#or she's like lestat with the “i love you but i can't stand you” what is too something i dont want
alle-ni · 7 months
My girlfriend told me I spent too much time in her house and she wants to be alone for now on
Uhh yeah, ig she will dump me soon :/
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leslutdepointedulac · 2 months
Louis getting insanely jealous over Estelle and Celeste cosying up to Armand is quality Loumand content.
And what appalled me as I watched was not their exquisite form, their delicate features and graceful hands made hard as glass by vampire nature, or their bewitching eyes which fixed on me now in a sudden silence; what appalled me was my own fierce jealousy.
Like, he met Armand only the night before. They've known each other only a few hours, they've had one conversation at this point and yet already, Louis' seething with jealousy at the idea of literally anyone else touching Armand, despite the fact that they've known him significantly longer than he has.
When else has Louis ever gotten this territorial over anyone, ever. And they barely know each other.
Bonus moments of Louis being weird about Armand:
Louis getting giggly over Armand literally just looking at him, like he's a teenage girl.
And my heart expanded when I saw him this way, saw that no one amongst the small throng caught his glance as I caught his glance, and no one held it from time to time as I held it.
"Omg he looked at me! He doesn't look at anyone else like he looks at me, or for as long. I hear wedding bells!"
And Louis arguing his love for Armand with Claudia.
Claudia: He draws life out of me into himself,. . . Life out of the boy who is his slave, life out of me whom he would make his slave. He loves you. He loves you. He would have you, and he would not have me stand in the way.
Louis: You don't understand him!
Louis " you just don't get him like I do. You should be happy for me that I'm getting a new man, and grateful I'm getting you a step-dad" de Pointe du Lac.
Louis ignoring Claudia's foreshadowing of her own fate.
Claudia: No, I understand him only too well,. . . It is you who don't understand him. Love's blinded you, your fascination with his knowledge, his power. If you knew how he drinks death you'd hate him more than you ever hated Lestat. Louis, you must never return to him. I tell you, I'm in danger!
Louis: Early the next night, I left her, convinced that Armand alone among the vampires of the theatre could be trusted.
Louis really said "And so I ignored my own daughter's fears of being murdered by my new boyfriend. Just because she can't get a man, doesn't mean I can't."
And finally, whatever this is.
It was an icon for me of love. The love I felt. Not physical love, you must understand. I don't speak of that at all, though Armand was beautiful and simple, and no intimacy with him would ever have been repellent.
Louis: I curse god everyday that I cannot have sex the mortal way. Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could fuck Armand. Just, absolutely rail him, and let him bang me in return. I want to obliterate each other's asses, is that so much to ask 😫
Moral of the story, Louis is down incredibly bad for Armand, moreso than he's ever let on about his same feelings for anyone else. Not even Lestat got this kind of treatment from Louis. I just know Lestat is fuming about that. Lestat would be so jealous of Louis' jealousy over Armand.
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moonisneveralone · 24 days
This fandom is simply annoying as hell. I can't describe it in any other way. And it's specifically that most of y'all have superiority complex and an addiction to be vindicated by internet randos with no care or wish to be vindicated on an interlectual level.
First of all there have been significant changes made to the source material. Important material changes. And it's quite frankly sad that most of y'all are so used to colorblind casting that you don't realize the significance of making a character black. It quite literally changes everything. And because most of y'all don't know anything about black history, culture, storytelling etc. and don't have black friends, y'all would have engage with that aspect of the series retroactively, but most of y'all don't want to do that. The story had to signigificantly change from the book, because Louis is not a slave owner, but black instead. And Lestat is not broke, but rich. The powerdynamic at the time of their meeting has completely changed, but y'all wanna keep ignoring that. Because that's work and there is no instant gratification from strangers online, so the black people who constantly post detailed analysis are wrong. Not you. Actually they're hysterical and so weak. They couldn't deal with what happens in the book. And you just wait flr season two. That'll show them.
And you aren't weak. You're strong because you're right. Right? They're gonna be so hysterical when they find out their little meow meow isn't all that innocent....but y'all are projecting. Cause y'all couldn't stand even the slightest criticism either.
Cause we watched the same series right? Louis almost ate his nephew, he accelerated a race riot, he turned a child to ease his guilt and then became a homebody, effectively doing nothing to help the black people he supposedly wanted to support. Everything about him screams conservative who is unfortunately a vampire, black and gay. If any of y'all knew anything about the black people in this fandom, you would know that.
Nobody has an issue with Louis being critcised. We criticise him all the time. Y'all just wanna absolve Lestat so bad it's making y'all look stupid as hell. I truely mean that. Louis isn't a perfect victim and neither is Claudia she's literally a serial killer. There are so many things that both of them have actually done, but somehow y'all only remember to mention that to salvage Lestats honor or something. Like you can't stand to have someone see him as anything but a perfect character who would never hurt someone he loves (physically). But black fans are weak though...wait till they find out though?
Right y'all were so strong and patient when episode five came out. I forgot 😒
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csparkles123 · 2 years
I absolutely love the scene of Antoinette asking Lestat to travel with her to various cities.
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Since these are the exact same cities Lesat proposed traveling to with Louis
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But when Antoinette proposed these cities, ones that Lestat had already considered traveling to with Louis, he shut her down.
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Obviously this was intentional to show Lestat's true feelings for Antoinette compared to Louis, so that when he says he loves her sentences later, the audience can understand the empty weight those words hold, especially in comparison to the way he says it to Louis scenes later.
This scene also had me wondering how Lestat views Antoinette. As someone who hasn't read the book, I've heard that Lestat does have a fondness for Antoinette's book counterpart Antoine, but he kind of just abandons him once all is said and done, so where does the fondness stem from in the TV series?
I guess this fondness stems from her talent, since he does have a soft spot for people involved in music. I can also see it stemming from her admiration and acceptance for him and vampires. As we know from the new episode and episode 3, Louis' way of living/viewing life as a vampire makes Lestat feel as though he's being looked down upon and that Louis is ashamed of being a vampire.
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And now that we got a glimpse into Lestat's backstory, I have to imagine that after having to figure out how to be a vampire by yourself, since your maker killed himself before sharing any knowledge, and having to live with those 'rules' for centuries and the one person you finally decided to be your companion, after a century, appears to dismiss and shame the lifestyle you had to create yourself.
I can see why he may be hurt and may choose to latch on to the first person who knows about him being a vampire and not only accepts him for how he is, but seems to love and admire him for it.
Based on what I've seen in the series, it seems like Lestat keeps Antoinette around because she's easy. And not easy as in easy to sleep with, but because she literally does not fight back. She faked her death, cut off her finger, which easily could have just came from anyone else since Claudia tossed it into a fire immediately, quit her job, and is staying in a rundown hotel out of town, with very little complaints. Like this woman is the definition of down bad and I bet Lestat loves it because that form of worship definitely feeds his ego, but it isn't enough to excite him wholeheartedly like Louis' bickering and stubbornness does.
Louis' lets him get away with alot, but nothing like Antoinette. In fact, Louis goes out of his way to intentionally provoke Lestat and he enjoys it. He also know Lestat loves that he's not a doormat.
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I can't even imagine the wrath that would befall Antoinette if she tried/said half of the stuff Lestat allows Louis to say and do to him. The woman questioned him about leaving the hotel and creating a new identity in episode 6 and Lestat immediately shut her down.
Just for the sake of it, I would love to see Antoinette take a stand against him to see his reaction, but that's just not how her character is written.
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Let's talk about Antoinette.
With regards to the woman herself, I just want that lady to find a good church home and a sister circle who will tell her that most obvious of truths i.e. No matter how much praise he lavishs on you, no matter how much he complains about them, HE IS NEVER LEAVING LOUIS. Stop being weak in the knees, stand up!
What she represents is more what I want to talk about. In this episode we see everyone trying to compromise in order to make this family work. Louis starts drinking human blood again to make sure no resentment festers in their household. Let's think about that for a second, moralizing and guilt over hunting humans has been part of Louis' struggle from the jump. We've watched him battle with that aspect of his nature, and find a way to survive that he can live with, though unpleasant. And he gives that up for them. For love.
Part of what Lestat has to do is give up his mistress and not lie, that's it. Give up the human you claim to have no deep affection for because her presence hurts the man you claim to love, and he can't manage that. Why? Because he must maintain a position of power? Because he doesn't like being told what to do??! Louis even thanks him for ending it. Uses that fact to chastise Claudia for not doing more, and it's a lie?!
When Claudia reveals the truth, it is truly the saddest thing. Here he is, having forgiven/trying to forgive Lestat for assaulting him, letting him back into their home, fighting with Claudia about him, drinking human blood, and Lestat can't respect him enough to give him this? Lestat who claims to have no great love for humans, who once called this woman tedious, who doesn't even seem to be enjoying her company very much in that hotel room. It truly is spit in Louis' sandwich. It's spiteful, and childish, and petty. Ofcourse Louis is hurt to the point of being numb, ofcourse he checks out, he just realized this man does not love him.
Loving someone isn't about possessing them, or buying gifts, or declarations. It's about ensuring their happiness and safety, and sometimes that requires work. Lestat is so unwilling to do the work. Antoinette represents his inability to compromise, to respect someones boundaries, to truly step outside himself, to do the actual emotional work of loving someone.
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dwreader · 1 month
Can you imagine Loumand being endgame on the show?
my sleep schedule's fucked so i guess i'll answer this old anon. answer is no and i don't really care that its not endgame cause imo it would actually be very hard to convince me and probably most of the audience of a loumand endgame after what happened to claudia. its like how thg solved its love triangle by having gale be responsible for prim's death, like you don't really have a way back from something like that. but if the show wants us to believe louis really loved claudia and that it respects claudia as a character, i simply do not see a way to make loumand work as a believable ending. this is also something levan akin mentioned in the podcast when asked if lestat killed paul. he said that would make him irredeemable and he believes that the show isn't going to do that. so i think by the logic put forth by levan, armand killing claudia makes him irredeemable at least in the context of loumand. even though i think lestat is also responsible for claudia's death, most people would probably find it slightly more tolerable than armand's literal masterminding of the execution.
the only thing i'm hoping for is for loumand's relationship to be compelling and developed on its own terms. what i can't stand is when shows are so obsessed with its endgame pairing that it has to constantly remind the viewer of that when another story is being told like "HEY DONT FORGET YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE ROOTING FOR THESE SHIPS INSTEAD". as much as i clown anne rice's writing, the fact is louis didn't end up with anyone in iwtv and when she wrote it, the relationships came about and ended naturally without any consideration for who you were meant to "root for". i don't need to believe that loumand are going to end up together, just that their story is worth the investment and isn't constantly being defined by the "main" ship. if its always getting drowned out and only being developed as a foil to the most popular endgame ships, then whats the point? armand might as well be played by ralph bellamy who exists just so the girl can get back together with cary grant.
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allegra-writes · 7 months
"First word"
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Lestat De Lioncourt x Louis De Pointe Du Lac & Claudia
General Audiences
Warnings: None. Tooth rotting fluff.
"Dada, daa-daa. Come on, ma petite, I know you can say it: daaa-daaa"
Louis halted his steps just outside the kitchen when he heard Lestat’s voice. He was well aware that his husband -and how crazy that was: The Vampire Lestat, international rockstar, his husband- was trying to win the 'Dada/Papa' competition ever since little Claudia had turned ten months old, so it wasn't very surprising to find him like that.
What it was, was beyond adorable.
Sneaking a little peek inside the kitchen he found a scene cute enough to melt his heart: His little baby girl, the prettiest baby he had ever laid eyes on sitting on her bright yellow high chair, as Lestat, domestic as he ever saw him with his long blonde hair tied back and a simple black t-shirt, fed her, or at least tried to, some mashed butternut squash, making little airplane motions with the spoon.
"Dada. Don't you want to say dada?"
Little Claudia took the spoon from his hands, splattering the orange goo around and giggling, babbling nonsense at her dad, big green eyes intent and focused. It was a little unsettling sometimes, that stare of hers way too smart, way too old for her age.
Lestat chuckled, 
"You know what, my little milkweed? I actually think that's exactly what I said to your papa the first time I saw him…"
"De doo doo?"
"Yes! Those were my exact words, I remember now!" He leaned in, confiding, "I was a mumbling, blushing, hot mess. You can't judge me, ma cherie, you see, he was just standing there, and I just… I thought he looked so beautiful, the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He still is." He took the spoon back from his daughter, scooping a little of the orange concoction, examining it carefully, "My brain turned to mush, just like this…" 
Of course, baby Claudia did not see, and continued to babble. 
"Da-de do do do…"
"Precisely! I was a vulgar Sting imitator. De do do do, de da da da, is all I want to say to you-ooh…"
Louis had to cover his mouth with his hand to stifle his laugh so as not to give away his presence. Lestat’s singing had to be on the top ten of his favorite things in the world, right under his daughter's giggles. 
"Do do do da da da" Repeated Claudia, lovely tiny frown of concentration on her lovely tiny 
Lestat froze for a second, then jumped from his chair, arms high in the air.
"Yes! Yes, you said it! You just said it! Can you say it again, ma petite? Say it for Dada?"
"De da da da…" 
Louis couldn't contain himself anymore, bursting out laughing and through the door, 
"I don't think that counts, she's not calling you dada, she's just singing!"
Lestat stuck his nose up, offended.
"It's close enough!"
The brunet finally stepped into the kitchen, mouth already open to reply, when he was rudely interrupted.
"Papa!" Baby Claudia yelled excitedly, words loud and clear, "Papa doo doo de dadada!" 
Louis' hand flew to his mouth again, but for entirely different reasons as his eyes filled with tears of joy. 
Lestat gasped,
"You little traitor!" He accused, in mock outrage, but the massive smile that broke on his face belied his own happiness. 
As he picked little Claudia up and Louis wrapped his arms around the both of them, it was hard to feel like he had lost. 
Next part
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Random highlights from Sam and Jacob's portion of the iwtv ep 7 podcast:
Naomi Ekperiginbeing (podcast host) when recapping the episode: "Being in love with Lestat is what Louis does best." Agreed 😌
Sam: "What I really like also about this episode with Claudia and Lestat's relationship is that I think they are a good match for each other and I think Lestat does respect Claudia actually. Particularly once he realizes what she's done and the plan and she's stomping the crap out of Antoinette's head he sort of thinks "wow"."
Sam: "But he understands why he has to die, or why Louis has to kill him. I think he- it's probably the only point in the whole show where he has a tiny slither of humility. Really, and he has to be like poisoned and on his knees and have a knife at his throat and kind of totally incapacitated for that to happen so I think he knows, deep down that Claudia can actually give Louis maybe something that he can't give him which is a sense of purpose perhaps."
The big "feast" scene took two to three weeks to film!
Sam and Jacob still own the blood-covered shirts from the scene as well as their fangs, and Jacob also has Louis American Express card which we see in Daniel's dream flashback of his and Louis first meeting. Jacob says that Rolin Jones texted him when he found out he had taken it being like 'you asshole, that's the one thing I wanted from set' and Jacob was like 'print more, you're the boss' 😂
They filmed everything at night, including Dubai even though it didn't need to be
Now this is just adorable, Jacob said that him and Sam were going to be going to the theater that night and that they had seen each other every day for the past week, that they're still choosing to spend time together. That is so freaking cute.
Jacob: "When he says "the love of my life" there's a little bit of a question mark in there as well" 👀
Jacob: "He's (Louis) exposed himself in a way that he really didn't anticipate at the beginning, this has not gone the way he planned. And not only that but I think that while Daniel diagnoses it as like lying and withholding I think there are things he blocked out. I think he really does believe what he's saying, for the most part, I think it's just that there are moments throughout the season where he's coming to the realization that he's lying as he's doing it. It's too disturbing to kind of like stop himself and go 'oh wait, hang on, maybe that didn't happen like that' because it's too painful."
Sam: "To stand up for Lestat there, yes, he wouldn't play a butler. But I don't think that's any kind of declaration of love." HE'S RIGHT AND HE SHOULD SAY IT!
They are able to give a little taste of what we can expect in s2. Jacob says they'll have to deal with the fallout, and Louis and Claudia's dynamic is going to be an interesting thing to explore. And Sam says something that's gonna be interesting about next season is meeting Armand because he's an old vampire who knows all of the vampires so he's an interesting character to bring in because he links a lot of other vampires in the world to him. But in terms of Lestat, he doesn't know if he can say anything, and it's so cute cause Jacob has to stop him he's like "no, we need to stop Sam." because he knows that man wants to give a spoiler so badly 😂
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herroyalbubbliness · 9 months
In Throes of Increasing Wonder
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Photo Credit: IG @immortal_amc
From Daniel's past works, it is clear this is someone that is not scared of finding out the truth, digging it out, and confronting people with those truths through his work.
Hate and Ashbury dive into the Haight at its height
Haight- A street in San Francisco named after California pioneer and exchange banker Henry Haight; a 1960s rallying point for drug culture, especially LSD (hallucinogenic acid).
Even with just playing the tapes as he initially receives them, you can sense he is restraining himself and fuming and I want to tell the real story... He cuts it off because that was bullshit. But fuming or not, Daniel wants this story, the truth, and even protects his source's identity when he tells his editor, he is in Russia.
Louis still doesn't address himself as the Vampire Louis (but later on in the finale, he addresses Armand as the Vampire Armand). Does that mean he hasn't fully accepted his identity? Or doesn't know who he is? Or wishes to go back to being human?
As soon as Louis points out his health concerns, Daniel uses his other hand to cover the one with tremor and immediately becomes defensive
Daniel: I know the Emirates are big on privacy and I know that's important to you, but I gotta ask, what does it cost, this haven't-aged-in-half-a-century-killer-views-in-all-directions anonymity?
Louis: Quite a lot
Well having met the Vampire Armand, I wonder what quite a lot meant.
Louis says his purpose of this do-over is "truth and reconciliation"
"Anything that can't be verified, I send to my researcher"
The moment Daniel says this, Rashid immediately stands up and says no third parties. Louis doesn't object to any of these terms. Why Rashid? And Daniel insists on a one-on-one
I love the way Lestat is introduced, lurking in a corner and stalking his prey, Louis.
It starts from a cat-and-mouse relationship and is still at that stage but I believe it would evolve into a cat-and-cat relationship.
I love the introduction of Lestat with the camera panning downwards up revealing his back showing us this is a character who may not totally reveal who he really is. And the camera pans to him looking at the Blue book as a horn diverts his attention and he gazes upon Louis dé Pointe du Lac riding proudly in his car like he owned the street and the camera focuses on his cane.
His initial attraction to Louis is when he sees him pull a knife with no hesitation, a primal instinct for the brother he loves. And as Louis said, you never know who is watching.
Louis' mom was a hypocrite closing her eyes to the nature of the family business while profiting from it and condemning her son and how she completely ignored Paul when he said Louis pulled a knife on him.
Everyone in his family judged Louis for something, at least Paul always said to his face
Louis and appearances, taking on masks for different occasions.
"My business and my raised religions were at odds, and the, uh...latencies within me, well, I beat those back with a lie I told myself about myself that I was a red-blooded son of the south, seeking ass before absolution"
Sadly, Louis hasn't stopped telling lies to himself about himself. He saw what he really wanted smiling and then put on his mask once again to follow his delusion. You know what they say tell yourself a lie repeatedly and maybe someday it will become truth.
It makes sense that Louis could separate the locals from those from other southern states. Because he had a reputation among the locals while the outsiders would stare wondering why this black man could walk into an exclusive white salon.
Lestat asks Louis if he speaks French like he didn't know before and didn't purposely raise his voice just at the right moment for Louis to hear him.
He goes after Lily, who has come to be somewhat a source of comfort and hiding place for Louis and I think she knows the truth about his sexuality and accepts him still. He receives a lot of judgment from home, from the streets, and everywhere. Lily represents his escape room where he can feel safe for a time. Lestat goes after Lily in this dangerous game piercing his core slowly.
That whole meeting was Lestat's lavish introduction to Louis, inserting himself into his safety net
This reminds me of this quote from Killing Eve
"She is a parasite, Eve. She gets into your brain, she eats you up to make space for herself like that book, uh with the hungry worm and all that food, pickles, tomatoes. The hungry Caterpillar? Yes. That's her burrowing in and creeping around."
, getting a rise out of Louis, banter, impressing him( getting the hardest table), emasculating him (speaking to his race, with Miss Lily)
"His gaze tied a string around my lungs, and I found myself immobilized."
"Emasculation and admiration in equal measure. I wanted to murder the man and I wanted to be the man."
When Louis speaks on his business strategy, he is enraptured as if under a spell, gazing upon him in awe and with the same breath enraged as to how Louis cannot see what he sees, how beautiful his whole self is. Lestat was mesmerized and in awe, as Louis broke down the business prospects.
The word "labour", is a condescending word to reduce Louis' contribution to insignificant and justify that even paying him a meagre sum is a kindness and he should receive it in appreciation with a thank you, sir. The audacity!
Paul represents us the audience in this scene, we are impressed and enraptured by his love for these books. We are finding out new information from this mysterious man and he is being vulnerable too. We empathize with him and the next minute swiftly turns to rage and you are confused, alarmed, and realize too late that you probably shouldn't have trusted him. And Sam Reid does a fantastic job of switching between those spectrums of emotions flawlessly.
"A pair of misfit beauties"
The sex scene is almost like a competition especially when both of them start removing their clothes and as soon as Miss Lily is out of the way, Louis makes the first move. And his body movements are with so much longing and like he wants to consume Lestat at the same time, a lot of friction/resistance there, and when Lestat clasps Louis' hands, brings them down as their muscles strain, it's like completely breaking down his defences and bringing him to ultimate surrender.
And as he adjusted his clothes the next morning looking into the mirror, he slipped on his mask with a hint of a smile on his face and reassured himself of his 'faux identity'.
I find it curious that Rashid shows up for the first time since the interview started when Louis is talking about the death of his brother, although one could say he just came to open the balcony.
Discombobulation of Louis. The guilt is borne out of his brother's death. Lestat's first comment is on the elegance of his brother's coffin and where he might be able to obtain one, after all, you know Lestat has fine tastes in everything.
Lestat immediately cleans the blood off his mouth as he removes his black cloak knowing that Louis is scared out of his mind at this point and he needs him to listen...
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lilitophidian · 18 days
🤔 we don't have a ship but do this for lilith and a random ship you have with another partner. or a general hc for any ship you have for lilith. and of course I have to send one for a sexcanon sooo--- 🤔 +
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Dragging @sanguineradio into this one cause we talk often about HCs
Ahhhhhahhh okay I fucking love what is going on like it's so fucking toxic with a lovely hint of Lestat & Louis from Interview with a vampire!!!???
We have a lovely hc that they literally just straight-up go into ballrooms dancing together and slaughting the whole place, leaving the band for last.
Not to mention Lilith over here practically helped groom him into a serial killer when he was alive since he summoned her at the crossroads after Lucifer sent him a rubber ducky???
She slowly replaces the memories of his mom with herself in some twisted form of attachment.
But there's always like entertainment with whatever happens even if Lilith just straight up slaughters him. He heals, of course. They keep up with each other in disgusting ways despite there being this obvious monster in the room of what the fuck is going on.
I mean, it's to the point she has laid next to him even if she doesn't trust him keeping him chained up.
But the kicker is neither of them experience, "love" or seem to have the capacity of doing so!!!? Lilith enjoys not having to deal with clingy behaviors from him, and the very fact he tends to try and challenge her or be a complete turd munch like usual Alastor.
The bond is like so strong from grooming even if she can literally erase his existence that there's no fear of actual death. I kinda figure this is why Alastor and Lucifer can't fucking stand each other cause of /Lilith/.
As for sexcanons, I can't say anything in regards besides the fact Lilith is happy he doesn't try to get that out of her. While she knows many lust after her being who she is, or being labeled as a "whore" it's just pure fucking chaos in the best of ways. Intimacy between them is probably straight-up cannibalism between each other and nothing more than that. (So far. )
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licncourt · 1 year
I swear it's not for starting discourse or anything of the sort. But I'd love to hear your thoughts on the show now that the first season has ended (and we have a more global view of the first season) regarding the plot, the reveals at the end, the characterisation of our fang family, the themes etc. I find your book metas very interesting and what you shared so far has been well structured and refreshing.
thoughts on the finale?
Oof, apologies for the wait, but I think I've gathered myself sufficiently. Thank you so much for reading my rambling!! It's so flattering to know that people care about what I have to say! I'll throw out everything I can think of now, but I'll rb with more if I think of anything else later.
I also want to preface this by saying it really seems like we're missing a lot of context and plot developments from s2 that will affect everything we saw in s1 quite a bit, but I'm just going to take this season at face value for now.
I thought the costuming, SFX, and cinematography was wonderful in the finale. It made me sad that my enjoyment of the show has been so ruined because it was stunning and really scratched the period drama itch I'd been missing with the era change. Claudia in particular looked gorgeous and the gore was really fun and well executed.
Overall, I'm very disappointed in Lestat and Claudia's relationship portrayal/arc. Like I've mentioned before, the tragic impact of Claudia's attack on Lestat is so lessened if they never had the bond of father and daughter in the first place. It rings so hollow when we never saw Lestat LOVE Claudia, adore her and want her with his whole soul before slowly succumbing to his own trauma and perpetuating the cycle of abuse. Book Lestat WANTS to fix things with his daughter, he trusts her without hesitation and that's what makes it so brutal when she quite literally stabs him in the back, but at the same time you feel her pain and her rage. We lose that in the show. They're just enemies, plain and simple. There's no agony of betrayal and broken family without love there first and it does both Lestat and Claudia, originally very complex characters, a disservice. Family, the good and the bad, is at the heart of IWTV and without Lestat and Claudia, that's largely lost.
The pacing of the episode was a bit strange to me. I felt like too much time was spent on the party planning aspect rather than the dissolution of the family dynamic and crescendo of tension. I get that they wanted a longer episode for the finale, but I don't think it justified that extra fifteen-ish minutes.
I think the fucky memory thing was better utilized in ep 7 than it has been up to this point, and given what we know of Armand's mind gift from the books, I think it would make a lot of sense that he had something to do with that. That would be my preference in general because otherwise I feel like we're delving into victim blaming territory with the implications of this take on an unreliable narrator. I thought the implementation of the whole concept was clunky, but this was the best moment it had.
The sort of tableaux of Louis slitting Lestat's throat and then the flashback of crying over his body was also fantastic, so striking and emotional. Again, Sam and Jacob are such good actors with great chemistry, so it's really a shame about the everything.
All my thoughts on ep 5 (and 6) stand. Nothing from the last episode changed my opinions on how that played out and I can't think of anything that would. I won't harp on my issues with the characterization that stem from these episodes, but they definitely carried over into the finale.
I liked the Armand reveal! I think it was fun how they dropped hints and Easter eggs for book fans all season in regards to his identity. Enrichment for the vampirefuckers. Assad definitely captures the Weird Little Guy energy but also the incredibly sinister overtones we expect from Armand. My only concern is that Armand will be treated the same way as Lestat and turned into a one-dimensional monster that they can never properly redeem. If they go the route of making him a new diabolical abuser for Louis who we're supposed to forgive, I'll chew glass.
NO SWAMPSTAT??? Honestly very disappointed. As funny as putting that bitch in the trash is, it doesn't hit the same as Lestat getting gnawed on by an alligator. Lord knows AMC Lestat deserves the death roll.
This is completely inconsequential, but I have to mention how forced that namedrop of Those Who Must Be Kept was. That was so clumsy and stupid that it made me laugh out loud in what was supposed to be a very tense moment.
The handling of the racial aspect of Louis' character was so good in the first four episodes and even in parts of the finale that it made eps 5 and 6 that much harder to swallow. I'm honestly baffled at how horrible and insensitive that was out of nowhere before everything went back to normal. I'm sad that was ruined before it could have its full impact. Louis and Jacob Anderson deserved better.
Daniel had a lot of great moments, but I feel like his dialogue was too obviously viewer insert and on the nose a lot of times. I also found myself soured to him after his comments about Claudia in ep 5. Still, he has good chemistry with Armand from what we saw and I'd like to see more of them together going forward.
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lehdenlaulu · 2 years
Moving on to episode 2...
Marius! 😍 I mean, a painting by him! But... Marius! 🤗
...don't tell me that dude is secretly Armand.
I mean, probably not. Probably. Don't tell me if you know, either.
Nice Renaissance-y (possibly Renaissance, I have to look it up) music to go with the painting.
Even if Daniel doesn't appreciate it.
Farm, eh? I think that's maybe a reference to something in the latter books I haven't yet read.
Lestat you little shit.
The statue's eyes didn't open but I like the nod to the film.
Nice camerawork, should have mentioned it earlier as well.
Huh, the ash effect is an interesting choice, I don't think I caught it in the first episode.
...well, that's one way to put out the sizzling. 😂
Damn, Sam.
Daniel is so done I kinda love it.
"I want to go home", perfect.
I love Grace she's precious.
"You are a library of confusion." What a perfectly Lestat thing to say. Sam is so good at delivering Lestat's lines to absolute in-character perfection.
No but the identity politics are interesting even if they obviously weren't present in the book since book Louis is neither black nor explicitly gay (in fact he IMO kinda reads as ace to me, on a personal level not just because of the vampire thing -- not to say you can't be a gay ace). Also gives this version of Louis more incentive to both stand up to Lestat and choose to stay with him, interestingly.
Don't eat the baby, Louis.
"Some Y2K disagreement?" 😂
"I almost ate my nephew, Lestat!" 😂
Lestat would consider being a sub-standard performing musician a punishable offense.
Lestat you little shit. A way about him, indeed.
Italian, huh? Hmm. Interesting. 👀
Allusions to Paris, what a tease.
Well, that was already better! I can't really think of anything to criticize, so bravo.
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thelioncourts · 1 year
Hello. I was wondering at the end of last episode of IWTV, I can't remember if Daniel said or someone in the modern day room said that we were never given a true narration what went on years ago regarding Lestat as in Louis might not have been giving us the whole truth? Does it throw into doubt everything we've been seeing about Lestat etc throughout the series I wonder? I also wondered because in one shot after we see Lestat lying dead and Louis standing over him straight faced and another shot where hes crying loudly over Lestats body. It made me think which is the correct action Louis did?
So the way I (and many others) take the last episode, specifically those last scenes that you're talking about, is that Daniel ("Was it raining, Louis?") is implying that Louis isn't telling him how things actually happened, specifically regarding Louis' narration of his part in Lestat's "death."
Those shots you're talking about, the ones of Lestat lying dead on the floor and Louis very straight-faced, and with Claudia's blatant hesitancy, blatant guilt, ("I've killed before, but never someone I l--.") all in comparison to those brief and choppy scenes of Louis screaming and sobbing over Lestat's dead body, over Louis holding Claudia up against a wall by her throat after she says that they need to burn Lestat's body, are all there to -- at least by the way the narration is right now -- show us that Louis was telling Daniel the first scenes, with this idea that he and Claudia were able to kill Lestat together to seek out a better life, that Claudia didn't like killing Lestat, that Louis was sad but not destroyed, that Louis wasn't utterly in love with Lestat. Daniel calls Louis out in those last scenes, basically says, "Hey, you're lying. It's all too clean, it's all too nice. That's not what happened at all. You saved Lestat, you made sure he had the means to survive, and you did it because you love him, you can't imagine him not being around, you don't want to actually face life without him," and showing us those other scenes tells us that -- again, from how the narration is right now -- that that is what really happened, that they did "kill" Lestat, but that Claudia didn't have the remorse that she displayed in Louis' story, that Louis was distraught, destroyed, wrecked at the loss of Lestat, that he held Lestat in his arms, cradled him to his chest, screamed that kind of pain that only comes with the loss of the greatest kind of love.
Now, with all that in mind, yes, the idea that doubt can be thrown on Louis' story is something that has some substance. I do, however, think it's an injustice to say that everything Louis has said isn't true. Louis isn't going out of his way to lie, especially not this time around. He seems much more inclined to discuss his own faults, his worries, fears. He seems much more inclined to explain that he and Lestat, at some point, loved one another desperately. He seems much more inclined to tell Daniel things in a way he hadn't ever done so before.
I believe Louis, for whatever reasons, is trying to downplay his feelings for Lestat, feelings that I fully believe are lingering. After all, you don't call a journalist up to tell him your life story and spend several days only cataloguing your relationship with your ex (your ex that you lived with for decades, your ex that you took in a child with together, your ex that actually knew you as you were before, your ex that was your entire world) if you're over it. I also think, in many ways, he's trying to downplay Claudia's...viciousness? It appears as if he's protecting her, in so many ways, even long after her death. He's ripped out pages of her notebook as to spare the world some of her pain, he's told of her being a victim (which she very much is, don't get me wrong there, all vampires are victims in some way or another, and Claudia was a victim in her human life too) as if to paint her more violent actions in a light of sympathy. Specifically discussing Lestat's death and Claudia's hand in it, he very obviously tried to show this human side of her that I simply do not believe exists anymore, this human side that has regrets over those actions.
I also believe Louis, for whatever reasons, is playing an interesting and weird game regarding Armand and regarding Daniel. Louis and Armand have always had a fascinating relationship in the books, and we all know how jarring that "I'd like you to meet the Vampire Armand -- the love of my life" line was.
So, yes, there are absolutely parts of Louis' story that deserve doubt, and we have knowledge thanks to Daniel's investigative journalism skills that Louis wasn't telling us the truth. And it sparks need to revisit the story yet again, all while still going on with the events in Europe, specifically in Paris, and so on, all until we figure out just where Lestat is in modern times and we get to him and Louis reuniting.
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sofipitch · 1 year
I'm kind of scratching my head about what they want to do with Claudia and her storyline this season. I've been ok with ageing her up and Bailey is a phenomenal actress. She's mesmerizing. But even her capacity to captivate my attention couldn't stop me from seriously questioning her character arc.
The whole idea of Claudia (in the books) was that she was an adult stuck in a small child's body, unable to live "a normal adult life". Unable to be her own independent, free person. Always needing somebody to care for her and to help her with the aspects of her life that intersected the human world. She was doomed to be dependent on one of her parents forever. And she realized that. She realized that Louis would be the only one who would bend to her will, who wil go where she wants, who will do what she asks. She loved him I have no doubt, but she also knew he was the "weak link".
That's not what I saw in this episode. They had Claudia learn how to drive , they had her go to college, they had her living alone for 7 years. She did so more or less successfully (cause they showed she wasn't as careful with her killings like L&L), but she managed just fine for 7 years. She returned home out of loneliness (in her diary) and because of the SA. Which brings me to the other point of contention. I'm disgusted that they aged Claudia just to write a rape scene in her narrative! to make her tough!!
Where is the dependance on her parents? Where is the vital need for an adult to help her navigate her life? Where is the feeling that she couldn't live in that house anymore because Lestat was the autocrat controlling everything and it was either her or Lestat? Cause if she didn't like living there, show Claudia could just leave. Where are the manipulations regarding Louis? Where is the selfishness mixed with the rightful desire for independence?
Because show Claudia, as they have portrayed her, is just a reckless girl who can't control her killings, who came home to save her dad/older brother from the evil sadistic bastard that is her other parent. Her motivations are nearly selfless. After what show Lestat did, she's 100% right to want to take Louis from him and run to the other corner of the earth. Let alone kill him after that brutal beating. There is no ambiguity left. I can't see show Claudia as a manipulative little monster desperate for love. I see a younf vampire who can't control her powers but who wants to save her loved ones.
Yeah I 100% agree, I was willing to suspend disbelief about Claudia. Like Charlie thought she was still 14 so maybe that would still create road blocks to running away. Like can a 14 year old get a hotel room? Where does she put her coffin? Did she have to buy a new one? She doesn't know you can bury yourself in the earth so she COULD have been still lost and dependent bc of looking like a child but yeah they threw that away without a second thought.
And the thing is, in the books, Claudia maybe only indirectly dies because she ran away. But it's NEVER framed as "her fault she should have listened to Lestat". Armand killing her is something that both her dads take on as their own guilt. Claudia's death is always loustat's failure. The way Rolin Jones framed the SA it could be seen as a stand in for Claudia's death in a way, that "runs away -> gets hurt" but he clearly blamed her with his phrasing and that to me is disgusting and vile.
I agree that Bailey is awesome as Claudia, it's the writer's who dropped the ball and couldn't be normal about writing a female character. Her backstory is she was abused, she is never actually loved by one of her adopted fathers, she can't find romantic love, she runs away from home and is assulted, she watches her father/brother violently abused. The story they gave Claudia is just one of nonstop pain and I think the writers should sit down and evaluate why. And why the pains that she suffered in the books I guess "weren't dramatic enough". But Claudia is the gender dysphoria character and they basically stripped that one away big time for "child of abuse character"
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pearwaldorf · 1 year
10 lines tagging game
Thanks to @ripeteeth for the tag!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
waiting to finally be caught (OFMD, Ed/Stede, nsfw)
As much as they all love the pirates' life (at least as it is on the Revenge), too much time in close quarters means civility becomes strained, no matter how hard they try to remain amiable. It’s been weeks out at sea, and when Stede announces they’re going to dock in Nassau for a bit, a weary cheer goes up from the crew. As they scatter to their various duties, he overhears snatches of conversation about the things they’re going to do when they reach land.
I took no time with the fall (Glass Onion, Blanc/Phillip)
It’s a really fucking boring party. Phillip is here purely for lack of anything better to do, including sitting on his couch and binging Parks and Recreation, which he’s done three times this year already.
don't look in the mirror, look into my eyes (Critical Role/TLoVM, Percy/OMC, Percy/Orthax, nsfw)
Percy sets down the hammer. The piece of metal he's been shaping is finally starting to look like what he wants. The voice in his head, Orthax, it calls itself, rumbles in what Percy thinks might be approval.
both have sharp teeth (IWTV AMC, Grace and Lestat)
Grace keeps an eye out for her brother, but he does not show up to the wake. It is not something she concerns herself with at the moment, given Mamá’s condition and fulfilling her role as dutiful sister and daughter. But when Louis does not show up for breakfast the next morning, it becomes more important.
our bodies fear that this war won't end (can't live without the ache) (Malevolent, Arthur/John, nsfw)
"Why do humans derive such pleasure from getting dirty?" Sometimes John will just blurt out questions, when there’s nothing to do but wait. Arthur finds it charming, although he'd never let John know. (They share so much—too much, sometimes; he clings to what he can keep private.)
take me to the limit, hold me down there (OFMD, Ed/Stede, nsfw)
Edward is gazing out one of the windows in the captain’s quarters when he hears the door unlock. He has the only key, and his heart jumps into his throat. Should he try and hide? Fight back? Certainly he was aware of the possibility of piracy when he booked this voyage, but they're so close to their destination he didn’t think it would actually happen.
until I saw you in my thunderstorm (Oxventure Blades in the Dark, Alice/Peter)
The last thing Alice remembers is standing at the desk. The new girl, Zara? Zillah? stood behind her, putting her arm around Alice's neck and tightened. Alice tried to resist, but she was extremely strong. Spots danced in front of her eyes until black overtook everything.
all the variations you could do with me (OFMD, Ed/Stede, nsfw)
Ed’s been a sailor long enough that he can tell when a squall’s coming, even without the accompanying ache in his knee. There’s something extremely strange about whatever’s gathering right now though: no clouds, just an ominous, low pressure that feels like it’s going to crush anybody still on deck when it arrives.
when the lights come on I'll be ready for this (Shang-Chi, Katy-centric)
Katy does what she can, in the aftermath of the battle. There’s so much else to sort through nobody asks her to go near the bodies, for which she is grateful. She’s not sure it’s her place anyways. The dead should be taken care of by the ones they loved, who loved them.
we've not yet lost all our graces (Good Omens/Hannibal, Aziraphale, Will)
There is a quiet about the morning in Florence right after dawn, one Will relishes greatly on his walks. It’s a good sort, created from the natural cessation of activity required by humanity, as opposed to the kind encountered around the grave.
He gathers and collects it obsessively like it’s become his, proprietary through the repeated action of observing its existence. It’s not that he’s unwilling to share it with others; but he has come to know the other people who do. There is an irrational, strange jealousy of people he doesn’t know partaking in it, like they somehow need his approval to enjoy the ambiance of a city that hasn’t quite woken up.
Please feel free to do this if you are so moved.
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daffenger · 1 year
episode 7 thoughts under the cut (off the cuff, not worth much !)
I will probably have to watch it again to get all the details but i've been making noises like a broken whistle all through the episode so i must pace myself. it's like they made this show for ME specifically it's my hole ! my hole ! & it's so cruel that the season is only seven episodes... not so long ago it seems 12-13 was the standard, even for more plot-dense series :,o
love the insane way daniel pronounces "cercueil". & it's so gnarly and yet satisfying when claudia gets to write down his last words :D it's her hobby !
the way we spend nearly the whole episode with lestat in the full face makeup that makes him look uncanny and cruel and then for the throat-slitting scene he's completely bare-faced messy-haired vulnerable. hm.
claudia is SO valid for hating louis for a while there because she's been tortured for that man. and then he slams here against a wall. by the throat no less ??? also lestat and her continue to be so alike. with the piano playing, and with the "always the petty slights with you" and two seconds later she's kicking at antoinette, even though she's pinned to the ground.
antoinette is SO hot in her frock & with her crow's feet !! and for what ! give her back ! but i can't imagine how lestat thought taking claudia out of the picture and bringing antoinette in would lead to any kind of good <:D this man is so stupid
when claudia said "i've killed so many but this is the first time with someone i... ((love))" i was like. ok, & so charlie? and io and behold, it was louis' clumsy rewriting <:D
louis is SO passive (/affectionate). there's a nicer way to say it probably but there's something about how he shoots down the idea of going to Italy in the second episode or so, then the idea of leaving with Claudia (i'll only hold you back), and the way they have him asking lestat whether he was responsible for his brother's death after idk how many years of holding that in... it reminds me of [iwtv book spoilers] how he reacts to armand telling him he pushed her to make madeleine with a vague "oh well don't do it again", and then much later when armand tells him he was the one who had claudia killed, it's hinted he knew/suspected and just lived with it in a don't ask/don't tell way. and he's territorial ! when he and lestat & claudia team up to bully the poor man with the letter there's just something very animalistic about the bunch of them. i guess we will see that too with the theatre des vampyres, and i guess i will love it because i adore everything that has to do with the ethology/sociology of vampires (lone killers vs pack killers). like in the book when louis says like all predators vampires can't stand proximity to the remains of their prays... i jut find it very neat (though that's not actually a real thing re:bears huddling with the carcasses of their kills, etc.).
book spoilers for a book i haven't even technically read (platroa) & a fic everyone should read (The Courts of Love) but the 18th century costumes for the ball gave me flashforwards to the vampire court Lestat ends up creating in his family's castle in Auvergne, France.
technically i was 99.9% certain rashid was armand but still. it's such a cool twist. and i can't wait for season 2 obviously, so that we see more about what their relationship looks like. (i'm still holding out hope for daniel to be turned somewhere along the way)
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