 - Yes DP122 - No (Barry and Kenny appear) DP123 - No (Ambipom discovers Ping Pong) DP124 - No (Dawn releases Ambipom so it can become a Ping Pong champion) DP125 - Yes DP126 - No (Candice introduction, Zoey appears) DP127 - No (Ash's 7th badge, Paul appears) DP128 - No (Brandon returns, Paul's backstory) DP129 - No (Hunter J appears, Brandon leaves) DP130 - No (Looker introduction) DP131 - No (Ash vs. Paul Full Battle: Part 1) DP132 - No (Ash vs. Paul Full Battle: Part 2, Chimchar evolves into Monferno) DP133 - No (Fall-out of Full Battle) DP134 - Yes DP135 - Yes DP136 - No (Team Galactic appears, Looker returns) DP137 - Yes DP138 - No (Twinleaf Festival arc, Ash and Brock meet Johanna) DP139 - No (Twinleaf Festival arc, Professor Oak appears and Dawn meets him) DP140 - No (Twinleaf Festival arc, Barry appears, Palmer introduction) DP141 - No (Twinleaf Festival arc, Ash battles Palmer) DP142 - Yes DP143 - No (Lyra and Khoury are introduced and join the group, Dawn gets Cyndaquil) DP144 - No (Lyra and Khoury arc) DP145 - No (Lyra and Khoury arc) DP146 - No (Lyra and Khoury arc, Contest) DP147 - No (Lyra and Khoury arc) DP148 - Yes DP149 - Yes DP150 - No (Team Galactic Climax: Part 1) DP151 - No (Team Galactic Climax: Part 2) DP152 - No (Team Galactic Climax: Part 3) DP153 - Yes DP154 - No (Gliscor leaves) DP155 - No (Zoey appears) DP156 - No (Gible introduction) DP157 - No (Barry appears, Ash catches Gible)
DP158 - Yes DP159 - Yes DP160 - Yes DP161 - No (Contest prep, Ursula appears) DP162 - No (Contest, Dawn gets a Ribbon) DP163 - No (Paul and Barry appear, Monferno evolves into Infernape) DP164 - Yes DP165 - No (Flint and Volkner introduction) DP166 - No (Grotle evolves into Torterra) DP167 - No (Johanna returns, Dawn gets ready for the Grand Festival) DP168 - Yes DP169 - Yes DP170 - No (Bertha introduction) DP171 - No (Dawn gets Togekiss) DP172 - Yes DP173 - No (Ash's group arrives at Valor Lakefront) DP174 - No (Grand Festival: Part 1) DP175 - No (Grand Festival: Part 2) DP176 - No (Grand Festival: Part 3) DP177 - No (Grand Festival: Part 4) DP178 - Yes DP179 - No (Ash's 8th badge) DP180 - No (Jasmine returns, Flint returns, Kenny appears) DP181 - Yes DP182 - No (Sinnoh League: Part 1) DP183 - No (Sinnoh League: Part 2) DP184 - No (Sinnoh League: Part 3) DP185 - No (Sinnoh League: Part 4) DP186 - No (Sinnoh League: Part 5) DP187 - No (Sinnoh League: Part 6)   DP188 - No (Sinnoh League: Part 7) DP189 - No (Sinnoh League: Part 8) DP190 - No (Happiny evolves into Chansey, Brock decides to become a doctor) DP191 - No (The group disbands, Ash and Brock return to Kanto, Matori introduction, Team Rocket gets a promotion and also return to Kanto)
BW001 - No (First episode, main characters introduced) BW002 - No (Ash meets Iris and Axew, Ash catches Pidove, Jessie catches Woobat) BW003 - No (Ash gets Oshawott, Sandile introduction) BW004 - No (Ash gets Tepig, Don George introduction, Team Rocket given new orders) BW005 - No (Cilan, Chili and Cress introduction, Team Rocket given new orders) BW006 - No (Ash's 1st badge, Iris and Cilan join Ash, Fennel introduction, Team Rocket steals Dream Energy) BW007 - No (Ash catches Snivy, Team Rocket warned about Team Plasma) BW008 - No (Team Rocket advances their misison) BW009 - No (Iris and Axew’s backstory, Axew's problem established, Iris' Excadrill revealed, Team Rocket given new orders) BW010 - No (Trip appears, Pierce introduction) BW011 - No (Cilan catches Dwebble, Team Rocket steals data on the Meteonite) BW012 - No (Ash gets an egg, Sandile appears, Team Rocket advances their mission) BW013 - No (Bianca introduced, Team Rocket advances their mission) BW014 - No (Lenora and Hawes introduced, Team Rocket advances their mission) BW015 - No (Nacrene visit continues, Team Rocket steals Meteonite fragment) BW016 - No (Ash's 2nd badge) BW017 - No (The egg hatches into Scraggy, Dr. Zager introduction) BW018 - No (Burgh introduction, Ash catches Seawaddle) BW019 - No (Burgundy introduction) BW020 - No (Sandile appears and evolves into Krokorok) BW021 - No (Ash's group reaches Castelia City) BW022 - No (Burgh returns, Trip appears, Professor Juniper appears, Pidove evolves into Tranquill, Team Rocket finds the Meteonite, Giovanni comes to Unova) BW023 - No (Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma: Part 1, Krokorok appears, Looker returns, Team Plasma introduction) BW024 - No (Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma: Part 2, the Meteonite destroyed, Giovanni, Pierce and Dr. Zager leave Unova) BW025 - No (Ash's 3rd badge, Seawaddle evolves into Swadloon, James catches Yamask) BW026 - No (Castelia visit continues, Bianca appears and temporarily joins the group) BW027 - No (Iris catches Emolga) BW028 - No (Emolga's laziness established, Bianca leaves the group) BW029 - Yes BW030 - No (Iris' goal further fleshed out, Axew's problem resolved) BW031 - No (Stephan introduction) BW032 - Yes BW033 - Yes BW034 - No (Trip appears, Iris' fear of Ice-types and Oshawott's problem revealed) BW035 - No (Oshawott's problem resolved, Ash catches Palpitoad, Cilan catches Stunfisk) BW036 - No (Georgia and Drayden introduction, Iris and Excadrill's backstory, Excadrill starts obeying Iris) BW037 - No (Ash catches Roggenrola, Team Rocket does a task for Dr. Zager) BW038 - No (Team Rocket does a task for Dr. Zager) BW039 - No (Professor Juniper and Fennel appear, Team Rocket does a task for Dr. Zager) BW040 - No (Luke introduction) BW041 - No (Club Battle: Part 1, Team Rocket arrives in Nimbasa City) BW042 - No (Club Battle: Part 2) BW043 - No (Club Battle: Part 3) BW044 - No (Club Battle: Part 4, Team Rocket prepares for their next mission) BW045 - No (Meowth joins Ash's group, Jessie and James advances their mission) BW046 - No (Jessie and James advances their mission, Dr. Zager returns to Unova) BW047 - No (Jessie and James advances their mission, Ingo and Emmet introduction) BW048 - No (Ingo and Emmet investigate but Jessie and James successfully evade them) BW049 - No (Battle for the Underground: Part 1, Meowth leaves Ash's group) BW050 - No (Battle for the Underground: Part 2, Team Rocket escapes with Dr. Zager)
BW051 - No (Elesa introduction, Bianca appears) BW052 - No (Ash's 4th badge) BW053 - No (Ingo and Emmet return, the Driftveil Drawbridge repaired) BW054 - No (Alder introduction, Trip appears) BW055 - Yes BW056 - Yes BW057 - Yes BW058 - No (Iris advances as a prospective Dragon Master, Team Rocket prepares for their next mission) BW059 - No (Ash's group arrives in Driftveil City, Clay introduction, Team Rocket advances their mission) BW060 - No (Chili returns, Team Rocket advances their mission) BW061 - No (Clay returns, Ash's group goes to Milos Island for a Revival Herb, Tornadus and Thundurus introduction) BW062 - No (Team Rocket fails their mission, Landorus introduction, Ash's group gets a Revival Herb) BW063 - No (Ash's 5th badge) BW064 - No (Bianca and Professor Juniper appear, Dwebble evolves into Krustle, Team Rocket does a task for Dr. Zager) BW065 - No (Bianca leaves, Cedric Juniper introduction) BW066 - No (The Hero Legend established, Cedric Juniper claims the Golden Dark Stone, Krokorok returns) BW067 - No (Ash catches Krokorok) BW068 - Yes BW069 - No (Skyla introduction) BW070 - No (Ash's 6th badge, Tranquill evolves into Unfezant) BW071 - No (Stephan appears) BW072 - No (Clubsplosion: Part 1) BW073 - No (Clubsplosion: Part 2) BW074 - No (Clubsplosion: Part 3) BW075 - No (Clubsplosion: Part 4) BW076 - No (Swadloon evolves into Leavanny) BW077 - No (A Restoration Confrontation: Part 1, Ash meets Dr. Zager) BW078 - No (A Restoration Confrontation: Part 2) BW079 - No (Tepig evolves into Pignite) BW080 - No (Brycen introduction) BW081 - No (Ash's 7th badge) BW082 - No (Burgundy appears, Ash changes course for his final badge) BW083 - No (Georgia appears, Iris overcomes her fear, Ash's group departs for Vibrank) BW084 - No (Luke appears, Meloetta introduction) BW085 - No (Roxie introduction, Team Rocket prepares to hunt down Meloetta BW086 - No (Ash's 8th badge) BW087 - No (Cynthia returns, Ash's group meets Meloetta then goes to Undella) BW088 - No (Dawn returns, Meloetta joins Ash's group, Team Rocket’s final misson begins) BW089 - No (Meloetta's combat form revealed, Team Rocket advances their mission) BW090 - No (Team Rocket advances their mission) BW091 - No (Iris catches Dragonite, Team Rocket advances their mission) BW092 - No (Junior Cup: Part 1, Alder appears, Iris' Dragonite begins disobeying her) BW093 - No (Junior Cup: Part 2, Iris' Dragonite problem continues) BW094 - No (Junior Cup: Part 3, Krokorok evolves into Krokodile, Iris' Dragonite problem continues) BW095 - No (Junior Cup: Part 4, Cameron introduction, Dawn leaves, Team Rocket advances their mission) BW096 - No (Marlon introduction, Cameron leaves) BW097 - No (Team Rocket advances their mission, Giovanni prepares to return to Unova) BW098 - No (Operation Tempest: Part 1, Giovanni returns to Unova, Meloetta's backstory) BW099 - No (Operation Tempest: Part 2, Thundurus, Torandus and Landorus return in new forms, Iris' Dragonite problem resolved, Team Rocket all return to Kanto, Meloetta leaves)
BW100 - Yes BW101 - Yes BW102 - No (Ash's group reaches the Village of Dragons, Ash and Cilan meet the Elder, Drayden returns and summons Iris to Opelucid City) BW103 - No (Iris' backstory, Iris’ arc concludes) BW104 - No (Virgil introduction) BW105 - No (Unova League: Part 1) BW106 - No (Unova League: Part 2) BW107 - No (Unova League: Part 3) BW108 - No (Unova League: Part 4) BW109 - No (Unova League: Part 5) BW110 - No (Unova League: Part 6) BW111 - No (Professor Juniper appears, Team Rocket returns, the White Ruins quest begins) BW112 - No (N introduction, Genesect foreshadowing) BW113 - No (Cheren introduction) BW114 - No (Looker returns, Team Plasma introduction) BW115 - Yes BW116 - No (Team Plasma appears, N returns and joins Ash's group) BW117 - No (Further development for N) BW118 - No (Charizard returns) BW119 - No (Team Plasma appears, Looker returns, Anthea and Concordia introduction, Genesect foreshadowing) BW120 - No (Team Plasma appears, N's backstory, N leaves the group) BW121 - No (Team Plasma appears, Colress Machine perfected, Light Stone discovered, Genesect foreshadowing) BW122 - No (Team Plasma Climax: Part 1) BW123 - No (Team Plasma Climax: Part 2) BW124 - No (Team Plasma Climax: Part 3) BW125 - No (Ash's group leaves Unova, Porter introduction) BW126 - Yes BW127 - Yes BW128 - Yes BW129 - Yes BW130 - No (Professor Oak appears and Iris and Cilan meet him) BW131 - Yes BW132 - Yes BW133 - Yes BW134 - Yes BW135 - Yes BW136 - No (Alexa introduction) BW137 - Yes BW138 - No (Clair returns) BW139 - Yes BW140 - Yes BW141 - Yes BW142 - No (Chili and Cress return) BW143 - No (Ash's group arrives in Kanto, Iris and Cilan leave the group) BW144 -  No (Ash returns to Pallet Town, Ash's new journey starts, Wobbuffet returns)
XY001 - No (First episode, main characters introduced) XY002 - No (Ash catches Froakie) XY003 - No (Ash catches Fletchling, James catches Inkay, Serena leaves home) XY004 - No (Bonnie catches Dedenne, Serena gets Fennekin) XY005 - No (Viola introduction, Serena meets Ash, Clemont and Bonnie) XY006 - No (Ash's 1st badge) XY007 - No (Serena joins Ash's group which heads back toward Lumiose) XY008 - Yes XY009 - No (Return to Lumiose, Clemont's secret revealed) XY010 - No (Blaziken Mask introduction, Clemont gets Chespin) XY011 - No (Jessie catches Pumpkaboo) XY012 - Yes XY013 - Yes XY014 - Yes XY015 - Yes XY016 - Yes XY017 - No (Sanpei introduction) XY018 - Yes XY019 - No (Evil Malamar introduction) XY020 - No (Battle Chateau episode, Grant introduction) XY021 - No (Aria introduction) SPL01 - No (Alain and Mairin introduction) XY022 - Yes XY023 - Yes XY024 - Yes XY025 - No (Ash's 2nd badge) XY026 - No (Miette introduction) XY027 - Yes XY028 - No (Diantha introduction) XY029 - Yes XY030 - No (Korrina introduction and arc start) XY031 - No (Korrina arc) XY032 - No (Korrina arc) XY033 - No (Korrina arc) XY034 - No (Korrina arc) XY035 - No (Ash catches Hawlucha) XY036 - No (Fletchling evolves into Fletchinder) XY037 - Yes XY038 - Yes XY039 - No (Tierno, Trevor and Shauna introduction and arc start) XY040 - No (Summer Camp arc) XY041 - No (Summer Camp arc) XY042 - No (Summer Camp arc) XY043 - No (Origins of Mega Evolution explored) XY044 - No (Ash's 3rd badge) XY045 - Yes XY046 - Yes XY047 - No (Serena catches Pancham and becomes a Performer) XY048 - No (Clemont catches Luxio) XY049 - Yes
SPL02 - No (Lysandre and Steven introduction) XY050 - No (Nini introduction) XY051 - Yes XY052 - No (Froakie evolves into Frogadier) XY053 - No (Ash, Clemont and Bonnie meet Grace, Serena's Performer arc continues) XY054 - No (Evil Malamar defeated) XY055 - No (Ash catches Goomy) XY056 - No (Goomy overcomes its fear) XY057 - No (Ramos introduction) XY058 - No (Ash's 4th badge) XY059 - Yes XY060 - No (Serena's first Showcase and haircut) XY061 - No (Goomy evolves into Sliggoo) XY062 - No (Luxio evolves into Luxray, Clemont leaves the group) XY063 - No (Clemont retakes control of Lumiose Gym) XY064 - No (Sawyer introduction, Serena meets Aria, Fennekin evolves into Braxien) SPL03 - No (Further development for Alain and Mairin) XY065 - No (Sliggoo evolves into Goodra) XY066 - No (Ash, Serena and Bonnie reunite with Clemont in Lumiose City) XY067 - No (Ash's 5th badge) XY068 - No (Alain appears in flashback, Blaziken Mask's identity exposed) XY069 - No (Goodra's send-off: Part 1) XY070 - No (Goodra's send-off: Part 2) XY071 - Yes XY072 - Yes XY073 - No (Valerie introduction) XY074 - No (Ash's 6th badge) XY075 - No (Sawyer becomes Ash's rival) XY076 - No (Ash gets Noibat) XY077 - No (Noibat learns to fly) XY078 - Yes XY079 - Yes XY080 - No (Showcase, Serena gets a Key) XY081 - Yes XY082 - No (Pumpkaboo evolves into Gourgeist) XY083 - Yes XY084 - Yes XY085 - Yes XY086 - No (Fletchinder evolves into Talonflame) XY087 - Yes XY088 - No (Clemont and Bunnelby's backstory) XY089 - No (Serena catches Eevee) XY090 - No (Ash's group arrives in Anistar City) XY091 - No (Showcase, Serena gets a Key) XY092 - No (Olympia introduction) XY093 - No (Ash's 7th badge) SPL04 - No (Malva and Squishy introduction, Alain goes dark)
XY094 - No (Bonnie catches Squishy, Team Flare and Z2 introduction) XY095 - No (Professor Sycamore learns about Squishy) XY096 - No (Professor Sycamore starts researching Squishy) XY097 - Yes XY098 - No (Squishy makes telepathic contact with Pikachu and Meowth) XY099 - No (Ash's group arrives in Ninja Village) XY100 - No (Frogadier evolves into Greninja and becomes Ash-Greninja) XY101 - No (Showcase) XY102 - No (Team Flare pursues Squishy: Part 1) XY103 - No (Team Flare pursues Squishy: Part 2) XY104 - Yes XY105 - No (Eevee evolves into Sylveon) XY106 - No (Ash meets Alain who becomes his rival) XY107 - No (Team Rocket fights Team Flare, Alain catches Z2 for Lydsandre) XY108 - Yes XY109 - No (Showcase, Serena gets a Key) XY110 - No (Noibat evolves into Noivern) XY111 - No (Xerosic begins experimenting on Z2) XY112 - No (Master Class: Part 1) XY113 - No (Master Class: Part 2) XY114 - Yes XY115 - Yes XY116 - No (Ash battles Alain again) XY117 - Yes XY118 - No (Ash battles Diantha again) XY119 - No (Ash battles Sawyer again) XY120 - No (Wulfric introduction) XY121 - No (Ash and Greninja perfect their bond) XY122 - No (Ash's 8th badge) XY123 - No (Goodra returns, Alain collects badges to compete in the Kalos League) XY124 - Yes XY125 - No (Kalos League: Part 1) XY126 - No (Kalos League: Part 2) XY127 - No (Kalos League: Part 3) XY128 - No (Kalos League: Part 4) XY129 - No (Kalos League: Part 5, Mairin and Lysandre arrive) XY130 - No (Kalos League: Part 6) XY131 - No (Kalos League: Part 7) XY132 - No (Team Flare Climax: Part 1) XY133 - No (Team Flare Climax: Part 2) XY134 - No (Team Flare Climax: Part 3) XY135 - No (Team Flare Climax: Part 4) XY136 - No (Team Flare Climax: Part 5) XY137 - No (Lumiose reconstruction begins) XY138 - No (Serena quits being a Performer and becomes a Coordinator) XY139 - No (Xerosic arrested, Greninja leaves) XY140 - No (The group disbands, Ash and Team Rocket return to Kanto)
SM001 - No (First episode, main characters introduced) SM002 - No (Ash and Pikachu face Tapu Koko, Island Challenge starts) SM003 - No (Rotom Dex introduction, Team Rocket arive in Alola, Mimikyu introduced) SM004 - No (Jessie catches Mimikyu, Ash catches Rowlet) SM005 - No (Lana and Popplio's backstory, Lana's charcter further established, Lana's family introduction) SM006 - No (Sophocles' character further established) SM007 - No (Litten appears) SM008 - No (Hobbes introduction, Lillie's character further established, Lillie gets an egg) SM009 - No (Hala introduction, Ash clears an Island Trial) SM010 - No (Ash clears the Melemele Grand Trial) SM011 - No (Kiawe's family introduction, Kiawe's character further established, Team Skull appears) SM012 - No (Team Rocket build a secret lair, James catches Mareanie) SM013 - No (Anna and Nina introduction, the egg hatches into Snowy the Alolan Vulpix) SM014 - No (Lillie becomes able to touch Snowy) SM015 - No (Ash catches Rockruff) SM016 - Yes SM017 - Yes SM018 - No (Mallow's family introduction, Mallow's character further established, Bounsweet evolves into Steenee) SM019 - No (Sophocles' family introduction, Ash and Pikachu face Tapu Koko) SM020 - No (Tapu Lele introduction) SM021 - No (Ash catches Litten) SM022 - Yes SM023 - Yes SM024 - No (Team Skull appears, Delia visits Alola) SM025 - No (Team Skull appears, Team Rocket gets a Darkinium Z) SM026 - No (Sophocles catches Charjabug) SM027 - No (Gladion introduced, Team Skull appears) SM028 - Yes SM029 - Yes SM030 - No (Lillie becomes able to touch Pikachu) SM031 - No (Ash and friends visit Akala Island, Olvia introduction) SM032 - No (Akala visit continues, Lana gets a Sparkling Stone) SM033 - No (AKala visit continues, Lana gets a Z-Ring and Waterium Z) SM034 - No (Akala visit continues, Kiawe catches Alolan Marowak) SM035 - No (Akala visit continues, Ash clears an Island Trial) SM036 - No (Akala visit continues, Ash clears the Akala Grand Trial) SM037 - No (Akala visit continues, Gladion appears, Rockruff evolves into Lycanroc) SM038 - Yes SM039 - No (Oranguru introduction) SM040 - No (Ida introduction) SM041 - No (Horacio introduction) SM042 - No (Kanto visit, Misty and Brock return, Jigglypuff returns) SM043 - No (Kanto visit, Misty and Brock leave, Kukui's dream revealed)
SM044 - No (Aether Foundation and Nebby introduction) SM045 - No (Nebby arc) SM046 - No (Nebby arc, Faba and Team Rocket join forces) SM047 - No (Nebby arc, Gladion appears) SM048 - No (Nebby arc, Lillie becomes unable to touch any Pokemon) SM049 - No (Nebby arc, Team Rocket leave Faba, Lillie's trauma resolved and she can touch all Pokemon now) SM050 - No (Nebby arc, Nebby evolves into Cosmoem, Nihilego abducts Lusamine) SM051 - No (Nebby arc, Lillie's "Z-Powered Form", visit to Poni Island, Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini introduction) SM052 - No (Nebby arc, Nebby evolves into Solgaleo, Ash's Z-Ring upgraded) SM053 - No (Nebby arc, Ash and friends enter Ultra Space and battle Nihilego-Lusamine) SM054 - No (Nebby arc, Nihilego-Lusamine defeated and Lusamine saved from Ultra Space) SM055 - No (Nebby arc, Nebby leaves, Kukui and Burnet get married, the Ultra Guardians formed, Poipole introduction SM056 - Yes SM057 - Yes SM058 - Yes SM059 - No (Lana and Mallow's backstory) SM060 - No (Hala returns, brief Ula'ula Island visit) SM061 - No (Ultra Guardian mission, Poipole starts following Pikachu) SM062 - No (Team Rocket learn they need a Z-Ring, Alolan Meowth introduction) SM063 - No (Masked Royal introduction, Litten evolves into Torracat) SM064 - Yes SM065 - No (Ilima introduction, Team Skull appears) SM066 - No (Ilima leaves) SM067 - No (Ash catches Poipole) SM068 - No (Team Skull appears) SM069 - No (Ultra Guardian mission) SM070 - No (Viren introduction) SM071 - Yes SM072 - Yes SM073 - No (Nanu and Acerola introduction, Team Rocket gets a Z-Ring and Mimikium Z) SM074 - No (Ash visits Ula'ula Island, the Blinding One legend established) SM075 - No (Ula'ula visit continues, Ash and Team Rocket get stronger) SM076 - No (Ula'ula visit continues, Ash and Team Rocket battle each other in an Island Trial which Ash clears) SM077 - No (Ula'ula visit continues, Ash clears the Ula'ula Grand Trial) SM078 - No (Ula'ula visit continues, Ultra Guradian mission) SM079 - No (Ula'ula visit continues, Molayne introduction) SM080 - No (Ula'ula visit continues, Lillie gets an Icium Z) SM081 - Yes SM082 - No (Steenee evolves into Tsareena) SM083 - Yes SM084 - No (Mina introduction, Team Skull appears, new info on the Blinding One) SM085 - No (Ultra Guardian mission) SM086 - Yes SM087 - No (Necrozma introduction, Gladion appears, Nebby returns, Nebby 2 introduction, Matori Matrix comes to Alola) SM088 - No (Necrozma crisis continues, the heroes split up) SM089 - No (Ultra Guardians to Poipole's home in Ultra Space, Kukui and Faba vs. Gozu) SM090 - No (Necrozma turned back into the Blinding One, Ash releases Poipole) SM091 - Yes SM092 - Yes
SM093 - Yes SM094 - No (Acerola returns) SM095 - No (Ultra Guardian mission) SM096 - No (Bewear and Stufful reunited) SM097 - No (Hau introduction) SM098 - Yes SM099 - No (Lana catches Sandy the Eevee) SM100 - No (Ultra Ruin: Part 1) SM101 - No (Ultra Ruin: Part 2) SM102 - No (Misty and Brock return) SM103 - No (Olivia returns, Misty and Brock leave) SM104 - No (Ash and friends visit Poni Island, Team Skull appears, Hapu and Plumeria introduction) SM105 - No (Poni visit continues, Gladion appears) SM106 - No (Poni visit continues, Ida and Horacio return, Charjabug and Popplio evolve into Vikavolt and Brionne, Lana gets a Primarium Z) SM107 - No (Poni visit continues, Kiawe gets a Flyinium Z) SM108 - No (Poni visit continues, Mallow's backstory, Mallow catches Shaymin, Hapu becomes Poni Island Kahuna, Lillie and Gladion's missing father revealed to still be alive) SM109 - No (Poni visit continues, Ash clears Poni Grand Trial and gets a Steelium Z) SM110 - No (Kahili introduction) SM111 - No (Meltan introduction) SM112 - No (Ash catches Meltan) SM113 - Yes SM114 - No (Ultra Guardian mission) SM115 - No (Kukui announce the Alola League, Team Skull appear, Guzma introduction) SM116 - No (Search for Mohn begins, Lillie finds Magearna and a Z-Ring) SM117 - No (Ash and friends visit Malie City) SM118 - No (Malie visit continues, Ryuki introduction) SM119 - No (Horacio returns, Sophocles gets a Z-Ring and Buginium Z) SM120 - No (Lana hooks Kyogre with Misty's fishing lure, Brionne evolves into Primarina) SM121 - No (Mallow clears an Island Trial and gets a Z-Ring and Grassinimu Z) SM122 - No (Matori returns to Alola but gets banished from it for good) SM123 - No (Kiawe and Turtonator's backstory) SM124 - No (Ultra Guradian mission) SM125 - No (Ash time travels and inspires young Kukui's dream) SM126 - Yes SM127 - No (Manalo Stadium is completed, Gladion finds Mohn's Zoroark and captures it) SM128 - No (Alola League: Part 1) SM129 - No (Alola League: Part 2) SM130 - No (Alola League: Part 3) SM131 - No (Alola League: Part 4) SM132 - No (Alola League: Part 5) SM133 - No (Alola League: Part 6) SM134 - No (Alola League: Part 7) SM135 - No (Alola League: Part 8) SM136 - No (Alola League: Part 9) SM137 - No (Alola League: Part 10) SM138 - No (Alola League: Part 11) SM139 - No (Alola League: Part 12) SM140 - No (Guzzlord attack, all Z-Rings are used, Team Rocket save Bewear and Stufful, Poipole returns as Naganadel, Masked Royal's identity exposed) SM141 - No (Ash vs. Kukui: Part 1) SM142 - No (Ash vs. Kukui: Part 2) SM143 - No (Ash vs. Kukui: Part 3, Torract evolves into Incineroar) SM144 - No (Ash vs. Kukui, Part 4, Pikachu and Tapu Koko's final battle) SM145 - No (Naganadel leaves, the school year ends, Magearna activates and provides a way to track down Mohn, Ash decides to leave Alola) SM146 - No (Ash and Team Rocket return to Kanto, the rest of the cast go their separate ways, Nebby returns, Mallow releases Shaymin, Burnet is pregnant with Kukui's child)
JN001 - No (Pikachu's backstory, Goh, Chloe and Professor Cerise introduction) JN002 - No (Ash meets Goh, Chloe and Professor Cerise) JN003 - No (Ren and Chrysa introduction, Team Rocket begin using the Prize Master) JN004 - No (Ash and Goh visit Galar for the first time, Scorbunny introduction) JN005 - No (Dynamaxing is introduced, Goh catches Scorbunny) JN006 - No (Goh's goal revealed) JN007 - Yes JN008 - Yes JN009 - Yes JN010 - No (Ash catches Dragonite) JN011 - No (Chloe's arc begins, Gengar introduction) JN012 - No (World Coronation Series established, Leon introduced, Lance returns, Team Rocket seeks to harness Dynamax energy) JN013 - No (Ash and Go meet Leon, Ash decides to partake in the World Coronation Series) JN014 - Yes JN015 - No (Goh's family introduction) JN016 - No (Ash catches Gengar) JN017 - No (Team Rocket's secret lair debuts, Scorbunny evolves into Raboot and turns its back on Goh) JN018 - No (Ash has a Coronation battle) JN019 - Yes JN020 - No (Ash has a Coronation battle) JN021 - No (Ash has a Coronation battle and gets an egg that hatches into Riolu) JN022 - No (Goh reconciles with Raboot) JN023 - Yes JN024 - No (Ash and Goh meet Matori) JN025 - No (Korrina returns, Ash has a Coronation battle) JN026 - Yes JN027 - No (Raihan, Rose, Sonia and Sobble introduction, Ash catches Galarian Farfetch'd) JN028 - No (Goh catches Sobble, Morpeko introduction) JN029 - No (Chloe's arc continues) JN030 - No (Ash has a Coronation battle JN031 - Yes JN032 - No (Goh's backstory, Horace introduction) JN033 - No (Ash has a Coronation battle) JN034 - No (Bea introduction, Ash has a Coronation battle) JN035 - Yes JN036 - No (Ash has two Coronation battles) JN037 - No (Kukui, Burnet, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, Sophocles, Lillie, Gladion and Rotom Dex return, Lei introduction) JN038 - Yes JN039 - No (Chuck returns, Bea appears, Ash has a Coronation battle) JN040 - Yes JN041 - Yes JN042 - No (Sword & Shield: Part 1, Oleana and Eternatus introduction) JN043 - No (Sword & Shield: Part 2) JN044 - No (Sword & Shield: Part 3) JN045 - No (Sword & Shield: Part 4, Riolu and Raboot evolve into Lucario and Cinderace) JN046 - No (Mewtwo returns) JN047 - Yes JN048 - Yes
JN049 - No (Chloe catches Eevee and her arc continues) JN050 - No (Ash catches Dracovish, Cara Liss introduction) JN051 - No (Ash has a Coronation battle) JN052 - Yes JN053 - Yes JN054 - Yes JN055 - No (Opal introduction, Chloe's arc continues) JN056 - No (Wikstrom introduction) JN057 - Yes JN058 - Yes JN059 - No (Goh catches Grookey) JN060 - No (Ash has a Coronation battle, Farfetch'd evolves into Sirfetch'd) JN061 - Yes JN062 - No (Sobble evolves into Drizzle and leaves) JN063 - No (Chloe's arc continues) JN064 - Yes JN065 - No (Iris and Drayden return, Axew is revealed to have evolved into Haxorus, Ash has a Coronation battle) JN066 - Yes JN067 - Yes JN068 - No (Project Mew established, Gary returns, Danika introduction) JN069 - Yes JN070 - No (James catches Morpeko) JN071 - No (Gary and Danika return, Quillon and Professor Amaranth introduction, Goh joins Project Mew) JN072 - Yes JN073 - Yes JN074 - No (Matori Matrix targets Cresselia and Darkrai, Dawn returns and meets Chloe) JN075 - No (Resolution to the previous episode, Dawn meets Goh and reunites with Ash) JN076 - No (Goh learns of Ash's Champion status, Bewear, Stufful, Mimikyu and Mareanie return and reunite with Team Rocket) JN077 - No (Volkner returns, Ash has a Coronation battle) JN078 - No (Drizzle returns as Inteleon) JN079 - No (Chloe's arc continues) JN080 - No (Danika and Quillon return, Project Mew mission) JN081 - Yes JN082 - No (Opal, Raihan and Leon return) JN083 - No (Cynthia returns) JN084 - No (Korrina returns, Ash gets a Lucarionite) JN085 - No (Bea appears) JN086 - No (Lucario Mega Evolves, Ash has a Coronation battle, Korrina leaves) JN087 - No (Chloe's arc continues) JN088 - No (Drake and Danika return, Project Mew mission) JN089 - No (Gates of Warp: Part 1, Dawn and Cynthia return) JN090 - No (Gates of Warp: Part 2)
JN091 - No (Allister introduction) JN092 - No (Allister returns, Bea appears) JN093 - Yes JN094 - No (Erika returns, Chloe's arc continues) JN095 - No (Butch and Cassidy return and are given closure) JN096 - No (Sophocles returns) JN097 - Yes JN098 - No (Chloe's arc continues) JN099 - No (Piers and Marnie introduction, Ash has a Coronation battle) JN100 - No (Flint, Leon and Sonia return) JN101 - Yes JN102 - No (Horace and Gary return, Project Mew mission) JN103 - No (Drasna introduction, Clemont and Bonnie return) JN104 - No (Wikstrom returns, Ash has a Coronation battle) JN105 - No (Chloe's arc continues, Lisia introduction, Wallace and Serena return) JN106 - Yes JN107 - Yes JN108 - No (Greninja returns) JN109 - No (Leon and Raihan return, Ash has a Coronation battle) JN110 - No (Danika and Horace return, Project Mew mission) JN111 - No (Lillie, Gladion and Lusamine return and find Mohn, "Lillie" introduction) JN112 - No (Return to Alola, return of many Alola characters, resolution of Alola's storylines) JN113 - No (Gary, Danika and Quillon return, Project Mew mission) JN114 - No (Ash visits Pallet Town, Professor Oak appears, Paul returns) JN115 - No (Masters Eight: Part 1) JN116 - No (Masters Eight: Part 2) JN117 - No (Masters Eight: Part 3) JN118 - No (Masters Eight: Part 4) JN119 - Yes JN120 - No (Chloe's arc concludes) JN121 - Yes JN122 - No (Masters Eight: Part 5) JN123 - No (Masters Eight: Part 6) JN124 - No (Masters Eight: Part 7) JN125 - No (Masters Eight: Part 8) JN126 - Yes JN127 - No (Eternatus returns, Goh leaves for Project Mew's final mission) JN128 - Yes JN129 - No (Masters Eight: Part 9) JN130 - No (Masters Eight: Part 10) JN131 - No (Masters Eight: Part 11) JN132 - No (Masters Eight: Part 12) JN133 - No (Project Mew's Final Mission: Part 1) JN134 - No (Project Mew's Final Mission: Part 2) JN135 - No (Ash, Goh and Chloe determine their futures) JN136 - No (Ash, Goh and Chloe go their separate ways) JN137-JN147 - No (Ash's send-off miniseries)
And the final tallies are....
Kanto: 22/82 Orange Islands: 13/36 Johto: 78/158 Original Series: 113/276
Hoenn: 42/132 Battle Frontier: 17/60 Advanced Generation: 59/192
Sinnoh/Diamond and Pearl: 50/191
Unova: 10/124 Decolore Islands: 13/20 Best Wishes: 23/144
Kalos/XY: 35/144
Alola/Sun and Moon: 22/146
Journeys: 36/147
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canvas44ki-blog · 7 years
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. OLD STANDARDS - OS001 DENIM. . OLD STANDARDS から 待望の 1st Denim Pants が 本日店頭に到着です❗️ . 詳しい説明は後日致しますが 兎に角、履いて頂きたいです✨ . 経年変化も含めて最高の 一本となる事を約束致します❗️ . #oldstandards #denim #1st #os001 #street #style #70s #80s #90s #l4l #ootd #streetstyle #streetfashion #canvas09 #ishikawa #kanazawa #japan #selectshop (Canvas)
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smilingperformer · 5 years
Everyone. Stop. With. Reboot. Theories.
Reason under the cut:
We have a full summary for first episode of New Series and it outright states that it’ll have a scene from OS001 from Pikachu’s POV!
Nothing can be clearer than this.
So Please. Stop.
ANYWHO it also states we’ll see Satoshi and Go as younger kids during Summer Camp, and we also have summary for episode 2, which sets us of on a proper start of the series. Boi am I hyped! Also, Satoshi is heading to Vermillion City for the opening of Sakuragi Insititute.
Put the tweet of the summary translations to source tag for those interested!
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1. ES-OS001 506 NCE Step, GAA26140, Grey paint, With yellow demarction 2. PCB CPUA 6300XE1 3. ES-OTP07 Step Chain, GBA26150AH2, Pitch=135.6mm 4. Fermator elevator door inverter VF5+ More info: www.es-escalatorpart.com Email: [email protected] Whatsapp: 0086 13813829000 Wechat: Amapola110
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AFRIKAN SCIENCES Afrikan Sciences (Eric  Douglas Porter) is one of the most expansive and intensive musical torch bearers of modern experimental composition and jazz. A self taught multi-instrumentalist and a true outsider, he challenges the canon and the limitations of musical expression through his complex yet mind opening rhythmical and sonic woven formations.  Porter's repertoire covers possibly an entire spectrum of music yet defies the constraints of categorization which sets him apart from other contemporaries.  Listening to Afrikan Sciences we're entering a Universe in itself, full of Intrigue and Inspiration At the dawn of the Age of transhumanism one of the matters to consider is the concept of Man vs Machine and the balance between man-made and technologically facilitated. 
There is a clear sense of human centered approach in Porter’s output, with an emphasis on improvisation, fluidity, exploration and development. It is a sound for the acquired taste yet not exclusive. His live performances resonate through the audience leaving them enthralled, hypnotized, and enriched,Triumphing over the limitations of electronic composition with productions and performances with a truly organic feel appearing in venues like the Blue Note (NY), Jazz Cafe (London), Prince Charles (Berlin), Jazz House (Copenhagen), Nublu (Istanbul), Museum of Modern Art (Warsaw), Unit (Japan), and Boiler Room TV to name a few. In 2011 Porter released his 'Means and Ways' LP which brought him universal praise as one of the ground breaking artists/albums of the year.   
The following year saw the release of his sophomore work 'Theta Wave Brain Sync', the continuation of the complex universe of Means and Ways. Once again drawing critical praise worldwide. Easily one of the most anticipated LPs of 2014, The benchmark 'Circuitous'  was released on Berlin imprint PAN transcending jazz, techno and hip hop with pineal futurist vision. Porter is always exploring new ways to bring feeling and unique expressions into the electronic realms. Liberating perceptions by offering a positive vision of modern rhythmic music,Porter continues to build on his legacy. One that has consistently morphed diasporic rhythms into new colors. Creating new space on the dance-floor as well inside the mind. Releases:
[AMA-005CD] De Alma Vol. 1 Various Artist
[DBR-005] Orion 70/Afrikan Sciences - Enki/ No More My Lord
[DBR-D010] Afrikan Sciences – Wadada Music Pt.1
[DBR-D020] Deepblak presents BLAKTROPOLIS vol.01
[DBR-D026] The Nibiru Projekt EP
[DBR-D027] Deepblak presents BLAKTROPOLIS vol.02
[BWOOD061CD] Lefto & Simbad - Worldwide Family vol 1
[DBR-D029] Afrikan Sciences – Means and Ways LP
[DBR-CD002] Ten - Various Artist
[DBR-V013] Afrikan Sciences – Boss Nova’s Second Pass
[DBR-V017] Damon Bell - H.I.M. ep - Babylonian Spliffs ft Afrikan Sciences
[DBR-V018] Theta Wave Brain Sync LP
[PAN 54] Afrikan Sciences - Circuitous
[DBR-V022] AYBEE/Afrikan Sciences - Sketches of SpaceRemixes:
[DBR-V014] Pursuit Grooves -91 Fellows - Noon Sleeps(Afrikan Sciences remix)
[DBR-V010] Prof. Delacroix - Build Her(Afrikan Sciences remix)[ES-025]Tommy Finger Jr -Into You (Afrikan Sciences remix)
[ECL-007] Forest -Madstep (Afrikan Sciences Remix)
[SB-12001] Peabody Sherman- James Baldwin The Richest City in the World
[DBR-VO20] Brother Aten - From Heat2yu- Islands of Dust (Afrikan Sciences remix)
[Nous os001]various-Ethos Series - As We (Afrikan Sciences remix)
0 notes
oyesome-blog · 7 years
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DRESS CODE: OS001. Weekly #offer || 20% Off on Rs1200/- Vertical Striped Long Dress @oyesome. Sizes : S to XL. Color : Black & White. Fabric : Cotton Blends. Price : Rs960/- only Free Shipping. Delivery duration 8-10 days. For orders please do DM. #fashion #ootd #fashionstyle #accessories #oyesome #blogger #instagram #instapic #mumbai #instamood #fashionista #like4like #follow4follow #weekend #vogue #vsco #lifestyle #style #styleblogger #design
0 notes
nousdisques · 10 years
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pokemonpowergirl · 1 year
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The Original Pokedex Returns!!!
490 notes · View notes
pokemonpowergirl · 1 year
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"You set off from here And to here you have returned, Now reigning supreme" -Professor Oak!
324 notes · View notes
pokemonpowergirl · 10 months
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They will never forget how they first met Pikachu.
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pokemonpowergirl · 1 year
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Dare da (April 1, 1997)
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Dare da (March 24, 2023)
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pokemonpowergirl · 1 year
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Our time with Ash and Pikachu ends on March 24.
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pokemonpowergirl · 2 years
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Ash and Pikachu. How it started and how it's going.
117 notes · View notes
canvas44ki-blog · 7 years
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. OLD STANDARDS - OS001 STANDARD DENIM OS001 21,000円(税込22,680円). . 三連休もラストと なりましたが台風が過ぎ去り 天気も良くなってきました✨ . こんな晴れた日に 新品のデニムは馴染みやすく 購入チャンスですよ❗️✨ . まだまだサイズも御座いますので 一度当店で是非お試しください🎶 . #oldstandards #denim #indigo #70s #80s #90s #street #style #l4l #ootd #streetstyle #streetfashion #canvas09 #ishikawa #kanazawa #japan #selectshop (CANVAS)
0 notes
canvas44ki-blog · 7 years
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. OLD STANDARDS - OS001 STANDARD DENIM OS001 21,000円(税込22,680円). . 何と言っても、股上の深さ🎶 これは僕には堪らないサイジング❗️ . エンジニアブーツは勿論、 スニーカーに合わせるのも 選択肢の一つです‼️✨ . 是非、皆様の Standard に 加えて頂きたい 1本です😊 . #oldstandards #denim #standard #indigo #70s #80s #90s #l4l #ootd #street #style #skate #streetstyle #streetfashion #canvas09 #ishikawa #kanazawa #japan #selectshop (CANVAS)
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