#oolathurman thoughts
queen-scribbles · 5 months
Ilum Party 2023
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My turn for Ilum party pics! :D Oh, wait, nameplates off...
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that's better. Less cluttered, at least. Still chaotic, bc what's an Ilum party without utter chaos? :D
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I have some interesting angle shots from inside the party bus before it imploded 😅
story time!
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only in got interrupted by a sarlacc and a murder mystery. 😅😅
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Nerf calf made a friend!
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And Elara and @greyias' Theron can't help but gossip about their ridiculous- I mean beloved spouses.
I didn't get the shots I thought I had of the dance-off, danger conga(IT LIVES), and a few other things, but still very fun evening.
Let's see who I can remember to tag @vexa-legacy @sealeneee @shifting-waters @sassheliosazuras, @eorzeashan, @thievinghippo, @touyagirl @oolathurman
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jakey-beefed-it · 8 months
15 Questions, 15 People
Tagged by @inqorporeal
1. Are you named after anyone? Kinda! I have a great-grandfather with my first and middle name, but my Mom only picked it because she liked the sound and didn't have any particular feelings about the guy. I was nearly named after my father, as in a 'junior', but he convinced her that was a bad idea.
2. When was the last time you cried? I teared up at my wedding Happy tears, of course.
3. Do you have kids? Unless Frisbee, my 9 year old orange tabby, counts, then no.
4. What sports do you play/have played? I played soccer and t-ball as a child, football for a hot minute and wrestling for three years in high school. I've also tried out like six different martial arts before dropping them but that sounds way more impressive than it is considering I learned basically nothing. About the only physical activity I get anymore is walking places and/or climbing the stairs at my house.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Who, me? Never.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? General size, I'd say. I'm slightly on the tall side and very fat, so if someone is taller or bigger than me, or like ridiculously tiny, I notice.
7. What’s your eye color? Dark brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Enh. I love well-done horror, but a lot of it is schlock. Similarly, I love a good catharsis, but a lot of 'happy endings' are also schlock. Still, catharsis is more important than a 'happy' ending imo, and so I guess I pick scary movies on principle.
9. Any talents? I have a knack for most of the arts in that I pick up basic proficiency faster than many, but I still gotta work my ass off to improve beyond that. Similarly decent with words but my writing is an ongoing effort to improve.
10. Where were you born? California, about 40 miles inland from Los Angeles.
11. What are your hobbies? TTRPGs (running generally, playing when I get the opportunity), Warhammer (building, converting, painting, playing), video games, writing
12. Do you have any pets? The aforementioned 9 year old orange tabby, Frisbee.
13. How tall are you? 6'0"
14. Favorite subject in school? English, History
15. Dream job? Would love to make a living at writing or one of my other hobbies, but honestly anything that let me faff about in a creative flow with music going would qualify as a dream job. If I must interact with other humans for money, then I'm best in a teaching position where I can indoctrinate the youth in leftist thought teach literary/media analysis, critical thinking, history with all its beauty and ugliness on display, and basic fucking compassion.
tagging @motheatenscarf, @petepaintswarhammer, @caphayzardous, @lifeattomsdiner, @rabidchilde, @adhdgrapher, @copperforge, @lesabear, @emzawheezy, @fuukonomiko, @imperatorsapphiosa, @notcuddles, @oolathurman, @wtf-skittens, @wolffyluna as always, only if you feel like it
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Hello. My name is Lee, a genderfluid (they/them) mess of an individual, and this is my SWTOR blog, made lest this cursed game invade my thoughts eternal. I'm a jobless ecologist (have degree, but have disability too which makes work difficult) that likes writing, Star Wars, and reptiles.
Elisai Legacy if you happen to catch me in game.
Here is my OC page!
YO RP BLOGS THAT GET FOLLOWED BY ME: here is my side blog dedicated to rping my idiots -- @valleyofgolg
My quick and very incomplete SWTOR Character list:
*note: Nearly everyone is located on Star Forge and available for RP either in game, via discord, or via tumblr!
Leika'le Kela'an (Leika'le in game)
Self-exiled gray Jedi / Perpetually conflicted / Tainted with darkness / Trying to do the right thing
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Telos IV
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: @oolathurman's Azukni (Lana Beniko and major Anri in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Former padawan of Saufa, bff of Rhin, enemy of Va'rika
Jarrok Kosokhan
Darth Honos / Former Emperor's Wrath / Commander of the Alliance / My *true* Outlander
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Class: Sith Warrior
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Agamar
Orientation: Straight
Ships: @oolathurman 's Xyraan (Vette and Major Anri in game)
Spotify playlist / Ship playlist ft. Xyraan / Ship playlist ft. Vette and Hildr
Notes: Ex husband of Hildr, Nemesis of Saufa, Ally/friend of Sek'nos and Siree
Sek'nos Atithim (Seknos in game)
Overseer of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge / Darth Imperius / Darth Gnosis / Bad father / A huge nerd / The devil is a gentleman
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Sith Pureblood
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Dromand Kaas
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Theron Shan in game)
Spotify playlist (ft. ship songs)
Notes: Father of Aurine, weird friend of Leika'le, ally/enemy of Saufa, Ally/friend of Jarrok
Saufa Veki (Saufa in game)
Barsen'thor / Tormented by everything he's seen / Failed Jedi Master the first time around / Better but still whoops Jedi Master the second time around
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Class: Jedi Consular
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Alpheridies
Orientation: Gay
Ships: n/a (Theron Shan in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: (Former) master of Leika'le, Current master of Dhalu, Nemesis of Jarrok, Ally/enemy of Sek'nos, friend/ally of Rhin, older brother of Kaeve
Rhin Elisai (R'hin in game)
Battlemaster of the Jedi Order / Righteous good guy / Always clueless / Tragic victim of unrequited love
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Corellia
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a (Kira Carsen in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Bff of Leika'le, friend/ally of Saufa, friend/ally of Dhalu, ally of Khi, enemy of Va'rika, enemy of Kaduul, arch nemesis of Skaeln
Va'rika Al'dira (Vaa'rika in game)
Darth Nox / Lord Hauntis / Dark Council Member / A true sadist / Hears the voices of her dead siblings / Why have morals when you can have power
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Ryloth
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Andronikos Revel and Khem Val in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Arch nemesis/tormentor of Leika'le, enemy of Rhin, “pal “of Kaduul, ally of Skaeln and Mokon
Brask'ael'nuruodo (Skaeln/Ael) (Skaeln in game)
Cipher 12 / A bad bean / Addicted to spice
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Chiss
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: @oolathurman's Athenyia (casual with Kaliyo in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Former fling/current coworker of Kaeve, coworker of Siree, ally of Va'rika, arch-nemesis of Rhin, underling of Jarrok
Liora Saris (Liurah in game)
Republic Trooper / Devoted mother / Cracks in her armor
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Class: Republic Trooper
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Aric Jorgan in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Saufa, Rhin, and Dhalu, enemy-to-friend of Siree
Kaeve Veki (Kaeve in game)
Cipher 22 / Walls up / Always escaping Korriban by the skin of her teeth / The use of Force suppressors is unhealthy / No name means no baggage right
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Miraluka with cyborg fittings
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Vector in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Younger sister of Saufa, Confidant of Darth Agonia, Former fling/current coworker of Skaeln, Familial relationship with Siree, bff of Aurine
Absolute idiot wow what the heck
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Human/Cyborg
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Akaavi in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Both enemy and friend of everyone tbh
Aurine Atithim (Au'rine in game)
Empress' Wrath to Acina / Darth Portentis / Daddy and mommy issues with a smokin' side of abandonment issues / Honor-bound
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Class: Sith Warrior
Species: Sith/Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Malavai Quinn and Arcann)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Bff of Kaeve, daughter of Sek'nos, casual lover/fwb of Darth Agonia
Mokon Zokanv (Mokon in game)
Champion of the Great Hunt / Asshole as an occupation
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Rattataki
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a (Mako in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Va'rika, Coworker/associate of Khi, Coworker/associate/unrequited desirer of Ahkira
Kaja Kallig
Zeison Sha Warrior / Chaotic neutral / my theyby
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Chiss
Gender: Genderfluid
Planet of Birth: Yanibar
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Lana Beniko in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Zeison Sha warrior, ex-Sith, guardian of the spacelanes
Hildr Fahn
Darth Occlus / Darth Agonia / Overseer of the Sphere of Mysteries / Mentee of Darth Marr / Child of a literal wound in the Force / Machine-hearted / A healthy fear of chains
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Sephi/Wound-in-the-Force
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: n/a – born on a ship in Wild Space
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: Jarrok and Vette (formerly), Aurine Atithim (casual), Theron Shan (casual) (Arcann in game and in my black heart)
Spotify playlist / Ship playlist ft. Vette and Jarrok
Notes: Mentee of Darth Marr, Child of a literal wound in the Force, machine-hearted, has a healthy fear of chains (and commitment), uses the word “darling” way too much
Khi Vreetoas
Mandalorian / Ex-slave / It's entirely possible to be a bounty hunter with a heart of gold
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Glee Anselm
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Torian Cadera in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ex-slave, Heart of gold, Mandalorian of Clan Skirata
Knight of the Old Republic / Dark-hearted / Beliefs are polarizing
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Class: Jedi Consular
Species: Togruta
Gender: Questioning, she/her
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Demisexual
Ships: n/a (Tau Idair and Sahar in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Dark-hearted, Beliefs are polarizing
Siree Fahn
Watcher 6 / Mother on a mission / Local hater of the Sith / Undercover to find her daughter / Now knows not to have relations with wounds in the Force masquerading as pretty men
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Sephi
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Thustra
Orientation: Uncertain
Ships: n/a (Vector Hyllus, Nico Okarr in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Mother on a mission, Local hater of the Sith, Undercover to find her daughter, Now knows not to have relations with wounds in the Force masquerading as pretty men
Qirzah Kela'an (Quirzah in game)
Not a smuggler / Has a kid out there somewhere
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Kiffex
Orientation: Uncertain
Ships: n/a (Nico Okarr and Risha in game)
Spotify playlist
Lord Desolatis / Practitioner of Sith Alchemy
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Planet of Birth: Ch'hodos
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Mentee of Darth Agonia, Enemy of Rhin, Arch nemesis of Dhalu, ex-friend/ex-ally/ex-obsessee of Va'rika
Desc. here.
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Nonbinary, she/her/they/them
Planet of Birth: Mirial
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Akhira, ally/friend of Leika'le
Sibahl Singh
Desc. here.
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Species: Wound-in-the-Force/Human ig
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Akhira Rudak
Desc. here
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Cathar
Gender: Trans/Female
Planet of Birth: Cathar
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Chit-to, friend of Khi, friend of Leika'le, associate of Mokon
Good at his illicit job / Accidental dad
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Coruscant
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Father figure/protector of Akhira, father figure/protector of Leika'le
Laalw Kol
SIS Agent / Conflicted in perpetuity
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Togruta
Gender: Demigirl
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Sapphic
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Sister of Dotaash, enemy of Xiig
Dotaash Kol
Mechanic with interesting morals
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Togruta
Gender: Genderqueer, He/She/They
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Sibling of Laalw
Sindra Johdi
Troubled doctor
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Echani
Gender: ??? -- they/them
Planet of Birth: Eshan
Orientation: Unsure
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
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oolathurman · 5 years
EY so since i dont use tumblr anymore, u can find me as oolathurman on twitter, insta, and pillowfort AND as artofthedraws on twitter, insta, and fb.
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starrypawz · 6 years
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Julian tilted his head, “Not that I have any objections to that of course,” Julian tilted his head in another direction.
“You’re freckling,” Ash stated leaning forward a bit placing down their cup of tea. This was starting to feel normal, like they’d been at it for years and everything else was but a distant memory.  Ash felt warm sun on the back of their neck and the room smelt of spices and coffee and something sweet that Portia had been cooking when Ash had come in that morning.
They could get used to the image of Julian’s lanky frame, sleeves rolled up the elbows elbows on the table, as he held onto a cup of coffee, aurburn waves looking a bit more mussed up than usual as he smiled at them over the cup face still slightly hazy with sleep. 
Ash grinned and pressed a finger to the bridge of his nose, “I can see them just showing up, right here,”  
“Oh no,” Julian shook his head, “Oh no no no,” And put a hand over his nose, “This isn’t good-” Ash pouted, “I think they’re cute, if they get any stronger we might match,”
Julian reached out and cupped Ash’s cheek, “Well I do think your freckles are lovely,” He smirked, “And given the chance I would sit here and kiss each one of them,” He paused, “But I don’t think they’re quite the look for me,”
“And why not?”
“Don’t you realise!” Julian dramatically threw a hand up but there was laughter under his words, “ I need to look like a spectre of death, I must look ghostly and porcelain like the Grim Reaper themselves,” He shook his head, “The Devilish Doctor Devorak can’t have freckles it would just be wrong, freckles would ruin the look”
“Ilya, you being you ruins it-” Portia stuck her head around the doorframe, she shook her head and sighed, “You’re melodramatic and have no sense of self preservation and you are no where as dashing as you think,”
Julian’s face dropped and shot Ash a look that usually would make Ash melt and do whatever Julian had in mind, however in this case,
“She’s… not exactly wrong,” Ash shrugged playfully but reached over to cup his cheek,
Julian gasped, “You’re supposed to be on my side!” He crossed his arms and looked away,  “After all we’ve been through,”
“Oh Julian,” Ash pouted and cupped his chin, “Ok I will say I do find you very dashing,”
“You do?”
“Yes,” Ash grinned and planted a kiss on his cheek, “But yes Portia is right on the rest of it,”
Julian drew in a breath and bit down on his lip,  “Oh my dear you do wound me,”
“I thought you liked that?” Ash winked
Julian bit down on his lip about to say something to be interrupted by a loud “Ugh,” from Portia, she shook her head, “You two are terrible, no no, not under this roof, at least not when I’m around please,”
“Love you too, Pasha,”
Portia shook her head sighing as she left the room, although a few seconds later from the kitchen
“Love you, Ilya,”
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Google "pirjanad" for all your mandalorian space!sriracha needs. great minds think alike.
While I’m glad that the idea has been one others have hit on, and I’m sure @oolathurman would find some joy in it as well, admittedly, I’m not at all a fan of the fact that they constructed the word for it as “spicy water” nor am I a fan that there’s an unnecessary dig at New Mandalorians by saying their food is bland, which doesn’t make sense to me personally given that New Mandalorians… are still Mandalorians—and Mandalorian cuisine in general seems to just strongly dislike the mere thought of being bland.
Also, if one wanted chili peppers, I think one ought not to go for hetikleyc (noseburn), which is a burning in the sinuses. Chili peppers is more heturam (mouthburn).
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semper-draca · 7 years
Empire Fashion Monthly Update
Heyyyy so it’s been an embarrassingly long time since I’ve posted anything for EFM - the problem is mostly that I am A. a penniless college student who prioritizes commissioned work and B. someone who struggles to complete a project this freaking massive (seriously it’s bigger than you think. Think of how big it looks. It’s bigger than that.)
So I think I’m going to change what I want to do with this. Instead of doing some massive gigantic thing, I’m going to do Empire Fashion Monthly... well... monthly. 
My current thinking is that each month I’d do a much smaller spread, with a maximum of five or ten characters per month who each get their own page. At the start of each month, I’d open up slots for characters and have people decide what they want the theme to be, whether that’s a specific designer’s work or idk ‘bikinis’ or ‘gothloli’ or something. 
I also want to find some way of getting income from this while still making EFM available to everyone on tumblr and not restricting character submission to just patreon subscribers. I’m thinking I might give priority to patreon subs, or have the monthly ‘what theme with this mag be’ polls a patreon only poll, or make a shiny pdf version available as a patreon reward. 
Please let me know what you think of everything? I’d really like any and all input and thoughts that you guys have about this!
Tagging everyone who submitted for the original EFM so that they can keep up: @inquisitorhotpants @riajade01 @fluffynexu @sayurinitta @sunshinenine @oolathurman @captainderyn @aliyamirat @atrilial @moonlitalien
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Jarrok: 👀😍 💞🔥🧸 (I need to know how xyraan gets to tease him ok)
Agonia: 👙👂💘
Leika'le: 👃💌💐
Khi: 🚲🦴
Piping Hot OC Asks || @oolathurman
👀 Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?: Yes. Absolutely, yes. And, again, yes to the utmost; he has used his attractiveness to his advantage to manipulate. Well. Everyone he's ever needed to manipulate lmao. Not like an Agent-level of seduction prowess, but throwing out a subtle flirt or a well-timed smile if necessary to lower someone's guard. This was definitely more of an Academy days thing, though. Outlander Jarrok is admittedly too tired(TM) to bother, because if someone is already going to disagree with him, they can kriff off. He still has an ego though, because he is still very, very pretty.
😍 What does your OC find irresistible in others?: Confidence. The ability to speak one's mind and damn the consequences (very intriguing for this particular Sith Lord tbh). Someone taking charge is very attractive to him (unless it's taking away his charge lmao).
💞Do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?: For the most part, he treats it very casually. Long term relationships weren't very common for him, especially when he was younger, but man-- when there is an emotional connection, he treats sex as something sacred... in his own personal way that probably wouldn't even be perceived by his lover.
🔥What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?: I had to think about this omg. He likes lace, especially in all the right places. Being threatened. Whispering in his ear, light kisses behind the shell of the ear. Collarbone kisses. And, because he's a messed up Sith that needs therapy, a little bit of violence/prowess on the battlefield. Actually, that's not even just because of his... issues... but Jarrok is a duelist. He finds form and balance in fighting to be very attractive -- definitely a thing that drew him to Agonia in the verse where they're briefly together.
🧸 Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?: He's neutral about it, tbh. I think it depends more on his partner's preference. That said, he'd never shy away from public hand holding, kissing, makeouts... or even things that border on public indecency.
👙What kind of underwear do they use? Is it pretty or functional?: Most functional. She has a lot of scars from her torture on Varadan and do to disobeying her master as an apprentice. While she is very sex-positive and a lover of FWBs, she rarely wears lingerie, because she thinks it'd be wasted on her scarred body. :(
👂Does your OC have an attractive voice?: I think so. I headcanon almost all of my OCs voices as something way different than SWTOR canon (except for Jarrok's because Mark Bazeley is a fiend). For Agonia, I've always heard her sounding a bit like Cecilie Stenspil's portrayal of Eivor (example here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) but a bit lower and raspier. She does have some vocal chord damage. The mask that she's almost always wearing distorts everything even more, of course.
💘Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?: A good flirt? I'd give her a B+. Charming? Absolutely not. She tries, but her inability to connect with other emotionally makes this pretty tricky. There is a charm about her, but it's something that's really seen after spending some time with her. It's definitely not something that people remember her for lmao.
👃Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?: This is weird and I have no idea why, but I've always thought that Lei would have a very light vanilla and sandalwood scent about her. So... yes?? Aside from times when she simply can't, she's showered and has a good hygiene regiment (especially when her hair is really long!). Fun fact: her shampoo of preference is Alderaanian flame-lily scented.
💌How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?: Lei is not good at planning. It's not because she doesn't care to or anything, she simply finds most of her ideas to be subpar and, well, just not good enough. So, instead of something extravagant, she'd plan something small and intimate, like a dinner and then a walk in nature/under the stars, or a night in watching bad holo-movies.
💐What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?: Lei's poke-type is chaotic lesbian, so her way of courting is: Sparring as a way to flirt! Smashing Corellian beer cans with her forehead before recycling! Fighting the guy that accidentally spilled a drink on her potential gf's clothing! Blurting out "you are so kriffing pretty!" at the most random and inopportune moments!
🚲Does your OC enjoy playing the field? Or are they more monogamy-minded?: I'd say she's more monogamous. Khi isn't the jealous type and she probably could be involved with more than one person at a time (she has a lot of love to give) but... she's way too tired for that. One relationship is exhausting.
🦴Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like?: Not a lot of experience, no. Most of her time has been spent focused on work and survival, and honestly her libido isn't high. So, she's a bit shy in bed, certainly more submissive at this point in her life, but that could change.
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oolathurman · 5 years
with kh3 coming out I’m remembering that time i got into kh, had a larxene rp blog on tungle dot com
back when you couldn’t even reblog asks and you had to take screenshots of the q/a and then post that and then continue the thread from there
Back when the new post window was its own separate page and didnt look like a pop-up of the dashboard
Back when the only way you could @ someone was to tag them and their url and hope they’re tracking that tag, and you better not have any dashes in your url bc it left the tags unsearchable bc bad code
I think homestuck got started while i was running that blog?
Oh yeah and then the fanmail thing was introduced lol.
Does anyone remember missing e? Or the first x kit guy? Yeah.
Think I started that blog around the summer after high school, or right about to go to college? Had it for a few years before drama and toxic shit got me to just kinda abandon the blog... that and honestly, considering the only game that came out during that time was birth by sleep, i just lost interest.
Anyway it’s just amusing to learn all this new shit from since when i abandoned the blog. I think larxy and marly have a backstory of some vague shape or form??? tf???? i just made up random shit and could give her whatever goddamn backstory i wanted. Hell i think i made her an electrical engineer or something.
(shocking, i know)
(y’all dont even know how many puns came up lmao)
and then like, just all the nicknames that came up. Most used ones included Sparks, Sparky, Larxy, Larx... Can’t remember if there was anything else. I doodled her a lot, made reaction icons of my own drawings... lmao.
ngl i had some fun. But eventually the toxicity was so much more overwhelming than the fun, and my fav people would kinda just quietly disappear or something would explode into a huge mess. The latter was the case for me.
I’m entertaining the thought of an OC that has that kinda personality, or at least the kind I portayed my larxy as. Mean, caustic, violent, but still has moments where they act like the begrudging big sis to xion or roxy and call them names and shit while helping them out. Kinda neutral evil, or chaotic evil, i guess?
Dunno. I could always use more OCs anyway, right? 😂
Anyway, for those who’ve been patient enough to play the game, i hope y’all have fun. Hope the experience is...
... electrifying.
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izzyovercoffee · 7 years
@oolathurman replied to your post: so i really don't know much about mandos, but i...
for some reason that i cannot fathom, i thought you were talking about my leopard gecko. who’s named mandalore the great.
softly, with a lot of feeling: oh my g OD !!!!
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systemic-dreams · 7 years
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“Don’t tell me you changed your mind, sweetheart ;)” @jbnonsense​
Rules: You can only say guilty or innocent. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you. Repost, don’t reblog!
Captain Braelen Kastol / Voidhound / Captain Hotpants
Asked someone to marry you? - Guilty Kissed one of your friends? - Guilty Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? - Guilty Ever told a lie? - Guilty Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? - Guilty Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? - Guilty Ever kissed someone of the same sex? - Guilty Kissed a picture? - Guilty Slept in until 5pm? - Guilty Fallen asleep at work or school? - Guilty Held a snake? - Innocent Been suspended from school? - Guilty Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant? - Innocent Stolen something? - Guilty Been fired from a job? - Guilty Done something you regret? - Guilty Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? - Guilty Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - Innocent Kissed in the rain? - Guilty Sat on a roof top? - Guilty Kissed someone you shouldn’t? - Guilty Sang in the shower? - Guilty Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? - Guilty Shaved your head? - Innocent Slept naked? - Guilty Had a boxing membership? - Innocent Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? - Guilty Been in a band? - Innocent Shot a gun? - Guilty Donated blood? - Innocent Eaten alligator meat? - Innocent Eaten cheesecake? - Innocent Still loved someone you shouldn’t? - Guilty Have/had a tattoo? - Guilty Liked someone, but will never tell who? - Guilty Been too honest? - Guilty Ruined a surprise? - Guilty Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can’t walk after? - Guilty Erased someone in your friends list? - Guilty Dressed in a man’s clothes? - Guilty Dressed in a woman’s clothes? - Guilty Joined a pageant? - Innocent Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? - Innocent Still have communication with your ex? - Innocent Cheated on someone? - Guilty Got totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning? - Guilty A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? - Innocent Got so angry that you cried? - Innocent Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? - Guilty Thought about suicide? - Guilty Thought about murder? - Guilty Actually murdered someone? - Guilty Thought about mass murder? - Guilty Actually committed a mass murder? - Guilty Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? - Guilty Stalked someone? - Guilty Had a girlfriend? - Guilty Had a boyfriend? - Innocent Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? - Guilty 
And now to bother some completely innocent people :P @mandalorian-mayhem @oolathurman @red-nova or if you see this and would like to, please go ahead!
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gentleness action prompts: breathe
for Xyraan and Jarrok because we have no chill. || @oolathurman
She'd heard his name in a whisper.
Just a brief manifestation of syllables falling from dried lips, a whisper cut down before it could metamorphize into something more, but it had been enough.
The former Darth Honos. Odessen. An alliance against Zakuul and all of the oppression it wrought. She didn't believe in whispers, least of all this one, because how could he be anywhere aside from her thoughts, eternally orbiting her heart like a ghost that refused to leave? An uninvited guest in her mind that refused to be evicted. Yet, for all of the hauntings, she longs for the real thing, yearning tangible enough the she finds a way there, to Odessen, along with a shuttle Imperial defectors. Perhaps that will be enough to exorcize this phantom that clings to her.
Hearded out onto the landing platform like a gaggle of lost children, she isn't quite sure what to do. There are questions, of course, to each of them: what are your skills? what can you provide? why are you really here?
The latter might've been in her head, echoing like an accusation that she doesn't want to face.
It doesn't matter.
Limping in to meet the newest shipment of refugees, she sees him, and thinks for a moment that she might've gone mad in her longing. It's his voice that proves otherwise, perhaps lower and less authoritative than she'd recalled, weary and in need of a very long nap. Like a half-dead ghoul herself, Xyraan approaches him, pushing through the soldiers taking stock of the newest members, their protests deaf on her ears. If they thought, for a moment, to raise their blasters and perceive her as a threat, it's not for long as Jarrok's already welcoming her into his arms. As if they were the only two in the entire compound.
She hardly feels the tears streaming down her face, only forced to acknowledge the mess he'd made of her when a sob wracks her throat. Half-heartedly pounding her fist into his armored shoulder, stooped down to his level, no coherent words can escape from her mouth. She feels herself falling into a strange dizziness, the edges of her vision blurred with tears and the teasing of black.
"Breathe," he commands gently, lips pressed against the crook of her neck, arms wrapped around her so tightly that he forces himself to realize, to remember, that he's the cause of her asphyxiation-- so he loosens them, just enough. There's a certain quivering inside of his chest, stuttering both of his hearts, that renders him into wreckage of a man.
He must also remember to breathe, yet fearing if he does, then the love of his life will wither away into nothing more than a fever dream. Instead, he says,
"I tried to haunt you."
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oolathurman · 6 years
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I had a lot of fun cooking yesterday, which is rare for me because I usually am too lazy to do so! I ended up making (as the 4th image says) panko breaded chicken wings, and a tomato and red wine reduction sauce for the spinich and chive pasta.
Thank goodness my sib was defrosting way too much chicken for me to eat in one go, cuz I wouldn’t have known what to do otherwise. Necessity is the mother of cooking by the seat of your pants, I guess!!!
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oolathurman · 6 years
Please imagine Force-sensitives using the Force as a bullshit explanation for things that are definitely NOT the will of the Force. example:
“Master Jedi did you leave your dishes in the sink again.”
“The Force works in mysterious ways, young padawan.”
“Are you telling me, as Darth on the Dark Council, that the Force caused your calendar to mess up so badly, that all your appointments for the month were erased? And that it wasn’t you accidentally hitting the wrong button?”
“Are you suggesting you understand the Force better than I do, despite not Force-sensitive?”
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oolathurman · 6 years
ok so contact info
oolathurman on instagram, twitter, mastodon.
on discord: oolathurman#3945
info’s in my sidebar, if you can’t find it :T
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oolathurman · 5 years
Y’know what I just realized something about Darth Thanaton.
The way Darth Thanaton acts to the sith inquisitor? All the petulance of a child hidden behind words that are masquerading as the glorification of tradition when it’s actually about what he wants? All the noisiness and talk and all that whining, when he wants everyone to pay attention to him and him alone and cater to his wants?
Well for one thing, he’s always felt so utterly over the top, he felt like a caricature of a supervillain in a kids show, the kind that twirls their mustache before revealing their plans, only to be foiled very easily, if it weren’t for those meddling kids. Kind of like how Count Olaf from the series of unfortunate events is so blatantly evil and hideous both in appearance and actions, but for some goddamn reason only the kids are the ones that see Olaf for what he truly is.
Darth Thanaton reminds me of all of that, and for all of those reasons, I could never take him seriously.
Is he actually powerful and taken seriously in the context of the universe? The answer is yes, of course. But outside of that in-universe context, is Darth Thanaton a powerful character in that he is a complex and interesting character, in that the story moves me in some way shape or form to feel some visceral reaction every time he’s mentioned?
Is he like Hunter from the IA storyline, is he the First Son from the JC storyline, is he like Valkorion/Vitiate, where every time these characters are mentioned, my gut reaction is to make a face and start rambling about how I feel about the character and their complexities?
Every time he’s mentioned, I groan and roll my eyes. My feelings about Darth Thanaton, cartoony caricature of a supervillain, can be summed up as 🙄😒. But do you know what else Darth Thanaton reminds me of?
The current cheeto goblin that lives in the White House.
... Oh wait, that’s right, he doesn’t even live in the white house despite calling himself “”””traditional.”””””””” 🙄😒
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