#or maybe to russia
matri4rch · 2 months
Oh how I adore living on an island where the electric grid just HATES my little village. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WRITE FANFICTION, MUCH LESS EXIST IN THIS DAMNED HEAT?!
ISTG I'll move to a deserted mountain in Alaska. No heat, no shortages, just vibes.
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hellonerf · 2 months
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im sick but i still found time to rip chunks of my head out
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sovietpostcards · 6 months
hi! i really like and enjoy your blog, but this question just keeps popping up for me whenever i see some of your posts recently, which feel like youre kind of romanticising life in russia… and i know that people can choose to be apolitical etc etc, im not trying to be mean, but i was wondering what you stance is towards ukraine or just the general situation in russia (i know its also not easy there rn with the repercussions for standing up against the regime and for queer people for example…) ?
i just wanted to know if you support russia politically or if youre just choosing to show your life in there and embrace the soviet aesthetic?
i will unfollow if youre pro-putin (as is the right of anyone using any social media site) but wanted to ask first and give the benefit of the doubt since i really like some of your content and have been following for a really long time.
Hi! I'm not apolitical in real life and the current situation in the country nauseates me. However, I originally started this blog (years ago) as a safe haven and a way to look at the good things in the past that happened despite the regime and all the horrible things (that also happened). Perhaps you're right and I'm romanticizing it, but perhaps it's different for me because I know more of the context.
It was difficult for me to keep going after February 24, and for months I wasn't posting anything except an occasional ask. Eventually I started missing my safe haven and slowly started posting again. I got a lot of support messages--much more than hate or disgust--it helped me stay afloat, not only in the blog but also in life. I'm very thankful to everyone who reached out or left supportive comments.
I do love old pictures very much and the atmosphere and old things and clothes and toys, and black and white pets and animals, and random shots of a tree or a piece of bread someone thought to take 70 years ago. It connects me to previous generations--seeing that they did and loved the same things we do and love today.
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petrow1tch · 24 days
my day be so bad then boom rusians are trying to break through Kharkiv oblast' and already taking civilians captive and escaped people are saying there were talks about executing the captive civilians and then my day becomes even worse but not as worse as the people in rusian captivity
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orsanedraws · 3 months
you can't imagine the mental exhaustion from this alone, add the victimblaming, global lack of empathy, fucking delays of aid. if we fall, it's all coming to rest of europe sooner or later.
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ohsalome · 1 year
The project Wall Evidence collects inscriptions that Russian soldiers left on the walls during the occupation of Ukrainian territories
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"Your home is our home"
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We will rise on the ruins of fallen cities and write your names in the book of the dead!!! [motto of the Wagner Group]
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We will feed your children with bones
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Ukrops [Ukrainians] are suckers schmucks and fags
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There are two answers to all questions about Ukraine 1. It didn't happen 2. They deserved it Both are correct.
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Let the one who doubts our love of peace be drowned in blood. For our mercy will be merciless!
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This is not considered a war crime if you had fun :)
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sunflowerpieivan · 3 months
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Got my monthly haircut and finally found time to try this. I am a cat-boy now 🐱
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unhetalia · 2 months
England headcanons (pt. 1):
Chain-smokes like a motherfucker. Alfred, who doesn't smoke and pretends very hard to think smoking is disgusting, hasn't yet realised where his secret smoking kink comes from.
Currently works for British Intelligence/has infiltrated his own government.
Carries around either a cane or umbrella that hides a sword even though he has never ONCE had to use it. He just feels more comfortable having a sword. (He does also carry around a gun, which, in contrast, has been used often.)
Also carries around his own pen, and absolutely loathes the thought of using someone else's. The pen is a first edition Michel Perchin Serpent in Champagne LE Fountain Pen given to him by Alfred - only ten were ever made and it cost a cool 8k. While Arthur has more valuable things - especially from his time as a pirate and back when he personally knew his royal family - the pen is still one of his most prized possessions.
His favourite tea is actually French Earl Grey - which is Earl Grey with rose petals. Not actually French? But Arthur's still pretty annoyed about it.
As mentioned in a few of my other posts - Arthur is incredibly physical and has kept up with sword fighting and various martial arts over the years, and regularly goes to the gym. He's very disciplined about it.
Tends to eat only for fuel as opposed to enjoyment whenever he's left to his own devices.
If pressed, Arthur will admit his best friend is Francis. Francis would say the same about Arthur.
(Despite their individual body counts, Francis and Arthur have never slept with each other.)
(Arthur doesn't have a lot of friends and has a strained relationship with his siblings, and has always felt that people don't like spending time with him. Even when he was on top of the world, working with his government to become an Empire, he still felt like an underdog.)
On that note, Arthur worked with his government longer than the other Nations, and was a huge part of establishing the British Empire. It made his already fraught relationship with his siblings even worse, and he regrets a lot of it.
Nations get scars very rarely, because very few things have the ability to give them scars - magical weapons is one of those things. Out of all the Nations, England has the most scars.
England is amazing at knitting and crochet, and he gifts Francis crocheted figurines from French cartoons for his birthday every year, which Francis adores. He also knits Canada scarves and gloves and beanies whenever he remembers him.
One of Arthur's most embarrassing memories is getting gonorrhea during his pirate days. He didn't have sex for a month after his healing kicked in - a record back then - and he became a lot more diligent in procuring and using the linen sheaths they used as condoms at the time.
Three of Arthur's back molars are implants made of real gold.
Alfred is the first (and last) person Arthur will say he's ever fallen in love with BUT the closest he's come is with another American - a nurse that took care of him during World War I. She was blonde and blue eyed and once shouted Arthur down when he insisted on continuing to fight even with a bullet lodged in his shoulder. She completely disappeared in April 1917, just before the Americans officially joined the war. He sometimes wonders what happened to her.
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tournesoleil13 · 1 month
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Anya doodle on freeform
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vyo96 · 2 months
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some more nekotalia x warrior cats art!! (Some unfinished forever lol)
honestly had fun drawing these but I think it’s time I draw some other stuff other then cats LMAO
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adini-nikolaevna · 1 month
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Detail from a portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna of Russia by Christina Robertson (?).
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fentanyl-rabbits · 4 months
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Little present for my grandmother
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imnotadogiswear · 1 year
There aren’t nearly enough fics where Alex and MI6’s actions are exposed to the world. Think of the potential! The reactions! The politics! The d r a m a
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ciderbird · 2 months
you know considering how many clinically insane takes on history I’ve already seen I’m surprised no one wrote a paper on Alexander I’s sexuality yet. Like Napoleon has a whole book trying to prove he’s bi but Alexander “religious guilt” Romanov who doesn’t have any kids, keeps platonic relationships with nearly all his ‘mistresses’ and is routinely described as effeminate is supposed to be straight? Like there should be at least some sort of discussion about this
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neon-garbage-angel · 14 days
DOG SHOW AU where Viktor is a borzoi and has been Best In Show for the last 5 years, and is polite to other dogs but lacks any true friends, while Yuuri is a dark-coated shiba inu who looks up to Viktor (both metaphorically and literally lol) but gets stressed easily and struggles with shows
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