#or that its not normal to be okay with dying since its not like you sre really living
kiyrian · 4 months
If there is one thing that has convinced me that ADHD medication can save lives it's the way it made me aware I can enjoy things.
My particular mix of autism and ADHD makes me do things compulsively while not paying too much attention to them. Which means I work a lot, play a lot while just being there. Not really caring about it since I'm too distracted. And this makes everything I do just passeble. Everything is gray and just there. You know, not good or bad. It just is
Then my medication came in this winter. Suddenly I feel this new feeling while I'm writing. Because dear God I can write again. I can do my work quicker and do something else after. I can read a book and actually remember something. And all this is accompanied by me smiling and this weird feeling inside me. I can enjoy things
I mean this may be stupid but realizing this in the letter part of your 20s just hits like a truck
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keerysfreckles · 5 months
hey bby 💕 said you were looking a luke castellan plot so here’s one :) so like luke is actually exhausted coming back from a quest that didn’t go super well and he can’t sleep at night because he keeps having nightmares (maybe of the reader dying?), so he starts coming to the reader at night asking if he can sleep in their bed because he feels safer and can feel that they’re alright and then it’s just the evolution of the routine and how they get closer :) no worries if you don’t want to do it btw !
hope ur ok — luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x demeter fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, like one mention of blood/wounds, angst if you squint
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
luke sat upright in his bed. a thin coat of sweat covered his forehead. for the past three nights, ever since he got back from his quest, he's been having nightmares. the first two weren't special. they were the same as the others he normally got. tonight however was different.
he was in a desert, the sky was dark. there was a low wind, causing the sand beneath his feet to move slightly. a yellow fog spread throughout the desert, and suddenly, y/n appeared. at first he thought his dream self imagined it, almost like a hallucination. but no, y/n was surely there.
y/n was made out of sand, the wind blowing past her, making luke see her features more clearly.
"y/n?" luke calls out. he tries to walk closer to her, but the wind picks up and the sand starts covering his feet, halting his movements.
the wind starts to get stronger, pushing luke and y/n away from each other.
"luke!" she yells, trying to get closer to him.
a low growl is emitted from behind y/n, making her turn.
"y/n!" luke calls again, his voice becoming dry from the sand in the air. luke's eyes widen at the sight of a beast fully appearing behind the struggling girl.
luke's dream self continues to call for y/n, until his voice gets caught in his throat at the sight in front of him. he watches as the beast brings his clawed hand up, about to attack y/n.
luke looks out his window, trying his best to forget about the dream he had moments ago. yet it was worthless. he rubbed his eyes before throwing his blanket off of his lower body.
he grabbed his jacket, knowing it got cold at night, and made his way out of his own cabin and towards y/n's.
was the idea risky? yes.
but the hermes boy couldn't care. he was in risk of getting caught by a patrolling harpy. or he could get caught by chrion or mr d. (that was even worse in his opinion) or he was worried y/n wouldn't even want to see him at this time of night. but he just had to make sure the girl was okay.
luke stopped in front of cabin four, staring over the greenery around most of the wood planks and columns.
he didn't bother knocking, and as quietly as he could the boy opened the door covered in moss. it only creaked slightly. luke was quiet again as he shut the door.
the greenery theme followed throughout the cabin. it wasn't as prominent as it was on the exterior. green vines hung on the walls, and small purple and yellow flowers bloomed wherever grass patches were on the hardwood ground.
luke was hoping y/n wouldn't be mad at him for sneaking into her cabin. the two were friends, but don't talk much outside of archery.
there were seven beds in the cabin, none of them being bunk beds like the hermes cabin had. luke made it to the sixth bed and saw y/n asleep. her back was turned to luke, making her face the window.
luke nudged her shoulder. no response.
he did the motion again, hearing a small gasp come from the girl. "luke?" she turned around after rubbing her eyes, making sure they weren't playing tricks on her.
"what are you doing here?" her voice was soft, in order to not wake up any of her half sisters. (there weren't any sons of demeter, no one had really questioned it).
luke stammers, "i uh, couldn't sleep. had another nightmare."
y/n was full sitting now, with her blanket pooling around her waist. "what happened? in the nightmare?"
luke shakes his head, "i'd rather not talk about it." the more he thought about it, the more he only wanted to protect y/n.
y/n looked around her bed, before getting an idea.
"do you want to sleep here? with me?" she offered, quickly catching luke off guard.
"are you sure? what if someone catches us?"
y/n smiles and pulls her blanket down for luke to join her. "then we worry about it tomorrow. you need to get some rest. you have to teach archery tomorrow."
luke reciprocates a smile before sliding in the bed next to y/n. he tosses his jacket on the ground, now getting comfortable under y/n's dark green blanket. it reminded him of grass, but it wasn't itchy like the greenery in the door.
after a few moments of silence, luke turns to y/n, seeing she was facing the window again.
"can i hold you?" luke's voice is raspy and soft. he was worried y/n didn't hear him, until she turned again to face him.
she only nods, making the two maneuver in the bed. y/n is closer to luke now, as she's laying on her side to face him. he rests his head on her chest. both of his arms are wrapped around her waist gently, pulling the girl even closer to him.
luke can hear y/n's heartbeat, which instantly calms him down from the nightmare he had that night. a gesture she didn't even know she was doing, would calm him down more than she knew.
as luke started to fall asleep, he felt y/n's finger in his hair. her nails were lightly scratching his scalp, and her fingers played with his dark curls. she kisses the top of his head, before she whispers, "goodnight luke."
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gogogodzilla · 1 year
If you take asks for Connor, I'd like a story where basically reader does connor so hard he short circuits or something along those lines and reader is like "omg are you ok???" And after a moment, he's like, "very" idk I hope I explained it well
Missed You || Connor (RK800)
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Summary: You couldn't wait for date night.
Warnings: smut, afab read, semi-public sex, fingering, slight choking, Connor has a praise kink, argue w the wall
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After a few months of dating, you and Connor had developed some form of a schedule. Every Saturday was date night, and this week had you particularly eager for it to arrive. You’d barely spent any time with Connor with him being stuck on a case that had him halfway across the city for most of his days and working late nights. 
Saturday night rolled around like it always did, and you paced your shared apartment in anticipation of Connor arriving. You’d both agreed on just going to a movie. It was the one you’d been dying to see, so you weren’t complaining.  
The sound of keys jingling against the lock had you practically sprinting to the front door and flinging it open. Connor looked down at you with wide eyes, his keys hovering mid-air. 
You grabbed the lapels of his usual suit jacket and brought him into a kiss. He let out a small sound of surprise against your lips but quickly melted into your grasp. He wrapped his arms around you as he nudged you further into your apartment and kicked the front door closed. 
“Missed you,” you murmured against his lips as you ran a hand through his hair. 
He slowly pulled away, taking in your features. “I just need to get changed and then we can go,” he offered, patting your hip as he released you. 
You wanted to say to hell with date night and just ravish him where he stood, but you forced yourself to nod. It’ll be worth the wait, you tried to convince yourself. 
The tension in the air was palpable as Connor emerged from the bedroom, rolling up the sleeves of his button-up. Your gaze traveled up his forearms, taking in every inch of exposed skin. He had the same idea, and his eyes raked over the hem of the dress that danced across your thighs as you shifted your weight from foot to foot.
You forced yourself to look away as you moved to grab your car keys and tossed them to Connor. “Ready?” you questioned, ignoring the way your heart was practically bursting out of your chest from the way he was looking at you. 
“Always,” Connor responded, kissing your forehead as he passed and grabbing your hand to lead you to the elevator. 
You eyed the emergency stop button as you stood far too close to Connor in the cramped elevator. No one would even notice the elevator was stopped for a few minutes, you reasoned.  
The chime of the elevator caused you to nearly jump out of your skin, and Connor shot you a look. 
“Are you feeling okay? Your heart rate has been high ever since we left; we don’t have to go to the movie—” 
“No!” you cut him off, even though every fiber of your being was begging you to drag him back into your apartment. “I’m fine,” you assured him, resting your hand on his arm and keeping it there for far longer than you should have. 
He raised a brow, eyeing you. You ignored him and led him out to your car before hopping in the passenger seat. 
Connor wordlessly hopped into the driver’s seat, and you watched him. You wondered if the long week apart was affecting him as much as it was affecting you. You saw how he was practically undressing you with his eyes when he came home. His usual precise movements were far more controlled than they usually were, stiffening every time your skin came into contact with his. It couldn’t hurt to test the waters. 
Connor always set his right hand on the gear shift or your thigh when he was driving, and today was no exception. He loosely gripped the gear shift as he drove, gaze never leaving the road. A wise decision. 
You took his hand and placed it on its normal spot on your thigh. He glanced over at you. You could’ve sworn you saw his free hand tighten on the steering wheel, betraying the small smile that flashed across his lips.
A few minutes of comfortable silence pass, and you decide to push your luck a little further. 
“Are these pants new?” you causally questioned as you leaned over and ran a hand down his upper thigh, giving him a perfect view down the bodice of your dress. 
Connor cleared his throat and swallowed hard, “They’re the same pants I always wear.” 
You hum and move to return to your seat, your hand accidentally grazing over the place you wanted so badly. Connor sucked in a breath as he approached the red light. You grinned, bathed in crimson. 
“Connor,” you purred, lolling your head to the side to look at him. The light turned green and he pressed on the accelerator, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. His eyes grazed the bare skin of your thighs before returning to the road. 
Your heart rate picked up as Connor turned down a side street in the opposite direction of the movie theater. You weren’t going to make your showing.
Connor’s movements were controlled as he picked a secluded spot to park. You were on him before he could even fully pull the keys out of the ignition, clumsily climbing over the center console. 
The keys tumbled out of Connor’s hand and clattered to the floorboard, but he didn’t seem to care as he pulled you in for a heated kiss. He pushed the seat back so you could comfortably sit, legs straddling his thighs and skirt hiked up just enough to tease him. 
“Couldn’t wait,” you murmured against his lips as you pulled away, your breaths entangling in one another. 
“You’ve been looking forward to this movie all week,” Connor teased, running a hand up the bare skin of your thigh and cupping the curve of your ass. 
You dipped down and hovered next to his ear, whispering, “I’ve also been looking forward to riding you until you short-circuit.” 
Connor’s grip tightened on your ass, and he shoved your hips down to grind against him. The tent in his pants pressed against your clothed core and caused a shudder to run through your body. 
 “Do you feel what you do to me?” he questioned, voice husky and increasing the ache in your core that had gained intensity since you left the apartment. 
You nodded, leaning down to kiss him and run a hand over his covered length. Connor jutted his hips up to meet you, groaning as you ran a hand over the smooth fabric of his pants. His nails raked up your thighs and he hooked his fingers on the waistband of your underwear and tugged hard enough for the side seams to rip, and for them to fall in his lap. 
Your gasp was quickly swallowed by his lips against yours and his fingers sliding through your folds and circling your clit. Breathy moans escaped you as you shoved your head in the crook of his neck, lazily pressing kisses to the hardly exposed skin. 
He ran a finger over your entrance and you pressed against him, begging for him to fill you. He obliged, slowly inching a finger inside of you before quickly adding another, stretching you deliciously. He pumped his fingers, savoring the way you clenched around him, aching for more. He curled his fingers inside of you, brushing against the spot that had you seeing stars, and you cried out his name, throwing your head back. 
“Fuck me,” you whimpered, grinding yourself against his fingers when he stopped his movements. “Please, Connor.” 
He removed his fingers and slipped them past your lips, making you taste yourself. You ran your tongue over the pads of his fingers as you met his gaze. He used his free hand to undo his belt, the smooth leather brushing against your thighs. 
You reached down to where your hips met, unbuttoning his pants and yanking down the zipper, impatience coursing through you. You released his length from his pants, eliciting a breathy sigh from Connor. You pumped your hand, thumb sliding over his tip and spreading the bead of precum that had formed. 
You aligned him with your entrance and you both groaned as you lowered yourself onto his length, savoring the way he stretched you. You started rocking against him, flushing as the suspension of your car squeaked with your movements. 
Connor gathered the skirt of your dress in one hand and watched as you ground against him. You dipped down to kiss him, reaching up to rest one of your hands against his throat. He twitched from within you, and he snapped his hips to meet yours. 
“So good for me,” you praise, squeezing his throat lightly as he looked up at you, eyes unfocused and mouth hanging open. 
His hands found your clit and resumed the same tight circles as before. You released your hold on his throat as you rocked your hips into his, feeling the familiar heat pooling in your stomach. 
It took no time for your release to hit you, Connor’s length finding the spot that had you moaning his name over and over again. Your release caused you to squeeze Connor’s cock, pushing him to finish directly after you. Connor lifted his hips to meet yours, and threw his head back, letting out a guttural moan. His whole body froze and tensed under you as his climax washed over him. Connor twitched inside of you as you slowed and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
After a few moments, when his eyes still hadn’t opened, you brushed a finger over his chest, relief washing over you when you felt the familiar thrumming of his bioregulator. 
“Connor?” you murmured, tapping his cheek lightly. “You alright?” 
His lashes fluttered as he slowly opened his eyes, a small smile curving into his features.  “Did I say how much I missed you?” he hummed, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“No,” you mentioned, chucking, “although, I think I have an idea.”
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neteyamyawne · 6 months
🫀— You Promised
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༄ Pairing : Aged!up!Neteyam x Fem!pregnant!Reader
༄ Summary : You never thought about losing your mate, atleast not when you needed him the most in your vulnerable state.
༄ Warning : Angst! Lots and lots of angst, no comfort, crying, pregnancy, major death, depression, sadness, dying of a loved one and more sadness, maybe a smidge of fluff.
༄ Prompt : Holding their mate's (or child's) unconscious/dead body
༄ Word Count : 2.7k Proof read.
༄ Note : I love making you guys cry, idk why, I cry myself when I write this kind of stuff.
༄ Glossary : [Yawne] - Beloved, [Olo'eyktan] - Na'vi clans' leader, [Iknimaya] - Na've rite of passage, [tsahik] - Na'vi clans' spiritual leader, [Uthuru] - to seek refuge, [Paskalin] - sweet berry, [Skxwang] - moron.
◦ Angstmas || Masterlist
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It was like any other normal day only if you were in your home and not in another strange clan that you've never known except for stories and political talks.
You lay on the soft woven mat, made by your mate just for you, a hand on your swollen stomach as the life growing inside moves at its own pace while you rest from the tiredness that comes with.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
You and Neteyam mated right after he passed his Iknimaya, being the first in line to be the olo’eyktan and you to be his tsahik but it was all came crashing down when your father-in-law decided it was better to flee for the good of the clan and for the family as well.
It was the second month of your pregnancy when you had to leave your home forever, the strength of your mates arms held you up as you cried in his chest, hands shaking like a leaf as you watched Jake renounce his position as the Olo'eyktan to Terasem.
The tears in everyone's eyes, Neytiri’s sobs, Neteyam could only stroke the side of your head, pressing a kiss to your temple as he lead you to his Ikran “It'll be okay, Yawne, believe me, we'll be alright, I'll take care of you and our little one” he whispered comfortingly in your ear when you both mounted his Ikran and he placed you in front of him, your face towards him as he draped and covered you with his own shawl, he held you against his chest tightly before he took off with his family.
He had one hand on Seze’s reigns, controlling her moves through the air and the other on your back, under the shawl that was draped on your body, your face buried in his neck, your arms wrapped around his waist, so you could rest comfortably on the rough journey, he caressed patterns on your back as everyone flew more and more away from the forest until it was just the expanse of the water in front of them.
Neytiri kept glancing at her eldest son, pride blooming in her chest as she saw how much of gentleman her son is, the scene could only remind her of the time with Jake during the war, when they aligned all the clans, with a small smile she looked away, giving the couple some privacy as she moved closer to Jake's Ikran, bob, while running her hand through Tuk’s braids.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
It took a week or more to reach the metkayina clan, Awa’atlu, they accepted your Uthuru, with much criticism and nagging, but they did, it wasn't the same since then, there was always a deep feeling in the back of your mind, reminding you, again and again that something is wrong or would go wrong.
Even now, 4 months later, as you rested in the mauri with Neytiri on the other side making dinner while the others were out for their lessons, as Neytiri didn't willingly wanted to take the lessons and would rather look after you because it wasn't recommended for you to start your swimming lessons yet, she was always there for you, no matter what.
Even then, it's only been a month or two since Quaritch started his search spree across all the water Na'vi clans for Jake, that was the one thing everyone was alert for after Tonowari gave us the news, you didn't want to keep that in mind, not in your condition, not when it added to your ever growing worry.
Neteyam came back later, seemingly happy to see you resting on the mat he made, and because he loved the beautiful curve on your belly, the sign that his little baby grew safe and sound, he also knew that you didn't like the ocean as much as the trees back home but it was doable, plus he would rather have his baby in a safe environment than a hostile one, which was the only reason he loved this place, for the sake of his family's safety was all he cared about.
On a good day, you'd join the group, watching them learn in the depths while you sat in the shallow waters laughing at their failed attempts until your stomach starts to hurt from laughing while clutching your bump or learning new things with them, even successfully befriending an Ilu and riding it safely that you could have options to move around Awa'atlu.
But on days like these, when your exhaustion hits a little too hard, he couldn't help but lay down behind your back and just wrap his arms around you and pull you into his warm hug.
You always knew it was him, by the way he'd kiss your neck gently, one large hand on your belly as he strokes it softly, his head nuzzled in the Crook of your neck “You know you don't have to pretend you're asleep when I'm right beside you, Paskalin” he whispered, hot breath lingering on the curve of it.
You chuckled at the tickling sensation, giving in after he catches you in your pretend sleep, once again for the upteenth time, turning around to face him while he strokes your cheek with his hand as the other caresses your belly, peppering your face with kisses as you giggled “Did you eat anything, Honey?” He asked in a whisper, picking up after his father to call you sweet human nicknames that he loved. Like father, like son.
He was disappointed when you shook your head “how many times have I told you to eat something every two hours? It's not good for the baby, yawne!” He whisper-yelled at you but the answer he got from you was just a chuckle “I wasn't hungry, Ma teyam, and i wasn't feeling well either, Now let it-” he just shook his head in disappointment “tsk tsk tsk, you should have told me or sa’nu, she would have-”
The sentence was left unspoken when the loud commotion and yelling was heard outside, the locals were screaming at something or someone and loud cries were heard, both you and Neteyam got up with Neytiri and made your way to the rage going on inside the supply tent.
Neteyam kept his arm around your waist as you entered the tent, shielding you from the hands that reached out to hit or hold you or him. He was surprised at the sudden uprise until he understood what was happening when he took in the gossip and looks he was getting and looked at his father who was trying to explain.
Ronal’s Tulkun, Roa, was found dead or rather murdered by the human, as well as her babe.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
When Jake apologized and made his preposition on how to save the other Tulkuns from further harm, Neteyam saw Lo'ak running away from the crowd towards the diving edge, calling for his Ilu, immediately knowing what he was upto, he went behind him with you in tow after him.
“No way you're rolling out of here, baby brother” Neteyam said sternly as he walked in on Lo'ak strapping the saddle on the Ilu, Lo'ak halted, rolling his eyes at his brother in annoyance.
“I have to warn payakan about the pingers!” He snapped back but lowered his voice when he saw you behind Neteyam.
“No! you've gotta keep your skxwang ass here, you understand me?!” Neteyam said with a hint of annoyance lacing his, he didn't want another one of his brother's stupid mistakes to be blamed on him, not right now, not when he himself was about to be a father.
“Neteyam…Calm down” you whispered lightly, holding his arm back, you didn't want him to blow off on Lo'ak again, it could be done quietly and patiently.
Lo'ak on the other hand wanted to try and reason with him to let him go “he's an outcast, there's nobody to warn him but me”
Neteyam huffed, placing a hand on Lo'ak’s head, holding his brother in place “bro… why do you always have to make things so hard?”
Lo'ak hissed, flicking his brother's hand off his head in anger and defiance as his tone shifted to an aggressive one “No. You mean why can't I be the perfect son like you! The perfect little soldier! Who does everything right, has the perfect life and a perfect little mate and family! Well I'm not you! Okay?!” Neteyam sized him up and Lo'ak took a step back looking up at his brother and lowered his voice again “I'm not you..He's my brother! I'm going”
You were taken aback at that, you grabbed his arm making him face you as anger simmered in your eyes at what he just said “LO'AK!! What are you talking about?! He's your brother! Stop this right now! Is this how you talk to your brother?!”
Lo'ak skipped a look between you and Neteyam nervously as he took another step back but Neteyam stopped him by grabbing his arm tightly and forcing him to look “He's not your brother, skxwang! I am! And don't you dare talk like that again”
But Lo'ak was having none of it as he twisted his arm out of his grasp just when Tsireya, Ao'nung and Rotxo arrived giving Lo'ak a good distraction to dive into the water for his Ilu, Neteyam growled loudly before patting on Ao'nung’s chest “we have go behind him, he's going to payakan” he said urgently.
But something in your heart panged when he said that, a weird unease spreading to your chest again and you called out to him “teyam…please, don't go” you didn't know if it was stupid or not but you wanted to believe it “please, it doesn't feel right”
He looked back at you after he called his Ilu and came up to you quickly, cupping your cheek in his palm, stroking his thumb over your cheek, his other hand caressing your swollen belly, as he looked into your eyes intently, connecting your foreheads together and kissing your nose “Shh… I'll be right back, I promise, don't worry, I just have to put this Skxwang back in his place again” he whispered lovingly with a smirk, kissing your forehead one last time and giving your hand a tight squeeze before diving into the water with the others and following Lo'ak.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
Your heart was pacing a mile per second, the feeling of dread getting worse when it was notified by Lo'ak that Payakan was marked by the humans and Neteyam was their with them, Almost half of the clan, including Ronal and Tonowari were gone to save them, but all you could think of was Neteyam.
Hours passed and the sun began to set, spreading an eerie red and orange hue throughout the sky, no news of anyone or anything, only the sight of the injured or fallen warriors broughton back to Awa'atlu filled your mind with nightmares you only prayed stayed in your dreams.
You placed a hand on your stomach, the feeling of your baby moving against your palm was enough to give you some courage to call your Ilu and riding over to the scene yourself following behind another group of Warriors who were sent back to help others.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
The sight was a horror to take in as you sat on your ilu looking at the havoc the place was in, the ship sinking, fire ablaze on the water from the oil spill, the sky dusted in a amber color and dark smoke, as if matching the hell beneath on the water but your heart dropped when you saw the rock Island… with others gathered together around something.
Urging your ilu over to it, you climbed off of the creature before you saw a body lying on the rock and dread filled the pit of your stomach, the feet looked eerily familiar but you refused to think about it, it couldn't be… a cold shiver running down your spine, goosebumps spreading over your body as your breath hitched, before you could confirm your suspicions spider pulled you back, shaking his head, but that's all it took for your worst fear to come true, gears in your head turning as a scream erupted from your throat which ultimately caught everyone's attention in horror when they saw you, when you realized what you were looking at.
“NETEYAM!!!!! NO NO, GREAT MOTHER, PLEASE” you ran towards him but Neytiri stopped you, catching your body in her arms as your cries rang out for everyone to hear, thrashing in her arms as Jake came up to you “Shh look at me, look at me…” he whispered holding you back and not letting you see his body yet, placing his hands on your cheeks and forcing you to look at him as tears already ran down your cheeks.
“NO NO NO, NETEYAM, LET ME GO PLEASE!! please….” You sobbed as they held you back, Neytiri couldn't hold back either as she hugged you, your loss was far greater than any others, your knees gave out from the shock as they caught you once again before they let you go, knowing there was no denying it “It's going to okay, it's going be okay” Neytiri whispered desperately to calm you but nothing could soothe you in this moment.
Your heart almost stopped beating in your chest as you saw his lifeless body, crawling over to his side, with trembling hands as you touched his chest that was now covered in his blood, cold lifeless eyes staring up at the sky, as sobs wrecked your body, crying over your mate, who promised you he'd come back, who promised to spend the eternity together, now gone, forever.
Kneeling beside him as your wails of despair shook the heart of great mother herself, shaking your head in disbelief, as you held his limp hand in yours, only if he listened to you, only if he stayed back!
Your head laid on his chest, like the thousands of times before where he caressed your hair, as he hummed a sweet melody for you so you could sleep peacefully in his arms, listening to his heartbeat as you fell asleep, was cold, quiet and unmoving, as if the once alive, beating heart, never existed, you sobbed on his chest, blood coating the side of your face but you didn't care, holding his hand as if he would wake up and smile saying this was all just a dream and he was there with you, like he said.
Lo'ak placed a hand on your shoulder to comfort you but it only fueled your anger towards himas you snarled at him viciously and everyone was taken aback “DO NOT TOUCH ME, STAY AWAY! ONLY IF YOU EVER DID AS YOU WERE TOLD TO THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED, LO'AK!”
Your anger was justified and no one dared to stop you or invented in between, Your screams hit him like bullets as he didn't say a word, stepping back as you turned back to look at Neteyam's face, still unable to register the fact that he's gone and would never come back to you or your child ever again and your weren't ready to face it just yet.
“Teyam, please… you promised, right? you promised you'd come back to us, please, you can't do this to me, teyam… I can't do this without you, you promised to be there with me, to hold our baby, to hold my hand, you can't do this to me please, we- we…” you couldn't even form words anymore as more tears streamed down your cheeks, breaking down to the point of no return as your cries rang through everyone's ears.
They all couldn't handle to see your desperate attempts and cries to get him back, in hopes to get you back, begging any greater force would listen to give him back, their hearts breaking even more as they saw you placing his hand on your stomach one last time as you broke down completely, your head placed on his chest, watching the horrific sight of a mate mourning over her other half as their symbol of love grew inside her.
You closed your eyes and held him close one last time, holding his hand one last time, laying your head on his chest one last time, his hand on your stomach to feel his child for one last time as he still watched the darkening sky unmoving “you promised…”
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Ho Ho Ho : @cryinginthemoonpool, @luvv4j4ybe11, @xylianasblog, @plooto, @itchaboi-itchyboy, @pandoraslxna, @taylormarieee, @thewiltedpeony, @neteyamswillow, @danniackerman, @hotdsworld, @zafrinaxyz, @xstarsdiary, @moondaisye, @puddle-nerd, @eywxveng, @minnory, @neteyamssyulang, @tavsianus, @ele-sme.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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bigassmoonchild · 9 months
The Aftermath
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Word Count: 2k
The first part does give context, but isn’t required for this read.
Summary: You knew the difficulty the process of being a mated Omega in the military. You understood how much you would lose, but you never thought about the difficulty in your normal life. Never thought about the panic you would have, or how much it would effect you and Ghost's personal relationship.
Content Tags: Hospitals, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, No use of Y/N, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha! Ghost
A/N: I was not expecting such a good response to Maple Syrup, and since y'all seemed to like it so much here's basically the next part. Let me know if you want anything specific, my asks should be open. <3 I'm adding a 'keep reading' link to make sure you can scroll on if you want.
Previous, Next | Headcannons, Masterlist
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Everything felt wrong. Ghost wasn't injured, but he was being held overnight in the medbay. The Maple Syrup had run its course through him, but he could hear chatter echoing in the room. He could smell you, you weren't too far from him but he wasn't allowed to see you. Price had come in not too long after the doctors had checked him over and cleared him, arms crossed as he sat in the chair next to the bed Ghost was in.
"We'll need to talk, you know," was the only thing Price had said, leaning back and relaxing in the chair.
"Is the Doc okay?" Ghost asked, looking in the direction your scent was coming from. The sickly sweet smell of heat was becoming stale, but you were on lock and key just in case any Alpha soldiers tried to come in. Price looked in the same direction, giving a faint shrug.
"I'm going to be updated once she's steady enough for the doctors to leave her alone," Price said. "Gaz is on watch outside her room," Ghost nodded. Gaz was a Beta, so it would be fine for him to be that close. Ghost still didn't like it, he didn't know how his pack was, where everyone was, if everyone was safe.
It took a few hours, it was well past midnight before any movement came from the direction of your room. The curtains surrounding Ghosts bed was moved, the Doctor gesturing for Price to follow him. Ghost had tried to listen in, but it wasn't worth it. He was still in mild pain from the mission, the place where the tranq had stabbed him still throbbed every so often.
Price walked back in some time later, looking at Ghost with a sigh. That didn't make him feel good, panic started to flow through him, thoughts of you dying flashed in his mind for a few moments.
"She's gonna be fine," Price started. "They got her heat back under control, they're just waiting for it to finish cycling through her. Outside of that, she's fine," Price sat next to Ghost. "I can't ask you about what happened. I can only tell you what will happen," he looked away.
You woke up, head foggy and throbbing with a headache. You could see a form moving next to you, checking your vitals. You gave a soft groan, your neck throbbing alongside your core. Everything hurt, but you weren't able to tell if it was everything.
"You finally waking up?" The voice asked, and you could recognize it. "You've been out for a few days, you've even had Ghost trying to get in," she giggled a little. Amanda. That was her name, she was one of the nurses you'd been working with prior to the mission that went south.
At the mention of Ghost, you sat upright, vision spinning before righting itself.
"It was a really bad heat you were sent into, y'know. Took us a few hours to stabilize you, but you're doing good for yourself," she smiled, trying to lay you back down but you pushed her off of you.
"I need to talk to him," god even your throat hurt. She nodded slowly, sticking her head out of the door. You rubbed your head, headache now making you feel sick. It took a few moments, but you heard footsteps come in the room, a figure standing next to you. When you looked up, it was Price.
"There are some procedures we need to go through. I've already got some officers in, but we still need to talk about what happened," Price started, moving to sit in the chair near you. "Ghost has already spoken with them, so it'll be you, me and the officers. I think Laswell has flown in as well," you stared at Price.
With a few blinks, you looked down to think. Ghost had already spoken with the officers? You knew what the rules were like, and you knew that your career was now in his hands. It pissed you off, if you could really focus on feeling much outside of pain.
"The officers are trying to get him to make a decision on your career. I can't let you two talk about anything yet, the Adjutant Officers still need to figure things out before you'll be allowed near each other," Price looked away, your jaw tensing. You really had no rights anymore, did you?
It took another few days before you were released. The second you had clothes of your own to wear, you were gone off into your room.
Someone had been here. You could smell a stale scent, but you weren't able to place it. It was too distant to be able to decipher, but your room was exactly the same as it had been left before you were hospitalized. You didn't feel comfortable in your room, knowing someone had been here.
A knock on the door made you spin, nerves set tight. As you opened the door, a large figure came into view.
"Doc," Ghost started, before being yanked into your room and having the door slammed behind him. You turned on him, staring at him sharply. You pointed, opening your mouth before shutting it and groaning, running hands through your hair.
You kept trying to start talking before you stopped yourself, eventually kicking at the wall in irritation.
"What did you say to them?" You hissed, back still turned and facing the wall. You could hear him shift behind you, boots scuffing against the ground. You turned, storming up to him, chest to chest. "What the hell did you tell them? You gonna dismantle my career? Make me some fucking house-omega?" You were growling now, you could feel your muscles tensing.
When he didn't respond, you groaned, tossing your hands up in defeat and walking away from him. You turned, hand on your hip, waiting for a response.
"I don't want to take your career away," he whispered, finally. You barked a laugh, rubbing your wrist against your bitten gland. His hand reached out to grab you, but you moved away from him. "I don't want to make decisions for you," he added, voice growing more desperate.
You shook your head, pulling your hand away from your gland and shaking them out. Ghost reached out to you again, hand catching your shoulder before you shrugged him off.
"I don't know what to do," you whispered. "I'm terrified, because now I'm outed to so many people, and there's quite literally nothing I can do to save myself," you turned to look at Ghost.
He scoffed. "You think I'm going to ruin things for you? I've already told you, I don't want that kind of control over you," he looked away, crossing his arms. You could smell the distress on him.
"You have done shit to make me trust you!" Your voice raised before dropping, a hand running down your face. "I have zero control left, you know how many rights I have as a mated Omega?" He shook his head. "None," you glared at him.
Ghost glanced at you before looking away again. He shook his head, moving to leave before you blocked the door from him.
"You don't get to walk out when we're talking," you growled at him and he growled back.
"This isn't a conversation, this is you getting all pissy on me," he loomed over you, forcing you to take a step back. "I didn't want this to happen, I would have chosen any other way to save us, but we didn't get a choice, did we?" You looked away.
"Get out,"
He could smell the distress on you the second he spoke. Your scent left him spiraling, he was panicking. His Omega was distressed, and he was the cause. He wanted to fix it, correct the problem and make you happy again.
Ghost could do nothing when you repeated yourself.
"Get the hell out," you glared at him. Ghost opened his mouth to give you a retort, but you had turned away. He bit his tongue, turning to stare at the door.
"You know that's not what I meant," he whispered, opening the door and leaving.
Even after walking aimlessly for ten minutes, he could still smell your distress on your scent, the sour taste stuck on the back of his throat. This wasn't how he had intended to talk to you, he wanted to make a plan for when they asked him more questions regarding your career.
Ghost was pissed off, more so with himself than you, but he wanted to comfort you. Fix what he had said, take it back.
But he had a meeting to attend, and he needed to make sure he didn't say anything wrong.
You sat in the conference room, Price, Laswell and an Adjutant officer sitting across from you. This was the third time you'd gone over what had happened.
"So you say this 'Maple Syrup' is what caused Ghost to go into a feral rut?"
"Yes," you deadpanned, glaring through the Adjutant. "We've already been through all of this, there is literally nothing else that I haven't told you," the Adjutant hummed.
"We need to make sure everything is covered," he told you, looking at the paper he had been writing on for the past hour and a half.
You looked at Price, hoping he would help you in any way. He looked away, leaning further back into his seat.
"What about my career?" The room went silent, the Adjutant stopped reading, glancing over at Price who had finally looked at you. "I want to know what's happening," you whispered. The last few days had left you unsure of yourself. You wanted to confront Ghost, you wanted to apologize for snapping at him, you wanted to fix what you'd said.
None of them spoke, Laswell had opened her mouth to speak before closing it, taking a deep breath. Her fingers tapped on the table, looking at Price and the Adjutant.
She looked back at you. "You aren't allowed to make any decisions regarding that, you know," your head dropped back with a groan, wrist rubbing against your bitten gland roughly. You were terrified, you didn't know what the future was going to hold.
You had so little control and it was getting worse. You stood abruptly, going to walk out the door before Price spoke.
"Would you like to speak with Ghost?" You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. With people around, you wouldn't snap on him, but you also didn't want to see him since his last remarks. You really needed to know if you still worked here, or if he was going to force you to become a house-omega.
You nodded, turning around and sitting back down while staring Price down as he made a phone-call. A few moments later, Ghost walked in and sat beside you, but you still couldn't look at him. It was silent for a few minutes, everyone looking at each other, waiting for the first to speak.
"You still have a job here," Ghost spoke up. "I didn't let them remove you, but they won't allow you on missions anymore," he added the last part quietly. You nodded.
You could hear Price and Laswell ushering the Adjutant Officer out of the room, the door closing with a click behind them. Neither you nor Ghost talked for a few minutes, you could smell a certain level of stress on him.
"Thank you," you whispered, glancing quickly at him. He was staring at you, eyes watching your every twitch and shudder. "I'm... sorry, for the other day," you fiddled with your fingers. "I didn't mean to snap at you."
Ghost shook his head, hesitating before grabbing your hand, pulling it close to him and in turn tugging you towards him. You finally turned to look at him, and his eyes visibly softened.
He looked down, then back up to you. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did. Not in the way I did," he tugged you even closer to him, nuzzling into your gland. "I don't regret having you as my mate now, but if I could've changed what I did, you wouldn't be stuck with me making decisions for you now," you leaned in to him, pressing your face into his chest.
It relaxed you, his scent, and allowed you to think much clearer.
"I'm just so scared,"
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tteokbin · 11 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ [bunny] - 수빈.
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☆ -> sub!soobin (ot5) x dom!reader
content -> ot5 x reader, reader is the 6th member of txt, fluff..the most fluff i’ve ever written and i’m doing it for the sake of plot !1!, uhh stuffie humping (?), spitting in mouth, degradation, choking (cause its not a cherriescheol fic without choking), mxm, cumming inside anddd uhh idk 🤔 that’s it i think
note -> okay soz this will be a series of all the members, i’m gonna make a masterlist for it when i finish all of them probably. i’m scared on how this will do or if people will even enjoy it but ik there’s people dying for more sub!txt content and i am here to provide 😼 ngl i also forgot who rooms with who and if soobin was the only one with a singular room so i just went off what i’ve heard recently. also soobin is blonde in this because i will never get over blonde soobin i miss him v much.
pt 2 of my ot5 poly txt au
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It’s around 10:30 at night when you and the boys get home from a long day of non stop practice, clumsily taking off their shoes, slipping into house slippers and hanging their jackets. beomgyu clings to your waist as you both waddle towards the kitchen.
You turn to him once there and cup his face with both hands, taking note of the scattered fading blemishes he had on his cheeks. beomgyu let’s his long lashes flutter against his cheekbones as he enjoyed the warmth of your palms. “did you drink enough water today, puppy?” you ask as you brush his bangs out of his eyes, noting that his hair grew longer since he last cut it.
He hums and just purs into your hands instead of answering and his reluctance to respond to you properly gives you your answer. you pull away from his embrace despite his whine and pour him a glass of water with ice. “drink this and go take care of your skin, okay? And make sure you don’t go to sleep in the clothes you’ve been in all day.”
You watch him nod with a pout then pucker his lips out for a kiss. you roll your eyes but give him a chaste kiss anyway. he giggles into your lips and moves to deepen it but you pluck yourself away before he can try. “c‘mon pup your gonna be tired in the morning if you don’t go now.”
turning him around you usher him out the kitchen with the glass in hand and towards his bedroom while he huffs out small ‘okay, okay’s and pads off to his room. just as he leaves yeonjun comes in the kitchen to get a water bottle out the fridge before grinning fondly at the scene. he places his bottle on the counter before wrapping his arms around your neck and scattering wet kisses all over your face and stopping at your mouth.
“you did so good today Jagi. looked so sexy dancing. Just wanted you to take me right there..” yeonjun murmurs against your lips. he watches you smile and lean to knock your forehead with his before licking his nose.
he sputters and groans while you move to squeeze his ass with a laugh. “ Thank you pretty boy, i was watching you too and you did amazing,” you peck his plump lips and lock eyes with him, “As always.” Normally he’d agree with a smug ‘of course, i’m always amazing.’ but seeing the genuinely loving look glaze over your eyes has him looking away and blushing like a little boy.
“T-Thank you..” he stutters, all of a sudden feeling shy and hot. he looks over your shoulder at the time on the microwave and remembers how late it is. Yeonjun grabs his forgotten water bottle and pecks your lips again before uttering a dreamy goodnight and a reminder to visit the maknaes then heads off to bed.
You grab another water bottle from the fridge before heading off to their room, as well as grabbing a stray molang plushie off the couch. upon approaching the boys room you can tell their both already laying down with the lights off due to the quiet sounds of youtube videos through the crack of their door.
After delivering a knock you enter their room and see taehyun watching his phone while in bed, kai seemingly already asleep facing his mountain of plushies. you pad over to taehyun as he smiles at you over his phone, “hyung!” he quietly exclaims before dropping his phone and opening his arms wide for a hug. you chuckle while setting down the water bottle on the stand next to his bed and dropping the stuffed bunny on the floor.
Engulfing him in a hug, you press warm kisses in the sensitive crook of his neck. Taehyun squeaks and pulls you away to watch the amused curl of your lips. “how was your day today prince?” you unravel one arm from him to lay next to him and rub a thumb over his faint eyebags, “ my baby looks so tired.”
He places a hand over yours and presses into his cheek, closing his eyes prettily, much like beomgyu. “I’m okay, hyung. My day was tiring but i got through it like always.” he opens his big boba eyes to gaze at you with an adorable grin, corner of his eyes crinkling in fondness at your concern, “you don’t have to worry about me. plus, i did good today, right?”
He watches you expectantly, huge eyes anticipating the praise he craves from you so dearly. “Yes my prince, you did so good. My good boy.” you pur. Taehyun visibly vibrates at your words, brightly beaming at you with his adorable dimple poking out from his cheek. He lurches forward and connects your lips, kiss filled with joy and happy emotions.
taehyun presses against you and hooks a leg around your waist, pulling you on top of him to smother him into the bed. he moans happily into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your neck to get as close as possible as if you were to let go. you prod at his soft lips with your tongue and he happily lets you. humming into his mouth as he sucks your appendage then proceeds to slot against your lips once more.
You press him further into the mattress, rolling your hips down into him as he whines into you. your about to grind into him once more when you hear a sleepy voice from across the room;“hyung?”
you part from taehyun at the sound, resisting the urge to destroy him when you see him laying beneath you with such a hazy ‘fuck me’ look strewn across his dazed features. mouth wet and slightly swollen and tank top disheveled enough to where a brown nipple peaks from the side. you reluctantly turn your head to the side and see kai rubbing his eye then gazing at you both from his bed, “Me too.. please?”
his pretty eyes almost hypnotize you towards him in the dark room, the light from taehyuns forgotten phone the only thing allowing you to see his dreamy features. “c’mere then.” you beckon him over from your position, both you and taehyun watching him hop out of bed and shuffle over towards the both of you.
Kai stands in front of the bed, playing with his own fingers and waits patiently as you look over him. he’s in his boxers and a old pokémon tee that’s stretched at the collar, showing a good part of his bare chest and collarbones. you sit up on your knees with taehyun still between your legs, reaching for kai’s neck and bringing his face to yours.
“lay next to me baby,” you whisper, letting him crawl over you and tyun before settling on the opposite side, both boys now sandwiching you on the bed. he faces you and slots your thigh between his while he stares at your lips with desperate eyes, so so cute and obvious about what he wants.
you giggle and lean forward, pressing your lips against his wet ones. you both sigh into the kiss, licking at each other as his squeaky moans muffle into your mouth. you bite his bottom lip, sucking his tongue when he opens his mouth to moan loudly in surprise.
Kai starts subconsciously grinding against your thigh, pulling away by an inch to pant hot breathes against your face. “ah.. hyung,” he pauses to whine, “please— touch me, p-please touch me hyung!” kai whimpers, humping your leg with more fever.
taehyun watches kai from beside you, squirming with his own need and whining quietly under his breath, he wants your attention on him too. tyun places a hand on your navel, trailing his hand lower until he’s hitting the waistband of your sleep shorts. A hand gropes at the half-hard bulge forming between your legs, fondling in slow up and down movements.
He pants at the thought of having it in his mouth. tight, hot mouth suckling on the delicious head, gagging and choking on your delicious cock while stuffing his throat full. big wonderful eyes glossing over with the need to bury it deep inside him. he moves to slide his hand inside your pants to finally fish out what he’s been craving when he feels a hand on his wrist.
Taehyun snaps his head up towards you, realizing that you’ve long stopped playing with kai— in return letting him hump the air with his tongue out like a mutt. “Uh-uh tyunnie. I didn’t say you could touch, now did i?” you tut, moving his hand away and sitting up between both boys. “ You boys are so dirty. Can’t just kiss without getting drunk for my cock, hm?”
Both of them move to sit up along with you but you push them back down and shake your head with a faux sympathetic look. “If both of you want to cum so bad why don’t you play with each other? hyung is busy.” you move to go off the bed, picking up the stuffed molang plushie and placing it between the both of them. Hyuka immediately starts grinding his hips into the poor plush, pressing it into taehyun by doing so.
“A-Ah, hyung! Don’t be mean.” he stutters out. hyuka clings to his body, steadily grinding his hips into the stuffed animal, the force of his thrusts pushing it into tyuns neglected hard on as well. kai’s heavy tongue licks into taehyuns neck, causing him to whine and squeeze his eyes shut from the pleasure. “h-hyunggg,” he mewls out of habit. though he’s long forgotten you left him as you slip out of his room, quietly closing the door.
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At the entrance of soobins room you stand in the dark, the door is shut behind you but you make no move to leave your spot. across the room soobin lays in his bed with his headphones on and head practically sucked into his phone.
his legs slightly hang off the long edge of the bed, toes curling and uncurling in tandem with each other. your eyes trail a bit higher, landing on the very noticeable bulge twitching through his boxers. every once in a while his hips would jut up into the air, hopelessly seeking friction.
you smile to yourself at his eagerness, deciding to end his pitiful suffering. soobin nearly jumps out of his skin when he feels your hand cup him through his underwear— slamming his phone on the bed and ripping his headphones off.
“H-Hyung!” without the light of his phone you could only make out his wide doe eyes staring at you in surprise. you giggle and flick on his bedside lamp letting the light illuminate as much as it could. soobins flushed cheeks are more prominent this way, his cute ears practically dyed red and blonde hair messily unkept with strands sticking every direction.
You squeeze at his bulge, snapping him out of his surprised state and causing a cute whine to slip out his lips. “What are you watching that got you so worked up, bunny?” as soon as the pet name leaves your lips his hips twitch harshly upwards. your teasing grin widens at the action, groping him tighter and leaning down to lick a stripe up his neck.
“aah, y-yeonjunie hyung sent me a video of him playing with—“ he cuts himself off with a gasp when you suck on a particularly sensitive part of his neck, “ah! ah! his toys!! playing with his toys—!” soobin trembles in your hold, resisting the urge to curl away from your actions.
His toys hm? i’ll remember that. “Your supposed to tell me when they send you stuff like this bunny, shouldn’t Binnie get punis-“
“No!” soobin practically yelped upon hearing the word, he hates getting punished. He’s so eager to please that he barely ever acts out, unlike beomgyu and taehyun, but when he is punished he’s immediately fucked out and trying to redeem himself. “Bunny’s been good! S-So good!! bunny didn’t touch himself at all, jus watched Jjunie-hyung! Don’t want t’be puni-“
Suddenly, your hand latched onto his throat, pressing down tightly and pulling a harsh gasp out of him. Soobin immediately looked at your face above him, dark and ticked with anger.
“Did I say you could talk over me, Mutt?” Your palm dug deeper into his neck and angled his head to the side, bracing his flushed cheek towards you. “Can’t fucking talk now can you huh? Dumb bunny, nothing in this head right? Just a pretty face who can't just listen to his hyung." Soobin nodded along with every word as you bring your other hand up and press down on his lower lip, watching him loll his tongue out on instinct.
Soobin stared up at you the best he could through dazed eyes, drool beginning to leak from the side of his mouth. "You want it, don't you?" you whisper, daring him to speak through choked gasps. Soobin nodded his head to the best of his ability, sticking his tongue out farther while pleading with his eyes; yes, yes yes give it to me, please.
Your hand firmly holds open his jaw as you spit harshly into his mouth. "Swallow it." you let go of his throat and watch him gulp down his treat, letting out gasped ‘thank you's’ as he catches his breath. Soobin opens his mouth again proudly showing that he swallowed like you told him to.
You pull and snap the band of his boxers back onto his skin, “Off, now.” and Soobin scrambles to shrug the clothing down his lanky legs. He instinctively curls his legs up to his chest, veiny arms hooking under both his knees, baring his ass to you with a soft whine.
An adorable heart shaped plug rests snugly between soobins unmarked cheeks, “ Oh, fuck bunny..” you whisper in awe, slowly easing the plug out while watching his hole stretch around the wide base.
Soobin whined long and high pitched, throwing his head back into the pillow. “ Ahh please!! Please hyung!” he mindlessly begged, keening when he felt the plug being fucked in and out of him lewdly.
Soobin loudly wails when you finally pull it out of him, letting out a heavy sigh of pleasure when he feels two of your fingers circle around his rim. “ M’ready, m’ready hyung please fuck me! b-bunny’s been a good boy!”
you chuckle at the impatient tone in his voice, sinking your fingers into him and pumping deliciously against his walls. you don’t know how much longer you can resist him yourself, still tight gummy insides just begging to swallow your cock whole.
reluctantly slipping your fingers out of him and leaning back, you pull your sleep shorts down to your knees along with your boxers. You spit into your hand, fisting along the shaft while soobin drools at the sight.
His toes curl once he feels the wet tip prod at his hole and slowly push into him. He fights the urge to close his eyes instead of watching every inch of you sink inside him. “Oh, please..” Soobin whines out. Every single ridge and vein of your meaty cock deliciously dragging against his walls until you bottom out, leaving him twitching and breathless—barely able to speak from being so full.
With his pouty lips permanently held open in a silent moan and his doe eyes fighting back tears, Soobin silently pleads to start moving. You narrow your eyes at him for daring to ask anything when he’s pissed you off already, slowly pulling out until just the tip throbs inside of him and slamming your hips forward— dragging a loud wail out of him.
Your hips move like clockwork; heavily pounding him into the mattress with a bruising grip on his meaty thighs, each thrust pumping into him harder than the last and knocking the air out of soobins throat.
“So pretty, bunny.” you groaned out, angling your hips as deep as possible until your thighs ached. Soobin sobbed and let go of his legs, hands digging into the sheets next to his head. “ So fucking good.” you pushed forward until your chest was flush against his— as close as you could get with his knees pressing to his shoulders.
The new angle served as the perfect position for your cock to ram straight into his prostate, a loud squeal immediately flying out of his lips. “Hyung— oh my god..!” Soobins back arched as deep as it possibly could while being pressed into the bed, hands grabbing onto your back, hard. “Fuck it’s—! it’s sho good! sso good hyung, don’t stop! please ffuck me harder! Aaah..”
Soobin practically screams each time you pummel against that sweet spot inside of him, legs kicking wildly in the air. “Bunny— fuck m’ gonna cum soon, shit!” you moan into his ear. soobin can barely speak in response. His eyes rolled back into his head as his hips bucked up into you the best he could, dumb cock twitching frantically between your bodies.
You quickly sit up and lay each of his legs on either side of your hips, his hands instantly flying to his flushed nipples. you lean back and resume your thrusts but this time fucking straight into his prostate. Each thrust tightening the band threatening to snap in his lower tummy, leaving his swollen dick bobbing helplessly with the force.
“C-Cum for me Bunny, make hyung proud.” It only took one of your hands fisting his throbbing tip to have him crying out a broken ‘c-cumming!’ and making a mess of himself all over his abdomen. You follow soon after him, burying deep and shooting your load into his warm insides, collapsing onto his wet chest.
Both of you start to doze off in each other sticky mess, even though you should get up and clean it before a staff member finds the both of you like this. Soobin mumbled quiet ‘i love you’s’ into your sweaty hair, dragging his tired limbs up and down your scratched back. Before your mind can teeter off into the sweet relief of sleep you press tender kisses against his pecs, playfully licking at his nipple and giggling at his sensitive whine.
The both of you are snoring by the time soobins phone pings with multiple messages from the groupchat:
Beommie 🧸
god are you guys FINALLY finished??
thought you guys were gonna fuck all night, jesus.
oh so now your quiet
holy shit don’t tell me tyun and kai are going at it to
omg you horndogs!
jjunie hyung 🫶🏼
just go to sleep beoms.
actually, come over
hearing them got me all needy
Beomie 🧸
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
inhaler w/ yunho
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i wrote this bc i’m sick at the minute and so my asthma is 10x worse than usual and (as always) i have no fucking clue where my inhaler is :D
forgetful!asthmatic!reader who always misplaces your inhaler mixed with clueless!boyfriend!yunho who can’t help but feel a little lost
okay so we all know he’s a sweetie pie but i just feel like he’d be a little nonchalant about the situation when he first finds out
he just kind of brushes it off because asthma’s a pretty common thing, right?
and like, it just means you get out of breath a little quicker, doesn’t it? nothing to worry too much about
besides, you seem to have it all under control - what could he possibly do to help that you don’t already do for yourself!
there’s no point in him worrying over something that he doesn’t need to
but then he’s over at your apartment for a movie night, the two of you snuggled up together on the couch
he’s trying to pay attention to the film, but he can’t help but notice that you’re breathing a little heavier than usual
he keeps an eye on you out of the corner of his eye, just because he’s a good boyfriend and he wants to make you’re you’re 100% okay
and despite the way your chest is rising and falling like you’ve just come off of a 4 mile run, you seem perfectly happy
you’re not behaving out of the ordinary or doing anything you normally wouldn’t, so you probably have it all under control yourself
so once he’s sure you’re not dying, he stops checking on you so much because you seem like you’re fine, other than the obvious
and even if you weren’t, he wasn’t going to overstep and assume anything; you’d let him know if you needed his help
but then after a few more minutes, he hears you take a really deep breath, like you’re trying to fill your lungs to the brim with air
that in itself is a little concerning, but then he hears you wheeze as you take in the breath, the tightness in your chest now audible
his gaze shoots to you again, only this time he’s definitely concerned about you
“are you alright?” he frowns, “what was that?”
you look at him confused, eyebrows furrowed because you don’t understand what he’s talking about
“what was what?”
“the wheeze thing you just did,” he confirms, “are you alright?”
and as he says that it dawns on you that this is the first time he’s ever properly seen the effects of your asthma
like sure, your asthma has an effect on damn near everything you do but yunho’s never bore witness to it when it’s at its worst
when you don’t even have to move to be out of breath; sitting there is simply enough to make you feel like your lungs have decreased by 50%
when breathing is a chore in itself and to even feel like you’re getting enough oxygen, every breath you take is heavy and deep
when alongside each of those deep breaths comes a wheeze that you have to learn to block out before it drives you insane
it almost seems like a good thing that yunho has never seen it in full force before; it means that days like this aren’t as regular as you think they are
“it’s just my asthma,” you shrug, “nothing i can’t cope with, yun.”
you say it like it is because it is just your asthma; it’s nothing you haven’t been dealing with since you were a child
but yunho feels like he’s going insane because how are you so nonchalant about not being able to breathe?
“do you need your inhaler?” he asks, “if you let me know where it is i’ll grab it for you.”
you think for a second
you know you should take it, but for some reason you can’t place your finger on where you had it last
“i’ll find it later,” you tell him, knowing it’s likely that you’ll have to scour the entire apartment to find it, “don’t worry too much, okay?”
yunho just stares at you with his mouth gaped because how could you sound so unbothered about the fact that you sound like you’re dying?!?
and what do you mean by ‘find it’? surely you’d know where it is since since it’s, y’know, your medication??
“well i am worried,” he says with a frown, “do you not know where it is?”
again, you shrug
“probably in the bedroom but i’m not too sure where,” you say, “or it could be in one of my bags. maybe my black one!”
yunho kicks himself for not being more attentive of the issue
party because he feels like maybe he’s been ignoring just how bad of an issue your condition really is
but mainly because he should’ve known that no matter the condition you would definitely not be as attentive as you should be
“i’m going to find it,” he gets up from the sofa and begins to walk past you but you grab hold of his wrist to stop him
he just looks down at you with a cocked brow and an unhappy look on his face
even you staring up at him with puppy eyes can’t stop him from feeling agitated at you and your inability to see this as an issue
“yunho, sit down,” you command, but he doesn’t, “yunho, i’m being serious. i’ve dealt with this millions of times; i know how to cope without an inhaler.”
he still doesn’t sit, waiting for you to elaborate
because it’s not that he doesn’t believe that you’ve dealt with it a whole bunch, but he isn’t too sure on whether to trust your method of dealing with it
especially when your method of dealing with most things is ‘let it sort itself out’
“i just need to sit here for a while, alright?” you rub your thumb along the wrist you’re holding, as if you’re trying to comfort him, “it won’t help it, but at least it won’t get worse.”
that sounds an awful lot like ‘letting it sort itself out’ to him, but he doesn’t argue with you about it…
because he can’t help but notice that you’re talking to him like he’s a scared child; all soft and quiet like any loud noise might frighten him
and he realises that maybe he is a little scared of the whole situation, because he’s never dealt with it before
not with anyone, let alone someone he loves as deeply as he loves you
perhaps he just wishes you took your own safety a little more seriously than you seem to be doing, even if he knows deep down that you know better than he does
and maybe he just wishes he doesn’t feel so helpless in this situation, no matter how small it may seem to you
you seem to notice that though
“if you want to do something to help, you can get me a hot drink,” you throw a gentle smile in his direction, “i’ll take my preventative inhaler when it’s time for bed, and we can find my blue one before we sleep”
he thinks it over for a few minutes, trying to hush the voice in his head that tells him he needs to solve this before the problem gets any bigger
he knows it won’t; you’ve told him that it won’t and he believes you
you know what you’re doing, he repeats like a mantra in his head
“do you want cocoa, tea or coffee?” he finally mutters
“coffee,” you say, kissing his arm gently before letting him go, “now stop panicking otherwise you might be the one in need of medical attention, and i won’t know how to help.”
he snorts out a tiny laugh, and you can’t help but think about how nice it is to watch the worry drain from his face
“coffee it is, my little steam train.”
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choccy-milky · 7 months
hey! They already asked you but I don't know if you forgot hehe, what are the mbti of Clora and Sebastian? 😸
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OK, I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER!! took me a hot minute to figure out sebs, but after reading all the pages and comparing, i do think entp fits him the best. also i saw this picture on pinterest about a relationship between isfj and entp and its so true, esp the "do not listen to each other's advice, still get each other out of trouble" LMFAO. also the 'protecting isfj at all costs' 🥺🥺🥺im soft. (ALSO DONT COME AT ME I KNOW I SPELLED KNOWLEDGEABLE WRONG IM TOO LAZY TO FIX IT😭) OKAY!! and its been a while so i'll be using this ask to reply to a buncha others🙏🙏
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my fanfic does follow the plot of the game, but with sebastian added to every sidequest/story mission. and then from around the third (niamh's) trial, it starts to branch more into (mostly all) original stuff!^^
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yes actually LMAO, clora's lawley-slap wasn't even planned. but as i was writing it i started to get so offended on her behalf i was like GIRL, SLAP THIS BITCH🤬 so she did😇😇 id say its normal, yeah! even tho i stick to my outlines, a lot of what happens just kinda happens without my prior planning as i begin to write bahaha, especially dialogue scenes.
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aw, im glad u like my blog so much and that it can help u even in the smallest of ways 😭thank u!!💖💖
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BAHAHA AWW TYY IM GLAD U LIKE IT SO MUCH!! i saw u re-reading it recently on wattpad and ur comments always have me dying. also im just gonna address your other ask here in this one, but as u know seb has now met mr.clemons, and you 10000% nailed the dynamic between seb and clora's dad LMFAOO, they will absolutely bond over disagreeing with how careless she is and wanting to protect her/stressing over her LOOL. ty again for all ur messages, i love seeing how much u love my art/fic😭💖
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OMG u are so right i need to draw this
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also god idk....following the sebinis example, i guess they'd be...sebora?? reminds me of sephora LMAO. ive also had someone call them "alliteration shipping" which i think is so cute BAHAHA. HONESTLY PPL CAN JUST SAY WHATEVER THEY WANT, i aint picky.
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oh god its been too long since ive read the books (tho i do really wanna re-read them esp in the winter) but my fav movie is half blood prince, just because i love all the ron/hermione moments and the highschool drama BAHAHA. what do u mean harry potter isnt a romcom??? ok and last but DEFS not least
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THE UNHINGED ENERGY OF THIS ASK CRACKED ME UP SO MUCH WHEN U SENT IT BAHAHAH, couldnt even fit the whole thing in my screenshot. IM GLAD U LIKED/HATED THE CHAP, and also your pfp just makes everything you say funnier, i love it LMAOOO. ty🙏🙏
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politemenacephd · 5 months
Arachnophilia: (Part Nine)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
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You're a new recruit to the spider society, and you've just been sent on your first mission on one condition: Do not contact Miguel's variant in this universe. When your mission goes wrong you break that rule very quickly, desperate for help, only to find that Miguel's variant here is not what you expected. He's stoic but kind, awkward but sincere, and he's also an enormous human-spider hybrid: a drider, both human and arachnid. You decide to continue seeing Miguel in secret, with the rest of the society unaware. You really want to stay friends after all. That is, until Miguel suddenly goes into a rut. Now you're his mate, trapped in a dizzying heat that only he can fix, trying to hide your relationship from your suspicious superiors. What could go wrong? Word count: 3080 Notes: some fluffy time now hehe
You woke the next morning to the sound of rain, unaware of what had transpired while you slept.
The tail end of a storm had blown in over night before dying out by dawn, leaving the forest in a deep and melancholic mist as droplets continued to patter against the leaves. The smell of wet pine drifted in and tickled your nose.
You could tell it was cold outside, based on the chill against your bare face, but your body was so incredibly warm. Something heavy was keeping you in place, keeping you grounded while protecting you from the elements outside.
Slowly you opened your eyes.
‘Mm... Mig?’
You rolled your head back and blinked the sleep aside.
Mig had clambered on top of you, like a bird sitting on its eggs, and you were fully compressed beneath the warm fluff of his abdomen. No wonder you were so warm.
You repeated his name in the same sleepy tone, but he seemed too pre-occupied to notice. His human torso was upright, arms folded, facing the door with unblinking eyes. You wondered how long he’d been up like that.
‘What’r you doin’?’ you asked.
Your question finally drew his attention back to you as he glanced down with raised brows.
‘Hm? What do you mean, arañita?’
‘You’re- on me.’
‘Yes. I am’ he affirmed, blunt as ever. ‘You were shivering, in your sleep. At least- I think you were. I wanted to be sure you were okay. Do you… want me to move?’
‘Uh- no, no you’re fine. It’s very warm.’
He gave a curt nod and returned to watching the door as rain trickled from its edges, just barely illuminated by the misty light beyond.
‘Good. I’m glad you’re comfortable.’  
For a while you lazily indulged in his warmth. You had no idea before this that spiders were so soft. You lounged against the feathery mattress in a timeless void, lost to the outside world, safe in this little bubble you’d created with him.
But as your body slowly woke up, it was inevitable that you started thinking again. You opened your eyes and watched the rain as it dripped like pearls from the top of the entrance.
It’d been a while since you were just alone with Mig like this, at least since the first time you’d had sex. The heat suppressed any chance you had of making normal conversation, and the last time you’d just spoken was when you’d gone to leave. You were used to these moments of quiet contemplation when you were friends, but, now?
You were curious, more than anything. Would you talk the same? Would it be easier, harder? You decided you ought to just find out.
‘Did you sleep okay?’ you asked, finally broaching conversation. Mig seemed slightly surprised when you spoke, as you felt his abdomen jolt before settling again.
‘Ah- yes. I did. Did, you?’
‘Mhm. Sorry I just- fell asleep right after you finished, I was just so tired.’
‘There’s no need to apologize, arañita. I’m sorry I ravaged you like that.’
‘Oh, I mean… that wasn’t a problem for me.’
He snorted; you couldn’t tell if that was meant to be a laugh or not. ‘Did you manage to organise your affairs while away?’ he asked, shifting the conversation. You nodded.
‘Mhm! Mhm, everything should be fine. I saw Jess, I told her I was sick, quote unquote, and would let her know when I was better, so, that’ll buy us some time, at least until the heats over. Obviously Miguel was, weird about it, but… I mean he didn’t say anything so I’m sure it’s still fine. It’s fine.’
Mig’s lips tilted downward with his brows, forming a crease in his forehead.
He didn’t want to leave you in the dark about last night, and yet when he thought about telling you fully what had occurred, he choked. Lying did not come naturally to him. He knew if he decided to explain part of last night, he would explain it all, including Miguel’s veiled reminders and accusations.
He knew what Miguel knew. He knew, but he couldn’t even acknowledge it with himself, let alone with you. He decided to pick his words carefully.
‘Yes. He- is likely to remain troublesome, but I promise I won’t let him bother you.’
‘I wasn’t gonna let him bother me’ you huffed. ‘You know, hey- I meant to tell you yesterday, they mentioned him when I was in the medical bay. Or at least the nurse did, she really shouldn’t have, but- they thought I’d slept with him, because the signs on my body from you were the same as some other guy they’d had in before. I didn’t want to believe you, but- I mean it’s pretty clear you were right, about his- needs.’
Mig froze as you continued rambling on about what the nurse had said. He always strove to be a good listener when you spoke, but right now all he could hear was the ringing in his ears.
That hypocritical, lying snake, he thought. That self-righteous coward. He was forced to cough to cover his involuntary hiss of rage.
Of course, every variant but him had to be locked away for their own safety. Of course, every variant but him had to maintain abstinence to avoid spreading their malformation. Everyone but him. They were all filthy, misbegotten monsters, not fit to love, but him? Well, he could have his dalliances.
Mig snorted hard to dispel his anger, wanting to avoid showing such a thing to you again.
He knew that Miguel’s threat last night had been genuine. He had no idea what he’d do to get his way, whether today or tomorrow or in a weeks’ time. All he knew is that he would defend you when the time came, and for now, he just wanted to enjoy your company.
He wanted to enjoy being wanted for just a little while longer. If the noble, venerable Miguel could do it, why couldn’t he? In the midst of his bitterness, Mig decided to turn it around. He decided to make you an offer.
‘Yes, I would- ideally like to keep you away from him. So you don’t have to worry about being, ah- bothered’ Mig said at last.
You shot him a quick and grateful smile. ‘I mean, I’d appreciate that, but I’m happy to be here regardless. I’m not just here to hide.’
Miguel grunted his approval as birdsong began to radiate in from outside. He breathed in deep, his chest heaving, as he worked up the courage to speak his mind.
‘I was thinking, arañita. I could, maybe, make the nest more… habitable. For you.’
You blinked. ‘I- wait, are you sure?’
‘But- won’t I only be here full time until the heat stops? I’m assuming after that—’
Midway through speaking you noticed his eyes widening. He was sinking back into that same sadness he’d expressed when you first left, that deep rooted fear of abandonment. You quickly shook your head, pre-empting his distress.
‘Not- I mean that when the heat’s over, I won’t be here full time, not that I won’t see you anymore’ you clarified. His face settled, slowly drifting back to neutrality, but you could see the little hints of concern in his eyes. He was scanning your face all over again, as if searching for your soul.
‘I’ll have to do some spider society duties, but I still want to come see you’ you explained in a clearer tone. ‘I still want to hang out, maybe- stay over, if- only if that’s okay, I also don’t want to take up all your time—’
‘I have nothing but wasted time when you’re not here, mi tesoro. You would not be taking up anything’ Mig softly interrupted.
‘What- wait, what? What do you mean?’
He gave a half-hearted shrug, his eyes now fixed on the distant wall. He seemed to be looking at nothing. ‘I mean exactly that. What did I do before? I survived. That’s all. I am, separated from other people, I have little technology to connect to the outside world. I hunt, I eat, maybe I watch the stars. I live to see another day, but- since I changed, that’s all. You are the only, thing I’ve had, that was more than surviving. Comfort, companionship, joy, and… pleasure.’
You felt a stab of guilt when faced with that morbid picture. The idea of Mig sitting in the woods, pondering his existence, eating and sleeping just to get through each day. You hadn’t even comprehended before just what his life must have been like, with no one to talk to and no one to comfort him.
‘I apologize’ he murmured, a sad little smile breaking the calm of his expression, ‘I didn’t want to put pressure on you, but, that meant never explaining fully how grateful I am that you appeared in my little universe. I’ve been so- jealous, and scared, of losing that little comfort, but I should be glad I had you at all.’
Your mind drifted to your own loneliness back at the HQ. What was worse, you wondered, being deprived of people entirely or being surrounded by people who don’t see you? At least you’d had something. At least you’d been negligible, rather than abominable.
In that moment, all pretence about his monsterhood died. You were both monsters in that moment, and you were both people too. You were people only to each other.
‘Oh Mig. You... Look, I—I will always come back to you. I’ll do my stupid duties and then I’ll come back, and I’ll keep bringing you stuff like I used to! But even then, I just… I don’t want to make you change things to fit me in. This is your home. I don’t want to be a brat, I can get by just fine. I’ve done fine so far.’
Miguel began shaking his head before you’d even finished speaking. ‘No. You complained about the state of my home after just a day or so here, remember? You said you needed more. I will supply more.’
Immediately you balked. When faced with how you’d acted towards him, when worded so bluntly, it was certainly humbling. ‘God- I’m, so sorry about that, I was just—I was tired and—’
‘Don’t apologize. You were right. This place is fit for me, but, not for a person like you. So, I will fix it.’
You shuffled awkwardly as you tried to think. ‘Well then… Well, look, then let me work out what I need. I can bring it here myself.’
Again, Mig shook his head. ‘You’re my mate. It’s my job to provide for you.’
‘No! No, don’t be silly, I don’t need—’
You froze as Mig’s claws came down on your lips, gently smooshing them shut. His eyes on you were kind. ‘I want to help’ he murmured. ‘This is what I want, mi tesoro.’
You squirmed a little as you pushed his claws aside. ‘But- but I can at least help too, right?’ you asked.
Mig reached out to touch your cheek, his eyes flitting across your face. He seemed confused. ‘You don’t need to help, arañita. This is for me. Just- relax, let me do what you need.’
‘You— mmm.’ You bit your tongue on what you wanted desperately to blurt out: that he was so nice, too nice, in a way you weren’t used to. That you felt guilty for making him work for your sake when you’d already been rude, or at least you felt like you’d been rude, to this poor creature who had suffered enough.
In your ensuing silence Miguel seemed to finally sense that something was off. He was too inexperienced to know what, but he could just tell you were hiding your thoughts. He knew something about receiving his help made you uncomfortable, for whatever reason, and he knew that that would not do. He desperately wanted to be of use.
With a soft sigh he shifted his weight, using his forelegs to grip your body and pull it up towards him. He nestled his legs in, fully folding them beneath his body, and he held you bridal style against his bare chest.
‘Do you know how spider mating works, usually? It’s- quite interesting’ he said.
You listened, curious as to where this was going, as Miguel gazed off into the distance and recited his little facts.
‘The females are almost always twice the size as the males, and twice as deadly. They demand that males shower them in affection to prove their worth. They expect dances, songs played on silk strings, back rubs and oral sex and copulation which takes as little time as possible. They expect males to fight to the death for their hand. They expect- gifts. And, if they do not receive what they want, they will eat the male for their own purposes. In fact, even if they do receive what they want, sometimes they will just eat him regardless.’
You blanched at the morbid nature of his story, a stark contrast to his soft little smile.
‘I’d say, by spider standards, you ask for too little’ he whispered.
With your lopsided smile, you tried to awkwardly shift back into teasing him. ‘Ah- what, are you saying I can eat you?’
‘If you wanted to.’
‘I- Mig, no! No, I’m kidding! Don’t say that!’
‘Why not?’
You gently slapped your hands against his chest, as if patting him would bring him back to reality. ‘No! No, don’t- say you’d be okay with being eaten!’
‘I would be, though, if it was you.’
‘NO! I won’t eat you!’
‘Well then there is no issue.’
You huffed at his response, but ultimately your reign of playful patting ended. You wriggled for him to put you down and immediately snuggled back against the warmth of his fluff, where his soft little forearms came around to embrace you.
‘I just realized, is that why you like how small I am?’ you asked. ‘Because your brain is like, the smaller they are the less likely they are to eat me?’
Miguel gave you a ghost of a smile. He looked almost shy beneath that stoic, stony expression. ‘A little bit, yes.’
‘But you’d still let me eat you?’
‘I still instinctively pleasure you with my mouth because it’s a survival tactic. I’m trying to keep you calm. So- I would not likely let you, I still have an ingrained need to survive, but I would not begrudge you my body.’
You recoiled a little in surprise. ‘You- wait, the mouth stuff is an instinctual thing?’
‘Y…Yes, I’m afraid so.’
Without thinking you dramatically sighed, your eyes turning to the side. ‘Wh- Aw! I thought that was just- you know, you being romantic’ you bemoaned.
‘It can be both.’
You tilted your head back and caught his eye, his glinting red light gently reflecting on your cheek. His eyes creased with affection as he scanned your face.
‘I mean- it is both.’
You shook your head, exasperated, before lowering your gaze. ‘My god, maybe I will eat you.’
A strange, new sound filled the air, almost like choking. You glanced up in a mild panic only to realize it was Miguel. He appeared to be chuckling. It was a low, guttural noise, deep and rugged, like someone trying to cough while laughing. It seemed to come unnaturally to him.
‘Ahum- sorry, that- I haven’t done that in a long time’ he grunted when the sounds came to an end.
Your own smile widened. God, he was so cute. ‘Hey, it’s fine! I like it. I like… when you’re, happy.’
Almost immediately after saying it you cringed internally, your hands flying to your face. ‘Oh my god- I’m sorry, that’s such a stupid statement. Nebulous statement. Who doesn’t like people being happy, right? Oh my god…’
For the second time Miguel had to bite back his strange and gruff laugh. He didn’t want to seem mocking, but lord, your embarrassment was so endearing. He bit his tongue to hide his joy and instead bent down to your height.
‘I like when you’re happy’ Mig said, gently repeating it back. When you peered at him through your fingers he managed another small smile. ‘Which is why, I would like to adjust this nest, for you. Please.’
You heaved a sigh. You couldn’t say no to that face.
‘Okay’ you said at last, waving your hands as if dismissing yourself of the issue. ‘Okay! Okay. But I will help a little.’
‘Very well. But I will determine what counts as little.’
‘Of course you will’ you scoffed affectionately.
As silence fell you noticed that the rain outside had started to pick up once more. The mist had turned everything beyond the border of the nest into a milky white void, and you could now hear the soft patter of the drops on the nests roof.
You breathed in the peace and allowed it to embolden you once more. In the isolation of the woods, flushed from head to toe in this honeymoon glow, you wanted just one more thing.
‘We um… there’s one more thing, I wanted to clarify’ you said, your head now nestled into the fur just below his pelvis. He didn’t glance down but he did grunt to signal that he’d heard you.
‘We- well. We established, by technicality, we’re a… mated pair.’
‘And we are… friends.’
You felt his fur bristling against your neck. ‘Yes. Also true’ he grunted.
‘We, um- we kinda rushed into, something, in a really weird way. Right? Not that it’s a bad thing, but- I said before I left, I don’t… know what this is yet.’
Mig bristled a little harder, his hair raising to the point that it tickled your cheek.
‘Yes… you, did say that.’
‘Well… When I went back to my home, and to the HQ, I was just so…So....’ You paused to swallow. ‘I missed you, Mig. I really, really missed you. Even for that short time, and- I realized, there is something very… special? About you, or- I’m, drawn to you, I guess. Even when I was in heat, and surrounded by hundreds of people, all I thought of was you.’
Miguel didn’t speak. He just tilted his head, urging you to continue. You swallowed for a second time only to find your throat was dry.
‘I’m, just- I was thinking, well- Could we, or- should we, maybe, just- clarify? Like, you know what I mean, right? Ah- we could just, define what is going on, and—’
Your stammering was brought to an abrupt halt when Miguel leaned down and pulled you close. His human torso bent and kept you close to his chest, his head in your neck, while his spider legs drew you in. You could feel his abdomen lightly vibrating against you as he let out a low hum.
‘Wh- ah, Mig? What—’
‘It’s a spider thing’ he whispered, his breath hot on your ear.
‘It- it is?’
You could feel his legs starting to shift, gently tapping and pulling at the nest floor. He was pinging the silk strings until they rang, filling the air with sweet little chiming sounds. It created a profound sense of comfort in you.
‘It means I like you, arañita’ he whispered, his voice barely a breath. ‘Here is my- confession, I suppose. I like you, arañita. I like you a lot.’
Your heart nearly tripled over in your chest. In a moment of impulse, you turned. You turned your body into his, searching for his face, and with both hands you grabbed his cheeks and pressed your lips to his.
It was a soft kiss. It wasn’t the manic, messy tongue play brought on by the heat, nor the explorative kissing Mig did to keep you distracted while mounting. It was barely a peck on his bottom lip, one you held onto for a second or so before letting him go.
When you pulled back your heart was beating like a bird in a cage. You found Mig completely frozen.
‘Are- is, is the heat coming back?’ he mumbled dizzily. You shook your head.
‘No. Not yet. No heat.’
He tried to sniff subtly but it was obvious what he was doing. When he realized you’d told the truth, he seemed to melt.
‘Then…. Wh—’
‘It’s just a human thing. It just means, I like you too.’
Mig’s eyes were so wide, so bright, almost dreamy in a way.
‘I don’t know if this will work out’ you said gently. ‘It’s- early, and this all happened very fast. And I know I can’t just, hide away here for forever. But, for now, while I have this time here with you, I want to try. I really, really want to try.’
Mig gave a slow nod in response.
‘I want to be, officially, uh… partners, I- I guess, would be the right term’ you said slowly.
Mig didn’t respond how you’d expect someone to respond when given such an offer. He didn’t smile, or laugh, or cheer or sigh. Instead, his wide eyes dilated until they looked like a cats, wide and full like a bloody moon, misty and soft. His body trembled a little.
‘Okay’ he said, his voice cracking ever so slightly. ‘Okay. Yes. I’d like that. I’d like- to agree to that, officially, mi tesoro.’
You beamed until your cheeks hurt, and when Mig moved in you let him kiss you back. You were expecting just another peck, but Mig had other ideas. He seemed insatiable, eagerly pressing kiss after kiss after kiss against your lips and cheeks and jaw. Soon he was bending you back into the mattress, your spine perfectly arched as the weight of his body crushed the air from your lungs.
His lips parted and his tongue began brushing yours. It was curious, wet, tender. It was like holding hands. His needy whimpers vibrating on your lips. When you did eventually part you were panting.
‘A-Are you rutting?’ you asked with a slight laugh, struggling to speak between kisses. Mig grunted.
‘No’ he mumbled before kissing you again, ‘no, no. No rut. Just… Just you. Just you.’
You melted into his arms as his body compressed you into the mattress, his lips refusing to leave yours. His abdomen did one more little wriggle of joy as his hands began drifting down your body.
You squeaked as he squished at your waist, your belly and your hips and thighs, tenderly imprinting his fingers into every part.
It seems it didn’t matter if he was rutting or not right now. He would have you regardless.
As he held you down Mig forgot all about the world outside. He forgot about Miguel. He forgot about the society. He forgot everything but the taste of your mouth, the softness of your skin and the warmth of your touch. Here the world was kind for one sweet, simple moment.
‘Just you. Just… you.’ Link to next part!
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doctorcurdlejr · 21 days
Niko!! what'd you think of I saw the tv glow. I finally saw it last night and noticed you posting about it so I wanted to know your thoughts :)
Levi!!! I was JUST wondering what you were thinking about the movie after I saw you posting about it as well... we are so media discussion pilled in this way, it's awesome. ANYWAYS I've had so many thoughts since I first saw it and I've been trying to turn them into something coherent for a little bit now.
Ummm okay I have written 1k+ words about this movie, the suburbs, and escapism via teen TV.... clearly I was dying for somebody to ask this I guess so thank you for indulging me <3
First and foremost, I absolutely loved it! I've seen it twice now and the first time I watched it I got to see Jane Schoenbrun talk about the film right after. I already really liked it from that first watch alone. I found it so deeply relatable to my experiences - both in terms of growing up gay and trans, but where I am now in my 20s trying to navigate adulthood. Hearing what Schoenbrun had to say really cemented my feelings and thoughts about the film.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a big influence on the movie (it's why Amber Benson makes a cameo as Johnny Link's mom). Even though I don't have the same emotional link to Buffy since I never watched it, I recognize it as the same type of warmth I experienced growing up with Riverdale. When Owen says he feels like his insides have been scooped out but that he's too afraid to look and have that wrongness everybody knows is there be confirmed, Maddy simply responds "Maybe you're like Isabel. Afraid of what's inside you." Tears forming but not falling, breathing shallowly, I grabbed the paper and pen the theater keeps at the seats for people to order food with and wrote that line down - the slip of paper is still somewhere in my car. Writing it now almost feels lame in its simplicity, but it felt like my insides were being flayed open.
During the director discussion, Schoenbrun talked a little bit about this idea of how truly fucking bizarre it is to grow up in the suburbs. Like, when we think about the pinnacle of normality in American culture, it's the image of middle-class cis-hetero-white suburbia. At the same time, despite this cultural dream of normality, everybody is hyper-aware that the suburbs are one of the least normal things ever. So, the ACTUAL cultural understanding of it is that it's where we go to, like, passively kill ourselves (*George Costanza voice* WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY YOU KNOW!). This idea isn't new, I mean there are so many films and shows about navigating that specific bizarre dissonance from Rebel Without a Cause to Heathers to Twin Peaks. Probably half the pre-teen to teen TV I watched obsessively growing up, stuff like Strange Days at Blake Holsey High, Making Fiends, Truth or Scare, and eventually Riverdale, were never shy about being weird and morbid and saying "yes, the suburbs are exactly as bizarre and lethal in the ways you can already feel in your bones at 13." I Saw the TV Glow does a really good job of keying not only into that mental dissonance but more specifically into how those of us who have felt so intrinsically weird and different and wrong fell back on these shows like they were capable of doing the emotional version of a rescue breath maneuver after being drowned.
In high school, if there were two things about me that any person who even vaguely knew me could list off it was that I watched Riverdale, and I was a lesbian - and I was mocked more for the Riverdale. At that age, I was, without a doubt, the most miserable I have ever felt in my life. I rarely left the house because my family lived in a development that made me want to scratch my skin off when I walked out our front door. Owen didn't leave the house for days, afraid Maddy could somehow force him out. I sobbed constantly and frequently to depressing indie rock on the floor of my closet while hoping my family would just once read the (honest to god) KEEP OUT poster plastered on my door since I didn't have a lock on it. Owen didn't leave his room for days, afraid of what Maddy recognized in him. I didn't go on dates and kept my chest binder shoved to the bottom of my bookbag while wearing dresses that could've come from a how-to-be the perfect 50s housewife manual. Owen didn't leave his bed for days, afraid of Maddy touching his neck and Isabel's dress. I also watched Riverdale with the kind of zeal you see in a Pentecostal who has found God and started speaking in tongues to let you know it. I own a button that says, "Don't Make Me Go Dark Betty On You," I cherish it in a way that is only achieved by knowing exactly how corny and trite it is and then moving straight past that because well actually, and most people wouldn't get this, she's holding back something deeply dark and wild and- and disgusting. something painful yet intrinsically her. but i get it, obviously. or maybe not obviously! hopefully not obviously, but- basically, I'm just saying I get it: the experience of reflection and recognition through the other and all that.
Whatever, the point is that this movie is one big glaring trans allegory about how it sucks dog shit to live in the suburbs, and even at our most repressed we find these little snow globes of actualization in the glow of a tv screen that isn't afraid to show you the world you see. I've seen some people say that, like, in this context accepting or coming into your transness is this monumental death of self, which I get, but I feel there lacks a nuance in that because either way Owen is dying. Unlike Maddy who buries herself alive only to come out renewed, Owen doesn't kill himself upon facing the reality that the world is constructed to keep him miserable and the only way out is to take back what it is that the world wants to keep scooped out of him. Instead he just passively lets it drag him to a much more permanent death. This lack of suicide sucks in the kind of way that forces you to sit in your car on the midnight drive home and think to yourself am I letting myself suffocate because at some point knowing the misery became less scary than admitting I've been capable of doing something about it the whole time?
Clearly, I’ve been enchanted by the film’s narrative and meta-textual language. If you're familiar with it, you can see how Schoenbrun built this movie like a long-form dream episode of a canceled teen show filmed in Vancouver. Lynchian? Yeah, sure. Riverdalesque? THIS we cannot possibly deny. Schoenbrun said they included Amber Benson as an act of healing the inner rage experienced at Tara’s death in Buffy. This is a Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa ending Riverdale with a bisexual polycule after his gay Archie play got ceased-and-desisted type move. There’s probably more I could say about the soundtrack and the visuals, but I’ve hit over 1k words on this, so I’ll leave it at I enjoyed this movie a lot. :)
Maddy is an out lesbian who left town to escape the misery and found it strapped to her ankles. She slinks out, an animal pressed against the gymnasium floor, and says "I'm not telling you anything you don't already know." Owen looks into the camera and narrates. He cuts himself open with a box cutter, fully acknowledges what's there, and the movie ends with his suffocating apology parade for the unremarkable inconvenience of his excruciating suffering. You can be gay and trans, you can know it and you can stop repressing it, but you're not going to stop suffocating until you can find a way to destroy the part of you that truly deeply does want to die, reaching for the comforting euthanasia of normalcy. Stop visiting the dream of the life you want and make it into your reality with the same kind of unrepentant conviction seen in some underfunded but wildly ambitious teen television series. In other words: you must try to survive the ego death of being weird. A weirdo, who doesn't fit in and doesn't want to fit in!
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makeste · 7 months
BnHA Chapter 407: Wait Why Are You Running Away
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan figured out how to control his quirk upgrade and was totally chill and normal about it. Definitely not terrifying at all. He actually spent the entire chapter smiling and laughing like the wholesome little boy he is. I don’t know why Kid For One is so freaked out about it. He even politely introduced himself using his childhood nickname. Clearly he just wants to be friends with you, KFO!
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “sorry to keep you waiting, here’s the AFO and Yoichi flashback you ordered at long last” and proceeds to serve a nightmarish stew of HUMAN MISERY and RATS and STABBING and CARNAGE and SO MUCH MURDER and THE SINGLE MOST FUCKED-UP CASE OF CODEPENDENCY ANYONE HAS EVER WRITTEN. I was not even remotely prepared for any of this, and if anyone else claims that they were, I will call you a liar to your face. If this chapter had a mouth it would scream. Or just sob, ceaselessly and uncontrollably. I’m really glad Horikoshi is on break next week because that man needs to take a fucking nap. My god.
okay WOW
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anyone else read the first two words and just immediately say to themselves, “oh okay, so it’s gonna be one of those chapters”? I mean, I guess we were due for a darker chapter after last week’s Kacchan Comedy Tour. but idk, I just wasn’t expecting “homeless sick prostitute with a drinking problem” levels of dark
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what exactly is this manga rated again? doesn’t this backstory seem just a little bit raw for the impressionable kiddos??
has anyone actually checked in on Horikoshi recently? you know, just to make sure he is okay??
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what a fun and wholesome manga this is
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the lil baby arm covered in blood with the AFO hole on the palm. lying next to the dead mom hand. what an image to sear into our minds. I guess it’s been a while since he killed any dogs. gotta keep us on our toes somehow
also wasn’t expecting AFO and Yoichi to be twins! that puts an interesting spin on their relationship, because it’s usually a closer bond than even regular siblings. especially with all of that delightful shared trauma from a young age!!
yes, exactly
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ohhhh this chapter is gonna hurt me, isn’t it. okay. ooooooookay. let’s do this
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Horikoshi my dude. you do realize that their mom dying in childbirth and the two of them just barely surviving and growing up as street orphans would have already been MORE than tragic enough, backstory-wise. you did not have to turn this into a freaking horror show with RATS TRYING TO EAT THEIR NEWBORN SELVES jesus christ
and THAT’S where you chose to put a one year timeskip?!
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what the fuck am I reading here, you guys. no please tell me, I am actually desperate to understand
so the narrator is saying that some of the quirks manifested later in life, in “pubescent and pre-pubescent stages”, which is interesting because it’s the first time I can recall hearing about someone actually manifesting a quirk that late. maybe Deku’s old OFA cover story was more plausible than I realized
anyway so eventually it occurred to everyone that they should maybe freaking study this shit, idk. and eventually the researchers concluded that the superpowers came from a new gene that apparently isn’t human. and upon hearing that, society apparently lost its freaking mind. which is fascinating to me because it implies that the turning point wasn’t actually the superpowers themselves, but the realization of what it meant
like, so they were apparently fine with it when they thought it was a “mysterious disease”, but somehow it hit different when they learned it wasn’t actually a sickness at all, but instead the Next Step in Evolution. and it became an “us vs them” thing, as opposed to a “we have to cure these poor people” thing. damn
anyway so now Japan is a dystopia and we’re cutting to a big crowd of merc-looking dudes who are getting ready to attack some “meta freaks”, how lovely
but who is this figure in the shadows
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I ask politely, as if it wasn’t already beyond obvious that this is AFO about to wreck some people’s shit
ohhhhh my god lmao
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hopefully Katsuki and Deku can take the present day AFO out before he winds up looking like this. because this little fella is clearly demonic and idk if anyone can stop him
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you all don’t understand. you need to run the fuck away right now
oh shit it’s already too late for them
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it’s too late for any of us. it’s over. it’s all fucking over
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AFO I am putting the manga down. I am backing away slowly with my hands in the air. I mean you no harm. please for the love of god have mercy
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“you see, we told you he wasn’t human” okay Scientific Research Group, you know what?? you win this round I guess
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HE WAS BORN AN ARROGANT BABY is literally the most terrifying sentence I have ever read
what the entire fuck
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it’s a gorgeous sunny mid-November afternoon outside my window. but no matter how hard it tries, the light cannot reach this place
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what kind of moron would throw a can of soda at him. officially the stupidest person we have ever seen in this manga
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(ETA: how come baby Yoichi has clothes that fit him perfectly but baby AFO is just stomping around wearing a tablecloth.)
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small and weak, but also so, so cute. all of the cuteness genes went straight to him. no wonder AFO was jealous
(ETA: just want to press pause for a second to speculate about what type of twins AFO and Yoichi are, since it has some relevance to the story, and especially to the OFA/AFO quirk lore. so! at first glance the two of them would appear to be fraternal twins, just based on the fact that they have very different appearances, and also the fact that Yoichi doesn’t have the AFO quirk – no holes in his hands, etc. identical twins are born from the same fertilized egg, so in theory they would both have the same sequence of DNA, which means Yoichi would have had the same quirk as AFO. but that doesn’t appear to be the case. so all of that points to them being fraternal, not identical.
on the other hand, there is one piece of evidence in this chapter that does support them being identical twins, and that’s the fact that per the narration, AFO absorbed most of the nutrients from their mother. a few minutes of google fu informed me that this condition is relatively rare, and only happens in cases where two twins share a placenta, which typically is only the case for identical twins. HOWEVER, for what it’s worth, there have also been rare instances where two fraternal twin placentas fuse together and become a single placenta. AND this apparently also increases the chances of one of the twins gaining more of the nutrients and causing the other twin to have a lower birth weight.
so based on the evidence here, my conclusion is that the two of them are most likely fraternal twins with a case of placental fusion. besides, you can’t tell me that stealing his baby brother’s placenta while the two of them are literally still in the womb doesn’t sound like exactly the type of BS that fetus!AFO would pull, lol.)
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okay?!?!?! well to be fair he did throw that soda at him
oh my god this is so fucked up. in like the best and worst way possible
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I genuinely couldn’t ask for a better AFO backstory. it’s so incredibly twisted, and you actually do feel sorry for him. or at least I do. but it’s also beyond clear that this kid was FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL REASON right from the get go. zero goodness in him. literally doesn’t see other people as people. sees them as possessions only. things to rule over. not other thinking, feeling human beings. and that includes his own little brother
but. even if it’s not actually what I would call love, there’s still... attachment, there. it’s the closest he can get to actually caring about someone. guh. just, somehow they have both managed to humanize him, and at the same time made him less human than ever. this manga, man. this fucking manga, though
lmao and here we go. Captain Hero
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you know, all those times that I made fun of AFO for not knowing how to read, I never suspected that the twist in his backstory would be that he LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO READ dfksjdlfkjslkdf
but seriously though. because Yoichi appears to be self-taught, and I can’t see AFO having the patience for that, and CLEARLY no one else was around to teach him, sooooo...
oh my goodness it’s actually getting wholesome up in here
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what a good fucking boy. poor AFO. fuck me, I can’t help it. it’s not your fault you’re the world’s greatest monster you poor bastard
now we’re cutting to THREE YEARS LATER. okay
is he going to declare war on the glowing baby
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typical teenager concerned about nothing but likes and view counts. AFO you would be so much happier if you stopped worrying about all of that and just focused on your own growth
oh, lol. well that was quick
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(ETA: r.i.p. Damien.)
“this guy had more instagram followers than me. so I killed him” honey. sweetie pie. you need therapy
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all this time I was wondering who AFO’s middle school lit teacher was who had failed so spectacularly at teaching him reading comprehension. and it was YOICHI ALL ALONG. omg
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“and, presumably, that’s how it always was and always will be.” dude. can you imagine listening to AFO’s oral book report on A Tale of Two Cities. “ahem. it was the Best of Times. the end” buddy noooooooo
it was at that moment when Yoichi knew, etc. etc.
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oh my GOD I scrolled down to the next panel right after this one and I just IMMEDIATELY DIED LAUGHING
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“WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID” ffffffffffffffff I fucking can’t omfg
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oh my god the hands. so wait, is this just the standard symbolic BnHA handholding, or are there More Levels To This. when exactly did Yoichi pass OFA on to Kudou. like is that why the sudden close-up and all that? omg
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oh my god. and break next week too. this is what you guys have been dealing with this entire time huh. I understand your feelings now. godfuckingdammit lmao
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I missed you
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summary: JJ is feeling very fucking clingy.
warnings: soft JJ (not that there should be a warning for that) extremely touchy JJ. JJ getting a little handsy
A/n: this is more of a Drabble than anything but box 3 is coming very soon and this is all I've been thing about
"JJ? What time is it?" I ask while looking over my shoulder to JJ who is currently crawling under the sheets on my bed, groaning as his body lays flat. I may be half asleep but I know its way after midnight. I knew he was going to be coming back to the chateau late because of his night shift at work but I honestly expected him to go sleep on the pull out couch in the living room, not come sleep with me in John B extra bedroom. At least he normally doesn't because he hates waking me up in the middle of the night.
Im a little alarmed when he doesn't say anything but just plasters his bare body to the back of me. "J? Everything okay?"
"Yeah baby, Im sorry I woke you but I had no desire in going to sleep on that damn couch. I missed you." He whispers in my ear, sending tingles down my back.
He already has me locked in his firm arms so I try my best to turn over and face him. He has dark purple bags under his eyes and his blonde hair is in even more of a messy shape than normal, if that's even possible.
Pushing his hair out of his forehead, I look into his ocean blue eyes. "Your sure you're okay?"
He smiles showing the laugh lines around his eyes. "Fuck yeah I am. I've got the hottest pouge in my arms and I'm about to go to sleep after a long ass shift of working with spoiled ass rich folks."
Rolling my eyes, I give him a sweet but quick peck on the lips. It feels like its been forever since I've seen him and I would love nothing more than to give him the biggest and sloppiest kiss I could fathom but I know my boyfriend and it doesn't matter if the man was dying from a gunshot wound, he would turn the innocent good bye kiss into sex. Normally I would be all for it too but its way to late and I'm readying to go back to sleep.
"Go back to sleep princess. I love you."
I turn back around and press my body as close to him as I can get it.
"I love you sweet boy."
The next morning I wake up and try and move but to no anvil. JJ's arms are wrapped around me like a vise. I'm about to wiggly my way out of his grasp until I hear a groan from behind me and a hand squeeze my right breast hard. My head falls back on the pillow with a sigh. This man is insufferable.
I grab one of his finger and try and lift it off my boob but it does nothing but make him squeeze harder. This bitch.
"J. Please stop groping me, I need to get up." I say, trying to hide the humor in my voice.
He groans again but still doesn't move his hand. "Im comfortable. Let me be."
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snenbubs · 6 months
If it's not a problem could you do mammon x sick reader please ❗❗
Of course I can! I'll do HCs, but if you want a one-shot just send in another ask and I'll get to it :D
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isnt he cute?
- He has no fucking idea what he's doing.
- At first, that is.
- Let's be honest here, he is a sin. A big, immortal Prince who has probably never had to deal with sickness for his whole life. The topic is foreign to him.
- He always works his clowns and underlings to the absolute bone too, not caring much for their personal ailments and needs. As long as the work is done, he is happy. They know that, he knows that, so its rare he actually comes face to face with the topic of 'illness'.
- Which is why, when you were struck with such a feat, he was HORRIFIED.
- He had noticed something was off the night before; you appeared fatigued, and foggy. He'd ask you to do something and you'd stumble, and stagger. Once or twice misinterpreting or mishearing what he had said and messing up the task completely. It wasn't normal for you to be so tatty, especially around him, but he brushed it off as you being tired. He had worked you extra hard that day, afterall.
- It was the next morning that he really began to panic though.
- He is absolutely NOT a morning person and so usually you get up before him, fighting and clawing past all four of his arms which clung to you like some sort of clawed trap. Your struggle would wake him up and he'd find joy in tackling you back down to bed.
- But instead, that morning he woke up on his own terms. Concerned in his groggy state that you had not taken to escaping his grasp that morning.
- Rather, he'd find you under several sheets shivering like a cold chihuahua despite the intense heat that burned against your flushed skin. You were curled in on yourself, sniffling and sputtering into your palm every so often.
- It's at this point that he has absolutely zero idea of what to do.
- He makes you breakfast, which is something he normally gets the Fizzbots to do, but you don't eat it. Then he tried to get you to drink something but you struggled with that too.
- He thought you were dying.
- NOW, it'd be nice to think that he'd take the day off to be with you. Since, y'know, you're dying. Unfortunately though, this is Mammon we're talking about and a day off is money lost. So you'll just have to die later, when he's done.
- Before he leaves you though he makes sure you have EVERYTHING you could possibly need; a tv, food, water, several Fizzbot servants, a picture frame of himself that you can look at while you die.
- I reckon he'd spend the entire day searching about illnesses and sickness, both scaring and reassuring himself that you might die or you might be okay. He asks around some underlings about how they cope with beint ill, and searches into that some more.
- His search history that day would probably be; "rlly warm but feel cold nd tired dying" , "symptoms of death" , "wht body temperature is dangerous" , "most common illnesses" , "how to know if sm1 is dying" , "how to tell if sickness is fatal" , "how do i care for a sick person" , "what do i do if sm1 ik is sick"
- It works though! By the time the day ends he knows a lot more than he had in the morning, and has concluded that you probably aren't dying - yet.
- As a sin, he can't catch any cold or flu or fever so he isn't afraid of staying close to your side any time he can. Practically tied to you by a string, he'd want to ensure that you aren't suffering any more than you already are.
- He doesn't care how grotesque it can all be either. He doesn't care that you snob into a tissue so much its all sodden and sad, nor that you keep coughing into your fist, and that your hair is greasy and sticking out at multiple places. He adores you and thinks you are the most amazing thing that could have ever happened to him.
- He's kinda like a weighted blanket, which you are so, so greatful for. He nuzzles himself over you and ensures you stay warm. Again, he just wants you to be as comfortable as possible whilst you recover.
- Now that he actually knows whats going on he realises that all the solid food he tried to feed you this morning probably wasn't the best, and so he provides for you the best soups and breads on the market.
- Even after you've recovered, you make fun of him for his utter idiocy regarding demon illness. He hates it. But he loves you. So really he loves it.
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ressonancee · 7 months
i think we married in vegas - teaser
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✷ You and Jeonghan have always been friends, and friends go on a trip together, right? And somehow friends always end up marrying in Las Vegas right? And somehow friends become roommates as well right? That all seems very normal when Yoon Jeonghan has a weird addiction to doing the dumbest things ever just for shock value.
✷ genre: comedy (?), angst (?), smut, a weird amount of pining (!)
✷ word count teaser: 499
✷ word count fic: more than 13k - projection: around 20k?/25k?
✷ Thea note: hi y'all, as you guys may know I'm doing nanowimo, and somehow, I got addicted to this story and I'm making it bigger day by day. I still have a very big chunk to go (around 6/7 scenes but it can be more who knows not me since I don't plan when I am writting!). Anyhow I am pretty sure it gonna take a while till the whole thing sees the light of day but I wanted to share a tiny bit with you because I am actually super hyped about and I suck at keeping secrets <3 Hope you guys like it, and get as excited as me (or at least half, actually I can take a third!! or even an ounce!!). I do not do the whole tag list thing but if anyone wants to get tagged just let me know somehow <3
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You turn your hand and it finally hits you.
It is a ring.
With a big rock.
In your ring finger.
A big damn rock on your ring finger.
“Yoon Jeonghan” you scream in horror.
On the other side of that door, Jeonghan just hears you scream. He picks himself up in record time and room towards the bathroom, oh shit did you just fall and hit your head? Did you break the glass of the fancy hotel shower? Are you dying? So without thinking much Jeonghan opens the bathroom door and he just finds you - completely naked and seemly okay, just staring at your own hand.
“What happened?” He asks trying to catch his breath, maybe he does need to start working out man, he didn’t feel this horrible when he was hitting the gym after shifts, but also he didn’t feel that great either the whole gym rat thing was not his ordeal.
“What did we do?” You ask still in complete horror, not even thinking about how this is the first time Yoon Jeonghan, your friend is seeing you completely naked. 10/10 would not recommend this experience. Not even to Laurel, your own Satan-spit roommate.
“What? Are you going crazy? I thought you fell and opened your skull or something,”
You just look at Jeonghan, dead in his eyes, like the reality is worse than falling in the bathroom, opening your skull, and calling the paramedics naked. You just turn your hand to him - like it is enough to make him understand what a dire situation it is. And you swear to god you can almost see the little flakes of light on the bathroom floor, the rock is big enough to shine across the room.
“Did you call me to show me your ring? Couldn’t you wait until you put your clothes on?” Jeonghan asks leaning into the doorway.
“Jeonghan did we-” you say but you feel your own throat closing around itself, it can’t be, right?
“Hm?” he asks without a blink of an eye.
“Oh we did, we totally did”
“No, you are not that crazy,” he claimed. What that was supposed to mean? He was crazy enough for it but you the two goody shoes wasn’t?
“Jeonghan check your bank receipt,” you demanded, trying to connect the dots in a way, trying to have proof, maybe you just bought a way too expensive ring for yourself, or maybe it was just impulse buying.
Before you can move Jeonghan almost runs towards the room, you try your best to keep up with him but you are a little behind because, for the first time, you actually are aware of how naked you are. You pick up the fluffy bathroom robe - yeah the fancy hotel had its perks.“Oh fuck” you can hear Jeonghan before you can see him, his phone it’s on his lap, his head is on his head - he is a man defeated. Oh no. You guys actually did it.
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boxbugdotcom · 26 days
poo poo pee pee oooohh you wanna tal;k about mumscarian asooooo bad ouuhohhhhh you wanna discuss tehem and tyour headcannons on them SOOO ABADDDD
(guys, obviously this is not about the content creators, those are real people. this is all about the characters!! ty 🫶)
guys literally ENOUGH trying to chose between Grumbo or Scarian or Redscape. they all have two hands. And it’s not Just Grumbo + Scar or Scarian + Mumbo, THEY ALL HAVE WONDERFUL CHEMISTRY!!
Grian and Mumbo CLEARLY like each other— summoning circles and bothering each other every single day (not so much this season), they genuinely enjoy each other’s company, love being around each other— a good example could be in secret life, Grian’s first task to make bad puns and have no one laugh. And what did he do?? Immediately goes to find Mumbo, despite knowing Mumbo is the world’s giggliest person!! Another one is Mumbo’s complete and total regret when making that deal with Grian for his permits— when he took the bit too far and Grian backed out he felt so bad about it!!
Scar and Grian, I mean. C’mon. We have everything about third life, and then double life— and they have such a fun teasing sort of relationship! They laugh with each other and poke fun and that’s how they are !!! They are NOT bad for each other or mean to each other or anything, they play off of each other and don’t hold grudges for their bits. Like the snails bit, or the on hold bit (all from this season), they’re just ! fun and playful together.
Mumbo and Scar are absolutely wonderful together ! their personalities work well together and they’re so hilarious— i love me a crazy bitch (scar) and the seemingly normal guy said crazy bitch totes around with him (mumbo). That’s not to say Mumbo’s normal, he’s only regular because everyone around him is batshit /j still though! Scar does all his crazy shit, and Mumbo’s along for the ride bc they like hanging out together! Mumbo loves Scar’s builds and takes inspo from them, they based next to each other on magic mountain, they’re just so !!
And let’s not forget !! the buttercups! All of season nine! The fact that they’ve based together every season since Grian’s joined!!!
as for headcanons i. literally could talk for hours about it but my phone is dying and its late,,, so have this short list!!
- Grian falls asleep in the sun SO often and whenever Scar or Mumbo finds him, they just ! join him !
- Scar’s the strongest, Grian’s the lightest, and Mumbo’s the weakest. Grian has hollow bird bones and therefore is really light ! Mumbo just is,,,, such a twink im sorry its gotta be said. He may haul redstone components around but he is NOT buff. Scar is buff okay it just Makes Sense. He can pick both Grian and Mumbo up easy
- Mumbo’s the most easily flustered, and Grian and Scar tag team flirt with him SOOOO OFTEN. It just ends in Mumbo being a red and stuttering mess
- Mumbo also is the worst at flirting— Grian’s the best, and Scar isn’t good at it but his insane demeanor and strange behaviors are so captivating to the other two. Mumbo cant flirt to save his life. He once tried a simple pickup line on Grian and forgot how it went halfway through. He’s tried to flirt with Scar and fell face first into the dirt.
- Mumbo still has insane loserboy rizz and autistic swagger. how??? no one knows! but his nervous demeanor and autistic rizz bagged both scar and grian idk
- The Buttercups was a resistance to Doc, yes, but it was ALSO Grian and Scar inviting Mumbo into their relationship. Mumbo did not realize this until FAR into the buttercups. He was not complaining
- On that note, Grian and Scar were dating first, absolutely. After 3rd life??? there was no way they weren’t. But they saw Mumbo, in all his autism, loserboy, anxiety disorder swagger, and both fell head over heels.
- Mumbo has like. Always been in love with Grian and Scar. Since they became friends, basically. But he was nervous to say anything, and then they were dating, and it was okay! Mumbo was absolutely smitten, but it was manageable. He loved them both so much— it was a bruise that only hurt when you pushed on it. But he loved being around them! He loved being their friend, so it was okay! He was their friend, and he loved them, and he was okay with that
- Of course, they DID love him back. Mumbo just didn’t realize that,,,, for a while,,,,,
I’m sure i could come up with more! but like i said it’s late and i need to sleep lmao
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cyverrieee · 1 year
I have an idea from Ask, how about a Reader who has strong anxiety, but ironically that's their power, so when they get anxious they start to act faster and start to create clones ,then when they reach the "Maximum Level" of anxiety they explode and deal massive damage EVERYTHING AROUND. So everyone on the express tries to keep them calm in stressful situations (bonus if Reader just asks for a hug to calm down)
HELLO?? THANK YOU FOR BEUNG MY FIRST REQUEST ASK!!!! ILY omll!!! I hope you like this hahahshshs, i wanted to do headcanon format sorry if that isnt your taste
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So basically there a self exploading bomb on board? Well thats normal here. I mean if you ever make clones of yourself and now there are multiple self exploading bombs on board (Pom pom is scared but frustrated at the same its pom pom's job to be the conductor and make sure the passengers are safe and all but pom pom still allows you since you asked to, but pom pom doesnt like when you're about to self destruct)
At first, they wondered why there are clones of you everywhere around the express
It took a while you actually find you since well, you were basically making clones left and right
You were found at last, biting your nails or fidgetting with your hair with your finger
They asked whats wrong and you explained your problem and how you just needed a hug, they did give you one. A big bear hug for youuu!!! <3
They give a souvenir from one of their trailblazing trips
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He would try his best not to technically make you nervous, his calming voice helps
Actually hes just doing this so the whole train doesnt expload and people dying. He knows when you reach full level of anxiety you just, well you might just burst a whole planet in to pieces if you want to actually.
Gets kunda frustrated trying to find you in the sea of your clones, surely theyll disappear once you calm down? (Yeah)
Gives you some tries to give semi-comforting words (it ends getting weird) but still helps
He doesn't know if he wants to give hugs but he'll just give you a pat on the back
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She freaked out of excitement and confusion and worry. You cant really tell which one weights more
Takes silly pictures with your clones if she ever finds one
Shows it to you afterwards to make you smile
Will also give you souvenirs from her trips as well! Mostly cute things
She'll definitely try to be comforting, but it ended becoming drastically funny
She explain how your clones are so dead and soulless like Dan heng or how Dan heng— okay yeah #danhengslander
She gives a big big BIG hug for you since you asked!
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Comforts the reader by making coffee/your favorite drink
Says comforting words how everythings going to be okay and all
If you asked to hug her, of course she'll allow it. A big huggg and now she can't let go
You can tell her your troubles and would give advice
I love her voive AAA
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Probably the most logical person to help you with your powers
He would find so fast its honestly astonishing that you just appear next to him
Would observe your behavior for future cases again
If you asked him for a hug, he would. Not infront of everyone though, he cant stand the nagging from march and the teasing with himeko
“ 💜 ” Hope you enjoyed :)))
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