#opla usopp x you
anundyingfidelity · 8 months
ONE BED? – Usopp x female reader
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Summary: the crew just arrived to a new island and decide to pass the night in a comfy inn. Your bedroom only has one bed... and Usopp in it.
Word count: 0.9k.
Warnings: none I can think of, just the cliché one-bed-prompt yay. And sorry for any mistakes, English is not my main language.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
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Spending a lot of time with these people on a ship helped you to get used to all of them - their triggers, their routines, traditions, and a lot of stuff. You even got used to the little to no privacy of the ship, so none of you really opposed to share rooms once you arrived.
The inn was warm, small but seemed perfect for one night. And Luffy cheered everyone to accept and stay to sleep in a comfortable bed for just once in a while. You and the crew agreed to it, having a good rest sounded great and being honest, you needed it.
Nami picked a room to stay with Luffy, meanwhile Zoro just shrugged it off to share with Sanji - hopefuly they will not kill each other until the next day - and that left you and Usopp last. The only room available was for you and the other captain.
"That's fine for me," you said. Usopp grinned and the crew made their way to the second floor of the inn to find your rooms. The keys were given to you, so you took the lead, passing by Nami and Luffy, who had their room near the stairs, and finally Zoro and Sanji crossed the door in complete silence and with poker-faces.
You opened the door of the last room available and made your way inside, with Usopp following behind your back. It seemed nice, but something caught your attention. With wide eyes you noticed there was only one bed. One. Bed. For you. And Usopp.
No, this couldn't be.
You left the room immediately and ran on the aisle, until you checked that Nami and Luffy had two beds of their own. The orange-haired girl closing the door was the last thing you saw.
Quickly, you made it to the next door and opened the room without knocking. That was such a wrong move to make. Sanji was standing so close to the swordsman, and had grabbed Zoro's shirt between his strong hands, and it didn't look like he was straighting it.
"What?" the smooth voice of Zoro helped you to get out of your trance.
"Sorry, just checking. You're doing great," was all you said before closing the door again. Yeah, they could survive the night.
You came back to your room, where Usopp was already waiting, with his lips curved softly.
"So... I think you should take it."
"The bed, you need to sleep in it," Usopp encouraged without even asking.
That certainly calmed down the strange sensation in your stomach. Of course, if there have been two beds there wouldn't be a problem. But just one it felt too intimate.
Why did you feel like this in the first place? It wasn't like you never shared a room with any of the boys before, you were used to that. However, now it felt different and time suddenly stopped. His eyes looked at you lovingly, as always, waiting for your answer.
"Sure, thank you Usopp."
Both of you started to prepare the bed and he would take some blankets and a pillow for the night. And then your mind started to wonder.
Usopp had been taking care of you since you joined the crew. He had been kind, helpful and loved teaching you new things. You also loved hearing his pirate stories, made up or not, they brightned your days. Usopp brightned your life.
And you thought Usopp should rest well, just like you. This meant nothing, right?
"Usopp, I can't do this to you," you started. "Sleep with me-" and you realised how wrong that sounded. "I mean- sleep here on the bed too. All of us are tired, and-and I think you need to rest as much as I do."
Usopp thought your stuttering was cute, and a smile curved on his lips.
"My lady, I am grateful," he made a small reverence, causing your laugh to fill the room. "You can pick your side."
His humor and words made you feel at ease. You got yourself comfortable, taking off your shoes and loosing your clothes a little. Chosing the left side of the matress, Usopp followed soon after, taking off his boots and using a pillow to make a small division between both of you.
Surprisedly, sleep found you soon enough. Maybe in minutes. There was no need to turn your back to him, you felt at home and the warmth of his body lying down peacefuly by your side helped to calm down the cold of the night you were feeling before.
When it dawned, you felt a familiar touch on your hip, your head lying on something that wasn't your pillow. Blinking a couple of times, you noticed yourself resting on Usopp's chest. How you ended up like this, passing through the pillow barrier was unknown to you.
But it felt nice. Taking a glance to his face, he looked quiet, in peace after many nights sleeping in the hammocks of the ship. His breathing was serene, chest going up and down, and you could hear his heart beating as you felt his hand on your hip.
"Morning, beautiful," Usopp called with a raspy voice, making you giggle.
"Good day, captain."
You spet some more time like this, just talking and lying down together as if you have done it many times before. It felt good, and now you knew why you got flustered around him.
You loved him. As much as he loved you.
You made sure to thank the gods for giving just one bed to stay the night.
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216 notes · View notes
phntmeii · 8 months
🌊 OPLA Characters And Physical Touch
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[SFW + No Gendered Terms]
🌊 Characters Featured: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Mihawk, Shanks, Buggy, Koby
🌊 A/N: Can't believe that Zoro post kinda popped off immediately lmao. But here's a more fluffy list with a bunch of OPLA characters <3 It's an absolutely self-serving headcanon list just bc they all deserve so much love. Also, I need to hug Sanji in the above clip so bad :((
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Monkey D. Luffy
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🐚 Luffy is absolutely in love with physical touch no matter who it is! He's completely comfortable initiating it toward anyone, finding it the best way to show his affection.
🐚 Toward his partner, he just can't keep his hands to himself. He's hand holding with them always, planting kisses all across their face, etc.
🐚 He'll end up stretching his arms to pull his partner if they're far away and drag them toward himself to hold them close to his body in a hug.
🐚 Luffy is absolutely addicted to their touch and will whine, wrapping his arms around them to convince them to cuddle in bed if they try and refuse him.
Roronoa Zoro
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🐚 Zoro is distant even with friends in terms of affection. It's just what he's been used to all his life and he can't break out of the habit easily.
🐚 With his partner, he tries to do it more often although they have to initiate it most of the time.
🐚 Zoro keeps his touches light and generally hidden. Leading his partner with his hand on their back as they walk, reassuring them by rubbing their arm, or locking his hand with theirs under the table.
🐚 When completely alone, he gets a bit softer even if he is still hesitant. His eyes will have a small shine as he caresses their cheek, memorizing their face with pure adoration.
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🐚 Nami likes physical touch but only when she's known the person long enough. She welcomes hugs and other touches but if it's a stranger, she'll shrug them off and tell them not to do so again.
🐚 Her partner definitely knows how affectionate Nami can be. She can't help it since she's so in love with them!
🐚 Nami might try and complain if she's busy despite knowing how much she loves it. Trying to navigate with her map, using her finger to memorize the pathways and lands, she felt her partner's hand come around her waist and their head resting on her shoulder.
🐚 She couldn't help but smile while keeping her eyes to the map, pausing her finger in its place. "You know... I can't focus when you do that."
Vinsmoke Sanji
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🐚 Sanji is sly and confident in taking his opportunities to initiate physical touch. It's not even necessarily in a perverted way, but just because he loves to show affection physically.
🐚 His partner will never know the end of his affection as he uses any excuse to touch them. His hand lingers on theirs as he passes their plate to them or he'll swear that he just needs to spoon them when he sleeps or else he'll be cranky in the morning.
🐚 Sanji is likely the least concerned about how PDA looks because he's just showing off what is his. It especially becomes apparent when he's jealous because his hand is never leaving their body.
🐚 Sanji's goal with physical touch toward his partner is to see them get flustered by it. However, turn the tables on him and he's kicking his feet in the air and giggling.
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🐚 Usopp is absolutely down for physical touch but will hesitate until he knows the other person would be okay with it. The moment he gets confirmation that it's okay or the other person initiates it, he'll happily go along with it!
🐚 Usopp is a bit nervous when it comes to relationships since he's always second-guessing himself. His starting physical touches will be his fingertips touching theirs but then quickly pulling away.
🐚 Once he knows his partner is comfortable, he’s all about it! Hugs, smooches, you name it and Usopp has it :)
🐚 Usopp will just be head over heels if his partner initiates physical touch on their own. Even if it’s in passing like a small kiss before a fight starts, he has to take a moment to process before snapping back to reality.
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🐚 Mihawk isn't shy as much as he is reserved. He isn't a big fan of PDA although he'll indulge his partner in private.
🐚 He's very much someone who only tolerates so much from his partner over anyone else. If anyone else attempted, he's giving a warning look when they even try and reach out to him. For his partner? They could be smothering him while he's trying to focus and he's not making any effort to take them away.
🐚 He pretends to not enjoy his partner’s affections but the moment they pull away, he’s immediately trying to get them to come back and do it again.
🐚 Mihawk shows more of his affection when seeming jealous. Although, it’s not that he’s jealous of other men but more so possessive over what is his.
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🐚 Shanks is affectionate towards those he knows and doesn't hesitate to show it. He's just so loving and that doesn't go away for his partner.
🐚 Shanks is always so soft and gentle. His way of showing physical touch is always delicate.
🐚 He'll be laying down, barely awake, swearing he isn't asleep like always. When he senses his partner beside him, he'll crack a smile and pull their face closer, placing a small kiss at their cheek.
🐚 In group settings, he'll have a drink in one hand while his other hand will be firmly around the waist of his partner. He just loves having them close.
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🐚 Buggy is not capable of shame and is unapologetic, especially with his partner in terms of PDA.
🐚 Genuinely doesn't matter who is in attendance, he's holding onto them in any way he sees fit. Preferably he has his partner sit in his lap while he talks.
🐚 Buggy finds it hilarious to find any way to embarrass his partner and makes it a personal goal to see them blush or get nervous by him. So you can trust that he's always upping how intimate his touches are.
🐚 But, Buggy isn't patient either. There'll be a point where he just tosses his partner over his shoulder and walks away with them for a more private show just between them.
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🐚 Poor bby boy Koby is an absolute wreck when it comes to physicality because he's nervous to go too far or initiate it. His partner will likely have to be the one to do so.
🐚 Koby's favorite is late night cuddling though. Burying his head into the chest of his partner, whether of embarrassment or comfortability or both, who knows, but it's an adorable sight to see regardless.
🐚 Any physical touch will have him doing an upside down smile in response while he looks away, even if it's hand holding.
🐚 Koby loves to receive kisses from his partner and often goes out of his way to do things that their partner would approve of to get more of them like a reward. Because that's what he sees that as. His reward from his gorgeous partner.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
7K notes · View notes
bleachification · 7 months
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pairing: sanji x reader
word count: 5.7k
synopsis: life as a pirate is never boring, especially when your best friend is sanji—a flirtatious chef who can’t seem to sort out his feelings, or yours, for that matter. that makes things all the more complicated when you’re forced to go undercover and sanji is dragged along with you as your very fake husband. the million-dollar question is: when lines start blurring, how do you differentiate between what’s fake and what’s real?
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
“We broke up.”
“How long? Two months?”
You shrug. “I stopped counting anniversaries after the first couple of failed ones.”
Sanji swings his knife a tad too forcefully. The loud THUD of it smashing into the cutting board causes you to jump. You peer over the counter and grimace at the sight.
“God, what did that poor tuna ever do to you?”
Sanji continues slicing into the red flesh, more aggressively than before, but still with the same care and precision that he affords every ingredient he touches.
“Why what?” You lift your gaze to his face, smiling softly at the concentration twisting his features. It’s one of the things you admire greatly about Sanji—the sheer dedication and love he has for his craft.
“Why did you break up with him?” Sanji repeats. He’s chopping up a variety of garnish now. Again, with more aggression than necessary.
You raise a brow, but decide not to comment on it.
“What makes you think I was the one who called it quits?”
He sets the knife down and turns to you, blonde bangs falling across his face. Sanji flashes you his signature flirtatious smile, but there’s a strange hint of tension attached to it.
“Who would ever think to break up with you?” He leans in, gaze darkening. “They would have to be crazy.”
You pull back, rolling your eyes. He’s always like this. Coy. Intimate. The ultimate womanizer. Sometimes… you wish it could be different.
“Well, he must have been crazy then.”
“What?” Sanji pauses, confusion etches his expression. “You… wait… he broke up with you?!”
“Don’t sound so surprised. He only beat me to it by a week. I had the decency to try and wait until after Valentines,” you note. You aren’t particularly broken up about the whole thing. Your ex is barely an ex—a summer fling, if anything. But Sanji, on the other hand, is acting as if some horrible crime has been committed.
“I’ll kill him.”
You blink. “Okay. A bit of an overreaction.”
“How dare he…” Sanji mumbles, not hearing you. His hand tightly grips the knife handle, and you swear the temperature just dropped even in the presence of boiling pots and simmering roux.
“Alright, enough. Don’t be so dramatic,” you laugh, moving to gently pry his fingers from their iron grip on the handle. He lets you—watching as you take the blade from him, and relishing in the soft feel of your skin against his. He itches to grab your hand and pull you closer. But he doesn’t. He won’t.
He can’t.
Sanji learned very quickly that his charms and gimmicks weren’t going to work on you. In all fairness, they rarely do, but for some unfathomable reason, he can’t seem to let that particular rejection go. He will always resent that part of him for pushing you away and drawing that boundary—a line you both delicately toe, never to cross over to each other’s side.
Your first meeting was… disastrous, to say the least. Sanji had just met the crew, and was tripping over himself to impress Nami, when you had made your way back to the others after a quick break in the powder room.
You had witnessed all of his shameless flirting and blatant promiscuity on your way back. You immediately took a strong dislike to the blonde chef, his behaviour reminiscent of exes that were none too pleasant.
“I’m back.”
At the sound of your voice, Sanji beamed, turning to strike up another flowery bombardment of compliments and flattery… only to freeze in place when he saw you.
For once, his silver tongue lacked its luster, fumbling before the sight of you.
For once, he knew not what to say or do. He could only stare. Only admire and behold.
“Good job. You broke the chef,” Zoro deadpanned.
You pulled an expression of slight concern and mild annoyance.
“Um… are you alright?” You waved a hand across Sanji’s face. No reaction. The rest of the crew barely paid him any mind, too busy either eating, drinking… or arguing, in Nami and Zoro’s case.
You slipped into the booth next to Zoro, choosing to ignore the bizarre situation, when a deep, rumbling voice belonging to a peg-legged old man boomed from across Baratie.
It snapped Sanji out of his stupor, grounding him back into reality.
“Marry me.”
But perhaps not logic.
Zoro pulled a face of disgust eerily similar to your own. Somewhere in the background, you vaguely heard Ussop choking on his drink. Nami clapped thunderously on his back. Is she trying to help him or kill him?
Luffy, through all of this, watched with bright, curious eyes.
“Yuuummphh fuu’yyy,” exclaimed Luffy, his mouth full of bread, gravy, and what you can only assume is a whole ribeye steak.
Zoro turned his disgust toward the captain. “Are you kidding?”
Luffy scarfed down another forkful of food, grinning wide as he swallowed the last of his meal. He patted his stomach, content, before turning his attention back to Sanji.
“You’re funny!” He laughed.
“That’s what you were trying to say?!”
Luffy ignored Zoro’s exasperation and just giggled in his usual carefree manner. Sanji ignored them all, choosing only you to spare his attention. You shifted uncomfortably, tension coursing through your veins at the way he watched you. As if you were the greatest treasure in all of the Four Seas and he was the king of the pirates—a man would do anything to covet it. Covet you.
Zoro and Luffy didn’t seem to grasp the situation as they continued to bicker in the background.
“Boys. Stop… FIGHTING!” Nami barked out. A swift smack from the ginger settled them both down, each sulking in a corner as she berated them for their behaviour.
You took a deep breath, willing your nerves to calm. You met Sanji’s eyes and they shone with hope.
“You want me to marry you?”
“Yes. Desperately,” he breathed out.
If heart eyes were real, they would beat within the passion of his gaze. Strong. Intense. Unabashed. You despised it. How could he look at you in that way after mere moments of greetings? It was lust. Nothing less, and certainly nothing more.
Sanji clenched his jaw at the voice, frustration and irritation barely contained. His expression smoothed over as he spoke to you.
“Think it over?”
You raise a brow. “What? The proposal?”
“Precisely that,” he smiled. Gorgeous asshole.
“Over my dead body,” you scoffed. Your rejection didn’t seem to deter him though, the grin on his face still present even as he left for the kitchen.
So many sleepless nights later and Sanji still can’t help but sigh whenever he remembers that day. He wishes he could take back his words, his actions… his everything. Maybe you would love him back if he did. Maybe you wouldn’t be dating morons who don’t even come close to deserving you—not that he does, but he would try.
For you, he would try it all.
Your soft voice breaks him out of his trip down memory lane.
“Seriously, it’s not a big deal,” you reassure.
Sanji wants to shout, But it is! Don’t you get that? How could losing you not be a big deal?
Instead, he shakes his head and takes a long draw from his cigarette. He watches the clouds waft up in lazy rings, circle around your head, and disintegrate into the kitchen heat. Sanji finds it increasingly difficult to meet your eyes.
“Are you alright, love?”
His genuine concern for you makes you smile. “I’m alright, Sanji. I wasn’t that attached, anyway.”
That twinkle in his eyes. It's back again.
“Really? Then what about my initial offer?” he jokes. Though it doesn’t sound like a joke to him. Doesn’t feel like one either.
“What are you talking about?” You ask. You take a spoonful of the broth and bring it to your lips, ignorant of the tense atmosphere. At least until the magnitude of Sanji’s next words drops.
“You know… marrying me.” Sanji holds his breath.
Shit. Why did I say that? He thinks, regretfully.
You falter, the spoon quickly forgotten in the pot. Your appetite disappears just as swiftly.
“Everytime I think we’re having a nice, serious conversation, you just have to go and… say something like that. Aren’t you bored of it? Tired of all the false promises and sweet talk?” You shake your head and stand up to leave.
“[Name], I–”
You cut him off. “I’m disappointed, Sanji.”
“Please, just hear–”
The kitchen door bursts open to show Usopp, who hurriedly beckons you both outside.
“Crew meeting, come on!”
Sanji turns to you, about to say something else, but you ignore him and follow Usopp out into the hallway and up to the deck. Sanji has no choice but to do the same.
Winter has arrived in the form of early nights and fresh snowfall—as if the chilling temperature itself isn’t enough of an indicator. Your breath crystallizes in the air as the three of you venture outside to where you meet the rest of the crew.
Nami has a large sheet of parchment spread flat across the floor with each member of the crew positioned around it in a wide circle. Upon closer inspection, you realize it isn’t one of her usual cartographic maps. It’s a blueprint. And the subject of it… is a castle?
“Nami, what is this?” You ask as you take a seat next to her.
With a pen, she circles a small room located in the eastern wing of the building’s upper level. It sits above a sprawling space. A ballroom, you wager. The schematics look complicated enough.
Nami begins to explain. “This is a blueprint of Ceres Palace, a high-security manor sitting atop the nearest port city. It is home to a powerful noble family…”
She flips the paper over. “…and this.”
A mass of glimmering golden ink shines under the moonlight, every meticulously painted stroke deliberate and delicate. The image is clear.
“Is that a devil fruit?” Robin inquires, eyes narrowing.
“One crafted from solid gold and pure diamond dust, gilded with sea jadeite. It is the most monetarily valuable ‘devil fruit’ in the world, depending on who you ask,” Nami answers. She flips the parchment again. “And we are going to steal it.”
“Wait a damn minu-“
“Hold on-“
“Are we sure that’s-“
A chorus of protests and concerns rise from the rest of the crew, and for good reason. From just a first glance of the palace grounds, you can tell this will be a risky heist, and something in your gut tells you that there’s more to it.
Nami shuts them all up with a pointed glare.
“Do you realize how long I spent drawing up this stupid thing?! One more word from any of you and I will shove it down your throat. Whole,” she threatens.
No one speaks.
“Good. Now, as I was saying, this heist will consist of two parts. The actual theft and the distraction.”
Sanji raises his hand. Nami points at him and nods.
“Why, exactly, are we stealing someone’s gold…er…artifact? I get that we’re pirates but… a bit out of the way, isn’t it?”
Nami, Ussop, and Chopper sigh in unison. The latter ambles your way and climbs into your lap, snuggling for warmth.
“Hello baby,” you murmur. You smile softly as the little reindeer tucks himself into your welcome embrace. You give Chopper a scratch under the chin before turning your attention back to the conversation at hand.
Zoro barely pays any attention, head bobbing a bit. He’s already falling asleep. Typical. Robin, on the other hand, seems to recognize the object.
“I’ve heard of this. Its original name was The Monarch’s Heart. It belonged to the royal family of that island. Twenty years ago, the king’s most trusted advisor spearheaded a coup d’état and a violent rebellion broke out, ending with the execution of the royal family, as well as the usurpation of the former, now exiled, king.” Robin crouches and lightly brushes the blueprint, tracing along its curves. “All this time, the Heart was believed to have been lost amidst war. You’re saying one of the nobles stole it?”
Nami scratches her head and grimaces. “Well, yeah, kinda.”
“What do you mean, ‘kinda’”? You ask.
“We don’t have any proof. Not really,” she shrugs.
“So, again, why are we doing this?” Sanji reiterates.
“We have proof!” Luffy grins. Your captain finally speaks up, too preoccupied with messing with a sleeping Zoro moments ago.
“Luffy—” Nami starts.
“What? I believe the old man. He’s a good guy.” Luffy pats his stomach. “He fed me.”
“What old man?” You’re getting more and more confused as the meeting drags on.
“Luffy. You met the exiled king, didn’t you?” Robin’s eyes twinkle with curiosity.
“Um… I don’t know? I forgot his name but he was nice. Told me about how his stuff got stolen unfairly so I promised to get it back for him.”
“So you don’t even know if he’s telling the truth? What if he was the bad guy, and the nobles who took over overthrew a tyrant?” Sanji blows smoke from his cigarette as he prods.
“He was not,” Robin states factually. “The king was known to be kind and benevolent, catering only to the needs of his people. Since that nation's birth, the royal faction was always at odds with the avaricious nobility. That tension came to a head in the form of a brutal uprising. Though massacre is much more fitting of a description for what occurred.”
“Mhm, mhm, mhm.” Luffy nods vigorously at her words. “So we’re gonna get his gold back for him.”
“Liberating another nation, are we?” Zoro yawns, barely waking up.
“Seems like it,” Nami sighs.
“It’s what the captain wants,” Robin smiles.
“And what Luffy wants…” you begin.
Everyone else groans.
“Luffy gets.”
“So…” Sanji shifts next to you. Closer. His warmth clouds your senses a little and you try to ignore the dizzying effect it has on you. “How do we do this, exactly?”
“I bust down the door and slice ‘em up,” Zoro offers.
“In your dreams, Mosshead. I could take down—”
You pinch his side. Sanji jumps and turns to you, a slight pout on his face. Despite what happened earlier, you find yourself trying not to laugh.
“You’re not doing that, Zoro,” Chopper scolds.
The swordsman tsks. “Fine. Then how the hell are we actually pulling this off?”
Nami explains the plan.
Sanji turns white.
Your mouth drops open. “Excuse me?!”
✧ ˚  ·    .  
“Oh god, I’m going to throw up.”
Robin chuckles as she hands you silken gloves. “Don’t worry. You’ll do just fine. Remember, get in, pull the alarm, get out.”
“Easier said than done,” you grumble.
The plan is actually much more complex than what Robin makes it out to be.
The palace itself has two separate alarm systems—one for the vault, and another in case of fire. If both are activated at the same exact moment, they cause a complete system break, and the fire alarm overrides the theft security, forcing an evacuation with everyone none the wiser.
The plan is for you and Sanji to infiltrate the party under the pretense of a foreign dignitary and his spouse, survey and locate the alarm, cause a distraction, and pull the alarm the precise moment Nami unlocks the vault. All communicated via Den Den Mushi earpieces.
Easy peasy.
Your clothing sticks to you uncomfortably—tight in areas you don’t normally expose to the world. The scented oil in your hair makes you smell like you had just popped fresh out of the oven. A layered film of glittering makeup rests on your features, rendering the person in the mirror a complete, hapless stranger.
“Why did it have to be me?”
And Sanji?
You don’t voice that last bit.
“Nami’s the thief, the other boys would blow their covers immediately, I have other matters to attend to, and Chopper… Well, Chopper’s a reindeer.”
You run a hand through your hair. Anxiety claws at your skin. You feel a sudden urge to feign illness and rid yourself of this ridiculous plan.
“Must we pose as a couple? Surely there are other ways,” you implore.
“The invites we swiped were from married nobles,” Robin reminds.
You groan. Robin pats your shoulder supportively.
“There there. Don’t fret, you’ll do fine. Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Robin gives you another encouraging pat before she ushers you out of the dressing room.
You make your way outside, shivering slightly as the winter winds bite into your skin. The thin fabric of your garments do nothing to shield the cold.
Someone lets out a sharp inhale. You turn towards the noise. Sanji stands to your left, clutching an envelope in hand. His usual suave demeanour is displaced by an air of buzzing anxiety and a starstruck expression.
He’s dressed in a sleek three-piece black suit. It pains you how devastatingly handsome he looks.
“You clean up nice,” you note.
“I…uh. You—Sorry, yeah, what?” Sanji replies, all smooth and intelligent.
Robin watches the entire interaction with a pained grimace. Having enough, she steps up and gently steers you towards Sanji.
“Hurry up, now. They’re expecting you both soon. Don’t forget to stay in character, lest you end up blowing your covers.” She winks at you both, but you can’t help but think it was directed more towards Sanji.
“Shall we?”
Seemingly recovered from whatever alien had possessed him seconds ago, the chef offers you his arm with a small smile. You place your hand around his bicep and try to ignore his rippling muscles underneath your fingertips.
“Color me surprised. I really thought you’d have showered me with compliments by now,” you joke.
“I thought you didn’t like that part of me.”
Disappointment blooms in your chest.
“Right. I don’t. I just…” you trail off. You just thought you looked nice tonight. And maybe a small part of you was hoping he felt the same.
“Never mind.”
You slip your hand out of the crook of Sanji’s arm and start walking a little bit faster, hoping he doesn’t notice the conflicting emotions on your face.
When Sanji first joined the crew, you made yourself a promise: that you would never fall for his charms. But as time went on and he showed you a mountain of kindness, understanding, and empathy… that promise, steadily, became much harder to keep and much easier to forget. It wasn’t his flirting and charms that were dangerous—it was the man buried underneath all that playful pretense. A man who has stubbornly found his way into your guarded heart, despite your best efforts of keeping him out.
It was always easier that way. Easier to turn away, to shut him out. Easier to walk away when you catch him with others who drew his interest and to stop listening as he murmurs sweet nothings in their ears—the very ones he had whispered to you. It was easier to accept that you are not, and will not, be special to him.
You refuse to be just another mark in his book of conquests, and if all it takes is a silent heartbreak to avoid such a fate, so be it. You’ve survived much worse before.
The palace soon comes into view, a grand structure that stretches into the vertical horizon. The path towards the marbled entrance is busy with bustling guests and the glowing orbs of rainbow fireflies. You steadily, and as elegantly as possible, make your way towards the host out in front.
“Good evening, may I see your invitations for the night?” He asks, gloved hand outstretched in expectation.
Sanji flashes him a million-berry smile. “Of course, my good sir. I have them right here.”
He pulls out the envelope you had seen earlier from inside his black suit jacket. The greeter accepts the documents and diligently scans them. After a few seconds, he nods, satisfied by what he sees, and hands the papers back to Sanji.
“Enjoy your night.” He moves aside to let you pass and holds an arm out, guiding you both through the white stone doors.
As soon as you step through the entrance , you are greeted by a foyer fit for kings. A cascading staircase blanketed by red velvet leads to even larger double doors, both white like the walls, but trimmed with gold linings and spiral handles. A crystal chandelier, bigger than you ever thought possible, hangs from the ceiling. It casts shining diamonds in every reflection of the room.
Sanji holds out his arm for you again as you both prepare to execute the mission, but you don’t immediately go to take it. Sanji must sense your hesitation because he sighs and gives you a strained, yet still affectionate smile.
“[Name], please. If not for me, then for appearances. We’re married, remember?”
“Fake married,” you correct, although you relent and slip your hand in the crook of his elbow anyway.
“You don’t have to remind me.”
Arm in arm, Sanji leads you to the ballroom. The doors open to reveal hundreds of nobles draped in silk and pearls, dining on delicacies, and mingling with others of their same social echelon. You already want to go home.
You both find a small table tucked into a corner and stand around it.
“We have to wait until Nami gives us the signal. First, let’s blend in and make sure to look like we belong,” you whisper.
Sanji leans in to hear you better. “What do you suggest? We could hit the banquet table, the food doesn’t look half bad.”
You peer over his shoulder at the platters of hor d'oeuvres and fancy desserts. “They don’t look nearly as good as what you make.”
“Was that a compliment?” Sanji grins.
“Don’t get used to it. Your heads already far too big,” you smirk.
“I don’t have that much of an ego,” he grumbles, picking at a loose thread on his sleeve.
“Hey, don’t do that.” You gently swat at his hand, admonishing him for trying to pull the string out.
“Why? It’s annoying.”
“Yeah, but you’ll ruin it even more if you just yank at it. Hold on.” You pluck a small oyster shucker from a passing waitress’s pocket, with her none the wiser. With the knife, you smoothly cut away the thread and flick it into a bin behind you.
Sanji stares at you in awe. “Did you just pickpocket the…”
“Not a word.”
“Got it.”
“Anyway, we don’t want to ruin these clothes. They’re borrowed. And so much nicer than what we’re used to.”
You pull at your collar to adjust it, only to realize Sanji is staring at you again, but with a different glint in his eyes. One with more… heat. It is only now that you realize how close you are to him—pressed up against his side, thigh-to-thigh and shoulder-to-shoulder, as you both converse away from the crowd. Sanji exudes warmth that, mixed with your own cluttered feelings, makes you a bit dizzy. You take a step back. Sanji’s gaze never leaves you.
“Did I tell you earlier how good you look?”
You swallow. “No.”
He steps closer, closing the gap again. “You look good. Really, really good.”
“Thanks. Formal clothing does wonders.” Your laugh comes out more nervous than you intended.
“Unbelievably good,” he murmurs, almost to himself—like he can’t believe what’s right in front of him.
A screeching violin note interrupts you and the strange moment you both got caught up in. Sanji snaps back to his usual self and quickly shakes his head, as if clearing away a fog.
“Food,” he coughs.
You blink. “Right. Food.”
“I’m gonna…” Sanji motions towards the buffet.
You’ve never seen him this… awkward. You’re not sure what to make of it.
“Yeah. Go ahead. I’m gonna scope out the place and figure out where the alarm is.”
He stiffly nods, then makes his way across the ballroom. You turn heel and begin walking along the corridors, scanning for anything that may resemble an alarm.
A static noise crackles in your right ear.
A sudden spike of sharp feedback makes you wince.
“Sorry! Can you hear me?” Nami’s voice pipes up.
“Yes. Comms are working. What am I looking for, Nami?”
“Something resembling a button, maybe? Look for a red button or something along those lines.”
After about ten minutes of searching, you finally come upon it, a small red lever nestled in a corner behind the bar, protected by a square glass casing.
You spot Sanji across the room, mid-conversation with a beautiful, young noble. Your chest twinges, but you push the feeling away. His eyes flit to yours and you subtly wave him over, gesturing to the alarm handle.
Sanji excuses himself and briskly makes his way to you.
“You found it?”
“Of course. It’s the whole reason we’re here, remember?” You ignore the lump in your throat.
“Sorry, I got distracted. I didn’t think—”
“It’s fine, Sanji. You were having fun. You don’t have to apologize. Did you get her number at least?” You try and coolly play it off.
His eyebrows knit together. “No. No, I—”
“Anyway, we should figure out how to distract the bartender. He’s the only one who is in the way.”
If Sanji notices your blatant attempt at changing the subject, he doesn’t show it.
“Sure. Any ideas, beautiful?”
“What’s the plan?”
You fidget with your sleeve. “He’s been eyeing me all night.”
Sanji makes a disapproving noise. “...I noticed.”
“I’ll distract him. You get the alarm,” you shrug.
Sanji’s eyes narrow. “How, exactly, are you going to do that?”
“C’mon, Sanji, you can’t be that dense. I’m going to seduce him.”
His reply is immediate and final. “No.”
You balk at his flat tone. “What do you mean: no?”
“No. As in opposite of yes. As in absolutely not,” he hisses.
“Sanji. I have t-”
“No as in not okay!”
You place a hand over his mouth in an effort to stop his outburst. “Shhh! Stop that. Are you trying to draw attention to us?!”
He pulls your arm away, undeterred by your growing panic of being found out. “If it’ll get you to reconsider, then yes!”
“Sanji, enough. What is wrong with you? Why are you so worked up?”
“Do you seriously have to ask that?” He cries out, exasperated.
You open your mouth to retort, but Nami’s voice interrupts you.
“Sorry to break up whatever dumb fight this is, but I need someone to pull the alarm in exactly 60 seconds.”
You give Sanji an expectant look. He firmly shakes his head.
“Not happening.”
Before you can stop him, the chef makes his way to the bar, stumbling as if drunk. Before you know what’s happening, Sanji pulls a whiskey bottle from behind the bar, much to the bartender's protests and dismay. He takes a large swig, and you blow out a breath of relief when he sets it down.
Then he picks it back up again. You watch in horror as he lifts the bottle up and… accidentally pours the entire thing onto the champagne tower beside him. The glasses overflow, and the weight of the extra liquid becomes too much. One by one, the glasses come tumbling down in a landslide of alcohol and crystal.
The bartender cries out in distress. Sanji is unapologetic.
You run to the alarm amidst the mess.
“Ready, [name]?”
“Whenever you are, Nami.”
She begins counting down and the moment you hear: Now!, you pull the handle.
All hell breaks loose.
Blaring alarms ring out, drowning out every other possible sound. Sprinklers sprout from the ceiling and rain down on the partygoers, soaking them and the luxury furniture. Hundreds of panicked patrons scramble to leave, directed by equally flustered staff.
You feel a tug on your sleeve. It’s Sanji.
He tries saying something but is drowned out by the chaos around you. Frustrated, he beckons you over and motions for you to follow him.
After a couple minutes of navigating through screaming nobility, you end up on a secluded balcony away from all the activity. The alarms are barely louder than bells on this end of the palace.
You take a second to catch your breath. Both of you are drenched to the bone, and the chilly winter air does nothing to help your chattering teeth.
Sanji notices your shivering form and immediately drapes his jacket over your shoulders.
You smile gratefully at him, but falter when you see the frown on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Take it out.”
You blink. “What?”
“The earpiece. Take it out,” he says, impatient.
Sanji runs a hand through his hair in both irritation and anxiousness. “Because I’m going to confess my love for you and I don’t want everyone to hear it. They’d never let me live it down, especially that green-haired freak.”
You freeze. Your thoughts freeze. Every fucking thing stops dead in it’s tracks, including your heart.
“Sanji, this isn’t funny.” Your voice trembles.
“Baby, take the earpiece out. Let me talk to you,” he asks softly.
You don’t say anything, you don’t trust yourself to. With shaking hands, you take the Den Den Mushi out and turn it off.
It is only you and Sanji now.
“Hi,” you echo.
God, why does he have to say your name in that way? Like it means something more than friends—like it’s worth its weight in both diamonds and gold.
“This still isn’t funny.”
“Then it’s a good thing I’m not joking,” he says, tone as serious as you’ve ever heard it.
You sigh. “What are we doing, Sanji?”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m trying to confess my undying love to my favourite person in the world. It’s scary.”
“You say that—”
“I mean it,” he interjects.
“What makes me different? What makes me…”
Worthy of your love?
Sanji reaches for you, but stops himself at your expression. You continue questioning his words.
“How do I know this isn’t just some temporary thing? A fleeting crush?” You swallow hard. For some reason, you’re unable to meet his steady gaze. “How do I know this is real?”
He rubs the back of his neck, conflicting emotions flickering across his face. Sanji struggles to find the words needed to convince you. He tries his best, anyway.
“I know what my reputation is like. I know the personality I present to the world. But after I met you, none of it seemed worth it anymore. There was no appeal to living that type of life,” he pauses. Sanji lifts his head and stares straight at you, unwavering in his words. “The moment I saw you, I thought I’d die if I couldn’t be yours. I still think that now.”
Oh. Your chest is trying to kill you. That’s the only explanation for the ache you feel.
“I trust you with my life, Sanji. But not my heart.”
The alarms have stopped by now. Soon, people will come trickling back inside and the mission will be over. This moment in time will soon fade into the background of reality.
“I only ask that you give me a chance.”
“What makes you so sure that you’re the kind of guy I want to be with?”
“As opposed to your exes? Those guys—none of them deserved you,” he scoffs, annoyed at the mere mention of them.
You raise a brow. “Do you?”
“No. Of course not,” he answers. “But I want to try. Please, god, let me try.”
Your hands are still shaking, but not from the cold.
“We should get back to the ship,” you say, a strained smile on your face.
Sanji’s face falls at your deflection, but he accepts it and doesn’t push. He nods, and you both make your way back to the Merry, an uncomfortable silence hanging over you like a wet blanket.
You are only a couple hundred meters out from the ship when you stop abruptly. Sanji almost crashes into you, but steadies himself at the last second.
“Is something wrong?” He asks in concern.
Before you can lose your nerve, you whirl around and utter two words: “One date.”
It takes Sanji a few moments to understand what you just said, but when he does, he lights up like a kid on Christmas Eve. One who just met Santa. The sheer joy on his face makes it all worth it.
“You’re not messing with me, right? Please say no,” he shakily pleads.
You shake your head. “One. Make it count.”
Instead of answering, he throws his arms around you, wrapping you in his warm embrace.
You loop your arms around his neck and he melts into you, never wanting to let go.
“I’ll make you say yes to a second one. And then a third. And then a lifetime of dates after that. I swear it on my honour as a chef.”
“It’ll have to be a pretty damn good date then,” you laugh.
Sanji presses his forehead on yours.
“It’ll be the best date.”
“And how do you know that?” You tease.
“Because you will be there.”
˚ · . tags: @zjarrmiii @aiizenn @emyyy007
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brairslair · 3 months
your monster trio nsfw headcanons were immaculate (seriously Zoro's was PERFECTION) could you do the same for Law and Ace?
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yes ofc! and thank youuu 💓💓 i got the 2nd req from a wonderful anon after i started writing this, so i decided to combine the two! here ya go mls :)
part 2 to this post
18+ ONLY (minors… 👉🏻🚪)
a/n: just me lusting over these men so ofc they’re all yappers, + i apologize to any usopp enjoyers for making usopp’s section a lil shorter 💌
don’t forget to like, comment, reblog, and follow to support my work!
“see what you do to me?”
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tough guy syndrome TM
puts on a cold front, but will wear flowers in his hair if you pick them for him
the kinda guy who can dish it out but can’t take it
in every sense
he can say the most flirtatious, descriptive, borderline pornographic shit to you with a smirk on his face
but the second you return the same attitude, he gets all flustered and fumbles over his words
he acts all dominant and in control when he’s making your eyes roll into the back of your head, whispering the filthiest shit in your ear
he takes great pride in his affect on you
“feels good, yeah?”
but when you take the reigns, he literally turns into a puddle at your fingertips
- “cat got your tongue?”
“shut up-”
clearly a switch
specifically a bratty sub + mean dom switch
so basically just a little bitch 24/7
when he’s a mean dom tho, he is a fucking mean dom
he’ll edge you until your crying from frustration, and then make you cum over and over until you lose count
“honey, are those tears? it’s just too much for you, isn’t it”
“you wanna be a good little slut for me, don’t you? then hold it.”
“count down from ten, nice and slow, and don’t you dare fucking cum until you get to one”
has a choking kink (giving and receiving)
also really likes to use toys on you, or watch you use them yourself
his favorite tho is your wand vibrator
he’ll hold it against your clit until you’ve cum so many times you’ve lost track, and you’re eyes are watering from overstimulation
or he’ll push it against you while he thrusts into you at a brutal pace, making you feel so much pleasure all at once that you see white behind your eyelids
he’s not a huge fan of pda, unless he’s jealous, and then he’s got you pressed against a wall with his tongue down your throat
if you get needy while he’s busy, he’ll make you ride his thigh
he’ll continue on with his work, acting as if you aren’t even there soaking through his jeans
his gentle hand on your hip, dick already hard against your knee, and a soft “good job, baby” when you cum are the only indicators that he was paying attention at all
get’s rly cocky when he catches u staring at his chest/back/tattoos
even worse when it’s his hands
will 100% use it against you to tease you all the time
will put his hands on your waist/thigh if he catches you looking for too long in public
then later he’ll make you come on his fingers and keep his mouth running the whole time
“bet this is what you were thinking about, huh. staring at my my fingers all day? couldn’t help it, could you?”
“oh, you can take more than that. cmon, one more”
“awh baby, i can feel you squeezin me already. you wanna cum so bad, don’t you sweetheart? not yet.”
he’ll get you right to the edge just to slow down to an agonizing pace and then make you beg him to let you cum
then he’ll have you suck his fingers clean
he’s a menace
but he’s also really good at aftercare, and will tell you how well you did and make you feel so loved and relaxed
now, as a bratty sub…
he is such a pain in the ass
he knows every way to get under your skin and get you exactly where he wants you
when you’re kissing him he’ll fight you for dominance even though he’s clearly losing
makes sassy ass comments whenever you speak just to piss you off
he could literally already be doing something but refuse if you tell him to
- “take off your pants”
“say please”
even when he admits defeat, he’ll continue to run his mouth for as long as possible before his brain turns to mush
if you use your mouth on him, it’s over
he’ll go from being a brat, to gripping the sheets in seconds
once you shut his brain off, he’s a total mess
his hands and mouth sloppy and all over you
when you ride him, he can’t take his eyes off of where your bodies meet, groaning at the wet sounds of your slick with every bounce
when he does look up at you he almost busts as soon as he sees your proud smile and blown out eyes looking down at him
his moans are loud and gravelly, and he’s desperately gripping at your hips, and whining, and cursing, and panting in your ear
the only words he seems to remember are “fuck” and your name
he loves it when your mean
- “you don’t get to touch unless you ask nicely. go on.”
“oh fuck- please”
also low key a sucker for light bondage (both ways)
acts like he doesn’t like when you mark him up because he doesn’t want other people to see, but it’s actually because every time he see’s your work on his skin he wants to pounce on you
and he can’t have that 24/7 now can he (i wish tho tbh)
will bite on your shoulder when you finally let him cum, leaving dainty little tooth shaped bruises behind like a medal
and of course, a few minutes after he comes down from his high, he goes right back to being a little shit
such a cocky motherfucker
but in a cute endearing way
also allergic to shirts apparently, and he would be lying if he said it wasn’t to show off for you at least a little
but he get’s all proud when he notices you ogling him
he’d say somthing goofy like
“like what you see?”
while wiggling his eyebrows
he is a messy kisser
like super sloppy
he just can’t get over how lucky he is to even be able to have your company, or be able to touch you at all, so getting to kiss you blows his mind a little and makes it short circut
soft dommmm
ace just wants to take care of you
he loves to slowly make you fall apart over and over, being there to be your anchor
but he’s also super talkative
“that’s it, princess. keep making those pretty noises for me, yeah?”
“just like that, keep going. doing such a good job”
“just a little more baby, you can take it”
loves eating you out, and he’s good at it
he likes to hold your hips down with one arm, and use his other hand to stretch you open
goes insane if you pull his hair
will put your legs over his shoulders
both a tits and ass guy
will bury his face in either and be perfectly content if he suffocates
he’s always kissing some part of you, wether its your lips, your neck, your thighs, your wrists, doesn’t matter because his mouth is on you
absolutely loves hearing your sounds, especially if you’re whimpering and whining
hearing you be so needy all for him drives him up the wall
kind of a dumbass sometimes, but can surprisingly lead to amazing sex sometimes
doesn’t realize how everyone ogles him wherever he goes
and he certainly doesn’t realize when other girls are throwing themselves at him
you know he doesn’t intentionally engage, but it’s still hard to not feel jealous watching the interactions
but when he notices you’re jealous… oh boy
he gets SO cocky (like more obnoxious than usual)
“awh, baby, are you jealous?”
“you know i only have eye’s for you”
“want me to prove it?”
and he will
he’d bring your hand to his dick, allowing you to feel how hard he is already
“see what you do to me?”
“this is all yours, baby”
“i’m alllll yours”
and then he’d proceed to fuck you until your legs are shaking, heat burning in your chest from overstimulation
but he makes sure to reassure you that he didn’t even notice the other girls intentions, because the only girl that he cares about is you <3
he’s not the jealous type himself, because he knows there’s no need to be
he trusts you, and he believes you when you tell him how much you love him
however, he does not trust other people
therefore, he is extremely protective of you
he’s honestly into pda
he just loves showing you off any chance he gets
one thing about ace is he will talk you through it
and he’ll hold your hand the whole time too
“yeahhh, there you go, princess”
“mm, there’s my girl”
“go on baby, soak me”
does the tummy push thing
also does the knee thing
goes feral if he sees you in any of his clothes
especially his hat
this is a “save a horse ride a cowboy” relationship
loves to put his weight on you, still being careful not to squish you
he just wants to be as close to you as humanly possible
and he’ll pin your hand’s above your head with one of his, interlacing your fingers
gets super giddy and proud when he fucks you dumb
“look at you, all pretty and fucked out”
“lettin me fuck you dumb, huh? lettin me fuck your brains out?”
“fuck, you can’t even think anymore, can you? feel too good to think, huh pretty girl”
he’s a biter and will sometimes leave marks, but he is not sorry
temperature play perhaps
is a fan of cockwarming
im also an avid believer in gamer bf ace
so he’ll have you just sit on his dick while he’s gaming, feeling you pulse and twitch around him in restraint
every once in a while he’d move his hips just enough to make you gasp, but then back to nothing
if you do move your hips he holds them still, reminding you of your agreement
he’ll make you sit there, almost completely still until you’re pleading and whimpering for him to let you move
“go ahead, pretty girl”
“take what you need”
he will buy you lingerie, and he will lose his mind every time he sees you in something he bought for you
face sitting enthusiast
will say “i love you” during sex at least once
will also probably quote an action movie while balls deep inside of you and completely brush past it like it was nothing
no matter what pace is set, he fucks hard
he’ll lift your legs from around his hips to push them against your chest, because the angle feels so much deeper
he’ll gradually build up speed, just to slow back down when either of you gets too close, to make it last longer
this will go on until you’re begging
“shh, hey, it’s okay baby, i’ve got you”
“just let it build with me, hm? we have all the time in the world”
“promise it’ll feel sooo good”
and when you’ve both evened out your breathing, he smothers you with affection and makes sure to take good care of you
he’s a sub, full stop.
tried to dom at first, but it was just not natural to him at all
still will try to act all tough and in control, but he’s in the palm of your hand in seconds every time
more than willing to do anything you ask of him
gets flustered SO easily
will become a total mess from the smallest things
he gets defensive when you tease him, but he secretly really enjoys it
thigh guy
face sitting fan #2
loves kissing you and would do it all day every day if he could
any amount of pleasure you give him will turn him into a babbling mess
he’ll just say anything honestly
“hmm- feels so good”
“can i kiss you? please let me kiss you-”
little bit of a mommy kink but embarrassed about it
suuuuper reactive
was 100% a virgin before you, so you have to help guide him in the beginning
you also help him discover what he likes and dislikes
he has a massive praise kink
“good boy” has him panting and fisting the sheets
he also really likes your hands
the way you hold his jaw so firmly when you kiss him
or gently squeeze his shaft when you tease him through his boxers
and even how you press your thumb past his lips to stifle his noises as you make him cum in your fist
his moans are whiny and a soft, getting lost in the pleasure
“ohhh- wow”
once his brain is long gone, he honestly doesn’t talk much until he’s getting close
thats when the incoherent stuttering starts back up again
“you’re so- ahh- so good at that”
“don’t stop, don’t stop-”
“i think i’m gonna… i’m cumming”
when he does cum, he’s either whining your name like a broken record, or so fucked out all he can do is pant and gasp and paw at your skin
he’s also a crier when he gets overstimulated
always polite and says thank you <3
asks are open! <3
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gingernut1314 · 5 months
Demons and Claws
Roronoa Zoro x GN!Reader
Summary: Nightmares have been plaguing your dreams night after night. You can't sleep. Not in the silence. Not in the dark. You can only think of one person in your fear who can put you at ease and you go running for him.
Warnings: fluff, mild anime spoilers (Chopper mentioned)
Word Count: 1.7K
A/N: I am flabbergasted I was able to write this as short as it is--cause Oof can I go on and on, buuutt here we are! 😂 I hope you all enjoy!! 🩷
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You started awake, sweat coating your skin and sheets a tangled mess around your legs. 
A dream. It has just been a dream. Is what you tried telling yourself. What you told yourself as you yanked and pulled the sheets back over yourself tight, tucking them just under your chin.
A demon’s face. Bloody screaming and crying. The undead. Your friends turning their backs on you. 
It had been more than some dream--it had been a nightmare. A mix of all your worst nightmares mixed into one. Nightmares you had started having more often after joining Luffy’s crew. 
After seeing your nightmares come to life--seeing that they were living realities that existed in your world.
Nami, whose bed lay just across the way from yours, murmured in her sleep, rolling over onto her other side. It broke through the deafening silence of your shared quarters like some blessing, but as soon as she settled back in, that silence surrounded you again. 
Silence like the tomb. Like the dead. 
Your nightmares flashed through your eyes again and you shoved yourself upright, chest heaving up and down as fear crawled its way into her heart. 
Too dark. It was too dark in this room. Too hot and too quiet.
Did something just move in the corner? No. That was just Nami’s treasure chest. A figure standing by the stairs? No. Just the lamp.
A loud noise sounded through the room. A sound that had you clutching at your sheets tighter at its sudden echo.
Snoring. It was just one of the boy's obnoxiously loud snores piercing through the walls of the Merry. 
Your mind thought over the collection of bodies stuffed into the room just next to yours. Your captain must have been the one whose snore was monstrous enough to filter into your room, having found he was the most notorious snorer. 
It couldn’t have been Sanji’s or Choppers, both of their snores too breathy to ever truly reach you. Usopp was the next runner-up, his snores nasally with a tendency to get stuck in his throat. 
Zoro’s snores were loud and chest-rumbling, but this particular snore, which shook through your room once more, was definitely your captain's. 
And though it was your captain’s snore, you thought of the green-haired swordsmen. Of how you had found him a month ago wandering around in the backyard of your home looking for the docks, which had been miles away. He had been very adamant about not being lost, though he hadn’t denied your offer to show him the way. 
He was a man of little words, but his humor had been dry and you couldn’t help but laugh--to gravitate towards him.
The docks had been a mess when you two finally made it there. A mess of pirates looking to raid your home and to kill off Zoro’s own crew. He had taken them on with ease--protected you against them, though your being with him had only brought the first of your nightmares to reality. 
By the time you had helped fend off the pirates from invading your island alongside the Straw Hats, your home had been burned to nothing but ash by one of the pirates who had slipped away. 
And despite the rest of the Straw Hats being wonderfully supportive, Zoro had been the one who had been by your side every step of the way. Had sat with you while you cried for your losses. Had taught you a special way of remembering and respecting the dead, which you two partook on the dawn of each week. 
Your room fell silent once more. A silence that had your eyes scanning over the room for every last little monster that could be lurking in the darkness. 
Zoro fought by your side--kept you from harm's way and he was the only one you could think of to run to when the demons and shadows came calling for you. 
With a mighty breath in and out, you hopped out of bed, feet running over the soft, robin’s egg blue carpet that lay over the floor, shifting to polished hardwood just before the stairs. You rushed up them, feeling as if clawed hands were just inches away from grabbing you around your ankles and yanking you right back into the darkness you were fleeing. 
You burst out of the door, shutting it behind you as quietly as you could so as to not wake Nami up. 
The storage room was just as dark--just as threatening and you rushed for the door that led into the kitchen. 
Though moonlight shone through the four, arching windows, illuminating the space dimly, you still felt those clawed hands reaching for you. Hands that sent you rushing once more out of the kitchen and onto the deck. Chilled, salty sea air hit your nose as you crossed the course floor, all but lunging for the hatch just next to the mast. 
You flung it open, taking your time to carefully find your footing on the ladder that was built into the mast, which continued downward into the belly of the Merry.
Descending downward, you were met with more darkness, though a small night light had been set up, giving off enough light for you to see around. You seemed to remember the boys arguing with Usopp about it’s being there, but you weren’t quite sure of its true origins.
The air was never once still as you silently hopped to the polished floor, snores of all kinds filling your ears. 
The boy's room was cramped. There was no better word to describe it. 
The small room had been fitted with two couches and a table you didn’t think the boys truly needed. Swinging in the far corner, layered on top of each other like sardines, lay the fast-asleep men of your crew. 
As you grew closer, the louder the snores grew and the less you could think about the nightmares that had chased you out of your bed in the first place. 
The first row of boys, closest to the far sitting couch, was made up of three hammocks. Chopper, being the smallest, lay in the top hammock, snoozing away like the precious angel he was. Next was Zoro, who slept with his hands behind his neck and his ankles crossed over each other. And below him lay Sanji, whose long limbs spilled out over the horrible, near burlap sack-like material that made up their hammocks. 
You made a mental note to make them all some proper hammocks as soon as you got supplies from the next island you all landed on. 
As carefully as you could, you climbed up onto the fine, blue fabric of the couch and walked over it so you could stand next to Zoro’s hammock. You looked him over. Looked over his is peaceful features--his slack jaw, which rumbling snores fell from and his sleep-tousled hair.
Carefully, as if approaching a rabid dog, you gently laid a hand on his hard-earned bicep and gave the swordsman a firm shake. 
“Zoro.” You called on a tone just above a whisper. When he didn’t stir right away, you shook him a bit more harshly, his name falling from your lips in the same manner.
“What the hell--” He began on a hiss, but when his dark eyes snapped open to find you standing there, he huffed out a heavy breath. “...can I help you?” He asked, his voice rougher and deeper from the sleep you had just pulled him from.
“I…” You started, biting your tongue from finishing your thought. You felt yourself grow embarrassed. Embarrassed that you had run all the way down here. Embarrassed that you had woken Zoro up from his deep sleep which he needed. 
It was childish really. You couldn’t handle a silly little dream? You were a grown adult. You could deal with it yourself.
A demon's face. Bloody screaming and crying. The undead. Wicked, clawed hands. Your friends turning their backs on you. Your family’s death--
“I had a nightmare.” You breathed, your voice wavering the slightest bit. Zoro blinked at you. A long blink that looked as if he was slowly thinking over your words.
“...okay.” He said after what felt like an hour had passed you by. 
“Zoro.” You huffed, annoyed at his absent-mindedness. 
“What?” He asked, equally as annoyed. Asked a little too loud for your liking. You shushed him, placing a finger over his lips which he only swatted away, ever the more irritated. “I don’t know what you want me to do about it.” 
“You’re insufferable.” You whispered harshly, eyes narrowed down at him. “This was a mistake.” But before you could make your way back over the too-nice fabric of the couch you stood on, Zoro grabbed your wrist. 
“You know I’m not a mind reader.” He said, his voice growing softer as he pulled you back in. Your body, despite you wanting to still be huffy and puffy with him, relaxed against his strong hold. “Just tell me what you want me to do about it.” 
“I just thought…I think I would sleep better in here.” Zoro watched you for a moment, dark brown eyes scanning over your face carefully as if to catch anything he might be missing.
“Like on the floor?” You huffed and Zoro rolled his eyes. “Where then?” 
“You’re going to say no.” You went to pull your hand from his grip but he held firm. 
“Just say it already.” He urged you, that annoyance filtering back into his voice. 
“Can I sleep in your hammock--with you? Please.” You blurted out before you could think too much about it again, “You make me feel safe.” 
A sharp yelp escaped your lips as Zoro reached over, grabbed you around the waist, and hosted you up into his hammock. 
You heard Chopper stir above you, but soon his soft snores fluttered from his nose once more. 
Zoro tucked you into his side, wrapping you up in his strong arms and resting his chin on the crest of your head, a deep breath escaping his nose. 
“Next time, just say that first. Could have been back asleep by now.” He grumbled, his voice evening out as sleep slowly fell over him for the second time that night. You nestled deeper into his broad, scarred chest, feeling instantly at ease in his arms. Feeling safe--protected from the demons waiting in the darkness for you. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, brushing your fingers over the warm skin of his side.
“Whatever. Go to sleep.” You did as you were told, letting the rock of the sea, the chorus of snores, and Zoro’s strong presence lull you back to sleep.
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dutchess-of-fear · 8 months
Relaxing together
Roronoa Zoro x Reader
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Zoro was relaxing on the going merry as you were kept busy keeping the ship clean, it amaze you how Zoro can be so relaxed when the ship needed to be clean.
Luffy and Usopp was busy trying to steal every food that Sanji was making, and Nami was doing her map as usual, and you were the only one that was up and about cleaning the ship,
You and Zoro are in a relationship for a while and is amazing by you somehow can not relax, the whole ship is already clean as it is but you still think it was a mess, so Zoro decided to change this today.
"(Y/N), why don't you relax now, the ship is already clean right now" Zoro yawned as he slowly followed you around as you moped the floors for the fourth time this time,
"I can't Zoro there is so much to clean up I need to make sure it's sparkling clean" you were so focus on mopping that you didn't notice Zoro hand lightly held your wrist, stopping you to clean any further, you looked over at Zoro as he took the mop out of you're hand as he place it somewhere on the ground,
"(Y/N) you look just as tired as I am, come on rest" Zoro can be just as stubborn as you, maybe even more stubborn as you, Zoro dragged you to his room and laid on his hammock (A/N: is that how it's spelled?) Dragging you on top of him as well,
You were stiff as you literally just on top of him, you try to move around to get comfortable Zoro grumbled when you didn't stop moving "Stop moving around, I'm trying to sleep" He mumbled, you rolled your eyes "Zoro I'm trying to get comfortable" just then Zoro rolled to his side so you are on his side,
He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you, "comfortable now?" He said to which you smiled and nodded before he then placed a kiss on top of your head, you hadn't noticed that you were tired until you were laying beside Zoro,
With him holding you keeping you warm you began to go off to sleep, Zoro looked down and see you sound asleep, he smiled toward you "have a good sleep, my love" he whispered before he went off to sleep holding you in his arms,
Luffy walked around wondering where is Zoro and (Y/N), he called out his name as he wonder on his ship, "have you found him yet?" Usopp called to which Luffy shook his head no,
Luffy went inside and looked around the kitchen and the seating area, he finally checked in Zoro room "Zoro are you-" he stopped when he seen Zoro and (Y/N) sound asleep together holding on to each other,
Luffy smiled to himself at the sight he seen, Usopp called Luffy to ask if he had found him, He closed the door and walked up to where Usopp was standing "he's very tired and need some extra rest" Luffy said to Usopp as he walked up to annoy Nami for a while.
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calypsocolada · 10 months
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(click here for part two)
synopsis: a stoic swordsman helps you figure out what your type is. authors note: hi :] i like zoro. no other notes. cw: violence, fluff, small bit of angst, clueless!reader, kissin :*, zoroxreader, small bit of sanjixreader wc: 4.4k
Zoro’s wooden practice sword swung in an unpredictable arch, you knew you couldn’t avoid it so you turned, letting it smack hard against your shoulder. Pain zaps through your body, the hit more annoying than painful. 
“Ow!” You growled, eyes narrowing. Zoro danced around you, you never knew how light-footed he could be, how quick and precise his sword play was. Zoro was a huge man, he was easily two feet taller than you, built like a damn freight train and somehow still quicker than you. Zoro’s mouth quirked up in a smart ass smirk, his brows raising tauntingly. 
“I thought you said you were getting better.” He jested, obviously trying to get a rise out of you. You took the bait every damn time. You swing your sword in anger. 
“I am!” You yelled, he dodged your assault with ease, playfully hitting your back as you stumbled forwards. You gained your footing and spun back around, swinging again but he just bats it away lazily. 
“Come on, killer, swing with purpose not with anger.” He says listlessly, like he’s bored with this. 
Of course he was bored, he was probably the best swordsman in the world, you were just some idiot pirates daughter. It had been a few months since escaping your fathers crew and although you were one of your fathers best fighters you fought more close combat style, with knives mostly. Swords were long and heavy, especially the ones Zoro used. It was like he made them out of boulders rather than steel. But right now you were using practice swords because you’re sure that if this was a real fight you’d be dead and buried. 
You grip the handle of the sword hard, knuckles turning white. You weren’t used to defeat, it left a sour taste in your mouth. Zoro’s stretched a bit, yawning. The anger always took you over. You were your fathers daughter after all. You pretended to swing the sword again, with clumsy maneuvering and when Zoro went to bat it away you chucked the sword aside, dodging his blade, hitting him square in the stomach with your shoulder. It was meant to take him down but he didn’t budge against you. It was as though you were pushing against a damn tree. You remembered just then how it felt fighting your father, how unmovable he was. You were raising your knee before you could even stop yourself as he knee him square between the legs. A rush of air leaves his lips and the way his body shifts you know you finally caught him off balance. You sweep a leg out from under him and with all the force in your body you shove against him. You both slam against the forest floor, your hips straddling his abs as you jam your forearm down against his neck, successfully pinning him beneath you. He looks up at you with immeasurable annoyance. 
“You’re a dirty fighter.” He huffs, groaning in pain. You nod your head, a proud fact you already knew. 
“You’ve met my father, right?” You jest. This was something new you were learning. Since joining up with Luffy’s crew there were a few things you had to learn. 
They weren’t out to get you. 
You were raised by a killer, his crew were a bunch of killers so naturally you grew up always keeping watch of those around you because the moment you slacked out someone would have their hands around your neck just waiting to extinguish your fire. 
2. You had to soften up and learn to work as a member of a team. 
This one you were still working on. You were alone most of your life, your father never spared you a kind word and sometimes at night you’d lay awake, knowing you were just like him sometimes. You guarded every part of your heart so well that sometimes you could trick yourself into thinking you never had one to begin with. But it beat the day you met Luffy’s crew. They saved you, even when you were good, they knew who and where’d you’d come from and still accepted you for who you were. That meant to you that you had to change. If you wanted to stay a member of this crew you had to let them in. You couldn’t push them away because one bad day would come and they’d stay away. You didn’t think you could survive that. Knowing that there was warmth in this world that you turned cold. 
3. Lastly, how to protect someone. 
You could protect yourself just fine because you’d been left behind in wakes your entire life. But you wouldn’t do that to them. You’d stay and fight because that’s what they did for you. You weren’t just looking out for yourself anymore, you had people, possibly a family, it’d take the devil himself to pull that from your grip. 
“Yeah I met him, he’s an asshole, like you.” Zoro grunts, his pinned hands escaping from your fingers as he turns the tide, swinging you to your back, pressing you into the dirt. You’re not sure where his sword came from but the wooden edge of it was pressed gently against your throat. He beat you. You groaned out a sigh as he cocked his head to the side. 
“I had you.” You fume as he purses his lips, he’s heavy against you, it feels like ten men rather than one. 
“For a second.”
“That’s all a killer needs.” You dared. He must’ve seen that look in your eyes before because he presses the sword ever closer to your neck, but not hard enough to actually hurt. 
“We’re done for today.” He says and suddenly his weight is lifted off you and you feel as though you could finally breathe again. You didn’t know you were holding your breath. Zoro extends a hand to you, narrowing his eyes. “No funny business, I’m hungry.” He warns because for someone who’s only known you for a few months he knows you pretty damn well. Knew that look in your eye, that you would take his hand and end up trying to pin him beneath you again. He knew you hated to lose. You took his hand and did nothing of the sort because you were hungry too. He pulled you to your feet with ease and kept hold of your hand for a second as he spoke. “You’re a good fighter, don’t give up on practicing.” He says and the look in his eye is intense, he meant it. He lets your hand go and bends to grab the practice sword that you tossed aside. 
“I don’t see the point in it, I fight better close.” 
“You can fight better any way you choose. You master the sword and you give yourself more options.” He says, tossing it to you, you catch it with ease.
“More options?”
“To survive. You want that don’t you?” He asks over his shoulder, walking back towards the camp that the crew had set up near the beach. You never thought of it like that before. You learned how to fight because your father needed someone unassuming to kill. Who’s more unassuming than a young girl? You always fought to kill, to end lives, you never cared much for your own. Who could care for a killer after all? Zoro slowed, tossing a glance over his shoulder at you after you took too long to answer.
“Of course I want that.” But your words sounded hollow. There was still that nagging voice of your fathers. There was only so many times someone you looked up to could call you worthless before you started to believe it. It was ingrained in you. To live but not feel worthy of life. Maybe you did want to live, but that didn’t mean you felt like you deserved to. You’d done wrong your entire life, killed and followed in the footsteps of someone you knew was bad. Didn’t that make you guilty of something? 
Zoro’s eyes dissected you, that face you made and the tone of your voice. He was a smart man and for all his faux uninterested stare he read you like a damn book. Like he’d cracked open your mind and read your innermost secrets. It was strange, having someone who you couldn’t fool. Someone who could look at you and call bullshit. 
“Do you just want to survive for the sake of others or for yourself?” He asked, slowing to a stop. Crickets chirped around you, wind picking up, swaying the leaves of the trees gently. You stopped too, mindlessly turning the practice sword over in your hands. 
“Is that a trick question?” You asked and watched him shake his head. You turn the question over in your head. “Surviving for yourself is quite selfish right?” 
“Not necessarily.” He breathes out, walking and plopping down listlessly on a stump, he stretches out his legs. “You charge into things head on, you don’t wait for others to act.”
“That’s a good thing.” You cross your arms defensively. “How else would you catch enemies by surprise?”
“By others I meant your crew. When you charge into things you could end up getting hurt.” He countered, you kick at a raised root and toss your head back a bit dramatically. 
“But if I kill the bad guys first you guys have nothing to worry about.” 
“We’d still worry about you.”
“Why?” You questioned as though someone worrying about you was way out of the realm of possibility. 
“Because you aren’t a martyr, we don’t need you throwing yourself on the knife.” Zoro argues, it’s one of the first times he seems interested in what he’s talking about. Passionate even. “I know what you’re used to. That’s why I wanted to train you.”
“So I can fight with a long blade instead of a short one?” You quipped. 
“So you can fight next to me.” He says as though you should’ve known. You look up from the ground over to him. He has this strange look in his eyes, the kind of strange look Sanji gave you sometimes, though Sanji looked at every girl like that. But not Zoro, the man was inexpressive usually. 
“Fight next to you?” You echo, as if trying the words out loud would give them a different meaning. Zoro nods his head. 
“Wouldn’t it be nice? Not having to wonder who has your back?” He asks. You look at him, something stirring inside you. 
“Is that what you want?” You start. “Someone who can keep up with you?” 
He nods his head. 
“Don’t you?” You ponder it for a moment. 
“I guess, yeah.” You say softly. “I feel like I keep up with you just fine.”
“You could be better.” Zoro jests, pushing off the stump he sat on.  
“I took you down, big man.” You growl, jogging to catch up with him as the sun starts to set. 
“You cheated.”
“I was being… resourceful.” You said and heard Zoro laugh, a warm laugh coming from his chest. You never heard him laugh before, probably in the same way he’d never heard you laugh. You both were somewhat serious types. 
“Sure, let’s call it that.” He intones. 
Back at the campsite the first person to greet you and Zoro was Sanji. Ever since landing on this island Sanji had been acting somewhat differently to Zoro, almost colder. You had no idea what that was about and honestly you didn’t care, not presently because they always bickered anyways. 
“There you guys are!” Sanji all but growls, shooting dagger at Zoro. “We’ve been waiting for you.” He says, giving you a kind smile.
“We didn’t mean to keep you guys, you could’ve eaten.” You say as Sanji shakes his head, guiding you with a gentle hand on your back towards the food. 
“Nonsense, it was no trouble.” Sanji croons as you look towards the rest of the crew. Luffy has his hands crossed against his chest tightly, his face scrunched in annoyance. 
“It was a little trouble.” Luffy grumbles as Sanji shoots daggers at him. You sit down, Sanji occupying the seat next to you as Zoro plops down in the sand across from you. It's quiet as everyone digs into their food. 
“How is it?” Sanji asks, eyes watching you. You’d just filled your mouthful, unable to answer right at that moment.
“It’s a little salty.” Usopp chided as Sanji hurled a dinner roll at him.
“I wasn’t asking you!” Sanji ranted, the roll hitting Usopp square between the eyes. You and Luffy both snort in laughter. You laugh, almost choking on your food which serves to make you two laugh even harder. Sanji turns to you with a worried expression, lightly hitting your back as you're able to swallow your food properly. You bite your lip to keep from laughing as you give Sanji a small smile. 
“It tastes good, Sanji, thank you.” You say and Sanji practically melts. 
“Usopp’s right,” Zoro starts, a mischievous look in his eyes. “It’s a bit salty.” Sanji’s eyes turn to slits as he grabs another roll, hucking it at Zoro who catches it with ease, grinning before taking a bite out of it. 
“I don’t care what you think because my dear Y/n likes it.” Sanji proclaimed, turning to you. “Would you like some more, dear?”
“Sure.” You shrug as he practically stumbles over himself to grab you more. Your eyes meet with Zoro’s, he gives you a wink and you roll your eyes. Zoro liked messing with Sanji and most of the time it was pretty funny. Sanji took a big liking to you and Zoro liked to tease him about it. You weren’t sure what it was that Sanji liked about you but he was always quick to give you anything you asked for. Sanji fills your plate and as the night winds down Luffy, Nami and Usopp take off for bed. 
You sit by the fire next to Sanji, your legs pulled to your chest as he leans back, eyes staring at the stars. It’s quiet, just the sound of the fire crackling and the waves of water crashing nearby. Your eyes watch the fire as it slowly lulls you into comfort. Suddenly a blanket is placed over your shoulders as you blink, eyes watering. You turn to see Zoro as he plops down near you. You silently thank him, pulling the covers closer to your chest, shielded from the cold. Something burning hotter was the look you caught sight of from Sanji, he looked as though he was seconds away from challenging Zoro to a duel. But when he noticed you his face morphed into a smile again. 
“Is a measly blanket gonna be enough to keep you warm, my dear?” Sanji asks. “I could scoot closer to you?” He offers.
“The blanket’s good.” You answer, unaware of the implications. Zoro snorts beside you, amused at something you weren’t sure of. 
“Do you have something to add, Zoro?” Sanji hisses as Zoro, face unphased as he shrugs his shoulders. 
“Sanji?” You start.
“Yes, dear?” He asks, voice all soft, way different from the tone he was using a second ago. 
“Did Zoro do something to make you angry?” You ask, making Zoro snort again. Sanji shakes his head.
“Nothing more than usual, dear, no need to worry.” He says and you nod your head, satisfied with that answer, eyes sliding back towards the fire. “Could I ask you something?”
“Hmm?” You hum, watching the flames flicker and dance. 
“What’s your type?” He asks. Zoro doesn’t snort this time, he fully laughs, gaining an angry stare from Sanji. “Shut your mouth you damn idiot!” Sanji yells across the fire at Zoro. “You’re ruining the moment!”
“My type of what?” You ask cluelessly. Zoro can’t help but laugh even more. You look over at him, confused but he’s laughing so hard his eyes are closed. You look back at Sanji.
“Ignore that damn fool, dear. Your type in a partner.” He explains. 
“Type in a partner?” You echo, Zoro slowly quiets down next to you. Sanji nods his head. You purse your lips, thinking. You and Zoro fought pretty well together the few times you had to, it was just mere hours ago that he told you he liked the idea of fighting with you and you had to admit you didn’t mind that also. “I guess Zoro would be my type.” You say, completely unaware of the havoc you just caused. Sanji clamps a hand to his chest dramatically over his heart. You look at Zoro, his cheeks blushing a moment before he begins a fit of laughter all over again. Understanding the miscommunication before you and Sanji do. 
“You hear that, Sanji? I’m her type.” Zoro boasts jokingly, throwing an arm around your shoulders, loving the effect it was having on Sanji. Sanji looked like a deflated balloon. Sanji sinks back into the sand as you cock your head, confused. Zoro gives your shoulder a small squeeze as you look back over at him. “He meant romantic partner.” He whispers just to you. Your eyebrows raise, mouthing the word ‘oh’.
“I’m sorry, Sanji, I thought you meant fighting partner.” You corrected and Sanji shot back up, hopefulness on his face again.
“It’s okay, dear, you scared me there.” Sanji sighs wistfully, running a hand through his hair. Zoro’s arm moves away from you as you look back at him. 
“Keep it there.” You order softly. “I was getting warm.” Zoro’s brows raise in surprise but he does as you ask, even scooting a bit closer to you. When you look back at Sanji his jaw is practically touching the sand. “What?” You ask innocently, he shuts his mouth instantly, shaking his head. 
“N-nothing.” He turns away, kicking sand at the fire. You feel Zoro laugh softly. You had no idea what sort of nonverbal conversation these two were having and honestly you didn’t care to know. You close your eyes, leaning into Zoro’s warmth. Romantic partner. You were thinking about it now because you’d never thought about it before. There was no love where you came from, no positive role models, no romantic tension. That stuff was way out of your realm of understanding.
“How do you know your type?” You ask, turning to look at Sanji. His eyes meet yours, his eyes glancing at Zoro’s arm around your shoulders then back to you. 
“That's a hard one to explain.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Is it something you just know?” You ask and Sanji nods his head. 
“More or less, yeah,” Suddenly he lets out a big yawn, stretching. “Boy am I beat. Are you tired?” He asks you.
“Not really.” You say and watch as he pouts. 
“Maybe you should head off to bed then.” Zoro says. Sanji’s eyes glare his way as he grumbles, pushing up from the sand and dusting himself off. 
“Night,” He says sharply, trudging across the sand back towards the ship. You watch him go. 
“He is so strange.” You whisper, earning a warm laugh from Zoro. 
“You're clueless, you know that.” He remarked with another soft laugh. You turn to look at him.
“Why?” You ask, his eyes slide to yours. 
“He likes you, killer, a lot.” Zoro explains. You furrow your brows, you already knew he liked you, he treated you very kindly. “And I know what you're thinking. It’s not that kind of like.”
“What other kind is there?” This garners another laugh. “Stop laughing at me!”
“I’m sorry,” Zoro chuckles, smiling warmly. “He likes you… romantically.” He emphasizes and suddenly everything starts falling into place in your mind. He was always going out of his way for you, giving you extra food, following you around like a lost puppy, practically begging for your attention. 
“Hm.” You hum, turning back to look at the fire. 
“Hm?” Zoro echoes. “You sound mildly uninterested.”
“Eh, I don’t- I guess I don’t understand.”
“Which part?”
“Why would he like me? That makes no sense.” You say and for a moment Zoro is quiet, you turn to look at him, his cheeks pink, probably from the heat of the fire you guessed. 
“Do you really want me to answer that?” He asks. And when you just look at him quizzically he pities you a bit. He inhales, sighing. “You do know you're gorgeous right?” He asks as though you did know that. That was not what you were expecting him to say. You can’t remember the last time someone referred to you in a positive connotation. 
“I-- I don’t think so.” You say, your cheeks feel hot under Zoro’s stare, you feel slightly nervous suddenly, but not a bad nervous, you're not really sure how to explain it. It’s completely new to you.
“Well you are. And you're strong, men love strong women.” Zoro goes on, he’s leaning back slightly, his arm still around you as he gazes up at the stars. You bite your lip, your mouth feels dry. Were you getting sick or something? 
“Do you?”
“Hell yeah I do, I’m not an idiot.” He says, amused. You nod your head. 
“Hm.” You say and he looks at you with that amused expression. “But what does him liking me have to do with you? He looked angry with you all night?” You ask, piecing things together in your mind.
“He’s jealous, killer.” He says. 
“Jealous, huh…” You trail off. “Because you're a good partner?” You ask and he scoffs a laugh, shaking his head.
“Sure, let's go with that.” He intones. You lay your head back down on his shoulder, settling against him. You always found your way to Zoro, you two had grown pretty close in the past few weeks. He was a calming presence, one you always seeked out. You liked sitting near him, talking with him and training with him. You liked when he talked and when he looked at you. It was strange, you’d never felt that way before meeting him. Never let your guard down but he just felt like a calming, safe presence to you. 
“What’s your type?” You ask and you feel Zoro tense up slightly, you turn slightly to look up at him. “Something wrong?”
“No, nothings wrong.” He says, recovering smoothly. “Are we talking about fighting partners?” He jokes, earning a laugh from you.
“Apparently not.” You answer. Waiting for a reply. Zoro’s arm slightly tightens around you, pulling you just a bit closer as he fixes the cover that had fallen off your shoulder. 
“I think I might keep that a mystery.” He answers as you huff out a laugh. 
“Keep your secrets then.” You say, letting your eyes drift closed. Sanji’s words float back into your mind, when you asked if liking someone was just something that you knew and he said more or less. It was something you just knew? That was harder to understand for you. “I think I’d like someone who I feel safe with.” You find yourself saying aloud as you try and imagine what that means, you were still kind of getting fighting partner mixed up with a romantic partner because both options you felt you needed someone you could trust.
“That’s a good thing to look out for, killer.” He says softly. You think hard. You felt safe with Zoro, you felt comfortable enough to rest against him. You couldn’t see yourself doing that with Sanji although you trusted him you didn’t want to be that close. Your mind was reeling now. So you liked being close to Zoro? Did that mean anything or nothing at all? You squeezed your eyes shut.
“Romance is confusing.” You find yourself saying. Zoro chuckles, nodding his head.
“Damn straight.” You lift up slightly as he turns to meet your eyes.
“How do you know you know, you know?” You ask as Zoro’s brows raise.
“I don’t know?” He asks as you purse your lips. 
“Sanji said your type was just something you knew,” You puzzled. 
“Killer, I think you may be overthinking it.” Zoro says. 
“What if you think you like someone but you're not completely sure?” You ask as Zoro hums slightly, thinking up an answer for you. 
“I guess- I guess you could kiss them.” He offers and you nod your head, leaning forwards to press a quick, searching kiss to Zoro’s lips. For someone so rough around the edges his lips are surprisingly soft against yours, cold from the night time wind. When you pull back Zoro’s eyes are closed, his cheeks as red as cherries. He slowly opens his eyes, he’s stunned to say the least. 
“I’ve never kissed someone before.” You say, eyes glancing back down at his lips. You kissed him too quickly to tell if anything came from it. “I’m gonna try again.” You say and he stammers but doesn’t object as you scoot closer and lean to press your lips back against his. You leave them there for a moment. You’d seen people kiss before but trying it now you were completely unsure of the correct way to do it. You feel something bloom but you're pulling away before you can put meaning to it. “I suck at this. You do it.” You say as Zoro finally finds his words. 
“You kissed me.” He says shocked and you nod your head. 
“It was bad, I don’t know what I’m doing. This is like training with a sword all over again.” You grumble, pouting and crossing your arms.
“You just need a good instructor.” Zoro’s hand slides up from your shoulder to your cheek, moving your face to face him. You have no time to access the way your stomach bottoms out at that before he’s bringing you flush against his lips this time in a delicate embrace. His fingers tangled in your hair, a shock zaps through you at the contact. Zoro knew exactly what he was doing, he was skilled in more ways than fighting it seemed. You burned all over, your breath catching in your throat. Sanji was right, you knew right then. Right as he pulled you impossibly closer and kissed you with fervor and confidence. When he pulled back your lips chased after him slightly as you stopped yourself. You swallowed dryly. 
“Was that good for you?” He asks, his voice all breathy and hoarse. 
“Uh huh.” You exhale. It's quiet for a beat. “I think,” you start, clearing your throat. “I think maybe you should try again.” You whisper and you don’t have to say anything else because Zoro understands. That and he’s kissing you before you can utter another word.                         
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lawsvalentine · 5 months
hey hey can I pretty please request a Usopp smut where Y/N is kinda new on the crew but it’s already established that they like each other. she couldn’t sleep one night so she decides wonder around the ship and he catches her wearing his white, long sleeved shirt with nothing else and it riles him up (she didn’t have any else to wear to bed and that’s all she found) 🫣🏃🏾‍♀️
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Looks Better On You
• Usopp x Fem!reader • (18+)
CW: oral (fem receiving), fingering, usopp is reader’s sneaky link, semi-public sex, groping, slapping, usopp eating 🐱 from the back
Cee’s Note: omg @heyyeaa you are SO REAL for this request! Side note: He is TOO FINE in that white shirt 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 this was long overdue but I hope you still enjoy 😉
[minors do NOT interact; explicit content ahead]
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“Try to keep quiet f’me”
You nod your head, biting your lip, silencing your whimpers as Usopp worked his tongue from behind.
You found yourself in this situation when Usopp caught you wandering the ship after hours, wearing nothing but his white long sleeve shirt.
You apologized profusely for taking his shirt without permission when you noticed him staring at you in awe. His eyes gaped at your exposed thighs and how the shirt clung to your curvy waist.
Before you knew it, you were bent over the side of the ship rails as Usopp hands spread your thick ass cheeks and devoured your pussy from behind.
“M’couldn’t help myself,” Usopp muffled between your pussy lips.
He brought his finger to prod at your hole as he licks strides up and down your sex, burying his face further in your ass.
You writhe on top, gripping the rail for support, as you feel him slip another finger inside you as his mouth continued to lap at your folds.
It was getting more difficult to contain your moans between the stretch of his long fingers and his tongue swirling and sucking up all your slick.
You jump slightly as you felt a slight tap on your ass.
“Uh uh” Usopp tsks before kneading the flesh of your ass, “you gon wake the others. You want them to find out our little secret?”
When you first joined the crew, Usopp was the first person you got close to. Over time, conversations became more flirtatious and next thing you knew, you were getting your back blown out almost every night.
You buried your head down into your arm to keep your cries muffled as you start to push yourself farther back as Usopp inserted a third finger inside you.
You could feel yourself getting close with every pump of his finger hitting your sweet spot.
“Get there, baby,” Usopp whispered softly as he began to quicken the pace of his fingers inside you.
You begin to feel your body shake as your orgasm consumed your senses. Eyes rolling back and arm clasped over your mouth as a stream of moans spilled from your mouth.
You can hear a low groan from Usopp as he lapped up the rest of your juices, getting every last drop. Your body slumped against the rail, as you tried to calm your breathing.
You look behind you to find Usopp’s goofy grin, giving your ass one last kiss before bringing his face to yours. Your could taste yourself on his tongue as he continued to kiss you passionately.
“You want your shirt back?” you joked, when you two finally broke from the kiss.
“Nah”, he smirks before giving your lips another peck.
“Looks way better on you”
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220 notes · View notes
fanaticsnail · 8 months
You Kissed the Clown? Part 4
Ok, this chapter got out of hand. I had been dwelling on it for a little while before I did a final few readthroughs. There might be still some grammatical errors and formatting issues, but here it is!
Word count: 4,675 (I am so, so sorry!)
Part 3 is here.
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 After marinating in the deep warm liquid of the large porcelain tub for what you deemed to be an appropriate amount of time, you stepped out of the soapy liquid and dried yourself with a large, fluffy towel. Placing a robe from within the bathroom around yourself and gathering your pile of dirty clothes, you made your way back down the hall to find the guest quarters containing your friends.
Your hair was wrapped up in the fluffy towel in an attempt to dry the strands with more haste than simply air drying it. Your bare feet being the only sounds omitting from the long hallway, you strained your ear to hear light conversation coming from the guest quarters. You reached for the door handle, let out a deep breath and made to face your mismatched crew of straw-hat pirates.
“Oh my dear, how was your bath?” Nami asked you once she saw your form entering the space.
“It was relaxing, thank you,” you responded with a sweet smile. You raked your eyes over her and studied the fine clothes she was wearing.
“Wow, red is absolutely your colour!” you exclaimed at her, gesturing to the dress she had chosen to wear for the evening.
“Where were you when I needed you, tinkerer?” she smiled before turning to Zoro and Luffy, “this is what I was talking about. You guys didn’t give me anything to work with!”
Zoro scoffed and craned his head back to stare at the ceiling while Luffy craned his head to the side in confusion.
“I said you still looked like Nami,” he shrugged, “and you do! What was I meant to say?”
You rolled your eyes and laced your arm in Namis, leading her to the vanity and sitting her on the stool in front of it.
“I’m thinking hair up?” you suggested with a downturned smile, quirking your eyebrow in suggestion. She shrugged and looked over her features.
“Definitely an updo,” you said, gesturing to her short locks. You used your eyes to ask permission to touch her hair, to which she nodded in response, “maybe a few face-framing pieces down. Lower to the nape of your neck I think. With some feathers?”
Her eyes seemed to brighten just a little as she nodded at your suggestion. You picked up the brush on the counter of the vanity and began to draw her hair into the palms of your hands and twirl pieces around your fingers. You heard Zoro move to the place behind the changing shield and begin removing his bathrobe and sorting through the clothes he had chosen.
“What are you wearing, Captain?” you called over your shoulder while holding your gaze on the locks of the orange-haired woman sat in front of you.
“Nami picked out these for me,” he said with a broad smile, “classy, no?”
You brought your eyes up to view your captain in the silver lined mirror in front of you, looking over the dark vest and pant combination held in front of him.
“Very you, love,” you nodded, returning your eyes to the hair in front of you as you began pinning some of the pieces in place. You smiled slightly, catching Nami fawning slightly over herself as you fashioned her hair to suit your vision.
“How did you get so good at this?” she asked you, meeting your eyes in the vanity, “this girly stuff.”
“My mother,” you responded with a smile, “she used to wear her hair showcasing several of our handmade pieces to demonstrate our craft to the customers in the shop.”
You placed a few white-tipped feathers in Nami’s lower bun, securing them with several small brass pieces. Nami nodded slightly for you to continue talking.
“And when she deemed me ready,” you said, focussing on one brass piece and slotting it within her hair, “that task fell to me.”
You smiled at your work, placing your hands on her shoulders and bringing your face down to her level and looked at her in the vanity.
“You’re really good,” she commented, turning her head slightly to gaze at the back. You picked up a smaller mirror and held it to the back of her hair and angled it in a way she could see the rear of her updo.
“Thank you,” you responded warmly. She offered you a sincere smile and you placed your hand once more on her shoulder.
You heard Zoro cough, prompting you to turn to view his attire. You let out a low whistle and Nami nodded in approval at the dark suit he chose with a tanned shirt beneath it.
“Nice ensemble, swordsman,” you complimented him with an arched brow, which he in turn smiled at the ground in response to your words, almost bashfully.
“Now,” Nami said, interrupting your train of thought slightly while rising from her seat at the vanity, “lets sort you out. Can’t have you attending dinner in a bath robe with your hair in a damp towel.”
You laughed at her comment and followed her lead to the many racks containing a vast collection of tinted silks, satins, chiffon, cotton and feathers. Several items drew you in, but one in particular had you buzzing slightly. A deep, blue dress held you in a trance as you pictured the colour matching the irises of your newly infatuation’s eyes. You reached for the material and smoothed your hands over the frock. Several layers of tulle, fine satin and chiffon fell over the gown with a corset-style back. You held the fabric as you imagined yourself being twirled before being held in the arms of the clown captain. Your eyes began to glaze over as you leant in to your fantasy, imagining the music playing as he held your body against his and whispered his loving desires into your hairline.
“That one?” you heard Zoro ask over your shoulder, noticing how close he truly was to you. This immediately broke the spell you felt over encumbered by. You shook your head before presenting the material to him.
“Oh, I’m sorry Zoro. Did you want to wear it?” you taunted him while removing the hanger from the rack and holding it up to his torso and furrowed your brows in playfulness, “not really your colour.”
You heard Nami laugh as she continued to sift through the racks for something more appropriate than a ballgown for you to wear to dinner. You laughed and turned to put the dress back onto the hanger, only to have your movements halted by Zoro grasping your wrist lightly.
“You’re thinking about the clown again, aren’t you,” he murmured in your ear, in a low enough tone that only you (to your current knowledge) would be exposed to. You inhaled sharply before shaking your head and putting the gown back onto the rack and turning to face him. While training with him and discussing the prior battle he engaged with against Buggy, he noticed how your expression changed. Your posture would stand slightly less alert, eyes glazed over slightly as you pictured the shared kiss in your mind again.
You challenged him with your eyes, opting to not speak to give yourself away. The way his eyes searched yours left an unsettling feeling in your chest.
“You know he’s murdered potentially millions, destroyed towns and nearly killed us, right?” he asked you, holding his hard gaze. You felt a small wave of sadness come over you at the thought of the violent crimes he had committed in his acts of piracy.
“You can’t change a person that far gone,” he uttered to you, breaking his gaze from you to look at your captain, “and if you leave, it’ll break him.”
You followed Zoro’s gaze to look at your captain, now freshly adorning his vest and pants. He reached up to readjust his straw hat and smiled broadly at you both.
“What do you think?” Luffy asked, and without missing a beat; Nami responded.
“You look like Luffy,” she yelled over her shoulder. You saw the captain smile and nod his head in response.
“You’re right. I do look like Luffy,” he confirmed, sitting down on the plush stool in the centre of the room again.
You felt Zoro remove his hand from your wrist and place it on your shoulder as he leant in closer to you and whispered into your ear.
“You can do better than some psychotic clown,” he said before releasing your shoulder from his grasp and turning to take up his swords and fix them on his hip. You furrowed your brows and pursed your lips, shaking your head slightly at the words and continuing to sort through the materials.
“This is the one,” you heard the voice of Nami call from a rack several isles over.
You turned your head to look at the dress she was cradling in her arms. The way you could describe the outfit she was holding out to you would be whimsical. Something from within the pages of the novels you would read while attending the shop back home.
You smiled broadly and took the dress from her arms with a wide smile.
“This is beautiful,” you commented, immediately taking the dress behind the changing screen and pooling the robe at your feet. You stepped into the dress and brought it over your hips first, before placing your arms in the sleeves and pulling it over your torso. You stepped out from behind the screen to reveal the dress. Nami smiled at you as you presented your back to her.
“Would you mind doing me up?” you asked her, pulling the strands of your drying hair over your shoulder to aid her with her task.
“This looks so good on you!” she commented, placing her hand on your zipper and pulling it to the hilt. You walked over to the vanity and looked yourself over, nodding in affirming her words.
“You’re right, it suits me,” you declared while running your fingers through your hair and beginning to fashion it in a style you were accustomed to wearing in your family’s shop. You placed several sentimental pieces of jewellery in your hair, interlacing them between several braids you managed to weave in a few minutes.
A knock appeared at the door, indicating it was time to commence the birthday meal of Miss Kaya, you walked to the side of your captain with a smile.
“Well,” he said, “let’s go eat!”
He offered his arm to you, which you took with a laugh and allowed him to escort you to the foyer where several variety of hors d’ouevres were being offered on silver platters by the staff. You accepted a class of sparkling wine from the tray while retracting your arm from Luffy’s elbow.
Luffy sprung to commence his dining experience, opting to skip the beverages and go straight to the source of the delicious smell he had been craving. You were left alone slightly, as Zoro was speaking with Klahadore, Nami was conversing with Usopp and Kaya while the other members of staff would offer trays of food and beverages to your crew and another man who was introduced to you as ‘Merry’.
You continued to have the uneasy feeling of being watched by someone, often peaking from the corners of your eyes to catch the source in the act – only to find nothing awaiting your gaze. You sighed and raised the champagne flute to your lips and took a small sip of the tart, bubbling liquid.
“Something the matter?” you heard a voice purr to you, pulling you from your trance to meet the gaze of Klahadore. You felt yourself jump a little at his introduction, bringing your attention fully onto him. You sighed before smiling at him, hoping he did not sense your uneasiness at his presence.
“I’ve not had a good pampering for some while, Mister Klahadore,” you said with a warm smile, “I’ve been at sea for longer than I ought to have been, I think.”
He hummed in response, offering you a fresh glass of champagne; which you accepted graciously. He took the empty glass from your hand and replacing it with the full one, “you seem to be one affiliated with the finer things in life.”
“I have been educated, yes,” you responded, narrowing your eyes slightly at his accusation.
“I mean no disrespect,” he said, using the palm of his hand to adjust his glasses closer to his eyes, “you just do not seem like one suited for piracy.”
You maintained your narrowed eye contact, scepticism displayed in questioning his unintentionality of the subtle jab.
“Yet here you are,” he continued, pausing between each word.
“Here I am,” you confirmed with a smile, raising your glass to your lips and sipping at the wine while looking over to make eye contact with the swordsman of the crew. You widened your eyes at him, hoping for him to catch on to your subtle cry for help at being left alone with this unsettling figure. As unaware as one could be in this type of situation, Zoro pointed to the butler with his chin and shook his head in question. You mentally screamed at him, hoping for some unnatural telepathic ability to inflict great harm on the clueless swordsman before attempting to calm yourself and returning your gaze to the butler at your side.
“You’ll be escorted to the workshop after supper,” he said with a twinge in the corner of his mouth before continuing with a small list, “there will be a work bench, some oil, some better tweezers, screws, nuts, bolts, a red hot poker, soldering metal, a blackened glass visor, magnifying glass, and to rehash your words; how did you put it?”
You widened your eyes as Klahadore leant in ever so slightly to your ear and purred into it like one would taunt a helpless, flightless infantile bird.
“A bloody stiff drink,” he uttered with a small chuckle in your ear. You sharply inhaled a breath at this comment and stepped slightly away from the butler, prompting him to teeter his laughter slightly and readjust his glasses before adding, “I’ll escort you myself after I lay Miss Kaya to rest in her chambers.”
You nodded your head to him with an uneasy smile, confirming your attendance before walking over to the place Zoro was standing.
“What the hell was that,” you whispered in a berating manner at him.
“What the hell was that,” he said in the same hushed tone, gesturing to the place you were once standing in with the butler, “when I said you could do better than the clown, I didn’t mean moving on from one unhinged weirdo to the next.”
“What the hell, Zoro,” you hissed at him through clenched teeth, “I was giving you the signal.”
“That you wanted to kiss him? Yeah, I saw,” he whispered back.
You groaned at the comment, using all of your willpower to not smack the swordsman upside the head. Breaking you out of your thoughts, you were alerted to the beginning of the dinner by Klahadore as he escorted Miss Kaya to the head of the table.
“I’ll give you a lesson on what the signal is later, swordsman,” you hissed at him, brushing past him and plastering a fake smile on your features as you entered the dining room.
Unlike your companions, you had been trained in debutant-like manners in your education for formal negotiations with upper-classed individuals. You waited for Klahadore to ensure Miss Kaya was comfortably sat in her chair before reaching for your own to take a seat, unlike Zoro, Luffy, Usopp and Nami who sat down as soon as they found their designated chairs. You mentally sighed at their inappropriate table manners before nodding to Miss Kaya and taking a seat at the table.
You commenced your meal after Miss Kaya took her fist bite, enjoying the meal so dutifully prepared for you; choosing to keep yourself away from engaging in conversation with the troop. You were feeling so unlike yourself, completely thrown by the act you had committed days prior. Usually, you displayed your bubbly, semi-flirtatious and intelligent personality with an organic ease. You furrowed your brows at the thought that the clown had a fierce hold on your very soul, a pull urging you to bring yourself over to him and give in to your unbridled emotions.
And at this thought, you finally snapped. You refused to dwell on the improbable circumstances of ever seeing Captain Buggy again, and especially foster a romantic relationship with the; as Zoro so eloquently put it: some psychotic clown. You had come too far in your crafting skills, education and ability to challenge a persons apprehensions with your charisma to throw it all away to be some love-struck puppy for a powerful sea-captain on an insane rampage. You shook your head from your thoughts and plastered a smile on your face and began to make conversation with Merry who was seated beside you.
You were shocked when Luffy decided to stand up on the table and walk over to the woman who had so openly invited to host you within her halls that your words halted in your throat, causing you to do nothing but to gawk at the scene presented before you.
“Everyone, out of this house at once!” Klahadore demanded, to which Kaya responded.
“No,” she said with a gentle cough, “it’s late. Let them stay the night.”
Klahadore reached for Kaya, bringing her to her feet and beginning to escort her to her bedchambers.
“As you wish, Miss Kaya,” he relented, “but they are to be out first thing in the morning.”
He led her up the stairs, causing you to rise to your feet and bid Kaya goodnight.
“Well, that went pretty well,” exclaimed Luffy with a playful smile, “don’t you think?”
Silence engulfed the dinner guests seated around the table as they all contemplated the sheer ignorance of their young captain. You rolled your head back with closed eyes, hearing a slight click front your left side as you groaned at the knowledge you were about to undertake handling a potentially dangerous item for the cat-like butler.
“I’m retiring to the guest quarters,” you exclaimed, turning with a smile to the ram-looking Merry and giving him a polite bow.
“Sleep well,” he said with a wide smile. You gestured with your eyes to your remaining comrades and suggested with a subtle crane of your neck to exit from the dining room. Nami sprung to her feet after pushing her chair back in response to your gaze. Zoro creased his brows and shook his head in question, prompting you to roll your eyes.
“At least someone understands what ‘the signal’ is,” you said under your breath, linking your arms with Nami and escorting one another up the stairs towards the suite you were all sharing.
You both walked in silence towards the room, enjoying being in the comfort of just the two of you. She seemed to pay close attention to several of the more shiny pieces littering the many benches throughout the hall as you walked.
“Did you live in a place like this?” she asked you, continuing to fix her gaze on a gold-dipped light fixture.
“Absolutely not,” you replied with a small smile, “I grew up with my siblings in an apartment above the shop.”
She hummed in response, continuing the slow pace you kept on your way to the suite.
“You would work with stuff like this, though?” she unlaced your arms and picked up a pristine silver box and weighed it in her palm, “rich people, stuff.”
You sighed and took the box from her hands, “yes, I worked with this stuff.” You placed the item back on the bench before turning to smile at her.
“What do you want me to say?” you asked her with a shrug, “that we were well off? That I was exposed to the finer things in life?”
She creased her brows and crossed her arms at your comments. You sighed and took a step towards her.
“Look, Nami,” you said, placing your hands on her shoulders, “I did overhear parts of your conversation with Zoro. Eat the rich and all that.”
She unlaced her arms and widened her eyes a little at your statement.
“Wealth doesn’t equate to happiness,” you said, searching your gaze into hers, “and every penny I earnt was spent running the shop, and caring for my fourteen younger siblings when my mother passed.”
She let out a small gasp at your declaration and gave you a look of slight sympathy.
“Now,” you said, releasing her shoulders from your gentle grasp with a smile, “let’s agree to not judge one another for our histories and move on. I won’t pity you or pry your past from you, and we don’t question one another’s life choices, yeah?”
She nodded slightly at your words and you both continued on to your chambers.
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Holding a hand up to his missing ear, the famed clown captain sat atop his stage chair and hanging on to every word he managed to hear you disclose from its place among he assumed was the bottom of a skirt? His feet were both dangling over the left arm of the chair as he rested his head on the right arm, laying completely down on his back on the firm, wooden base.
He recalled letting out an insane amount of laughter at the fact that he had manage to unintentionally woo you with a simple kiss exchanged between you. He did not restrain his chuckles as he eaves-dropped the private conversation you seemed to be engaging with yourself about in the showers.
“How could this particular woman be so desperate for me,” he maliciously spat with an air of smug confidence surrounding him, “all I did was threaten her and in response, she kissed me.”
He laughed again, kicking his feet slightly at how utterly ridiculous the whole situation was. He pressed the blank space his right ear was no longer attached to and continued to listen to you argue with yourself.
“It wasn’t even that good of a kiss anyhow,” he heard you mutter to yourself in an echoing room.
“Not that good of a kiss, my right ass-cheek,” he growled, sitting up from his reclining position and planting his feat on the ground, leaning forward and resting his arms on his knees, “it blew your absolute mind, baby. You’re crazy about me!”
He smirked at his own comment, before an uneasy feeling in the pit of his chest began to grow slightly.
“I didn’t even enjoy it that much,” he heard you say, also listening to the sound of a tap filling something large.
“Didn’t enjoy it that much?!” He yelled in a slight fit of rage, bringing the attention of Cabaji as he entered the tent. Buggy’s frown deepened at your words as he felt his chest bubble slightly at the feeling of inadequacy.
“Who are you talking to, Captain?” he asked.
“Shut-up!” he barked at him, “get out, I’m busy!”
Cabaji held his hands out defensively in front of himself and backed away slowly to return to the green room, leaving Buggy alone with his thoughts.
Buggy had a deep frown plastered on his face as he continued to hang onto every word he heard escape your lips.
“He could’ve been faking,” he heard you whisper to yourself, “it could’ve all been an act, a trick to lull me into a false sense of security, only to kill me after he was done with whatever he was doing with Luffy.”
“No,” he felt himself whimper slightly at your comment, dropping his frown and widening his eyes. The pit in his chest appeared to be growing and overcoming him slightly. He brought his other hand up to his lips and traced them with his fingertips lightly, attempting to bring the memory of the taste of you back to his skin.
His memory was flooded with your tender touch. His immediate reaction to push you away and inflict harm on you for daring to pull his body into yourself completely dissipated as you gently brought his body flush against your own and placed your lips against his. He remembered his sinister frown falling away from his brows as they turned upward in shock as he whimpered like some touch-starved stray animal against your embrace. Against his better judgement, he wanted nothing more than to hold you there for as long as you were willing to freely give him. He remembered lacing his gloved hand into your hair and pulling you gently into his embrace, squeezing the soft flesh of your back.
He had never felt a touch like yours before. This was his first encounter with another person so willing to freely express this amount of affection to him, he never wanted to part from your embrace – even ignoring the fact he felt you reach into his pocket to claim one of his throwing knives. He didn’t care if you were going to attempt to stab him in that moment, he would survive and you would look completely and utterly stupid. He was enjoying your touch and didn’t want to tear himself away from your clutches to brace himself for something as small as a dagger in his side.
While bracing himself in expectation of feeling the sharp object to be pried into the flesh you were exposing beneath his jacket, he felt your hands begin to explore his flesh, prompting a unrestrained moan to escape his lips. He wanted more. He wanted all of you, to be with you completely. If you were not holding him so firmly against yourself, he felt as if he would’ve become a puddle of broken pieces below your feet. Your touch brought him to his knees, in a hypothetical sense.
He cradled the empty space his right ear was missing from and felt overcome with the need to be in your presence. He was brought from his concentration on your words as he shook his head to bring him back into the present.
“What the hell?” he asked himself, looking at the position he was sitting in while cradling his ear, “why am I so focussed on you? I don’t even know your name!”
He gasped as he heard the final words escape from between your lips in a tone just above a whisper.
“I think I’m in love with Buggy the Clown.”
His jaw grew slack as he opened it in shock, the feeling in his chest warming his torso with an uncomfortable new emotion. His body slumped back into the broad backboard of his chair as he shook his head slightly, mouth continuing to hang agape in shock.
He felt his eyes begin to glaze over slightly, replaying your final words over and over again within his mind like a well-lit merry go round.
“That’s-,” he uttered in a voice below a soft murmur, “that’s all I ever wanted.”
He felt the well within his chest overflow and shoot tingles throughout his body. He closed his jaw and gulped back the saliva collected in his mouth as he continued to focus on your confession. He dropped his hand down from the empty space beside his head and hung it beside his shocked body. He looked down at his chest as the warmth continued to spread over his form as he came to understand the emotion he was feeling.
“Oh fuck,” he whispered with a wide grin forming on his face, a subtle bashfulness arising alongside a large warmth to his cheeks, “I love you too, baby.”
He let out a teetering giggle with a twinkle in his eyes as he came to terms with the adoration he had developed for you. He couldn’t wait to see you again, to tease you before pulling you into his arms. His love, his queen. His.
Part 5
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littlemochabunni · 7 months
Hii can I please request either a luffy or usopp smut. Where y/n is trying to please herself but it isn’t working but either luffy or/and usopp walk in accidentally and ask to help her out
“She’s just like candy… she’s so sweet.”
Usopp x fem reader
18+ mdni | very close best friends to lovers, cunnilingus, fingering (reader), oral orgasm, lowkey crack (I couldn't help myself)
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Being on watch in the crow’s nest on the days when absolutely nothing is happening is like watching paint dry.. Since you have a moment alone from the hustle and bustling of the rest of the crew. You decide on trying some… self love is well deserved.
Sliding your hand down your shorts and panties, rubbing slow circles against your clit, closing your eyes at the sensation trying to focus on the pleasure.
You open your eyes and huff in frustration, “What the fu— uggh this doesn’t even feel so amazing like what everyone talks about.” Just as you begin to carefully pull your fingers out of your shorts, someone burst into the hatch of the crow’s nest babbling on and on abou— “Y/N! I made you this new gadget tha–“ Usopp freezes stares at you and you stare back with your hand still down your shorts, for what seems like an eternity, until he slowly enters the crow’s nest, locking it without another word…
“Do you need… another hand?” He asks as he walks over to the bench keeping his eyes on yours and setting down the now forgotten gadget, “I dunno know.. am I suppose to use… two hands?” You both chuckle and the tension in the room slowly eases, “Maybe you need something better than.. this..” Usopp slow slides your hand out of your shorts and slowly massages your inner thigh pulling a soft moan out of you, “…Since you got your degree…. and you know every fuckin’ thing.. why don’t show me where I’m goin’ wrong?” You taunt him while sliding your shorts and panties down, and look at him with a mischievous smile waiting to see his next move.
Usopp smirk and chuckles softly as he watches you move, “I’ll show you exactly how I got the name… God Usopp.. Just try your best not to wear it out, hm?” He slides down on to his knees in front of you, and you cock an eyebrow curiously at him and a chuckle rumbles through his chest while he places your thick thigh over his shoulder. His warm breath is just inches away from your cunt, and you bite your lip to stifle any noise that threatens to escape,
“Now don’t interrupt while the god is at work.” You huff softly and rolls your eyes at his claim of expertise, “What makes you seriously tha—“ he cuts you with a long slow lick up your cunt to your clit, and focuses his tongue on your clit using short circles to pull soft airy moans from you. He watches you close your eyes as he drags his tongue up your cunt, to get a taste of your stickiness, he groans against your cunt making you gasp at the sensation and grabs a hand full of my dreads, “Mm she’s so sweet.” He mutters against your clit while moving his tongue increasingly faster needing more of your juices dripping down his tongue. Your hip rock against his tongue while moaning his name and arching your back off the wall, “F-Fuuck U-Usopp Mmn wa-wait— oh fuuck~” he ignores your warnings and grabs onto you hip and thigh to pull himself in closer, slurping up your mess addicted to your taste and your moans. He continues to push you closer and closer to your orgasm with just his tongue, “Don’t try an stop it.” He growls as he presses his tongue flat against your cunt while you moan out while desperately trying to fuck his face by this point. Panting you pull him closer by his dreads as you finally reach the peek you were looking for, “Oh fuc– Oh god! Uuusoppp! F-Fuuck!” Your thighs clinch around his head as you body trembles and he licks and slurps up your release groans in his own satisfaction as he tastes you, and helps you ride out your high. He finishes cleaning you up and kisses up your thigh before pulling away, “Now what was it you were trying to say before?” He ask sarcastically while chuckling smugly, “Oh just.. shut up… it’s not like you didn’t clearly enjoy yourself.” You retort while motioning towards his very visible bulge in his jeans, “Heeeey well… I never said— it’s not bec—“ you reach down to stroke him while keeping your eyes on his and you smirk teasingly, “Oh relax I’m just fucking with you… besides… What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t return the favor?”
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@penny44224 Omg i hope I did what you were looking for 🥹 I had to do Usopp cause baby needs some love 💗 I hope you enjoyed
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thethreeeyed-raven · 7 months
saw you wanted people to send you opla zoro requests so I have one for you :)) may I request a opla zoro x fem reader where the reader maybe assumes that zoro and nami have something going on (yk that one scene where they're playing the drinking game and that chemistry they had) so she distances herself from zoro thinking he doesn't like her back when he does? I would really like some good old angst but ending it with fluff. (Maybe Zoro and the reader have an argument) Thank you so much!
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navigation | warnings : angst to fluff | a/n : tysm for your req, i enjoyed writing this and i hope you enjoy reading! | roronoa zoro playlist | tags : @fangsp1der-2099 , @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom , @knight-of-flowerss
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"Jealousy is not a good look on you."
You whipped your head around to see Usopp looking back at you, flashing a knowing smirk.
"What can I say, I'm an envious person." You shrugged nonchalantly.
Usopp made his way to stand next to you copying your stance of resting on the railing.
"It's not like it will have any affect, they both clearly have their own thing going on." You gestured glumly to Zoro and Nami who stood laughing amongst themselves.
What was she saying that was so funny anyway? You could make Zoro laugh more.
"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Oh, Usopp.
You sighed and forced your gaze away from Zoro. "It's not that easy."
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Though Zoro was a quiet person, that didn't mean he wasn't observant.
He'd noticed you'd been trying to avoid him, which was hard considering you lived on the same ship as him, and were on the same crew.
Zoro left it for a while, deciding not to speak up because he thought it was just a phase you were going through.
He took notice of your lingering looks when he spoke with Nami, but the thought of jealousy never crossed his mind.
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Zoro wasn't the only observant member of the crew, Sanji and Nami noticed something was wrong with you.
Nami, Sanji and Zoro sat out on the deck underneath Nami's tiny tangerine trees.
Sanji took a puff of his cigarette before filling the silence. "Don't you think Y/n's been acting weird lately?"
Nami looked up from the map she was reading. "Yeah, I've noticed a little bit of tension." She swiftly looked at Zoro and back at Sanji.
"I saw that look." Zoro said bluntly.
Of course, Nami played dumb. "What look?"
"The one you just gave me."
Sanji huffed and shook his head. "Don't you think we should find out? She's our friend."
Both Zoro and Nami nodded.
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Both Sanji and Nami tried so hard to get you to open up by pairing you with Zoro for various activities or jobs.
The plan worked for a while, you and Zoro would sit and chat for hours, only when Nami came would you go back to brooding.
Usopp seemed to catch on to Nami and Sanji's plan and told them of your feelings for Zoro and why you would slump every time Nami was around.
Zoro had his own suspicions of your strange behaviour, and decided he would confront you when the others weren't around.
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Sighing, you knelt on the railing, gazing upon the vast blue sea.
"Can't sleep?" A deep voice interrupted the tranquil silence, but it was Zoro, so you didn't mind.
"Hmm, what about you?" You turned so you were facing him.
"Too much drink."
Both of you chuckled and your gaze returned to the horizon.
"I've...noticed" Zoro didn't plan exactly what he would say to you, so go with the flow it is. "You've been avoiding me."
"I haven't-"
"Is the problem with me or is it with Nami? Because every time she comes around, you start acting weird and-"
"Because I'm jealous!"
You didn't want to say anything else, so you let him stood there, just him and the stars to talk to.
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Ever since that night, you'd been avoiding Zoro even more, almost as if you were afraid you'd catch the plague from him.
None of the crew knew what to do, and it wouldn't help that Zoro wouldn't explain why your behavior had gotten worse, even though they knew he knew something.
This was a job for Luffy.
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Luffy found you on the goat head of the Going Merry, making his way over to sit with you.
"Are you alright?"
You turned with surprise, not expecting Luffy. "oh, hey Cap."
"Expecting someone else?" He gave you a dopey smile, adjusting his straw hat.
You shook your head.
"So, what's up with you?"
You huffed, but you could trust Luffy with everything, why not just admit it?
"I told Zoro I was jealous."
You took a minute to go over the thoughts in your head. "Of him and Nami. They're always laughing together and talking. I mean, me and Zoro would do that, but when he's with Nami it just looks..."
Luffy knew why you were jealous. "You should tell him how you feel."
Yeah, maybe you should.
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"Hey Zoro." You approached him sheepishly.
His eyes widened just a little before greeting you in return.
"So, I came to apologise."
You took in his appearance before remembering why you were actually there.
"I'm sorry. You deserve to know. I was jealous of you and Nami. You both look so happy together and I wanted to be the one to make you smile and laugh like that. Because, unfortunately for me, I've fallen in love with you. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way, I'll understand and we can go back to our normal lives. But I needed you to know."
Instead of interrupting you, Zoro decided to stand and listen, to let you voice your feelings.
When you finished, you stood and gaped at him. Tears were brimming and your cheeks were aflame.
"I'm not good with words." Zoro admitted just a little embarrassed. "But...maybe my actions could help?"
He grabbed your face gently, caressing the redness of your cheeks with such tender strokes you could've melted.
It was when he pressed his lips to yours that your heart finally felt complete, and the weight of jealousy was lifted from your shoulders.
You both didn't say that you had feelings for the other, the serene kiss voiced everything it needed to.
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Pairing- Usopp x reader x Zoro
Summery- Based off this ask
Warnings- drinking, sex pollen (kinda ig??), sex while under the influence, fingering (f receiving), oral sex (m receiving), penetration
Usopp explored the plethora of booths at the market he got Nami to bring the crew to this specific island for a specific booth. “Ah, here it is!” He spotted the place he had so eagerly sought out.
Although, it was strange he could have sworn the name of the booth he was searching for was Amil’s and not Amel’s but oh well!
Stepping up to the man who stood behind the booth. He greets Usopp. “Ah, good sir! How can I assist you on this fine day?”
“Oh, yes.” Usopp clears his throat, pulling his glasses down covering his eyes as he leans in closer. “You see, I may have heard you have procured a certain strengthening potion.” He tries to sound laid-back, almost tipping over once his arm doesn’t find support on the small booth.
“Oh….” the man's voice trails off as his eyes scanning across his almost empty cart before he sees a random bottle. “This!” He pulls it out eyes trailing over it, he’s been meaning to find someone to take this off his hands.
“And you’re sure this is it?” Usopp eyes the mixture that reminds him of a beer bottle or maybe wine. The red and pink sealant that protected the substance dripped down almost covering the peculiar drawing on the gut of the bottle. Depicting a creature with three heads, one of a goat, one of a human and one of a bull.
The bottle itself definitely didn’t scream potion but never judge a book by its cover y’know.
Salesman's eyes trails down for a sly second before answering, “Yes, of course friend. I would never lie.” Before Usopp could question him any further he quickly gives the price before shoving it into Usopp's hands.
He found the man's behavior odd but didn’t question it as going off to explore the island now that he’s got what he came for, or at least what he thinks.
A few hours later
Walking into the kitchen with Zoro your eyes land on the decorated beer bottle on the table. Usopp sat on the other side, clean glass in hand. He goes to pick it up but you swiftly swipe it up you turn the bottle to its back not caring to look at the label.
“What’s this?” You ask, twisting the cap off the bottle smelling it. A pungent smell hits your senses, nostrils flaring before you hand it off to Zoro, himself smelling it trying to suppress the surprisingly sharp smell.
Usopp debates on whether to tell then he sees you going to take a swig. “A Potion!” He yells reaching for the container. You stop right before the bottle touches your lips, pulling away your cock a brow at the man across the table.
“Potion?” Zoro questions.
“Okay so, a week or so ago I overheard someone talking about a potion so strong it gives you the strength of ten horses, ten horse man! Could you imagine what I could do with the strength of ten horses.” He rambles stopping once he sees the uninterested expressions of the two in front of them. “But it’s rare and could only be found here.” He finishes his rather short explanation you sit the random liquid down.
“And you how this is the exact potion? How?” You ask and Usopp just smiles sheepishly. “Well I mean if it’s not what’s the worst it could do?”
“Uh–I don’t know. Mutate us, shift our bodies. Change out Genders!!” You list out the tame possibilities but Usopp just shrugs as he pulls out two more cups for you and Zoro.
“I mean other than that, what could happen?” Usopp asks, taking the bottle in hand pouring double shots in each cup. The color of the drink was akin to blood and makes you judge their carefree attitude to the strange concoction.
“Zoro what do you think?” You turn to the silent man.
“I mean, I don’t need a strength potion but if it gets me drunk, sure.” Zoro says taking the cup Usopp hands him.
Huffing in annoyance you look down at the cup Usopp offers to you. Rolling your eyes you take it; “Fine, I’ll drink it. But not because both of you are doing it.” You grumble shooting the drink back in one gulp the sappy flavor overcoming your tastebuds.
You all wait for something, anything, to happen. But nothing, no bulging muscles appearing out of thin air, no ghastly mutation. Just a really, really strange taste.
“Well, then let's get this party started.” Usopp sounds disappointed as he pours another drink, this time normal bourbon.
You drink that one rather quickly, wanting to get the strange flavor of the other out of your mouth.
It only takes a few minutes for what you suspect is the ‘potion’ to kick in and it definitely makes you feel something. Your stomach felt queasy all the heat in your body going down.
You look at Usopp, who was already looking at you. You blink a few times, head feeling foggy, “Usopp..” You say stopping mid sentence for some peculiar reason. You want to finish, say ‘are you sure this is a strength potion’ but you can’t focus on anything but Usopp and his lips. When had his lips become so attractive?
“Y/N?” Usopps’ voice was dry making your thigh quiver for a second, Zoro definitely doesn’t miss it watching from the interaction from side taking another sip of bourbon.
You move to sit on your knees in the chair, head tilting to the side, eyes trailing over Usopp, low-lidded eyes, no jacket allowing you to see all of his muscles. With ypur gaurd down, no logical mind to stop think, you grab Usopp by his jaw pulling him into a soft kiss.
His lips felt exactly how you thought they would be, heavenly. The kiss slowly morphed from gentle to hungry. He grabbed the back of your head pulling you closer and guides you to his lap. You pushed deeper into the kiss teasing, testing to see how far he would go. He pulls away from the kiss, both of you gasping for air. His hands gripped your hips, both of you waiting for the other to attack.
You could feel how wet you were, surely your panties were already soaked; at this point you would take anything.
He flips you around sitting you sit in his chair now. His hand moves across the top of your shorts hand dipping inside. Moving your panties to the side slips two fingers teasing your slit before pushing past your folds.
He does a few experimental circles around your clit seeing what made you twitch and twist. “Oh..” you say heat grows through your body like a wildfire taking over a forest. Your legs spread, letting him move deeper, fingers teasing your tight entrance. He pushes inside, quickly opting for two digits he explores your body. Your bodies seemed to be hypersensitive as every touch felt like coals being thrown in a fire. Your hips moved in sync with Usopp's thrust, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
The way your walls pulse around his fingers, Usopp knows you're close.
“Be a good girl and cum,” He whispers, kissing your inner thigh, his slender fingers pumping in and out of you; thumb moving perfectly on your clit. Usopp looks up at Zoro who’s observed the entire situation but has yet to do anything. “If you cum you’ll get Zoros’ cock.” Your walls clench around him. “Oh, poor baby needs some cock.” Zoro mockingly teases, finally speaking once he sees the way your cunt responds at the mention of getting fucked.
And just like that you cum. Body shaking, the air in your throat catches as pure pleasure controls your mind, soul, and body.
Usopp pulls his fingers from you, looking at them they shine with arousal. On a sudden power trip Usopp stands up straight, smirking before shoving his fingers in Zoros’ mouth.
Taken back a bit he eyes Usopp but once your tangy flavor seeps into his mouth he doesn’t mind it, Zoro allows Usopp to have this little ego trip as he cleans you off of his digits.
You wish you could paint this moment, it was beautiful, they were beautiful. Usopp pulls away from Zoros’ warm mouth, fingers whispering against the green haired man’s bottom lip.
Zoro gets up from his seat, not once breaking eye contact with the other male. Usopp gulps once Zoro is at his full height, “Get over there.” Zoro instructs him to stand right next to you.
Allowing Zoro to lay you on the three chairs you once occupied, his lips connect to your neck leaving rough hickeys. Yelping when he hikes your leg up with a deathlike grip your foot hits the bottle knocking it to the ground, the rest of the elixr pouring out.
Zoros’ lips travel down your body, strong hands tearing your shirt down exposing your hardened peaks. He holds them his tongue exploring your chest, his hips moving slowly trying to suffice the need to be in your cunt. You can feel him harden beneath you.
Turning your head back to the spilt bottle your eyes center onto the illustration that covers the label.
You try to place where you’ve seen it before and then it clicks;
Asmodeus. Demon of lust.
Your face twists into a smile as you realize, it was never a strength potion.
You giggle as Zoro rips your bottoms and panties down, tip of his cock slipping and sliding on your soaking pussy. You can’t hold the pornographic cry that falls from your lips once he pushes in, bottoming out in one big thrust.
Zoro kisses you harshly once more if both of you were not under extreme influence you would have thought it gross how both of your saliva gathered as you made love to each others’ mouths.
He pulled away spit string pulling with him. He began to thrust, quickly becoming lost in your tight cavern.
As your body rocked you never lost eye contact with Usopp whose eyes were buglike and his bulging cock sat right in your face.
Moving your hands up you untie Usopps’ slacks letting them fall to the ground the only thing hiding his cock thin briefs. You palmed him biting your lip in anticipation and trying to keep in the moans Zoro seems so adamant to pull out.
He helps you pull his briefs down, his dick springing free. You thrust him in your hand, pre-cum leaking out. Using your thumb swiping over his crown using it as lubricant as you jack him off over your face.
You try to keep up the pace of your hand to Zoros’ thrust but your efforts were in vain making tears well in your eyes, the overwhelming need to please both of them consuming your mind. Opening your mouth you take him in, a raspy sigh leaves Usopp as you hollow your cheeks out, tongue swirling over his tip, egging his hips on to move.
Slowly he does his movements start slowly, his long cock quickly hitting the back of your throat but you take the rest of him.
Your air supply goes tight when he pushes on your throat feeling it wrap around his cock. He slides out letting you suck in as much air with your nostrils as possible before sliding back in. He tries to keep his thrust calm, collected. But it’s just so hard when you feel so good. He fucks your throat hard, almost as hard as Zoro torments your cunt.
Groans falling from the men and the muffled moans that could escape between Usopps’ wild thrust bounce throughout the room.
The coils in your tummy tighten with each thrust from either man. The lightheaded euphoria overtook you, possessing you. Your nerves shock as a volcano inside you erupted. The world went still, your lungs tightened as burning pleasure blasted its way through your body.
Zoro stifled a moan as your pussy spasms around him, he grabs onto Usopp's arm, shoving his face into your neck inhaling your pheromones and with one quick thrust both of them cum. Drinking down the salty liquid that feels your throat your cling to Zoro as he rides his high out.
The men pull out of you both helping to clean you up before all you're left with is silent.
Zoro grabs the bottle that didn’t fall off the table and pours two cups. One for him and one for you.
“Well, that just happened.” Usopp says sitting, shirtless, in his chair.
“Yeah, that did.” You say taking the shot with Zoro.
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phntmeii · 8 months
Make out session with the straw hats head canons please?
Straw Hat Crew Makeout Sessions
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[SFW + No Gendered Terms]
A/N: ty anon for requesting <33 Anything to indulge in the OPLA obsession that I cannot be rid of!! Thankfully, you guys are filling my inbox so I have plenty of things to write about lmao
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Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy is so aggressive while making out. It's never meant to be in a rough way but just him getting so excited that he can't help himself.
Uses a lot of tongue. He's trying to taste everything possible, running his tongue along your lips before sticking it into your mouth.
He's practically on top of you, pushing you against the bed while he lets his lips roam from your lips to your neck as he aims to leave marks along your neck that he can chuckle about later.
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro is either smooth and slow, building up to the passion or immediately rough. It depends on the situation but you can guarantee if it's a case of him feeling jealous, he's 10x more aggressive.
Zoro likes to keep you in his lap, hand on the back of your neck to keep you close. You aren't leaving his lap until he lets you.
He likes to tug on your hair slightly to pull you away slowly and watch as saliva connects your lips to his before snapping.
Nami likes to take her time and be more romantic about it. It starts off as loving pecks with a small smile on her face before it turns into long, slow kisses.
She likes feeling every bit of warmth and softness each time your lips lock to hers. Her hand usually holds the back of your head while her other hand is at your waist.
Her body melds into yours, pressing against you while you're against the wall just so she can feel every part of you that she loves.
Vinsmoke Sanji
Like Zoro, depends on his mood. If he's all too excited to see you, he's diving in deep and smothering you. If it's meant to be a deliberately romantic moment, it's a slow, lasting kiss to make your head fog up at the feeling.
Sanji is the most vocal; whispering sweet nothings against your lips as he's so close to them but just won't kiss you to keep you desperate for him.
Likes to bite your bottom lip after giving you a small kiss and pull it to watch your breath hitch and whine for him to keep kissing you rather than just teasing.
Usopp never thought he'd make it this far so safe to say that he's nervous. His hands keep switching between cupping your face, gripping at your thighs or holding your waist.
It's easy for him to lose himself, getting completely wrapped up in the moment. His eyes are shut tight as he tries to just focus on how warm you felt.
He likes when you take control for the most part. Having you control the speed or push him against the wall and lifting his shirt has him immediately in love and ripping his shirt off to make you happy.
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randomgurl2326 · 8 months
OPLA Incorrect Quotes~~With Y/N 2
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Shanks: I dunno if I have the capacity to process this amount of BULSHIT!!
Nami: Why is Sanji crying in the floor?
Usopp: He took one of those ‘what person are you?’ quizzes.
Nami: And?
Usopp: He got Zoro
Koby: if you see me talking to myself, go away! I am self employed and we’re having a staff meeting!
Shanks: do you know the best way to respond to disagreement?
Y/N: with tears?
Shanks: no
Y/N: *tears up*
Shanks: did you bring Nami?
Y/N, gesturing to Sanji: No, but I brought the next best thing
Shanks: Sanji? The next best thing would’ve been Zoro
Sanji: I would be offended, but Zoro is freakishly strong
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I am in love with recent luffy smut omg that was amazing. Is it possible if I can request a usopp smut, please. I’ll leave the topic in your hands, bc I trust u✨
Usopp X Reader: Shoot your shot
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I don't have Usopp's mannerisms down as much as Luffy's so i hope i did him justice. Enjoy! ❤️
Warning: smut, fingering, penetration (p in v), nipple sucking, kissing, dirty talk, soft sex, fluff, making out.
Word Count: 2,5 K
"Bet you won't do it."
Usopp's head snaps up from his drink, his eyes moving to glance at Zoro. 
"What are you talking about?"
"Come on man, you've been staring all night."
A small blush creeped into Usopp's cheeks at the sword masters words. Was it really that obvious? Usopp's eyes made their way back to you watching as you danced with Nami. You were smiling wide as you swayed to the music. The sight made Usopp's heart skip a beat. The sharpshooter had always had a small crush on you but he never acted on his feelings, far too scared to do something and risk your friendship. Despite his lack of action it was pretty clear he had a thing for you. Anyone who paid the smallest bit of attention could see it. You were the only one who didn’t seem to notice it.
Not that it was your fault. You weren’t used to guys beating around the bush. When someone was interested in you they made it quite clear. It annoyed you a bit but it also made things easier. You weren’t exactly great with feelings, especially not romantic ones. You’d never really felt desire for anyone, far too preoccupied with staying alive to care about something like love. Yet since you joined the strawhats you found yourself being drawn to Usopp. You liked listening to his fantastical tales, even if they weren’t true it made you feel a sense of adventure. It was why you’d joined the crew in the first place. You’d gotten sick of waiting tables as the baratie and decided to tag along with Sanji. You hadn't planned on sticking around for long but the longer you stayed with the crew the less you saw yourself leaving. 
Your eyes scan the crowd around you, searching for your friends. Luffy is sitting at a table scarfing down the third plate of the evening, Sanji is off to the side of the bar flirting with some blonde he'd met, Zoro was leaning over the counter talking to the bartender, Usopp stood beside Zoro. You smiled at the boy, gesturing with your hand for him to join you. Usopp raised his glass towards you, silently telling you he couldn't join you because of the drink in his hand. Zoro noticed the exchange, reaching over and grabbing Usopp's drink from his hand before gulping it down.
"What the hell Zoro!"
"Stop making excuses and go over there.”
You watched Zoro shove Usopp in your direction. The sharpshooter stumbled forward, not having been prepared for the sudden movement. You let out a laugh, turning to tell Nami about it. Except that she was nowhere to be found. Oh well she can handle herself. Usopp shuffled his way through the crowd making his way to you. Once he was close enough you grabbed his hand and tugged him over. 
“Hi, quite the trip you’ve had.”
“Did you see the monster I had to fight on my way over?”
You shook your head slightly giggling at the boy's exaggerations.
“You're very brave Usopp. Thanks for coming to save me.”
“You’re welcome princess.”
Your body warmed at the nickname. How could something so small get such a reaction out of you? Usopp seemed to notice the shift in the atmosphere, his hands going to rest on your arms.
“You okay?”
“Yeah i’m fine i just-”
Music started to blare, making you stop in your tracks. Your eyes widened at the familiar sound.
“Oh my god! I love this song! Dance with me Usopp.”
“Oh I'm not really the danci-woah!”
Before he could give you some lame excuse you dragged him into the center of the dance floor, a bright smile on your face. You started moving to the rhythm of the music, closing your eyes as you did. Usopp observed you in awe. The way your body swayed to the beat, face completely blissed out, made his body twitch. You looked like an angel. You snapped your eyes open feeling the weight of Usopp's gaze on you.
“This is a dance floor that means you have to, you know, dance!”
“I’m not a good dancer.”
“So what? No ones looking anyway.”
That was true. Everyone around you was far too into their own thing to care about you and Usopp but it didn’t really calm him. You were watching and that was enough to make him nervous.
“Here I'll help you out.”
You took his hands into your own, placing them on your hips. Usopp's fingers twitched around your waist, his arms stiff as he waited for your next move.
“Jes Usopp, loosen up! I won’t bite.”
Usopp gave you a sideways smile, his body relaxing a bit at your words.
“There you go. Much better.”
You started moving side to side slowly, allowing Usopp to get used to the motion before quickening your movements. He seemed to catch on pretty quickly, his body following the flow of the music in a matter of seconds.
“See you’re a natural!”
“Nah, I just have a good teacher.”
You smiled, biting the corner of your lip. Usopp's eyes dropped to your mouth for a brief second before moving to stare at the place where his hands rested on your body. You followed his gaze, staring at the muscles on his arms. The small amount of liquor in your system was making you bolder than normal. You inched yourself closer to Usopp, your hands resting on his chest. He raised his head to look at you, his lips parting slightly. The song changed suddenly, switching to a more sensual rhythm. You’d have to remember to leave the DJ a tip when you left. You turned your body around so that your back was pressed up against Usopp's chest.
“Uh, what are you doing?”
“Shh, just go with it.”
Your hips moved with the music, slow and steady, causing you to grind against the sharpshooter. You heard Usopp take a deep breath in, the grip on your waist tightening. He called out your name, making you turn your head to look at him. 
“What is it?”
You knew exactly what you were doing. You'd wanted this for a while now but had never found a good time. I mean what better place to seduce someone than at a bar? Usopp lowered his mouth to your ear, his hot breath fanning over your bare skin.
“Let’s go somewhere more private.”
“Lead the way Captain Usopp.”
As soon as you arrived on the ship Usopp's hands were on you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, tugging you as close as possible before capturing your mouth in his. You’d expected Usopp to be sweet and gentle when it came to stuff like this but there was a hunger in him you hadn't seen before. It’s safe to say you enjoyed it. You wrapped your arms around his neck, using his body as leverage to lift your body up. Usopp understood what you wanted, his strong arms moving to cup your thighs so that you could wrap your legs around his waist. You groaned at the feeling of his hard on against your clothed cunt.
“Yeah princess, what do you want?”
“Too much clothing. Take it off.”
Usopp walked over to a nearby table placing you on top of it before moving back to remove his clothes. He started off with his shirt unbuttoning it to reveal the taut muscles underneath. You practically drooled at the sight. You’d become used to seeing the other boys on the crew shirtless but you often forget that beneath his clothes Usopp hid a great physic. You placed your hands between your thighs leaning forward on the table to get a better look. The position of your arms caused your breasts to be squashed together, the low cut top you were wearing doing nothing to hide them. Ussops stopped moving at the sight, the hand that had been working on his shirt stopping in mid air. You frowned at him for a moment before realizing what he was staring at. A small smirk made its way onto your face, body leaning even farther forward.
“Like what you see?”
Usopp moved forward with his hands outstretched.
“Can i?”
He looked up at you shyly.
“What do you want, baby?”
“Can I touch them?”
“Of course you can, darling.”
That was all he needed. Usopp's large hands found  their way to your breasts, cupping them gently. He gave them a squeeze making you moan out. The sound of your moans drove Usopp crazy. He repeated his actions, his dick aching against his pants as you whimpered his name. He pulled down your top in one harsh tug, lowering his head so that he could suck on your nipples. You placed your hands behind you, allowing Usopp easier access to your breasts. He pushed your body backwards forcing you to lay down on the table. Your legs widened instinctively, allowing the sharpshooter to slot himself between them with ease. He grinded against you as he sucked your nipples, his hands massaging your stomach gently.
“So pretty for me.”
“For you huh?”
“I uh- i mean not for me… i don’t own you or anything i just meant-”
“Just shut up and make me feel good.”
“Yeah okay.”
Usopp's hands moved down to your clothed cunt tugging your shorts down before throwing them over his shoulder. You started to laugh but it quickly turned into a moan when Usopp began playing with your folds. You grind your hips against his fingers reveling in the feeling of his hands on you.
“That's it-uh- good boy.”
Ussop groaned at your praise, his free hand going to tug at his crotch. You noticed his movements moving to lean on your shoulders.
“I thought I told you to take those off.”
Usopp looked down at you and then at his pants. 
“How are you expecting to fuck me with your pants on.”
You grinned as you said the words, enjoying the pant you got out of the boy. 
“Can you help me?”
“Of course baby.”
You moved to sit up, your hands finding Usopp's belt and beginning to relieve him of his bottoms. Usopp kept fingering you as you worked on his clothes, his face dropping to your neck so he could leave a trail of kisses down your shoulder blade. Once you managed to unbutton Usopp's pants you reached into his boxers and cupped his dick in your hand. 
“Ah princess…”
“Feel good?”
“Yeah-fuck-so good.”
“Wait until you’re inside me.”
Your words seemed to make everything real. Usopp had dreamt about this moment so many times. He’d woken up in the morning, his boxers stiff with his cum and his body itching for the feeling of you. And now here he was: your hands wrapped around his dick as he got you off with his fingers. Your walls clenched around Usopp's fingers signaling to him that you were close. If that wasn’t enough your random babbling made it very clear. 
“Baby… I'm close.”
“Cum for me princess. Coat me with it.”
“You talk about it lik-ugh ah-like its a…uh…gift.”
“Because it is. Anything you give me is a gift.”
The moment Usopp's words entered your ears you started cumming. Your body went limp falling onto Usopps as you soaked his finger in your juices. He held you close, helping you through your high. Once you’d recovered your motor functions you moved to tug on Ussops chin, placing a kiss on his lips before laying back down on the table.
“Your turn, pretty boy.”
You widen your legs allowing Usopp to have a clear view of you pussy. It was puffy from your last orgasm. You motioned with your index finger for Usopp to come closer and like the good boy he was he did as you asked. You watched him free his cock from its confines, gasping at the sight of it. It wasn’t an abnormal size but it was thick. Your walls fluttered at the idea of being filled again. Usopp's hands were gentle against you as he moved your legs off the table and onto his shoulders. You smiled gently at him causing him to give you his signature smirk.
“Should I put something on?”
“No it’s okay I'm on birth control. Fill me up all you like.”
You expected Usopp to ram into you. You’d been teasing him all night after all. But he didn’t. instead he sunk into you slowly, savoring the feeling of you around him.
“Shit Usopp….”
“Fuck you’re warm.”
Usopp leaned forward, tugging your body off the table so that he could wrap his arms around you. He moved slowly, softly fucking into you. It was tender and loving. His lips found your  face and he placed a kiss on your nose. You weren’t used to this. Most of your hookups had been just that. Hookups. Just meaningless sex. But this was different. This was real. You began to tear up, your eyes glossing over. The second Usopp noticed he stopped moving.
“Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?”
He began pulling out of you but you called out his name before he could.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.  I’m just not used to being treated like this. This is perfect. You’re perfect.”
Usopp cursed at your words. What kind of idiots had you been hooking up with before. What fools would get the opportunity to be with you like this and not treat you the way you deserved. He promised himself he would show you what it felt like to be loved. He placed a soft kiss on your lips, removing the sweaty hair from your forehead.
“I’m gonna go a little faster okay?”
“Tell me if you want to stop. 
“Usopp you don’t have to-”
“Promise me.”
You stared into his eyes, the eyes of a boy who’d been through so much pain and still found a way to be kind. A boy you were now releasing meant much more to you than you had expected.
“I promise.”
You spent the rest of the night pressed against Usopp's body, his hands working to bring you to places you’d never been before. When you woke up the next morning you found your body cuddled into Usopp's, his arms holding you close like he was scared of you drifting away in your sleep. You turned your body around nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. 
“Morning princes.”
“Morning Usopp.”
“Wanna get up?”
“No, let's just stay here a little longer.” “Whatever you want.”
If it was up to you you’d stay in Usopp's arms forever. Lucky for you he shared the sentiment.
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gingernut1314 · 5 months
I just want to say I love your blog!! Not sure if you do requests but I loved the one about the hammock and Zoro. Can you do a part 2 where the crew wakes up and teases Zoro about it (and obvi sanji gets jealous)
Demons and Claws Pt. 2
Roronoa Zoro x GN!Reader
Summary: You are pulled from your now peaceful sleep by your rowdy crewmates.
Warnings: Fluff, mild anime spoilers (Chopper)
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: Thank you!! I really appreciate your kind words!! 🩷 I do take requests!!! And yessssss!! I love it when the crew interacts! I hope you all enjoy!
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You dreamed of small coffee shops. Coffee shops whose ambiance was interrupted by your crew, who had followed you into its cozy walls.
You dreamed of cool, sea breezes and polishing weapons as Zoro laid his head on your shoulder, snoring up a storm. 
You dreamed of--something hard and sharp kicked your face. Something hard and sharp that kicked your face repeatedly in a near frantic manner. 
It had your eyes snapping open and held a hand up to protect your face from getting kicked again by the cloven hooves swinging your way. Chopper hung from the edge of his hammock grunting and whining as his hooved feet continued to try and find something to stand on.
“Chopper.” You said, blocking another kick. “Chopper stop.” You grumbled, making the doctor freeze. He turned his pink, top hat-wearing head down to look at you, giving you an anxious little smile. 
“Sorry--wait, what are you doing in here?” He asked, his body getting swung slightly by the sea rocking the ship. 
“I was trying to sleep.” You huffed, reaching over Zoro’s still snoozing form to grab Chopper. He let go of his hammock and patted your hand with a nervous laugh. 
“Heh, heh…silly me. Sorry, Y/N. I’ll let you get back--” 
“I am going to murder you both.” Zoro's rough voice said, cutting off Chopper and rumbling through your arms. Chopper gave a squeaking little noise, squirming in your grip and giving apology after apology that was broken by a loud scream when Sanji's head popped up next to him. 
“If you two idiots don’t--” When Sanji’s blue eyes found you lying there, the murder, which had once been shimmering in his eyes vanished. “Beautiful.” He greeted, leaning in closer with that charming smile of his. “I thought I heard your melodic voice. What are you doing all the way down here with that dirty oaf?” 
“I’d watch your mouth, waiter.” Sanji’s eyes snapped to stare daggers Zoro’s way, who had yet to open his eyes.
“Good morning, Sanji.” You sighed, grabbing hold of Chopper's hooved hands to lower him down onto the nice fabric of the couch below. He bounced a few times before hopping off onto the floor. “I just needed a snuggle buddy is all.” Zoro’s hand reattached itself around your waist and pulled you away from the cook smiling at you.
“If a snuggle buddy is want you needed, you could have come to me. A radiant beauty such as yourself shouldn’t have to stoop so low as to ask such a brutish creature for such things. I’ll do it without a single complaint.” Zoro’s eyes snapped open then with a growl, zeroing in on the chef.
“I’ll give you something to complain about, curly brow. Two things.” He hissed, clenching his fists. Sanji scoffed.
“Oh yeah? Well--” A knock on the wall between the two hammock rows had you pulling your attention away from the still arguing Sanji and Zoro to find Usopp had woken up and was watching all of this unfold with an amused smirk on his lips. The emergency exit that separated the two rooms snapped open and Nami poked her orange-haired head in, a look of slight annoyance on her face. 
“Pay up.” He chuckled, looking overly proud of himself as he held his hand, palm up and fingers wiggling, down towards the navigator. She opened her mouth to argue but Usopp silenced her with a simple head nod towards you and Zoro. When her blue eyes scanned you both over, she shut it with a huff.
“What are you two up to?” You asked, sitting up to watch them better. 
“Oh, nothing to worry your radiant head about,” Usopp said, teasing you with the compliment Sanji had just given you. Nami ducked her head back into your shared room, grumbling away only to come back out two seconds later with a few green berries which she slapped into his hand. 
“Don’t forget the specifics, Usopp,” Nami said, resting her elbows on the ledge and extending a hand toward Usopp with a smug look. “Pay up.” 
“Pay. Up. Or I’ll add interest.” Usopp groaned and handed her half of the money he had just earned back. 
“Usopp.” You hissed, making the man jump around startled, to face you again. “What the hell?” He seemed to grow overly nervous then. 
“Oh, you know. Me and Nami are just--” He looked back to Nami for help but the navigator gave him a little salute.
“Hope you two love birds slept well.” Nami teased your way, making your heart nearly freeze.
“Love birds--Nami--” Zoro snapped away from his argument just as she slammed and locked the emergency exit shut.
The swordsman looked over Usopp's nervous grin as he sunk deeper into his blankets before his attention drifted down to you. He took in your tensed-up demeanor. Took you in slowly and in a way that was long enough for him to try and gauge what you might possibly be thinking in that moment.
“Alright.” He hissed, having made his assessment of you. Zoro sat up a bit in his newfound annoyance, making the hammock sway dangerously. You grabbed onto his strong chest for dear life, feeling gravity pull you towards the ground.
New sturdy and not literal burlap sack hammocks were definitely in order.  
“I’ve still got another hour left and I’ve had it up to--”
“Did someone say snuggles?” The groggy voice of your captain sounded, cutting the grumpy swordsmen off. You watched with a chuckle as he looked over the edge of his own hammock to spy Zoro and you. “Y/N!” He greeted cheerfully, rapidly ripping his sheets off and rushing up. 
“Luffy, no--” Zoro’s warning was cut off with a pained Oomph that spilled from your own lips as well when your captain's body landed on top of both of yours. Dull pain shot through your bones, but the warm, stretchy arms of your captain extending around both your bodies was quick to ease the small hurt. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to have a sleepover? We could have had Sanji cook us snacks and everything!” Luffy ecstatically said, his voice slightly muffled from where he had buried it between you and Zoro’s necks. A laugh spilled from your lips as you unwedged your arm out from under Luffy’s body to hug him back. 
“I’m sorry, captain. I’ll let you know next time.” You chuckle, patting his back.
“You sure as hell won’t tell him.” Zoro gruffed, grabbing Luffy by the scruff of his red vest and pulling him away.  
“Aww--why Zoro?” Luffy asked, a near-heartbroken look on his face that only continued to irritate Zoro.
“Yeah, Zoro?” Sanji teased, a smug grin on his face. “Let’s all snuggle up together next time. I call dibs on the spot next to Y/N--” Sanji had hardly gotten your name out of his mouth before Zoro was flinging Luffy’s body into him. Chopper gave a scream as the two went crumbling to the ground with a sharp grunt, the poor doctor caught in the crossfire and crushed under their bodies. 
“I’ll beat you all into a bloody mess if you don’t leave me the hell alone. No one is snuggling with anyone.” He barked down at the pile of bodies on the floor, which slowly started to rise. Luffy gave a forlorn little moan before Sanji threw him off himself.
You chuckled, starting to raise to get ready for the day when Zoro’s strong hand latched around your waist. He gave it a sharp tug to pull you back into his side. 
“No.” He said simply, closing his dark brown eyes once more.
“I thought you said no one was snuggling with anyone?” Zoro huffed.
“You’re not no one.” He said simply before going silent once more. You felt your chest warm at his words. A warmth that only spread as you watched his face begin to soften, sleep come to take him once more.
With a satisfied smile, you snuggled right back up into Zoro’s strong hold.
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Tags: @fanaticsnail
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