#or would they be finnick and johanna?
crimsonlovebartylus · 6 months
and when I say that Katniss and Peeta are actually a James and Lily variant, what now?
like the build up through out the series of them eventually actually realizing they're in love with each other. the sacrificing. the whole peeta having a crush on katniss on first sight. like both of them making promises to haymich to keep the other safe IF one of them dies. like watching the movies right now, has me like :o jily variant.
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elainiisms · 6 months
personally, idc how hot young snow was or how "sad" his backstory was, none of that can EVER make me sympathise with a man who killed hundreds of children for amusement and sold the children he didn't kill into s*x trafficking.
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rithmeres · 4 months
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it's quicker & easier to eat your young
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elusiveweekend · 1 year
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listen i know tom is hot but lets separate the art from the artist. i cannot believe i have to post this but STOP THIRSTING OVER SNOW??
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solar-halos · 2 months
i think if thg characters were playing monopoly annie would steal the monopoly money but still lose anyway. finnick is the banker but he looks the other way bc she’s pretty. when johanna notices she just literally fucking pounces on annie. haymitch takes this as his opportunity to steal even more monopoly money. katniss is already asleep by the first few rounds bc she doesn’t like how long the game is taking. idk i just thought i should share that
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achingly-shy · 1 year
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THE QUARTER QUELL ALLIANCE (insp.) — requested by @panemgif
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caesarflickermans · 5 months
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I've seen multiple claims about how the rebellion functioned already and have seen many of those relate to Finnick's place in the rebellion.
I do not know where people exactly get takes like "If Katniss hadn't happened, the 75th would have had Finnick as the face of the rebellion" comes from, but I'd nonetheless like to speak to some of those misreads of this above interview quote.
It should be very clear to anyone who read the books to know that Katniss' actions in the 74th were both not predicted nor planned by the rebels. Katniss' point in the story is her randomness. The rebels did not secretly rig the District 12 reaping.
Equally, I don't see the 75th Hunger Games as pre-planned stages for the rebellion before Katniss, either. The fire that those events brought could only have happened with Katniss' actions a year prior. And, again, those were random.
The uprising and war that followed wouldn't have existed without Katniss. You cannot plan a rebellion.
And in that sense, I think a lot of people in much less egregious ways misread the Finnick mention in the above interview. Collins mentions Finnick on the side. He is unlikely to be the first nor the last in a row of tributes (whether they survived or not) that Plutarch might have seen potential in.
This isn't a "well, next to Katniss, Finnick would have led the rebellion". Finnick, very specifically, did not lead the rebellion. His case was one of many that did not work out. If Katniss hadn't come around, there wouldn't have been a rebellion.
Nor does Collins speak to Finnick being the best of the potential figureheads. I'd find it even much more likely that there were tributes that had much more potential and who were killed off by the Capitol because they saw them for that, too.
This isn't a dig at Finnick! I still think he was one of the likeliest candidates—but he was just that. A candidate. And a failed one at that. Plutarch saw hope in him, and then nothing came from it. Finnick's chance of leading a rebellion were born and died in the year of his victory.
And I do not think Finnick was the first—that role likely falls to Haymitch—or last of those "candidates" Plutarch saw.
For all we know, someone like Annie or Johanna—those who came after—might have had chances, too. Annie who was likely seen as a disgrace of a victor, who so openly showed to Panem how horrendous those Games were. And Johanna, who was the one playing the Capitol with her pre-Game persona. Especially reading Haymitch as the "first" could-have-been tribute to Plutarch, Johanna's playing against the rules is especially in line with what Plutarch might have looked for.
In fact, I'd even argue that all those potentials are those that ended up being in on the rebel plan.
Finnick's tragedy as a could-have-been lies in the quantity of could-have-beens. There were so many, like Finnick, that never caught the spirit of the nation. Unlike Finnick, many of them are likely long dead by the time Katniss comes around.
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thedelicatearcher · 27 days
i looooove writing modern!thg characters headcanons its soo fun
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avesrinapproved · 6 months
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yelenadelova · 6 months
i am aware Suzanne Collins will likely never write a Finnick Odair novel so I have taken it upon myself to do it myself with fic
*insert thanos "fine, ill do it myself" meme here*
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hungergamesheadcanons · 6 months
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Johanna felt like she was born to look out for Finnick.
To be fair, she hadn't at first. She had entered the Capitol thinking like every other Victor did - that Odair had fallen into degeneracy from the moment he'd arrived, dressing in little clothing and flirting with everything with a pulse. She had been prepared to thoroughly despise the man, to fight off unwanted advances for the rest of her life.
She had been proven wrong the instant her family had been killed.
She had rejected Snow's proposition, of course she had, but it still didn't prepare her for the grief that had torn through her system. Finnick - though at the time she had referred to him as nothing but Odair - had been the one to find her, screaming and wailing on the ground floor of the tribute centre. He must have known what happened - how couldn't he? - as he'd simply helped her up and taken her to the lift, up to his and Mags and the other tributes from 4s floor. He'd deposited her on the couch, sniffling and coughing, walking to the fridge and pouring her a glass of water right in sight so she could see he'd put nothing in it.
She'd done nothing but react, throwing it back in his face and screaming at him instead, that it wasn't fair and why did he keep his family and a whole lot of other accusations that seemed to roll off him like the water dripping down his chin. He had said nothing, simply letting her scream her woes out before she collapsed onto his shoulder in a mess of tears. He had loosely held her, enough for her to pull away when she wanted, and when she did he had dutifully poured another glass of water. She drank it that time, shamefully averting her eyes from the sea green ones that were filled with nothing but concern.
They'd talked for a long time that night - about her situation and Finnick's. About how he hadn't even been allowed the choice, about how his family were threatened by his noncompliance as well. He'd told her, his voice distant, about how his first client was on the night he was taken out of the games. Before the Victor interview, even. As he was airlifted from the arena, he had found himself in the arms of one of the prominent gamemakers, who had proceeded to take him then and there - bloody, dirty, and terrified. He had been drugged just before, so he couldn't move, couldn't fight back, even though the golden trident was still in his hands. He told Johanna that it never stopped, that you never left the arena, simply changed the playing grounds.
She'd asked him if it got any better. He didn't respond.
From there on out their relationship changed. They weren't romantically involved, as many rumours liked to believe. She had seen them on social media, the idea of tiny angry Johanna Mason dominating big hunky Finnick Odair. The rumours ranged from speculation to full on sexual fantasies - ones that had caused her to throw her phone through a window and into a fountain. No, they were friendly, that was it. More than best friends, but nowhere near lovers.
There were only so many labels you could give to someone who knew your life so intimately.
They spent many a night together simply chatting, Finnick leaning on her as she didn't like looking or feeling weak in any way, whereas he didn't have those restrictions. She tended to speak about home, about the lumber mills and her family. She spoke about her siblings, about their chaotic antics that caused her father to laugh til he cried and her mother to shake her head with a tiny smile. She spoke of small children climbing big big trees, feeling like no one could touch them there, and adults luring them down with treats so that work could resume as per usual. She spoke of wild cats that the children would ply with food, lightly stroking their heads so they wouldn't get spooked. The nights she spoke were the good nights, both of them smiling and laughing.
Sometimes the nights Finnick spoke would be good nights. Sometimes he too would talk about home, about the shanties sung on fishing vessels. He would sing for her, on those nights, any shanty she wanted. She liked the upbeat ones, ones like Randy-Dandy-O, Drunken Sailor, Chicken on a Raft. Finnick preferred the slower, sadder ones, like Leave Her Johnny and Lowlands Away. He would talk about the ocean, himself and his brothers running into the cold water on an evening and splashing each other as the sunset painted the sky and sea in hues of orange and pink. He spoke of building sandcastles, collecting shells, his first catch, his learning to swim.
Most of the time though, Finnick's nights were the bad nights.
He spoke of clients, too cruel and callous to care that the person they were having sex with was a child. He spoke of clients who wouldn't let him say no, who would beat and bruise him and make him thank them for the privilege. He spoke of people who would tie him up and abuse him, of people who forced him to tie them up and abuse them, of people who wanted nothing more than to feel powerful. He spoke of forced drug use, of being plied with alcohol, spoke of people who wanted nothing more than to tear him to shreds, spoke of being kicked out of the door in pieces and trying to glue the shards together before Mags saw him. He spoke of Mags, who had apologised to him for helping him win the games, who had cried in his shoulder when she heard of what had been done to him as Finnick solemnly held her frail body close. He spoke of his father, who had bought into the Districts hatred of the Capitol's Golden Boy, who would not let him near his younger sisters or brothers for fear they would also fall into degeneracy. He spoke of his mother, who wrote him tear-stained letters asking him what happened to her little boy, and that he could tell them anything and they would help him. He spoke of how that was the problem, that they would get themselves killed were they to know that Finnick was being raped on the daily. He spoke of his two older brothers, strong and muscular, who would have crushed clients skulls if they knew what had been done to him. He spoke of his two younger sisters and little brother, all 3 incredibly skilled with creating and throwing fish-hooks, who could silently murder anyone who had touched him and probably not get caught.
On these nights, Johanna held him tightly, feeling him tremble in her arms. Neither of them cried, too far gone for that, but both of them grieved the lives they could have had, the childhoods that had been torn from them, the blood that had been forcefully put on their hands. Sometimes Finnick would break beneath her, and she'd try to comfort him. She remembered one night in particular, where it had felt like he'd shattered, great hulking sobs tearing out of his throat as he hid his face in her neck. She had tried to stroke his hair for comfort, but her nails had snagged in the knots left behind by someone who had pulled too much and too hard, and Finnick had frozen.
"Gentle, please." He had whispered, voice thick with tears.
Guilt had filled every inch of Johanna's body, and she had pursed her lips. "I don't know how," She had said back, and it was true. Johanna didn't know how to be gentle anymore - violence was her thing. She was crude, brash, horrible, a nasty person. She was a murderer, through and through, and this nasty, horrible persona she adopted kept her safe.
But Finnick had looked up to her, those same sea-green eyes that had looked at her with such gentle concern filled with trust. "It's like petting a cat." He had mumbled, and the pieces fell into place.
So when they were alone, they had a pact. Johanna could relearn how to be gentle, to not be brash and abrasive, to feel her emotions without hiding them behind a cocky front. And Finnick would let himself hurt, would let himself seek out soft touches and affection with no expectations behind it, would let himself be imperfect and ugly-cry with no fear of cameras catching him.
She refused to tell him how her public mask had shifted though.
Her mask had changed the instant she had been forced to a party, seeing some sleazy so-and-so put his hands all over a distinctly uncomfortable Finnick, forcing alcohol into his hands, getting close, too close, far too close. Johanna hadn't even noticed her feet carrying her forward until she was behind her friend, nearly going to punch him in the face, before she stopped herself.
Finnick's mask couldn't be shattered by Johanna - he still had people he needed to protect. If she assaulted this man here and now, both of them would be in danger.
Johanna may be a murderer, but at the very least she could try and protect Finnick.
So she lied, tapping Finnick on the shoulder and telling him that Mags needed him urgently for mentor responsibilities. She let him make his apologies, a scowl instinctively painting itself on her face when the greasy git tried to make another pass for Finnick, before ushering him away. She could hear the man complaining behind her, about how getting a slot with Finnick was so expensive and life finding gold in a river, and grinned.
She had no problems being the bad guy if that meant Finnick had at least someone on his side. If that meant Finnick had someone who could protect him from some of the cruelty of the Capitol, even if she couldn't protect him from all of it.
The more they liked him, the more protected he was. The more he appeared to be the agreeable, flirty, fuckboy persona they had assigned to him, the more they supported him, elevating him to this level of almost untouchableness. Were Snow to take any action against him or his family, the Capitol would riot, but that would only work while Finnick was in their good graces. So Johanna would willingly become the crass, rude bitch who cockblocks the Capitol's elite to keep Finnick and his family safe, to keep Finnick from being forced into another bed, to keep Finnick from being hit and hurt again.
And if when she managed to pull him back to District 4's floor they collapsed onto a couch, talking quietly about home and their experiences, the Capitol would never see it.
They didn't deserve their vulnerability.
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carnationhes · 7 days
rip finnick odair u would have loved the watermelon ice elf bar
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arcaneillusion · 11 months
cressida and johanna are married and living in district 4 next door to annie and finnick. katniss and peeta visit occasionally, along with a reluctant (but secretly contented) haymitch. everyone is happy. everyone is healing. this is canon. thank u for ur time.
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rithmeres · 4 months
on the heels of all that stuff i said about how generally katniss's relationships with the men in her life are very fraught i can't help but notice that the only meaningful relationships that finnick has are with women. let us not think about why this might be the case :|
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70won · 5 months
"okay, just-" finnick's eyes are wide, hands out cautiously right beneath johanna's. he knows he's in her space, but with the baby in her arms, he can't force himself to step back. "just make sure you've got his head." @4thdistrict
johanna thought baby's were like bombs. with every passing second, they grew closer and closer to detonation and any slight motions could set them off. had it been any other child, she would have promptly returned the underbaked human to their parent but this wasn't just any baby. this was finnick's baby and in turn it made him something like family to her as well. it's the only reason she looked down at him with fond curiosity. he blinked up at her, with eyes as clear as the sea, and it was like holding a younger finnick in her arms. one before the age of fourteen, untouched by games and war and everything else that this child would never have to face. she would make sure of it.
it's clear in her stance how unsure. johanna is about handling the boy. elbows jut out awkwardly and she cradles the back of his head with claw-like stiffness. finnick had every right to be cautious, but she swivelled the baby away from his hands with an irritated hiss nonetheless. " oh for fuck's sake, finn, i'm not going to drop your kid. " in her defence, she had never dropped her younger siblings accidentally. on purpose was a whole other story. johanna settled herself into the nearest chair to alleviate both their worries. her eyes settled back on the newborn now resting on her chest and a smile curled up her lips. " can't fucking believe it. finnick odair, the victor, the husband, and now the father. " she finally looked up at finnick again and raised her brows. " so, how does it feel ? "
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cylonbarnes · 6 months
i would give suzanne collins all of my money (i have none) to write a finnick and annie prequel. from finnick's games thru annie's and up to the planning for the 75th games.... please... 10 years worth of non stop crying for meee
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